Chad Muska | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 159

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well we are back huh we're back at the nine club everybody today oh my god bro today we got a special special special guest Chad Muska I made it thank you so much bro I just been waiting for the viewership to go up you know a lot of people have I trust make it more popular before I come on no no man episode 159 or something I don't know I don't know what we're on bro but we're up there yeah we're up there dude yeah how's everything dude you know everything is great yeah fantastic perfect yeah you know it's a life is crazy you always have these rollercoaster rides ups and downs and all that fun stuff that goes along with strikes and Gunnar I'm definitely on a like super super positive like good point in my life though yeah man yeah you caught you still calling OnStar and everything for handrails and of course no more OnStar more no no I'm rolling the the the musca laid has been traded in for the pre ESCA the pre hard you know trying to save this world and save some money at the same time that's right you know yeah so it's cool you know it's it that's all been part of my ride to that you know the OnStar and the Escalades and the all that skateboarding hype and all that part of my history is uh it's it's so fun and so many people remember me over that time period but I've definitely grown into like a completely new person and continue to grow well of course I mean how it was that like 20-some years ago yeah you know what I mean so but I mean I can say for me Roger Kelly I'm speaking for them too but like the biggest fans you know and the type of stuff is iconic you know just the other day I mean I was just something came up and I was like Henry oh [ __ ] you know what I mean like it's a part it's it's embedded in that's you know it's like the Sparky dry memories iconic and and I appreciate it I'm so grateful you know that because my life has been dedicated to skateboarding and and dedicated to everything that goes along with it the culture the lifestyle the the community that we have I have nothing else in this world but that right oh that was my backbone that gave me everything and I've done things outside of it but if it weren't for that it nothing else would have ever happened for me and so I'm forever grateful to anytime someone says you know handrails whatever whatever it is I gladly gladly accept it you embrace it yeah yeah 100% but I guess also on a flip side of it like you also I don't want something I don't want my past to be an anchor holding me back in any way I want I want to be able to continue to grow and learn and become whatever it is I want to become a nurse in this life you know because I truly believe that's why we're put here it's in order to express and to go for anything in life whatever it is right and have no no fear for that expression or that career choice I mean all these different things are put here for us to experience and so that's why I've continuously tried all these things throughout my life whether it was you know skateboarding into music and to art shoe design clothing design photography video editing graphic design all those things I've dope as far deep as I can into all those things because I love to do them and I'd love to express and create and then on a business side of things all those are an aspect of business you have to know how to shoot product to put it in a catalogue you have to make the catalog you have to build a website you have to put the product on a website you have to build a team you have to know how to market the team you have to design products based around their personality there's all these things that go into skateboarding and I wanted to understand and know every single piece of that puzzle so even if I'm not doing every single job associated with that process at least I understood it and I could conversate with the person that is doing that that objective and know how to come together and create the best possible outcome whatever that job is at that time no totally I mean even a graphic designer understanding that process yeah benefits both of you because now you're not just barking orders at him you're working with him because you understand that process yeah you know I luckily came across computers at an early age which was pretty much like ridiculous for somebody like me because I was like computers suck like what are you doing like you know like go skate like you're gonna sit around and like sit in front of a computer for hours you know and then I picked one up and we were doing a demo in Long Beach with my homie Long Beach Larry okay and and and he was like we got this demo at this spot and like it was like we need to make a flyer and I was like I got the computer you know I'm gonna like try to learn how to do it and I got illustrator and I laid something out and I made a flyer for our demo and I printed it out with this like like little portable printer I got and I was like oh this is so cool like I made it you know and I was I was more hyped on the flyer than the demo you know and that's the first memory I have of making something tonight computer and and then it was just I was hooked from then on out and it was like oh we're doing this board graphic or we have a t-shirt design or whatever it was and and long before that had already been interested in that idea and you know I guess when I was a little kid I I didn't remember this to to to kind of recently my mom showed me some stuff where it was like I had made up a team when I first started skateboarding and it was disaster skateboards and I like picked all the kids in the neighborhood and they all came and like they had a lineup and I was like okay you made the cut and you didn't you didn't quit like a couple of the kids on the team in the schoolyard pick yeah and so I had like the names listed in the logo drawn out and stuff and it was like yeah it was like my our little crews disaster skateboards and I had an empty pool in my backyard we used to skate and that was in Phoenix Phoenix Arizona okay did you pay them yeah Snickers now I and my man like I could go on and not because my my life is crazy man and like it's there's like 50 different lifes in one life and a million stories in between and like uh it's hard for me because I'll think of another thing and I'll jump to this time period and I'll go to this time period and like it's so like crazy that I I only remember bits and flashes or of times of my life because so much has happened it's like there's no way that this harddrive could retain that much information yeah bull drive right now but it's still operating at this point we're gonna pull some files out of there some files out okay to recovery yeah data recovery yeah yeah yeah but you've talked about Arizona yeah I mean are you're not originally from Arizona then you move there young right yeah once again like if we're starting from the beginning it's like such a long crazy story you know but born I'll give the quick occasion for now sure no born in Ohio Ohio only lived there for like and once again the fragmented version this is my memory of it my mom might tell me something different my you know I uh I can't remember everything and it's been like you know a minute but I know I was born in Ohio okay that photograph just popped up in your moraine Oh Ohio which is outside of Cleveland okay um yeah and so that's that's the beginning of my life in Ohio and shortly after that my mom and dad separated my dad had moved to Arizona my mom went to the East Coast oh my my sister and my mom went to the East Coast and we were around Delaware New Jersey Pennsylvania and yeah so it in a lot of different places in a small amount of time so god damn around part of my life is like only like two or three flashes of that entire time right on but going to that I read my first encounter my first encounter was skateboarding was there in a place which I believe was Levittown Pennsylvania hmm and I and I pretty sure it was the we lived in one place called village of Pembroke which I remembered and Chris Cole surprisingly knew it in new ways it's still there and I was like oh wow that's crazy like he's like I've lived by there I know the village of Pembroke I know what you're talking about wow that was one place we lived and we lived I don't remember this is the same place or not but the next the the first memory of skateboarding I have was there was a freeway right by our apartment place and and there was also an abandoned army base there and so there was just like army base with these like forts and like all cool stuff graffiti in there and kids would go and just get crazy in there you know and then there was a freeway here on the other side of the freeway well rewind for a second first thing my mom told me was don't go back thing I did was go on the freeway yeah you know and I was looking across the freeway and I would see like BMX bikes and and heads moving around I was like what is that what is that and there was an abandoned skate park from like the 70s or something and I didn't have a BMX bike I don't have a skateboard I had nothing at the time but I ran across the freeway um and I would just go there and stare at these kids you know and I was like oh my god it's so cool you know like like look at these guys it was like rats that you know rad era that like the movie rad sure you know and they were just like bunnyhopping and it was like I was like I was watching ET or something you know I was like this is so cool you know I just remember like just tripping on it and then how old were you at this point see that's where it's less fragmented five five six okay you know little young cross in the freeway I don't know where my dad had moved to Arizona he sent me a skateboard and it was like but it was like a vert flex like Jean Eric like swapmeet board you know and and I got this thing and I was like whoa I just remember thinking it was really cool and then even then I got all the kids in neighborhood we went to this um a semi truck like the back of the semi truck I think I'd only wrote it around a few times and there was a pile of carpet and I had this vivid memory of this and kind of top of the semi-truck and it just just will try to roll off into the pile of heartbeat you know and all the kids were like yeah Sharon you know roll it off the back of the semis on your verify and you know I don't really dive too deep into it but you know it was some crazy times in my life back then you know my family wasn't really stable you know and and and my mom was bouncing around a lot and a lot of things were happening and things got pretty out of control there where we were living with me my sister my mom and my dad eventually he was a biker he you wrote Harley's you know with like you know all the the different like motorcycle clubs and stuff like that and so he I think he found caught wind that it was getting a little sketchy on there and he sent some bikers to come get me my mom and my sister oh well he picked us up shipped us to Arizona with nothing every single thing possession that we had except the clothes on her back and the very reflects the very Flex was gone no that's you know in wait so you rode bikes across like no no they they just got us cuz she had a boyfriend and there was kind of like something was crazy going on with that scenario and and basically they got us in stay the night at their house and then took us to the airport the next day and then shipped us out to be with my dad in Arizona okay and and then that's when I got it I got more into BMX bikes then at that time and so we got together and we were in this one house for a while and I don't know am I supposed to talk about this kind of stuff even I'm sure we're just having that's interesting I think yeah yeah that's kind of that's basically what happened and we moved to Arizona and it was like a whole new world for me you know like it was like I was like I thought like Cowboys were cool and stuff like I think I got a cowboy hat but no I definitely had some boots or toys I know it's like things that Spurs no stopping oh yeah right it makes sense in Arizona though yeah yeah so you were a little cowboy yeah kind of for a second you know but I was really hyped on tumbleweeds I was like we're like tumbleweeds becoming like they blow by and I'd be like like I remember so I thought they were alive or something you know that's one memory I remember being like tumbleweeds being really cool and then and then I started being mixing and I got like super into BMX bikes I was so hyped on BMX it huh and that was like my [ __ ] I was just like Oh BMX is like so cool not build like sketchy launch ramps out front and stuff and I had this memory you know not too positive if it was really him or not but one might this other guy that lived up the street was like my cousin's a pro skater my cousin's a pro skater and I've stopped to confirm this with him one day and I think I might have mentioned it to him one day but so we're all launching this launch was sketchy just plywood laid on cinder blocks or something you know and and it's in the sidewalk and we're all taking turns launching it and I don't know where comes this skater rolling up and and claxon ollie off it and rolls you know were like yeah that's so cool apparently was Mark Gonzales what and they said it was his cousin you know that that's I have to confirm but right yeah right you know I hope it was Clapton ollie off a launch ramp in like the 80s you know so it has the first thing you saw it had to be gone dad you know yeah we'll say it's gone I would say yeah that was the first person you saw on a skateboard besides the kids in in Pennsylvania right I don't mean right in front of your face like this dude just cracked an ollie yeah like back then they were just kind of like riding around the skatepark and stuff you know I really remember that part I just I know there's skaters and BMXers but that's the first mention jr. yeah yeah so this guy I'll lead off this launch ramp and we were all like yeah and and then I've got some like some some cool BMX bike but it wasn't your cool it was like the fake Dino or so then you know what I mean like like it had like like I had all the like lines like the extra and I would like do the the side stand on it you know stand up on the back and like oh you would do that oh yeah yeah I was like I was crazy I'm there don't think about it cowboy daredevil yeah sure yeah at that point I was like I haven't probably have some in photo somewhere but like no a box back then no no box it there's origin to that story too as well which is it comes from the next house so my my but basically my bike got stolen there I got this new bike I was so hyped on it and it got stolen and I was super bummed and then um I can't remember if I ended up having another one after that in there because we moved to a new house then basically and that place was kind of ghetto we were in and my parents kind of like we both get better jobs and we're coming up a little bit more and we got into it I mean it was by no means like amazing fancy or nothing like that but for us back then it was like the highlight of that time period in my life and we got this house with the pool and and it was it was on the west side of Phoenix basically right down the street from where the the West Side skate park is at yeah gotcha I'm in Cano we were on Vernon which Incanto turns into Vernon for just a little Street and comes down mom and we and I had and things were going pretty good in the family everything was going smooth slowly but surely things kind of got a little rocky the pool turned green you know and which led to a positive thing because then my parents allowed me to drain it and start to skate it and and but somewhere around that time I was still I was still riding BMX bikes when we first got there and there were some there were local skaters in the neighborhood mom and this kid I think his name was Jeremy and he had a launch ramp and they would all gather around and launch and then there was a before we have dude my pool there was another house with the empty pool where all the skaters would skate out and I used to try to ride my BMX in there eventually I was like let me try the board too and so I started skate with those guys and then this whole West Side crew of skaters who are all ill skaters like at that time we're just like so sick and similar things to them I'd be walking home from school when they would skate these red curbs and there's a fifty parking lot and they would all skate in there and I used to walk home from school and like hey let me try their board you know and I would try to rail slide the the curb and they would get mad because I'd like you know and but those guys is like Damon and Benji and man my mine remember see no no no no he's way way later he was there I saw him just uh two nights ago at Ellington's birthday oh that was cool but but that's a whole nother homie he's the homie food like but he came in way later and then then he will tell you right we had our gang but yeah that I'll get to that point okay if you want like yeah yeah like I don't know I'm adding like I don't want to just like ramble too far on about everything like I mean I don't want to be like this like ten hour episode or something like at six yeah yeah be family's episode yeah it's all interesting man yeah because I do I find that how people actually got their start in skateboarding's interesting because I think everybody has a different path yeah you know and I'm sure people that listen to it is like wow that's amazing that he went through all this stuff to get to starting to skate it's funny I think that merkins all has crossed her path when you're a child yeah it's an insane thought you know bro and then fast-forward to these guys who were like there was this guy Louie my homie Louie he could like all he's so high like a nice she's just like oh my gosh like these guys are so rad and newer than you the same age they were older oh yeah yeah they were probably like 16 17 at the time and I was like 11 you know or something around that I'm not positive gotcha um they were older at that time they were way older you know yeah I was a little kid and and they were like I was a little dirty rat kids you know I mean like just like wanted to skate so bad and eventually I got my own board somehow and I think it might have been from the kid who had the launch ramp which I believe his name was Jeremy but it's so fuzzy Brian I can't remember and then there was mother homie Gerald who skated he was a og and like we were kind of best friends at that time and but anyway skateboarding in Arizona at that time was huge it was like there was a m-- it was like a whole scene was going on yeah Thrasher land was booming they opened up this park tower skatepark and it was just a fat skate scene going on right when I first started getting into it that's when like hosoi everybody would come out and do those things at Tempe you know there was like it was skateboarding was huge there and so it was just around me I couldn't help but be exposed to it but I definitely was very interested always caught my eye even before I was skating and then eventually I got that board and the bike was stolen and I got the board and I was like there's no turning back I fell completely in love with skateboarding and it was the joy of my life it was everything for me and and in that time period where my family was getting rocky it was like it was my escape yes it was my my life source and god only knows what would happen had I not had that especially at that time sure um and through many times of my life but at that time with some hard times for for our family and and my parents eventually broke up again we lost that house my mom moved to Vegas my dad moved to a different place and so that's when I really really don't deep into skateboarding I mean everything else was falling apart that was my I was free yeah got on that thing and nothing else mattered especially for a little kid to be dealing with this stuff - yeah it was like that skateboard was just it yep yeah that's friend yeah seriously yeah anything it's it's hard to talk about your family publisher this stuff you know like but good and I wanted like say for sure like even though it was my mom and dad we're having hard times to stay together but they were always most loving best parents ever even with nothing we had nothing but we had all the love in the world you know and I mean like like they were just such rad parents and such supportive parents and as soon as I started skating they were just like yeah like that's so cool and my dad was like oh that's like my biker friends cuz he they would get their crew together right down the block you know her my old gang would come up and we would skate down and try to ollie off the curbs and you know make noise slide around and they would rev their engines like comparison to him I think with skateboarding is you Harley riding her friends yeah so that that was really when skateboarding started for me okay then I started like having troubles in school a lot mom and we in that house we went to we were supposed I was supposed to go to a different junior high but the it was pretty ghetto junior high and then so I I decided to go to I used my friend's address to go to a different school and so I was going to a different school and we had no telephone so this is before we moved out of that house okay and I basically and there were some people that like me and my friend microanalysis were the only two skaters in the whole school at that point so I think the times have changed a bit and like skating was starting to die out a little bit oh we were the oddballs at that school kind of the outcast shirts would be a better word to call it and there was still some like gangs associated with the school and he was Mexican I was white and we skated together all the time the Mexican gangsters didn't like that and they would kind of sweat him a lot and eventually ended up jumping me in front of him and we're like yo if you keep skating like you're gonna get it next to like don't mess with that white boys [ __ ] oh wow you know and and so basically and the jocks were after me there was a lot of like controversy in that school so I just stopped going and me my homie Mike would either skate or take city bus to this place called the highlight banks which was in Arizona and it was like an old high like floor it was abandoned building we would basically for all a seventh grade I probably went like less than a month to seventh grade and then you stopped I would kind of show up sometimes but pretty much just stop good after a while it's like what's the point yeah I go in there one day and go and so all then my parents didn't know this though all the letters were going to my friend's house and his parents I guess but I don't know if they didn't care if they gave him to me or what and they couldn't call because we didn't have a phone and so as far as your parents knew you were going to school yep yeah yeah I pretty much dropped out of school and then just started skating full-time and then eventually that was for like all a seventh grade and then my dad then eventually moved to a new neighborhood and I enrolled into eighth grade and at that time I don't know what happened or what the deal was they just put me right in there like what grade are you and I'm like I'm going into eighth grade and they just put me into eighth grade okay so I literally didn't go to seventh grade then went to eighth grade and they just put me in it and I was like all right cool like I'm in eighth grade and I actually did really good in eighth grade I was like I I don't know I've always had like a strong desire to learn right I love learning like I about anything I always wanted to learn um it wasn't until then I got into high school that the teacher started to treat me differently because I was a skateboarder I had baggy pants I had green hair and blue hair and changed all the time and you know chain wallet or whatever that style was at that time and and and I was different and that was a different time I don't think that society was as accepting to different then and so they assumed I was a bad kid and really were hard on me treated you kind of based on your looks pretty much that that was what I remember yeah yeah and I wasn't perfect by any means don't get me wrong kid sure in general but on but eventually a lot of things happened we're in from what I remember there was a science teacher and I had her after lunch and out if I was late you'd get detention or your name on the board or detention I can't read which was but whatever it was she just mess with me so much where she pretty much gave me so many detentions that I wouldn't do the detention then you got a Saturday school if you didn't do the Saturday school you got suspended run if you were suspended more than I think 7 or 12 days whatever it was then you had no credit for that for that semester and I remember just principal called me in and was like you're not gonna get credit for this semester and I just looked at him and I was like all right I'm done yeah and I and I walked away and never went back Wow yeah imagine yeah that's the school system for you yeah not encouraging you but disciplining you yeah it's crazy and and and I didn't know I was dropping out for good at that time I thought I was like and this is like maybe you guys don't 9th grade no that was in ninth grade well that was in ninth grade was fine and the teep the school was nice Nate accepted me I was like a really cool time what I remember okay is when I got into high school where a lot of things try to change the the PE coach like punched me one time because I didn't want to wear those like really short shorts yeah yeah yeah I was like sagging them and he was getting so mad at me and he was like he was like cool he would like come behind like like Jack and my homie like pull him up on me and stuff and like brother at one time I like pushed him or something I can't remember and he like literally punched me the school like PE teacher punched me in front of the whole school and like you know and say and I mean yeah and there's so much other stuff that happened during that time and but eventually like that's when I was like okay I'm not gonna get credit here I'm not gonna stay in school yeah and I don't promote this by any means it's it's really one of the the hardest things I live with is not having an academic background hmm it's it haunts me at times because in social situations you're with people they you have a conversation it