Ellen IS INSANE! | Kit & Build Guide: (Disc Drives, W-Engines) - ZZZ

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Zena Zone zero is finally releasing on all Platforms in less than one week elen Joe is going to be our debut first Banner character and she's a Powerhouse in today's video we're going to break down everything about our sleepy shark girl so that you are ready to use and build her properly everything from her backstory and lore how to use her kit and the perfect build so you can maximize her potential grab yourself some shark food I guess and let's do this Ellen Joe belongs to the Victoria housekeeping company faction along with Corin Wix Von lone and alexandrina Sebastion most of the very limited story information we have on Ellen so far is from the zena Zone zero website Ellen likes the simple things she works smarter not harder and she makes sure to get plenty of rest in one of her Motts is take breaks at the right time to minimize the annoyance of working and I'm sure most of us can totally agree with that sentiment perhaps this is even seen in some of her animations like her beautiful ultimate when I did the story in the last Clos beta test the interlude where I ended was right before the housekeeping companies Arc so for this I'm really hoping there's tons more Ellen info when we do get the full launch in fact during the 1.0 live stream today the devs have already said they expanded the story even further which is fantastic because Ellen is so cool and I can't wait to know more but now let's get into her kit for someone who likes Simplicity Ellen's kit is actually one of the more common complex so far in Zena Zone zero she is of course our s-rank ice dps agent that focuses on high damage Loops to quickly dispatch her opponents she will heavily focus on a few things mainly her flash freeze charges and everything that she can do from her Dash State don't worry though since her kit is a bit convoluted at first glance we're really going to break it down and explain it so everyone can understand her full power flash freeze charges are her unique mechanic in which her kit will Focus these are shown under her icon in the top left by the team bar and she can hold up to six depending on these charges that you have certain moves in her kit are going to get extra abilities damage and powerups here's a little table describing the ways to get and spend these flash freeze points the flash freeze State itself is active whenever she has any of these charges her weapon will also indicate this with an ice effect now let's break down all of her move set and see how her kit changes depending on the energy and these flash freeze charges Ellen's basic attack without flash freeze is called teeth trimming this will unleash up to three attacks which will do physical SL damage during the third hit you can hold the basic attack button to extend the duration when she has flash freeze charges the move is called flash freeze trimming instead each attack of the three hit combo will consume one point of flash freeze but the move will deal massive ice damage instead of physical now on to Ellen's special attack without energy or charges the skill is called Drift Ellen will do a tail sweep which will deal ice slash damage in addition her anti-in upt level will be increased while using this basically meaning she shouldn't be able to really be canceled out of it for the most part you won't really be using this without energy same with the basic attack where you pretty much always have flash freeze charges once Ellen does have enough energy she gets her ex special attack this will perform a much more forceful higher damage tail Whack Attack which will deal ice damage as we saw in our chart earlier this will also Grant one stack of flash freeze after this move is done you can instantly follow up with the so-called enhanced basic attack which will of course cost the flash freeze charge if Ellen has the two bars of energy when using ex tail swipe you can do an extension of this move called Shark Nami this is done by hitting that skill button again after the tail swipe and it looks very cool this move will do a series of powerful slashes also granting a flash freeze charge she's also vulnerable while doing this animation as well the core idea for this skill is to always be comboing that second hit of tail swipe or shark Nami into basic when you have the energy for it Ellen's move set really has cool combos like this and synergizes very well with the main thing that her kit will revolve around her Dodge mechanics that being said Ellen's Dodge is extremely important probably more so than most characters first we'll talk about her normal Dash attacks which do not require the roaming state that term will make more sense once we get to the really good Dash attacks like most of her kit Ellen's normal Dash attack changes based on flash freeze charges her chargeless Dash attack monstrous wave will deal physical damage and is just a dashing slash attack if you have a flash freeze charge the damage will become ice instead and consume one point our sleepy shark girls Dodge counter is called the reef rock pressing basic attack during a perfect Dodge will simply just do ice damage through a cutting attack like most Dodge en counters in the game she will be invulnerable during this primarily for her Dodge we want to focus on the roaming state by holding or double pressing her Dodge button she will enter this roaming hunt this will cause her to run into a permanent Dash with increased run speed until you release it the roaming State leads into a good bit of Moves In Her kit