How to Play EVERY Character in Wuthering Waves

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hey guys rexin here withing waves is launching or has already launched by the time of this posting and I know a lot of you are curious about how the characters are played and what the combat is like so that is the agenda of this video I will go over each character and briefly teach you how their Forte circuits AKA their play style is done first of all thanks to Kuro games for sponsoring this video the footage that you see is from a test server and does not represent the final build so that's a disclaimer I have to put it out there but the character gameplay should still remain mostly accurate it also as you know since cbt2 was pretty short I have had limited time and resources to play all the characters so we will not go too in depth on the optimal Combos and stuff we'll keep it simple and I'll explain them to the best of my abilities before we begin let me quickly summarize the combat system in withering waves so combat controls are pretty standard with the left click button you have your basic attack combo chain doing it while jumping with the space bar will also result in a plch attack this consumes stamina holding basic attack will trigger heavy attack and this also consumes stamina next the resonance skill which is the character's standard skill this is mapped to the E Key by default and they are generally cooldown based after that there's also resonance Liberation which is their signature move AKA ultimate move mapped to the r key will just simplify resonance skill and resonance Liberation as the e and r Keys respectively resonators can also equip Echo for stats and bonus effects and the topmost Echo that you equip will be assigned to the echo skill command the q key same thing they're also cool down based right click is dodging and when you activate this and successfully dodging an incoming attack everything will be momentarily slowed dodging also has a minor delay if you do it twice in a row so that's something to take note of next is the T key which is a shortcut for utility Tools in this case I'll be using the grapple now if you look at the bottom center of the screen there's a ring gauge and a horizontal gauge for every character starting with the ring gauge that is the conero energy this gauge builds up as you do combat and once it's filled the game will indicate that a powerful character switch is ready what this does is that it will trigger the leaving character's outro skill and at the same time the intro skill of the next character while also dealing big damage to the enemy's vibration strength gauge aka the Stagger gauge of Elites and bosses you can take your time to check the outro and intro skill of each character in the game and this is basic basically how team composition decisions are made based on the outro skills of the characters as most of them come with Buffs that benefit the next character last but not least the Forte circuit gauge in other words the core passive of each character and what makes them unique in their kit and this is what I'll be mainly talking about in this video so let us begin starting with our main character Rover okay I'll keep it brief as this is just a guideline to get you started on the game you can read the rest of the tool tips in game at your own time so beginning with Rover you can see that that he has a gauge here and a hint to know how a character is played is to look at this over here so for Rover it shows e that means every time you press e as long as there's half a gauge available his resonate attack will be enhanced so I'll show you when I press e it'll look like this and there is a followup to this so you press e and then you press basic attack again on the enhanced resonant attack so e basic that's it the gauge will charge on its own when you battle and this is what the basic e looks like without any enhancement like that just a simple slash and then for his basic attack when you spam basic attack four times in a row it looks like this like that however if you pause on the third combo wait a bit and then press basic attack after the delay 1 2 three pause basic like that so 1 2 3 pause basic that's it for Rover and then for his ultimate it's just a front AOE burst it's a really large AOE so it's really good for clearing mops so let me start crownless and show you some demonstration if you see a golden ring like that that's the Parry simply just press attack or skill against it once the two circles align and then Parry will do a lot of damage to their vibration gauge so vibration gauge is that white gauge at the top once it goes empty the boss will go into a down stair so let's see what happens normal attack also reduces the vibration gauge switching also reduces it by a lot so let me switch YY in see one whole Chun gone and there we go so this is another basic for combat the Stagger so once enemies uh go into zero vibration they go into a down state and then you see the yellow gauge uh gradually go down and then they'll recover like that and then it resets and then you do it again as for yyang it's really simple as well basic attack combo looks like this normal and then for her heavy attack she has a followup so it's this stab and then if you press basic attack after it there's a followup to it so for her gauge as you can see it's broken down into three parts she gets one part every time she does either a fourth combo or her e skill or that followup has attack or a Dodge counter so lots of sources I can't demonstrate it right now because she needs to be in combat to get a gauge but I'll explain her e and r skill for E skill it's simple it's a it's a mini gter AOE like that that's all you need