usually leads to well what school did you go to what did you study where did you graduate and yeah it's one of those things where I felt very proud of the accomplishments that I did do but I always have this kind of awkward feeling that I didn't go through the same system as everybody else did just graduating guys yeah yeah but I know in the bottom of my heart had I stayed had I tried to go the traditional route and stay in school mm-hmm there would have been nothing for me there there was there was nothing right let me ask you a question though around this time you're dropping out what is this ninth grade he said yeah how's the skating going at that point are you starting to like get shop sponsors or giddy spot like no nothing nothing like that okay because a lot of the times that's when stuff starts happening for kids and a lot of pros that come on the show didn't graduate high school because all that stuff was happening and they had to choose but you got to remember like this is a while ago now you know what I mean right no things were different back then and this I would hang out at the local shop but pants man was the main shop that I hung out at back then and they did demos and brought pros around but they never really had any type of like traditional team like um like shops do nowadays I probably would act like I did but what I did is I just stole everything are they still in business no once again I'm not proud of this but my love for skateboarding was so strong and we had no money and I just I needed that I got caught no I got caught eventually and and it ruined my life kind of you know because that was my hub that was my spot and I'd loved all those guys that worked there and they loved me and I had such a strong like cool connection with that place and I used to get sneaky there man like I was like you know I was like they would they would let me watch the shot while they went and got food and stuff you know and they would go and get food up the street and I'd grab a board in wheels and I was gonna throw it behind the trashcan and like wait till everybody went I would act like I left in the dana made that escape back go back yeah and then one day the sky cure who worked there he went to Jack in the Box and I graphed something I think it was wheels or something I can't remember his wheels are a board and then he was coming back and I was in the shop and I seen him walk like he was gonna go to the door and then he walked to the bat started going to the back and I was like oh that's wet I start sweating you know and he just came back in with the wheels and he was like show me and I was like I was just so bummed and I knew it was wrong sure no and and especially like I mean skate shops and that are like cool places you know that like it's like your second home yeah yeah so that was always like a a bad time in my life to know because then it was like I skate by it and kind of look over at it you know it was right on my house like like on my way to school like I would walk past it it was like the route and so they banned you I was banned yeah it was bad for this job yeah and so that was that was hard you know but in general like skating was like still like happening but I feel like the more interested I was becoming in skating that the the industry and the the skateboarding on a hole was dying simultaneous run with right along with this so I was getting hyped and everything else was just dying and me my crew were worse hardcore skaters we were skating I was kind of the youngest of the crew and we would skate all around and we just had we would have a blast you know we were just skating and and and then partying came along kind of even before all that I was dabbling with it 15 16 years old yeah we don't have to go all the way but uh but I was you know I was introduced to like smoking weed and drinking at like a really young age like I'm talking third grade I was smoking why like do you know Wow which was crazy no I always hung out all the kids for some reason the sixth graders stole it from their parents and and we would like you know when everybody asked me anything I was like I smoke weed all the time never drank I was like yeah drink what are you talking about you know like to fit in and be clean you know yeah and and so I was introduced at a really young age it wasn't like continuous at that point but I had dabbled with other things at a really young age right and then in around yeah fresh freshman year in high school is around when it when I really started the party you know and and all my friends we partied we partied hard and and we and that's when the scene the whole scene started to kind of like go in different directions at that point with my crew you know some people went to drugs some people just kept drinking you know and and a lot of them slowly but surely stop skateboarding yeah and then all of a sudden I found myself like kind of the only one interested in it and so I kept going I kept going and then I've really started skateboarding by myself a lot of that time period and I would skate like weeks on end without seeing any other skaters anywhere and I would go in to take the bus to downtown Phoenix and go skate all around downtown and it was like you know 120 degrees and I'd be skating around by myself just like all right like you know what's going on here and and I got to find a new crew yeah yeah yeah and and you know what's funny is that eventually I don't know how we met but there was this then there was the wedge in Arizona and that was like like still like the the because tower skatepark had closed down Thrasher landed closed down all the parks closed down and that used to be like the hug and so after all those closed down that's when I turned to Street skateboarding you know but there wasn't much in my neighborhoods where I was at you know but I would make up whatever I could skate then yeah I started going downtown and but eventually somehow I made my way to the wedge and I met Erik Ellington and Sean Hughes and Scottie Kopelman I knew Scottie Kopelman for a long time oh come on he lived on more on our side of the neighborhood and on then we just became really cool good friends and his mom would pick me up almost every Friday and he lived right at the wedge an apartment complex right behind it huh and so she would drive down on Friday pick me up we'd stay the weekend we'd skater you know all day all night and eat pizza or whatever we did her and and and drive me off a home on Sunday night and that was kind of my routine is there any like inspiration you had from like like magazines or anything at that point were you watching the one videos reading yet I had one magazine I had one Thrasher and I'm pretty sure it was the one with her sword on the cover where he's just like flying in the air he's like man there's like there's like palm trees and him flying yeah I think that was like for me I was like that's California right you know like you just flying in the air and there's palm trees and girls all there was yeah so that that was I had no scape thrashing I'd saw thrashing okay that was the only skate video I'd ever seen before like going to pants man this is before like I had the Thrasher and then like the PAL videos had come out you know but what I really really remember seeing was when the hope shackle me not came out for the 8th Street videos and so I was in the skate shop and I saw shackle me not and then later hocus-pocus right and I remember just like I could do this anywhere you know like and and I would just go around my neighborhood and try to find something that was like remotely close to like the bank to rail or banks and kerb or like yeah they were so far off I was but I would just like imagine that like I was doing what they were doing you know and so that was a the the H Street videos were like a huge huge change in okay in my life I had seen ban this and and I can remember which came out first bad with time frames yeah yeah it's all around the same clothes damn you know and I remember seeing ban this and being so inspired by that and hype like this is like cool this is like hip hop Minh like you know there's street and graffiti and all these things and I remember seeing it but something felt like polished to that to me like it was like it was unattainable you know it was like I was like it was just something that you saw and you could never ever be a part of it and then I saw the a street video a street videos and I was like oh there's something there like this is like me my homies right like I I could do this too you know this I think was the first spark where I was like I was like I'm gonna do this you know it was like a hundred percent but at least I related to that that was where my earliest things remember relating to and then we just like just was just skate skate that's all my life consisted of and partying - okay yeah and so I was partying hard still I was into skating then I got into graffiti as well - my homie Marco moved from Puerto Rico and I had been exposed to graffiti living in the East Coast on the freeways there was graffiti all over the place and I remember just being on the school bus just always looking at it like I liked it you know yeah it was it was crazy was stimulating and I remember seeing it but my homie Marco noose og turned me on to graffiti and and I started tagging we were just practicing drawing and I was learning his letters and all this stuff and he wrote news and I and that's what I was living in in Arizona and then my mom had moved to Vegas so eventually I was going back and forth a bit I went to Vegas and then none of my homies were into graffiti out there and so I just kind of bit his style and I wrote Foose instead of I was like booze and I was like I'm a tagger and so I told all my friends do graffiti on the tiger and and I was with these these one homies and which is man I've so many so many stories it just goes on and on and on and on but you know jump around a little bit basically when I moved to Vegas my mom lived in this apartment complex and it just so happened that Paul Smith a pro skater lived in that same apartment less apartment complex and my homie his roommate Paul Morris Lonnie Marsh and Anthony car ok and these guys were like crazy party or it's like they were insane and I was like real young and I would just saw him as like all these skaters and girls going in this apartment and then I just started skating flat ground in front of their house like every day I would come out I bless my tricks and hope you saw me and then eventually somehow just made it they invited me in you got it now yeah and from that point on I was like the mascot of their house and they were like the OGIS of Vegas you know like they were like just you know they were pro and he was pro and he lived in Vegas and this is before Foos when I first met them was before food and then I went back and then I was I was starting to do it a little bit and I got went back and now it got into really into graffiti then I came back and they had a new apartment and I like guy was like yeah I'm a tagger you know and I went in like I remember Dyke wanted to show them so I like I brought them out and I liked the other apartment complex wall and like I said a paint booth and they were checking it out and a security guard like runs up almost great like I almost got busted like I'm gonna I think that was the first like real tag that I did because before I didn't even tagged in Arizona yet I just wouldn't like drawing it on the book you know hit up the apartment complex and then that led to like an amazing friendship with those guys I mean so I would go back and forth from the to my friends in Arizona got into some heavier drugs and they were into like meth and heroin and anything and everything very much that existed they started to go down a pretty gnarly path and I would take brick I would be in Vegas for a while these guys party hard in Vegas but they just drank and smoked weed that was there I mean and they skated hard they were about skating and as my crew in Arizona kind of died off and this isn't Ellington and those guys this is a whole whole definitely FSU pee [ __ ] [ __ ] up punks that was our game okay and and so these guys kind of started getting worse and worse and I would be able to come here in Vegas skating hard and then come back and I'd be like whoa it's getting kind of crazy here you know and I would still dabble around there and but if I went to Vegas and I was like yo let's get some you know some tweak or some like whatever it was they'd be like you know they would check me there sure check hard like you can't do that [ __ ] you know and and so they I kind of like they really kind of say in a lot of ways even though you should have seen what we were doing wasn't really necessarily saving but at least they said don't mess with the hard stuff you know and so that was a thousand blessing in disguise because I lost a lot of friends and in Arizona a lot of them died a lot of them went over the edge completely you know and it was it was hard to see and and I had already been so nomadic in my life at that point I was I'd never I was never in one place for a long time wherever I'd never stayed in a house more than a couple years like years was the most I ever stayed and now is the maybe was two I might not even in two years and so I that's been a part of my life and how I've been ever since like I've just always kept going and I've connected with so many great people over the years and like have such special times and moments with all these different people but I I've always just kept moving I just kept it moving and moving and yeah and then from the the party crew and those guys kind of started fading out a little bit too and that's when I started getting down with the graffiti crew more me my homie Travis Fogo we're like a tight crew we formed our own crew my homie Chuck me got heavy into graffiti we were like you just go out bombing I thought that we were like up up in Vegas like that was like our life you know like we were like crazy taggers and we wish to get like chased by cops all the time every time eventually I got busted for my third time for graffiti I had like a lot of like juvenile detention time in front of me community service all this style a lot of things and I've kind of told the story here and there but I mean I guess it's good for ya and it things were getting crazy in Vegas and all after that third time being busted my mom was we were living in a trailer park like pretty far outside of outside of like the main Vegas area okay um and my mom was um just gave birth to my little sister Savannah and it was like she had a roommate there too was just like I was getting I was coming of age at that sure - you know I was probably still only like see all this happened in like one year come on you know what I mean everything right that I just said and a 10,000 times more in that one year which seemed like 20 lifetimes in that one year since it happened but then eventually I just was like I got to get out of here my calling was within me and I was like nope like I'm not staying here I can't do it and I knew these girls were going to Vegas I mean to San Diego and I got a ride to San Diego got dropped off on the beach I knew one dude there this guy Mikey that worked at the skate shop Hamill's and he I'd met him one time in Vegas he was like if you ever come to San Diego hit me up you know you're like I'm here yeah yeah I just showed up and I was like I probably had like you know I don't know how much money but not a lot you know what I mean like and the clothes on your back you've got a backpack that's priced oh well yeah yeah it sounds like you know Linus has his blanket I got my but you were living on the beach for a long long time yeah but it was it was just so different though it wasn't like I was like oh I'm like dying homeless here in like you know starving which there were definitely starving moments okay but I was accepted into this crew there and it was the the AF crew always faded and Matt Walker Tony Kent he was last name and just my homie Elliot and Mikey and I there's it's it's that's a whole nother lifetime too but these guys were like kind of like squatter got kids like molest okay they were from San Diego but they were just like the beach locals and they just kicked it on the beach every day and there was some girls part of the crew and all this stuff and that was my life was where Hamill's is at and those ledges that are there I just kicked it there every day and skated but the the crazy part was I forgot to mention to was that I broke my ankle in Vegas like really really bad mom and I had to get surgery so I have a metal plate and like nine pins in it still to this day yeah they're still there yeah yeah so um so I had to quit skateboarding and that's right that's what that's a completely really kick really yeah and so you moved to San Diego based off not skating yeah like you just wanted to get out of there yeah it was either that I let I was supposed to I I didn't go back to court or whatever was I had to do I was like you know only 15 or whatever so um I just was like I'm out you kind of bailed on it but at the same time you knew that it was the best thing for you yeah like you had to leave that situation is amazing to even have that wherewithal to do that you know yeah and and you know it's weird it's like like my whole life I always felt like I was in the wrong place as a kid know now is I have that memory of that of being young and like I've been kind of an outside of my whole life you know like I I I spent time with a lot of people but I would always venture off on my own and I would go skate on my own I would like before skating I'll go walk around about my own and you know and I would always think a lot and and so I remember like I have a lot of the some of the memories I do have my childhood and my early skating years would just go and skate this parking lot and I would just sit there and I would daydream and I would like watch cars drive by and I would think like what if I had that car I would like get in that car and I would I would drive to California you know he's like I would just I would like daydreams you know it almost sounds like like California was your destination yeah time yeah I definitely and my mom told me that too she said like we know when I was young she'd be like you'd always say that you're moving to Santa Monica I don't know why I never went to Santa Monica I never been there that came from also from the Tom Petty song a lot too you know and the free-falling song and seeing though then it was like Ventura Boulevard and sometimes he said maybe something about Santa Monica or or else it maybe I just assumed that that was Santa Monica when I saw it right um so that's that thing that was part of like something that embedded into my head to that like and then the skate videos officers as well too but at a real young age she told me I would say that and I didn't remember saying it so when you got to San Diego did you feel like you were in the place you wanted to be honestly I don't remember exactly I but I'd have a little bit of memory feeling like oh [ __ ] what did I just do like you had a big moose is real yeah you know what I mean like I'm here like I'm by myself I could have anybody and I'm just like put my headphones on and like I had like two tape cassettes or something I remember at this black moon tape cassette and um and I just rocked that and it's like and I would just have my headphones I had my sketchbook my graffiti sketchbook and I couldn't skate yet I had a cane so I was like on a cane I would just like with my graffiti book and walking around the beach and my homey Mike he was like yo I'm like working you know and he's like there's some homies out there and I don't even know how it all happened but I met those guys and they had a tagging crew called TV as well - okay Jay Strickland was in it I'm pretty sure yeah wait what about your leg though I do have like are you just gonna are you planning on going on a doctor I mean or are you just waiting for it to heal no I got the surgery yeah that's um saying you got but you're still waiting for it to heal yeah he's just healing there's no I know there's no physical therapy and the cast came off cast came off yeah yeah and you're just waiting now yeah yeah and it was just I mean I went to a free clinic and got this thing done so he knows and it's still in there videotape what you do it for them to show other point yeah I could say one thing I used to be good at skating switch I promise your back ankle yeah yeah good so like like I mean I used to do all kinds of switch tricks and after that like that the mobility the flick wasn't quite there so is your ankle kind of froze a little bit a little go up and down yeah kind of side to side just like now I can't really remember the comparison to what it was before sure is what it is at this point right um but um yeah so so it was it was a trippy time you know like I was just kind of like okay like I'm gonna go for this no matter what because whatever I have here is like not working even if I lost there it didn't matter because there wasn't I wasn't losing out on anything here sure I mean um yeah basically then I met those homies and they were skaters and they were graffiti artists and they were partiers okay and the party kind of continued we kept partying and slowly but surely my ankle was getting a little bit better a little bit better but I was still in a pretty crazy dark path and those guys were pretty gnarly as well - its what drugs and were in - this is like the 90s rave scene had was still kind of like happening and so we were like going to the raves and and in an ecstasy scene a bit and and you know and all that kind of not home yeah it's a lot of shady culture you know and then staying wherever on there was one girl that our home girl Stephanie who had a house and she let like all of us crash there kind of whenever but sometimes it would be so crazy there that I didn't want to go there so I would like lurk other places and um you know so that it was it was a crazy time you know it was it was on but it was it was it was the best of times as well too you know it was like the future was wide open anything could happen I mean you're still young you know and and we were having a blast you know and it was so simple you know like the simplest things made such a big difference at that time it was just like getting some food in your system getting a 40 to drink you know meeting a girl on the beach you know whatever whatever it was was so magical and like especially for me like coming from the trailer park in Vegas and being busted and and like just in a desert like that I was like you know this is heaven now you're on the beach yeah yeah did you still have like sponsorship and all that stuff when you're in your mind to it yeah so rewind a bit yeah Paul Smith hooked me up with Jean s I was getting float um and even before that I mean just like I said there's I'm missing like a million points okay there's no time to tell us sure sure but the first hookup I ever got was there was a tour where Thomas Campbell Tobin Yelland and the homies you have here yeah BAM yeah you okay yeah are you good I'm good where you going I gotta go down in Venice that's is my Johnny's she'll arrive okay okay okay man we love you man oh we do [ __ ] for life man yeah yeah yeah this interview I'd be going with you right now well Johnny's squared I said hi and I love them too man stay strong captain you got this yeah that's a whole nother that's another story - this might be yeah yeah yeah that one too like to save that yeah all right so go ahead you were you were saying that uh oh yeah you so so Tobin yeah oh yeah Tobin Thomas Campbell Jesse pious mmm Tim broch okay rest in peace and Chris Pontius oh wow and a whole crew I can't remember who else was with them but they came on some tour and they're on this random tour to Vegas and like we had heard they were coming you know what I mean and like I just showed up with them and I just started breaking it off as hard as I could no seriously ever like at that time I was like that was my opportunity I had never seen a pro skateboard for tog refer before and or never do something for Thrasher Magazine I think was trashy or no Transworld but um it was for transport actually yeah and and I just was like this is my shot you know and like I went buck I just went butter I know slid like a 14 stair handrail which at that time was like nobody nobody was touching handrails back then that photo never came out never kid no and I broke like three guys boards doing it and I landed it and like maybe they were too scared to put it where was it so this was that rail it's people ski a later lip slid it in my pro spotlight for Transworld it was like a Kinkos rail and it was coming off like a second story there was one in the back that was smaller and it had like a drop-off on the other side like like it like the stairs went down and that one went like that so it looked like who shot it but the one out front not I never seen many people skate it but I know slid that back in the day yeah yeah wait is it down in San Diego right no this is in Vegas Vegas sorry that I'm no no I got identically going right their way around you know so this but that was my first like exposure to like besides Paul Smith and my homies right um you know that were pro they're like they just we filmed with Paul's camera and took turns I had never seen a real magazine photographer you know so this is a big deal super big did anything come out of it then we went to Circus Circus banks this one spot and I backside flip the whole thing which is a little banked it's like a natural oh yeah that was like it's like a loading dock but it's like a natural pyramid so I like backside flipped it did some other crazy stuff I can't remember but the backside flip ended up in Transworld and so that must have been my first that was your first photo yeah and my Tobin Thomas Campbell Thomas Campbell yeah I think he shot they were both shooting okay I'm pretty sure Thomas's photo is what got published yeah it was for sure because he sent it to me recently so I've seen it don't do you think they got the other skaters were hyped on you or they think they're they were being super cool to me man like uh and Jess Jesse piya's had just one ated Wallenberg he wants some competition and so consolidated I think it was turned him or put him on the team because he won that contest Mike Schuh was another og pro skater from Vegas he Ollie Wallenberg in that competition but I think because Jesse won aided it they gave