Bob Burnquist | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 162

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well we are back huh we're back at the nine club everybody today we got a special special special guest mr. Bob Burnquist what's up welcome yes super finely in the nine club yes you made it you made it haven't gotten that one first time for every that's right you know after how many years 22 something years in the x-games or something something like that 95 I don't know 95 to 2000 and what do you retire you semi-retired I can always you know it's it's really it was really a point of like doing the same thing over and over that I got tired about it's like here's the ramp is the same there's that trick to change the format change ramp design I can get interested there are things yeah that's really what that was but how much of a design change can that thing take though I mean what are we talking about do they i don't know i'm not i don't watch all the x-games but do they do the rainbow rail or the manual pad or is it just airs they did in the past and and and listen the other thing is to is just it's such it's so high-risk it's like I mean at one point I'm like is it really worth you know all those they breaking my face breaking like that that's like I've done that you know and and push through them and push through so many injuries and it's the point where it's like well if this happens again then it's like was it really worth it sure thing right so especially when you're going off that size of a jump like I skate my backyard and I don't go that high all the time you know I go it's tech and fast yeah but it's not to the level of you know it's not wheelchair level you know because that's like when you're going that fast off the 70 foot jump going 23 20 like foot plus okay make a little mistake you're on the coping or you're low I mean you saw Jake brown you know it's a G way I'm click on it hits you know it's just like well okay how many more of those do I want to take at that level so when you level it down and you go into the tech and like you know at my house would have the hip and the step up okay L and manual pad so then you can actually you know get more creative and be a little bit more I don't know progressive with it you know and not just spins which is amazing you know we just saw 1260 having that [ __ ] but that's you know a progression you know yeah was it it's some other guy gee Bruce go by the way there you go yeah but the other guy he he slammed as well on the same same ramp what was the guy's name Tom char no no no he was it he slammed Trey yes and now as he was trying nines I was you know I was right there we were skating and and then I was like hey go first I want to see it from up here okay and then he drops in and he spins and it looks good cuz you know I'm looking at it flat so I'm far away from the rollin so and then all of a sudden he's you know just stops oh no and I was like oh that's not good right and then you know when I saw the footage I can't believe you actually walked out yeah yeah you're just trying to be like stay you know stay moving yeah but you sat right down like as soon as he fell I mean that was that sivak that is what I run from like the one flightless man slight miscalculation it is and you can't see and you just got to believe you got to give it to snap and then you got a hope that you're in the right place how does that affect your session on that when some of the falls like that it's a bummer well it you know it sucks obviously because you don't wanna you know and that was right before the contest start to yeah but right after that it really depends on who goes after right so like Elliott jumped and then did a tail 5 and made it you know and just kind of cleaned up the okay the slam vibe right it can't be harsh and and the way I look at it if I took the slam it was like okay there's that so the statistics of that happening again is like now I'm in a better place right but you know it's just it stays in your head let me if you do it long enough like I have you've experienced the you know the pain and many different ways then it's in your head you know always yeah right so I mean you have the new energy a lot of the kids are starting their you haven't taken those slams that trade just did so I'm sure you thinking different but you know it's just this like oh yeah it's great it's because I remember the feeling I remember I was skating at all time and I was just like ah this is I know how to do it now I know if all like you get this confidence mm-hmm and there's a there's a difference in in the confidence and the ego inflating because once the Eagle starts inflating you can get checked so you know and I was like oh yeah I can you know try and whatever and I was trying to nollie heel nollie backside heel 180s right on the gap okay and then when I went to fall I put my foot down I was just kind of like I fell so many times like I know how to fall you know it's all good I put my foot down I was riding sideways so as soon as I put my foot down my leg just so it just caught in my knee just went kind of did this whip and it almost blew my knee just on a simple simple put my foot towels like oh okay now I really have to pay attention every time I'm skating I can't do that so now I don't put my foot down ever know when I bail it's like I turn into a ball you know slide it down exactly right but it takes you know when you skate vert and a new skatepark new skate Street you bail differently so you get this memory of like how to do it sure and Omega and that's what usually what people get hurt when they start skating mega as they try to run out OH Duffey yeah yeah yeah that was a huge one and that was you know it's because he tried to he tried to run out his instincts to go it since he skates that's how he skates and that's you know so the bailing part is like so important that's that's that was it once that happened to me I was like okay let me focus focus every time I jump now I treat it like a skydiver I treat it like a flight you know I check everything I make sure I'm good I'm focused on because your next flight is the most important that's you know you know matter how many jumps you've had no matter how many things you've done the one mistake you make could be a fatal one so I treat mega like that so I'm checking my board I'm checking to this ramp how's this every time I go I'm like way more you know respectful of it totally I mean speaking of like your your backyard you have the mega in the back yet in the backyard I'm how does that do you even just go for like what's a session like go mess with the little magnet yeah you can't you can't have somewhat of mellow sessions on it I can go for lip tricks on the quarter you know mm and just but it's it's tiring like you have to like you know there's a walk up the landing and then take speed and get on a no-bail to walk up the landing yeah right so anytime I you know I filmed a lip trick or whatever it took me you know a lot of effort you know unless I made it like you know short amount of tries which isn't that made many times it's just these costly going up costly going up costly going up and that's like that's a horse park right so but that's also good because then you're to get a good investment but you know keep in shape the right Hill right so I can go there I can I can do a session on the rail and to me the rail is is is uh I can skate that every day oh you can yeah like I could be into that warm up would be mo a boardslide or 50 like how do you warm like what do you yeah fifty-fifty okay you know just straight 50 50 years of Smith grinds or you know like that but once you start like flip into it like flipping into it then it's just a matter of how you get out of it how do you bail okay and I'm first when I start to because the rail is really like it's the angle of the the rail is like the angle of the trajectory so when you look at the you know so when I go fast I just hover above it yeah and you're kind of like placing your your truck to sort on it exactly so if I want to you know touch the rail I have to slow down so what I do is if I'm trying something new if I'm gonna try to flip into it like I go fast you know and then so you know you're gonna clear you know I'm gonna clear it but I'm guys start getting more and more comfortable with it and then I'm like okay the blips kind of there and then I'll slow down and then when you really slow down then you feel the you know you feel the rail because a lot of times you can just be hovering above you know so you can do like you can do a boardslide by just you know just touching just scratch but you're kind of doing an air almost right right so you know to really you know to flip into it into lanch or sometimes that float set like feeling is not good so you need to touch the rail yeah okay and you need to slow down and the slowing down is is scary I could imagine as you want to make sure and there's waves get I've kind of learned to I got this this move so I don't sack it I do a four right so I put my like just you put your ankle like around my knee like ankle around the knee okay the shin slides just like a cross it oh so if I flip and nothing's there and I'm gonna like sack I go up right in the hole or oh and then I lock that it's like a shin slide guys what a mission oh yes okay I ask you hang one foot up over your knee yeah and then shin guard slide I would like to see that actually yeah no I want to see some bales yeah like that that I do that and then one time I tried to kickflip I tried that kickflip indeed what ride that I feel like at the end of demos like okay that's it tony has the the back flip into the under the back right like he does now in mines that the kickflip like yeah so when I do that I mean the demo is over you know coming back yeah exactly so I was like I think I can do that on the rail right and I was like yeah that's good keep flipping it but right that's right I think I can still do it the first time I tried it I just went kickflip I opened up my legs so the four is gone you know and then like it didn't quite I couldn't get it under me so I went straight sack like right like I mean both I bet it didn't it didn't really grab like it didn't hit the balls like full-on what Hitler they grabbed the side of both sides of my legs and it was like just purple is just a bad oh just super bad and I was I can't believe that just happened I mean I was one of the worst slams I've had on a trick that's not even that yeah I shouldn't even have tried yeah but now I'm in treating now I want it you want to show us at guard high-five oh that thing yeah you know but five oh it I thought about the inverts light like invert grinds - OH soap like soaping gonna downhill gloves yeah there's a couple of tricks there yeah it's like the possibilities I mean I just keep thinking and thinking and thinking dry I mean I've got a you got it in the backyard backflip 50/50 oh wow that kind of yeah that's like Danny's world you know Danny black back in the David he did the front like front side three disaster like grab and I remember we're talking about like Matt backflip this Danny comes a lot not lately as much he's been hurt off and on so he's been on that on that tear mmm-hmm he did a lot in the beginning and when he's filming and stuff and then and then now like we tried to like we try to connect the bunch and I tried to skate vert with them and then but I'm always traveling Brazil and he's always out there but yeah he's so much fun to skate with we had so many sessions that was just him and I they were just like kind of a dream come true as a kid you know I was just like man that's anyway skate in my backyard you know that's insane man he was a huge part I mean I got a thank to him not not only you know getting that whole process of the mega going the one when the when the seven acres lot got was available and you know I had I had done something and I and I didn't have the money necessarily to put the down payment mm-hm but you know I was gonna get it in a couple months there was something like that and then I was just like hey Danny this is happening I got the you know this slot right here and and he's like yeah man he's just put down 30 grand no way Wow so he he went and did that and then you know a couple months later I paid him back yeah but it was such a cool act because I mean he could have been like no way you know yeah right why would I give this guy that you know there's a opportunity to build a ramp and but you know just because valium about who he is sure people know that but he's a big somebody else could have come in swoop the land yeah that's right or you know or just you know not it wouldn't go down and wait a couple months and then yeah is it literally in your backyard or is it yeah it wasn't and then I bought that was like had to buy the seven acre line soldier this guy was he wanted to build four houses and he can only build three and then he wanted an easement so I needed to he wanted to buy my two acre lot that was on the side mm-hmm and then I was like no I'm not selling it to you you know so then he got landlocked in a way because he couldn't get people to go there and then he didn't have the four houses so it wasn't now viable and he's like and I was like but I'll buy it for me became a thing is like okay I yeah and then he sold it so it was one of those you don't worry yeah and then it became the backyard and that's not in Vista that's invested okay have you ever caught anybody trying to sneak in and do the little [ __ ] good job people go there all the time really yeah I mean you get to chain up or anything I know I come on it's Karma yeah how many how many backyards I've trespassed to skate their pool well I'd do it too you know that's kind of like how I view it but I try to like you know when people are there I don't come out and say go away I have people yeah okay but there's one place that I I can be a dick and it's at my house but and I tried to hold because like if I see you on the street you you ask for what are you doing it whatever it's all good I can be eating you can stop me all good but when I'm at home and if I'm nice then it's gonna spread that it's cool just go to Bob's house he's super cool I should know he was in his robe and he is only fine yeah so I tend to be like no like just I put I put that down but you have found yet if I'm confronted you know like if I just see someone there I can you know i have my brother-in-law bruno hmm you know this so I just had like just go out and tell them yeah right but I've had I've had like two kids one time from Guatemala you know and they're just like on their skateboards they show up to the front and I was about to go into dick mode know and then I looked at the situation and I was just like hey what's up guys and they're like oh my gosh our dreams like skated like they came from like you know whatever the their country and they took a bus and then they skated you know I was like all right come over here I gave them the full tour I mean oh we're cute totally so you can find it like you know but that was the only situation where I was like okay let me I'll show you around yeah sometimes people just show up at their cars I think oh they caught it they came from some other state to visit and they wanna you know see the see dreamland right Michael now you see oh yeah but I think it's just also one of those it's like a it I've never I mean who you know just seeing a mega ramp in person right I think people just wanna go and see yes it is yeah that's huge and the crazy thing is is that you can't see it from the street and you can't see it unless you're actually unless you go in through my gate and then you you know you go over this little hill and then you see it yeah so it's not something that you can like cruise down the street be like oh there's Bob's there's okay that's the unique it's just in this like you know between these hills and hmm you know and and and I do get a lot of helicopter and airplane so you know cuz I'm a pilot too so you know you know and and and and and they use it as a visual point yeah so it's like oh yeah it's over at the you know Bob house yeah so that's there so you can't can't escape that one you've really created something over there bro yeah I mean I mean not you know it's I would say I'd want to come over but I don't know what I would skate over there I mean just to watch I think the deck of the bowl that was wooden over there the verbal mm-hmm that's all Crete now oh is it okay did you read over all the the wood yeah oh you did yeah so we had well I'll sit with Jeff King and we're talking about like the the wood the scale I was already kind of like over every years I had to redo it right so I redid this gate like once and then when it came to do it again then it's like the under layer was all weird and I was I I have to make a decision it was like gonna be like 60 grand or something to some well he do it and then 9200 to concrete it and then you know Jeff was the one Jeff King was like dude maybe you should like think about creating over it and I was like really you can do that and I was thinking like I guess those guys you know they do the parks you know like just the thin layer and yeah well maybe that's something that could go down then we reached out to grind line mmm all right Pete Hubbard so Marc came over and we're talking about it he's like yeah I can do that that it on he bit it out and Wow and then they went at it so see we have like entombed yeah exactly I mean I had you know Andy Roy was on the job you know so that was cool hanging with him for hung with him in a long time so yeah so he was there and and then they just they're just like this is the perfect mold you know it's like I left a lot of the skate life pulled I pulled like the main sheets of skiing light out but when all the corners were just gonna be hard to pull out so I left a lot of the corners and then just you know Crete right over I think there's like a thick layer like this like right over it crazy so the flat bottom shorter yeah you know the cradle isn't as skateable anymore like it's it's cannibal but it's hard like all the tricks because when i built it was already on the tight side so some that hadn't been done really and I was like I wonder how big I need to build this yeah and then the size was tight for for for the vert and if I were to do it again I would have built it like a bigger radius okay so when the concrete came over it was like it made everything cuz you're adding these couple in yeah tightens it up tightened it up and then when I went to go do a grind on it was hard you know so I was like ah man okay that's that I was like you know all the backside Smith grinds of Smith grinds and all the stuff that I you know that I did was like that's that you know that was done because now it's like just doing a grind on it as hard you know someone came over and did a back Smith I can't remember who but I was just like wow that's insane I feel like anything that exists somebody's gonna yeah alright it's how you approach it sure so put a flap on the wall something's gonna skate it to your question so the deck is all concrete so I have this big old flat oh you know they put like the street stuff in the manual pad oh okay I do he'll make a trip skateable options well I want to get into like you know growing up in in Brazil and doing that and how you got your start everything but since we're on the subject of the mega rancher in the backyard and everything you know you're skating vert and and then this mega thing kind of comes into play how did that even happen did that get presented to you or was it kind of something that existed already and or what was a process I mean well guys like yeah I'm you know it's it's a it was it was a process and a natural progression to my evolution as a skateboarder right you know so you know back in in Brazil I mean I I skated a lot of street and I skated vert and I skated bull and I skated parks right like I just I just skated yeah so and then vert was this passion because I you know I had this ramp that a wooden vert ramp like just three blocks away from the house I lived in so I got to skate that a lot and and and then that went away so I was stuck with Street skating and all the stuff so I was able to do these phases of my life get a deference agility yeah so like I was able to get okay I need to skate Street now because there's no other vert so let like you know then I acquire that you know and then as I went back to vert I went back to vert with a street background so then it gave me more of the Dany and Colin as inspirations you know on adding that so eventually I was skating it then through the anti-hero days with skating mostly parks and you know with those guys traveling around and and then the x-games you know and all that I am skating Verdun and I was like hey I can actually you know get good at this but the end in particular and I love skating it so then I was able to explore that as much as possible I was at a point where I was just like things were getting to the same old thing right okay so then I'm like I get bored pretty easily that's fine that's why I'm a pilots this because I need to get into different things where I get like yeah it's like boring yeah switch for instance learn right gate all over again yeah no that was that that was that so but then eventually the vert was there you know I won all the contests and I could skate it and it's like win-win-win so it's like okay how do i you know where do I go you know at the same time that whole long jump thing was happening there's an event over at Queen Mary the the Bart Simpson something long jump thing that it was just like a launch ramp with the landing and and then will you move the landing and the landing was like pretty small so when you made a mistake you headed flat oh so and then you come up so it's really not really friendly to over shoot okay and at that particular event I remember there was this big rolling and and I was like man that's way too much speed for that so I'd start up like a little short you know and then but the big roll is there so someone wants to it's like oh like someone's got to go on it but I knew it was too much right so but I'm like I'm gonna go anyways and I'm stretched I slowed down and so I went and like deep humped and then like landed almost at flat but I just caught some transition you know I was like oh okay that was too much speed but I went that's all I wanted right side and then I kept skating and then Gentry comes over and he's like I went off the top I was like Chris did I just went don't pump you know the things like way too fast and he's like you know it's got a heavier build and and he's like nah that's good news obviously he's all like you know adrenaline shot I mean he like goes down the thing and sure enough he pumps like he's just like oh and like he just like voom goes past it and we're like and he puts his foot down like boom bond breaks his foot oh just like I mean there's no that was there's no other outcome yeah yeah and and that was that I couldn't even I didn't even have the heart to say why I told you and you know so it was the evolution of that once those things aren't happening and then we're like okay I remember talking to Danny is like Danny if this landing was like 10 times bigger you know and then it was just like this evolution of like oh we need that that that mm-hmm then now it's ten times bigger but then at the same time Danny's gotten through that Matt Hoffman big quarter pipe to skateboarding right yeah and we used to just do this jump and hit this mattress right it was like you know his jump that and then go all the way up until this wall oh okay so there was no ending to it you know so by Danny putting the the quarter pipe at the end of it then now you actually have what to do with all that speed right you know yeah one two three now you have something to to go to right so and and that's kind of like how that happened so while we're doing the king of skate contest remember that back in the day where I did the open loop yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll talk about those yeah so then he did the he wanted to break the record of the long jump and the high Aaron one that was his thing okay he wasn't able to do it together but he did it separately all right but he built that for that right so now he had that ramp and he was able to kind of like fine-tune it huh and that was out point X at that can so Mike yeah Temecula so then I saw that and I was like yeah I'd done the contest and did that open-loop thing but I looked at that and I was like that looks like so much fun because the open-loop is one shot right yeah get it done there's no evolution of tricks Oh kickflip under it you know it's just like well maybe there's certain things that are doors that are kind of open and closed and shut yeah other things are like quickly so and in other things like the mega ramp or like doors that you open and then just the opportunities for new tricks or like wide open so it just kind of came out of Danny ways like mind of like hey I want to do a world record of long and then high in the product of that competition and then it was put together before that anniemac try to do that was yeah the long jumps yeah and and and and that that was the evolution of the the eighties jump ramp yeah and you know you can ask Jim Tebow I was back feels after you and years of laying the flat so adding the landing was like and and it also came with the the x-games mix of like BMX box remember like these people are ski tables yeah all that so it was like you know things started happening to take it to that right they're doing these big thing and we could do that on a skateboard yeah but it needs to be adjusted yeah so that's kind of right where that and I think you know you can you can go bigger you can you know you can do all that but like there's a reality of physics that that that we can play in and I think that it's pretty in a pretty good place for progression right anything more than that is a one shot and it's you know insane and you gotta prepare yourself for that but like that's a good size to like continue that's why you've seen so much progression because it's just kind of sit in a good place not enough people are skating but that's kind of how I get I went to point X and I was just like I skated it like once had a hard time landing it but not because I couldn't do it it's because I had a I was like afraid of the quarter pipe no Santino's gonna have a lot of speed and that's the biggest issue with mega ramp is the first jump right yeah that first quarter pipe it you know everyone will tell you that skated mega is like that was the scariest part because you don't know what it's gonna happen the timing is different than vert and then you know use huge and you can and what what usually happens as is you do the trick before you need to do the trick yeah so you go for a backside air the way you do them on vert you're gonna do a backflip you know on you gotta wait wait wait and then the coping then waiting then you keep going up it's almost like an air on the extension if you do your skate vert like when you hear the extension and if you keep your body low you know then then you're gonna go to flat you're gonna get upside down you know so you have to keep riding up the wall and then hit so you don't do that so Omega is kind of is that but you don't know until you first yeah it saw it took me a while to like you know I did every trick goes