to know and then for R skill even bigger G big vacuum and then she has eye frame during during this so let me show you a core passive so three gauges just press and hold basic and press basic again that is a core passive so let me do it one more time okay press and hold basic press again she can also activate this in the in midair so let me demonst straight like that just like that okay for tusia it's really simple she has two charges to her e so if you tap e it'll look like this and you can control the direction of her slide doing this will give her 25 points to her gauge and as you can see I already have it maxed out at 60 so what this gauge does is if you hold e she will expand her gauge and go into a shooting frenzy and then after 30 bullets are spent you can press basic attack for a really huge nuke attack ho e and then there's a marker below and now She Glows left click so that's the big attack one thing to note about guns is that you can go into manual aiming by pressing G like this she'll also charge up her weapon that's the charge shot you can also do this by holding left click without going into full manual aiming and one thing to not is that pistols cannot Parry so look look at this you got to dodge them it does nothing all right so let's do her e hold e and then left click when it She Glows like that all right next up b b is really simple to use four parts to engage each part is gained by performing a basic attack and then you consume them all either using e or whole basic attack which is a heavy attack so if I press e those four Stacks will turn into regen if you press and whole basic attack into a heavy attack Yan will be constantly attacking the enemy and you can control the direction it goes consume stamina as you can see and then you can just release when you're done as for her attacks it's kind of difficult to Parry with so usually I would just do a jump attack like that because it sends yotan to the boss like that and every time you dodge it calls it back to her again jump attack that's the best way to Parry in my experience so I have four Stacks I can consume them all using e normal attack again four stacks and then you can also hold basic attack you can just hold the bit and release and then she spends all the stacks and that's it for her ultimate it's also a heal and then uh regenerative heal over time as long as it hits the enemy like that pulsing heal and that's how you play bit for sanwa it's really simple press and hold basic attack and you can see at the bottom of the gauge the ticker moves from left to right all you need to do is release it as it's in the blue field here like that and then she'll do her enhanced charge attack she places an ice with her e skill and then when you do the same charge attack she'll shatter it and you can also notice that the window is also bigger after doing e so you shatter it again like that all right same thing for ultimate she places an ice so you can use ultimate and then you use your e and then press and hole and shatter them all that's how you play sanwa you can also do this if you're really good at Rhythm games constantly pressing in hole and releasing it on the blue and lastly her intro attack she places an ice like that so intro ice e ice Ultimate Ice three ice and then you shatter them all three together and that's how you play sanoa moving on to the next character okay for taoi first of all it's all about using her e skill and it'll give her three charges of these and if she takes damage it'll be converted into one part of the gauge or when it expires then all of them will be turned into the gauge and I'll explain what the gauge does in the next section before I begin combat you can press and hold basic attack and she'll go into a blocking stance and any attack that she takes she'll counter it and that's when you press basic attack constantly and she will use up her gauge for an enhanced combo and then you rinse and repeat you press e again and convert it into gauge and then Parry attack again so now that I have a full gauge I'll show you what I mean I will block the first attack and then just press left click this is the enhanced combo like that and then it turns into Shield so now I press e again so I have three of these if I take hit it turns into a gauge can also block it gauge so I got hit again so that's three gauges again you can also wait for this to expire and she'll go into a Parry combo anyway like that so tldr either she takes damage or when the shield expires so it's going to expire soon see three gauges again block left click all the way there we go e again for e skill also transfer to the next character so they get defense up with it and for her intro when she comes into battle with her intro attack she goes straight into the Parry combo with a full gauge so you can just constantly press basic attack once she enters the field like that just left click all the way it's the enhanced combo see and that's how you play tchi next character okay so for alto how to generate his gauge it's really simple when he does his fourth basic combo he generates Ates mist and then when you continue shooting at enemies through this Mist he generates gauge points over here so right now I have it full for demonstration the next thing you do to expand the gauge point is Dodge into the Mist so like this and then Dodge and release for his e skill it's similar he places a decoy targets will be baited to it and it also fires Miss missiles from it and also generates a miss so you can shoot through it as well and Dodge into it as well so you press e and then you start shooting get the full gauge and then you dodge into it and release that's how you play it in combat all right so let's test it on