him he was thing break uh and so I don't think Paul Smith wasn't hooking me up yet he was always telling me he was gonna I was gonna but he never did and then Tim brauch was like oh you're rad like I want to hook you up and I was like oh my god is so cool yeah and he sent me I got one box and I got a SMA board and some independent Trucks okay and possibly Spitfire wheels but maybe some sort of set of wheels I can't remember and I was just like I'm sponsored you basically got a complete I was sponsored like yeah I was like I was sponsored yeah another flashback man keep going back overseas when Isis still from the skate shop I had weird like dope new skate shirts to school all the time everything and like everybody was like you know what do you get all this stuff from I was like a sponsor sponsor I I guess I want to be sponsored for a long time yeah you know I mean it's everybody's dream yeah I hate but still who didn't appreciate I love free [ __ ] yeah so yeah it's pretty funny so but but then that was like I only got that one package but you know I remember that box came in and I saw that like Santa Monica Airlines box it had like the print on it and everything you know and I just opened that thing up and I was like oh my god like you know he was only one board and one set of trucks in the wheels and but still it's like a Christmas is the best feeling ever he's in just being like it was just like the pure diamond in my hand or something at that point you know so that's a Tim was the first guy that ever sent me a box I do not remember I love you brother definitely Oh No yeah and so that was kind of the first thing and then eventually that didn't go anywhere and then Paul Smith kind of noticed like something was happening he got me on genus ok genus only lasted for like a month after I got on there then it turned to and and he lasted for a very short time as well but I had a mentor maple yeah yeah if I had to add fur and in a magazine which was maybe my second published it was a rocket flip in this like tense - yeah yeah Matt Pilsner came then I don't know if he was I know Mark Johnson was and I don't think Jerry Hsu was on yet but Mark Johnson was so you transferred over from an - maple yeah and turned into me right and that was through Watson and then I was just starting to get hooked up and there was this contest coming up and they were gonna send me out to the contest in California and I don't remember where it was that okay and I was skating like sorry I'm going slowly this is still when you were in Vegas okay sorry no no I thought you were still living on the beach when you got on maples no so so I was in Vegas and I was in and I and I just got on and they were hooking me up and they're like I'd filmed some tricks with Paul and I had this tape and I sent it to him there they were stoked on it there was kids rad or whatever and I was getting super hyped and they were gonna send me to California for the first time and I was so hyped and then I went to this our local skate park it was called rock solid it was like a Youth Center oh we call it crack rock song it was like super hood like they had a skate park in the house I had like a basketball court and like a whole like Youth Center and it was in like North Vegas which is hood and shout-out to J and Pancho my homies my og homies who used to hold it down there and they hear me they were straight from the hood too and that's a whole nother story but those guys those guys have my back plate anyway I'm skating there like the night or two before I was supposed to get flown out for the first time and that's when boom I'm doing this backside Ollie flip on this vert wall and I had some I think they were contra what kind of shoes they were but they were like maybe D Edoras they only had they had this like thick [ __ ] and I think I got him at Ross back in the day or something on they look dope but they had just like thick sole I did this I'll loop kickflip on the vert wall kicked it out my foot landed flat on the vert wall and boom that's when I brought my bro that's what I broke my ankles so there was a gap between all that but I broke my ankle bad as soon as I broke my ankle maple was like peace cause cause when it gets better you know what I mean like come on cuz they work about ascend you board no nothing so yeah that was pretty much it and I was like damn that's when I was kind of like [ __ ] was over and that's when I got into the graffiti more so sorry that I no no no I didn't we're right there with you right there with you that uh in the past conversation for sure and then so went through all that phase of life that I explained kind of earlier got fast forward to San Diego I'm just indygraf et I'm walking around the cane I'm on the beach Donner was my you know gonna be my teammate pretty much Jason Marnie and so I'm starting to see these guys at the beach and they're breaking it off skating and that was that that was the mecca of skateboarding at that time San Diego was like it was pop nothing else existed really Northern California was cracking for it it seemed for that Thrasher and all that California was like that was the spot you know was this in Pacific Beach that you were staying in Mission Beach mission be same pretty much same close to you local make it mad it's not saying Mission Beach zone yeah so we were like just a little south and there with where the roller coaster is yeah that's where those ledges those famous ledges that sell Barbie a skated all of it yeah and and then there's like a little bump too flat like that we would skate like religiously all day long skate those ledges scape that skate flat ground waiting for some pro to show up you know whatever right and so that was really going off there and then I slowly started rolling again you're like feeling it was getting better it was getting better cars and so I started skating I started skating but I could just couldn't skate good yeah and I was like so frustrated were you calling maple back yet or was maybe they gave me some boards or something you know but then eventually I started to get better and then yes I hit them up and they were like oh we're because when was that they were starting to film for a new video I took passage I had already filmed that in Vegas you would film that already so that was my sponsor me tape to get on the team basically was the rites of passage okay so I filmed that already that was right before I broke my ankle and so I filmed that sent it in and got in the video gosh then they were like we're gonna send you out to California oh okay and it all ended and then they were gonna start to film for the second video was gonna come out okay and I was like okay cool like I'm gonna start filming you know and then I started getting better and I was skating flat ground a lot still partying no and it's kind of like iffy where I was staying and all this stuff then it just so happened my friends from Arizona the fsvp crew okay they moved to Hillcrest San Diego and got a studio apartment Oh once I was like all my homies were out here like I could like go and stay with them over there and then that allowed me to kind of have an escape away from the beach again and sort of like that routine I was stuck in there for and I started skating again with my Arizona homies and I started simultaneously got better my ankle was getting stronger I was sending more some of my homies had a video camera there we started filming a lot and I started clocking some footage for my for my part the part it wasn't getting psyched I was like I'm coming back like I'm gonna be able to do it again I was getting really happy sick and um and then by chance random thing like somehow Josh Kahless knew one of the roommates and Jan Rida clapper was kind of staying there I think oh yeah but he's another pro for those that don't know um and somehow they they were started coming around the house I can't remember how or why maybe probably cuz the Glauber was staying there okay um from what I remember once again a little shady sure yeah and then one day I was gone and somehow because Josh Kahless was there Jamie Thomas showed up at the house and they were like watching my tape on the TV and he's he's when they were doing invisible he had just got on Toy Machine huh I'm pretty sure he was just started I think it just started riding 420 machine and starting kind of rebuilding a team a little bit right he saw this tape and was like who is this kid blah blah blah and they're like Austin homie Chad from from from Vegas and Arizona is our you know he's like where's he at he's not here and I came back and they're like Jamie it was hearing sorry tape and I was like oh no I looked up to Jamie at that time I was hyped on him when he came out because he was like he was different when he first came out I just never seen him like flying over roof gaps and like had this like crazy bleached blond hair and like I didn't even know anything about his story or the the similarities that we kind of shared him our journey of coming out and trying to do I didn't even know that but I'm some reason in the visible footage and stuff I was like hyped on him mm-hmm you know and uh and so I heard he saw the tape and it was like talking about it and I was like this is crazy and eventually somehow he was like let's go skate like and we ended up going skating together and that's where my real first opportunity came to like be connected to the industry he was rolling around with Dave Swift and you know Neil Stuart yeah and he had a video camera and he like knew what he was doing and I was like this is legit and and I was like all right it's on like I'm bringing it and bringing it you know yeah like and I just any chance I got as soon as the camera came out I was like you know going for it and and then we just kept skating we just started skating together more and more and more and somehow one day he was like you know do you want to get on Toy Machine Wow and I was just like a hundred percent yes like no questions asked like seriously Thank You Mabel and everything but like there was no it was just like that's that's who I was skating with like no I wasn't really like Donner was my homie like and I always dawn was one of my great friends to this day and and Jason Carney I loved Carney and all them but I wasn't ever like going around and hanging out with them at that time and like skating you know like so I was just with these with them and I was just like that's what I wanted to do is to be a part of something that was like my friends yeah and they were pushing you on this yeah they were yeah it was it was a golden time for myself for skateboarding that's that's when the death of skateboarding had happened or it's not death but like you know that's the low very very lowest of low and as my career started to build and grow and I was becoming more involved with it it really then started to grow again right so I experienced my initial start for skateboarding I loved it it was it was I was getting so hyped on and it was dying out and I watched everything kind of disappear and then as I had the second win in the second operator the first real opportunity I saw everything starting to grow I'm you know so it was it was it it was like a perfect timing for for myself to come up for skateboarding and to connect with somebody like Jamie who was very driven men was working hands-on with the business aspect of skateboarding I just was watching it all yeah I was like and then I met Ed Templeton and and I was like it owns his company and he's a pro skater and I just like was a spark went off you know yeah to foundation and time machine and saw Todd Swank and he was another og Pro Skater who'd started this place and they had a warehouse filled with product and I'm like wait these are skaters doing this right this isn't some like McDonald's Corporation yeah these guys are making this happen and I was my mind was blown because I didn't know that my growing up skateboarding I thought it was like some company from the machine that was know what was doing it you know where these lords are coming from yeah so just to see that was like ultra inspiring yeah I'm gonna mention and I really looked up to Jamie and and I was like I I had a I had a work ethic to like not only because I had nothing but because I'd loved it right I'd love to skateboard I love to get document those tricks on film I'd love to go home and see it I love to think about the idea of adding that to a part I love to shoot the photos and connect with these photographers who had a passion for photography and then to see that image come out in the magazine it was like hey I can't explain explain yes it's pretty common nowadays and but still for any kid who's doing it for the first time it's a similar experience mind blowing yeah but yeah especially for that time because it was like I mean there was no you know internet or YouTube or like something that you could upload a video or like understand how this was happening it was just like I'm just going this place you know like yeah no GPS to guide you guys and so it was just like complete unknown that happened it was like and they say that in life like you can manifest things you can wheel them into existence yeah and I truly believed I willed my life into existence I manifested it I those daydreams I had when I sat on that car and the curb yeah and when I would sit on that curb is a little kid and just dreaming about this envisioning what I could see is a life of cars and skateboarding and palm trees and everything I just vision vision vision dream it dream it and it had happened came real that's great I'm waiting to wake up and be sitting on that that cursor plus it was Jamie Thomas - I mean you guys are so I mean like workhorse and yours just such a workhorse and you're focused on what you want to do yeah it's like two peas in a pod man I'm sure he has really like arm pushed each other and and I think he saw that in down you know what I mean he saw that like I was willing out there willing to make it happen and I and I loved it it wasn't like you're not gonna let this opportunity go away no not at all not at all take advantage and like you know it's like it's strange because like when I look back on it I try to remember if I looked at it as an opportunity or look at it as like this is just pure passion like this is like what my destiny you know more density than then opportunity kind of no I was like it was like oh my gosh like it just was all happening and so it was like it was just and then once it started it was like game on I didn't know what happened after that I still don't know what it was like boom it was a from zero to a hundred and then it was just like you just kept going and kept going kept going and then eventually I think the same things that me and Jamie bonded over were what eventually pushed us apart interesting as you had filmed for the welcome to hell video which I was in by the way we almost were in the same video Omo or so close but so yeah you were I'm sorry I saw an Instagram the other day someone posts I think it was memory streams that this is muskers part from the time machine video is that actually real yeah it came out later on a DVD they like had some limited DVD that like they released it ended up like Edie asked me if he could put it a hidden it's like a hidden ogre egg okay but she had filmed the whole part and then right when it was going to come out who it played at the premiere you know art played at the preneur no the video never showed up a centromere and that's why though it first of all I didn't want my part to come out yet anyway because I was hurt towards and I wasn't it wasn't I wasn't happy with it okay it wasn't my final part I wasn't done with it well you could have last part I wanted to that was my that was my goal yeah and I tail slid the cardiology in San Francisco okay you know stuck and I tweaked my ankle really bad and I was just like one more month just please push it one more month and Jamie was just like it's coming out it's coming out and I accepted it occasionally I was happy I was like okay whatever it's just apart be able to film more and right so fast forward to the the premiere night I'm hyped at that point I'm not bummed that's coming out you know originally I didn't want it to but that night it was celebration time like the video premiere I'm on Toy Machine I'm Pro like you know like I was just like in my glory that's I every dream was all part of the dreamers you're already Pro yeah in that year I think I was yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so you get on time machine and in that year you turn pro and you know they welcome down with you already yes I went pro for maple I guess I did I think I did I can't remember fragments yeah I did I think I went pro for me okay if not um I definitely went pro for 20 machine was really fast like it was like within a couple months I think I had a board you know something like that Wow and then so the night of the premiere I'm just psyched I'm celebrating like crazy I got a bottle of goat's leg or with the gold flakes in it goes in my drink even like I thought was so cool man like you know they're like the highlight of my life that night show and so we're partying we're partying we're waiting we're waiting we're waiting and the nights and I'm not getting more faded as it's going on and then like you know eventually the kids are like what's going on like what's up they start everybody's hitting me like I'm cuz I'm with the fans I'm like yo it's not like I'm what the homies were you know this is at the theater yeah this is at the theater right and we're waiting we're waiting and then Jamie shows up with this kind of crazy look on his face and he's like the Premier's cancelled well I'm like and oh those words I could not comprehend they did not compute in my brain the victim the video is not here and it the premiere is not happening like no like yes it is yeah and I'm wasted you know right so I'm like I just blow up go off you know and I just start going off on Eid and going off on Jamie and my cause I just went I don't remember it to be honest with you I remember partying up to the point and I remember tripping out but I don't remember what I said I don't know what I did all I remember is creme Campbell like grabbing me and kind of like come on Brother come on and like took me took me away I'll kind of have that memory and then I remember waking up the next day and going what happened last night did I watch my part I was like what happened last night you know and then at some point Edie called me and was like you know I hate to do this I'm really sorry but you're gonna kick you off the team Wow and I was like you know like my whole world just collapse right at that point you know and I'd kind of known how sensitive the skateboard industry is I just saw it happen with a few different people okay and so I was thinking like man like this might have been them one mistake that just cost my whole crew into you because we've seen it happen sure it happens to people you do you mess up you you mess with the wrong person in the industry and you're done don't get another opportunity no nope and so I was really worried at that time did he give you a reason did he replay the night and been like hey really like you went off the deep end what I remember he was just like nobody can talk to me like Ryan talked to me like that not in a cocky way just like a disrespect yeah like I can't be disrespected like that and allow humor that type of neighbor - yeah - to happen and he kicked me off and so and then this parts a little is another iffy part on I kind of remember then like a week later or something they were talking about allowing me to stay on the team oh but at that point I had started I'd befriended Tom penny through that time period and we became close homies during that filming that all that stuff interesting and somehow it came up and it was like I had the potential to possibly get on flip and I was like I was like peace out that's not that that was like such a cool idea that like to have like the first American rider be on flip because it was such it was all foreign writers and national yeah and I thought it'd be like it was such a cool piece of the puzzle that would have like kind of brought it full circle in a way mom I was really hyped on the idea I was so hyped on it but the financial aspect of it wasn't great interesting and then I got a call from Tony Beale Tony Biola's from Shorty's okay and he was like I was sending you a plane ticket come to Santa Barbara like tomorrow and I was like it sounds interesting you know Shorty's was the [ __ ] man I was it wasn't shorty Scavo called me back but they were the coolest thing like oh they have you know so great every cool pro in the world rode for them you know what I mean like um so I was like I'm gonna go check this what this dude got salad always take the media I want to see what he has to say yeah yeah I always take them always to like that I like that no words I still live by to this day hundred percent and so next thing I know I'm like on some like rickety little airplane like sound like from San Diego to Santa Barbara you know and I'm flying there and it's all turbulence I'm like I'll create a stupid airplane like trying to get this deal you know lip like yeah and then I get there and and and we just really bonded you know and he started talking about this vision and building this company and all this stuff and and this is what I had just seen Jamie do you know and so I seen Jamie I was like whoa because he had even though you just did that with Toy Machine he was kind of planning the Seas for zero at that time - Oh like a little clothing company yeah at first originally but even I just just from watching it I was like okay this is my shot like I have an opportunity to do my thing like I can help build a team I can help be a part of the creative aspect of it and it doesn't have to be EDS vision or Jamie's vision right or Deacon and Fox's vision you know that this finally get your real yard pick yes yes who know had already come out at this point right yes you know transformed yes gotcha yeah I have some yeah a little bit yeah yeah Magazine like I said it went pretty fast you know like it was like literally pretty much I remember we went on this tour with Toy Machine and Foundation which I ended up in Boston okay yeah stories there for a different a different show and my Dan yeah but yeah so so we did this to her across the the country okay it was like a three-month tour and literally like by the time I got back it went from like being kind of like a nobody to like pretty blown up like in that three month time period which is strange for like an on Internet era era yes you be able to have something for that to happen there's no night sensation that and also there's no way to gauge it to you know it sound like you have like Oh muskets got a million followers it's like this it's all it's like real like you call it clout but it's like you really have to everyone's eyes were on you in vs. show but we everyone everybody cuz what I always did with like I said I was a partier you know what I mean yeah like I came from like connecting with like I was so excited like being on the road was like the like we were staying in the worst hotels and like I was in the back of the van trick in four days ever he's making fun of me like you know like I was like but you know it was like living loving me like I was like that was like what are the equivalent to like sleep in my store five-star hotel and you know uh in sofa every town I went into iid I was but every time I went into I went straight after the demo all the pros were like let's go to the hotel and like chill and this and that I was like peace I'm out homies what's up what's going on here where's the scene what do you guys do let's go skate Street let's go to the party show me what you guys do here so I every place I went to I connected with you know a hundred people in every place type experience with all those people every single place and and and that's that's it wasn't contrived that just what I did but you know to you yeah I'd like to do that to this day not as much but but yeah but still like I I like it I I'm curious I love to I have experience well that's the best part about skateboarding no matter where you are in the world you can go somewhere and get to see it through the eyes of those locals yeah just by connecting with them yeah you know you're not a tourist you don't have to go to the front desk and be like where's a good place to eat you're going to the bet you're going to their place yeah I've conversating that in that to me somehow that yeah we're able to experience every place we go to through the eyes of a local people get that to do that yeah so I got back from that ture and I showed up at the Huntington Park I remember and I and I like look over and I was like whoa like I was like the students got like cargos a backpack and lightning a wife-beater and uh in a beanie cap yeah like that's crazy man it's like I didn't know that people were that you know yeah and then he came up and asked for my autograph and I was like whoa like I was like oh that was me but I realized that he was wearing that because he was hyped on yeah and I was like wow that's like I was baffled by it I didn't realize you know and and and like I said it was pretty much from that point on we're like things happen very very fast right after that ron and it just kept happening and happening well the shorteez meeting i mean that yeah you went from Toy Machine getting kicked off to going flying up to Santa Barbara yeah and meeting with him everything went well how long after that meeting did the did shorty skateboard start like right away right away like one like not even a week I don't think I was signing that contract you showed me the money I said it's on my first pay the first real paycheck I ever got was from Tony was preserved seriously I mean before that I got like you know maybe five hundred bucks the most okay even for being pro fort wachuka yeah and so that I was hyped on that don't get me wrong I like Charlie Watson paid me my first $100 bill for maple okay gave me $100 bill and I was like I was so hyped you know that's a whole nother story search Davis now he's like there's so many stories yeah yeah fine you want to hear that one no I want to know too because I want to know who your first pick was cuz I know wasn't Sammy Baptista and yes Jesse's on already so yes so you know had to vouch you had to like give your blessing pretty much yeah yeah he well he was like he was like you got to check out these two kids