Jinhsi Gameplay Overview Guide - How To Play Jinhsi Explained - Wuthering Waves

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Kuro games recently revealed that the next characters coming to weaing waves after the yland banner is over are going to be jiny and changle and well we already have quite a lot of gameplay and information on their kids so in this video I want to go over jiny in depth talk about how she is going to play What role she is going to fill into your party as well as what may be her best teams and Echo to use and of course I will be covering changle in a separate video as well so look forward to that keep in mind that all the current information is taken from the closed beta test server so a few things might be subject to change but given the precedent set by Kuro games we likely won't see a huge gameplay change though there might be some minor number tweaking with that being said hello everyone my name is dark hero and let's get started so first of all here you can see Jin's upgrade materials just in case you would like to have a head start when it comes to farming for her although the flower and the Sentinels dagger are going to be new items that are going to be added Only In weaing Waves update 1.1 so how does jiny play jiny is going to be a five-star spectral character that is going to use a broad blade and is going to play as a burst DPS she is basically going to be building up her gauge to deal a huge amount of damage while also being able to change the way that the game is played by making it so that your allies can use their intro and outro skills without waiting for the concerto energy to be filled up additionally she's also going to be able to transform which is going to change her entire kit and of course this transformation not only comes with an amazing animation but it also slightly changes jiny visually by giving her a set of horns now let's take a deep look at her skills jiny's basic attack is going to perform a forhead combo that is going to deal spectral damage very standard stuff and the same goes for her charged attack which is going to deal more damage now her resonance skill is where things get interesting if you simply use Jin's resonance skill she's going to dash forward and perform a series of strikes that are going to deal spectral damage however if jiny uses her full basic attack combo Jin skill resonance slashes will instead be replaced with the skill overflowing Radiance which is going to be available for 5 seconds after finishing your combo and using it will allow jiny to deal damage while also entering the Incarnation State and this leads us to the Forte circuit will come back to the Liberation in a moment while in the Incarnation State there's going to be an alternate version of jiny skit for her basic attack her skill or heavy attack as well as her Dodge and her Dodge counter and while jiny is in her Incarnation state after she uses her basic for attack combo jiny is going to change from the Incarnation State into ordination glow and while she is in this ordination glow states there will be an additional alternative version of her basic attack and skill and keep in mind that this will also alter her attacks while in the air and during this ordination glow States her resident skill is going to become the illuminous Epiphany which is going to send out a solar flare that will detonate dealing a lot of spectral damage after a short delay and after you cast this skill geny will gain Unison which can be triggered once every 25 seconds additionally whenever jiny has incandescent Stacks she can consume up to 40 of those Stacks with each of these Stacks contributing to her dealing more damage but what exactly is Unison and incandescence Unison is essentially a buff that jiny can receive after she uses her modified skill in the ordination glow State and while jiny has the Unison bu she can switch to other characters which would remove the Unison bu and that would cause jiny's outro skill to trigger and the incoming character's intros skill to trigger as well and this is what allows jiny and her allies to be able to use their intro and outro skills without actually filling up the concerto energy as the Unison buff which is going to be consumed will take priority over the concerto energy so even if your concerto energy is full so you don't have to worry your concerto energy is not going to be consumed and in fact what you can do with jiny if you have the Unison buff is use her outro skill and the intro skill of an incoming character and immediately swap into a different character perhaps back into jiny once again and you would trigger the outro skill of the character that just came in and you will trigger the jiny intro skill right away and of course because of the way that this game works switching out to a different character and using their intro skill will allow you to deal a ton of damage against their stagger meter which is of course going to make things a whole lot easier for you as for incandescent jinc can hold up to 40 stacks of incandescent basically whenever jiny is on the team all nearby characters characters on the team will gain the buff Aras in unity and whenever characters with the Aras in unity buff deal damage with an attribute jinc will gain one incandescent stack and again you will consume these incandescent Stacks to increase the damage output of the modified resonance skill illuminous Epiphany that jiny can only use in her ordination glow State and keep in mind that the damage of the same attributes that can provide stacks of incandescent can only provide up to one incandescent stack every 3 seconds now let's move on to a simpler part of our kit and that is the resonance Liberation which quite simply is going to deal heavy spectral damage that can also be cast in the air now given that jiny is going to play as a burst DPS and given that her intro skill and her outro skill are such a big part of her cor kit let's go over exactly what they do while the intros skill wave shock quite simply is going to deal heavy spectral damage and thankfully it does also have a very good damage multiplier so that is very nice now her outro skill is actually very interesting because whenever you do it you're going to reduce the coold down of the AAS in unity buff from 3 seconds to 1 second with this buff lasting for 20 seconds and this is basically going to allow jinc to quite simply Stack Up incandescent a lot quicker as again thanks to eras inunity all damage dealt with an attribute by her allies are going to contribute to her gaining incandescent stacks and once again that is going to lead to her dealing even more damage so you can kind of picture how jiny is going to operate as a burst CPS character that kind of wants to go in and out out a lot of times and most likely is going to excel in a quick swap team but I'm getting ahead of myself we have yet to talk about her passive skills Rance is quite simply going to increase jiny's spectral damage bonus by 20% so that is just a very nice increase in damage output and her second passive skill is going to increase the damage of her intro skill by an additional 50% so that is quite fantastic so the way that I picture Jin's optimal rotation is going to be something along the lines of starting with the ultimate to deal a lot of damage and to start gaining Stacks then she's going to go into her basic attack combo and right after you finish the first combo you're going to use the first modified skill to go into our first transformation and then you do a second basic attack combo followed by a second modified skill to go into the second transformation and as you can expect you then go into the second modified basic attack combo followed by the second modified skill which is going to deal more damage the higher your Stacks are and