so it's very important plus it's always fun running around as a shark girl if you perfect Dodge an opponent you'll gain the Quick Charge effect which is a really good segue into our Dash attack Arctic Ambush this incredible move is activated while in that roaming State we just discussed after pressing basic attack during this Dash Ellen will deliver a spinning slash move followed by a scissor attack both dealing ice damage here's where it gets really interesting you will gain one point of flash freeze charge when the scissor attack hits however if you hold this basic attack button once you're in that roaming State you will charge the scissors when you do this charge scissor strike instead you will gain three stacks of flash freeze if the enemy is already Frozen when you hit the charge strike it will immediately cause shatter if you need a refresher course on attribute anomalies freeze shatter and all of that feel free to check out that full Zen Zone zero guide that I made Ellen's anti- interrupt increases while holding this charge move and her damage taken is reduced by 40% she'll also be partially invulnerable during the first part of the attack optimally this Dash attack is a great way to rack up the flash re charges that you need for your enhanced basic attacks during the beta I would commonly spam roaming State into charge Dash attack of course this will be doing immense ice damage and gaining those three charges using those Basics after this are going to use up those charges and do even more ice damage then once her energy gets high enough I would use her ex special which will increase even more damage also don't forget that when you use ex special you can also follow that up with basic attack I know that was a lot of words in mumbo jumbo that I threw at you so if you have any questions feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll try to answer each one that I can basically just remember to use roaming state that charge Dash attack Arctic Ambush to get charges then either follow that up with your ex special if you have enough energy or basic attacks there's also going to be a really good tutorial available when the game Launches on July 4th now for her ultimate Ellen Joe has one of if not the coolest ultimate in the entire game although I'm kind of partial to Billy kid because he's my favorite character when your decibel rating is at 3,000 which is the max she's ready to give us some attitude shark girl will roll her eyes at us perform this beautiful cinematic goal she will crash down and unleash an ice storm followed by a powerful scissor attack doing huge ice damage the best option is to use this right when you get 3,000 so you can just keep stacking up decel rating but it's important to remember that every character on your team shares the same amount of ult charge the last thing in Ellen's kit that we need to talk about about are her core passives starting with sharp toothed this just simply states that Ellen's crit damage will increase by 50% when using Dash attack Arctic Ambush or flash freeze trimming remember those are the really good Dash attack we talked about and her really good flash freeze basic attack as you level up more characters in Zena Zone zero you have access to more passives I believe it's level 15 where you get the next one Len Joe's is called Rising storm if another character in your squad shares ice attribute or is also from the Victoria housekeeping company Ellen gets further Buffs this states that when Ellen deals ice damage any following damage will be increased by 3% for 10 seconds but here's the crazy part this can stack up to 10 times for a total of 30% each time you use ice damage the time limit extends so yeah it's a bit crazy in general Ellen's mechanics are really just going to focus on stacking and using those flash freeze charges correctly she has a very fast-paced style but with massive ice damage built into her kit you'll also find that you're going to get a ton of attribute anomal through the freezes and shattering either way she will take some practice to master but she is an insanely powerful unit for Zen Zone zero to start off with with how many free polls we're getting from the live stream announced today I personally highly recommend trying to get her let's now just take a quick note for her team synergies her best friends from the Victoria housekeeping company are are going to be her best teammates specifically Von Lyon this handsomely dashing wolf man is also an ice unit from the Victoria housekeeping company so both of their core passives will automatically be met so Kaku is another ice unit that can pair with Ellen to meet that core passive even though she's not from the same faction if you run all three of them together you got yourself a pretty dang good mono ice team although if I do pull her from the standard Banner I'll probably end up using alexandrina for more of that support buff kind of rule now that we know the details of Ellen's kit it's finally time to discuss her best build to maximize the potential let's start with the weapons of zenis the W engines her best in slot W engine will be deep sea visitor the one made exclusively for her this engine will increase her ice damage by a whopping 25% as well as crit rate by 20% for 8 seconds after she deals ice damage to any enemy with Ellen's entire kit especially roaming State she's constantly going to be dealing ice damage so that insane crit rate boost has 100% uptime if you don't get deep sea visitor do not fret because there is still some excellent more accessible choices for Ellen another srank W engine is called