and he showed me them and I was like oh they're rad they're Santa Barbara locals they have connected to the the scene they're the community the the history and roots what shorties is mm-hmm and they were so young that they were like having so much time to develop and and they were certainly rad skaters do yeah and I met him and we like they were cool kids to like you know right we instantly bonded and so I was like they were they were kind of on by default but I still like if I didn't like them I would have said no sure you know sure I would have said like no and then the first rider I can't honestly remember but I just know that like through the Toy Machine foundation tours I've been skating with Steve Wilson a lot and he quickly became one of my favorite humans in the world okay like and best friends yes well - and just like I was like Steve like if you had one arrived for us man like I would like I didn't want to steal him right but I just remember saying like I would love to have you on the team doors open oh yeah and I can't remember what happened exactly but somehow he he decided to which was a shock to me because he was a pretty gnarly heavily foundation guy in young in long whale oil sponsored a foundation I'm pretty sure that was his only other sponsor ever before that I mean Steve Olsen is amazing yeah yeah he's still still huh Steve to this day is just like the most unique magical human beings that exist and his skateboarding is a reflection of that person who he is do you talk to him still at all yeah we still talk yeah not all the time you know he's a he's a rapper crazy monk you can get his CDs you can find him on Facebook I don't think he's on Instagram but he's like a conscious rapper you know that conscious yeah rapper and he came through they were doing a tour was pretty tribute to her he was with like a conspiracy theorist a yoga instructor and his rap performance and they would go on tour and do these like things and he was like they did something in Venice where they just you know the guy would he has books and he would talk about his book or sell his book and talk about the conspiracies and and then the other yogurt guy would be given yoga instructions and little classes on there and then then Steve would be freestyling not all at the same time right and then I had up three of them in my house pretty much doing it all at the spa it was pretty interesting I was like what Wow yeah so all at the same time I was also skating with Brandon Turner okay Peter small ik and they had did a company called voice with sloshed Bock and their videos were just next-level like for that time in skateboarding they were like the other plan I mean it was like Plan B and there was this company voice that not a lot of people knew about and was pretty underground but I was aware of it and I was skating with them in person and I was like small like his next level he's one of the illest he's the son some some some other style skating that I had never even like saw you know and then Brandon Turner was just like the golden child do you know what I mean who'd was like all these flip tricks down big sets of stairs and and tech on ledges he did it all and he was such a cool little kid and I was like those are my guys like like those two guys got they had there has to be them it has to be them and I remember I got Brad and turn around first okay because they had a pretty they were pretty loyal with voice as well to like I don't know if it's the relationship with with Slash Bock right as he filmed them all the time or I don't know exactly what it was but he didn't want to do it he didn't want to do it and somehow eventually I got little beyond first okay and then eventually Peter came to and then that that was like the the initial main squad I had met Aaron Schneider just skating randomly in Mission Beach and we just somehow I don't know if he lived by me or what but we started skating together like a lot and that was like right when Shorty's was forming and right before it was forming like we would just skate together all the time in Mission Beach just like I don't even remember how we met her why but we were skating a lot we would skate this one school had like this like steep little Bank to bench it was like this weird spot and we just were skating a lot together and I just kinda start giving him boards and eventually I was like and we put I put Schneider on the team too and then I don't know how I met tone Luke Huntington Parker summer that could have been it could have been Huntington Park yeah cuz he was like a local around yeah it must have been I don't remember how I met him but um but somehow I crossed paths loom and I was like this dude's super sick too you know and am I miss anybody from them that's an original squad yeah that was that was original I mean what a great team though yeah you put together a [ __ ] yeah and it made 18 amazing first video - yeah and so then that was like I mean just the coolest times for myself because it was like the owner of the company Tony was just so cool and like we were all just like a family and we were just having fun and I think that that came across within the videos and that everything we were doing was pure fun there was like person nothing was thought out nothing was like it was just all freestyle like you know like something would happen that day we like that was so funny like make that a t-shirt or make that a graphic or that's gonna be the ad network you know and Tony's a marketing genius too like he's just like he was so talented at at what he did okay it was a visionary and then ape his ex-girlfriend was very talented on computers and she was the type of person that could kind of just learn anything okay so he was like would conceptualize all this stuff and then she would like put it together and turn it into something stuff she edited fulfill the dream and she'd never edited a video before never touched a video editing program really like a week before that and she did that whole edited that whole video way with our guidance of what we weren't see but she's we'd none of us knew how to run the program yeah I heard Snyder was saying he's like dude there are tricks in that video that I wanted in there that didn't make it like like he's like that he wasn't a part of the editing process or something like that maybe Snyder got left like Snyder got a lot of flack from like the whole team like they they're kind of hard on him for some reason really yeah like maybe because he wasn't like that like it was artists partyer yeah yeah yeah you know he was kind of lone he was such like technical skater and like you know lean because he was always my homie I always guy got nothing but no yeah we love skating with him Aaron to the homie such a great guy and looking back at his stuff even I almost like notice how crazy it is more now sir said I did at that time even because I think I was really like into like hand rails and Hubbell edges and big bigger things right so I was like oh this is guys a tech guy like I loved it and I and I and that's what with the whole team I didn't want like a repetition of the same thing I wanted each person to bring something new to the table and offer their own little perspective but still had to be tight you know yeah but the other guys were pretty hard on him I remember some and they were hard on George and a guy the team and already it was so hard on George man like kids too right yeah yeah and George is just a nicest best guy and just such a rad homey you know and like he would just be so mellow and calm and cool collective and just trying to like pull it together and make the to work and you know we'd be in the back of the car getting always gonna be like Sammy Baptiste would be like tapping the seat belt metal thing again class I'd be like and smog would be like throwing shoes from the back and like you know like we just we were just wild it's just like going crazy you know and but he was always held it together there was only a few times I think where he actually got mad from where I remember but but but they were great great times sure let me tell you something man that fulfill the dream I always joke about it on the show I always tell people that you guys riding horses yeah it was like that made me want to be a part of Shorty's like I was like that that's the family vibe you know something about it yeah and that was and a lot of that was Tony Manuel it was we had a bond yeah but like he exposes to things that we may have never been exposed to you know he brought us horseback riding I've never been on a horse you know - purrs purrs that a story yeah I remember I was scared as hell in that horse I was like I was like oh [ __ ] like I liked his horse like you know and then my horse like there was like on this trail it was like a little cliff and there like the water gone and here's this branch and it had like some berries on it it was like oh it was like sticking way out and the horse was like but this lives he's like the dirt the dirts like falling over the side of the canyon you know and he's like this is hosted I'm like reverse reverse you know figure out a reverse it you know and like but but that's what like it was so real like you know like we were like having so much fun and there was like another time you took us out to like the Pismo Beach sand dunes and we're all not four-wheelers we're riding these four-wheelers in the sand dunes and like you know it was just like cool experiences that like bonded us because I'm saying that we translated so well yeah you know we were just watching the fulfill the dream it was like oh my god like I I want to be a part of this like I have to be a part of this it changed a lot of kids seriously sure what changed my life I don't think I said in Sammy's it was like one of those videos that you kept seeing in the magazines like out soon out soon and even the mall the shop every day do you guys have the shorteez video but do be dog [ __ ] choice video oh yeah eventually just came out it changed it brought skateboarding in this new place it was really rad yeah that's cool yeah yeah it really did it for me I mean whenever I hear anything like like that it's like it's just such a humbling feeling and a great feeling because of like the dedication and I did put into all these things to know that it meant something to somebody yeah it's makes it all worthwhile it was worthwhile regardless but to know that it affected people into this day that people are hitting me up and and inspired them to skate or or get into hip-hop music or you know all these different things that that it possibly did it's just such a great very yeah yeah I immediately bought a pair of shoes when I saw that video the gray ones yes the musk oh yeah yeah there was the gray with a little hit up blue yeah bought those right away no wait the first shoe that was like over a hundred bucks I want to say the statue from from what I know yeah yeah yeah change the game and he was the kid that at the skate park well I want to know something because I've always noticed like fulfill the dream feedback different videos that you've been in like when you go to fifty-fifty a rail I noticed you sometimes put your back truck on first and then set your front truck down yes that's something that you that you do on purpose or was that just kind of how you did it it was just instinctual I guess I don't know but it's definitely the way that I did I do it yeah I've always wondered why because you just see somebody 5050 they're getting on both trucks right away you know at the same time and you like even when you did the big hubba you know that in the apartment building or something like you got into five-oh and then set it down into 50 I honestly I have no you don't know okay all my skating I've never like thought about what I was doing really too much I would just skate and I would just try stuff especially the big things like I would just sometimes would be almost like I'd be blind while I was doing it yeah it was just like it's better skate done just go for it you know yet kind of black out yeah a little bit yeah I'm rolling away you know how crazy is that or I'm laying on the ground engine - but yeah but that's definitely my technique the like kind of 500 and land yeah another one is I think I like lock it on back and front we on opposite sides opposite kind of like locks in like that okay like but that wasn't it's unintentional to is only you did it watching back video that I would kind of notice you notice that I would do that a lot of people do that now I feel like I see you like you I guess they called a pinch I guess you would almost say you know anyway like Jamie fine those guys but you're kind of the first I feel like they kind of start doing that I always loved it I always love is that just cuz it just looks so graceful right you get on and you just place your front truck down it was just so maybe there was like a an element of fear to it like I had to like testing law I'm testing the waters out and then okay okay I can set it down yeah like you could almost lock your back truck in and then sit front down in a bit I don't know yeah I love that bro thank you that was it you grinded the rail down here I walked by it the other day at the insane a lot of guns rayons right yeah yeah how did you come across trying that one oh man I used to skate Venice a lot you know what I mean and I think one day we were just like driving to go to Venice and it was like a lot of traffic or something and we ended up just I just turned down that Street and I just was like that's the gods rail you know and you just jumped out and did it I can't remember if it was the same day or that I first found it or if it was later but uh but III yeah that's still one of my favorite it was definitely a homage to God oh yeah you had that in the video dreamer music amazing guns I mean he's my all-time favorite everybody's you know sanada-san guns for Street skateboarding and the origins of it yeah we you know I always think that's important to to remember things too you know and and look at mark man still going to the daisies you feel the best at everything he does it's like such a savant like I guess or is that a word for the savant kinda yeah he's just the master at anything he did that he wants to do yeah I love Mark III idolize him in a lot of ways I think everybody does yeah going back oh good I was gonna ask like so you did you make the song in that part too yeah yeah for the facility yeah yeah yeah that was the first beat that I ever produced oh yeah so like I've been toying around and me my friends were always like into DJing and and and graffiti and breakdancing and all the elements of hip hop culture pretty much growing up but I never had a drum machine or any type of equipment and so from some of the money I got from skateboarding I was eventually able to get some of the equipment so and made a beat and that just happened to be the first beat I made that was the first one you made it's long and monotonous that was like yeah I had some like I think that one I made a beat before that on sb 1209 and then I got a new machine the MPC mm okay and that was like when I first started to learn how to use that a funny thing about it was I was using it in a way that wasn't he was right like because I didn't know I hadn't I had no musical background I don't I still don't know how to read or write music okay I understand MIDI sequencing and I could visually see the notes and know how to program and when what notes go with each other but I don't know them by reading the notes but anyway I had no clue and I was doing I got this machine and I was sampling records into it and I was trying to figure out how to use it and so instead of like programming the the beat like you're you're mainly supposed to do in that machine I sampled the loop for the the drum loop that point okay so that it's a the the drum beat is a sample loop from a jazz album I had and so that's a loop going and then it was a little off it was like a long loop so like at one part it kind of like it loops but it kind of like it's like if you probably would never notice but if you listen closely there's one part where it kind of it's like a little bit off so later when I added the hi-hat over it I did the the the hi-hat sequenced in in in time and so the hi-hat is actually off so it's like tink tink tink tink tink tink tin in the the beat its off with it but somehow it kind of worked the whole thing it's like an offbeat hi-hat that that goes along with the off senate from the the drumbeat it's my god and then the sample was from this korg and five keyboard i had so i just like to to notes just basically a song is a huge part of a person's part serious saying you just made the song first try was going for it man like yeah i guess i don't know like i was like i just i don't even remember what the heck I was thinking man I just was hiked I'm making beats I was like I'm gonna same thing as like when I was like I'm a tiger you know yeah yeah I'm a music producer from that day forward I was one you know I've learned a lot since since then but uh but I I'm a firm believer in learning by doing you know like there's only so much you can study or listen or be taught I really enjoy probably doing you're not doing doing some right yeah yeah and then the next one will get better and the next one and I mean it's skateboarding in a nutshell 100% everyone everything in my life is a mirror of skateboarding a reflection of what skateboarding taught me has applied to every single aspect of my life no matter what it is I do it all comes back to the confidence that skateboarding yes yes I can learn this trick I can do anything yeah in this world let's talk about I mean we're in the shorteez era right here so right right about now the Transworld video feedback yep great great heart bro a lot of that part had to do with like the relationship with me and Ty Evans yeah we admit and we ought we also bonded over because I was always a hip-hop fan but on on top of hip hop I was always really deeply into electronic music as well - I love electronic music and I what she is into yes yes I love synthesizers and drum machines and they've always fascinated me and coming from the rave culture back in the day that was music I grew up listening to as well and so I had found out around that time - about some about drum and bass music a little bit before that I had found out about it but techno kinda was became this cliche thing more man it was like you know Genco jeans and all that and I'd never been that dude I never was like a raver dude but I went to raves I loved electronic music but I never considered I was never like that full-on raver type kid but later I found out about drum and bass music and drum and bass was fusing a lot of elements of hip-hop into the sound right and then that electronic synthesizer sounds and wobbling bass and all the stuff that I was like oh my god this is like the coolest music I've ever heard in my life from a producer standpoint especially because of all the freedom you had with it and and it was a puzzle that was really hard for me to figure out how to do this music hip hop is pretty basic one to take a sample yeah you know and it was it was but rum and bass had all these like you know sampling and speeding up the the the the the drumbeat the sample with without changing the pitch to it sometimes and so there was always like chopping the loop and speeding it up and I know all this stuff now sure at the time I had no clue how to do it and I was like how is the the bassline going like how you how you wobbling the bass I was just like took me so long to figure out how to do all this kind of stuff and just hours playing with synthesizers and filters and committee sequencing and MIDI sequencing was the main thing that got into and so that's basically where you play a keyboard and that keyboard can trigger any instrument or sound that you want to and then when you're when you are recording it you get a visualization of each note when you play it and how you play okay then if you press this key its it coincides with this key on the computer and well first was with MIDI sequencing sequencing through the MPC 2000 later into the computer okay did the same thing but the computer is where it really got tricky next level from right I was able to like then you could take you see the visual of yeah then you could take person yeah and then you could you're putting a visual to what you were hearing and then you were able to just do what you want to do it that but yeah not to get too much into oh yeah but so you and I in the van talking about this yeah yeah and it's Hiba to agenda into electronic music and so me tying atiba started just skating a lot together you know we uh he was shooting a lot of photos of me at that time ty was filming we were originally gonna hire ty to be the shorties filmer and he was just about to take the position but then he had the opportunity to work with girl and you know Spike Jonze and that was a big mess and he was like hey I got this opportunity and I was I think I might have been mad for a second but eventually we you know we squashed sure sure and and our super tight homies to this day I love ty he's another person where like I respect people that have a strong work ethic and they are very passionate about what they do so if if I'm passionate about my skateboarding and I'm like putting it on the line and throw myself off a second-story building or whatever it is I'm doing like I want to know that the person filming it is just as equally as hyped on documenting it and are pushing themselves as much as I'm pushing myself on my skateboard and ty was always that guy to me that's time yeah and and and and I was always interested in technology and how it was advancing and how this can apply to the filming techniques we were doing and stuff and so we were really bonded over technology oh yeah and that applied to the music software and then it was the editing software and then the the the camera equipment and the synthesizers so like it was a really cool relationship that we had and on feedback which was a result of that well he was always pushing the envelope he was always like that video is cool but I'm gonna make a better video and without the better equipment and better everything it still is helicopters and [ __ ] and SpaceX but also - I love the part where in anthology where ty was talking about you know your part and how you guys went to Arizona and there was this one day where you guys you just went and got like 40 tricks in a day you just started in the morning and ended in the morning and you just sort of become 40 trays 40 tricks trust me it's but you know I mean though it's like this I love these like behind the scenes stories of like dude we went here then we got that we got ya when II went here and he wasn't done he saw this rail out there which became the cover of forecast and Oh a feedback I'm sorry you know it's just like incredible that video actually came out yeah we had no idea that's what happened at one day like a year later something that happened yeah yeah that's incredible dude that just goes to show like your passion and your work for and then ty was right along with you liked I probably would have gone 48 hours without sleeping yeah if you want to do you know what I mean yeah with anyone stand up a couple extra hours that was like when you skated that day you kind of just went to every spot randomly didn't know what you were skating look we'll go - I knew of spots in Arizona yeah like some of them though like a couple of spots like I just only seen like when I was a kid almost and I'd like remembered him but I didn't even know if they were like fully skateable they're not so like Arizona's are pretty like long spread out area - so like we were like it was the fact that we got all those areas in one day is pretty like pretty heavy as it is so but like no it was like I think that pool we randomly found it where we started and then like the roof gap and I mean like a whole bunch of stuff that day but it was all just one of those like days where it just like everything came together yeah definitely a magical day for sure right I wish every day was like but if every day was like that it wouldn't be as magic oh no that's true that's true so that's kind of like how you do you just kind of I mean I'm sure some tricks you have plans for you know like all I want to go to this hub on or everything but I mean just on a regular basis you're kind of just going out and skating I don't think I ever had any tricks plan never had a trick player I don't think you don't ask a trick list in your phone never never and that's what me and Jamie kind of like started to butt heads a bit slowly Oh cause like we would be like going to a spot and he like like what do you want to try and I'm like I don't know what I want to try I just want to skate well you know out there and see and he was really who's very systematic and and just or even photographers and that like I'd be like we'd get to a handrail and I'd be like okay just get the camera like you know like what are you gonna try like just shoot it like on you know like okay because cuz our on the moment I would always start with my basic tricks that I could do and then hopefully that would lead to something something more you know right not that I had a whole lot of other non-base but yeah you're just in the moment yeah we were just skating in the moment whatever you do cuz that's that's just what I did my whole life so like I was like let's I've always wanted to document it because I loved seeing the footage document but um but yeah I never like it's like tried tricks really like I never was like I was never like and I think that's why a lot of my other skating ability didn't always get caught on camera because a lot of times I like if there what if we were filming I was like okay let me just get these tricks like I just want to film some tricks okay and then just skate or something you know like get the pressure away so like sometimes I was just like you know do my tricks I knew I could do just so I could get that photo or getting that stuff bit like when we would just skate more it would be like there's a lot more like spike I don't know it's like I don't know where I'm going that but yeah I do more tricks yeah I know so what I do the wage you get the pop shuvit nosegrind yeah my god I've never seen you do that one before I was like that was that's probably the best pop seven nosegrind I've ever seen yeah like that inspired me to do pop shuvit nose growing yeah yeah yeah did one at a demo one time I don't think I don't