Andrew Reynolds | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 55

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I've been waiting 54 episodes for this, it did not disappoint. I hope we see Jim Greco on here at some point.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/NickyMcNikolai 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

listened to the first 30 min of this on my way to work - first one i've listened to and glad to hear its the best thus far

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/herronasaurus_rex 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2017 🗫︎ replies

the GOAT!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ALotter 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

This one was phenomenal. Capital B in the BOSS!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/schrotestthehero 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Reynolds is funny as fuck! Great comedic timing. He's a true genius.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/El_Jacobo 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2017 🗫︎ replies
well here we go we're back at the 9 Club today we got a special guest today rush Andrew Reynolds is here the boss the boss Wow hey where do people call you the boss I don't know I mean at this point Jim Greco has a like a gift of giving people different names and nicknames and and lingo he's like really into lingo so at some point I don't know like he's really into the mob and mob documentaries so he I guess saw like I I think it was really wasn't like I was doing much better than everybody else but I was like like a step ahead you know not too much but like I had I had a car okay oh no or like I would be the one that would put my name on the lease on the apartment oh you got that nickname along be even before Baker and everything yeah yeah you did yeah so he was like that's the boss of the footlong yeah because like I had a car you can everyone yeah yeah I don't know just little stuff like having a car right no no no I got a Cadillac you know so he was that was a big deal back then to have a Cadillac how that I mean right I mean most people back then and what Honda Civic I had a Civic yeah I remember the Honda Civics were like big remember everybody high knees yeah I got the Civic when I was like 17 okay and then it seemed like from 17 to 19 like a lot of stuff kind of happened so I don't know I got a kind of way perfect I got it because like where I'm from Florida we grew up listening to Outkast and all they rapped about was that Cadillacs right so I was like that's the only choice of a car yeah to get is a Cadillac well so you grew up in Florida right which part Lakeland Florida it's like Lakeland yeah there was like people probably know more Tampa and Orlando yeah but right in the middle of Tampa and Orlando is a little town called Lakeland okay I mean there was definitely a skating middle of a little town like that in Florida Becht I mean how how big of a skate scene could it have had I mean I remember probably I was 13 and in a skate shop through like I wasn't a demo it was more like a skate jam in the heart the parking lot oh and I went to check it out it was like right when I started yeah I don't even think I skated because I was too nervous it was packed at least a fifty to a hundred people immediately yeah jump ramps and uh yeah I was I'm gonna 80s I guess yeah yeah I mean it was skating was happening you know for sure so well how did you pick up a board I mean did you uh Christmas maybe Christmas complete I will see me and my sister got a got a sure grip boards that's like your de trigger of international yeah yeah so it was sure grip and naturally focus both of those are the two yeah the two generic brands you know so we got it for Christmas and just I was probably eight I got the sure grip and just rode that around and I lived in like this little cul-de-sac in a duplex I mean I saw some skaters in the neighborhood that looked like they knew kind of what was going on and it was very attractive to me like I played soccer my mom put me in soccer I was a I don't know right I didn't know anything yeah but definitely when I saw the kids I saw a psycho skate commercial on MTV every single morning and they jumped out of this van and gone psych does a kickflip on a bank and these guys I carved this ditch et7 ditch I was in love with that know that with the kids in the neighborhood that already had boards kind of canceled out every other thing that I could have even thought about like no toys no more soccer no nothing that's it that was it Katie yeah kind of funny to think because now you think about like Oh skating's everywhere skating is on TV it's like really excited but I mean even back then it was on TV yeah you were MTV you're watching skate like what you said Mark Gonzales jumping out of a van yeah what yeah God was on the commercial like it was they have him you could bring it up psycho psycho skate I was like 1-800 or the video with some vision okay Oh was a vision video seeing later now you know I've seen been around the whole industry forever or whatever right and you guys know as soon as somebody's on TV huge yeah it changes everything yeah it's like if you think your video part and your interview is going to get some reach some people right it might right yeah but compared to like some really lame roll on like a WB show or something you'll be more famous than every skater in the industry the WB yeah the Frog and WB is is that the fraud yeah no but it's true though I mean once you're on television like dyrdek lookit I mean I know bamm-bamm dyrdek yeah I mean it carries on Harry yeah I was I mean I've been on trips with Terry lots of times in like they single them out and just like like T King we love the show we love you on even to this day yeah and on the BAM show they known from the BAM show oh right Compton has Terry it's hard for me to understand because I don't follow TV or really watch TV so when I see it happen Derek and bam outselling everybody on skateboards every that it not taken away from their skating but you know someone who might be that actually the best right is way like just you know scraping by in the desert killing it that's TV it's not one of these days Andrew I'll be there I'll be on some you might actually yeah selling more boards than a was a good start for you Chris I mean I just want to sell more boards than Baker you could probably easily do that I would not be a hard hard thing to do but that will go back to the city we were speaking of Terry right now I mean he was here and he was telling us the stories about like how you guy you he was on Baker and then he quit to go to element and he said that you were like yeah go do your thing like yeah I need to get paid like you need to do what you need to do right and then you walk welcomed him back when you quit element right right that means the gist of the story building mowcher or he told was completely accurate yeah well I wasn't saying he was lying but ya know cuz I listened to I listened to his episode yeah and when that came up almost like how is this going to go yeah but yeah I mean these guys all these kids that came onto Baker at this certain time I Baker is like my it's like a real family my we really are like that you know right so I knew where he came from and I knew what his situation was right and I also knew we're just getting started I can't you know right back then they Eames were like getting a couple thousand here and there and I was like I just can't yeah I can't actually do but I want you to be able to you know take care of whatever you need to and right but I think he knew in the end of it all like you know like what he said like his home was back with that for sure because he's nuts right you know I mean and in like that yeah he fits in with with with us fool what I took from that as I was I was I thought like it was really like stand-up of you to do that you know not like string somebody along or just say like go dude I go get your money I'll get your money handle your [ __ ] we'll always be here you know what I mean like I was like dude that's [ __ ] dope you know Thanks yeah I mean sure I wasn't I didn't have I didn't have any I didn't know if he was going to come battle or not you know I just knew that's all I knew is what he needed - I mean it so I thought it was the right thing to do yeah and was that like but was that kind of like in the beginning of Baker did it just start I had Baker been around for a year or two when that was going on or oh you're in the first Baker video and then my yeah oh yeah you didn't have another part all Baker through right yeah yeah only one video yeah I mean not even miss a video just in between videos right yeah well Baker to G he had some stuff at the end maybe with that bet Heath part right that's right yeah so in between there he went traveled the world write a bunch of footage oh yeah didn't he say element gave him the footage yeah that's right oh yeah they were super cool the Baker three part was like you know he brought he brought me all this footage from all over the world it was really sick and liked him outside of his collar and like like I don't know who negotiated yo deal right now that's right that's like that's enough to to me like he is Baker yeah he said that yeah yeah exactly like everybody knows that you know the road you know he was coming by my house I wasn't even there and beagle beagle was there I was like Terry's coming by just film him when you walk out right I don't care what had to I have to bring the camera he's got a Chrysler 300 with some big rims on it like 22 there's something just go film him and he was just happened to be just like just on one right right and that that and then you know like like with the rims you know that's what you get when you [ __ ] with Baker all that stuff right is gold otally memorable I was telling Terry last times that like what you've always done with your hands is like you get to watch them grow with Baker yeah like a little kid Eisenberg when Knox Evan and Jerry were on there and they were so new to skating kind of a good tell they're going to be good and you actually got to watch them skate and get really [ __ ] good over time now yes I'm yeah yeah do like cater and what's other dudes named at all taunting the Conte yeah you never see them anywhere else right they're always you always see them from Baker first yeah yeah I mean the three kids that I got right now our cater Zack and Don okay they're all special in their own in their own way I mean I've learned through this like having a team and doing this that it's not always going to work right but it feels right to say like something about that kid is cool yeah and special about his skating like I gotta take a chance you know maybe right you just never know never know I've been lucky to have some guys that are like right have a lot of pride and being part of Baker well they should I even cater you know he was he's so young he's 14 he has telling me like I didn't know that like you guys were like like all like always together and doing stuff together and I talk all the time and he's like it's really sick oh yeah you responses that are pretty young age too right yeah I mean genius is response to her yeah Gina so I was probably like uh yeah round 15 14 15 so you got your board at eight right you were saying it for Christmas or something eight or nine right I say I started skating at nine nine but there was like a board around yeah yeah life's like pushing on my knee and stuff so how did you get sponsored though so from 9:00 we had ramps we build these crazy ramps up against trees and okay like by my house we'd somebody yell all this wood from construction sites and just drag it and just make make ramps wherever you know nobody cared so you know I was just skating non-stop from like 9:00 and 11:00 and probably around 11 my mom started taking me to skate contest odo yeah like I saw a flyer at a skate shop and was like she brought it up or I don't even know yeah just and that's well you felt good enough to enter the contest of that age yeah yeah I got first yeah first yeah Wow yeah there was like a three kids or something oh Jesus yeah um first second or third you couldn't have lost yeah I have footage somewhere I do like early grab frontside 360 out of the jump ramp Wow I'm just spazzing I'm just going here there hidden like I'm going crazy like it looks like I don't know where to be but I want to be everywhere right at one time yeah right so that was kind of a big part of my skating I enjoyed it you know huh and my mom was super cool but no kind of I see parents that are way too into it yeah she didn't know about skating or put any pressure especially never thought like you can have a career at it she no no yeah right so she wasn't there was never accomplished a conversation like are you gonna be able to make money in this where where's this going yeah it wasn't it was just he likes it it looks like he has fun doing his oh I'm gonna let him do it yeah at one point me and my friends were going out with a VHS camera like after we had seen like a video days oh yeah and seeing guy was like like he was young he was really little right in sin and I'm sure everybody my age I'm 39 so everybody 38 39 40 could relate yeah that was huge like I saw a guy you know like I didn't know then but I knew okay like he's doing that I can do this you know I mean like I did I didn't write a it out loud or anything but I just thought all right right it's on like this is yeah we had the VHS camera and all kinds of spots my talent hydrants and like walls too much a wall oh yeah like one parking lot slow so you just ollie like over a foot and a half wall and then drop down like a four foot drop right so many wall spots I don't know why oh yeah half cab a wall fakie Ollie a wall yeah like melon 180 wall nose bonking all that stuff like loading docks and my friends I got my mom's VHS was gonna film my friend who was like what's probably one of the best kids in our town no but they were looking at me like we should be filming you you know like we want to film you okay also right I just was supplying the camera I didn't think I was just along for the ride like yeah you guys are sick we'll just some pledge did you know at that time you could get sponsored at all or you were just focused now we were just doing it for yourselves right yeah yeah we were just hyped to look back on the VHS tape and like watch the footage from the day right everything took like three or four tries at the time so it was not like a big production it was an agreement 50 tribes for a trick so we were just rewind and then make the tape like that you know so if it was a bail we remind it Oh in the camera in the camera oh you would edit you so you're added pretty much live editing yeah yeah so the end of the day it might have some sketchy parts but it would mostly be all all makes you know so I had that tape I went to the skate shop and I was like I thought like genus at the time was like I like Markovic a lot if it's okay like I thought he was rich skated really fast did big gaps like I wanted to do big gaps so I went on a rider's time yeah it was done after that or before that before that wait before that when I got on it stun was in my box so that time yeah well we known as without her stun something happened some guys left I remember I left Willie left that wouldn't really left I left too so um Gina's had the school thing they'd had the Anne logo and I kind of thought to myself like I thought I knew all the brands that were the coolest brands in a plan-b world world line all that was the coolest right right but I even knew at the time that I was not that cool so I was like don't totes in my tape there really yeah I knew that that wasn't going to happen I was pretty realistic about it but you never know though I knew I knew yeah send it to Gina's okay they're pretty cool right yeah I just thought they're alright we have markavitch some other some other guys who are pretty cool okay I just thought yeah that could be possible so that's why I picked them I had the tape I brought it to the skate shop right sold these guys maybe you could send it to Gina's for me hmm but I don't know what happened I don't know