like mute 3 2 all the threes and I just would like put it down and then jump off right oh really and I was like ok now I have to like one time you know so then I went you get scared kind of do this like you know and you almost loop out and you know and you're like okay oh my god now you know and then the next one's like okay then it's good yeah then it's then it's mellow so you have to go through that and that's the issue with most people is like that's when you see some pretty funny and some [ __ ] bad not sure at all it's fascinating you know wow I don't think I could ever just say if I was gonna just go down it what would you what advice would you give let's say let's say that a diaper yeah what do you let's talk about Pat Duffy because Pat's got that street skill but he does have some transition skill and and and and Pat jumped I mean I think anyone could really jump the gap yeah like if you if you can go fast down a hill hmm right and you got you know Heath went out there and jumped it you know like if you ride Street and you got someone you can do it the problem is the quarter pipe that is if you don't have that and even if you have that skill it is still an issue Yeah right like Sondra Diaz like his first hit at point x I mean he did a full backflip Lou planted halfway down the quarter pipe and he scared the [ __ ] out of him I think he like me what is one of the reasons he didn't skate mega that much is right that first experience yeah so but that's a guy who has one of the best you know vert like air skills like going down like that so if you don't so even if you do that happens so Duffy was like getting super close and he was like you know India over it and you know I wasn't thinking I didn't think he was gonna do it that that afternoon and just come back next day it was dark so I was just talking about the how to make it and all this stuff and and then I got done with a session he was starting getting darker and darker and I went up and went up to the pool and just kind of was like taking took my pads off and then all of a sudden you know I look and then boom he goes lands makes it and I'm like yeah if we're all all screaming but I was like I didn't talk about the core pipe you know and it was like we had there was zero conversation about the quarter pipe what to expect what to do what not together yeah you at least have that you know brief and and and and now is my like and I was just hoping and then he does the what you don't do as well he doesn't he did the deep pump because there was a lot of speed mmm he tried to he tried to do like oh let me just you know squat down yeah I like and so when he squatted down to deep pump right when you get to the vert it just becomes a spring just it's the opposite of what you want to do but it's what psychologically you know feels really like you want to do and and then he just goes wow like flies out and then I'm like okay he's you know it this is like I'm like if he just needs I mean that's a lo-- but it's gonna be good and then he tries to run out soon as he puts his leg down is like - it's like a chicken bone so fast it was like it was like a crime I mean and Mike over there at my house it's so quiet and you know we can have this conversation and this some of the neighbors depending on how far down because it just carries down the canyon yeah and it was like snap like a little like snap and then like this craziest scream and I was just like oh my god man I go running out there and it was just like of course I key actually what happened is I keep he broke the bottom part of his leg like you know cuz that his his femur yeah pressured down on his oh my god snap there was a pressure on that that broke his leg so you know he's there oh you know screaming I'm like oh my god okay call an ambulance like no I'd be less I'm sure it was like oh that tripped me out I was like as a professional skateboarder if you make if you make all 300 bucks and insurance is 250 you make 50 bucks because you have to have insurance in the US I mean maybe in Canada you don't but you know you have to have it here and I was just like oh man okay how do you want to get to the hospital and then he's like aw put me in the back of the truck so I had the green LED the dreamland truckin okay we just we couldn't mow I tried to grab him and it was like he was just any tried she was like ah so we laid a piece of like 3/4 plywood / and then we all carried that and put him in the back of the truck oh my and then drove to the hospital at Tri City there oh and and it was full like drive the hospital taking down beam on the ground no you didn't know what it was we all peeled out like cuz he was just like I don't want to be an issue and it was just like we just you know dropped him off and that's what hospitals the people who come I mean he's in pain and so but what happened is probably end up being the worst thing - because he got like a crazy infection and that's in fat enough you ever you know as you come out no cinematix I want to hear that I just saw four days ago yeah you know cuz I think he had some crazy infection because at Tri City and then his girlfriend seen that his girlfriend is helping him like drain it was just posted photos of his like yeah yeah so ended up being a triple injury post you know all that so I mean I always feel for that because it was like I knew he had the skill to get away of just that you know if he held this you know leg over and then he went again that one to happen right now you got pads I you know what's gonna happen it's that first you know into pain for it right away so so now you tell everybody before you tell him about the quarter pipe you know what happened was I had right there okay there's there's pre Duffy and post Duffy's there's a pre Duffy I had I mean it was constant hey Bob would comes up the ramp Bobby's about like all everyone right like all the guys like Lizard King like okay like ever like everyone and then it was hard to comedy I really was just like whenever it feels like yeah sure then whatever and then after Duffy crickets like zero Paul's like he was like I didn't have to promote or say like me it was just like okay and then if there were any calls it was like I just want to do the jump you know and then jump off so then scheckler came and a couple beers just like you know it made the landing and your ki made it you can see you made it and then like jump off jump right right and I do that's an option that is an option it's okay if you're a street skater yeah I'll allow that okay okay if you skate vert I that is not allowed a not that's like the the roll in or get out right Jake Phelps yep I mean got to do it you skate vert you have to hit the guy so I'm not that I would ever would but I'm I'm bailing yeah you can definitely yeah no problem are you for watching what skated Chris in person not in person it's it's a wild I'm sure yeah I'm sure well we got to come out as well like I guess the next couple now the ramps all nice and got new skate light earth thanks gate light that was awesome oh yeah got it yeah so we're stoked yeah so now now now it makes me want to film more you know because it was so hot oh maybe a new bob part huh hey non-stop I was an assam when you guys film for your parts on that do you guys film separately or do you guys film to get like you and Danny Way or do you guys keep your own little feel like a session would be better a session is better especially with Danny I mean I like filming I mean like I remember I kick flipped in from the from the deck of the quarter mmm into the ramp and I started doing these flip bends and then when I skated with Danny then you know if I'm trying this you try something else and then he tre flipped in oh yeah when you skate with people like that then then I'm like okay you tre flip in then I'm gonna start thinking about other yeah you know and not just stay at the I've done a kickflip you know hypes you up yeah a film with people that are better than you it's funny you say quarterpipe and I just immediately picture like a little small corner we're talking about how tall is that's a quick 30 828 hell of a quarter I'll tell you what do I rather do stuff on that than on Bert like the bales are much better like if I'm gonna hang up I'll hang up there's not [ __ ] to slide down yeah like you you hang up and then you still have transitioned yeah or like you can try it or time to think about down shirt when you take off you got to know you're you know you got to decide you're landing right do you everything to we're gonna see the day where they're gonna be like a mega Park well it's you know money yeah you know the ideas are there it's a lot of wood and I would definitely shy away from concrete manga I'm not reading over that but I wouldn't mind reading over the rolling right and the launch ramps like maybe that is okay but man landing and I can't even know imagine a slam on Crete Oh No yeah try and switch about switchback tail on the concrete below you like concrete ledge you would be kind of yeah like that is cool yeah there's the landing part in the quarter that needs to be wood concrete up that manual pad needs to be wood with sprint or some kind of I don't know man I think I wish there was less screws like we've tried a bunch of different like trying to figure out ways that maybe glue it or cuz that's another issue a lot of times the screws can like really yeah huh Bruno I always feel like in the beginning I was like says follow cam right I was like Bruno you got it like at least jump it's a weakening like you know you can do follow and jump and get over break tonight yeah so we're like you know trying to get him into that and then and then he's going over the manual pad he did he did that and he I wanted he just went boom bailed and then his knee caught like I'm a thing and he's just like oh and we're like we go and like uh okay he's a god man says we'd like and he pulls his knee pad down like a thirty plus stitch like - OH his knee just pluck like he never even like he never rides a thing I ride it more than anyone I've never gotten a slice like that I've gotten cut it just slices Skinner did like I went take off the the kneecap - no than it was and the crazy thing is the neat the knee pad was fine I don't know where it like I think it just got like it caught it low or something happened that it just you know and then you know that was like the end of fall Oh cam career for Bruno yeah and it's one of the things that we're constantly on jackass yeah it's it's that it's screws what about just doing I like wood putty over at all yeah like at so because the screws we use that now we use screws that that's not gonna happen so all new screws are like that but like I still have me it's like the the non because what happens the screws is like they get like with water yeah they get I wish I would watson as what is on my desk I was actually gonna bring this some of the older screws oh well just because they like they get like all rusted and and then they pop the head right so then that rust part makes this like point so then the head of screw has like a point so it's popped a head of the screws popped off in a while but some screws stay there and then they're just kind of there you know so all of those are just I think there's like the what do you do like is it the old screw boom it's been you know because now like a bunch when we're popping okay and you know just because it's like they're all like rusting you're on the same time yeah so when they pop we just replace with new screws but did we have to constantly mmm like watch for that it's a hell of a job yeah it's a lot I mean I got 50 sheets of skate light from from skate light and it barely put a dent right so it was just like it's just like patches here and there had it's 50 sheets of like five by 12 you know and you look at the mega they look like little little squares yeah yeah like a patch I don't know crazy man I'd love to come down there just watch oh definitely come down you're gonna go ahead and have a little session you know just you guys do remote meaning come down there yeah bring my microphone and then interview you all you're yeah well well let's make sure we get a newbie to do the live you know so we can get that experience listen it's fascinating we could talk about mega all day long but this isn't that's not at all what you're about you know I mean you grew up in Brazil Rio or Sam pop you grew up in you were born in Rio and Rio reconsent Padres that's all Paulo yes okay and moved around a lot my dad worked with commodity so he's like he was actually study in Berkeley okay and then he went he was either going to Ecuador or Brazil mess with cotton or coffee and we just kind of like figure out the market and like through the research and then he brings it back to the to the company so then he went to Brazil he's like I'll stay here so then he married my mom she's from Minas Gerais she's Brazilian okay and then we lived like that was right around real time and then and then he moved because this job was like okay now you got to go down south to Porto Alegre where Lewan is from okay so I lived there for a year and then when you go back to some follows and his job said then go to Sao Paulo uh-huh do that and then came back to the US he lived in Pleasanton for a year oh well the garden like weird like real young and then back to Brazil so we need all this movements and my mom was like okay we're gonna stop you know like then she's like okay we stay in some Paulo then he moved to Rio and then and then I was constantly changing schools you know so that to me it was a bummer Jan now it was it was great because I'm I'm okay you know I meet so many new people you know so it's like it was it was definitely hard then as a kid but it was it was a good school it almost got you ready for yeah just contact Lee yeah just I mean I would like you know I mom dropped me off the school and be like I'd go hang out her leg I'm like oh man new people I know yeah for a kid yeah and and I was always more of like like I like being on my own mm-hmm my wife liked to say it likes to say that I'm autistic but you've got it like a tad of autism and you know I by V I mean maybe who knows I do tend to kind of go inside you know a lot and it's just like one of the things but that it was like it helped me in going alright this I really don't like moving around but you know then I would skate in different places right I start skating it was just like okay well it is what it is yeah yeah did you start learning port like English and Portuguese like right off the bat I went to english-speaking schools like I went to Pan American Christian Academy I went I went to there for like a couple years so as in Brazil so us speaking played baseball and okay you know the whole US culture down there and then my dad would only speak English to me even though if I thought if I'd speak Portuguese you wouldn't answer he knew what I was saying but he was just like he wanted you to learn and then my mom was Portuguese so just you know back or everything had two names you know you have no accent I'm a double agent now if you speak Portuguese obviously you have the accent and nobody knows yeah nobody's the wiser right yes zero zero accent in both thanks to mom and dad so that's crazy cuz I grew up with it like from the get-go so that you know I started speaking things had two names yeah yeah huh yeah but it was my second language even though because I was you know I just I grew up in Brazil but you know it was a school was all ports you know and then when I went to the American school then that was English and okay and so how did you even get into skating out there um I got into skating when like well a end of the elec 86 or so kind of like the boom people were skating around you know like there's a lot of skateboarders and and then my neighbors one of my neighbours got a board and and I'd always like like there's one of my friend Daniel is what the guy who hung out with the most and so we would go out we play soccer a lot you know you know obviously Brazil and and then he like I let him borrow a soccer ball like he's one of my good friends it didn't really matter it's like he lost the ball or something happened and I went over to his house and I was like Oh where's that ball and he's like I don't know a lot my buddies something happened he's like but you can have this you know and it was like a mini fiberglass board oh yeah I was like okay cool yeah it was the perfect you know as a Brazilian is perfect to exchange a soccer ball for a skateboard because it was the best thing that could that could have happened you know losing that ball right if he said no here it is yeah I mean playing with a bar not even that means I'm asthmatic anywhere goalie goalie yeah yeah and I wasn't going for a long time because I guess from skateboarding and all the pain and that and and I wouldn't care so I'd like you know I just throw myself and like grab so many balls and the guys were like oh they're always Stoics like today he doesn't care he's always so scale let's get him to be a goalie and I was always small all right so the only reason I was picked as a goal is because I was you know fearless in the sense because like they're the other guys that are taller and you know and better mmm but that was another thing in skateboard cuz I played handball through the schools and I was the goalie yeah we did the competition between schools and I because I was small I was bench alright so I was the goalie balanced the bench didn't play one game no the guy you know was taller he was like you know the main so he's always you know played every game so we won the tournament and and they're all you know we all they pull this out and to the you know to get to the medal ceremony and you know medal ceremony everyone get to metal and then the coach goes to everyone's looking as good coach but gets booked put a medal on me now Mike Nana you said no no and then he's like he's like trying to be all like you know yeah because everyone's yeah I did not play but obviously I was part of the team you know and I was there but but I was just in my head there was absolutely no way I was putting that medal on his like if you don't put it on your off ah dude this is it and then and then that was that didn't put the medal over my you know and then skateboarding just like because it was like okay I'm skating I bailed it's my fault you know I landed a trick there's your phone I own merit I mean it's you know I obviously get friends and you can't say it's a loan you know it's like there's but it was way more in my control and that was like okay and it's creative and it was way more of what I was you know into and that just kind of locked me in so oh I did a little bit you know a few more years like maybe a couple years of baseball still cuz my dad wanted me to play okay and I would you know every Saturday we'd go out there to the Japanese community because they played you know baseball down in Sao Paulo and I would sit there and I'd kind of like I noticed that you know I was really doing it for him you know and I'm like sitting there and going I okay it's been like okay I'm just for 30 minutes and I haven't touched this ball no matter what sport no matter what out there you know outfield and yeah I'm like okay I could have been like skating for three I could have learned a couple of tricks at least I'm you know is so much more fun and then it got to a point where I was like dad like I have to just tell you I don't like it Ryan I got a stop right so then he was like okay you know then he saw that skateboarding was Benny he was like okay go ahead little did you know you'll be getting medals around your neck almost every year go ahead and put him on because I broke bones for that one it's amazing and then growing up I mean you were you said you did a halfpipe and then Street and all this stuff wasn't Lincoln you ADA a big part of your coming up and yes per ation yeah Lincoln was a big part of pretty much all Brazilian skateboarding the inspiration I mean he was like well him and his dad you know he had his like team like he'd always show up you know and then his dad would film everything you know and and his dad was really into motors like cars and race cars so they had u8a motors had the stickers like you ADA motors unless he were always film and and Lincoln was he he just progressed so quick but he was so young and so focused you know and when he skated vert like when I that the ramp I said there was three blocks away I would like after school I would stop by answer so close you know I just stopped by and then there's like you know the session going on then Sergio and it go frontside 540 guy you know he was skating Lincoln a couple other Brazilians and I was just like couldn't believe how good this kid was I mean Lincoln was like this little kid he was better than everybody just so much better than everyone and and focused and consistent you know there's no bailing it was just like Tata Tata you know like just solid everything and and I related to that obviously and there's this other kid from the South called lyokha King you hmm who is Vica King knows dad who's that Vica king of skates with pedro Barros he's at the park series okay yeah like he does the back Smiths backside revert around the corners like he's kind of like he's really good at like at skating you know you know the the park just transitioned and his dad is one of my idols no way so his dad you know now they build parks there this is constant with Pedro's dad Andre mm-hmm but that's kind of like that those were that my inspiration so so Lincoln was just this competition you know killer yeah here you go in and he'd win almost all of them and then he went to Germany for those like tightest contest of the world those like yes and at the time he was sponsored by Bones which was the fake bones right so pirate bones in Brazil like market like clothes you know like no there's no like no pirate or like stuff all of the bootlegs yeah right but I mean for us we didn't you know didn't know what that was it was just like oh there's that brand right so they sponsored that remember they showed up you know I didn't go but they told me stories of like them showing up thing cos like 89 and all the skaters wouldn't allow them to skate right so the heats like the Brazilians like they had like practice heats and they would always put the practice heat of the Brazilian that like whatever 1 a.m. right and then like all the guys would keep skating and then right when it was time for Brazilians to start the lights come off oh it was like this weird why because of the the leg stuff right like and going like how these guys but just and the language barrier you know and if you're punishing you guys for something that may work yeah but they don't know we don't know what that you know it's just it's just that right and obviously after a little bit then we find out and then we know right then it's like oh ok then a lot of things started changing but what Lincoln what Lincoln said is like and what I what was so inspiring was that they barely got to skate they revived out all the time you know just costly just just look down and just put aside or whatever and then when it was time to skate he skated in qualified third Oh which was unheard of to get in the mix of those back you know the top ten Evert those days I was like that was solid right now was Kendall you know but I guess guys I mean that's there's no locking and he made it through and like in third place you know I'm like oh my gosh this is insane and then I guess to the finals he end up and fourth but that was like the biggest I remember I was in a cab in Brazil and then the I had just gotten the skating magazine writer and he was on the cover and it was like fourth place in Germany or whatever in and I was just telling the cab driver I was so proud no I'm his friend and he just got forth and I remember when he did that all of us were like okay we can do it this is possible yeah it's not like you have to be American all right because there's this there's this feeling around the world now it's gone it's you know because the world rips it used to just be like I mean it was like us maybe Canada obviously Europe had but like us was so dominant that we're like we're just thinking like okay you'd have to and out how do we Brazilians way down here get to be as good so Lincoln showed us that you can right yeah oh that's that was really where I was like okay you know I believed you know and I became the biggest like just like whenever people unikz we all played the game like okay I'm Tony Steve Caballero you know Lance and I was like I'm Bob and then nobody have to be someone's like I'm Bob Bob yeah and I made this thing is like but I obviously loved all those guys first but I was just making a point when they even in these games I was just like dude we are who we are we we can we gonna be us yes and then that was and I had that mentality and you know now people are trying to be Bob unis and a million other Bob's so when all that stuff started happening and did you start entering contests or were you already doing that in Brazil well I skated don't worry you at this point I wasn't he won the Conn won I might have been 89 I'm skating for like three years huh I gotta say I wasn't skating I mean I hadn't really skating any amateur contests I think I was just like maybe a couple of events and then you know that happened okay but I had already known of him I wasn't his friend you know and I went watch the sessions right and then as I as I skated and progressed more than then we connected gotcha even though that doesn't mean like Lincoln wouldn't he would talk to you where no matter what skill level here's that but since in some circles you have to like you know exactly I'm just like okay there's Lincoln and then so the first contest I skated was a was a age thing it was like until you know thirteen and then and then thirteen to fifteen okay so you were in that age range I was like 11 or 12 I think and then I skated with it you know I was already had a somewhat of a transition skill but I mean I skated a like an age where mostly guys didn't really have that so I won easily Wow just by skating and it was just did you know did some tricks and it was a mix of like you know skating the street course which is a really cool contest looking back it was like it was like a vert ramp transfer right so there's a vert ramp here vert and then a mini ramp and then a full street course right here and we had to skate this part so it was like the vert ramp and emini and the street so I put this line together that I went everywhere right for that I did like three four walls on the vert cuz I had that skill uh-huh and then I came over and did the street kind of did that you weren't even supposed to go over there though I didn't need to nobody you could you can be used yeah you had to use although you had to use most guys were like in my in my section they were like mostly skating the street you know and then because I had that vertical then I touched the vert ramp a few more walls right and you won and then I was like this is easy man I got saying yeah like skateboarding I know this is what I'm gonna do you know and actually had these you know I went on you know on the trip it was like the first one of my sponsors there they were like hey we'll go and I was like in this took a car you know true my mom allowed you know me to go and so we did all that and I was like ah this was you know this was cool I've kind of liked