crownless same thing pistols cannot Parry so be careful got the Miss shoot through the Miss Dodge into it release make Mist again Dodge into the Mist release use e skill generate Miss Dodge into it release but that's generally how you play Alto so for his ultimate he generates a screen same thing you just want to shoot through the screen and all bullets get a damage increase so I'll place it like this and then just shoot through it can place your e as well shoot through it and do this even miss bullets that go through the screen gets the damage increase so yeah that's about it for alto really simple okay the favorite dungeon how to play her she has two combos this combo that is the mark combo and then this combo that is her damaging combo like the main combo that she uses so the reason why you want to do the mark combo is because she leaves a mark where she does 20% more damage to them and it lasts for 12 seconds so always have that up she can also do the mark combo when you press e after doing a Dodge counter so let's start with the mark combo Mark combo two base Bic and two e so two basic 2 e that's the mark combo the long combo same thing three basic three e three basic 3 e you can also substitute the first basic with an E it's the same thing so like Mark combo e basic e e or the three one e basic basic e e e so the more e you use the more gauge you use like this and then once she has at least half gauge you can press and hold left click and she'll do her nuke attack and then press basic to finish it off so of course you want it to do at maximum gauge for the maximum amount of damage you can also do it at half gauge she gets some healing when she does this like that and also Ultimate Energy and also her e skill has no cooldown it uses her health that's something to know now let's try it on crownless I'm already pre-charging placing the mark now you can see the mark on him it's like a flower symbol and Dodge counters can be done with e as well let me demonstrate Dodge and then basic and then e so every time she Dodge counters she renews The Mark with her Mark combo and then press and hold left click and left click again that's how you play dungeon ultimate is just a flurry of attacks like that in short two basic two e first for the mark and then three basic three e and then you can also substitute the first basic before an e or e basic basic e e e and then once the gauge is half or full just hold left click and left click again that's it okay so for yenu it's really easy all you need to do is place the Thunder witch which is his e skill place this down and he'll continually charge his gauge this thing here will also perform support attack when he attacks the enemy during this and once it's full press and hold e and for 10 seconds he goes into an enhanced State attacking even faster comes with a new heavy attack that and also does more stagger damage that's pretty Prett much it how to play y u really simple Place e down full gauge hold down e and just beat them up so let's try it on crownless okay he is ready and ultimate is a super punch that gives 10 seconds of anti- interruption pull e again and beat the hell out of crownless and pretty much it that's how you play yenu this thunder wedge also stays on the field when you switch characters allowing them to get support attacks from it as well like that and that that's it moving on to the next character Mortal Fe also very simple just press e on cool down and just keep shooting them that's it just keep shooting them and when you see e just press it on cool down and when his ultimate is ready you can activate it and switch to the next character and it'll perform support fire whenever they do basic or heavy attacks so let's try it same thing just keep shooting e on cool down and then alt and switch look at all the support fires all right moving on to the next character all right time for the five star starting with calaro calaro is really simple all you need to do is perform three e on the Target and he'll get one gauge segment each so one two and three and then you finish it off with heavy attack by holding left click that's all now let's go straight into battle you can also chain the e in between it has uh you have about 7 Seconds to perform the next e if it's too hot second e I'm going to Parry this third e Parry this hold left click that's his Forte attack so e e e oh left click that's pretty much it how you play calaro now for his ultimate it's really simple just press ultimate and spam basic that's all Spam basic he'll just go crazy there we go that's it and now there's a special thing about Kelo after he uses his ultimate his next intro attack will be enhanced very cinematic now watch this I'm going to switch Calo in and you'll see his improved intro attack for using ultimate very cool all right that's the end for curo moving on to the next character for lingyang all you need to know is his e skill has no cooldown because it's a finisher to his combo so every three to five basic you can finish it off with e so this will look different in combat and once the gauge is filled from doing that you can press and whole heavy attack and just Spam basic after that he does an air combo you can also press e after every second combo for more damage and that's the end this is the end of the combo using his ultimate will result in a nuke and also give him 50% glacio for 14 seconds and also a large amount of gauge and his Forte gets extended his midair Forte so let's try it on crownless so 1 2 3 e e that's the forward lunge 1 2 3 e 1 2 3 e so now that our gauge is full let's do it again go up so one 2 e and then finish it off like that and 1 2 3 e again 2 3 e 1 2 3 e let's Parry this all right let's use ultimate you'll