if it ever actually happened or who got it or whatever but a couple months later was it I was at a contest and the genus guys were there oh and Montez she like for no reason just to be besides just to be cool right and he looked out he said you know to the genus team manager he's like watch that kid watch that kid right don't say and then you think you guys should hook him up Wow yeah so he was just looking out oh I thought later like first I was like no new no now I'm like no new deal like I don't know why they just said watch him so he started hooking you up yeah they were like cool we think you're ripped and I was like yeah I actually tried to send you guys tape I don't know what happened oh and they saw the tape and they're like they're like this is sick yeah we would have totally sent you boards but I don't know what happened oh wow but it ended up lining up anyways it was gns and ya know so that worked out the genius key manager was at the place and know who I wanted to be on so crazy I [ __ ] works like diarrhea you know really I mean looking back at it you're like wow though it's not it was cool and I and the fact that mont st like i was even like tampa was like the big city to me you know and like ramon Tassie was from over there and he came and stayed at my house and like a pro skater at my house would that was just trippy at the time Wow and he was a head you know he had like back threes and possible and tre flips and he made a chance after you were on you got oh no no no before the war before that's how he knew of me because how'd the help with you signature my skater friends from Lakeland and we'd all go it was a whole scene in Florida we'd go to the skate contest and we you know meet all the different people right we met mont st and we're like yeah we have spots in lakeland he's like I want to come check him out oh so yeah and I didn't think it was really going to happen but he's like I asked my mom like can this guy my friends used to stay at my house all the time they're all older than me okay she was real cool about that right they were always there eating all the food just they're there for days I swear really yeah they were just Wow always there where's your house like the party house or was it just a party no party no party well I mean like partying for little kids maybe like chocolates and it's probably cereal and probably a video yeah yeah yeah like a decent amount of food okay like no no like like yeah you guys could smoke weed right yeah he'll know it right she was just cool and I kind of think like maybe they didn't have the same situation like my house was real stable so like they wanted to be there right it was cool and then I looked up to them like like they were like my favorite skaters okay yeah especially these two kids Robbie Basford and clay King oh they took me from a jump ramp kid like come skate with us right and the first day we were bored sliding rails well they are they were already doing it but like I could do it but I just didn't have any of that around right yeah and I was bored sign rails and Ollie and every gap that was in my path and whoa yeah we were just trying to be like maybe already frontside flipping stuff no no yeah that came okay oh sure I remember your first frontside flip I've know the first one I filmed it's actually in a tracker video off of a curb but um it's late it's a green curve it's a like we used to skate off of it because it was higher than regular curb okay it was like the majority of it was slid on the ground but yeah that's first when I filmed I don't really even remember it was like so many tricks happening at the time it wasn't really something that I thought like thought like this is going to be a trick I'm going to do all the time it was like back heel front heel yeah nollie half-cab everything double flips and some of this old footage I had from this one Park we had this little pyramid hit I was like probably the height of it was probably about two feet tall okay it was a tiny little hip oh there was mellow Oh mellow and I greased a film in this like really slippery little cement warehouse it was like a church thing or something oh like that they let escape but like I didn't go to church or anything like in the hall or what I liked in the nose like the whole organization was like to get you know I was like never in a community center where yeah yeah right like first they wanted you to sit down and listen to some stuff about about church and then you can write it okay but we were always like when we do steak so you're like cool you're going to let us Kate and that was our spot like a at night okay indoor warehouse it's been in burn house videos and stuff like I think that but hip like I look back now like frontside cab heel flips over the hip like switch frontside double kick flips over there all this double stuff really yeah like the weirdest stuff I was doing switch backside double kickflip ow it was insane yeah back then like we just pick up like any tree anything right and just try sounds like a great hip it was the whole spy was really slippery huh but yeah I learned a lot a lot of stuff mine is long I do you ever get tired of people like associating frontside flips with you or I know because sometimes like I mean I would nose grind a lot you know it knows my nose grind and it got to a point where sometimes I was like what's nose grind [ __ ] like I don't want to be the nose grind guy you know doesn't yet I mean no then I realized later that like when I really which we got to do now you're the Twitter Emmanuel I know yeah but I mean like does it ever do you ever like trip like what the [ __ ] man I got [ __ ] now me and me and have this conversation okay he's got that heel flip you know yeah everybody loves this heel flip and Jamie Foy yep front crook Brian right so I've seen like the benefits of having a single trick that somebody could say that guy that trick right it's like an x-men superpower yeah you can't okay you can't just have like 20 different superpowers people would be like I don't even know what is this guy good yeah yes so like you're gonna throw at me like it's such a thing like you know like like that's that guy with that one thing I don't care what it is we mean actually sat with Jamie boy we're like listen if you go to a demo find the biggest thing any town you're in front crook the biggest record like you guys yeah right right that's that dude with that sick front row yeah you know it's [ __ ] great way to look at it yeah so no way no way yeah I'm proud of it if anything I'm proud of it it's amazing is there a certain frontside flip that like stands out to you the most that you've done draw your skating there's one I really like that I just noticed it's like in a bonus part for an America video and it was like out and like like remember that spot where they had to gate at the bottom of like an 11 stair uh you know when there was rails in the front that people used to skate it's like for some reason it's a little different like ghost real straight for a while and then 180s okay it's like one of my favorite ones it's just different looking and some of them I have like that are out that I'm like that was gross like well like I thought a one-off love oh yeah gross it's not like how it just happened I was sloppy but I mean like you had to go fast in that you it's like a different front side flip though right when you got to go faster and longer and right it should it should just do the same yeah I mean it was cool people liked it but for me I was like is got a little crazy I wish I was in that conversation with you and Jamie Froy and Neen because I mean like there was a while where I was like nose grinds I'm not gonna I don't want to do nose grinds anymore because everybody was like knows all the nose grind nose grind you know and I'm like that's what they wanted Tom I know but it got too into my head that's like yellow Denali no he's right only nose granya eldridge yeah but I wish I uh I mean it's a great way to look at it I mean it's super people divers people that don't even skate and you know they're that anymore they don't skate they must have skated at one