The Problem With Wuthering Waves Designs

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weaing ways has been out for maybe a month when this video releases and we are blessed with many new designs and I want to talk about them these are my opinions and this is meant to be a casual video so please don't take it too seriously let me know who your favorite wo what design is in the comments might contain story spoilers okay I know half of you likely clicked on this video for this guy his design got changed less than a week into the game's release I personally found it hilarious to where I made a YouTube short about it rip the Oni giri pants we will miss you now the rest of his design I actually don't mind the white red and black color palette is a nice one I especially like how there's a red underdye in the hair that's cool as funny as the pants were I do think the change was the right choice it was a little distracting before I think it was a good call to make his boots red to help balance all the red at the top of the design overall not bad I think he's cool and story-wise he's proven to be a really interesting character I really can't wait to know more about him my gosh she is so pretty but can we dial down the BBA physics on this one the black hair that Fades into teal the black dress covered by a white jacket the boots this feels like a complete design the gold highlights are a nice touch to help break the black and white colors in the outfit not to mention she has this super cool pet thing her back design is intricate with the hair as well making her one of my favorites to roam around the Overworld with with the only downside for me is woa has a color palette they love that b unfortunately falls into along with the Rover you'll see what this palette is as it's going to show up a lot in this video and I'm going to be bringing it up poor Alto another victim of the black white and gold palette even so he's pretty goodl looking I must say he's one of the few characters that wears his terminal across his chest and not back which is a nice touch that helps him stand out he's got his glass which make him unique and I got to admit he does look pretty without them on I'm just saying okay though again I feel like his design isn't that memorable we've got the black used for his outfit underneath and then the white coat on top with the gold as the accent beneath that white coat thankfully his character has a more unique personality that helped him stand out more in the story I just wished his design was a bit different from the rest of the cast huh did you hear that I don't really have much to say except the woo team made sure those abs were present wow this game has just started and she is almost maxed out on my account please leave me alone tiia I've never been a fan of the updo hairstyle going on but that's a personal preference of mine the rest of her design I think suffers from being too asymmetrical we've got white fabric on one arm black fabric on the other arm oh and one leg and one side of her shirt oh and white on the opposite side of that shirt where the where the black fabric of the arms are it just feels feels like it was randomly put together the red parts of her outfit that match her hair are the only things tying her outfit together little as it is asymmetrical designs can be super cool but it feels like there wasn't a decided theme for Chia and actually I found out a little later after the script was written that Chia used to have black hair so I'm glad that they changed her to have red hair because she really needed that to help her stand out a little bit more dungeon's design is so good the r in the red is the main focus and an item that is important to the character that being her little moon necklace charm is a contrasting teal so it stands out right in the center the black and white complements the red and is not overwhelming like many of the other woa designs so far I do think a little splash of red in the shoes could have helped balance the design but other than that this is super solid having her eyes be a nice blue is also a really pretty trch I might end up building her just because of how beautiful this design is and I hope we get to see her in the story soon here comes the unit I downloaded the game for look at that face encore's got pink hair horns and plushies what more could I ask for jokes aside her design screams sheep and considering how hard that storyline was hit in 1.0 I will be shocked if she's not the little girl from that one Village or if she doesn't have a connection to scar in some way her black and white sheep Motif shows clearly but the pink has spread evenly through her design making it so the two colors aren't overwhelming I don't see why she has two toughs of white hair framing your face as so many characters have white hair somewhere in their design but thankfully for her it's small enough to where it can go unnoticed but I still don't think it's completely necessary listen I saw someone on Twitter say her design looks like she got attacked with scissors and that person put my thoughts exactly into words I mean look at this the crazy different layers of hair the different cuts in her outfit from the top to the bottom and what do the straps around her back do they don't even hold anything why is it even there her thigh high boots are okay but honestly the rest of her outfit is so distracting I didn't even notice it when I first opened the game I also thought the bow was part of her hair until I began to play what's holding it up I still picked the female Rover in the end but I'm not a huge fan of this design at all I don't mind if she shows skin but make it make sense I'm so sorry Jin lovers I do not like this design she falls victim to the overused black white color palette of our version 1.0 roster though at least we have some green Splash in there which is good I think the reason why I struggle to enjoy this design is because there's a detailed dissonance between the upper half and lower half look at how detailed even the middle to the legs are but if you look upwards towards the arms and the head there's not a a ton going on in comparison either she needs less detail or more detail to help balance her out I do think the longa hog is a nice touch though but the lack of balance in the design just makes her feel incomplete to me if you told me that this man was the General I'd believe you Gian is covered up for the most part and his vital are protected even his neck has protection which is so important this man is ready to fight and take hits if necessary I also really like the black and teal color palette the reason why I bring up occupation and character design is because sometimes I really question it when it comes to character design for example our favorite jellyfish cooko me from genin Impact before you cooko me lovers come at me she's great I use her time myself and love the design but nothing about her design tells me she's the leader of an army during a war I would quicker believe akaka or even Noel from genin is the general because they have armor on their design kooki has so much skin and even her stomach is exposed yes she can heal but why as a leader expose yourself to such vital hits Goro who is the general has the same issue by the way so it's just refreshing to see a general whose clothes are suited for combat for the most part my boy my poor boy oh gosh would you look at the time thankfully it's not as bad with him as we have some red splashes I also like that his pants are universally the lion dancer pants in the game if you were to walk around the city