that he go kind of and the arrogance you know comes in and that's you know that one that's what I mean like when that happens like you're about to get corrected so Oh second second event I was like something happened I did something at home and my mom's like you know skating but I'm taking your board away oh yeah and what she found real quick that now she can punish me before it was just like I don't care you know now it's like take the board away now you're like oh yeah yeah this is serious attention right so I'm like okay she's got my board all right hey I need to get a board so I put a board together okay some crazy wheels and trucks it wasn't my board I see all the times I was like I'm just gonna go skate this contest and and I had like crazy asthma attack and I'm asthmatic so okay it was always hard I was just like okay so I go to this event and but now it's an amateur event so now I'm skating with with with more of the guys that can that can ride I'm not on my board and I'm you know I have an issue with my breathing I go out there and I skate and I get like thirty second place Oh like second-to-last or something and I was just devastated like it ended it brought you back there it brought me back it's exactly what I needed but I didn't you know believe so at the time and it was just like this is crushing so am i okay there's there's that adjustment so then now I'm scared oh now you're scared I'm scared because I don't want it you know now I want it like because at first I was like oh I won so this is easy and then now it's like you know you got second to last place so it's not so easy this is you blame the board so now I did yeah but but what happened was the next contest I took my dad took you know it was like a street contest some somewhere mmm and my dad took me there so when I was skating the event I started skating like I was goofing because if I goofed then you know when to be taken serious losing wouldn't yeah yeah so I did that took my runs and I was just kind of goofing around messing around that and I was laughing and it was all good and then on the way when we're all done we're walking back to the car and my dad would not talk to me oh you know he's just like him the straight face walking and I'm like dad what's up like just and and and took a few more stairs they're gone and he turns around stops and it's like listen if I'm ever gonna bring you to a contest or like if we go ever do that again he wanted you to try he just tried it if you don't want to we won't come but if you come out you know then you have to you have to want to do it because in at first I was like I was upset that he was upset and then I was sad and then and then I realized what he was trying to say and then I made you know so from then on Mike when I went to skate and event I was like okay all right what's the strategy ice skated to win yeah even but it's not like if I didn't win it's not like I'm like oh my god I wasn't that crazy about it but I went to win so like I do that to this day yeah you know like even though you know I can be you know I could be like oh I'll just to like no I'm not chilling if I'm chill I'm staying home and I'm learning trick if I'm not gonna skate a contest if I don't want to then I'll stay home and I'll focus on something else right you know but if I go I'm gonna give it like everything I can I'll break bones and I'll keep going so that's like that's because of that moment of like if you go you're going all the way you know so my decisions now and I decide it's like you know there's no stopping until I get through it is that funny that one moment in your in so that's that little get like you know the one event and there's the three events that gave me but it was your dad to just be like you know you know parents give it your all totally you know don't embarrass me like that because he's like he wants to watch me compete you know it takes me they're proud early grant you know like early grab Iran thing you know our friends it was funny but he wasn't having it so where are you at this point in time where you're getting sponsored right you're their board sponsor now in Brazil let me see at that time now I watched muskers episode so it's okay to fragment so but yeah so I that my sponsor what I saw it would like being sponsored to me was like getting you know getting something for free did not necessarily money mm-hmm Cristiano who's the owner of that park Cristiano Mateos from ultra skate park and he like he had a brother Luciano and we skated together all the time and and we were skating the the mini ramp and together and then all of a sudden this guy shows up the name of the the name of the the company was momento Angela angular moment moment it was clothing right so he watch this game he's like oh hey that'd be cool you guys want to get some you know like products um so I was just like whoa what like I get some free stuff and that'd be insane so him and I like Luciano and I went over to the guy's place and we got a bunch of clothes and that's kind of that was my first free bouncers yeah yeah like where I got some free clothes and it was super cool Luciano and I hung out a bunch he ended up dying in a car accident Oh which was which was really hard for a lot of us and was like one of the closer friends and it was like he was at a news at a party and and they he was gonna go he wanted to ride home or something and the guys like I can ride with me or whatever so he's in the front seat and the guys you know starts racing someone else so then they flip the car hits he didn't die there he got in a wheelchair like he got like like broke his back or something and I think he decided not to go on like I think it was one of those like just his world in because I remember seeing him afterwards like in the wheelchair it was just like - just like because you can will to live mm-hmm and you can will to die just as much sure and I feel like that he kind of gave up on that you know and it wasn't necessarily complications I don't know the deep story yeah to that but I know that that when you give up you know it's it's pretty much a go right so so that that that went down and so that kind of and it's cool to have this moment with him you know yeah and and and then you know Cristiano went on to to skate a bunch and you know we could progress the bunch skating but he you know that that was my first that was my first sponsor then right after that there's these two twin brothers Marcelo and Mauricio they had this company called slide and it was accessories okay and they were super cool they're like really good vert skaters super rad dudes and older you know and they actually like moved out to Texas they live they live here for like law like ever since right right around then like when we got sponsored they moved out oh they are the first yeah the Brazilians are kind of like moved out and so they're the ones who took me to the contest in the car I and in the blue Brasilia like Volkswagen Polo that's car it was super cool and it's such a rad trip and they're so supportive and but that was I feel I feel like that was like the legit you know like they're accessories and and and they were the brothers that skated and when they wanted me on the team I felt like you know it's one thing if it's an outsider in the clothing company just kind of watching you and it's cool yeah but now you got like actual likes I'd love to have you on the team show you support yes and and and doing that and I kind of like what happens younger I was just like okay you know if someone offered me like 50 bucks you know I can make that calculation like there's no like just like I moved like and then from slide I went to urge I always wanted to ride for okay heard was like the closer the they're like a board company that lyokha Kineo wrote for and I was his you know was my idol and then there's like one of the strongest brands for over 30 years they're still around George Kuh she's the owner still friends this day and he still does it which is incredible amazing but then once that got available I was like went right to it you know and then some other company cush which is the direct competitor they're like they're doing a sponsored thing event and they're like oh I'll pay for your something you know just full jumper right like just and then I remember George was like always like so pissed at me and you know and over the years like we have this conversation and then that end up and I went back on earth as I got older you know I was like hey George I messed up man yeah love to be back and if we're going to help you out you know he got me to Canada right to the to the 1995 yeah so you know and before we barely you know barely had money it's just a lot of product and and then and and then the he just worked so hard to get that ticket you know just to get me to go it's amazing yeah and it was cool and I was kind of right before then I had gone you know Jake and Julian and Cardiel and all those guys went to Brazil I I'd visited you know San Francisco for a month and I went back to Brazil okay I did they invited me to slap see if they say hey you should go but you know then we had the ticket so then George helped me out and we kind of put it all together and went but that's kind of like so those those sponsors early on I was like you know jumping around a bunch but you know I think they don't realize that I was young yeah they're cool about it so right but is it slam City kind of where everything started taking off for you like you said like there's this was like what 95 yeah yeah 90s Kiefer etnies yeah what happened was like yeah I I was a see in Brazil I you know I went all the way to pro like I was pro Ferg for four at 15o seriously our younger even for 1415 Holloway and equality into avert contest like all the top riders and it was like pro it was like an open okay so it's pro-am and then I skated and qualified first then ego guy in the way you know next day just a hot shot that I end up in 8th place that build everything you know but at least it showed me again though those adjustments are great the ego adjustments are also yeah you know so yeah suck at the time but they you know in hindsight yeah they're always that they always feel better for it it's a good yeah everybody needs and it just totally again and it was like I turned pro it's really funny because in Brazil was like okay pro-am contest you're in sixth place do you want to check or not right I obviously wanted the Czech horse you know but then it meant that I turn pro right so and it was like okay well then I'm Pro give me the check so then that's kind of like how that happen you turn yourself I turned myself pro by accepting the money yeah and then and then but all the other there was a lot of amateur event there so then it was just like then now most of us had gone pro so you couldn't go back to the amateur events obviously you got just pros now are they giving you a board now on arrghh are they yes board first board was honored yeah and that was super cool was this little what was it it was like a little chipmunk like this board with his hands in his pocket kind of oh you have all these growl take take that one and it was cool amazing yeah so so that was my first board it was it was it was an earth board and I had I had done a video part so Cristiano Mateos from the you know ultra skatepark one just mentioned he had this video magazine called silly Society and it was kind of like our 401 gotcha he did it for like you know did a few of them yeah yeah and then and right before that we did we did a movie dirty money was our was our little group yeah oh so that was the first Brazilian skate video dirty money dirty money yeah that was a company and then it Toria was first the video and then I was like you know the VHS VHS you know record mouse click drawing of your name so and I had done that part for silly for dirty money so then it got to a point I was ok let me put up in actual like a good part with society and it was right at 93 94 ok and then so when I came to the US when I met you know Jake down in Brazil all those guys I had I had that tape you know so they just put that out Klenner you're supposed to it was the sponsor me tape but it was like no this is a video magazine parody in you know and there's that you know this is my skateboarding right so then that kind of like got me the attention and then they're like hey you should come out you know Jake you know Phelps was always saying like he was such the you know he was such an inspiration and such a like a motivator my you know he was always saying that you because he saw where I was from yeah and he saw that whole mentality of like you know it's easy because you're from another country so you can think you're less of just because you're thinking all the industries they're all the big pros are there so those guys are better yeah but he was always like you know and all that mentality of like I'm Bob thing he was always like making sure that I kept that strong because he would say like Judy can be on any company you want you can get on plan B who do you want me to call and I was just like nah it's all good you know I just want some you know I like the crew they're like you know I met Tommy and Jim and all those guys and you know Julian already skating with John and enjoying all the time so hung out it there that was wild and they just hung out for a month there at in San Francisco on 19th and mission crazy and I got the full jolt of madness but raw skateboarding right so that to me was like oh okay you know yes I see what this is about right like just skate anytime all the time always have your board no matter what right there is no I'm Street I'm this on that it's like you just skate skate right so that that kind of like kind of that mold was there but anyways it was just you know that's kind of how I you know got to got that push so when I when I was there with with with Jim and them they're like hey you can well give you will give you boards right like so it was like deluxe so it was like real and all stuff so then I had a little photo and they put it somewhere in a catalog whatever and it was like you know Bob Burke was a real amateur right now it's just like what the hell he just said you know like I know I'm probably been pro in Brazil like what is it doesn't count like board I mean I what's up you need a board I got boards but that was just how you know it's just like so I had to step in and that was weird to me but right I know Hugo cheque is great like what matters it's just you know it's how I skate and then whatever that's just a name but that but that was like okay so you have to be you know you're coming in flow and then there's steps there do it that's right right so then they're like okay then they gave me a bunch of boards and and I was like well I want to make some money like you let me get a bunch of stuff and take to Brazil and I'll sell right you stoled that's a gym thing yeah I was like like in my mind I'm going like I can move you know oh yeah and Jeffers and Jaclyn alright so and I was like okay I'm gonna go to Brazil I need all the stuff you know and and so I was like he's like yeah just go over there and grab some stuff so you have no idea all right so I go in there and I grab like 6 grand oh just Bob like you're not taking anything else back I'm going like to double board like you know boxes feel nice and boy wheels and everything like just pack just like and I couldn't there and and then he looks at the he like he comes he cuz I was just about to walk out he comes in he's like yo Bob I was like naw told you I'm taking this to Brazil fire he's like I was like do I'll pay you in a month right oh you said you pay him back yeah I'm like no I'm buying this stuff right a cost I gave them they're like on this stuff I'm lying you know honey then I'm gonna face it but I want this in like I'm not gonna give you the money now all right I'm good for it yeah I'm good so I'm sponsored right by you guys so I'm gonna use everything I could to get that you know and so I took it to Brazil and made like 10 grand right and then I came back and gave him five and I had for my files no no I'm an importer exporter band yes my own company so I did it a couple more times you know and and then I got stopped at like you know custom customs in Brazil the guy goes to open the box and then like wow like all these wheels no it just like this so many wheels on the ground right and he's like so what's this is like I'm fresh the skateboarder he's like yeah but that's a lot of wheels well I use the way I'd use a set a session my skate like I'm like you know he's looking at me going like he knows that I like I'm stretching it but he was just like dude this kid you know this he's like all right man they put it back into that I am I made it through but then that's not a sustainable business right it's not really gonna work out that way and but I did it a few times and it was cool and then but but but those guys were always super support so that's kind of like how I got into that yeah yeah that camp and then too and Julian was like yeah I'm gonna start a company you know like you want to be with us that was again he didn't even tell me what which was I was like yeah because I was Julie Sam yeah you know I can join and John and those guys you know I met Jim and and Tommy and those guys super cool like I was with you know those guys they say we're going here lay all right let's go you know God so then he gave me a cow ski shirt it was like a portrait of the pukowski and him anti-europe kind of like just written sick oh my god this is sick you know definitely super amped and then so when I went to slam city I was already antihero I had a real bored okay at a Mac chef which which Burt Reynolds Burt Reynolds Reynolds bored okay so you were there at the beginning of anti-hero yeah Wow crazy start yeah so Wow it was an Tiger before it was antihero kind of like it was like that group you know that's what I was really stoked on it was like that was it was a thing before it was you know a thing yeah sure so I guess etnies was around then and then s you could you had on s yeah Aetna for a little bit and then they were like we're gonna start a company and pull me over to that to ask ya right Don Brown and Pierre mmm-hmm I meant don don was like he showed the face more you know care like every now and then I saw a little behind the curve yeah the curtain and Don was just still is most amazing guy oh yes escalator on his hands or what tripped me out one time in Brazil and then he's like skating around doing freestyle and then a dildo falls on the ground so he was like he had a dildo zipper you know like today's dick was out it does a trick you know this dick falls off I was just like what the [ __ ] sounds like Don yeah okay yeah and then that was just the beginning you know there's so many dawn stories we're like we're in Paris like we had and Mike Valley was with us and so we're out having dinner and first he's like throws he throws something at me we're eating and then he throws food at me okay you know and I'm like I look and it's done I'll giggly I'm just like okay if I grab this bull lobster leg that I had you know I just like tossed it off the cross the dinner I mean this is Paris restaurant nice yeah yeah and so I tossed this lobster tail and it hits him right in the forehead like just like and all of a sudden he's looking at us dude and then like his head starts like popping oh no weird allergy like so he's allergic to seafood like or something no shellfish yeah yeah exactly so he starts like oh my gosh like tripping out and we're like damn like so we're kind of like rushed out of that situation he had to like leave wherever it goes washing I was like [ __ ] I'm sorry dog but that was funny you started it man like so we're like lat you know we're laughing and they were like ah man this is serious and then he's like you know he goes and cleans and then we walk out of the restaurant and obviously you had a few drinks already and then once we walk out he's doing this and then he comes out and he pulls an Indian head that was on the that was puts it under sir sorry Don I mean it happens oh so I'm lying well his face is like worried about you right and you're like pulling the Indian I guess that was your it was alibi alibi everyone's like thinking about that he's like went out there and like grab that I was probably won't be he was thinking about yeah and so we walked out and I see that and we're laughing I then Mike and I look at each other I was in my you know while antihero mode so is just like we started jumping over cars and then mag Mike and I are roaming through Paris yeah but done man that that that was never the classic Don move how did you feel when they asked you to ride 4s did you have like any doubts of what was gonna happen with that brand or did you feel pretty confident because of my early brand jumping experience sure yeah that sounds fun yeah like it was I mean plus it was like oh you're gonna be on the team with Causton Chad Muska I'm like no I don't think that's cool I'm the vert skater yeah so back then it was almost like I mean not many people not many vert gasps had that in right so like like most teams had a token vert guy yeah right but like to be on s and B vert you know was like it was just super cool cuz I know how you know it was I mean the street cred you know I mean it's just like what it was so I guess the because of my D way comic a inspiration like background of Street skating Burton just skating different obviously with an Tiger too so it wasn't just ver it was like this whole then I was able to fit in to these companies and to be on flip now and to be trash so so I know that that's a big part of that so I was always grateful oh that so just to be a part of a team with those guys and this was like a super cool experience so many rad trips and men achmadi I mean make Marty filming that having the opportunity put up to put a part out like that with those guys exactly yeah Jeremy race street session that's what that was it was it me right and we were out there skating and that he took us to school or whatever and then and you know he was getting on a ledge is super easy right like it was nothing and I just wanted to do something reality check but yeah that was cool but s was s was like really cool time especially with you know like with Chad Muska here and I was listening to his stories and you know we I remember we went to South Africa for a nest tour and I had what I do I would tell why I went surfing and then like my the board got caught in the wave and then came back on my mic toe so it like almost cut my Oh between the web yeah I just got right there and it was hot like cold cold water River and then I come up I was like oh my foot so I felt like a punch and then I look and my pinkie is like dead oh no and I'm bleeding and I mean no okay I'm out of here and so I'm paddling out I'm telling everybody I'm reading a mouth you know eating I'm out I'm bleeding you know so I just get out and you know handle that and you know sew it up at the hospital and then it was like right after that was our trip to South Africa so I was kinda I couldn't really skate but so we show up at this demo which is the reason why I dropped in barefoot I couldn't put cheese I was like I'm gonna get something on this trip getting an opener for I know I'm going man I got this I got this yeah so I mean that that was that but just as this the the surrounding of it like just being in South Africa it was so and we were State we stayed at this hotel or this uh like resort yeah kind of the place and they had these like geese these white you know ponds yeah swans and then and then all all the people work there with blood you know we're black so we were off like you know all of us being rare the rare whites you know the other whites but it's just like you know where we were so this you can feel the tension oh right you just felt it Oh Chris mad crazy experience is just cruising around there and just like just people looking at you like what do you do like you know it's wild and then so you know we're out we're out this resort and then Chad you know is Chad yeah out there going like this kid you know I mean I don't know if they knew what to think of him but obviously we're messing around in the hotel sitting on all these guys they come over to South Africa and there's just disrespect just you know wild times you know and as much as I can sit down and understand you know you're out in another country so you're gonna have to like okay just kind of tread lightly and but there there's no such thing there's no limit right I know Chad's so rad to see him now because he's in such a great place bad dude he was always rabid he was out there you know and then so party mode exactly and and so were James Thomas was there too a lot that's because a mix of a trigger was there too right yes Cree goes there Costin so I don't know feels like an s etnies our soul tag like mix sick so we wake up the next day and there's all this commotion like oh man and Chad's tripping out and he's like dude the chupacabra was here I'm like what like what are you talking about and we walk out into the you know the the nice garden of this resort and there's like blood all over the place and it was just like the the swans are like oh like bad the inner was just so insane like I was just like dang dude like a man sat down kind of prayed and just kind of put myself around me and just kind of was this like just trying to protect wherever what was going on you know and it was so wild man and the people there I mean I don't think that Chad did it okay or there it was just like there was this feeling of like these guys weird vibe yeah and then there's this feeling of like you know maybe the community was kind of harsh you know I was in a wild place and then you know something was done at night okay against some religions use the animal sacrificing and so it was just awkward man it was just really a weird deal and and I remember being there just like on man like this is in st. Chad you're just like dude I didn't I was like I know you did but you're not you know do you not mean you're not a bad person cause that's all right but but we had to leave like it was like a situation was okay that's that for that place yeah but there was like so many you know cruising around there like I remember we're in we're in this van and we stopped to get Street you know like all right or whatever mm-hmm and we're talking to this person and then all of a sudden there's like a group of guys coming from afar and they're kind of you know start running and we're looking and like do these guys are coming towards us like so Chad's like we gotta get in the van like we're all running towards the van that and these guys were running and then we get in the van just in time and like peel out so it was constantly in danger it's over there you know where we were going or the situation or crazy or whatever happened and and Lana I remember landing there it started that what started we were like kidding to South Africa we started we're about to land and like Causton and I and we start talking about like weird landings or flights we've had oh yeah oh I've never had something that barrel like so people around us are going like shut the way that's talking about this yeah we're just like and we noticed that people in like that we were talking about it oh and you remember that one time and so we escalated the volume and the stories right oh you seriously damn Reese's we started