point right they'll come up and they'll be like like they don't even barely know my name they like that front side you had that front side use a front side flip or something right I'm like like yeah yeah damn right couple on the Venice of the day of the skate park leaving the house I wasn't even skating I was just kind of there with my daughter right and like obviously like like a bale of frontside flip on flat like all the time I mean like I got a warm up yeah and you loosen it up you know but these kids were like from a distance frontside flip yeah I did one you did it I did it yeah but it was prettier to who you're like god I hope I don't find a dress I knew that I was like I could fall right yeah I just flail one you know it worked out people yell nosegrind to me but I have to go find a Ledge yeah I can't just can't find anymore okay so going back to the you mont st was on your couch yeah you were get you but I was before Gina we were ice-skating at school in like my elementary school actually right around the corner from my house he just like went in the bushes and like took a [ __ ] in front of the school like we're like right there right there like wiped his ass with the leave for some of them cheated he came came back and he was like he's like yeah the heart is one of hard ones just a wife was like I mean white where's like Montessori is just [ __ ] nut like saying you know I think he was smoking weed out fryer we were like at night yeah you don't smoke weed come on you might get arrested now for doing both of those at a school but he told me he took me in the driveway by like like listen like because I wanted to learn everything I wanted to learn all this stuff you know we win the driveway and right back three alley impossible and tre flips back foot all right here I didn't realize it was a scoop thing you know I knew how to back 180 on flat right and he's like that's he's like it's all right there okay that's every one of those and I just started doing it like I started learning it really but uh yeah that just was like a little thing he just like like gave me like here's a trick yeah Eric here's the trick I never would have known you know Wow yeah so that and like the thing with the with the gns team manager and like forever grateful right se he's a legend in Florida and he's a great skateboarder and he looked out yet when he didn't have to had no real reason to yeah well our first hello we won Gina's for I think was short probably about a year earlier or maybe a little over but within that time I I met Willy Santos he was like one of the main guys left on on gene s had like the last part in the stun video it was amazing man yeah his eyes were like taped open like a unit you know yeah the stun video was just really weird I see yeah yeah yeah it was kind of like had like that early alien one orange conquered Orange field away yeah so I met Willy through that time riding for g NS and um he was the one person on the team that I kind of connected with you know and he had all the tricks I was like I mean at the time people might not know who Willy Santos is another name but at that time he was like costume yeah he was like he was a best street skater yeah that time unbelievable um any rip vert and mini ramps and live out there though did he they flew me to like some some contests and so there wasn't you won like the main amateur Street not just that year was in Georgia oh so I went there with gns I met everybody okay and Willie was there though and it was just young I was young and he was probably I don't even know like 17 I was probably 14 okay so he's like cool like that's her skate we started dating and I was blown away right so I just kept in touch with him from that point on okay go he called and said you know like Tony Hawk's doing this thing called birdhouse and they want the original birdhouse team was like Tony this vert skater named Mike Puscifer I don't know guy never met him I don't know what happened with that okay he was there right and Willie Jeremy Kline her bear might have been like a little later all I remember it was Cline Willie and Tony okay that was like who I really thought like that is an odd group of people but a second this is but I don't but I don't care you want to be a part of it I want to be part of whatever Willie's doing right that was my married to Tony Hawk heaven iam he's Tony Hawk right I mean even huh I mean it's my respect for Tony came later later Oh traveling with him and him being my friend and later 20s 30s and you know right but I I wanted to be like the guys in questionable okay I wanted to be like Mike Carroll I want to be like you know a cool guy you know baggy pants and nollie flip nose slides and doing all of you know chicks like Tony Hawk right that was great but you know what I mean yeah I wanted to be cool I want to be like I want to be like the EMV skaters and his matches and those guys I wanted to do what they were doing yeah so I thought this could be cool and Willie's going to be there so it could be awesome right I mean I didn't know it was I mean everything of course happens just the way it's supposed to be exactly right so Willie I guess Tony thought you know he needed some amps for bird house so really said this kid Andrew right I went oh it was Matt Beach - oh yeah ocean ocean was a oh my god Wow yeah so I mean at first it was just me in ocean hmm like that news was crazy you know like the Am's are you in ocean right I was like what like the doors with the factory kickflip and this redneck from right the middle you know what that's like well it was doing that start as though you were like literally guess that was a team like right when it started yeah you too and then with three pros he said like I was like or was it already started and you know he would start with this bird the first video features like yeah I wasn't in that video so I was kind of like on my way to maybe getting on the team I didn't really know what was going on I wasn't gonna Willie wasn't in that video it was Willie was Willie was and Feaster okay but he had already left gns and you were surprised still on gns and then they wanted am so then he yeah yeah okay I mean I saw the video I wanted to be in the video but I was never really like a complainer type or like thought much about it economize whatever it happens with Tony actually called my house because I mean at the time starting birdhouse for him was like like what you guys are doing right he was like he's doing office garage yeah I mean he was nothing you know what I mean feel like it wasn't like hey team manager called his kid send him some boards was like he had to come with me all right and make a scene Wow yeah so a huge turns him from scratch because like were it was completely dead pretty much at the point in time yeah I mean he was he was Street skating yeah he wasn't any Street within ribs yeah ain't like right the stuff we were it's funny you saying like you want to be an e and be skating I was just seeing myself like Tony 182 gunned gap I don't I'm I know that was so sickness now he's good on 3d I mean he rips yeah anything like the things I've seen at the birdhouse demos during that from 15 you know 18 right or whatever like Simoes on birdhouse yeah maybe 19 to like there was those years of watching him traveling with him there's nothing like it you know there's nobody like it it doesn't matter like I've seen a jump ramp like this probably this big okay I know a foot and a half tall a little kicker and he'll like back lip a flat bar like where his headed right where his head is he's like a fun six feet in there right what did you just do maybe like he'll do anything I you know like invert so I'm like chipped up plywood quarter pipes with no deck where it's just like he's like open piece of wood yeah it's insane and it doesn't matter how hurt hungover pissed whatever he is going to do the job he's gonna go out there - oh yeah and not let anybody see that ya know and thine honor gasps and true professional man really is everybody the story about a an audio demo we did in uh in London and Tony was he in the vert ramp and like kept Kayla was filming them and