think I've done one like that was kind of not your bag of tricks at that yeah I'd say but it was awesome and this was at the point to where it was kind of like that you were on sir you were on s and then you kind of then you went from s to circa yeah but as you had some you had like the musca shoe with the with the zipper with the stache yeah at the stash pocket right here I want to ask something too because the I saw drawings at Sol Tech of the original shoe that you or wanted the shelter it was like a shitty based it looked like you wanted a shell toe con at first right yeah yeah so I mean being a graffiti kid we were shell toe Anita's with matte laces that was kind of like my thing at that time I love fat laces and shell toes but they'd be crossed laces or straight up straight across that would switch it up you know that's kind of the fun of the thing of fat laces you could get different colors this is not sure but but yeah so that was my original concept and I worked with a designer Franck French Franck gotta forgot his last name Frank boy still probably still I think yeah Frank boy style oh gee homey thank you for helping me conceptualize the first shoe or bring to life manifest the first shoe yeah for me and so I've been in you know and and I was very much a part of that process you know I had from what I remember I had drawn something on a napkin like like a sketchy version and then brought it in and then Frank manifested from that sketchy drawing into something that was too relatable to send to the factory but yeah so the original one was the shell toe you could still see some of the elements the stitching on it kind of represent on the toe okay kind of represent the the idea of it being there still remember if it was a legal issue or not if they didn't want us to do it or if the molding issues or couldn't patent it at that point yeah there was something something with it but there was a say I had a pair of them that had it on it oh wow and I wore them to Australia I remember and skating them I loved them they were so sick Wow some guy in Australia said I came to him I think maybe in Yan Australia I think in Tasmania but I don't know if they're still in existence if anybody has some ring on I gotta see that I feel like like you and costing a lot like Sal maybe we're like you know you guys kind of had inspiration from basketball shoes or shoes though you already had skated in that weren't skate shoes initially oh yeah I think I think all the skateboarding at that time took from technical basketball or runners or you know different Footwear because nothing else existed we had and and in in Footwear in general it's like that there's always a starting point to everything it's like in music everything any type of rock and roll is always gonna be referenced to Led Zeppelin and the WHO and Pink Floyd and you know it's like Footwear is kind of like that too you know it's like there's there's there's things that you were inspired by but in skateboarding I think we what we always definitely did it in our own way you know and that's definitely it's so going from the shell toe to that one how happy were you with that one I was hyped on it there was one other thing that that little shark fin on the side yeah yeah that originally carried around it went up up and above and a line around the whole back so it wasn't just like that one little piece on its own it was like all those elements kind of flowed around okay and then we had an issue with the heel wasn't staying on they had to stitch it or something and so we ended up like last that was like a last minute call so that was like one thing I was a little bit bummed on the original what design I'd like to went around with it okay um which is funny a lot of people I've heard them say like a little shark little sorry yeah yeah you know and and then the the olie guard from what I remember is well to that I drew that out and put the s logo to be like a little Ollie patch Oh Jackson so you how many shoot yet like what three three or four shoes on cerana s1y had a couple one just one just one was it the circa that you had like Tiger Ford more on that yeah I had a lot on sir you had a long yeah yeah what happened with SN and going into circa so I'll forget here opportunity knocks pretty much you know like when s first started Dom Brown hit me and Tom penny up and we're like hey we want to start this new subdivision and we want you guys to be a part of it costumes gonna be part of it Rick Howard J Thomas no he wasn't part of it he said initially I heard that he was going to be and then he didn't have it was like for one day I never heard that yeah I don't know at least I don't remember it Paul sharp and Bob Burnquist mm-hmm those were like that the initial from what I remember okay missing somebody but that that's what I remember that being the first squad but they kind of remember they approached it to be like it was kind of like me and Tom's thing like I mean Tom were super tight at that job and that was like the initial kind of allure like the science so rad like we could do stuff and then it was kind of like that shoe came out it was really successful um but I still wasn't making like really like a lot of money there which seemed a little weird made money like for them for I made more money off that than I did anything at that time okay but then circa approached me well before circa it was uh they did it was a snowboard company they did yeah formed young boards and Foursquare outerwear and special blend and genius I think it was and they had a cool like aesthetic like from what they were doing yeah you know it's kind of like shorties of snowboarding kind of yeah and like had some like elements of like drawers and dub kind of mixed in and so they were doing some cool cutting so stuff I I like the quality of the products that they were making and and they pretty much offered me a lot of money and he was like you know here's a here's a gnarly deal for you we want you to be the star of this thing we want you to put it together and so then all of a sudden from from doing the shorteez thing and building that and being a part of it everything all of a sudden I was offered the same idea within Footwear right and I was like oh my gosh which was even more exciting for me because I had been about fashion and style and things like I was ghetto and I didn't have a lot of money but I always liked to have my own personal style and and yeah sure I was interested in that stuff from a little kid I would go to thrift stores and and get random stuff and chop it up and you know and okay and try to make things my own sure not having money forced me to be creative in different ways in order to have something that I thought was cool and try to fit in right in my own way and I think that that negative turned into a positive for me in life because I was able to apply it to designs and I had these visions in my head um so and then circa was like refre do whatever you want work with these designers worked with persuade ill designer and graffiti artists and artists in general graphic designer nico my my OG homie Nico who was like one of the first people I'd met in San Diego as well to a comedy ball yep yep but he was a designer photographer - yeah photographer I never say his last name right so I act tepees Nico Nico he's a great guy it was an in dust and Dierdorf another designer so I consider myself a designer I'm a conceptualist I'm a creator on but without the teams that I've worked with to come up with these products like they wouldn't have been half as good as they are so I always like was lucky enough to cross paths with like people like Franck and Nico and persuade and Dustin and later in life Josh grew Baker who did the sky top with you and so talented people yeah I've crossed paths with people that were able to see the vision I saw my head I'm not the best illustrator I'm not the best drawer but I would be able to get something close enough but they would see it what I saw you know take part yes and take take that and turn it into something that that was real yeah so I thank all those guys like so much for for for helping me over these years to come up with these concepts and well to manifest the constant forget it companies I don't think any muska shoe has been a bad shoe you know it's like everything you've done has been great bro had a pretty good run yeah and and and I just I'm so grateful even with these new ones behind you that are gonna come out soon right I'm trying to get some free publicity I mean those are sick two bros supras man what are those called this is the musket mm must be mm yeah that's a great that's a great looking she's a hybrid between the and it's not a skate shoe which is gonna bum most skaters out okay you know like you know sure some people say yeah there's all you can skate it's thick as hell but this is like it's a hybrid between the s and a circus shoe the first one and with so stripe thing here okay on the on the lace loops rubber lace loops this the zipper there so and this mesh this uh this like rubber mesh kind of Jordan inspired at the time was on this as well what the tongues - got a zipper you always sample so there's some minor changes that will it's like it's legal nowadays though we don't have some time you don't really need this - anymore yeah yeah money became that was a big thing back then oh yeah that was a big major selling point at ripped parents out oh yeah but like you know I was a kid in my mom was like what is that you know like it's for your keys CCS like a nurse where am I gonna put my change when I skate no but I'm not a shoe guy and that's a great looking shoe I'm not gonna tell you man I would wear that in a heartbeat thank you and this is kind of like my backlash at like high fashion right now so I feel like skateboarding is obviously taken from fashion over the years and music culture and and it's it's been a full circle kind of give take from from all elements yeah but we've definitely seen in recent times like a lot of high fashion and different Street where companies taking from skateboarding culture you know and and they're really capitalizing off of it and for me and it's also an idea I had years ago that would just the timing was off to bring this style back before it was even kind of happening I kind of seen that it was gonna happen but for a few different politics and reasons I wasn't able to create it at that time um but right now I think it's I think it actually ends up being the perfect time anyway and so yeah so this is like you know it's it's it's not a skate shoe but it is it's yes it has the skate history and the lines and it's offering something that's like hopefully can sit up in there with some of these high-fashion things in these chunkier shoe categories then it's like if they're gonna take something from us I want to have I want to reverse that process and put something in that in that world as well yeah - so and and my interests have always been way outside of skateboarding as well - skateboarding is the backbone everything I do but it's not my limitation it's not the end of my interest in life and I've always been interested in fashion in design and I love manifesting these visions in my head and at the end of day that's all all these projects are to me is think of an idea and seeing it become a physical reality you can hold it in your hand yeah it's incredible you can you can hold it you can watch it you can look at it on a wall you can listen to it whatever that the the medium is doesn't matter it's just getting it out in creating you're not just going like hey I thought about this you know yes no I thought about it and I did it yeah so that's that's what all these things are for me let me tell you something man are we a Caballero on the show Steve Caballero and when you're talking up a half cab I never owned a pair yeah after the show and when I bought a pair no I was so hyped on them you know I think I might go buy a pair of those I'm saying I'm gonna put some money in your pocket Musk oh thank you know the colors those are great personally liked those ones more really oh those are good the white in the blue in the red you know hey you gotta wear them you gotta wear them to know these ones are these ones are hard right here so okay I'll buy this one November that one comes out so we still got a little bit okay the gray one yeah November and that'll be really really limited small run gonna we might have you know so on and that's like kind of a version of the first circle you have the colorway so it's kind of a note it's switched up a little bit but so that's why that one kind of comes out first okay so a little bit more missed out with that one like that we've made colors like this in the past as well - sure this one was a little bit more of today more than that comes out later than November December yes yes oh and is that more of a broader yeah yeah this one will get more of a okay so the great ones limited in that one's broken yeah yeah I need both yeah thank you little shameless self-promotion right I love it that's part of my life yeah Footwear is is a major part of my life in it and it has been for many years now so yeah that was about 22 or 23 years ago that I did my first shoe prints I've had some shoe in the marketplace consecutively for that long and so yeah and and on circa I don't know how many are on there but the chop on kicks homies no no he just selling the wind the homie he just posted he he finalized the whole collection and I think it was like might have been like said six seven shoes something seven like maybe seven on that Wow yeah so that was pretty cool and and it's so cool that to see that like people collect these things and and they means that they mean something to them and it's like cuz at the end of the day they are just shoes like it's just new shoes just clothing it just skateboards it's all stuff but obviously it's much more than that to all of us it's it's a time in our life it's something exactly it's our life it's a little time capsule you know like you see these things and they they make you remind you of these times and you remember and and you then maybe even parents now can share these moments with their children like this is what we're kid and here's a board that I used to ride and maybe they go out and get boards together and skate together and that's like it's a it's not like a special feeling to us like at one point you know what I mean so you always reflect back to that moment but also to like a lot of people now are like you know trying to go and search out their first board yeah you know and buying it on eBay and putting it together and having that recreation of their first it's a nostalgic yeah you know who you are made you who you are today yep I owe my life to out to all of it or you know and and my livelihood it's yes it's a major part of it and but I I definitely like don't create those things I don't create these things just for money I create them because I have a passion for creating yeah and and I didn't even know it until I started until I started I mean like I said I'd always been doing these things since I was a kid and then once that first shoe happened it was like boom I had some input on it and helped make it happen that was successful and then the Circa then on to supra yep which was like a whole nother chapter of like time of footwear for me which was like insane because that really like went from skateboarding to like the world the manger reached way outside of skateboarding and that was something I was always very proud of that that uh because I've always had that vision to like I like like I said like I don't want it just I love skateboarding to death but like I think that's the problem with a lot of skaters is that they have this idea that like if you do something outside of skateboarding it's lame right and I think it's such a bad mentality to have because skateboarding is not going to equate to money for everybody not even every Pro sure and and it's not gonna last forever for everybody so like all skaters should have an open mind entering into skateboarding they should and even if they're not gonna make it as a pro there's also many other things you can do even within skateboarding you know like you can be a photographer you can be a graphic designer you can be a sales rep you could be a computer engineer or web developer be a lawyer around you could be a lawyer I mean there's endless amounts of things that you can do to still continue your love for skateboarding but you have to think more than just skateboarding you have to know that the world is much bigger yeah like like I was saying earlier in the interview I'm not having an academic background has been a very big challenge for myself and if I didn't take it upon myself to go and learn all these other things and and dedicate myself and spend time I may have been already washed away guy now done and who knows what would have happened right and so it's it's scary because skateboarding is there's no guarantees with it and at any moment it can end and so that's why I like even though I'm still heavily involved with it and this is all products within skateboarding I still feel that like at this point it's these shoes aren't in the market only because of my skateboarding career right these shoes are in the market because I'm part of designing them and I'm just as much of a designer as I am a skateboard mm-hmm and so I think that that's like something smart for all skaters to think about like what is next and it doesn't even have to be what's next what's happening as well now with what I'm doing with skateboarding right what else can I study what else can I be interested in what else can I do if my ankles hurt too and sit around and only play video games you know like would you use your mind put it to something it I was always doing it but it took me it wasn't till later in life that I realized it you know yeah I was like okay like and that came from becoming sober I was able actually actually actually able to stop and analyze and think about life and think about things and live in clarity and go okay like here's this is what I'm doing this is what I did Wow how can what can I do with this now there's a bigger picture yeah how long you been sober uh I haven't drank for seven years seven years yeah Congrats bro and then I would smoke weed a little bit here and there when I first started becoming sober and then but I I don't completely sober sober now it's amazing four years now yeah great many many years Congrats yeah I love it and I don't like preach it or anything like that like it's not like I'm not one of those types of dudes that like oh like everybody has to be sober because certain people can have a drink and be fine I'm not one of those people you know what was going on this night it was a sci-fi fantasy with Paris Hilton and who else is that my home girl Nicole Lynn okay and you know I don't know you know how that damn picture got out we don't make sure that like won't go away I don't know you gotta embrace it you're friends with Paris right yeah she's my homegirl man I said I was just at their house two days ago yeah yeah at the time no no we're just we're just friends so you would hang out with her a bunch back then you guys her party a lot yeah so I kind of like put it on the post like a second and go like or a second ago a couple days ago cuz I don't see her that much anymore because I'm pretty low-key nowadays but she had got a new house invited me to come over to a barbecue like it was I guess it was Saturday mmm yeah and two days ago yeah so but yeah I randomly moved in this house of kingsroad and like I just looked outside of my house and across the street with these two cute girls and I was like well who are these girls it was Paris and Nicky I didn't know who they were I never heard of them at that time I guess they were famous socialites at that time but I'd never knew of them and we just became friends and and just started kicking it and ended up kicking it really really hard for like a long time and on some like crazy crazy life experiences for me being this like kid that came from a trailer park tonight you know all of a sudden jumping on private jets and like yachts and going around the world with all these celebrities and like up in these crazy clubs and the club scene was different back then you know what I mean it was like I mean literally like you know crazy celebrity chilling you know Mick Jagger and who prints and yeah Mike Tyson and I don't even know who else was there but like they were all there and it was like you know a bit blurry but but yeah I love those girls that but that image got it I wished that win which would go it's good you could look at it now you're like I'm glad that's done with yeah yeah I guess it's a reminder of where I could be right that's right that was at a club in New York City I do remember the place yeah oh yeah that's amazing tossed back right there me me that just will not die is it a me me me me me like made me better it's a me me see me me on that mug yeah right so let's talk about shorties though but we're going to shore tease was poppin it was going [ __ ] nuts right yeah what happened why did you end up leaving I think it was like it's weird cuz like I don't want to like point the finger at anybody really it is hard for me to do that because it was such a beautiful time that the end almost like doesn't even matter to me anymore were you never out though or was it you know what it is is that we were all so tight that eventually everybody just kind of like grew up a little bit you know and started living your eyes yeah we all started going our own way right now and that unique sense of family kind of was lost even though we're all still tight we're up happy almost tighter now than we were at the end of things kind of a bit yeah but it didn't feel like family anymore right yeah or it didn't feel close you didn't feel that connection of riding horses and so I mean I don't want to point the finger again yeah yeah but I think like the owner Tony really tried to start to take it in his own direction okay and and do things without talking to us we're in the past it was like everybody was talk talking about it everybody had a same kind of like mood it was staying in Vegas a lot and and he was like just designing things and and then guilty came out and he had this whole concept for this like you know movie and this cops and all this stuff and and we were kind of like okay like you know we just wanted to skate more I think and no and we did it it was funny it was like it is you know but but I remember feeling like kind of like I don't know man something's not right about this like this isn't really like what I what I envision feeling in your gut yeah like it was it's not as cool to do a movie but then we weren't really part of the script or like it was just sort of like here show up and say this and do this and then when I watched it I remember feeling kind of like I don't know man this is like I don't know how people are gonna like perceive this really like you went from like fulfill the dream where was all spontaneous stuff yeah this like scripted thing yeah and you're like this isn't really my it's not even your vibe yeah you don't even go out and skate structure yeah I go out and skate just how you're feeling yeah it's like it was weird because part of the alert was cool because I was like all we're getting this like real movie director and like like it's gonna be like like you know in our eyes you know we were like maybe it could be in a movie theater right or like you know like we were really excited about it but then I think like the closer it came to as it happened and we were filming and as the editing was coming and kind of came more secretive with the editing to and and like and then that whole thing happened and it was kind of like m'as hyped on it it was fun and stuff but it was like it just wasn't the same you know and then I started partying a lot that was again that's kind of where partying took over I started to get money I was introduced to the Hollywood scene right I was over there in the mud Paris Hilton and yeah he wants that back up on the shelf it's a white mug now no but you know that that's when like I think that the the persona that I put out there and this like image that like everybody started to think I was started to take over more of who actually was in trans-like and all of a sudden that was just like I had to be this the musca you know I mean or whatever skate around in box yeah like the Escalade in the yeah the jewelry and the this and this and that and I think like I don't know if I consciously was starting to question all of it but like for whatever reason I well before that I was definitely living it up I was gonna say like kind of playing into it as well yeah and I was like in that I had that opportunity to like like you know this kid from nowhere who had fantasized about all these these dreams of like being in Hollywood and watching a Tom Petty video you know like putting on the sudden it was real like and I'm like in the club and you know and it's like Lindsay Lohan and the Olsen twins yeah on my arm around all of them and I'm like yeah these are my girls and you know and I was like I'm the king yeah like and there's no skaters in there at that time I like the skater like new skaters could get in there and and I wasn't trying to get any for them in there yeah but it was it was glory you were riding the wave yeah yeah you know he's always having a blast yeah like any wave there's a crash okay and when you're partying hard it's gonna catch up to you yeah and and it started to and and and I made some good money on skateboarding but I also didn't pay taxes a lot all of a sudden the taxman hit me boom I don't like a lot a lot of money a lot of money yeah and I thought I was like set for life at this point and I pretty much you know I had to write everything gone you know like a lot of money your taxes kids yes pay your taxes skaters or pay your taxes everybody that's something that they don't teach you know they just give you a check and you they don't know you they don't tell you like hey pay the tax man they just give you a check like oh cool it gave me a bag of Skittles and it's in like you know only eat three quart force of the skittles yeah yeah the whole bag so I mean and I didn't come from money so I didn't have like my parents couldn't guide me financially my and I just I was invincible in my mind I was like you know I'm on top I'm always gonna be on top like it's I'm going for it you know I'm like in Hollywood with you know I'm at Michael Jackson's