like no now one time yeah and then Chad said something and then we're about to land and the plane just goes it goes full to landing like that on a big plane right and just kind of goes like yeah almost touches the wing a holographic ground and and then with one wheel and then goes to back oh my god and then cost we all look at each other silence like oh my gosh did we just do mad and of course we didn't that was a pilot be like course that was very not good time I do stories but didn't start the trip off well that was kind of the beginning of that we survived it I mean there's I walked into 7-eleven there was a pool of blood oh you know and I was barefoot because my oh you're talking yeah sorry that I walked out to get some water and then I turned the corner is just like pool of blood Almo step on it with mic like you know you know I was like gosh walk back and they're saying ah this guy just got stabbed the guy running like this is this whole show like you guys were in the best part we were moving around but it was like yeah there was that was a wild trip man but we got to even went to the Safari you were super cool yeah well if you would have watched if you watched that section you would never think that stuff all that stuff yeah yeah it was memorable yeah we had good times oh my god bro I wouldn't get go please go ahead welcome so we're all talking about s and like oh it could be but that's no that's just tight yeah you had a shoe on there that was actually really amazing do people ask you about that a lot or like cuz I heard that was like kind of one of the first shoes that either had an air pocket or sock for a skate yeah yeah I mean yeah I get I get sent like you know photos of um like oh I found this or whatever do you have more though like I have some saved at the house there but uh you know the thing with the shoes in that net you know that I had this hard head about getting what I felt like I needed you know to perform and to like make the best out of you know my ankles are always best functionality yeah functionality as opposed to sales you know and and eventually obviously I learned that you got to have a mix of both but you know I put my foot down on that one and it was you know my favorite shoe you know to skate in it was a little on the warm side but I needed I mean I to this day I like mid tops to skate you know and I tend to do like tape my ankle and and I kind of missed that sock because it does help you know if you put that in there and it just gives me that feel yeah yeah to shoes right yeah and the one the wild thing is like which was cool about s2 is just I was always hey I wanna you know salt you know it's always you know snapping laces or whatever and is just like oh let's let's do the shoelace on the inside so it just it looked weird a little Back to the Future kind of like but you know it was great yeah we did a couple of prototypes and it was like oh this is cool and it was just they're having a hard time and kind of getting through and selling but like the the mid top the the first one I think had the sock the second one was like a low Tom yeah and yes it was it was a it was a low top kind of going towards like you know hey I want to at least get some get some sales I was rocking the mid top right and and it was a really good shoe I liked it but I had a harder time so I with the way I knee slide and the reason I liked the mid tops is like all my joints are hyper mobile so my wrist like oh wow oh my all my shoulder my knees like they're all like ankles are always like that your whole life or just a whole life okay yeah so the good thing is that you know that helps me in a lot of ways it's just you know instead of snapping or ligament or it kind of goes and comes back okay you know and but because of it I when I nice lied I kind of have my foot out like this and I always get the side my leg I always I kind of sit on my on my foot so we're just like you know mess up my my the side of my ankle yeah you know and like I need the meat talk to kind of protect me from that so that's kind of like where I went there and so I accepted the low top and skated I just get the burns you know and and or I just do double sock or you know did that but those are two great shoes that I love you know such a great opportunity to work with specific design and and and they weren't really close to any of my ideas which I loved you know even though because maybe because they did have the Causton that flew off the shelf but you know so I was like I kind of took advantage of that too and said hey I'll you know let me just sacrifice for for progression a little give and take yeah yeah yeah and they were cool and there's like even you know the side lace thing was so awkward but they went for it meeting a couple of prototypes I mean it does they spent some money on putting that time you know to see if it worked out and and all that so yeah that was that was fun and just and traveling with those guys was like I would agree Roderigo yes yeah I get him on yeah was was great I mean just you know such an early imperfect powerful you know skateboarder 4 and 4s and yeah basically hooked him up yeah I brought ass to the firm you know because he was he was on reef oh yeah it's right you know and understandably like his family you know his mom was alive at the time and you know as his parents in there they were just always concerned I try to make you know I'd call them and be like listen you know your son is just you know one of the most amazing skateboarders he can be on any I kind of did what Jake did to me okay you know and I was like you know Rodrigo you can you know he's like oh but they're offering me and the guy and the crazy thing goes you know the guy went over his house and tried to get him to sign this contract and for a couple years and like you know not much money oh wow and it was and his mom was like obviously they needed money and and they were about to sign and I was just like I remember being I was traveling I just always like almost every night all a man check her like hey dude don't sign that like I'm working on some things for you like do not sign that oh it might seem like you got something right there but it might not be so I was just like kind of like and he was like he he knew it right but his mom and the whole thing so I had to kind of like do the full package of of explaining you know and and I don't think even he realized how much of a potentially our you know escape now you know how much of an impact you know that he had you know and and and and it was cool that that we were able to convince him and kind of keep him in the mix and then brought him over to the firm and then got him on ass and then he got that video part pretty like short notice minute Maddie yeah when that part came out short man he would go out and film stuff like he's like okay that video changed the game no the whole yeah a hundred percent but even but for Rodrigo though right yeah I know put him on a map and put him on the map but on the right side of it oh yeah because you could put a similar part out for reef would do nothing other than like wow this guy's amazing let's get him offer you but yeah so so so so that was cool to have him over and you know be you know as a as a Brazilian to have him on there and yeah how did you even find him is that the contest or something we were at a car it was the first World Cup event that we took to San Paulo and I remember seeing him skate the street course and he was just this lanky powerful pop kid like his kickflip noseslide this ledge it was so big and people were barely getting on it yeah yeah you know and he was just like wow like right on it and I was like okay I mean it's right off the bat once you see like you know you see that you're like - this kid is insane where is he friend like any just like oh he skates downtown you know and and and and and he got that good real quick it was very recent you know and all he's doing stuff like that so that's kind of like and then he got on I think he got a restart traveling he went to Prague and won the contest there and then that's when I was just like okay man you have to when we got it I've got to line you up my knee wants to launch and he's a solid dude man I just love that guy he just you know turned out to be you know such a such a great you know cuz he can lose it I mean our friend that's got this band it's called Eagle kill talent and I think it's the best name names and it's so true for everything right right cuz ego does kill talent and so in his case he had such a such a humble and such a rad kid I was always like you know a pleasure to be around and even when things started happening he's honest and he was always so thankful you'd always like be like Bob do you I know what you did for me Brian he let it all it's kind of let me know and to this day I mean we don't talk as much you know he's out doing his thing and all of a sudden you know comments something on you know on you know an Instagram and then he'll send the ODN be like you know really thankful for it so it's just yeah it's just and then he's still like you know backside flip in the game yeah tell ya we zoom at the firm what happened why go from antihero to the firm I converted know you know you know it's what's funny that is I'm Brazilian there is no norcal socal to me right there's zero that so it was just I lived in San Francisco and I you know hung out with those guys and up there and then we did a tour like actually antihero firm why okay perfect it was so funny that it was just such a polar opposite but it was one of the coolest tours that that I've been on Wow Rhea Barbie and Lance and you know salma agha oh my god incredibly Roy it was just like I mean it was getting the van and then like you know Andy's looking at me and as soon as we get in the van he punches me and they're like I punch them back here you start fighting and it's just like that's Andy love so it's like okay I see how it is I'll punch back you know and then we got like really get into it like you know punches to the face like yeah and then like I love you Bob never hanging on it's cool right the park and then he starts a fire gonna party he grabs some girl it's with someone you like just starts fights you know I don't like that I never was I don't mind the the van bonding in the you know that that type of you know situation right but I do not like causing like and being yeah I just yeah if the fight comes it comes and I'm there yeah I don't go out there and start but they just had that mentality and it was just like always it was just like all man here go to this place to show up and then I'm in the mix right oh no Bob was you know so I've started I kind of started distancing you're so little girl obviously when X Games came around and listening those guys I love all those guys you know just you know Jim was so helpful you know Tommy Guerrero like all those guys were just you know so great to me and it just kind of clashed because here I am I'm you know now I'm skating X Games which was extreme games too bad what it is I'm going like I can make money you know waiting this contest and Brazil it's like kind of like they look at that and be like okay there's a Brazilian representing Brazil so it kind of like it's the competition side it's like the nine-to-five a skateboard I really you know I just really want to make it it's kind of you can do it like that and and and there was a clash in that because obviously extreme games in our world that was like a full-on headbutt and I remember getting in like remember Clint going like hey you can't skate those contests oh yeah I was like sure just pay me first prize money every time there's one of those events okay because you're gonna win it because I can win yes not like I'll win not that area but like I know that I had the opportunity to win right so well we kept there was this this conversation of like you can't do it and when people start telling me I can't and can't don't and then one it was just like wait a minute something's going on here I want to be you know everywhere there's no I don't care to be Justin Thrasher even though I love Thrasher you know I'm okay and being a trans world yeah you know I'm okay traveling I mean so it was just like it started getting roughly that okay I've been on a trip and you know and I clash and I started going like okay dude like he got like we just got a let's let me let me talk to you guys you know and I went talk to Mickey and I guess he talked to Fausto and I think joking me make he might have called me and and I was talking to him he's like dude you're fired and he was playing he was just trying to say like to stop you know like this just keep you know and he was actually being nice and the way he was talking I just read it differently at the time because I was it was just so because his this is my livelihood you're like you know and I don't care about who's NorCal and chrome don't know I really do not care what you guys got going on I'm a Brazilian skateboarder and I just like I love all you guys yeah and so and then I was like I'm fired like what you got to go talk to foster yeah I was like what all right drove high-speed you know the high-speed production yeah Foster what's up you know just straight enough like I heard and he's like no those guys said that this and that you just got to talk those guys I mean just got to tone down this and I was like what I gotta tone down you know well we got this limit here is like yeah but that's you guys you know like I'm skating I just wanna your boss I noticed that you know in Foster was super cool yeah but he was just like and he clicked because he's from Argentina so we connect you know the whole I think he's always so helpful I mean so then he's like all you got to go back and talk those guys and I was like listen I'm it's okay but I'm done mmm and that's how he's like well you know and they're like oh if you quit you know you can't be on I was like that's fine do you can take my whole board from under me it's like a package deal that's fine ya know in DINO spitfyre no that's totally fine you know I was just like I talked to you know Mickey I was like okay I'm out and then you know Tommy got wind of it and Jim they call me is like hey dude it's all good it's not you it's it's super good I'm gonna leave on like it's a cleanup but I gotta yeah I'm you know you moving down to do your thing and I was living and this is the time I was living in I moved to Encinitas oh yeah I was getting the firt there and just in my world and Bert Danny Tony all those guys were down here you know and I stay with max a bunch up there but it was a completely I if I wanted to progress and really I was looking then I felt like a move plus San Francisco was cold as hell always I'm Brazilian you know I'm just going okay let me just change so it's almost like I defected from NorCal right okay so once that was you know I was like well it's not that but that's okay I can rebuild and because I had interacted with Lance and he's so rad I talked to Tony and all those guys I think then he was gonna I think Bert house gonna start on boots distribution yeah I'm gonna start carrying firm and I just called Lance and Lance was always super cool I'd call him even for an dementing x-games I was just like kind of getting over it because same thing over yeah and I'm just like - and he was like well if you don't go then people aren't gonna see that skateboarding they're not gonna see what skateboarding is - you run so if you hide yeah you can do that but then and that kind of put things into perspective I was like wow that's right so I'll just go and I'll skate the way I skate and then then that's me in this you know big stage right now is that after a few of them already but because I would have these conversations with Lance and all because of that tour like even though like it was an Taiyo firm - I tended to hang with the firm guys guys just because I was kind of growing old of the wildness even though I was what I wanted to kind of go in like no I mean I mean I mean it's either this route yeah hmm or this route you know and I was always like yeah skateboarding you know kind of always kept me in line and then I was like okay I'm gonna choose this and I talked to Lance and he's like well you know I'm thinking about uh you know taking the firm to blitz or whatever and then that would kind of give me a little bit more you know I was like I man that'd be awesome I'd love right you know like how that's kind of how that went down he's like 99 huh so right right at that and it was cool and I rode for the firm and then can't stop fury and then guy Rick duh and just kind of like got onto that whole whole mix and and yeah it was it was awesome for such a great time I just felt liberated in a sense of like now I can do whatever I want right without being like hey you can't do that or you sure so that's kind of like how how that all went down and with Julian and those guys it was he was traveling I think it's time to like he wasn't even around so when he got back then they he's like dude Bob what the hell like what happened like what's going on and I you know we had a conversation I talked to and everything is fine I just explained what it was like yeah man like you know it's all good but that was harder than all the other guys talking Foster I'm a Julian you know it's that's nice I wanted to feel like like you bounced on me yeah yeah you know this it's feels like the right thing to do for me and at the time and and they were supportive and you know and it is what it is and cardio is like the most amazing you know guy so much Brian got to travel and skate with him so much that was such an incredible school of skateboarding yeah it's just all right dude like that's it you know that's how you roll you know 100% you know there's no back no 99% yeah the way he bailed out of stuff you do like front flips I mean you see cardio footage like oh yeah yeah he's an array on that all of a sudden he's doing a front flip down the stairs just you know that was you know the the slams were inspiring the bails or the skateboarding inspiring just sure and he's still to this day I mean what he went through is inspiring yeah you know and to see him yeah overcome and do it and just you know this it's just like will to live right right you know because he wasn't a wheelchair for a while and he was in this world of like maybe I won't walk again sure and I'm sure he felt the you know the will to die the darkness darkness and and but you know pulling through that I mean that to me is like that's full car that's cardio yeah so in a nutshell I've been different crazy coach it like that and everything worked out the firm I mean you went on I mean X Games after X Games after gold after gold I mean crazy dude you want a gold medal I want a gold medal yeah I'll never get one but you know hey the funny part about all that is is I never felt like I was a good competitive skateboarder why I didn't have that approach of like strategy of dissing and then I'm gonna do this and then it was just skate you just winners I either won or I got last it was like kind of like how I've always approached him so I felt like I'm not and then all of a sudden I look back and I got all these wins all these globes and I'm like actually I I can be good at it even though I don't see myself as that you know like it was just like I go out there and skate no one holy [ __ ] that's insane that's cool you know and I went with a full approach to win but if it didn't go down it was like okay then what it didn't go down let's just you know give it your all go home and learn a trick and get over it sure that's right of like how you know I got over that whole madness and then it was like livelihood and having a daughter and then going like okay well now I have to like you know pay the bills real now it's like you know focus yeah I got an opportunity to skate you know we like you know remember skating this Hollywood Triple Crown like I ran in the beginning before all the van sparks series it was all the Triple Crown oh yeah so yeah I want a few of those overalls a few of those events I can go you know and that kind of like I want to a Ford Ranger in one and that one like you know 10 grand and then 15 grand and it was just like it was a whole nother world is that when you didn't switch noseblunt that was in Boston yeah okay that Triple Crown yeah I was a Triple Crown in Boston yeah and spiky 500 fakie flip on the yeah yeah that was a games and that was my first gold medal it was the best trick was the year after Tony's 900 oh so they were like okay now we have this best trick event what's gonna go down right 900 last year what up 1260 know we trying that trick before or were you even know what I had done it did he do it in like I did it in at the Y yeah yeah one of the old videos was at razzle yeah doesn't a weird box yeah and I think I had that weird side lace okay and so I did that but I did it on on the lip of the of the ramp so when the bar came out it was I kind of like I was trying other stuff and I was like maybe I can you know maybe I and tried that but I wasn't really thinking of that trick I was just doing something else I did a rock fakie on this they had this big old vert thing hold yeah sure and and then once the bar was there I was like I might as well try it you know and and then tried a couple of them and then all of a sudden it just it wasn't supposed I mean it's supposed to happen I'm as surprised as everyone else yes and because the board I remember the board and it worked out so good so I remember like I flipped it and then the board hit the lip and came back to my foot right so it flipped and then hit the lip and then when I came back back flipping like Pirtle when I put it down like that it wasn't like a it was just like what I was like oh my god and that's within the 20 minutes of a that's supposed to be a six hour yeah right over the course of the week yeah no yeah but it just happened on the spot and crazy yeah that was cool I remember is it Spencer Fujimoto Spencer yeah so spent I remember I remember him because he was right there when I landed and and you know and I'm connected obviously because I've seen the videos and I remember and SF you know they gave me a high-five it was just like I remember that whole random Wow in the crowd would you plan your runs out to these X Games or will you would you kind of go in maybe little plan maybe some freestyle like whatever came to you or just go about in any different ways but like most of the time I just dropped in and kind of had an idea okay I need to do you know the five and the flip you know and and then once that's done then just kind of freestyle back then it was like minute long runs yeah so he had more time to flow okay and then it got into the 30 seconds so you had to like backside 5 Indy fighting again like there's no straight into like combos which I think that it needs to go back so you kind of add some flow into it but that's that's because I had all that time then I was able to skate like that you know in the different formats that are no less walls yeah you have to have a little bit more of a plan you know God loosen up and you just mess up on a walls and that's one wall you just let go where before you can kind of just do it back to null and then go back into everything attack mode so you'd have more success just kind of doing your staple tricks and then going in and kind of yeah like I figuring out stuff on the fly yeah and then the ramp had a certain design so you want to you know that that ramp at X Games that uh that was the year after the the fakie 500 is my first golden vert which was the 2001 vertex games that run was just like I didn't really have that planned but I knew I had to do all the way up until the switch kickflip Indy that end up with a half flip I kind of knew right Oh after that was like ah okay you know now I'm not falling off my board through all that and then it's like okay then you get into this mode of like game on once I go through this trick like that then then everything else kind of fell into place but there was no plan there to there was just like kind of gogo that at that time that's how I that format that's kind of how I skated and the year the same year it slam City I got a 99 on vert damn and that was when nine Club yeah I deserve to be annoying so yeah so that's that's so then when that happened and then Bucky had his run and I was the last guy to go and he had like a 95 I think and and everyone kind of knows X Games so they stopped and they film him and they were expecting him to wait I be nervous I mean that I mean everyone thought the only reason the only reason I was like I can take this is because in the beginning of the year I got the 99 so in my head I was like that's 95 I've done 99 okay I got it I can get more than 95 Wow go into that defeated you were I got it now and I wanted to go ahead everyone there filming Bucky filming him hug Jan you know I saw why and I'm going like hey I like I want to go I wanted like you know I'm ready the water yeah you know so they played that whole thing and then like okay then I went and then I was just like well kind of cleared off and I was like right it is what it is I'm gonna you know through it and that's that and we'll keep it open and dropped in things started happening it's so rare to get a 99 yeah and I got like that one I got a 98 did you ever talk to Bucky after like I thought I had the funny thing is is like I didn't even need to talk to him is that there's a shot right after he's like looks around like just bubble you know it's like played you know just like this like like a pouty face right and and you know no scores came out anything but he knew and I mean it was just like alright I was gone in my head like I was just like that wasn't even there it was like one of the rare like how to body he blacked out yeah it was just like okay anything I did was just when I was done with it I was like okay it's almost like I was a medium and I was yeah but also you're doing a lot of switch [ __ ] in your runs - yeah I was adding that just - just because I had seen like what I mean this is the had already been a while but like I wanted to learn and do something different I always wanted to kind of be different yeah so it was just like okay once I started you know seeing the videos of Danny and Colin and doing switch tricks and they're doing switch heelflip Indies they're doing the tough like tech tricks already you know in my head they had to learn to get there right so in my mind I was like I can do that but I need to go through the process yes drop in front I grind 50/50 back sorry I was I started skating like that like every like end of the session or whatever when I was thinking I was getting tired and I was about to be done mm-hmm I would turn I would just skate switch for the remaining 30 minutes and not skate any because you get dizzy because you're not skating that way so much yeah like try to do switch backside kickturns until and then do regular backside kickturns you'll be able to do your regular ones like for as long as you won't get dizzy right but the switch ones after a few you're gonna start kind of feeling weird but discombobulated yeah a little bit yeah it's not normal so I would do that a lot well I get the feeling to get away to get that away right and then learn frontside grinds and but this was like once I realized that I could do that because of those guys right but like I remember I learned a trick way but we used to film obviously