uh Tony I think it would tricky tribal everybody he [ __ ] his pants Rick oh wow I mean the deck is like I gotta go bathroom I just sharted when the bathroom came back and in finish the demo shuffle away well he killed it Wow I would have just chilled in the van pass to be like I ruin my day right there yeah so then you got on burn house now was it yeah and then he started flying me to California during the summers and stuff and I would stay with Willy or I play with him and we were just filming constantly for ravers I guess yeah or whatever you know at the time yeah you know right we just had cameras and we're just know every day I was doing that in Florida anyway I mean basically how it would work back then who would I'd film at home with all my friends we had like a hiya camera right and then I go out to California and Loma Tony and Willy or whoever was there okay um no filmer just sweater like we just film and then just give all the tapes to Tony and then yeah whenever the video would come out I'd have a tracker part here and have a bird house part there yeah the tracker Barb's cool I always liked your part in ravers man I remember one line and Don was awesome oh yeah one line in particularly you you you did this push but you totally like got off your board and you pushed well what was I got yeah hobo cloak wasn't had yuca it was a weirdest thing I was like this is amazing like this dude just jumped off his board to push you know what I was doing what were you doing just [ __ ] trying to get some the same the same as that footage at the first contest right right funny about that as Stevie Williams came up to me and he was like he's like I like how you took your feet off and ran for SEC he's like I used to do [ __ ] like that reputable like I didn't I don't even know like I'm just like keep going vlogging yeah go timeout Raj yeah he literally took it amazing it's amazed and my board just kept it all yeah house ride you go through it yeah go surfers ride the well yeah you know it changed then no from like from like what I talked about with the with the tapes we make on the video camera to then it went from like hey let's get this 180 over the side rent a hundred tries on a on a nollie half-cab switch manual switch heel out right I mean it would sit there for days when I started learning all that pop shuvit late flip and all I do rich and all that little curve and manual stuff I seriously instill I mean I'm still the same relentless yeah I won't stop won't stop I will not stop I mean I mean it seems like you enjoy both aspect I mean you enjoy like jumping and doing what we gonna say hey you got that yeah you might even have it more so I've seen like at the park like right I'll come to the session the next day and you'll be like we're getting there yeah yeah I got working on it yeah come on right right like that yeah that's really a good quality yeah I go through phases you know I go through phases where I'll try a trick for you know ten tries and I'll be like now I'm over it you know I don't even get close right right and then don't you freak out and yell don't you important out but then there's other times where I'm like I got to get this you know and it's like the day 1 day 2 day 3 you know that period of time at bwulz like I only know for when I was skating there right people was kind enough to say come skate anytime for sure and he told me he said I like you come down here and you want to handle business right and you within it then it was time to go we go yeah you know he respects that oh for sure not just there to [ __ ] me I mean and like he was doing the same thing and so were you and I was Shane and that period of time that was sick that was so sick I don't know if it's like that now I don't really know you guys built your little Park and then you were out yeah disappeared and we where these guys go you built stone Baker fire and then he has left but at one point I pulled up and I was like like dick oh oh they changed the key okay yeah I mean I understand I think people is out of town remember yeah I think you called me and then I was on my way you might have called me back and be like now where the dalack's change we can't get it give a lot of control that too many people had definitely definitely because people popping up and I'm sure like I I know look we can go skate there anytime we want it's not even it's not even a thing but alright but I kind of thought like maybe he's back a little bit okay yeah yeah I mean they they I lived in there every day for like we all did I know yeah it was amazing I wore out my welcome no I actually did I did anything roll up yeah no but you were one of those dudes that would bring like a car full of PD I know like I mean there's people roll up with like three or four car loads it was sick though it was like oh say good energy and like people were skating great and it was really cool spin me I would go there but I would go every every day I'd be doing something look at em scream like that day I know someone was gonna post something go yeah people for sure sure yeah it was every day yeah I was pretty time still doing it not as heavy as it was back then no that's a cool part yeah but I think that I think the keys I think every once in a while they would change the law officers I just that people made a copy and then all of a sudden 12 people have keys but any like what the hell just keep doing here I want to go to the Baker Park many times it sounds really look up on yeah I don't know it's it's actually like got that same thing there's so many like with shake John and Jeff wish and Baker it's like I mean I was there the other day at Kyle Walker was there Wow Tyson Peterson you know all those Florida kids jamie-boy and then yeah ck me it looks kind of small though it looks not small but it looks um it's like if you saw people's and like squished it and stretched it a little it's like probably the same square footage but it's just long longer got you basically we skate one path that's like quarter pipe the quarter pipe with a ledge and a flat box or you're over here like on a stair set with us so people kind can kind of stay out of each other's way oh that's cool yeah lanes yeah I'm skating with Shane man I miss skate when that he's we skated today as yeah Sheldon he would first he was kind of like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] place where everybody started skating and he was just hyped like let's give him clips we were all filmed each other I went to turn shame Pro is that it was that a good feeling right there that was cool you know like knowing him for so many years and seeing like the change that he had made in his life and I and the fact that like he was filming harder than everybody I know right and like pushing himself as hard as he could so I was like this is going to be cool yeah something that it just needs to happen yeah and then and then you took the board away from him he said you know I was I mean it's a it's a tough position to be in as a company owner right like right now yeah I'm not saying this is going to happen yeah any team riders listening back okay there are 17 bigger riders like easy I know but they're all they all have their special something about them that's right unique and I mean I feel like it's everyone I look at them like yeah yeah they fit right in right you know it's nothing I didn't who made up there's other rules no no rules that's so but you know I had a lot of guys you know so at the time I had to talk to him about it because we talked about all that yeah yeah there's a group that's like the same age like Allington gym chain you know we talked business and life or whatever works right like Shane what do you think he's like [ __ ] is he's like I'm hurt take the board right yeah this is what I think should give I the other okay trim it dad you know he'll straight up this is your team yeah this is the team right and I asked a bunch of people tell me who the Baker team should be everybody comes up with the same oh yeah I mean well then you know write that yeah here's your team right but he was pissed that you took it away really things that you were actually