the restrained her second best option this will increase her ice damage by 20% in combat anytime a basic attack deals ice damage it will increase by 12% and inflict more days which is basically tough break basically this W engine's a 100% uptime boost to Ellen's ice damage and days as long as you're using her roaming State and basic attacks optimally now we'll get into the a rank options starting with Cannon rotor this will increase Ellen's crit rate by 8% and when an attack lands a crit on an enemy an additional 275% of the character's attack will be dealt as damage triggering every 8 seconds those are the primary options I would give Ellen but let's give an honorable mention to Al lip gloss when enemies are inflicted with attribute anomaly on the field the equipper attack increases by 10% and will deal an additional 15% more damage to the Target it's pretty solid for Ellen since she will always be applying freeze and shatter to those opponents moving on to the bulk of the stat you're going to give a character the disc drives this information will be based on the cbt3 and there could be some minor changes although probably not too bad Ellen Joe also has a few choices here as well remember that in Zen list you get a four-piece set and a two-piece since there's a total of six slots option one is what I preferred during the CBT so let's cover that first the four piece set of polar metal states that the basic and dash attack damage increases by 28% so you can see how that's already insane for Ellen additionally when a squad member freezes or shatters an enemy The Buff will increase by another 28% for 12 seconds along with this run a two-piece set of woodpecker Electro to raise her crit rate by 8% the second option for sets is simply just an invert of these and you'll still get really solid results the four piece set of woodpecker Electro still raises her crit rate by 8% additionally when a basic ex special attack or Dodge counter crits Ellen will gain a stack of 9% attack boost the duration of this stack will actually be independent for each type of move basically meaning that it's a fairly constant uptime don't forget that your fourth through sixth slot of your disc drives are variable main stats on the fourth slot make sure you're either getting crit rate or crit damage on the fifth slot go for penetration percent attack percent or Elemental damage percent and on the sixth anomaly Mastery bonus is probably going to be your best bet for your substats in order of importance crit rate or crit damage followed by pen percent followed by attack percent and then attribute Mastery we also have to talk about our cute little helper friends the bang Boos Ellen's best bang buo is the first Banner one Butler she can also pair very well with the really easy to get shark boou I actually had like seven copies of shark Bo by the end of the test now let's talk about Talent level one which is basically the eidolons of this game versus deep sea visitor of everything that could change for any character eidolons are probably the biggest chance so we will be using the latest test as our information Talent level one for Ellen States this Ellen's uncharged scissor attack will give three Flash freeze charges instead of one and the charge scissor strike will give six flash freeze for each point of flash freeze spent she gets a 2% increased crit rate for 15 seconds stacking up to six times also note that the duration of each stack is calculated separately this being a first idle on of the game is actually insane and we'll make sure that Ellen pretty consistently has those three flash freeze charges stacked overall this is a huge DPS increase for our favorite shark girl but how does it compare against her signature her W engine recall that deep sea visitor boosts her ice damage by 25% or her crit rate by 20% when using a dash attack or Dodge counter really what it'll boil down to is this do you want unconditional ice damage by 25% and crit rate by 20 just by attacking or more flash freeze charges on the dash attack and a 2% crit rate boost per flash freeze charge up to 12% if you have one of those srank W engines we talked about earlier for Allen I would AR argue that Talent level one is better if you don't have the s-ranked options then you should probably pull for deep sea visitor overall the more strong W engines you get anyway the more Universal they can be and deep sea visitor is still going to be very strong on other units ultimately either route is perfectly fine and you won't lose with either so just pull whatever the heck you want as you should be anyway and there you have it a full breakdown of everything regarding Ellen Joe I hope this guide helped and if you have any questions or any comments feel free to discuss below also feel free to let me know how I can improve the guide for next time the next one I want to do is for Ben beager and yeah you do have to say it that way just because he's so cool anyway let me know what you thought in the comments and I would love to hear from all of you guys subscribe and follow for plenty more Zen Zone zero honai star Rail and gsha content and I will see you in the next one that's it thanks for watching and bye for now [Music]
Channel: Gacha Mogul
Views: 26,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zenless zone zero gameplay, zzz gameplay, ellen zenless zone zero, ellen build zzz, ellen build zenless zone zero, ellen guide zzz, ellen guide zenless zone zero, best characters in zenless zone zero
Id: cp5pQSn64G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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