our runs and Lincoln's dad oh you know in film us yeah dad cam so Lincoln would do these nose grinds right and then we're learning nose grind so like we're rewinding on to try to watch it again and rewind your watch because every day I'd go to the park learn tricks as many as I could next day learn more tricks I would like oh I learned - today oh I learned for today if I learned 0 I was bummed if I learned one I was bummed I wanted multiples you know like I was like this hungry you know like I don't know and then after a little while it's harder to you know you went through the the list and then now you like for you to learn that you got to learn a 5 you know or you like it gets harder so then I was like we're like watching this in and then rewinding to watch it again rewind and I saw the trick was like oh there's a trick thing cuz the rewind you know because the nose grinding and the switch grind cuz it this before thinking really switch you saw the trick what it was being every wound and so is a trick yeah and I went to learn the rewind brined the rewind grind house to be is a rewind resumes so then it was just like okay then the next day is like I just did a little scratch you know and I was like God remember rewinding is they were all laughing like that's crazy that's cool and and and so then in my head now I'm like there's so many tricks just being open whether you see it or not it's you're in your mind you have to if you're learning something new or something hasn't been done then you have to see it or anyone else and you have to visualize materialized kind of thing okay and then so then as switch start coming around on my okay I'll skate switch but I'm gonna learn like I learned which landed I which trick that I learned first okay I learned you know rock fakies or okay I've done that rock and roll okay you're starting oh yeah yeah 5050 s are hard as held switch you know but I keep in there now I got it oh god so I started like that you know switch frontside airs switchback setter so I started putting it in my line the basics right right so that's what made me like build and once I realized when I went to slam city I have no idea there's no way I was like I'm gonna win this contest it's Mike Fraser toss Bahamas you know Danny way like all these guys yeah I'm just going stoked to skate stay in the room with Mike and Max you know it's just like stories this is insane that's my crazy you know I'm just like all that was wild to me but when I was skating I would like you know just do my thing and like threw the switch thing and people were stoked and I made made it through the finals and it was like okay it's cool and then Jake would like hey can you do a fly for you can you drop into a fight for you you know and you would kind of like star bail yeah I can drop into a 540 okay then so that's how I started my run you know so drop into 540 and then start doing everything else and then I remember like and I think you've seen in the video like Andy Roy's like switch you start screaming like and I was like oh yeah that's right I forgot you know and then I go again then I do the roll in switch out roll in switch role in like rock and roll switch front side here and there's like that uh done with my run wherever the contests over they start calling the names and you know it's nine to play seven plays I didn't hear it now I was like they got the fifth and I was like oh man I didn't hear my name is probably like it didn't even make and you know like at school I just tell you out and then you got to all we taught three and I'm just like I wonder who won man Frazier fight kill yeah I'd like Frazier killed it yeah and then they're like yeah and then second place is Mike Frazier in first place is Bob Wow no way like I just completely like like caught me off guard and and then that was that and then that's when like I was like I guess this I guess they like this which I don't know why why what was special there right because to me I look at Frazier he was special yeah like I mean that's Frazier like look at away he's skiing like but I guess in the way it was a reward of a new you know a new approach maybe it like you know if we compare it again and we go and then like they could have given to him or you know yeah but it was like that kind of opened up the whole alright keep progressing switch and keep adding that and then that's when you know then switch kickflip Indies in the run switchback tails and Smith grinds and I started progressing and that's kind of high like wishing kind of just open the door open you're the light bulb kind of popped off but now it's you already do it yeah but now it's easier for me to learn those tricks and add those one two threes a day because I got to do now is like learn a switch trick you know and those are just switch frontside ollie because now it's like learn to skateboard all over against all those tricks that I know how to do regular all I gotta do is do them in Reverse yeah you know I always like though about your skating was that when you skated switch it looked switch such a great thing to watch but like what so I'm like Leandre where you can't tell what your stance yeah the andre sanders like you can't tell what's fancy is and then like you watch that like oh that's that's kind of refreshing i remember looking you know I had this thing of like to stay on my board I would keep looking forward because sometimes if I go to look then then you would like you know especially when you're skating fast and if you put your head somewhere it kind of like your body follows oh yeah and because it was switch I'd like I'd land stuff and my head was there and I would keep looking that way and I remember like Max and all those guys they're like true that is so ready why do you know like and they tried to like mimic because he can you don't see the other wall yeah and he thought it was funny or school and I was just like it just kind of like happened more and more and more but that's that's why it looked switch I kept my and then I started I wanted to make it look like it wasn't right okay but then it was just it's just the way yeah and then it's fine but see so you still want to progress later then especially after talking to rodney mullen and he was like there is no switch it's a goofy trick or it's a regular trick right so in his mind it's like but there is switch because you always learn a certain way but i know what he was I know where he was going yeah you know and and and then I was like yeah that's right so what is so what is that it's a goofy crooked grind or something you know it's a switch for me but yeah it's a goofy look it's goofy yeah yeah might be easier to name the tricks there's like a switch nollie oh it's fakie Ollie so was there a trick that was like almost impossible for you to learn switch yeah anyone you did you've done it harder than well anything backside switch is harder than frontside it's a little harder to open and I know maybe because you can overturn and do the back and when I go through outside I can always control it and keep looking ooh am i safe oh yeah so because then after I land then I can you know look and when you go switchbacks I have any put it in there is no like there's no turning it so it was harder so switch 540s are really tough but she if I for to use engines they really started happening I got it got easier when I started skating mega yo yeah I had more room more more wartime so I can put it on the wall oh this doesn't work throw it away cuz I'm vert there's no such thing yeah you know if you go to go for a switch 5 it's quick yeah it's like it's icy like you know there's a bunch of footage of Tony when you you know is learning to switch 5 2 slams you know just like just spin around and put it down root bones like full slam there's no like let me test it out right so then I I progress I got switched backside tail fives and yeah you know and and I was like oh wow this is actually you know once you figure out the Omega and go through the psychological barrier and it actually makes it like to me because I can skate all of it like I rather try stuff on mega interesting on a smaller wall or whatever the quarter pipe yes on the quarter pipe yeah with all your uh lip tricks like it's timid you watch a lot of street videos back in the day yeah cuz like a lot of your lip tricks look like they're street inspired almost like with like certain ledge tricks hmm well yeah I mean that's the school of glam BH Street like that's really where that's from it was just like Street on vert you know and I wanted to do nose grinds I didn't wanted to do them over here I wanted to do them like a ledge yeah let me get on top of this nose grind and if I if I pop a 180 out of it I don't want to just kind of revert out I want to like snap a pop out of it yeah because it felt like I mean why not I mean it's easier to get on you know it's hard to get it's hard for you ollie up into a Ledge for me yeah you know like so I rather if I got that then all I got to do is like you know there's no pop needed it's just think it's just the way you approach it really I'll say this man eyed people have that vert button stuff and I never loved watching the whip so the vert button isn't the rewind button I mean I know what Kelly saying cuz it's just fascinating like oh my god he was Bob Burnquist his part was what's he gonna do this is just insane I want to talk about real quick I want to talk about flip and also but the the loop with my Oh roof what the hell was even going on you know that was obviously not the plan it was just like let me build a loop out of my vert cuz I wanted to like me and I put the bar so I wanted to do a trick land do the loop and do a trick I wanted to loop to be a part of a line not just the thing right so I was like okay when the king of skate event went down I was like oh what's your obstacle right so I was just like you know went out there and I'm thinking you know it's like I want to do this yeah I did draw the open loop oh my god that would be cool oh you did yeah I have the the drawing and okay and I have the tree the way that my backyard was then where this tree was and I had this this whole thing I look yeah that'd be cool but I had it perfectly in the middle kind of thing okay but when it came to actually do the the the event I was like let me have something before I even go there you know and so I was like Tim and Jeff Hammond those guys to 10 Tim Payne mm-hmm team pain so then we were like okay I got to do this thing I want up you know build this and then I had a conference in Philadelphia there's a Spiritist conference so some guys we're just trying to figure out their translating books you know in Portuguese in English it's just so cool like you and I and I went out there and left them building the the loop okay and I was like we can't do it here spin it this way and then though we're gonna do this because when I do though if I open it up at the end they you know it's frontside you know cool blah blah blah so you had the idea or I had the idea I came make build it so and so I could do the open loop hmm but I mean what I want to do first is this and if it works out great afraid that doesn't happen that's fine you know we have this I got a little backup I got a backup right so got a showstopper when I got back so then I I got back into town and I go out there to check out the loop and I'm like go they spun it the wrong way dude oh my god like he's like I know man it didn't fit because if you went that way it was gonna go into this wall thing you know it's like a hobby you guys could have called me man like and and you know I start getting upset because I'm like but then I'm like hey it's fun that way but then now I gotta do this open loop back side [ __ ] that's not gonna happen no I can't so then immediately I was like well it is what it is let's put the bar up there and then down another down you know go into it and then I'm like I'm gonna have to do it switch it wasn't like frontside than regular backside because it was just so much more awkward to me you know to do it have you even done the switch loop yeah at that time I had done it every which way I think you had I did like you know loop frontside loop back side switch front side and switch back side I had them all I had to done them all but God showed I knew in my head that if I'm gonna air I mean a much you know it's like a switch frontside out of me you know but I have to end up over there so it was just like this is awkward you know you feel but it wasn't supposed to spin that way it wasn't like again I didn't plan it it just happened to be okay now I have to do it god I might have to do a switch so you know I could have done it regular whatever but I'm glad that they spun it the other way and then it made me you know try it that way and I was going to a Berlin s trip like the weekend after okay and so we're so I'm doing this thing well then I land do the you know I mean I did the nose grind on the bar loop and then blunt kickflip on the quarter okay you know so I filmed I think in the firm or one of the one of the videos I have that you know lo combo from from that event and then we're like let's open the loop but it wasn't like okay they started open or not open it in the middle right because I needed a launch you know so I stay I was like no it was all I it wasn't like there's no plan and I was like I cut it right around here you know because it needs to throw me it can't be just a over vert wall because it would toss me in the right way okay so I had to like cut it at like somewhat like 11 or something you know and that's why it was yeah it would time it helped me to go there but I you know wrote so the first one for me to go I was just like okay put the pads right so we had the pads to test yeah test it out so we put the pads in the middle of the ramp you know okay now you can go test it so when I dropped in I went and tossed myself switch but like I was obviously scared so I it's like you know you tried back flips on the beach at all no it looks I see people learning back flips they kind of look over the show and it doesn't really go and all you need to do is look up and it fixes but in your mind you're scared so you look up takes a little bit so my first when I cut into the side thing and here through the loop and I went from backflip and missed the ramp Oh flew out miss the pads mister ramp landed on the side on my feet like thoughtful like baby you flip yeah yeah it was like fall back we did you nasty and landed on the side of the ramp and like I was like okay let's put some pads right so then we put pads you knew what you did wrong yeah now I know but gladly I landed on my feet and then we adjusted that and I start adjusting I started getting closer through the ramp oh and the funny part about that any of you guys heard of Barry is the Ritz key remember Terry from okay so the old medic yes and the moustache Carib hope he's okay actually out in the Bahamas with all that matters oh yeah so he came he like he wanted to protect me he's so like you know he's the physical thing is just like out there so he goes when I go on around the loop he's thinking he's gonna he would like catch you throw himself in like to become a pad yeah I didn't see that at the time when I saw footed eyes laughed so hard I'm like and God bless him but like there's nothing that was gonna really do I was gonna hurt him you know maybe the oath of you but he was just you know throwing himself in front of the bullet for me I mean that's how Barry wasn't like you know protecting us and it was just like it was so cool but everything that that I saw that afterwards but anyways like it took me a few and I would like spin around and put my foot down because I would like turn put my foot down nice light right spin around put my foot down you slide same exact bail like over and over and over my ankle was starting to like oh please no more of those go same thing same thing and I started to like oh my gosh did I have too late now it's like really tiring it's taking time 35 millimeter cameras on you know big expensive production you know and I'm going like oh my gosh dude I have to make this I just could not stop but I was done already before you know an hour earlier I was already you're already done done you're pushing yeah I'm pushing I'm just hoping and praying now now it's just motion I tried to like energy and just and then all of a sudden I just you know pulled out and kind of got in a good spot and land and rode away and I was just like I can't believe that just went down I was there that day yeah part of the killer mm-hmm no man that was like and all of a sudden weight off my you know just like oh my gosh that's insane tonight I remember like falling down and then that was it I couldn't even walk up to my house seriously I was one of those the guy who worked with me at the time I had a little craftsman we put like a mattress on the back thing I just laid down he just like drove me up to this I was done oh my god so the weekend after I'd like you know show up at the S thing and I you know got kind of what my ankle wrap damn no vert wall to drop in no verses nothing going on there what does that feel like to do the loop like what's like you know it's not a kickflip backside tailslide you're just riding yeah so the thing is that the madnesses is just differing yourself to because you're going forward and but then you're landing rap is back there which that's the weird part is that you can't go up with your head you have to keep the head low and it's a hip you know toss it's kind of like you throw the hip in to catch it's like that's why I mean after I did like a few of them and I had a loop in my back yard every time I skated vert I would skate in the middle of session I go over drop in and do the loop oh really that it was like constant you know that's why I have so much footage of like I got you know we were filming for the friend I got I got the curt Hayashi she's camera mm-hmm you know the x1000 didn't like and then yeah did dilute that it was just constant all the time there was no bailing I did it over 500 times Wow Tony's you know Huck Jam thing every night he's did a little time you know like just cost it but I realized that there's there is a little technique of like keep your head in the middle don't let it go up or you like bug onto my children you like come down and those lamps stop Daniel tell you he got one of those and so I just stayed down and like I would just throw myself to catch myself here once I realized I was just writing up all I would do is like look at the sticker the sticker line uh-huh and just ride that and then all of a sudden you're like looking at coming down yeah it's weird cuz you're looking up you know I'm a son you're looking delicate you know and then you just make the landing yeah so you hit your like it there's two it's you have to split up into almost you know you kind of go well catch yourself and then maybe because if you do one you get the Shaffer oh or the jail Jake Brown did it good language like like just kind of one thing it's not one it's like you have to carve go through the so your head is kind of like the the center of the clock and you're you keep it there you know the the hand and you give it the hip toss so you grab the other wall so you're not like doing it early and then you're like here away from the wall kind of thing well which happened to me at baldi because I didn't have speed no that's what happened to me there because there's no just that and that happened because I didn't have speed I mean I tried tossing myself and you know it's just there's no speed within the you know there's no roll in there so yeah and it was rough as hell it's so in the center of that but that's the loop was was you know once I figured out that I was in this phase of the loop mm-hmm that's what I was like I need to go lupa a full pipe because I'm right in the middle of this now how much does it cost to buy a metal full pipe well yes commercial that early that uh buddy of mine was in and then they're like hey they're gonna throw that because they bought it for for them to skate it and then they're gonna throw it away I think it was ten grand well and then they're gonna throw it away and I was like right here in just four four six I'm not gonna say so so then it got you know taking there in a truck I just had him crane waiting and then they grabbed it from the back of the truck and the real thing is like they lifted over my bowl so over the mini part of the mall so I remember at that time was like please don't they drop there and then I had a metal full plate but that was always there and I never thought about doing it there I was just you know that was just the pipe that was there my mind was at baldi you know ferm video coming up as they respond a last trick like legendary you know like you're always playing with the stickers I wanted to throw the sticker game and just be like I don't want to put a sticker I want to put my tracks on it you know and and and and I was like if I do it there I don't care what happens like it doesn't matter what happens you know and so we can dive right into the baldy story cuz I was like dude we're finishing the firm video and and then Lance is like you can't stop yeah and and and I was like Lance I want to loop Baldy call Steve you know call salba because if something goes down he knows the I mean I can get hurt I'm still talking to him and he I think it took him a bit as Lance come here yeah okay yeah cause he's the best he's the best so I was like hey Lance you know I'm gonna do this I got call Stephen and in you know the video was like I had until Friday so in the old week I was just like no it's let's go tomorrow 8:00 a.m. like like I'm like you know in my head I was like there's just like you're doing right now I got the you know the loop in my in in my view and feel right every which way exactly so it's either Now or Never and it's the video part you know like that that's when you kind of and it was a time of the year that I calculate when I do should I can get hurt on it's like if I get hurt here I can get her get better and then that you know all the time yeah there's a strategy to that that but that and then I was like okay let's you know let's go let's called you know Steve and I guess he called Steve and Steve is like like obviously not really believing just kind of like yeah let's go you know I knew I knew what I was right you know and there's no pads there's no taking mat you know Pat wasn't gonna throw you know so but I was like okay you know Humphries Claire ball mmm-hmm you know so we show up and we stopped at this Mexican place and getting the breakfast burrito you know at like 7:30 or something like super early and then you know and I'm talking to Steve Steve just like yeah yeah we're gonna go session but I think you know like and I'm like I'm gonna bloom in my head I'm just like I loop it do you have an out you know if I get her he's like yeah we got you just told me you know it's Steve he's got it sure so we get there Jake piaseki all right P so he was around mmm I skating at the time there and we didn't didn't plan it he was there so I start looking at Baldy and like going like okay let me skate and then I start skating with my regular wheels and it was just rough the the roughness of in my heart just kind of sank as I was like even if I really want to it's not gonna happen yeah there's no speed here so I would like you would need to bro as far back as possible and I would just kind of do this this this and then I would do like a kick turn frontside min-cut straight and just you know go towards it mmm but I when I do that kick turn in speed it would hit the first there was like right around four o'clock there's like rough patch you know and then rough patch so you would go bump loose beam and but just kind of like no mmm and then I was like it's not happening with this you know and I'm just like I can't believe it and I was saw it Steve's kid and had his board and he had some cruiser wheels and I was like hey let me borrow those wheels like I think I can pull it you know with that and he's like sure so then they start seeing like I'm actually like getting serious about it so and I'm like dude are you guys ready like as a filming camp like photos like just film all of it film the first one because I could be done one and then off was Humphrey shooting photos or you're shooting photos and then Anthony I think there's another angle that Lance was kind of handling okay but then we put the the soft wheels the cruiser wheels on and then I start you cruise like oh okay I got speed you know but I would like take that turn and because of the soft wheels it would slow you know so yeah I'd go through that into it but the slow reels kind of goes on you know on transition it kind of cuts back on when you pump hmm but it's still much better than my other wheel so I was like I think I can muscle it right so I'm like alright I just got to go for the first one you know that was the hard ain't none too out to do it yeah and then boom boom boom cut and then just go and then I did a full back like I went and then backflip and then landed on my feet and kind of like the you're like a cat before so then I leave you know enough like I can get away with it there's no pads I cannot it's concrete as no landing like on your hip and you break your pelvis not you know I have to land on my feet first or you know and it was just that was the deal so once that happened I was like okay this is I can get away from it and I just kind of cut it was really hard to do the kick turn in and stay straight yeah you know because you kind of want to keep going it's kind of a safety mechanism you know and and I was like I have to cut you know and so I I did it again and kind of rode the top and then kind of back flip the gambit like more onto the transition gotcha right oh okay all I got and then you know there's like the screaming excitement yeah salvos like just the attempt I think for him was like already you can't believe what he's watching yeah you know and then it got like you know serious and then and I'm in the middle of attempts I saw him to having a conversation with someone about aliens or something just like yo sorry I think they were nervous and trying to change the subject you know it and then and so I went again and again and then the the one I just I've had the full speed looked around bailed and then did a nice slide like up sight like Mesa all the way even the top she was the funnest thing dude I was like oh if that happens like that all the time I'm good you're so then I got like more and more cut like juice comfortable and confident so the next one I went and went all the way looked and I was about two miles like I just made it you know and the wheels the soft wheels kind of give it that move so I detached oh I detached a little bit from the and there was no making so you can see that was almost almost to make yeah and then I was like okay whitman's you mean did you right away rode all the way to here oh and then about here it detached because they'd have the speed okay and then I'll tip me off my board okay but to me it was like all I got to do is get more speed you know and one little push a little harsh cut you know so now I really started like giving it the pump this full confidence now you know so now I'm like okay and I turned around went but for some reason I I went to the right a little bit and it just kind of went and it threw me in this courtroom and then when it corked me I landed