going to do it I heard I know that's him that's funny video yeah but anybody sewed its down you know just take my [ __ ] it's all good yeah he's looking out for the younger dudes and the better of the whole company to what I rat you know but I mean like even nowadays - I mean do you look at like Oh we'll just do I want to set like board royalties or I mean industries different now right so I think like paychecks yeah it's tough right I mean even girl and chocolate right so many dudes right how can you sell all these dudes boards and have everybody get an equal like the lion's share of the cut you know what I mean like I think when the rapping about drawn chocolate is you guys don't do teen boards what we do is yeah we don't you want to compete against keyboards that's true you know just competing against one another right right but I mean do you ever feel like maybe that there's so many dudes like how do you balance you know I don't know it's like you I mean I look at it like this yeah like if your boards in high demand right then you're going to see the you're gonna see it on your check yeah right so it's really on each person individually and it's always been your money comes from shoes and clothing other deals so or sure I think just riding for Baker is like a place to start where you can you might be able to get some some cool something cool going on just because you're part of a totally so you know I look at it is but if you're out there creating that buzz and Crean that you know yeah I don't I don't heard you for yourself and people gonna come I want your board and all that you know right like I've never been the type of I don't know company owner mentor or whatever you want to call it that's like holding people's hands like you should do this or you do that I get an advice you know who's they're like but at the end of the day like I know you see the ones that are like out there getting getting it you know they're like I'm going to call it photographers i'ma call it filmers like yeah like I'm going to show up and tee fun I never you had to work on music out there doing the season every part of the world killing I mean it's like you know that's what I did I just there you go I did it because I wanted to write be good at what I was doing I wanted to have cool video parts I wanted to have sponsors I liked like you know so if you you know there's certain people that they don't have that and they're not going to go as far right if they have that mentality like right right nobody wants to film me or nobody it's like you have heard it all you know it's like right yeah they do they do want to film anything yeah and pick up the phone and call a photographer I'm going to jump off this thing or go down this trail yeah they'll be there yeah well yes so it's like you create your especially now with Instagram all if you create your own career it can be whatever you want it today's true that's why I started this show yeah hard to release yeah every Monday every Monday have a new part in right sharing a party and remembering I know yeah right I had one part no it wasn't my part was Chico's part okay Chico hit me up and was like like well I heard the story later look I like you want to guess tricking your part of anybody he's like yeah yeah I want someone tight like Andrew Reynolds or somebody like that hit me up like a murder yeah let us say he should nollie back 180 is set ravers was like coming your first video part it's safe to say right I mean first real video part I had a fire no I had a part in a union video usually wheels lie with the Eric Austin and Alfonzo rolls yeah I like that video it was tons of people and like that video yeah I had a little part in that okay that was probably my first part okay what size wheels way back then might feel small what 40 they're like 40 ones and yes I've noticed this I didn't never care about my I wrote it what worked on my board okay for me right you know right but in the last I'd say five or six maybe more no panniers skating's becoming harder okay because you get older right you can't skate like you're 20 forever yeah I want to mess with my setup I think it's my setup let me match maybe I change the wheels down we can't be used yeah that's my mentality can't be mean that's what I do and I said change the wheels have a good session like all right cool change the trucks oh everybody's writing really big trucks I'm a good bigger trucks off that [ __ ] hate that Ryan switchback you need a clipper well just I need to help let's run a whole bunch of boards oh I do another truck right now you have multiple boards like different sizes and different notes I have two that are I have one with Indy 144 is a new size okay that fits in eighth and quarter uh-huh all three have the same shape it's like a baker shape 8.3 yeah it's kind of compared to what's going on now it's more like actually like points here around it it's not like you know quasi or like their boards are like really square you know you know even numbers words like that I tried though I tried that I didn't like it but I have to with 144 's and one has 50 threes conical I know all this just little different things the counterpose another one has 51 Center classic shape Spitfire and I got one at home with 149 that's like more Hesh you know like grant 149 is a bigger job doesn't it [ __ ] you up though like put out all these different board like I couldn't do that I couldn't have multiple boards the funny thing about it is done I always go back to the same thing yeah because it's like I need to do it so I can appreciate what I really love I guess so I need to go do all this weird stuff with my board and then I come back I'm like yeah this is the shape I'll think I like a shaking shape and then call the like people that work at Baker boys on home I want to stack a ton of them and then they'll sit there like I like that [ __ ] yeah now you got you got two kinds of people we've got people that like to have brand new deck every day and have a lot of products around and you got people you never hear from yeah for boards a month right and then just that's what they write what do you would you do do you are you a new board type of guy or do you I set up a new board every time I step on my board are you serious I do not care a new board every time and yet it's kind of true though because when we would skate people spark you to always be setting up a [ __ ] board not a Mikey Taylor yeah you know everyday like part of it is like I like the way they feel okay I like the way it looks better off but when you're done with them do you giving way to a kid yeah I give them to a kid and if is that actually if I like one like my one they're like I had a section near the wall a session or two okay you know and I'm not saying I'm doing it every day because I'm not skating everything okay you know so yeah but I like the ritual like I sleeping now gripping the board you had ended up yeah I like it you know set it up and like you'll know like oh this is a good one how much great Danny now hate it really yeah I hate setting up boards yeah I kind of like the whole thing you know does you eat like mellow boards use like concave or I like mellow yeah like another day I tried to set up one like biggie right the same shape as me but his is a little steeper I just grabbed one of those I'm like maybe a pop chicks a little higher soon right wasn't different was like it was weird so I grabbed my other set up watching you guys have like dusim look at your boards before there's a mellow concave I guess where I label the board like that which is pretty ready to yeah we have to we have a like steeper one okay it's just called steep oh and then we have a mellow one interesting that it's the same shape but different concave no I think that I think the steeper ones actually have like more of like that new style shape like that squared off kind of shape yeah it's like a it's like deluxe if you look at the looks yeah Deluxe boards are the best I mean I go on a skate shop and just look at all the different stuff right right you get creature to you get a thing in there with a fold over with your whole description