house this week I'm over here like you know next week with you know crazy crazy stuff was going on you know what I mean like that like I felt like if I'm around all these you know Leonardo DiCaprio and this you know go get in the mood right uh yeah I thought I was gonna be in a movie record right you know I was like I've made it and I'm famous like no and and and I was speaking of that a little bit earlier that fame is a drug famous is a crazy drug and and I was riding it I was riding it and like I said that crash did start to happen the money started to slow down I wasn't putting out skating stuff as much the company started to question me like what are you doing man like you know what's up like you haven't been around and because I went from being in the office all the time - and not skating very much anything I was like hung over for for many years almost you know and had a blast doing it but then I started to have kind of like a bit of a reality check and then that's kind of when I came back and then got on element okay so so I'd quit shorties which was like I don't know how I got from there there but like on the way the night that I officially quit shorties was there was a ha - GoPro video and that video came out and that was about the amateurs and I was trying to help build something new because shorties was like kind of stagnant for we're not stagnant but the same team yeah yeah and and I was always like everybody's votes yes or they don't get on right and nobody would nobody would vote yes you're a long time you know and then I got to the point where I was like okay guys like I'm bringing on new guys no matter what right we have to I mean you guys so we have you want to keep the team the same and they don't want to yeah but you have to I think there was a bit of a threat by it because there was a new movement and skateboarding go you know the next wave coming in Tory's you got an answer pie yeah like cool yeah Marius Marius savanna yes right you put on like some good dudes yeah Oliver I forget his last name yeah yeah yeah yeah announced you yeah Victor Victor was like my good good close homey who was just breaking it off Rodrigo Lima yep you know so we I was building I was doing all this work and Tony wasn't really around at that time like I was doing all this stuff and everything and and in like once again like I mean I got nothing but love for Tony I love the guys so much I like know but good memories yeah things go the way they do sure but at that premiere that night he came up to me and and said what when did you give up on me hmm at that premiere at the how to go premier when I felt like I was trying to be the one that revamp and do everything and do it stuff and I just looked at him and I was like really like tonight and I just got um oh I quit Wow peace Wow I drove I drove to his house I broke into his house I grabbed all the the fulfill a dream tapes okay then all the Masters everything all the footage and then I was walking out I was walking out the door and I stopped and I was pretty faded too but I remember I stopped and I just looked at the box and looked and thought and I just threw the box down and then just just walked out and then my home he drove the Escalade home we were all faded we drove back to LA and I quit why didn't you want the tapes I just left the pass with the pastor's spokesman I just said I didn't want I didn't want to deal with anything of him saying I did this or that right so I just like I just at that moment I just had this realization it's left it and then and then I went into the like dark party mode and you know I was like you know I went I just really disappeared pretty for a little time period there I was gone I mean no skateboarding at all and then circuit was still gone for a while and then eventually they they were like you know hey you know you're not what's up with this and that and I don't remember how it and you know I got into a lawsuit with them for over ownership Oh and then eventually on I sold them my ownership mmm and got a little bit more money and then I went into the party scene hard and just disappeared and I was in Paris and I was in Paris France yeah and traveling all over Europe and doing all this like just like living life kind of and I think that like and I've sort of did this throughout my entire career and I think that it's helped me out to some extent it's like it allowed me not to become burnt out on something and come back with like new recharged energy and then eventually like the funds were going a little bit low again and I was like okay like time to get back when I want to skate again and and and I just I just knew it I knew I wanted to skate again and so I started to like roll more and push more on skating and um I rent I ran into uh Brent Ashley's girlfriend at the Chateau Marmont in LA okay and she was like oh my boyfriend's a pro skater and I'm like yeah yeah like you know ya hear that you know and and she's like oh British like oh I heard him he's rad and I liked him you know he was a rad dude Burnside Ripper you know and um and somehow he maybe she called him or something and put him on the phone with me or something okay and they were like oh your name just came up in an element office today with Kingman and I was like what oh that's really random you know right and he was like they were just talking about you for something and they'd possibly be on the team or something and I was like tell him to give me a call at that time this is a years gone by probably yeah about time frames but something like that I'd say yeah and then yeah boom called me up wanted to work together went met with Johnny and next thing I know I'm on element and I'm fully back in skating I get it and I was like I wanna skate hard I'm skating and I don't know if this was I think this was like no this was before after but I I got the gold medal at the X Games I think that was around oh that might have been right before the end of the the dark the dark party cuz I remember the second X Games I think is when I was yeah getting faded I didn't around the time you got busted for graffiti and end up on TMZ you know that that was later that was later on I've had a lot of ups and downs yeah yeah it sometimes you need like a little break you know like you were so submersed in this skateboarding world and you were just killing it for so long yeah maybe take a year off you know I mean you said it was kind of dark but maybe it was the best thing that's here and there like I would always jump on my board and like I was hungover I would hit the streets and like Koko's around LA but it wasn't skating I wasn't lyrics yeah then just pro-level know ya know just look like rolling around the neighborhood and sure yeah but then yeah then so the element kind thing jumped off and I had a blast doing that you know got to was rolling with Mike V and damn and uh Nyjah when he's a little kid okay Tim Tim and Brent and Levi and man who else just the whole thing yeah Tasha and there's there's all kinds of crew crew rolling at that time they still got a big squash seriously yeah and yeah that's what those are good good times you know and that this sort of like that then also that's when super started and got on crew and like so many good things started happening at that and and then I guess eventually I kind of went down again you went down again what happened yeah I don't know I don't know a self sabotage me yeah I'd be good at the art of self sabotage if you go down again from drinking and partying or just because you just were over it like maybe they're both related you don't I mean like maybe when as I like get over skating or not over skating but just burnt on the scene more maybe that's when I start to turn to like the party not like the dark side yeah yeah you're a still on a woman no no no I left a wallet you left a while ago okay the the TMZ the team yeah that's kind of that was kind of the downfall of our relationship a little bit oh man yeah which is a subject I rarely like to even talk about yeah it's all part of my life it's like without the downstairs there's no up right and they're all part of bringing me to the point that I am in my life right now great very solid and you know focus focus point in life and yeah I could easily say that like I almost know for certain that I'm not going down that path again that's amazing yeah I did it it's like three is the magic number there's no there's no pot of gold at the end of that right yeah yeah yeah and and I lost too many friends I've listened and I did it you know I don't want to do the same thing over and over and over in life and in my sobriety and in my clarity I've just found so much beauty in life and and tapped into so much more in my mind that like I never knew was there and and it's been such a fun journey for me intimidation and I'm able to be there for people now you know I'm able to like communicate with my mom on a regular basis and you know and and my friends and I don't have any regrets you know I don't I don't have any regrets in general all those mistakes were only lessons for me to get to where I am now yeah you know it's right it's all life's journey yep but mine's been a roller coaster it's been a roller ya know trust me man I'm I'm amazed man and not to mention I mean you've done like really cool [ __ ] I mean you were on one of my favorite TV shows ever entourage oh yeah he played a surfer it was me I was like is that must go what is this where am i right now it's amazing that was one of my favorite shows I was off from going out and party it was a Kevin Connolly is my homey okay and he called me up like the night before and he's like I got a role for you you want to do it and I was like yes yeah so that was fun you know after that I was like taking some acting classes guy thought I was gonna do some stuff but never really panned out yeah yeah didn't you like smash the window of the car like you need to grab the key smell he smashed mine he smashed your yeah I was like being a dick like and Drive driving yeah like a road rage incident right and he like gets out and he's mad and he smashes the whole car and I'm like you know I'm like Point Break status yeah wetsuit in a PT Cruiser you can secret wewe we nervous trying to go out and do this I mean his Big Show entourage is huge I don't know I think at that time I just didn't care there's like I was like it's Kevin's my homies like I know it was like it just don't normal yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember I was embarrassed that I had to wear a wet suit wet yeah well here's the stator plate a surfer yeah well because so many people in that show were like themselves yep it was like a reality like pretty much kinda we're based on real-life characters I was like that was the only a little bit bummed I was like do they is this like supposed to be really me I was like the only part I was like a little bit right but I was just open for an experience to do it it's amazing yeah I mean like I said it was my favorite show yeah I love that show it was a great show they don't make them like that anymore they don't yeah I wanted go ahead we got time what the musca flip dude how does something like that might get developed for you like well how like you just hate it I know but like you think you just you found it and you did it and you it was it's your way of doing that trick so like I used to do I was never that good at frontside flips like I would I have some footage of me skate doing it I maybe I'll send it in to you guys I used to like do the one where you like kickflip and kind of catch it and then like but it 190 in my kind of skirt is almost on kinda and even I'm flat ground I'd kind of do them like that okay and then like I think I was in San Diego it's like skating this curb cut one day and I was just like I think I just like threw my board off like just like like it was like a pretty fat curb cut I just went real fast and just like blasted my board like just like almost just like throwing it away from you yeah I just did that motion and I was like oh wow that's like kind of cool and then I literally like mess around it that day and then I busted one like super fat off of it and I was like that was like I was like I didn't know if it was inventing a new trick or what on quarter pipes I had seen not just do it you know it's done and then um but I stick no claim to that trick because I know tons of people were doing them like that at that time like I never was like it's the Musco flip Brian ever once said that in my life like for myself I don't remember like I don't remember seeing people do it I just remembered this like figuring it out for myself but then around that same time period I remember seeing videos like a lot of people over doing doing it yeah doing it like that but but then it just kept sticking I'm not gonna I'll take it yeah yeah but it's like yeah I mean it was also then like it went from being cool to like being pretty like wack like hey like why are you doing them like that I'll listen I'll take y'all take a muscle flip any day I'll see you I'll watch you do that all dance how I first learned him and I was like getting credit card it was like the scariest thing yeah after skating with Tom penny for a while I eventually like got the flick ones I learned how to do them but uh Minh come naturally for me that trick this was like it was just naturally what just happened the muskan penny yeah yeah if you remember the day you became the musca I mean there's a story yeah that's associated with it I think people told it on the show but yeah I guess I was faded in the back of the I was wasted in the back of there and because that's when I was on tour ice to drink 40s in the in the back of the van and just get the hammered pass out and got to the next place we're ready to drive I didn't like driving the car that long I think that's one part I didn't like because I like to smoke weed and then those guys wouldn't let me smoke weed in the car and they've like we got to pull over and smoke it you know and I'd be like no you don't get it the whole thing is like smoking while you're going like you relax and smoke you know and they're like no like now god I totally get it like I after it now that I don't smoke weed like I can't stand the smell of it because I don't want to feel the effect like when I just smell it I feel like I'm like getting stoned or something back then - you're driving cross-country it's highly illegal in some states it's you know it can be a big thing it could be a big thing 16 year old me didn't understand Steve it was just like I'll take a 40 and go to bed yeah but I guess I was just getting hammered in the back of the van and they were all like talking [ __ ] to me or something and I was like you can't fade the bus go and then they were like taking pictures of me back there so and you know I felt like I was a weird like test subject for Ed Templeton at times like cuz like I was always just so hammering around him and like him it like I stayed on his couch for a while you know yeah I come back all wasted and it's like under couch like him Indiana would like come out and like be like you know checking me out so I was a crazy ass kid I'm not gonna deny that right no I was I was a wild child and probably a handful to to put up with and I remember it getting mad at Ed because they want to like drive an hour out of the way to go to like a health food store you know like I just didn't get it you didn't get hours to get a little kid right right give me a lot of growing to understand yeah it's so good bro the musket whenever there's the involved you know you're serious you've made it yeah it's serious well one thing that I really want to talk about that's really not it but it's it's a rendition of it is the silhouette board I know I'm gonna get a cease-and-desist Moscow fan made that for me and send it to you we're not selling it give me his address her her her goddess graphics one of our fans that's all love it's been it's been done a lot bro it's been done I mean it this is the one of the most iconic boards ever you know I mean different colors of it different sizes it was when you see people making the board in their own kind of way does how do you feel about that are you totally cool with it or is there a little bit of like it's kind of my like what so what is your feelings on that you know cuz I'm done a lot yeah yeah like when it first came out I think like hotrod shop did it okay one point they did it I was kind of like what's up with that you know I was kind of a little bummed at it and then like then the next one I remember like Mike Mo did it that's kind of one of the ones I remember okay yeah I remember when I first saw it I was kind of like what's up with that like I kinda almost got mad and then like I said something and I remember like Chico got mad at me or something but I think I like I think I just like woke up out of my sleep and saw it it might have been like it was like on Twitter or something weird yeah we just wake up you could kind of be in that funky mood yeah yeah yeah and then and then I stopped and I was like oh man like I thought of how rad it was you know like and I was so bummed at myself for even like starting to get mad because that's not my style you know right like and and and I thought it was like an honor to see somebody like Mike Mo keep the dream alive of what I helped start and say that that that had an impact and effect on him in order to want to do that graphic it's like an amaz yeah it's like you 50/50 in the guns rail it's like you yeah you paid your respects you know when people want to keep it going yes I'm definitely hyped on yeah so we can make the board make it make it away okay different colors different sizes and I'm gonna do it read as I'm gonna do all of them go for it yeah how that my got my blessing how did that graphic like come about Tony from Shorty's made that graphic so yeah I can't remember if I had some input on it or not like it's been so long I got I honestly don't remember exactly but I there was just a photo of me he's either shot or somebody shot that photo of me just sitting in front of his house yeah and I had been inspired by like the NBA and then like by the silhouette and Jordan and you know and a lot of different things like that and and we had talked about that idea and that concept okay and I remember that he just I'm pretty sure from what I remember you just presented me with either a little sketch of it first or the actual Illustrator file and I just like that's powerful that's something you know and it's and it stuck with me and so another thing that was was at least was I know as part of my idea what that was important to me at that time was to make a graphic that stayed because when I grew up I remembered like you know yeah like you know you it was there was only ten graphics on the wall yeah and like you knew that graphic was a representation of that Pro like you know and you saw the Hosoi or you saw the guns you know or you saw like you know the the Fred Smith mini or or the the Jason Jesse or you know like these boards were like iconic Angerer and they were such a representation of the pro and and and then we went into like the early 90s era where it was like a new graphic every month every three months and some knockoff of a cartoon or this or that and it was like it was so much that like those graphics didn't stand as an icon at with the person and so no matter what I wanted to create boards that like weren't seasonal but like lasted the test of time yeah yeah and you did it and you know maybe some of those boards could have become more iconic had the pro held onto it more and branded it more and embraced it yeah yeah yeah it was like it was like but the sales reps and everybody were always like knew knew what to do we want a new graphic one new graphic you know I was just like and and we got that a lot with that you know and we heard me yell aware of it yeah and they did some like you know random like team series boards stuff like that that we would do and then obviously more boards were developed as well with that which were some of them were you know equally not as iconic as that but still like had an impact on a lot of people yeah yeah like the what was the one you were talking about the list of the shorties that was that was less that was more like the intro one but then there was like the musca late you know guy got the Escalade and we you know we kind of flipped the logo looked like a boom box kind of it took the font and and matched all the the colors of the actual Escalades that were launched that first season I kept the Pearl and the green and all the colors like we're like the same two-tone colors that were available and all the Escalade that's credible Cadillac give me a spot I know give me every car at least get this guy gone the boom box and the crooked grind down the rail dude how did how did you think about trying that that must have been scary I'm totally the one in fulfill the dream yeah because there was one contest that you slammed there's a demo I forgot about that about that one yeah and yeah after looking yeah yeah there's been a lot that has happened along the way but demo that was a are be the one the one that I actually was in the video was in Vancouver City Jana and from what I remember I think um it was such an epic day if it was I'm pretty sure it was all the same day I felt like it was the same day like you know there's been a few trips up there but there was this like vans was doing some barbeque and it was at a different skate park and like it was like you know like this classic barbecue and like but the food was only for the pros and like this the the industry people and stuff and all the kids were kind of just watching and stuff and then I remember I was like and then all of a sudden it rained and came and rained and rained out and I think the other one was called white rock where we were at and I'm pretty sure um but one of them I'm not sure but I think it was and and everybody was like we got some call from one of the locals like it's sun shining over wait Rach you know and we went and then I went I bought this like little ghetto grill like a little just mini one and it bought like mad hot dogs and burgers and and then stuff and I just started grilling up and serving up all the homies we got it all going and like the everybody was just raging and having a good time and I had the radio obviously because we were all bumping and I think I just like grabbed the radio and just win over there and just went for one I think there was this might have been the same one you're talking about because I know I did I think I slammed once and the ghetto blaster blew up and flew everywhere and everyone had to like gather the batteries and tape it back up and and then yeah just somehow pulled it off and I don't know why I did like crooked riding up rail with like a backpack and a boombox incredible I have no just being a hand problem no you know I think I swear like I said now that I recall like like music was so important to me at that time it was just like I was so connected to music and if I'd been drinking or smoking a little bit like I was just like I just like wanted that music with me you know and and it was like such energy and I and I fed off the music musical energy for a majority of my career and a lot of the tricks that I did would like I would go to the radio and just sit my head next to it my head my head and then throw my board down and go yeah you know like that was like really like music was very motivational for me in my skateboarding and and so I think at that moment I was probably in the zone and I was just like I just wanted to like have that radio back because the radio it wasn't a stick it was like that was you that was you doing you like you loved me fed off of it ya know it wasn't just you like wanna go to the park today and yeah I'm gonna do that I'm gonna have my boombox here and they're gonna film that and like that you were just doing you like it wasn't they probably placed it strategically here in there okay a couple photos but but it was definitely coming with me it was gargling regardless yeah right and it was just like yeah just music music was a major part of my life at that time Luka it's not as much anymore nowadays so yeah at least yeah is it's a different different type of different way yeah I listen to Mike I don't really listen to hip-hop much anymore at all okay if you do is it the old stuff is it like black could you ever pop on some Black Moon and then I do it brings me back to the yeah and sometimes it's like it's weird it's emotional for me like you know it's like having all those memories like it's like it's it's like it's been such a crazy ride that like sometimes I can't handle it nowadays to like relive those thoughts and go back to that time right so like I listen to like a lot of like textural sounds now like just very minimal sounds that like a nature stuff for electronic synthesizer just sequencing or some live instruments guitars and toddlers and but a lot of electronic a lot of electronic music I like like electronic music when you're doing Musca beats didn't you produce like a lot of like didn't you produce some big names yeah that's like some of my heroes for sure like Raekwon yeah when Raekwon and you got from lugod yeah Jay Roode amateur Jay ruined my boy Josh yeah we loved skateboarding - does he came out with incredible yeah man I can play that you can't state the profits Tom yeah but he was telling a story yeah I could not you know Sammy yeah he's the master man and I mean that was another dream come true to like work with these like like I said hey rs1 music was such an important part of my life so to like think that I would ever have worked with those guys and produce music for them to rap over and I went and set up a record of a portable recording studio in Soho grand in New York City wow this is that time where like laptops and sound devices had just been fairly new to do a portable studio and record like I'd never seen anybody do it oh come before the Pro Tools n-box I had this like little sound devices mic preamp USB bus powered microphone recording system and I was like set up a studio with my homeboy Super Dave and we recorded all these rappers and it was like you know Flavor Flav cares 1 to me salad MC Lyte Afrika Bambaataa melly-mel Wow J root guru rest in peace prodigy mob deep rest in peace how do you know these guys yeah yeah definitely I started a record label I connected with my homies from Frank 1/5 one magazine who were connected to the hip-hop scene out there a lot who block from Venice over