sideways putting my hand down my footman blow and broke my foot and my wrist you know - and that was it and I was just like you know I was not gonna stop you know and it was like that made me stop because I was gonna keep going I was didn't tired and I was just like and then that happened you know I'm like oh man I'm done that that's it that's it you know my broke my foot you know and and I'm just in so much pain but so relieved at the same time and the fact that actually went when I was just like I can't believe and just this that rush and then you know how to hike you benda Baldy okay you have to like down you got a walk and this is full high and it's like you know jump this whole this whole thing and now I have a broken wrist a broken hood on the other side when I got a trek that all the way back you know so there's a little piece of wood you put over the whole the whole but and I couldn't really put my my wrist is just done so I had one side you know this hole it's like it drops down into like it's debris of like madness and and in every time you skate there were Saba you gotta jump it you got a job and I wasn't jumping back you know is it okay Salva but what would happen there I was like I need an out and I was in so much pain there's no painkillers sure Jake piasecki shows up with the greenest bud dude like you just saved my life so he's like as I'm like walking out we take this big old you know toca sure oh there's no you know it's just like oh and the pain it just kind of brought everything down well all the pain you know it just kind of look was manageable it evened yeah evened it out and I was just like okay you know and then I couldn't walk couldn't so I'm like sitting on the board and you know Jake is like pushing me hmm you know through the you know salba had an out from the taught like he had like the the gate key to like the it's a it's another way out that you can kind of you can somewhat ride it's less of a mad hike and you know and and and and and you can get out and so he I parked up top and walk down the hill and through the the open it right up yeah yeah so like I took the other route so Jake's like pushing me on my board you know as he gave me that you know the the magic hit mention just like thanks Jake and it was just so cool you know that's amazing he totally you know I remember that so we we made ourselves and got out and and that was like okay you know at least I tried yeah I was like okay and then I remember I had my the cast on my right foot and had on my wrist and then Nixon had a part it was like a Nixon party so he went out to Leucadia at some house and and it was rainy outside and I got my you know my crutches and I go to ring the doorbell it's all wet you know and I go to ring a bow like I'm in so much pain I'm laughing at my open the door I'm on the ground little wet crutches you know and he's like Bob so they found me a like a couch a spot you know the spot will come out hang with me and that's amazing what's awesome who done with your part at that point yeah that was it that was it and I I have and had this feeling of like I really want to accomplish that and that especially at that time and I was just like man I need to go back and need to go back but the reality of that situation again and and fixing you know the roughness of the cement and making sure the board was right and it's going through the whole situation again is in a different time I'm not in that loop phase gotcha and it's kind of it's a harsh phase you know to not when you're not in it and then it's really a tough because the slams could be awkward and very you know like you know you can get really hurt and I remember doing the Huck jam with Tony a bunch and we did the loop all the time so we're like okay we got this his loop is super fast you know nice and tight was constant you know so we're comfortable yeah and then steve-o and those guys and bad or it was like wild boys and op so BAM was involved so wild boys it was Pontius and steve-o okay and so they're like that's when they had Tony dress up we want to go to your house and we got this chips game you look like a real suit and you know and we're like okay sounds fun right so so we're out there so both him and I got the ego inflated on the loop right because we've done it all time to get checked yeah check time is a [ __ ] and so we you know we're out there skating and then my loop is slow it's not like his I have the the landing of the transition on the bottom of the Rowland is tighter so this is like a bigger transition so it's a little mell oryx gives you more speed so mine's more of a bank - you gotta like fight it mmm like you is it's an attack mode and we were in cruise mode his loop is crew God okay so it's just roll and plenty of speed go around do the movement roll away crowd cheers Scott yeah that's that but you know so now we're I go in first and I try it and I come up short and I have this weird bail slam that I was like well that's awkward you know this is just different I gotta like you know this is I have to adjust myself so I was like Tony you have to get speed here it's like this weird like I feel like you know your loop it's totally different right so we were like okay and then he goes and you know pumps for the speed that we were talking about and I think that that's what kind of gave him the WoW like the mr. Wilson upside down just became the Schaefer yeah which is what happened to Shafer st. you know that same whip one and a half so he went half and then boom hit the head you know did that out snoring - Tony Hawk you snoring oh yeah dude full MMA you know out you know and and I was just like oh [ __ ] like you know and everyone's whirring up there was an ambulance Dexter's for the event that's a good good thing good yeah you know there's Tony wakes up and then taking the ambulance he's like oh man what happened should that wasn't you know fun you know the all the comedy of wild boys got dark and he knows so he's in there cops show up oh how they found what happened who found out or whatever so cop shows up pulls up into my house I'm gonna like how do you come in there's no warrant they can't go just walk in like that okay and then he goes in whose house is it you know it's just like yeah it's my house is like okay what happened you know then someone meeting after saying sauce - Tony Tony Hawk walks in there so Tony that guy push you kind of did yeah right try to get and Tony was trying to figure out what he was trying to do and I remember he's like looped out in the he's looped out yeah and and this cop is asking a question is like know what the like and the guys like yes I saw that there was nothing gonna happen there and he's like you take a photo with me yeah just get and then I was like to get out you know my house you know like like why are you here you know and then it was like immediately like before it you have your like if you got it what's how did you just you know and then so then he was now so that was a weird weird situation post so he's trying to get like yeah that's so weird get your competitor to jail who telling it Hardy wonderfully I wonder if it was like the ambulance drivers and then they maybe there's a call and then the guy heard it right not for sure yeah Tony Hawk's in the back of a Milwaukee but for a while and and Tony's worst career slam is in my backyard that's a man huh but you know that was you know I remember he was still in bed you know just recovering from that and after that happened I was like okay I'm I have to loop a pipe like now or it's gonna go away right in my in my mind I have to do it now and I kind of used Tony slam to kind of make me just go and do it huh right and just like just just do it now I'm thinking let's go back to ball games like that can't be bald a nice beat on and then I'm just looking around and I'm like look at my backyard and I look at the pipe there I'm like what the hell it's been here the whole time and I'm like that is the spot you know it's metal it's fast and it was a sight turn it on you know like called you know I think it was was we were filming it might have been the firm or because it was in the video like I can't remember what the the timeline huh in my Musca like brain right now but yeah I was like Tony I'm gonna yeah I'm just gonna do this for Tony right so I'm thinking like okay go put the pads and then I have the pads and you mess around with it more for control I just kind of like because of the ball the experience I was so like you know freaked out and I want to make sure everything was right but once I back and forth a couple of times and I just kind of went for the front side kick during like Baldy and went I could have made the first one I just like kind of world all the way around and hit the pad okay like immediate like right off the free like god take it out boom took it all out and they were filming boom boom boom make it like right around and I was just like wow okay how big are we talking about he was like a fifteen radius a huge right it's like 15 feet okay a little bigger than a little bigger than loops like Luke riot 13 I feel like I feel I see pictures of Baldy and I got a stony but like it's tighter right the loop is a tighter okay Baldy was a little out and that might be another thing why I might detach in the speed thing so your your there's a bigger radius I had to like get more speed go further right right and then my my loop in the backyard is a little is closer to the regular loops and it's metal so it's always you know hard wheels and in your way right around and why the hell did you get that delivered to your house again just to have it there that I said I mean it was like I mean who gets a metal pipe delivery only we only skated full pipes when you felt like you know like there's a right side of the road let's go or there's you know these these pipes were at Pala oh let's go but to be able to have one in the back I can just like anytime wake up and go skate at full pipe yeah and then the loop thing and it was just like all right like you know I'd love to have a full pipe for my backyard right not it wasn't like I want one it was just the opportunity presented itself and I was like well don't throw it away this guy I mean could you imagine like oh yeah bring a cranes and everything oh no no none I'm over my bowl yes like yeah you know a helicopter now and it's amazing Bob you know I don't ever think about this life that you've I'm sorry I'm blessed and I'm thankful every day it's the same it's you know I couldn't have asked I mean I would want to be able to ask for it because I wouldn't know what this is mask it's a day-to-day thing you know it's a but it's a beautiful thing it's a beautiful thing yeah it's just so much you know and it's constant yeah like and that's what's cool about you know skateboarding I love it so much is because there is no box you know there's no time like okay you have to do it until this time and then you're done I can count like constantly create and constantly come up with new things it's just a matter of what you want to you know materialize at any level you know at mega ramp top you know high risk to the smaller ramp or two just like skating Street and learning something I haven't done yeah that's you know the manual might have been done from you know but I haven't done it right so that's kind of keep that approach n biddies are great yeah a biddies that are n biddies to you would you you did the full pipe in your backyard now the baldy though are you still bummed that you didn't do it out there in the wild like you want street pipe Street yeah yeah I mean I obviously think about it you know and I'm like well I already you know because I was able to do it in my backyard and I took the footage to Tony by the way what's the end of moto so we went and he was in his you know I was like telling you I got to come show you something you know as he's healing up from the gorilla rat suit loop you know and I'm like you know just know that I had the only reason I did this it wasn't like let me show it was like yeah I either did it but using the fact that you went down my house and like to get me to go and do it for you for us because you deliver first and you do kind of and and that's kind of how I approached it you know and then when I did it because I remember right before I went around and I thought about Tony slam oh you did yeah and it's weird how like you know that freaked me it's read how those thoughts come to mind that's why it's important on who you hang with what you listen to what you you know because those at the times when you need you will grab what you have right so if you have the the negative thoughts those will come out you know and if yeah that's just the nature of sure you know of our part of our minds and and and and his slam came to mind but it just kind of made me like I just pushed through like that and that's that's that it made me think of a session with Phil shell he's gaining handrails back in the day and you know were skating this rail and at the school in Daly City up in San Francisco area and you know I'm trying to make myself go down this rail and you know and I was like I go back and I go for I go back and go forth and then as I'm pushing towards something like the song this will be the day that I die in your head okay I'm sorry I might have put that thought into people's mind when they go but dude it came to my mind you know I was like oh okay let's go back around and then she wouldn't go away right and I was like okay who cares it's the day that I die right and sure enough I died you and I'm okay no no I slammed so hard and it was just like oh gosh alright and how do you like you know what's the antidote other than just going yeah listen to something different yeah but it's also a maybe interpreting that is feeling that you know the universe was telling you about yeah it's gonna go down here yeah but you skate for a living you're about to go down a handrail so it's not like it's like oh my gosh what a surprise yeah yeah it's like sure that can go down and and I remember Phil was like you know ever done it's just like man that's gay for effort knew that was insane yeah and Phil was so fun to skate with Lizzy yeah he's amazing skateboarder incredible and such a rad dude good energy to be around not much of the [ __ ] oh yeah that kind of skating to me I have a hard time understanding that but everybody's got their that's you know if frustration makes you know progression to true well well I want to talk about all the flip stuff because I assume that you know the firm they went out of business and and were you floating for a little while and how did the flip thing come into the picture for you you know actually Lance I just saw Lance getting sucked into this like having to do the business and then you know I'm just constantly like you know it's just you know it's a grind and then and I want to see Lance skate you know where he does yeah we were just like and and there's that side of it was always a big obvious even even though it was at blitz and obviously there's help there but he gets drawn you know his company is his house in constant cost and I were you were having these conversations and I was just like Lance man you have to skate like let's you know it's Minoo we had because it was their firm flip mm you know and we're costly with you know in Fox and in and it was just like this constant mix and and I was like why don't we just go to flip Wow like let's just go you know there could be something cool like I mean I don't know if there's a room for everyone at flip but there's you know there's definitely a move around and I'm sure it was it was it was harder for him because letting go of a baby in a sense is a lot harder mm-hmm but I think he you know he was so drained out that he knew I mean he's already been doing the firm for a long time you know and then he went out there and did in such a cool company cool vibe cool I loved the energy around it and it was awesome but it was more of a collected decision in the sense of like hey this could be a good thing you know and then we talked to you know rally and everyone and it was just like ah that would be really cool so then Lance myself and Rodrigo would go to flip right you know and then there was got to see obviously ray and Matt Beach and all that Lance was want to make sure they're all good so it was once that kind of like was you know arranged and everything and then it was a natural going okay let's we're on flip down let's work on a video now you know we had done the firm video and I love that that video because it was this you know unique project and it was all in my backyard things like you know I'm actually probably one of the rare times I have a lot of video parts of my careers in my back Wow yeah and and you know and then after that the maker happened and now they're also they're sure but but the firm was like the the vert Bowl you know it was like all effort video part in that era so it captured so I really like that and then we finished that and it was like we either work on another video obviously or you know where else to go and in video parts are like not an easy situation you know it's like usually at least the older ones is like two to three years in the making for five to six minutes you know people don't wanna date yourself yeah and you obviously always want to or you don't want another part you know at least I don't know and I'm like okay I I can't you know that's gonna be better than the last one and then so that's always there and it's always it's always hard to cuz when you put it out then people are like when's the next one coming out and you just watch that one again I was a long time and so then then it was like okay let's you know let's transfer over there and then became a parent that's like oh another video would be awesome with this new crew extremely sorry right right and I had kind of like in a sense disappeared a little bit like you because it was a time where like okay the mega ramp got into my view finder and I'm like just all mode attack high focus yeah hyper focus and I was never one I mean I don't think that time no the social media not is not as intense so there wasn't that need of constantly putting stuff on you know sure yeah on social media and and I was always one to be quiet and just film you know so yeah I skated the contest but there's a time where I wasn't skating the Verdon vents anymore just kind of like my focused effort was was kind of spreading out because it was a lot of the same so then I'm like kind of like well okay so then I wasn't really doing well at the events Burt Oh kind of they're just kind of this but I was filming like crazy so a lot of people probably thought you know and I've had a couple of messages after the flip video that I was just like man that's crazy I thought you were like done or disappeared right and and and that was just because I was just focused on you know filming as many tricks as possible and on the mega this new window popped open and the thing with that too is like ice there was Danny and I were skating a bunch obviously with with the point acts and then he was doing the X Games mm-hmm a lot of people don't know I don't speak about it too much and it's a super respectful of what I'm what I'm what I'm gonna say but there was a time where we were skating the X Games and we're you know we put the rail contest was the first time the rail contest came up I think he was planning on to skating that and being done with the X Games right and then so once he put the rail up we start skiing I love the thing and I was just like started thinking about all these tricks obviously he already done a few tricks on it and so obviously it was his his baby and his show kind of kind of thinks I was trying not to be like hey I'm not gonna pull all effort because I don't think that's cool either I mean well regardless of the who's it is I got to put all my effort in skating yeah so I started skating and obviously skate switch so I went and went to hit the rail switch and I kind of got close or whatever and he was in the corner he kind of saw it and and then he came up to me and he was like well Bobby gonna skate the things which I was gonna try some now you know I'm trying to I'm doing the switch 50-50 you know and I'm like yeah but he's like well we when we grow like he's talking about him and Collin like because when one touches the trick and I get that and one touches one and and I wasn't planning on doing this which 50/50 okay I was plan on doing a switch nose grind because I knew he was doing that so I so this is strategy competition mode and play ping-pong with you I'm not gonna want to lose yeah I can still be your friend and you know and totally fine and right but in in that moment it seemed like you know this this front came on really and I respected it but I kind of bummed me out a little bit right and and because it that's not how I was a pro I never approached it that was a thing of showing Tony it wasn't like look I you know it was it's this like respect of like man that's inspiring I want to progress you know sure and for whatever reason because that was really simple it just kind of sparked a thing in me and and and I was just like okay I kind of pulled back you know and then when we were skating the contest I didn't really go for stuff like I was just kind of holding back and that kind of hurt me yeah a little bit because I don't like doing that and I don't think that's you know but I knew that I mean I was being respectful I didn't want him to feel like that was but then I'm like man that this is a contest it's just like you know it's go all out no matter whose it is exactly and it was all good it was just like a thing that turned that made me turn the volume down a little bit yeah and then that kind of grabbed me a little bit and he won the contest I mean it really did the switch 50-50 I don't even like listen it doesn't mean I was gonna make it because it's hard and it was hard and skating in that much I probably wouldn't have made it if I tried it but that kept me from trying it sure and and so he won the event and it's all good and that just kind of bottled in hmm right and that's why I did so many tricks in the flip video I won't do it there and I'll hold myself here but when I get home I'm going nuts and it was out of respect and out of like inspiration right but that situation even if it was a misunderstanding because there's you know we were we were cool afterwards just yeah yeah the way you know he thought I was doing this which it was just you know whatever yeah right in and it was all good because it's it's not even but I it was really if I left that out here I'd probably be like okay you know it needs to go out and sure because it was the biggest inspiration to like putting all those tricks down in in the flip video and putting that real and I wouldn't have done that if I wasn't inspired by Danny because the things that he did and the see video was just out of this work and yeah so that took me into taking those steps and you know and and that's full inspiration mo and Danny has been a lifetime inspiration so but that that little interaction at the event just kind of made me okay well then now when I build this I'm gonna learn every possible trick that I can possibly think of in are like you know and that's and it just started coming the first trick that I learned was that it was a tre flip board tre flip board full moon and I was just like oh right you know that that that end of the day kind of thing gonna lie and and it took me a while to like get the rail to the right radius so what happened is Jeff King and I were there and and and we grabbed the the the point X rail okay you know as I grabbed it from Danny and they're like babies this way I mean why that event is nothing it's just what sparked me in the Chinese tricks was Danny was always so supportive them there for all that so I wanted to build the rail man let's go to point next grab that and so I put the point X rail there and it what didn't work the same way because the trajectories are different okay the landing ramp at my house I raised it a bit so that we landed better on the trajectory you know so it's an improvement of that so then I put the rail up and and and I'm like okay Jeff let's you know cut it here bend it there you know and then when I go out there and try it oh no this whole thing needs to go lower and I'll cut it they're kind of sorry I we did like hours and hours of little modifications yeah and and welding little cuts in well you know what cuts in well they are molded the thing took forever but then now it's like all filled with cut then it's just flimsy and not really there so then I'm like okay I need a you know I need a new rail I'm like gonna build and like I was gonna buy this thing and I had the Grand Canyon rail chillin right there in my yard cuz I once I did that I you know I I was like take I'll take the rail back we don't any the wood I'm like keep the rail uh-huh you know when you did just going in the Grand Canyon yeah so that is the rails of the grant came go into that Rio psyphon but so then that rail was sitting in my backyard and I'm like oh let's grab that so then I grab the point X rail that we kind of cut up and sliced up into this mold mm-hmm you know put it beside it and then kind of like did it so brand new you kind of fabricated off of this first trial version off the grand can erase so like the rail at my house is the Grand Canyon real oh so I end them on the ran on the ramp yeah is that rail and I feel like that obviously comes with some power and then tricks just like yes once we found the radius and everything because it's the mega it's hard enough to skate the things you know so if you put the rail at the wrong radius at the wrong track now you're hitting hard so yeah you're gonna get a 50/50 right but all the other tricks are not gonna so it only works when the 50/50 flows right so that's how I went when I built that it was just like one when I do this 50/50 and it's just like get on get off like and it's easy yeah then I move on to your like and all the other tricks can happen so that that that's why you know took so long and then once that was there mm-hmm then I was like oh okay I can try anything so it's there you don't adjust it not for done yeah no no adjustment okay how long I always see it the tricks take you awhile but are you getting like one clip a day are you getting like multiple Clips a day when you're doing stuff like the flip video it was because the door opened you know any any it would have been harder if I went and did like a vert part you know I'd have to go back and like hey what did I'm not this is like a whole new zone oh it's a whole new so it's like free back end a little kid counting 1 2 3 4 new tricks a day yeah you know and there's this is the it's exciting right it's like oh there's new thing oh you know so then I'm like first I did kickflip Indy 50 fifties you know like I did kickflip mute board slides I did all that like to kind of like feeling it now you never happen it's yeah there's like okay yeah this is cool but like be much cooler if I didn't grab you know you know and then do you ever watch the real no we just paint it we do that the Copic oh yeah hmm yeah that's a coping pain that kind of good slide so then you know that when I did the tre flip board it was like it just happened then the rails right there so it just became a little easier so once I did that that was the first you know trick of the rail of filming and I know