of the size and the wheelbase of a Kajin yes it's really sick yeah but that's the stuff cost a lot of money you have Yammer so like what was the line starts now yeah we try to add like a little sticker that says the wheelbase and some kind long it you know maybe some stickers or something so if we go to a new board pop maybe the pop is better to a new board or I might set up a new women to have skate around for like two seconds be like this thing's sucks oh my instead of another one are you weird about like top stains no I don't care about the color I do I like just black on top grip yeah yeah every now and then I'll put like a little line so you like alright I'm not gonna write any red cops games huh no I never been like that doesn't freak me out when Shane wanted to do the Shake Junt with the spray painted tops were you like - I can't write I write it her like my respect for Shane and him being a friend all my what I try to do yeah is I'll try to get a shake turned grip like in the part like once or twice okay God you know I mean some pops up and you see it yeah for sure like it's not everyday you can't write yeah like if I'm gonna shake junk that's just normal yeah they have a black yeah that's what I write right if I'm going to jump off like like when I was filming Stay Gold I'm going to I'm going to jump off some psycho [ __ ] I'm like like okay I I need black mine's just plain basic no distractions black shoes no her about the shoes just I care about how they work right but probably black and white Souls yeah if I had to choose okay Oh wear black gum soul you just came out with a new shoe right yeah we had a wear chest party the other night it's called Reynolds g6g 6 YG 6 because G 6 is like a like a formula that they have come with the America it's like a basically like long rubber compound it's like a foam like a cushion so there's a rubber that's on the bottom of the shoe and then above that will be like a layer of this like red put urethane or yeah like pushing materials for like extra impact it no it is that it still bends and stuff so you could right so you can feel your boards you know okay but I personally like like cops'll was like you know some padding around the collar and tongue no kind of not crazy but like something right with some cushion between my feet and concrete yeah right I've tried a lot of different thin shoes when everybody started wearing like a cardboard right it's just I can't do it yeah like uttering ah it hurts my face came flat and they're like really thin bulk raya right I can't do it I'm not used to it so you're happy with the new shoe it turned out it just the way you wanted it and it's really sick a little it's got like the same look is like one of my old America's okay I just kind of slim down and like up-to-date Wow you've been in America a long time what like 20 years or 20 Wow there's nothing like that yeah Wow how many shoes have you had with them off the top of my head probably like 10 to 15 Wow I don't know we have all the older shoes you can buy your [ __ ] yeah maybe it's about eight I don't I feel like some kind of like that didn't work might have slipped the cracks you know cannot you write but definitely like Reynolds one with the big rubber toe cap the one that like they have a guy I know their owns a skate shop over this way on Mike gelati yeah I know my kid yeah he has him in the shop oh really wears him oh yeah yeah yeah he had the big fat ones Tom Brown just he showed me something at the other day two at the office looking at tunes are huge but they're steak they weren't and what's what's crazy is like your perception of everything like if you see that now like but that shoe or like a cost in one Reynolds one and Musker the musca as your god it's crazy to look at but at the time I felt level I felt my board fine I'm fine I didn't think anything of it right it did a lot of patent yeah it's just crazy to look at now that like that's not a normal looking shoe no I like how you were holding your hand like you were holding Shaq's shoes yeah is this [ __ ] big it's like sighs the 18 yeah there's a lot of people kind of collecting that stuff now and I've seen people wearing the older speed shoes you have a bunch of collection in your house so I try to keep like one of each pair okay the words to every board you know no no boards my mom I got my first pro model come on I got my first Baker pro model okay and a couple like in between but I'm I'm like a minimalist did you you turn pro for birdhouse yeah yeah how would he was that after ravers I was pretty young I mean I was about 17 it was during that time when Burrell was still like the creative direction was Tony okay so different to me there's two different bird how solid the creative direction from Tony okay which was like ravers untitled the ads were really weird with video grabs and he would put like Depeche Mode lyrics or something or something like a something I'm okay go on the ad nobody would get it it would just be his thing yeah incline at some point is very opinionated and he has a look to what he wants it to look he stepped in it was like Tony you know clean yeah that's like when all those like big monsters were on the board it was a colorful and a dad's became just like a skate photo birdhouse yeah you know it not really cleaned that was all climb yeah which one did you like better I like the client one oh you do okay I mean now looking back I like both because the weird one with Tony with the title so cut he would think he came up with something soon he's like the names of the name came up comes up it's like birdhouse like he paintings but in the computers were like like the way he had to do it was probably like sometimes I write like first computer ever you know we're gonna curse after sex it would be like mass teach like spinning all sketchy he thought it was sick yeah we were just like whatever whatever I got a like looking back it's probably really weird and funny yeah and the music taste and okay now you see that in a palace right yeah yeah yeah right right but then climb kind of stepped in like started helping with the creative stuff and he was really good at it oh cool I mean for what it was he made birdhouse look like stronger and more of like when you look in the wall you're like dr. bird else right yeah come it was like what's artist named Clive er I'm a climber and it was like a lot of like well he had his whole hookups doing all the Japanese animation stuff and all that so he changed the image around Ryan and made it better from what you're saying I mean it's sold better and I think people were just more the Tony stuff was like yeah Burton's really blew up right around that time yeah and we definitely helped a lot it looks like the wet willy time - I feel like yeah like we're kids graphics were just like lashing it I think cartoon graphics actually like will always do good yeah you know right I don't know something about them for kids and kids have to time by do you feel now but all the graphics looking like like we just pulled off tumblr I like little things about all the new companies you know for me being you know older and stuff like FA boards to me they're the coolest looking boy yeah I like that I like that I like what they do with the book to hologram style stuff I love anti-hero boards I love like they got some of the coolest stuff out and graphics are hard for me I'm like I was saying that's why they picked something I'm not a graphic designer on right now like if it was up to me I'd have like 25 colors of the Baker logo on the board yeah or make it say like Rowan with the Baker logo right yeah that's it like right right right I like simple stuff and I feel like you do though you I feel like you do take their names and put it in up in the Baker font you yeah I'd say I mean that's like the staple of the company I mean that's a that's your guys's look you know I just try to stay true to what we've always done and and I don't know I should I don't I don't didn't try to like okay so we were we were that new brand everybody was talking about at one point right that was then you know I'm not going to chase that that happened