here he reduced me to Raekwon oh come on and lofty block and lofty came over since I met him in LA and we recorded just a freestyle session I took that freestyle session and chopped it up and made a hook which was the musca beats me through with the [ __ ] whoo you know I chopped that all up and I had it and I made a beat specifically with Paulo Diaz and I made our homies did some live instruments over at the instrument I forgot the name of it that one wasn't it was like it was a Thai instrument but it's kind of like a harp some type of harp it's a cool instrument and then Jaime are the homie played like the bass on it too so there was like live elements that tried to at that time I was scared of sampling because of the right contrast so I was trying to like get live instruments in and treat them as samples yeah and replicate as if I was sampling from from an album right and that was my attempt to do it at least yeah no it's great yeah I mean yeah so that was sickened and I I brought that beat in and and I already had it made and he was like oh you got the hook whoa whoo he came in so homework all and he was like sweat he was like dad son I never seen a studio like this in here so like he was so I was like oh my god I was just bugging out you know I mean being the hip hop fan that I was you know like Raekwon and in his in haut not even a studio no because I was scared that they weren't gonna be like they're gonna be like this is in a hotel room and record this and the first artistry recorded was biz markie and I had Chungking studios in New York City it's a another studio reserved just in case okay I was like I got this but I got this other one reserved back up and then he came in and checked it out and I was like you know we got to kind of set up here like we had the mic we have all the capabilities of doing it here but I also have the studio if you want to go to the studio but we could listen to some beats here pick what you want we'll go record it he's like doing it here you know right here I'm like oh [ __ ] like and then and then all of a sudden and then we just play he picked his beat and then started recording it and then I was just like after the first take on the verse and stopped I was like oh my god I was like it's working like it's happening you know and that was crazy man that was a crazy like a dream come true yeah that was like yeah and and that was definitely one of them man like and and then and then once we were finished with him I was like if it's good enough for biz everybody's gonna be down with this you know and sure enough they were I never just like they were all like wanted to learn like they're like how do you do this like it's like Raekwon I remember same as like us he's like man I want to keep one of these like that just in here like that you know like I want one of those ready to go you know that he was there tripping on it and now it's you know it's called me common yes everybody has a laptop and every quarter system into it you know but it was you know nobody had seen that and so now that comes back to technology and trying to push the envelope mayhem and always trying to stay up-to-date with what's happening yeah but yeah all those guys MC Lyte you know yeah ice-t yeah crazy yeah it's and yeah it was just all happening happening and but I it was it was a tricky time for music so we were like right at the the start of the the mp3 Arab stream that's right that was the beginning of it all the Tower Records had started to go out of business all this things were happening and so my concept was okay skaters are like big-time music people let's bring the CDs to the skate shop you know and let's sell music in the skate shop and so I sold like you know a fair amount of I think we did like 50,000 copies or something like wow I think I couldn't be wrong even I spent way more money more but the experience is priced yes but the experience is yeah and it was like the whole label and I was trying to get it going and so that the problem is that it was just in the hardest time ever to start up in music right and I didn't have the foresight to see that streaming would be something eventually yeah I don't think anybody did yeah yeah it would be something to capitalize off of at least oh yeah and I was trying to get a record deal or at least a distribution deal with my music through a record company but I wasn't an artist I was a producer and and it was kind of like The Neptunes were kind of the first people that actually got like more of a deal being a producer that I know of at least on so it was hard I wasn't an act I had a compilation to them but I you know it was I didn't have that star selling power to sure I wasn't like you know I'm but he has it started yeah yeah so it was it was it was a hard thing to do and so eventually after spending so much time and money and effort into it I go okay this isn't really working out and the hip-hop industry is like I don't really want to work in it it's a pretty sketchy industry you know what I mean like there's some there's some some some gang affiliation going on with that world I mean and and people are gonna want attacks if you're not careful and so I started to see that side of it as well too and I was like whoa like I don't want to get into anything negative over something I love and so that's when I just kind of like retracted more skating but yeah but still like I said those experiences with those people oh yeah oh yeah I mean you just named off like 20 people that are like I'm huge fans oh yeah Wow it's definitely one for the memory banks one one I'll never ever forget and and and then and they're all still cool with me to this day is so rad I mean to like hit them up and be like you know homies yeah Flav what's up had a conversation with him the other day and it was so low I was like why wasn't this recorded because it was the most like epic conversation I had in like a long time I can only imagine talking on the phone with Flavor Flav and and what was cool is that it was the the mutual respect you know like because like he said in the beginning to use like I was like I didn't really know about your skating man he's like he's like I just knew you were starting a label and resting that and your friends special ed record it first on the album with me and he was like he's like boys with flavor and he's like imma get I'm gonna bring flavor he needs to get on this okay and that's kind of each one kind of led to another one you know right and somebody said he's like man boy he's like let me tell you like you thought you know any starts going off he's like what you do on that board and this and that and like you don't all the things and I was like I'm like oh my god is like Flavor Flav telling me this right now right crazy like you know like and so it's cool to see like how far skateboarding has reached and you know how many people that don't even skateboard love it and love to watch it as much as skaters do to men to the people who are getting into it because it's so available like you know Lil Wayne yeah you know you know Wayne is like a [ __ ] skateboarder like who would have ever thought yep I didn't say that's amazing and like and it's weird it's like I always trip out to it there's a lot of people that talk [ __ ] to you know sure like there's always gonna be like a boy like what like did you know that I'm like oh yeah he's asking we started this podcast and literally like not even like a half a year into it like he's sitting down episode 25 yeah and he's just like oh yeah skating like I'm down like podcast like yeah yeah let's do this and I'm like little Wayne's here like we're episode 25 I have no idea what I'm doing I can't even barely talk to the guy yeah I mean like yeah and you could you could see his love for skateboarding it is so strong and pure you know I mean and and and that's the thing that kids like that's the thing that kids really need to remember is that skateboarding is just about you and your skateboard and this about it's not about like oh he's not grinding a 10 stair handrail or doing tre flip 50/50 or any that who cares yeah it's like there's no ability level that that dictates whether or not you're a skater oh yeah if you love skateboarding then you're a skater that's it that's all it matters it doesn't matter how you dress it doesn't matter what tricks you do it doesn't matter if you're a boy or girl black white asian Hispanic none of that matters if you love skateboarding then your escape order and that's it it's true I mean I I I get joy out of just seeing somebody skate down the street with a smile on their face yeah I'm like - that's amazing yeah you know it's true though especially with the pushing [ __ ] skate with Lil Wayne I have it's all get a session bring it on you know but he but he read like my kicks Hardman for many years he was rocking sky tops you know like like like a lot in and thank you thank you and I do a brand with Supra he ended up doing some collaboration stuff with them - yes so you had a whole line of products within it so eventually but before that even he was just on the strength he was wearing my stuff and I was always great how amazing is that so cool how did you start making that shoe that shoot so as what took you into like that other world at the whole fashion world yeah how do you develop that shoe so I mean it's just like anything that I develop it's like it comes from whatever I'm inspired by at that time in that moment and where I see fashion going when I design a shoe I don't think only about the shoe I think about like what's the like the entire head to toe look and what's what what's what's influential in that particular time in life and and so at that time I was inspired by like high-top shoes and in tight jeans like we're kind of cool with that and that in that timeframe you know I mean and and it was pulling from like 80's culture 80s hip-hop from like Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five even to like Metallica and those like skinny jeans and tight pants like if you looked at hip and rock at that time they were kind of dress in the same style you know and that was like something cool about that to me that like those two polar opposites of music genres could like share a similar style like Axl Rose rocking some like cool high tops with some gene and so pretty now yeah and and in the hip the Run DMC and a pops like you know these guys were all doing that style at that time too and so that that was appealing to me that like said something spoke to me that something could be universal mm-hmm and not only be limited to one particular genre or style of dressing okay and then in high fashion I saw some of the things go in that direction at that time which was always inspiration for me as well - right so it was a kind of like taking multiple things kind of mixed together and then work with Josh Brubaker to create the the sky top one crazy and and it was doubted heavily in the beginning like how did they respond to that like it's a fairly normal looking shoe now and you look at it and it's on now the title is wild yeah at the time people were like oh musk is crazy I'm crazy don't get me wrong in the best possible way word wear yeah so but in it and it didn't hit right out overnight you know what I mean it was like there was the first season was kind of shady like people you know sales reps weren't really taken out of the bag and you know it's like a little bit like kind of like they were like oh we got to make a low top because if you want to if you want to even be paid we have to justify and selling something you know and so they made the sky low and then by the second season it started to get out there you know and I started to see some people rocket huh and then you know I then I remember what we sold them that supreme in LA in the beginning at the LA store and my friend hit me up and was like they're like all Kanye West bought some sky tops over there and I was like oh whoa that's crazy yeah you know that's that's cool like damn that whoa like you know and and there was talking about it and then not too long after that I had seen like jay-z's popped up in them and I mean and then it was like kind of all cousins where all kinds of people after that I can't even remember how many people but they've got all over the place and and I was pretty like still up in the mix in the Hollywood scene so I was like around a lot of people and I was like there I was wearing them out and stuffing like what are those I'm like God you know I got you me to give some pairs here and there but a lot of people got them on their own which was always really amazing it's even cooler then you know just paid product place and if ting somebody so I'm studying like that and we definitely did later as it got like really popular we started you know sure-sure and gifting stuff more yeah well yeah but it just was like it really just hit and happened and and yeah it's and it's still in the market right now so that's like you know it's pretty rare for our industry to have a shoe that lasts hold on to something it's been almost 12 years now that's really 12 years yeah yeah 12 years I think grazie thousand in seven I guess so thirteen years yeah I'm not I'm not and we always turn to him for four plus four but I mean could you imagine I mean I can't even imagine seeing somebody like Kanye or jay-z like wearing something that came out came out of your mind it's you know is insane yeah it was definitely like I still can't believe it you know what I mean like it's crazy did you ever meet them or anything you met jay-z or Kanye or never Kanye did I mean I can't remember I don't think so I probably remembered that I've met jay-z but only only like briefly not based on the shoes it was actually before the shoes that I had met him oh wow and Damon Damon Dash was a friend of mine and when Rockefeller Records was going on and stuff and I they're talking about getting involved in skating at one point and I went to the studio and met up with them and back in the day Wow Jay I would see like parting in in New York and stuff but it was always just uh he would've never probably remembered those moments like I did I mean yeah and then it was like you know like Heidi Klum and Janet Jackson and like I mean it was like a lot of crazy people were wearing the shoes Whoopi Whoopi Goldberg look II always used to come by my shop no.13 yeah I mean me and Angel had a shop over there and unfair facts and we'll be would come by to catch they won't be yeah it's amazing oh you've lived the life man and you're still going just the beginning man I'm saying you're telling you like I feel like this is just like there's like there's so much noise let me art world either we're gonna get into that so it's more left to do yeah like I and I I think that's what always keeps me going is that like I'm never actually fully satisfied with anything that I do mm anything like that every design is not quite perfect right every video part isn't finished every painting is not done Minoo I guess that's part of my process to keep to keep going to make forcing me to do something what's next you know sure yeah it's it's oh what a life man I still can't believe it and guys the limit bro yeah you just keep going man I mean your artwork you've been doing a lot of art a lot of concrete and rocks and different things too yeah I saw through a knee injury I had a while back probably about ten years ago it's a little bit longer than that now oh yeah I don't remember when it was but it was it was awhile ago around 2008 I started to get more heavily into art work after I think that was when I had the injury mmm and 2008-2009 and had to get knee surgery and all that stuff and I was living in New York at the time and my boy harif Guzman Hakala is my OG homey and he's an amazing artist and we all we've always hung out over the years regardless and he was painting and he's just an amazing artist he's always been an artist since I've known him and um I was hurt and I had nothing to do kind of you know and he was like hey dude you know make something with me and some time to make it something and I'd always been involved with like I said graffiti from the past run and from graphic design and but it was like it wasn't till then where I started to kind of really mess with it and and got into kind of more of the street art aspect of it it was still an extension of graffiti to me he was up in the streets in New York and so as money got better and I was walking around I was like he's like I'm gonna go I'm gonna go pace with him kind of relive some of my you think you sure so we started putting up some wheat pasting and catching some tags here and there and stuff and that's kind of the initial startup of it and and then the more I did of that the more I felt like I had nothing to offer like I was doing the same thing and that's where my search began and to find something different with art and for myself yeah that was more personal to me that I felt like I was pushing myself more and I was like it was the evolution of where I had been in and not regurgitating what I'd already done and that was a long process I've been messing with this you know for for over 10 years now like pretty heavily Brian um and really heavily very focused on it and on and I loved it and I enjoy the process so much and I enjoy that there's no variables in it with companies there's always a variable there's always like an expectation a sales point a duty that you have to meet or minimum or material story or color sales reps expectations there's so many things in companies that even though there's no fee Knox's yeah there's somebody there's freedom to create but you're still there's a lot of limitations now with it and so with my art luckily I don't have to depend on it financially I do sell my artwork mm-hmm which is always a rewarding feeling oh yeah but somebody else wants to buy what you create yeah yeah you know and I and I love that even though I am kind of an art hoarder a little baby I kind of like I've kind of always because it's never finished that's why and by the time I'm like finished with this one my mind's already onto this next one and I don't want people to have that one because the new one's gonna be better get a new one and then that one's done and I'm like wait no this is its it but this is the better one's gonna come and I've been doing that for 10 years and little late you gotta let go yeah yeah got a lot of it I destroy like no I just go I'll go over it yeah no I'll Drive over a room yeah I gotta get you guys lady's mantle little great yeah I love it you know I really it's it's it's it's a passion of mine that has no limitations and nothing but freedom of self-expression in it and I know for a lot of people that grown up and seen me as a skater and followed my career throughout my entire life mm-hmm they probably questioned what I do if there's validity to it or not because I've painted such a picture of myself to the public as a skateboarder as this like yo what up dude you know yeah and so when you have that person I'm sure it's hard for people to take what I do in art series oh by for me it's like so serious it's probably like the most serious thing I've ever done and the the the the most personal thing that I've ever done and it's funny I sort of lived two different I'd live a lot of different legs but but when it comes to to skateboarding in my personal life especially right now where I'm at it's like I feel conflicted sometimes here and there like I'm sort of tugged back and forth like and and I sort of live up to that particular person depending on where I'm at and it's like I can't almost control it like if I if I go to a skate event the ham comes out I can't help it like I've been having so much fun doing that man because you could tell because I go in these waves of were like um I come to skate events and I'm around them and I disappear for a while and then so when I come back I'm like super recharged and I'm like oh there's this new kid I never seen breaking it off next level skating yeah and and I love it and then I also thought like it was unintentional like Chris Posterous brought me on on a couple of things he's like all like first it was an interview the interview led to oh just like we're gonna bring you on to talk beside kind of cake with color commentary yeah then one thing he was like all you want to do this other like co-host it with me and then I was like cool and then I'd like it was like well I really like doing well you know huh and then some televised things came up with the X Games and because we were stuff and and and I just enjoyed doing it and then I also thought that if somebody's gonna be up there representing skateboarding and talking about it a lot of times they get some weird random guy that's not a part of skating right I was like I want to be doing this I'll be the person that goes up there and represents skating yeah even if I'm making a fool of myself in there you know I am 100 percent enjoying it and I'd love to see the the level of skateboarding continue to be pushed I'd love to see these kids just breaking it off and if I and when I talk to him I could see that there's a genuine hi miss that comes back in full circle return you know so they're hyped and I'm piping them up I'm beyond hype that they're hyped and I'm hoping it's like you're right now I'm like you know yeah so but but to go back to what I was saying kind of it's like it it's it is strange because like I've grown so much since since you know starting skateboarding and coming up in the same industry and practicing these this art work that I do and and practicing thought and in meditation and philosophy I guess to some extent like you know I mean as we all get older we start to search for answers we strive to think about our mortality we start to think about this reality you know all these things maybe I do at least I don't know if everybody trusts my you yeah so so I'm I've been on a search I've been on a soul search and I've been on a quest to document my thoughts to express them through artwork and to not be held back from who I am as a skateboarder but to continue to become Who I am as a human and what this mind has to offer to the world beyond what I can do on my skateboard or what I can design on Footwear in in clothing and this different things I have more to offer and I'm trying to find my platform in which to express these thoughts and the the are the I don't know I'm going oh but I mean just to say just to what you just said about like your art piece is not being finished it's almost like an interpretation of you you're not finished you're you're always looking for something new and the next best thing and and that's you know that wasn't good enough or it was good but you know you're gonna make improvements you can make improvements and you're still going you know and that almost I think that almost translates into you not thinking that that our piece is done yeah you know yeah you see a piece of art that you've done is to take you back to a certain time your life that you are working on it does that make any sense it's like kind of like a joke it's like a video Parker's a video part or something only with like my super to work like the stuff when I was first created in New York that's more like pop art and street art and stuff like that takes me to a time because I was kind of like getting faded during that time too as well a little bit you know and so like it's it's more like and for me now like that artwork was very suggestive it was like you know it word on it or an image it was like you know it was it was very suggestive artwork and the work that I do now is more minimal and conceptual and open to interpretation and so I think that the things that are open to interpretation could have a longer lifespan yeah and could be they're just are more special to me because I could see it through each individual's eyes that looks at the artwork I get a new whole new perspective on it and it's special to that person what they see and yeah what they take away from it yes and and some of my stuff is has some suggestions in it but for me it's like it's it's really similar to my skating I you know in a lot of ways there's not a lack of thought into what I'm going to do going to do it's more about the action of just doing it and and so that's why maybe the beauty is in the action and once the action is done I have no interest in the the final product hmm I have interest in the continuation of the action more than the finishing something it's finished I feel like then it's boring it's done yeah yeah for sure man thank you I would love a piece of art for me yeah the perfect place for it at my house I'll send you my dealer Chad okay I'll take the shoes the shoes are cheaper this are they how much you selling your art for bro I mean I know it depends on the piece how big it is and all that stuff but I mean in getting up there bro I do okay with you yeah yeah yeah it's it depends you know there's there's and that's the thing too is that like it's hard for me because the gallery set prices and then yes they sell your work for a certain amount of price and then it's hard for you because like a lot of skaters are interested in the work but then I feel like I can't sell my work for that much money to a skater it's like I almost want to just give it to him for free right like you know how do you decide on a price on something that's a little more for like the galleries and stuff to to come up with as well but but a lot of it it's like because so something could sound like a lot of money but okay let's say ten thousand dollars yeah does that sound like a lot of money to buy an art piece for yeah so yeah so for me if I said if I sell something for ten thousand dollars it's usually split with the gallery which is then I'll receive $5,000 the materials that go into some of the stuff that I build is like creating the frame this the concrete the steel work the the framing the studio space in which you have to work out of all these things factor up to where like ten thousand dollar piece doesn't equate to that much in the long run so like so it's it's it's I I think that that is a totally fair price some people's work then goes way in there then you get into the twenty to fifty is a hundred thousand dollars which my work isn't there yet I'm still be I float around the ten to fifteen toka range for the bigger size stuff sir and then down to like around four thousand dollars for like the small oh wow okay yeah that's amazing and and then like prints and stuff like that you could sell for cheaper but I've only done one print in my life so far yeah our