it's just like think of stuff and just do it do it dirt cheap skating switchback tail you know those those bore that board that you skate i side tried it a tray football on a flat ground huh that thing is one of the hardest things even ride yeah and on the flat ground it's tough but when you're going fast then it becomes the street board oh yeah the vert when you're like the mega ramp when you go off the the 70-foot when you go 20-plus feet the quarter pipe feels like a vert ramp okay because now you're like it's the timing and how fast you go through the transition when you're going really fast it shortens the size of it yeah so it kind of makes it I mean it's scary hairy but then it's like oh just a little bit more familiar like it's like you know so the slower you go on it then it's just this like ginormous wall that you try to climb if you do a kick turn it's like speed just kind of it evens everything out so what size board is the maker and board Eastgate listen if this was a bucky lassic interview he would give you the exact but you know I know zero it feels good you're gonna write like you know like oh what's seen of people like I put it on and you know it's good oh this board doesn't feel good and then only get another board you know if anything Danny like you know figured out that size and I'm like oh let me rock that and then all this feels good you know so I think it's an eight and a half because of you know put I don't know the size of it's a little bigger than the regular board mm little taller yeah a little taller and then so the width is about the same and then high this trucks of all time Titus Titus truck six could be there's no turning those zeros just got except wobbling you know wobbles are part of skate like Omega gosh there is no let me tighten it up so I don't wobble no let me tighten it up so I don't wobble and slam yeah but you gotta accept the wobble you know it's like accept it and and then you know it's just it is what it is and yeah and then he handle it but I tried dropping out of my bowl and and when I was we want to go in the Grand Canyon yeah so when I was getting ready for the Grand Canyon I'm like okay I got this board I got a parachute on my back how weird is this gonna feel am I gonna be able to skate you know so three away Don yeah so my weight often it I feel like I put the base rig on and then I went to drop in on my vert bowl with my mega board this my Banga boards is what I'm gonna use the green Canada you know I dropped in and then like slammed oh because I dropped in as a bowl so I dropped in I wanted to like you know weight distribution and it's it's just designed to go straight so when I like went but my body to turn it just like alright so I'm like okay there's no attorney in this thing yeah that board doesn't work I grabbed the regular board did some kick turns just to feel the the base rig on my back and then and I would do these like medicine ball practices like you know stability with the base you're trying to like kind of like just get my brain and the fact that I have this right may be overboard but when you're doing like I don't think it's all something on that level you need your brain to go through those those processes and and you know you need to think about what you do will kill you if you don't you know the right thing you know and this the reason why I've wore a full face helmet I mean you're jumping into the Grand Canyon and you have a rail and you have an issue of of that but then you have the issue of like if you bail if I got an open you know face helmet or whatever and then I go to try the trick and I don't hit it and then I hit my face or my chin on the rail knocked out oh and I'm dead because right it's a few seconds and and you know I might wake up in a bit they'll be on the ground already you know by the time I wake up oh my so then that's was like okay full face alright and and then but what I did so okay I got the gear and I'm all I'm all good to go so we're hanging out at the he'll hold Bend is with close the area is the Navajo Nation we dealt with them you know trying to get the permission same spot with travis pastrana did his first back like oh yeah yeah I was you know it was kind of like inspired by that you know like I want to do it on skateboard mm-hmm I don't want it just to be a launch ramp cuz anyone can go out there than skates and BASE jumps and just kind of my office thanks I wanted to add some tech and the only thing I could think of was like we were skating mega ramp all the time I was like a mega rail even a mega launch with a little bit of speed anyone could really go and then you flail out and sure but to get on the rail to like then it takes a certain I didn't want anything else to go out you know and yeah and I'd be able to replicate it in the sense right nowadays I think Mitchie Brusco is one that could because he's a great skydiver a great you know when Windtunnel fly so he's like really good at flying Oh any skates Maggie yeah so so we do jumps together and he's like really talented on on you know on and I think that's one of the reasons he's so aware cuz it helped me out a lot when skydiving in skateboarding just spatial awareness 3d what's going on around and maybe why I land on my feet so but that's you know once I was hanging out in this airing it was like snowing wind like constantly all week when you know again Tim Payne you had everything said oh we're out there setting it up you know we're hanging out then they're building the ramp on the spot and it's raining it's snowing and they're like man I was like just keep building because you never know right the day I was just like I'm not gonna stay just keep building right you know and they had never done anything like it obviously and neither did I and I don't know where to put the rail and you know so we kind of put the ramp on the ground just like the radius of the thing and then the radius of the rail okay that sounds like it you know that looks like kind of good work and then okay build it like that you really test it out right and so we do all that and then they're like I'm like I gonna got you to put it out there's like oh we're just gonna build some tracks and then you know we're gonna build the launch and then when you're ready to go we're gonna push it out as far out because I needed to be as far out as possible because they're the cliff yeah cliff was like it had the the death Bank which goes forward like this and then base-jumping I would never run and base-jump that cliff because I wouldn't be able to I would like you would clear yeah you've been in clear and yeah and you know we test by throwing a rock there you go good to crash that's not good throw it again one two crash and I'm going like and then the guys with me like Charles Brian helped me out skydiver Flyboys awesome dude help me out a lot and then the guy was doing the the discovery it was doing the the host was jeb Corliss and he's incredible BASE jumper you know but he was like we threw the wrong he's just like dude I would jump here you know and I'm going like well I'm gonna be on a board and I'm gonna be flying hey this is omega so I know I'm gonna be going forward speed a lot so I and he every one around me like at that place was like don't do it really whoa you know and the only person who wasn't was Charles because he knew and Ryan and I was just like to let them like it's all good I know it's gonna be fun we know and you know you know okay yeah it's not I mean I don't care if the whole world selling me know if I know I'm going look if I don't I'm not going and it's just you know what's the wind conditions and all that that's really the main thing right so okay I got speed to go out you know it's the rail we can make it over there's a ramp work I don't know again Lance Lance is there no the firm got in the flip yeah right was right there's 2006 so we were like full flip mode gotcha so they show up you know so he's hanging I love having Lance around for moments like this and he's always been Haney spin around almost all they like the baldy thing okay I don't know so I'm out there and I'm like okay it's time to go right so like first I built seven boards exactly the same right because you're gonna lose you know and I go and losing one so there's only so many attempts right and but we wake up the night before I'm doing snow man we're doing a snow man at they like the day you know out and Flagstaff I think it was like we're weekend like in in and I'm like okay you know and and let's just see and then the next day we had the helicopter lined up we had all that so I wake up and I look outside and it's like just blue skies zero and that didn't happen not once that whole week of building it was just all wild and snow right like just madness right and then it just wakes up like everything right and if there is any wind towards the face of the thing no go no go there's all these like check mark right like I'm not going variable I'm not yes I wanted fun so you know so let me let's and so and it all just lined up crammed then they push the ramp out you know and then now you know I'm on the top of the roll in and it's like okay you said you're never again all the cameras the production kind of put yourself in those places and you gotta know it's coming what was this for was it for the Discovery Channel it's gonna be had this show called stunt junkies yes and I remember the call was like because first I mean I had to you know give the idea I'm not sure so in the guys like oh yeah we want you in there what do you want to do and I'm like I'm gonna put this ramp on the railing around the Grand Canyon and you know there's like kind of silence like Nicole yeah and they're like okay you know I'm like alright they bit you know and like so I start designing things start tripping out figuring out how I would you know pull it together or whatever but then all that pass right yeah phone call or up now I'm on top of the roll in and it's real right I'm like scared at all or no I'm just I can't wait to go but I want to make sure it works like I don't know if I'm gonna like Kimmy bring sugar works you can't that I can hit the rail and not like overshoot it or hit it because the way I built it instead of doing it like like this so that I would have the error and hit that uh-huh I just kind of pull the the thing all the way down so the ramps like so the rail comes up so anywhere I go I'm gonna like keep going so I did like that you could bounce off a bit and keep going so I was like okay let's do that so I put in this place and when I looked on the ground I kind of aligned it but I wasn't really thinking of the ramp the ollie that I needed to be above it I just kind of like was thinking like just straight into it so right when I rolled in I looked at it and I tried the ollie up and it just didn't go so I kind of like went to the side of it and then grabbed like kind of like got my shoulder around the thing and it like whipped me around you you were trying to hold on to the rail like I don't want a good I was on it so I had to try to get out but my arm was ready there so it kind of like grabbed the rail and then like flipped me Nick almost pulled my shoulder out oh that was my that was my parachute boy I didn't think of that and I just kind of like went like a roll and then like tracked out and pulled the parachute and you know I was just like oh I gotta fix the ramp you know so in my in my hand I'm like we got to make some adjustments so you kind of time to think on the way down yeah yeah sorry thinking as I hit that you know as I did that in my brain I was already thinking grab my board go back up on the time so it wasn't just a one and done thing you had seven boards ago you had seven attempts you could do something so if you just flew over the rail and didn't even touch it but I'll go back up make some adjustments it got you and the first go I had the helicopter fly right by the rail and then I jumped out you know and then pull my parachute because there's also the landing situation that's a street landing right so it's like cactuses oh yeah Roxie's like you know mud riedel snakes there's like no there's no error in like where you end up right so I had to can't also get that you know so walk every - helicopter down around look you know ground okay I gotta do this my line you know stuff going on a lot a lot you know and and but that comes from I I was already a skydiver had like a few hundred jumps okay you know that was already in my in my it just wasn't a BASE jumper yet you know I did some practice jumps over in Idaho where it's legal and that bait on that bridge that's legal at people job I think I've seen that yeah I did a bunch of those and I okay I got this base rig I mean it's not and it's easier than a pair she's a little bigger mmm like skating a longboard like just like nice and floaty and well cuz you have less time for the parachute job to open you want it to be nice and so you know - like easier soft landings because it you're like landing there in between poles cars oh yeah yeah so that that situation like so when I landed and figured out oh it's all good it was like a right turn or a left turn on the cactus it was like did your roadmap totally and then and then it was like okay that we got to fix that so I go and I thought that in my mind I just needed to ollie so I win again without adjusting the ramp and kind of threw a board away in the sense because I knew I had the you know I was just like no I think I can just and I just wanted to go right away so I dropped in and tried to ollie and again it kind of hit hard but I didn't you know it was like a easier it was just a bail oka and then boom lose another board and I'm like oh man I should have just and I sat down I got up there and Lance was looking at sideways and we were just like man do this is Hart having a hard time like I don't know what to do and then he was like why didn't just make that ramp like a foot longer you know because it just kind of kept the radius going so now it throws me up a little higher here then it was it was the best solution that was Lance okay it's like oh yeah backin all right Tim didn't know so they are out there like making them they couldn't pull the ramp back I said they said make an exception so when they were doing this play like by the they're all like the cliff yeah doing that thing and so they made the ramp longer and then I went again and it got myself on the rail but then when I jumped off it really it wasn't the way I wanted it I got 55 dad what I've kind of like popped out yeah I want it to like and then keep going as far as I could yeah yeah yeah so then the camp the the Discovery guys once I got rails and they're like trying to get this yeah he's got it did wrap the thing I was like I didn't get it not even like they're trying to you know finish do their show yeah the show it's like no dude it's not I have to go again it's not done you know and they're like ah okay they're worried you know and I'm just like knowledge do I have to do it again after again so then I went again and then got it you know perfect popped out held it for us I think I could have held it longer now and then and then popped out got it and then in my mind obviously I'm like okay Brian Smith I wanted this day not to end like you're gonna die if you go again and I'm like no this is the funnest day of my life let me go but then they're like no shut down the helicopter guy in the area and then that was that that was that you couldn't do anymore that was it we're talking you know shoots or so no I had I had Jeb and Charles they're better at it and you know and I trust them more that trust myself in that situation so lifeline yeah and and and there was a scary moment on on that because Charles was he was jumping with an ammo which is a the 35 millimeter camera but like the mini so it's like not full it's like a portable 35 which back then so he died base to put this thing in his head it's like so heavy yeah so we're trying to get a shot and we do this helicopter jump but you know the bank is like this and then we're on the helicopter so I just jump straight down I know the bank is there he wants to get a shot at me beside you yeah yeah like to get his clothes you know all that but so he does this mini jump backwards and it kind of carries carries carries and he's filling me and he looks and he sees the right he's about he's gonna hit oh my god so then he pulls a parachute real quick and gets him out of the you know and then we're both cuz I saw all you know I'm like you know we got on the ground and then I pulled was like that I didn't want it to be a ya big thing I was like he's like like okay you know that that was up one of the scary moments that dad you know situation there but then then it was all gold and and Stewart was there so Stewart got some photos of course divided fiying he wasn't the most motivating guy to be around really just because he's like so it needs to start you know so you're just straight so is this how you choose to die no way yeah and every time once I started flying or jumping okay she's just like okay so now you got this new thing so that's how you gonna die huh hung around Jake fell I mean I I know it that that game yeah yeah II like aster but anyone else could be like what the [ __ ] you said I was gonna die Ryu's you're you know and that's in your head sure I'll jump even if I have this is gonna be the day that I would think twice about that yeah rewrite it no but I mean and you know that was awesome it was a funnest day of my life and I wish I could go back and do more tricks and you know but I mean it was great it was a magical moment and it was almost like it allowed because I remember when I was there like you know I was just reflective or like I was constantly introspective autism right whether you are you aren't you become when we met that is about to go down on that level then I would I would detach myself a bunch from the crowd and kind of go out and I knew I was Indian nation you know so and one of the Indians were saying like Oh like you know couple guys died here last time trying to something you know develop my god mountain biking something going on I can only imagine the so then you trying to explain to them what you want to do those are yes okay no and because they're not you know they're the only thing they can just allow that to happen but there was it was a funny negotiation like it started at 3 grand and it ended at 10 oh but it was like three then four then 6th and I was just like yo you have to lock you know where yeah it's 10 grand I'll donate the rent in the would okay cuz they go back they go back to their the 2500 eating's they come back and it's fine I mean I would paid 20 I mean they deserve it yeah yeah I just didn't have you got to a point I was like it's not in my budget okay so I'm like okay let's but you know so while I'm there I'm just like just thankful and praying and asking permission you know that that I can do this here it's not out of like you know this like aminah you know there's let me rip and pillage this and get the most out of it was just by one with ya and you have to be there and you know just so everything flows and you're not doing anything stupid sure cuz it's just it's a stupid idea already you know I want to make less of a you know of a scene you know and you know my dad's there and it's just like okay and he can't see because it's like the death Bank so when I you know there's a footage that you kind of like the board I disappear and we cut and you know like that's I kind of open my parachute right then but he's not seen you don't know they don't know until there's a radio like Oh parachutes open right so so I mean that was that was a thing so I don't want to die in front of him start saying that I but uh but yeah so I mean it was just a magical moment amazing yeah super fun man yeah and ideas like that I mean it's like the reason it's so it's such a blessing and it's so and I'm so thankful is because things like that they're think about when you land in a trick whatever like think about how long you've been alive how long that you know the world's been around and that trick hasn't been done right so that time to manifest things that's why I feel like skateboarding is like every new trick is like their little prayers at least the way I see it okay you know I kind of feel like it's my manifestation of like this you know idea of a you know and I'm just going I'm getting creative and I'm putting something down that wasn't around right so then that was the same thing with catching a wave you know you're surfer yeah you can take I'm surfing all day but like think that wave was never dead it's only there for you and you're the one who caught it and I'm not gonna repeat because it's completely different and it just keeps coming but it's and it's new all the time so in skateboarding I feel like every trick you do every new thing is like a manifestation of you know what you want to put right you know in the world so it's like okay it's me prayers many thankfulness you know and that's why I have our time with the frustration because I feel like man you're so blessed but you're right frustrated before you know so you get it part of it if you mature and a SAN thing you start like going and and I really work hard towards not manifesting that energy when I'm skating so like that's when when I was skated vert and I compete I would bail I'd smile people had a hard time like I can be pissed but I'm like what am I gonna do I have a dream job I skate for a living and I just bail the frontside grind yeah okay well I've got two more runs you know yeah yeah so that's and again it keeps you in a better place when that third run goes down and you're not like in this frustrating mode yeah this keeps it open because when you're that then if you close up oh yeah so that's kind of like the theory behind that I work sometimes and you know other times it doesn't but in between you know a little bit more happy and light you know lighter how about it sounds good to me where were you ten years ago when I was trying these tricks breaking my board huh man I was doing the same maybe bro you've done so much and you just continue to do so much wow it's amazing hey it's endless right Susie man I can't wait to see what you do know let me know when you ever do that I want to go down to the mecca I want to check it out otally maybe have a coffee on top of it okay thing hang out yeah I just want to hang out that's nothing talk to us about what's going on with this burn kit yeah you have a certain new little venture going on yeah what's going on yes it's uh it's it's burn kit skateparks so it's like it's it's portable skate park so it's a portable obstacles yeah while I was and we can get into this later but like while I was president of the Brazilian Confederation of skateboarding oh here's of my life in this last last couple to two or three years I was able to kind of like connect a lot of high-level meetings and and and adjust the funding from the Olympic Committee like public money towards our Confederation which it was going somewhere else Brazil as we learned i've known because i pinned there for a long time but the world has learned the amount of corruption and that that went down during Olympics and World Cup the building of stadiums you know the overpricing of things I mean people they didn't know how to steal a little and they just broke the country I agree right so and that a lot of that had to do with the Brazilian Olympic Committee and all the Confederations because of the flow of and a lot of people involved not sure so so the day that I was at the Brazilian Olympic Committee doing a meeting the president of the committee to jail it was like that same it was like a weird right but I came in to kind of flow that money towards us cuz that was fair so but it didn't mean I'd come in and like do a lot of things I mean last thing I wanted was to be president of this thing okay but you know it was just like I felt a need you know I got no salary out of it it was really hard and a lot of work what but we adjusted it and you know long story short we got that we got the funding we get like almost a million dollars a year Oh from the you know so we that's why we get all the we do all the events all the park in the street we have the national team I mean we like those guys get paid to go everywhere all tickets hotels plus money health insurance I mean all the things I dreamed of you know and you know was able to provide that for him so I feel good we're able to pull that together and well and put that out so those those meetings obviously I met a bunch of people and I had this idea of the supportable skate park company and and then we're at a meeting with the president of the industry of San Paolo so like the industry Federation huh so all you know businesses in San Paulo pay a percentage to this meeting and then they wanted they wanted to build this the skatepark mm-hmm and then I was like I have this portable skatepark idea that it could be easy for certain situations and you know and and and that could work it was already in my in my pipeline so it was just like maybe this could be a solution for that you know and and and then we started working on a couple of things and and then they were like yeah we want to get you know a few of those you know so then I went out and we worked out towards and sold you know a few of those kids we built like you know a couple of flat ramps like launch ramps and then quarter pipes on a flat bar and a high jump and a manual pad oh wow and it's all like interchangeable they all fit you can put them together oh like little Lego type yes yes ding so I connected with my buddy Silvio and Bruno from Rio ramp design and then we were like hey let's let's team up and kind of come up with this you know this company I'll close burn kit and I'll make it you know make it an easy you know and we just kind of went from there and now it's like evolving into mini ramps you know even a vert ramp if I do and I'll do it if I do a portable mega ramp to get closed event so we all prevent I did four of them in Brazil and we had a ramp there it's just wood and eventually I got you know bad or whatever so if I do it I would kind of taken Tony's you know obviously Tony's ramp and I you know toured Red Hook jam and that's all how easy it is I mean yes it's expensive but it's one in the long run and in the long run it just kind of pays itself just costly demos you can't split it up so so all that just prints you gotta figure like okay let's you know do a business and and and what most people don't realize escape what I mean not many people make a lot of money skateboarding mmm-hmm I was one of them that that was able to have top sponsors you know know made a lot of money in salaries but I put it all back into dreamland you know people didn't build that for me I grabbed my salary and then put it in and then you know obviously you know s put some money in the bowl and then you know Hurley at the time helped me out here and but the majority for me to pull it together it had to be my you know rightly so I didn't put money away I spent it Wow no so when the time you know it's so too but I had the rebuilt if I didn't put the mega wrap out and you know my career in the sense where I would have ended a few years ago so that gave me life so it's a reinvestment right sure I look at like okay yeah just yeah I I didn't have a game out right so it's right like that's and and I grew up you know having to do everything on my own so