you'll find the other lion dancer troop members with the same pants as lingyang it helps him feel as if he's more of the troop design wise he's got unique as hell hair if you played the companion Quest you know why and he is quite the endearing character I think the black headband was a smart move to help bring attention to the ears and also separate all that hair he has in front also the pants being torn at the bottom is a nice touch too showing that he does find himself in fights there's subtle details that tell story but again just a just a darn color palette it's our standard male protagonist everyone I'm just kidding I know it's easy to look at any animated character with black hair and this haircut and lump them all together I got to say I much prefer male robers design over female robers his outfit is a lot more cohesive and makes sense for the role he plays in the game those clothes looks like they'll protect him should you have to take a hit or roll down a hill meanwhile the poor female Rover will just get cut right up I think my perfect Rover designed would be to take the female Rover and give her male Rover's outfit especially the jacket how cool would she be with that jacket overall I see where the complaints come from but honestly it's a simple but effective design in my opinion okay he is so cool the red hair the dragon arm with the scales crawling across his chest we've got the lab coat to show his profession and do you see that arm strap around the dragon arm in fact I think it goes down the entire arm as if he's trying to suppress the the dragon scale arm such a cool detail I'm not sure if he needed that rat tail with the hair but I don't hate it I really hope we get to interact with more defe in the story more because this design alone tells us that he's got a backstory waiting for us to uncover and that is hard to do in a char design so they in my opinion they really nailed More to's Design the mark being in her in her eye is such a unique touch her outfit while being primarily black is such a cool outfit I'm not sure if it's the best suited for someone who's supposed to be a bodyguard but I suppose there is always the look cool rule for sanoa unfortunately because of the Redundant character palet Choice her design tends not to be as memorable as it could have been as I mentioned earlier this color palette you're going to continuously see is this black white and gold color palette we've seen a few examples and there's going to be more to come regardless though she's a cool character and all of the black works with how it's broken up for her specifically welcome to the other character who has insane mooba physics much like Encore her third color is pink it's nicely distributed among her design though if you told me this character was in charge of the city defenses I would not get that from this design I'd like to see her with more armor give her some knee and elbow pads at the very least at least we do have her wielding a heavier sword I think that's what it is anyway but her theme is completely missed here at a first glance I would think Tao Chi is a regular Adventurer not someone with an important role as a defense management especially with how the story progresses at the end while I'm not a huge fan of Arena's hairstyle the design is easily one of the most striking of the cast it's a breath of fresh air from all of the black Fabric and white fabric we've seen I can easily tell looking at her that she's related to Nature in some sort of way and that is a huge plus I don't have any critiques to say about this design other than the hairstyle which is again a personal preference thing this video is opinion related of course they did a good job making her look different from the majority of the cast seeing as she's not from gin Joe and her theme is clear as day from her design alone and fun fact for it was actually my first five star I pulled and she's been a super valuable unit to the team so I'm glad she's there I'm going to try really hard to set my bias aside as the enjoyment for this character did drop after the VA performance if you know you know looking only at the design I like the blue and black palette I also think the hair that turns into bird feathers is interesting but I think she would look better if the feathers didn't fade into white it's awkward since there's no other white in her design and it stands out in a sore thumb and not in a good way if her hair feathers Were A variation of blue that could complement her design far more in my opinion usually I don't mind using a different color to make a feature of a character Pop I mean look at my model for example but in her instance it's just distracting ginlin is a popular character and I can definitely see why she's got vibrant red hair but her outfit is primarily black which does tend to fall within a lot of what we've seen so far um as I'm recording this yland has not come out yet so I don't have a ton to say but I'm looking forward to seeing her story and how she plays a part in Wu's plot but as someone who does like redhaired characters um I think she looks pretty neat they look facial hair this design is also refreshing to see especially in a Goa game the vest while being slightly asymmetrical isn't distracting and looks nice the blue is also appreciated especially since Yan Wu also has lots of black fabric on his attire the hat and that one part of his best being white I think is a little strange I feel like it could have just been the same blue as the rest and could have been fine similar to yangyang and her feathers I saw some people hating on this design and while I don't think it's anything Earth shattering I do think it's pretty solid okay that covers every playable character and scarf whopping eight characters fall victim to the black white and gold color palette this includes both Rovers by the way and once gingi releases she would probably be added to this list as well out of the 18 playable characters so far that's almost half of the roster with a similar color palette and this doesn't even include the characters that have primarily black color palettes either which would be an additional four units either the woa design team really likes this color combo or maybe this was an intentional choice for the gingo characters maybe once we get to see other regions of the game we'll be introduced to characters with different color palettes that helps set them apart from our current cast who knows the unfortunate thing is that a lot of good designs end up blending all together because there's not a ton of variety with our current crew alternatively the most memorable characters in my opinion are going to be ones like Verina just because she's in complete contrast if you made it this far and enjoyed it please leave a thumbs up remember that this is just one artist's silly opinion and this is by no means a formal character design analysis see you next time [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Noxaura Nyx
Views: 12,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, entuber, game design, wuthering waves, wuthering waves scar, wuthering waves yinlin, wuthering waves jianxin, wuthering waves review, wuthering waves jiyan, character design, gacha, encore, jianxin wuthering waves, encore wuthering waves, lingyang wuthering waves, rover, rover wuthering waves, chixia wuthering waves, baizhu wuthering waves, calcharo wuthering waves, verina wuthering waves, sanhua wuthering waves, aalto wuthering waves
Id: 6HJLfNj5IWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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