world is very it's it's very strange its Yunnan shadows it's like figuring out this beast that nobody could figure out yeah yeah there's nothing to figure out it's all subjective it's all connections it's all it's all a lot of [ __ ] which is also makes me happy that I don't depend on that necessarily for my salary right eventually like I honestly would love to because it's like as I get older it's like my passion lies there way more than then in products to be honest okay because I I'm also conflicted with a lot of things in in mass manufacturing in the environmental on effects that it's having on this world right the the effects it's having on society for people thinking that they always need something new brand new best things in in disposable fashion that's ending up in landfills and being shipped all over the world and and so these things are things that I think about all the time but I don't own the companies so I can't implement all the changes that I would like to change and some of those changes might put the company out of business even in order to stay in business so there's so many factors that go into it that are they wait they weigh on my consciousness a lot and so I think about these things and I eat a completely plant-based diet oh but yet my shoes are made of leather at times nature they've been made of leather and suede before I became vegan um so well I say plant-based because vegan I think is a very strong statement to make is in my time it was and so just the fact that I would wear leather on my feet it goes against the idea of being vegan I would say so I eat a plant-based diet yeah I want to make is less amount of products with these with these with animal by-products as possible right but the machine is running pretty heavily and it's not all up to me at this point sure yeah but I do plan on making vegan products ok right now especially they I have a lot of things of ideas in the works it's amazing and sometimes that stuff takes time to implement you know it's a lot of moving parts and I think it's also tricky when for vegans as well if you make a line of vegan products but then you also have the other side it's sort of like a double-edged sword on both sides I think there'll be some people that would appreciate it if you make at least offer the versions and some of my shoes have been synthetic and and there are options out there yeah um I have to look into the glues more and stuff too as well to know exactly if there are hundred percent vegan or not Chad you're just you're killing it bro all those bugs yo you got bugs oh yeah get a few they're at home right now is like normally like oh my girlfriend's out of town right now too so like they're like we usually have like a two-hour we yeah yeah better oh I hope you put some puppy pads down there down okay good yeah yes I had four pugs but one of them passed away a while yeah dougie-doug-doug either pug I love human names friends I got a cat named Larry nice yeah yeah it's a girl Elsa yeah she she yeah yeah I love another dog's name I got max Maggie Coco and yeah max Maggie and Coco max Maggie and Coco okay we call gu b gu b yeah / Phi I don't know little nicknames pop up you know nicknames for dogs yeah it happens I state my I had two pugs for a long time now and then when I met my girlfriend she had two pups we're like the puppy bunny the pretty puppy Bunch that's amazing so yeah I got my crew that that's they're kind of like my life man doesn't like my kids animals with us I don't have kids yeah they're like I'm all about my dogs man they're like me me and my girlfriend haven't even gone on a trip with each other in like years because we won't we don't want to leave bring them over at Roger watch them on a trip trip we don't we don't trust them with anybody no Minik joy Pierzynski knows yeah Pizza Pizza the Pug yeah yeah yeah we love bugs in the pug queen queen save so many pugs and uh yeah but I got my I can't take anymore than this man yeah one of them is almost 20 years old honey damn that's incredible yeah Wow might be 20 by now I don't know the exact date but yeah it's birthdays are hard with animals yeah unless you've seen them yeah I love animals you're the best they're so comforting and you could tell them anything and they're just always there always there you know sometimes they do judgy though rush I could tell Musca yeah this has been an honor edible yeah bro I've been waiting for this moment ever since we started this show it's beyond here man and I could say like I I'm not even exaggerating I think I get like at least one request today for the last almost two years through the nightclub are you going on the nine o'clock show are you going on the 9 Club it is funny because it almost got to a point where I was like it may mean it was so long I almost got nervous like I was like he's like the 13th I'm like kind of superstitious let's not do yeah yeah and then and then the first one I was was gonna do right before I left on this tour I've been out skate tours I've been doing all kinds of stuff man like doing guessing let's don't trip you've been busy bro yeah yeah shows demos on the mic designing what you want on the nightclub son what did you do it all you do it you do do it all let me tell you something and let me tell you something you I'm a big fan been a big fan forever bro I want to thank you so much for coming on the show can we give you some 9 club stuff to take home with you let's do it throw in that backpack yeah yeah it's gonna load up I always prepared what size shirt extra-large XL telly will you go grab them some stuff and it's an honor to yes bro what type of t-shirts are they D now they're all Superboy Triple A oh they're all style oh oh I'll sell Triple A yeah maybe do you have 2x [Music] okay see we're getting some new stuff too man what about sweatshirts though exhale good yeah yeah little hot right now but you save them free we have 2x if they have 2x man I like baggy we gotta get some just don't wash them yeah it won't shrink yeah you know I never dry my stuff you know I always do that did the hang dry yeah hang dry little poo perfect muskan can I ask you a favor yes I want you to sign my board bro are you sure I would bro are you sure you don't want to say I don't know this is let's do it you gonna do it yeah of course bro I must assign Mike Rob musk aboard ah yes nine club crop status over here bro and listen come back any time man we're always our doors always open for you man experienced Reaper from oh man we have another show nine club experience where we just sit around and talk about skating and just [ __ ] with each other amazing isn't that what we just did yeah but we'll do it again and do it again look at that Mosca boom he's got his own little thing here bro copyright 2019 okay for what you asked for you might just keep oh thank you so much I think you should sign it to them no Chad I don't know if I can man that bro I can't I don't first of all I'm not really a big fan of my own signature okay you seem to have yours nailed you know a lot of people question my signature they're like well KITT they're like you wrote your name can you just sign it I go that's my signature right right well I'm sure you have a different signature for signing like checks yeah yeah that's why that's why I like to keep them severed I got the same I got the same thing yeah what are you keep in your backpack we're like five essentials you need your backpack at all times a pen and paper sunglasses a towel for sweating usually I should have it on right now wipe it wipe down extra t-shirt what else is going on I mean I know I know it's never-ending I know I want to know like oh what's next for you that's what I'm saying thank you we feel like what you're doing now in your art and your sculptures or whatever I imagine you like trying to do sculptures for public like yes like publicly like you can actually skate or whatever you know yeah no it's definitely I hope to do that one day soon there's been some ideas in Germany we were talking about doing a public skateable installation but I've been so busy I'd had time to make it out there to do it talking about that some of the homies from cheetah's out there was setting it up amazing yeah but did you actually did one in Mexico right yes Mexico City and then I had built a couple in LA - but they were temporary and when the space closed I had to destroy those were like concrete so I'd like destroy it it was like hard to get it out yeah so but yeah yeah anything's possible you know like I'm just I'm just going with the flow man and like I don't look too far ahead and just try to enjoy the moment that I'm in you know yeah and to continue just to continue that's all I ever asked to do is to continue on and enjoy this experience that we call life and be Who I am today in the hopes of being somebody better tomorrow and you know and just keep keep going well I know you bring a lot of joy to people's lives man you're super positive your Instagram posts you really you know you break it down from the heart man and I love it it's amazing you know the whole social media thing's a crazy world and you know and we're always bombarded with all these different things and like I've never had a platform like that in my life where I could like just speak openly to people right you know it was always through a magazine or through a video or something like that and so voice yeah so like I think in like and for me it's it's kind of therapeutic in a weird weird way of where I'm able to like express my thoughts and get them out and most of them that I do share with like the the words that I share are either explaining my experience that I have that day and just breaking it down because I just like to recap and kind of myself like this is what's going on and for people that are interested can follow and see in their the other aspect there's are my actual like thoughts that are going on in my head and I used to keep a diary and write or like a journal you know and write little words down and stuff but I'd always lose those or they or I'd get a new one and there's like each one of them are only like partially filled and so um I started a Twitter account a while ago before Instagram I yeah I was sort of anti social media I never had facebook I never had any of that stuff and my friend was like you know there's people out there that have fake accounts that are you and this and so I was like okay I better do them myself then right so got a Facebook account and then got Twitter and then started like going oh man I have all these thoughts and it was like it's kind of just like a mobile diary and for me their reminders to myself they're not they're not my advice to others these these are my words to myself to remind myself of what I need to do and to stay on the right path and to experience you know and and just express the thoughts as well - they're not always only reminders but if other people can identify with them if they could help them in any way then that's just the icing on the cake just added positive so yeah it's it's it's really for for myself but to see the impact that it has had on other people in the response that I get and in the communication I get from other people it's like I was like wow that's like crazy I didn't expect expect that yeah and and you know then there's you know people some people don't get it and some people don't understand yeah you know this is lame right it's like but that's cool it is it's it's part of life you know and so I just I think it's fun it's it's fun and and even like way later in life like you know or if I die one day somebody could look back and go like here's a chronological line of my thoughts and in the timeline of what I was going through and what I was thinking in this in this time period um and I think that's pretty cool yeah something cool and or if I become old and share it with my grandkids someday or something or right or kids I guess I have two kids but also two-year you're putting it out there in the universe as well you know it's a lot of people hold their thoughts in yeah and they don't even write them down yeah you know and here you are just putting it all out there and you know the what do you put out in the universe you know as you you can write back it comes right back yeah energy is full circle energy is so real and and and I I've tapped into that many times in my life and and more so now than ever you know and and it's like what you said it's like you know it's like people a lot of times they're like you know why is my life like this this sucks and this is that isn't that is like that's it's gonna stay that way if that's the way you know everyone else and and we have we have to realize that even the worst things that happen to us in life are all part of the experience that we were made to have yeah you know and and and there's a lot of people argue that and say well why does this happen and why does that happen why is happening questioning it's never gonna do any good you know and so for me it's just about this acceptance the power of acceptance will like make you glide through life so much easier and and I'm still learning and every day I'm far from perfect I'm far from enlightened I'm far from some guru I never claimed to be any of this kinda stuff you know but I'm getting better each day and I'm learning more each day and I'm becoming more at one with myself each day and the more I'm at one with myself the more I'm at one with others and want to understand others the more patients I have the more empathy the more understanding the it's just it's every and since that life keeps getting better these these things keep happening I have to you know all these new shoes coming out designing I've got like doing these hosting gigs I'm on the 9 Club nah not too long ago I was in a bit way worse place right you know and and and I had a bad back injury and my back took me away from skateboarding for a long time and I was like pretty miserable like I mean depressed like heavily depressed and I got to the point where I was just like I kind of gave up on myself for a little while and I was really disappeared for a while and this is not that long ago I was sober not drinking - which was crazy that I was in that mind state sober brush as well and and I was like so down I was just like I can't skate my back's jacked I was told I can be paralyzed if I'm high if if I don't get the surgery all this different stuff and I didn't want to get the surgery and so like I was like so down and then one day I just stopped and I go what am i doing like what the heck am i doing and I said you know what I'm out I left my car at home got my skateboard walk down the hill went rolling and in that moment is like I felt this crazy energy like come through my body and I was like stood up more and I was like oh my god like and ice skating on the street and then some cars driving by and you're like Moscow and beeping the horn and I'm like what's up yeah and like I think it was like some of the choppers I remember had yeah yeah and then I got a scanner beeping I did Ollie and like I like and I skated that was the day when I skate and I skate it to max field which is a store a fashion store and Scott Oscar built a full pipe I guess full pipe there and I just skated down to it and nobody was there was kind of earlier in the morning like the were like 12 noon ish and I was just looking at it and I was like I'm gonna keep going and then right and I was about to leave I heard Jesse Martinez go lusca you know now look gosh it's Jesse what's up you know and I rolled over so you could have skate today right and I'm like yeah I'm gonna skate you know Jesse and then and then started rolling on the full pipe and skating and Scott Oscar showed up and Hosoi was there and and Eric Dressen and you know my idols of my childhood all showed up and like and I was just like okay okay like this is this is good and and the initial start to that though was the king of the road which was a but it was a few months before that yeah I mean I busted a frontside flip some God grace give me you know but I woke up the next day a lot of pain a boom and I didn't skate it all for like probably two or three months it was before that or something to him and but that day started it and from that moment on I made a conscious decision that I hurt right now I feel it oh really my sitting here this long like my back it's there I have to slip disc of my lower back still there but I just chose that this injury is not going to defeat me and I'm gonna be aware of it and I'm going to take care of my body I'm gonna stretch I'm gonna be more healthy I'm gonna retain positive thoughts yeah and I'm gonna move forward with what I have I'm not gonna dwell on what I don't have I'm not gonna dwell on is this injury gonna stop me while these what ifs are gone yeah I push them out of my mind that day and I just said it's on I'm going I'm going forward I don't care if I just roll down the street I don't care if I don't skate at all but I'm not gonna stay here and wait to die yeah I'm gonna get out and live life and I go there's plenty of people with way worse situations and conditions even though a back is like a I mean I went from not being able to put my shoes on in the morning wow she's to no slide and some Hubble edges again yeah so like it's it's it was a major step you know like and it's something I'm still aware of and and focus on each day to get through it yeah and I have bad days I wake up some days and I still can't put my shoes on there's me happen still you know and I have to go okay this is gonna pass I have to like breathe stretch yeah why is this hurting figure it out think about it and empower through it you know and and so I'm not my body's not at the level that I would love it to be at but it's a lot better than where it was at and so hopefully you'll continue to get better and I'll continue to skate more yeah mentally I'm so much I'm like clearer than I ever have been and like I know if my body caught up to my mind like there's another video it's not another video part I'm still like I mean I was skating in demos like in I was in Australia a skating demo and and it's not like the craziest craziest but I'm out there busting fronts on quarter pipes and no side insular buzzing crooked grind and um and blunt slides and you know it's nothing like so I mean that just makes me so happy to be able to do that because that's my pure love and passion in life and to do that but regardless of all that like it's just the power the mind is so strong and the power of belief and the only limitations that really exist in life are the ones that we place upon ourselves you know then certain things are physically impossible sure you know certain people are in a wheelchair run they're gonna be in a wheelchair the rest of their life I'm not saying that they can think we'll it and just get up on that wheelchair and walk away yeah but their perception of their reality can change oh yeah and they can make the best life possible living in a wheelchair and and that's what I told myself even if I'm even if I'm here and and stuck and I'm never gonna be able to walk again or whatever it is that this back is doing to me I'm gonna accept it and I'm gonna move forward and in that acceptance came healing and it's just it's a small miracle to be honest with you like amazing and it's it's it's a day-to-day thing that I'm grateful for and then and I'm not gonna [ __ ] this up yeah yeah well you know thinking is such a very sour language thinking is a very powerful thing you know thinking and the more you think you dwell on something you dwell and you dwell and like you said like you you got into this like bad place you took your board out you went for a role in that one [ __ ] roll down the street just changed your whole [ __ ] yeah it's amazing uh skateboarding saved my life more than one time what kind of surgery how come you don't want to get us how come you don't to get surgery I mean I had knee surgery yeah for a torn ACL medial meniscus lateral meniscus and some other minutes cuz I think you a CLA ACL yeah to ACL lateral and medial empty huh yeah all of them DSL yes so it didn't come back all the way a hundred percent I've heard things with back surgery too that covered positive things left her negative things to em um and then my friend Daryl this BMX rider I just met in Brooklyn when I was out there and a couple other people told me about this guy it's sarn't dr. Sarno yeah and he cured Howard Stern yeah he's got a book I got hearts yeah he talks about him all the time his book is like yes so so Daryl he's a pro BMX rider he does a lot of hosting now oh come with Chris Posterous and stuff too but I ran into him randomly I'm Brooklyn and he was like I didn't want to see you and he told me about it and so I still haven't downloaded it but I'm gonna know you know but I feel like what he preaches I found I found that answer for myself and in a weird way because whatever days told me they're like oh you must have studied Sarno you must have studied Sarno and I'm like who's this and I googled it and I watched it I was like well that's what he's saying in this video is exactly what I've told myself and when I was already thinking but I do want to listen to his book yeah sure read it yeah listen to the audiobook eat one of the other and and see what what points he makes but I feel like I tapped into whatever he had tapped into somehow and it's got me going so far but even if you even if you know even if you feel like you've tapped in and reading or listening to his book will also kind of reaffirm what you are already thinking hundred percent man I just know yeah I just know I'm not done with life and like I said before I feel like I'm just beginning I have so much more to offer this world I know and I'm ready to do it I'm gung ho feel better than ever and you know it's on but I love it listen bro watch out world I know bro yeah a guy must go yeah man thank you so much listen I got some goodies for you he's taking out the backpack he's gonna put all this [ __ ] in there we got some stickers for you first and foremost some 9 club stickers he's our he's opening the bag he's putting the stickers in there 9 club no they copied us dude here's a long-sleeve double X double X double X I know the 90s Club the 90s Club bro here's a burning mug for you that's me Roger and Kelly they're made by one of our fans Sam Pierson thank you yeah it's gonna have his morning coffee with that there's some of these we do have double X and the hoodies and stuff oh okay I wasn't sure we will take you back in the warehouse out of this show you know I'm saying pick out whatever you want you know here's an excel embroidered crew neck nice were you next to Pat a good exhale yeah here's a 9 club new era hat you know I'm saying like I said boom I get that looks great on you but there you go looks great on you like I said we're gonna put oh he's attaching that to his bag that's a good way I like that technique yeah that's a good technique here's XL hoodie pocket bag 9 Club hoodie for you look at that yeah and of course we do oh I'm gonna take this one in yeah yeah do we have that one in two black yeah yeah we do so I'll hold this one out feeling okay I had to give you the switch full of Manny's shirt bro yeah switch flip Manny shirt we didn't have double XL nose though okay alright man exhales that's Wonderwall right there yeah can you sign it that's cool I got a silver sharpie just for the shirt let's do it you're not gonna make are you really yeah what made you yeah look at this Chad Muska so sir Wow is it over here Kelly we grab the are here I'll grab it did you ever think you'd be getting musky you are not no yeah look at this huh Chad I don't know what you're gonna do with this but I'm gonna wear it are you this is a weird moment right now signing muskets sure I'm gonna do his copyright copyright ooh mm oh how do you [ __ ] it up man there's no such thing just turn into our scratch it up like Basquiat it's almost less 2029 that's that would be the next time I come on the ship there you go man look at that mm mm 29 huh always thinking ahead you know I like it I like it dude Chad again thank you so much bro you are the man all right to see you come back any time like I said bro you're in the area come back please hang out was tell me when band's gonna be here and I'll be yeah that's the whole another it's a whole other show yeah and also to the shoes November don't let me forget those yeah member I and the other ones in December yeah can't wait what's the story with this by the way oh yeah a little that's the old school crew crew change just from the back in the day he said it may bring some oh there's crew yeah that's sick you guys you guys want it for the little boombox oh we can't take your change if you want really don't take that chew it Chris I'll tell what flavor flav come on that's hard Flavor Flav mine's got two clocks Wow times Chris it's almost midnight depends on which one you're looking at now yeah New York time la time that was the idea that was the idea say I don't want this dad chin I want to keep going like all good things must come to an end I know oh no that's true oh my god the puppy pads keep going and going and going but listen it's not even about the bathroom it's just about I care about them I can't keep them at home alone no no for sure for sure they're gonna snap like when I show up they're gonna be like Maggie especially when she's like are they we like running around in circles and like she'll Robin like smack me really oh gee that the oldest one he's like he'll just start screaming he'll just be like he really like makes that noise I'll try to film it maybe I'll film it and send it to you bro thank you for everything you've done and you're gonna continue yes it's an honor to be here we finally did it hope everybody likes it keep listening more to come soon there you go this is just the intro episode the musca experience episode is coming soon [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 598,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skate, podcast, talk, show, history, interview, news, motivation, legend, funny, hilarious, comedy, thrasher, berrics, transworld, tricks, street skating, kareem campbell, skytop, jamie thomas, chad muska supra, tom penny, heath kirchart, muska flip, no jumper, supra footwear, king of the road, go skateboarding day, ty evans, eric koston, bam margera, tony hawk, street league
Id: iw8Hpd_uoVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 38sec (13418 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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