I'm kind of making decisions to like it a long time I didn't really take certain sponsors that would give me a lot of money just out of you know principle yeah even and looking back it's like yeah there's maturity there because you could have done this and that but it's just kind of like that's just my path so I got to a point where you know my income in the u.s. you know once once it was all done and my contract with her leave it all and all ended so two years ago I went into zero income unless you out of like that reality yeah and then because I didn't have much money saved you know it really put things in check and then obviously had a few things going on in Brazil for that but at the same time I became president of the Confederation and there's no salary there not only there's no salary there's a conflict of interest and then for me to get sponsors they wouldn't because now I'm the president of a confederation and it has all this dirty image around because all the other Confederations there's a lot of money that was known all this fun and so we so it was just over your time but it was a very high diamond carving note I like of like lappa dating me and like on like okay reinvent right right because if not you gotta sell dreamland you got it you know so then I started doing a lot of different things trying to think of different ways to I love it yeah to make money in the u.s. Brazil helped me out so I did have some sponsors there and some things go in there but when you divide the rial to $2 it's divided by four so then now that can't make Brazil my he can have us bills just the other way around work great yeah yeah but uh so then I'm like okay you have to reinvent and and skateboarding was really tough because before I was like you know supported to skate now I have to think so I had less and less time to skate you know and even my mind - and energy or just like okay I have to take care of you know all of them yeah I'm just like okay I have to figure this out so then I got into you know way more of an entrepreneur mode instead of like going I need to you know find sponsors because that'll end yep you know I need to create my own brands in my own companies yeah do it because that's gonna be that so there's two avenues I took the first one was a cannabis company okay and that I'm Jay took me a couple years obviously to navigate that whole regulatory yo-yo madness and the taboo of you know putting a front obviously with the the name that I have and all that you know it's just kind of like it is a shock to people even though I've smoked weed all my life but I was smart enough not to put that front out you know and not be like you know posing like smoking joints and yeah cuz it's like this is something I did and I don't need to put that out no you know and and you know you would lose sponsors and it was just like it's not the time different landscape and lancia and so I took my time for that but once that hit this hearing I'm not no one to answer to and in a way as harsh that that was it was also liberating because I have no - I can do whatever I want right yeah I do ride for Oakley and I wrote for them for a lot you know and with the Brazilian budget and that was cool but you know the people that I had around me weren't gonna drop me because of that God all right and the timing you know and the whole medicinal and CBD and kind of like kind of pulling a corner because it does help me like I said it bald you if I didn't have that green bud I was in serious pain yeah I can take it I could have taken an opioid sure you know and those always kind of gave me a hard time I never really you know when I got hurt I take him to make me feel bad weird I try to get off it as quick as possible talk about yeah Dan you know plus you can you know you have a beer and then you know I've done it you know and you're like good after injuries and you're like oh this is fun this is cool like I do this and I can keep going and all of a sudden you don't even need anymore and you're still doing it right yeah so I would like pull out and go to canvas right as quickly as possible homies you know just the acute phase I'd do it and then I just pull it out slightly you can live with pain sure have to live with zero numb you know like you can remember the for you know not be addicted to all this madness so that's kind of like how I and I was like man you know let me do something with the cost cuz I have a hard time just doing it for money ya know you have to have a cause behind it you know money has to be the consequence and it's great to make money but you have to have a purpose you know at least in my view and and that was like this is the right time you know I'm gonna start cannabis company but what everyone's doing is not really what I'm I don't want to go for the recreational you know corner of action sports and yeah okay join cuz it could I could pigeonhole myself in that and still you know blunts and you know all that and because I have asthma and I don't think oking is not good you know and I don't smoking ax it's like rare and when I go I go usually two dabs and like just a little okay and or vaping but mostly like got me know and that kind of like keeps my lung and I still get the THC and the CBD yeah so you know it's good so I'm like all right it's out you know I mean I'm just gonna start this and that's that yeah and then so it's Pharma leaf formerly yeah so the idea behind Pharma leaf is that it's plant based medicine no so cannabis yeah sure you know but there's Moringa there's you know copaiba there's all these like and being from Brazil obviously the access to Amazon and and the and the knowledge of the forest there and I have a lot of friends and one of my partner's is cute his wife's from the Amazon and you know the really knows is that in the mix of that died me religion right the ayahuasca and all that stuff so they're all mind-opening and and and and power plants even psilocybin you know the surroundings or just take it have fun whoo it's like low-dose psilocybin is really tracking with anti-depression like you know in all the psychedelics is coming out again that that's really a powerful anti depression right way less of a gnarly which all these other drugs that are out there so it's a it's a solution to what's going on into my life and I feel like all that's happening in the US and all these young guys in high school whether it's soccer or you know football and felt whatever they get hurt at 17 they go to the the doctors and they prescribe the opioids you know you know they get addicted to it and then now they you know if you have money you're getting the opioids and you're getting it again and then you don't have money anymore or the guy says okay no more prescription for you you're done that period is done but now you're addicted now you're hooked now you go to the black market for pills if you have money you'll keep you keep that going if you don't have money you go to heroin right and then when you go to heroin you die you know like you overdosed that's ricean we're not seeing that we're just young people have seen that with old people like you know overdosing in their cars um you know we're in a serious play of situation that's going on I felt like if I started this company would be for this bringing the awareness to plant based medicine yeah you know and changing the way that you kind of go about you know treating your injuries sure that's and that's the the push behind and it's not just cannabis and I went for the full medicinal approach you know for the identity of the brand huh and that's and that's the line it's like you know trying to help people and in the sense we all connect through pain chance you know I happen to feel a lot of it over my career and I'm talking about so it's not only for skateboarders this is like people in general and you know so that's the idea behind Pharma leaf and eventually you know I would love to get into psilocybin capsules and okay and and the taboo side but just going further prescribed and you know with like letting the mmm the actual studies as it as it progresses you know to show that and then you know presented as a product so it's a little bit of a taboo break the mold yeah you know I think we're still a little bit of ways from that a little bit but quicker than you think yeah if we do what we need to do and we get out and stop the hiding you know the hiding hurts because everyone knows and everyone does it but there's this like if like when I when I came out and said I started doing these posts every Tuesday or whatever I didn't talk about cannabis oh god I started doing it I don't know a few months ago and I created a group you know there's reporters there's a psychiatrist from the University of Rio there's like the chief anesthesiologist from one of the biggest hospitals in Sao Paulo right and there's all these big level in this whatsapp group okay you know and then we share articles and we share things I mean there and then all of a sudden it's close to Tuesday the reporter like right so hey what should we go you know like let's do this one was interesting right now and then he writes it up we work together and then I trained there and then I post it oh I have a full editing kind of like you know direction so it's not just like oh yeah we're you know it's like a serious awareness work which is good yes you have to educate is that yeah so that was my view so when I put the first post out I just kinda went out this way alright this is what's up you know and Here I am if you think about my social media followers just like antihero right yeah so you got that I got that in me because I am you know that you know and then X Games right so yeah hold that so I have all those people there right there there they follow me that there's both worlds are there there's this clash of core and guys from sports and different like Obama sports guy main streams yeah it was like there's that you know so when I put that post it was almost like I started a war a war of comments in between clashing of the Worlds wow it's almost like I was like okay this is what's up and then so people are like yeah but like you know guys and yeah that we need to talk about it and then just crazy hate on the other side shouldn't be doing this and like just going off at me you know you were prepared for this oh yeah I mean you have to be if not are you crunch sure yeah and I got prepared funny enough cuz I posted a some kids hauling over an alligator okay I've seen that violent like they had to make some Florida he's familiar they like you know tied up his mouth oh yeah you know and they all eat over the alligator and I was like I didn't see the time I didn't see that so I thought that was gnarly cuz I was like dang do they think gonna bit him Yeah right but obviously there's the sensitive you know backlash oh yeah and then so that backlash and I was like her I was like no I didn't even mean it that way so I was just like okay I pulled it out but then I was like well [ __ ] that like these I mean there's nothing you know so then I went and posted a bird cert like hanging on top of an alligator kind of chilling yeah and people let me just started let somebody were like yeah like you're going off that's not the post that you shouldn't they they got there and then guys are like sarcastic I go the the birds you know hurting galley right so then I was like okay and then like I just got it and I saw that posted up a bird fingerboarding down a ramp yeah and I posted the chimp that I back in the day you know posted him skating my ramp so I was just like now I'm like um I was prepared in a sense for that because it was the first time I got negative mmm usually it's like Bob nice guy I'm posting this stuff yeah I know you're not touching anyone you're not I'm gonna talk about soccer teams religion politics politics right I kind of but once I did that and they started on saying I was like just I was like okay dude like it's okay to have a contrary you know views and you have to be able to take it if you believe in something you got to be able to absolutely so then that's that that so then when I posted that I was already I knew what was coming right I didn't I didn't really realize how intense that people would get because of it but then it just showed the the wound of society you know it kind of opened you know because now I have these to end it was just just collapse crazy and then next Tuesday I post it again then clash go off you know just like and then I started having fun answering people you know I didn't say oh you know every people that smoke weed you know are gay and it's just like oh wow yeah I was like well that's weird that's crazy that that's your experience but that's cool you know meaning that if he smoked weed he was and it's not like it's a bad thing so I'd throw it back at him because there's all this you know it's like who cares like crazy people like that I can follow you but that's what I'm saying right it's that mixed that those people were dormant they followed me because X Games yeah and let's watch the you know that and yeah so then it just brought it out right like in that and and the cool thing about that it was like you know that game the alligators pop out and you're like hit ya dollar so they would bark bark the hit block yeah disrespectful bark you know if you can be against it you can talk and like and I'm like no but and then I'll talk you know but if you come out like fold this race back like if you have to set it on the streets to my face you would be punched because people they don't like you'll be completely different you know to someone in front of them than you would you know that's the big thing totally so I would start no blocking blocking blocking but you know start and then it start easing off but I still get the hate you know a little bit but just kind of its simmer down simmer down because I kind of had to filter clean because I like the message to come out you can you can not agree with it just read it yeah and yeah just use your own social media if you want to push something that you want to sure people ask that posting about we you know what about skateboarding yeah other post was ask a tree and it was just like they want you to be quiet like your professional skateboard you shouldn't I was like well I should because I have a voice now and if I don't do it then we're in hiding and then nothing changes and that's my that's my view so it's like they love what the front let's say what's up that's that and you know and those are those are the reasons behind you know those ventures in that I'm into a bunch of different things obviously in but those those two companies obviously I'm like holding time yeah yeah you know and to push out but projects that right now are happening I've locked in a deal with HBO or a three-hour three episodes of an hour eight to a docu-series on my life right now on this you know so that was huge Wow we were working on it for two three years and and then we signed earlier way and we just kind of now got through the madness so the money is there so we got it that's amazing right now we're now we're full-on and I'm your new friends so I get to be you know so that's incredible yeah that's cool wait to see that it was it was one of those like awesome [ __ ] because now you open up I mean there is no what we call sugarcoat you know cuz you know it's like you know put it out you can't you get like what what's up you know yeah like how hard was my life what did I do like you know not just like the hey your body your body yeah exactly you know for that so what is that way I just I'd say in a couple years now yeah we're going through archival now or eight I guess people are watching here so anyone that has footage film photos or anything by the pro or not like just kind of like trying to reach out seriously so they start archiving that yeah Bob Adia yeah there are people out there that have yeah we made a list and then you know super cool times I mean from hanging I would gave more for Tobin yelling like there's definitely that era in that time great Luke and Bryce can it--and killing it earn kid belief you got no series coming out man when homies got to pay the bills only here in the US or you know Pharma leaf will be worldwide but obviously with with the the the cannabis marking regulations certain places will allowance but the the whole thing with Pharma leaf it's it's not a cannabis company it does have cannabis ingredients and certain but I will have products that don't even have cannabis okay because there are a lot of like Moringa is an incredible plant it's like kind of like the hip or cannabis plant and its uses you know so Babu is like a nut in Brazil it's kind of is it's a super high protein it's an incredible oil by do be a are you so another incredible ingredient and there's copaiba oil it's great and anti-inflammatories are probably good for massage oils and so it's it's mixing you know adding arnica co-pi and even acai and guano 9 obviously using the the brazilian aspect of my and the fact that the Amazon forest we're definitely using ingredients and marketing into that so it's it's it's sports centered mmm right so it's not just everywhere but like it's just it's gonna be in that but we have a wide array of a product even kinesio tape oh well that doesn't have any product in it sure because it is a pain management without taking opioids and the whole idea is to stop all that madness yeah and listen if I have a bone sticking out you know and I just slammed and there's nothing you know and I go through a surgery so like and also we gotta understand that it's not we're not trying to go hippie you know because when you need Western medicine you need it you know you need certainty like but with all I'm trying to explain and convey is that just use that the least amount possible and only for that acute phase be careful with yeah because it will you know it destroys you know so just be careful that's all you know and then and then so have an out yeah have a way out and incredibly enough like mushrooms are also really helpful in dealing with addiction oh yeah yeah so they're there they're finding that out too so and Rehab so that's my idea well it's it's to try to hey let's we're all gonna get hurt we skate and you know you're gonna buy burn kit then you're gonna get hurt yeah then go watch his documentary that's not a series has you got your ankle up you're on mushrooms exactly Wow I'm like fully scared to try mushrooms I you know it's I've been on it like ever it's like a low dose and it's in every other day and I went through III my my friend that's the psychiatrist at the University of Rio de Janeiro top you know and he has been working with it you know so he already had a few patients and had people like really respond and but it's micro dosing it's innate and it's in a capsule and there's different you know milligrams and I do that really low dose okay every other day so you do low dose first thing in the morning no no you know no food just water whatever and then when you jump two days and take it again jump two days take it again hmm I told you just kind of it doesn't it's not trip it's just kind of a good feeling like you know it kind of keeps you in a good spot huh but very high depression like intense like deep depression is usually cured with a higher dose like wow because it opens up your the whole thing is that it it opens up your mind a the the the psilocybin molecule is like the serotonin like it's exact in nature so it's like is that right huh and and and it was always used religious you know it's like back in the day when they found you know the Indians and they found that and they would take it in their rituals not like it's not a recreational like we we took it too like yeah let's go to you know shoot really good but that's not you know there's a especially on the higher doses there is a there's a level of guidance that there's a spiritual attachment to things if you open up it's like a frequency right right about being prepared you know all kinds of madness can give that trip and that's you know the same thing with DMT and ayahuasca and and it's the same thing it's all guiding and they're really there to change and show us the next step we need to take you know and and that's the reality of it whether people believe in it like it hate it it's just is eventually the studies once you allow the studies to go through right and yeah then a lot of that is gonna come out so alright I'm super into the power plants and you know being from Brazil obviously I got a little bit less of a you know have a closed mind on it just because right around it yeah I love it bro yeah it's great I'm telling you appreciate it can't wait to have my cup of coffee on top of the mega ramp down there yes yes yes go pull that off and telling you right what a good look I'm going to Brazil down yeah okay and then I'll be out for a month cause that you got the Street League you're gonna be I'll be honest without now we got the park event and Sao Paulo so I'll be there we're launching burn kit the site's coming up rat and that next so it's burnt kit skateparks calm okay so will like probably next week so by the 15th which is the event we should have everything ready like we did a bunch of like you know sure it's and hats and all the stuff so we'll have that out like completes and and then we'll have the park and we'll be like full-on so that's it I'll be there for then and then you know so I'm full farmer leaf mode now and then I when I go to result did that and then when I come back then back into farmer leave you've got people to run it so it's it's been a couple of years but now I've got like you know investors in partners in someone that you know GM it and then is amazing yeah it's keeping it on to the next keep it moving yeah yeah look at that man Bob Burnquist is right bro like all the stories and I mean just like I've been sitting here just like enthralled like fascinated no thank you your life and I can't I mean congratulations cuz this is such a cool yeah I think appreciate that what you guys well I know it's not an easy feat you know keep in you gotta keep pushing and keep doing and we get to sit here and listen to these tales of Bob Burnquist and you go home and listen to the tales of Chad it's super fun congratulations thank you I appreciate that can we give you some non clip stuff to take home over that'd be amazing what what size do a shirt or are you exhale XO yeah Kelly we grabbed him some 9 club stuff maybe uh mug yeah firstly just for you guys - OH amazing yeah thank you bro look at Dan you got it yeah I got a piece of Dream Land yo right behind you right there yeah got a piece of dren landfill skate like piece this was a this was this was on the bull so okay yeah so when we pulled that out and and concreted over it he saved a bunch of that sick then that sounds like if I'm gonna nightclub piece of skate light look at that Raj so piece of history right there have you signed this oh yeah oh yeah let's get the Sharpie though a sharpie how I go in before I go did you come in with a helmet are you writing a like yeah I actually did the park-and-ride over down at the 78 and okay drove up with a friend so I'll just move her down and then get the bike and go that's a far right for the okay so you got your cut wait we had a meeting before yeah you know and then so I drove up with some friends but I parked so I met him at the park and ride you know at the Scott yeah okay so you had the bike there yeah that's why the helmet yes okay right nice dude get in my triumph ride those little train yeah why started writing you know motorcycles while ago was just my mom didn't like it but it was one thing I just had yeah I guess you want to have that feeling you know that extra danger or whatever but it's just you know such a free way to cruise around and I think it's so fun and then last year I locked in a deal with triumph and well looks like it bikes and get cruising around everywhere I go and it's they got such an incredible group of bikes wow it's like yeah so I get to I'm going traveling somewhere hey I'm gonna be here for a got so many fun fun ones oh that's incredible dude oh thank you see mate look at this we got a bunch of oh wait this is what I've been seeing looping behind it okay now I get it that's on major loop yep switch flip me you know what I'm saying first of all yes pleasure Bob Burnquist man this is thank you Bob story and thanks Filipa Mota yes my Philippe cephalopod Ovey Ovey sake I gotta say okay I got this yeah EP Aguada no Josh Iggy a cute little nightclub by Leo Philippe I second that you know I've done that couple I've done the intro in Portwenn tum down mo juniors here watch it that's an abd you know what I mean is right go back and watch it let me know me oh I did I will I think I did pretty good from the comments were very supportive okay good yeah here's some stickers for the mega ramp they're not maybe we'll make a big banner for your big bad yeah it'll disappear that if it screws loose put it over this tape over the screw yeah way to go you got something else here I were trading look at that burn kit oh there you go oh thank you yeah that's amazing three-point Chris I'm gonna put one on my uh microphone yeah okay putting your Chevy Volt get one on my lawn board oh wow there you go it's gonna put it on this board right now it's the first it's cuz we had the nine club experience I wouldn't be able to put this on them well that's another show that we have Bob that we well we sit down and talk about skating in the buff I love that you're writing all the on board hey Mike hey if I'm gonna rock the streets I'm like alright lon and I never cover his name's the Brazilian Army he's got it Bob look at this right here on the mine oh yeah I'm saying that's it dude here's a switch flip manual mug for your coffee alright your coffee or tea both you like your boat okay yeah I want to go in the morning yeah here's a a nine club new era hat for you there you go and connect nine club crewneck always putting on the Hat he's getting dressed I have a feeling he's gonna put this crew neck listen wear that I want you to wear this gear when you come back for the X Games fully kitted Bob Burnquist up now of the nine club here's a xl9 club shirt for you Bob there you go Brian and this is they're all my favorites that's the scent of a package here comes up soon when these two products are out please do nine club embroidered hood their compass there you go I'm sponsored against police free stuff holy sponsor uh we get photo incentive that's right tonight 20 bucks make it make the sticker a little bigger so I know it really yeah yeah x-games come back for 40 bucks once again thank you so much they have to be the man oh this guy oh he's not getting up to give Kelly a nice bow first first never do that man you way over there [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 248,454
Rating: 4.8562655 out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skate, skating, podcast, history, interview, motivation, thrasher, berrics, switch tre flip, boardslide, skateboarding 2019, firing line, rider profile, chris chann, espn, chris miller, kevin staab, pedro barros, bucky lasek, x games, sandro dias, brazil, x games big air, the firm, xgames, extremely sorry, switch, olympic park, dreamland, big air, tony hawk
Id: XJXeo1LtxmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 27sec (13707 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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