right after you finish this you're going to swap into another character preferably a character like sanwa that can get her damage out very quickly use up all of our cooldowns and then you can back into giny and remember that the first time you swap you had the Unison buff so you can actually swap once again into sanwa user inro skill and immediately swap back into jiny once again to use Jin's intro skill and you restart the combo like this there's going to be a lot of fun different options and rotations that are going to widely differ depending on the type of characters that you are using but as I summed up in this brief segment m m of the video the way that geny is going to play out is going to be much simpler than you may initially think and if you like anything that you have seen from geny so far and maybe would like to invest into some of our sequences let's go over jiny's resonance chain our first sequence is going to Grant jiny a special stack whenever she performs basic attacks in the Incarnation state or uses the resident skill Crescent Divinity with this stack lasting up to 6 seconds and going up to a total of four times and whenever jiny uses the aluminous Epiphany the resonance skill that jiny uses in her ultimate form jiny will consume all of these sacks to increase the damage output of the skill by 20% for each stat so with this sequence you can theoretically increase the damage output of our biggest damaging skill by up to 80% which is absolutely nuts now her second sequence may even be more powerful jiny is going to recover 40 incandescent Stacks while staying out of combat for more than 4 seconds with this effect being able to be triggered every 4 seconds seconds this is going to allow JC to deal the most amount of damage possible by having Max Stacks at all times this is going to allow you to play with many more different team comps and you can even play sub optimally and the Damage output of jiny is still going to be insane our third sequence is going to result in a 25% attack buff that can go up to two stacks for a 50% attack increase which would last for 20 seconds and is going to trigger every time you use your intro skill so this is going to further compound the fact that Jin C is going to excel in quick swap team teams our fourth sequence is going to increase the damage bonus for all attributes for all of our allies by up to 20% for 20 seconds after she uses her resonance Liberation or the skill illuminous Epiphany gin's fifth sequence is quite simply going to increase the damage multiplier of her ultimate by 120% and her final sequence is going to increase the damage multiplier for her skill illuminous Epiphany by 45% and increasing the damage multiplier that is given by the incandescent buff by an additional 71% as with all five star characters you don't really need to go for any sequences but I would say that the most notable one out of all of these is by far her second sequence but like always you don't need to go for any of these jiny is already going to excel just as she is now on top of that we also know that jiny is going to be a broad blade character and we actually have all of the information on her weapon so let's go over that right now and of course as we all have come to expect her signature weapon is going to be by far her best option and the ages of harvest is actually going to Grant crit rate as one of the main stats so that is very very powerful as for its actual effect it's going to gain 12% additional damage bonus for all attributes additionally whenever you use the basic attack you will gain a stack of abff called the blessing of Ages increasing the damage of the skill by 48% for 2.5 seconds with this effect being triggered once every 6 seconds and given jiny's damage rotation this is of course going to work perfectly for her as she will always want to use her for basic attack combo rotation followed by the resonance skill the other two five star broad blades are also going to be viable options but I want to go over the numbers more in depth and give you an accurate comparison whenever I make my proper guide for jiny now as for jiny's best Echo to use her best set is by far going to be the celestial light as it is going to increase your spectral damage output by 10% and further increase it by an additional 30% for 15 seconds after using the intro skill now when it comes to the actual Echo you will want to go for the morning eggs as your primary Echo and you will of course want to prioritize crit roid and crit damage though which should be noted that there is going to be a brand new forast boss Echo that you are going to be able to farm and that the new boss Echo is going to be of the spectral element so it may actually be better than the morning EGS and of course for your sub stats you will want to prioritize crit rate and crit damage followed by Spectral damage and resonance skill damage now as for the best characters that you will want to pair up with ideally you are looking for characters that are going to help her deal more damage but that also can get their damage rotation out very quickly so that jiny can get back on the field essentially characters that excel in quick swap teams and thus my number one recommendation is going to be sanwa as she's able to use all of our entire kit in an instant and she's able to increase the damage output of Jin's basic attack combo which she is going to use a lot although other characters like Jen Shin t or even Yin are all going to benefit jensy and of course I ideally you would also want to pair up jiny with a support character like finina or baiji now if you are looking to sum a jiny you should also take into account the four star characters that are available in her banner and thankfully they're actually very very good with the banner consisting of dunon Sanu and yang yangang and sanwa as I have made a dedicated video on her is in my opinion the best four-star character that is currently available in the game and is going to pair up very very nicely with Jin C so I highly encourage everyone to try to summon for her and hopefully you get a lot of sunwalk copies while you try to go for jiny dunen is also a very powerful fourstar character that can work very effectively in quick swap teams and can deal a lot of damage even as a main DPS I don't think that she is going to particularly be incredibly effective with jiny but given that her rotation is very quick and she's able to generate energy very very quickly you can still find some benefit in running her together with jiny and finally Yang Yang I personally don't think she is a very powerful character and certainly doesn't stand out until you get a lot of copies of her so ideally you don't get a lot of Yang gangs because that is by far the worst four-star character that is available in this Banner overall I'm very impressed with Jin's kit and I really do believe that she is going to excel as a burst DPS again I will be doing a full overview for changle as well and whenever these characters release I will be making my dedicated guide as well so that you can have the most updated information that covers these characters in depth with that being said let me know if you guys are going to be pulling for JE and if you are subscribe for better luck on your polls with that being said my name is dark hero and thank you all so much for watching
Channel: DarkHero Gacha
Views: 194,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuwa, jinhsi, yinlin, calcharo, changli, wuthering waves new character, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves how to, honkai star rail, hsr, genshin, genshin impact, jinhsi guide, jinhsi gameplay, jinhsi gameplay explained, how to play jinhsi
Id: 7TFnvEkuj3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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