see what I mean large amount of gauge straight to full go back up one 2 e 1 2 e 1 2 e and finish that's how you play lingy one more thing he can also go into a chain of heavy attack by constantly doing heavy and then basic heavy basic heavy basic just something for you to know like that down forward down down basic heavy down basic and that's it moving on to the next character all right next up Verina she's a five star healer support and a really good one at that for her she gets her Gauge by doing her e skill or her fifth attack combo on the Target or her intro skill and then to spend her gauge all you need to do is either do her heavy the slight or Air Attack like that so if you want to clear it really quickly all you need to do is just jump attack she can do it three times like that and while spending the gauge she gets healing and also contal energy like that get gauge 1 2 3 4 5 use e 1 two 3 4 5 already got that Parry in and then I just need to jump and attack let me Parry this jump attack one two three three gauge can also slide like that and then as for her ultimate she will place a mark on the enemy and then anyone that attacks the target will get healed and also spectral damage on them so I'll do ultimate switch in so you see the plan roots are attacking crownless also with healing and switch her back in again look it's already ready coner ready so she's really easy to play very user friendly and that's it for Verina next character okay now for Encore Encore also gets her gauge from doing her e skill basic attack and intro and also her ultimate attack and then once her gauge is full all you need to do is press left click and she'll just explode like this [Music] as for her e skill there is two parts to it so you press e and then when you see the prom you press e again like so e and then e as for resonance Liberation her ultimate all her moves will change so you will start with E first and then spam basic then e again and then spam basic and then finish it off with charge attack so let me demonstrate it to you let me just dodge this okay okay e first and then spam basic and then e again once the cool down is up e again now spam basic e again heavy so that's the special charge attack only available during ultimate and then we're back to normal form we just use everything on cool down two parts e so it's really hard to Parry with Encore during this form it's a lot easier during ultimate so just be careful she also takes reduced damage during the charge attack that's pretty much it that's how you play Encore okay and now for one of my most favorite characters Jensen she attack she protect she Shield she heals she blocks so let's go straight into battle and I'll show you what I mean her e skill is a block like this and any incoming attack she will negate all the damage and perform a counter and any attack will generate her gauge and once it's full we'll see what happens okay let me Parry this once it's full press and hold left click and as it reaches the different tiers she gains the gauge you can also stop this at any time but if you let it hold all the way she gains the biggest shield and also gets healing for 30 seconds every second seconds so in other words she can really die if you constantly use her skills so if I block it like this there we go I can't do it again so I can release it early like that and her ultimate is a pull just pulls everyone in yeah this is tensen okay let me block this like that I can't even uh just charge this ignore all of Crown's combo there we go full shield again never killing me counter so it negates every damage with our e skill all you need to do is just hold e that then charge this that's it that is tensen she does pretty much everything and now onto the final character so for G Yen his e skill is a four thrust like this and it gets further enhanced when he has gauge so his gauge gain is really simple just fight in combat and he'll build the gauge his e skill can also be used in the air like this and that's about it that's all you need to know his ultimate can be triggered with and without gauge if he uses his ultimate with no gauge it looks like this and then you just span basic attack like that you can also use e skill during this if you use e skill during his ultimate it's considered enhanced as if it has the gauge and it ends with the final hit of his normal combo so that's GN for you pretty easy to use as long as he has gauge just use e skill to enhance it so let me demonstrate it to you that okay so look what happens I'll use e skill and it uses half a gauge for an enhanced e e skill with Gauge again okay what happens when I have full gauge of ultimate let's find out you can also activate this by jumping so he will throw the spear instead and then go back to this and use e on coold down then spam basic and then use e on coold down again when it's once it's back e and then spam basic and that's the end of it same thing so the gist of GN you just want to enhance his e skill and ultimate with at least half a gaug when it's ready that's pretty much his play style and that's all 16 characters play style summarized I hope this has been helpful to you in understanding their play style for launch and let me know in the comments on what kind of guides you would like to see in the future I also stream withering waves so you can also catch me on Twitch consider leaving a comment like subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Rexlent
Views: 231,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rexlent, 战双帕弥什, Punishing: Gray Raven, 戰雙帕彌什, パニグレ, pgr, pgr cn, nohit, nodmg, pgr nohit
Id: pReEfcpZxMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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