once I'm grateful that that ever happened at all yeah yeah yeah maybe let's go to a demo everybody's wearing leather jackets and tight jeans and I was like ask that we did that yeah I mean and it's like that's now I feel like like hey guys yeah you might have been in for two before years you made boards that's true yeah well we kind of had a somewhat of a loose plan you know we said we're going to this video Baker to G and like when our boards come out and we've released an ad in the magazine business Baker then like we'll have a video like in the shops that you can buy which I don't think anybody had done so yeah it was like so just put the video up and drop the boards yeah like right at the same time well usually here's our brand we're working on a video yeah like very like here we go yeah you like it you like it and kids liked it yeah when you guys at Baker to G I remember I was skating when I was getting back home I'm gonna say half of the people I knew had a certain style and they all dressed like you guys right when that video game is like you guys just changed the game with that one I said it was just like one of those things that happens with the timings right you can't you can't think it through or say like okay like I couldn't say like in five years from now the shoes are going to be fat again right yeah get on this and it's not going to work and plus you guys were just being yourself right you were just documenting doing whatever you were doing did you guys talk to Tony and the guys it looks like today this is our plan yeah yeah Tony help me with the process and I was like home basically I was like at the time I was kind of I wanted to do with Tony because Tony had always helped me but I was also if they don't want to do it then we're going to do it no matter what yeah so I kind of like not in like a lame way I just said like here's what we're gonna do yeah you're on boy grumble yeah I'd like to do it with you guys but um this is what we're doing so you started off with in with blitz blitz yeah yeah we was with blitz and Tony pair will endure they were donors of blitz land it was great I mean many many years yeah and I think some people in blitz thought maybe this is not going to work but you know it was a piss-drunk thing later was that kind of like at the same time I feel like it was a I mean honestly in the Baker 2g video there was a piss-drunk section oh yeah and they're like our alex mole from flipping he made the song it's a really cool funny song it's like a but yeah I mean it was beagle yeah honestly beagle is a genius as a genius different and really yeah yeah he really is he was able to he didn't think about it he just thought like if somebody's doing something really stupid and funny or a fight to have it in the parking lot he's just as interested in running out there and getting that as he is somebody jumping up 15 stairs yeah it's all he just wants to capture everything that's not easy so you know I saw that and that's what I love too I mean I oh I saw anti-hero [ __ ] and like all the little stuff in the videos that would stick out to me right so I thought when I make a video I'm going to put all that stuff yeah it's the best stuff right now that's even like going back to Terry you know I told Terry like early on I'm like when I edit your part I'm gonna put a lot of you doing what you do yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't think I understood no but I'm like just trust me right because it's like with him you the personality is so huge I'm like everybody has to see this you know later he's like okay you changed everything for me my brain out there like that yeah yeah yeah because I don't know he might have thought like they just start making fun of me or think I'm being funny or whatever it wasn't even like that I saw like his his ability to make people laugh and smile is just as much just as much of a gift as a skateboard right I mean you have to like harness these things you know if you're seeing them with your own eyes you have to like how can we put this into video for the masses right how can how can how can we have everybody see this you know right I mean that stuff came out all really cool and good yeah I feel like I watched Baker to G now it's like still a good video for sure yeah right Jim's part like that's just to me that's my favorite gym part okay it's like he had a whole look the whole time with Gloria the song and back lips and the first nollie backside flip ever do it okay yeah it was like he came I mean I got a look give a lot of credit to Jim yeah cause like the whole look and attitude and stuff I was like over here just so I kind of like I was skating I'm skating hard and filming and I was like kind of like you know like a you know like a dirty bum like the red leaf um but like those guys really like said like this is where we're about okay Ali Jim yeah bunker Matt Matt me and Ellington where we had our baggy Levi's on that's really right all right yeah I think what it didn't say and say like it turned over like the overnight they like just change their whole [ __ ] up it was a nice book thank you see ya it was so sick like both of them too like used to feed off each other you know ally and Jim were like I don't know just like together like see who could kind of like outdo one another right here wise drinking yeah skating it was like they push each other good and bad yeah Wow that's a nice shirt yeah is that Ruka there this that is thank you yeah okay yeah like that I never bought you and stuff like that but you know you got dressed up for us you know I like it I like it wait I just was that Val surf right now in the mate gave this oh yeah suck suck it like Nate thanks Nate yeah but how did that Ruka deal come about you know that that's pretty uh to me it kind of came out of left field a little bit you know is just like all of a sudden ring cuz you had Altamont going on yeah that's right it's skating business try having a little harder time or whatever yeah I mean it was cool like we did a lot of good trips and had some cool people on the team over the years but I think clothings just like a harder thing you know he's tough but there's hardly any like its course eight clothing brands right now I mean I feel like something like Ruka or Volcom or you know on the other end like like supreme or something like that it's like everybody wants it you know I mean it's like you have to have that or you're not going to go to survive yeah you know because half the skaters shop at thrift stores and they just wear whatever true you know they wear stuff you know that you can get it started yeah especially now right over the years you know I've noticed like being close friends with Spanky Kevin long they have taken such good care of him so his entire career it's amazing you know and like I've always noticed that I'm like damn Ruka they pay him well right make any article of clothing he won the Nuart collabs with them they take them on trips all around the world so I I always notice that and then also cater and Zach like they get flow from Rufus they're always wearing Ruka right and I then that was like this is a young they think Brooke is cool right I don't even know what school you know yeah I'm like damn they like ruger they're all coming up yeah they're cool they made it look awesome I'm like they're coming up the skate park Ruka hoodies and tow and James I'm like it just clicked I'm like that's it yeah that's where I should be okay you know and then I kind of reached out to them and in the owner Pat and and he was like I mean he sponsored Brian Herman when he was a kid he's been sponsored Spanky for all those years right and they were just like dude let's we're psyched let's let's make it happen it was more about like the brand and everything more than like the paycheck right for was it yeah you know I mean I will pay check lead the uh no no it's definitely the people the people and within the team and Jeremy the opera's and Julian Julian Davidson Grayson and right there's like a just rippers you know you know and like they go to Hawaii every year just for fun and yeah I mean I was like how could it be bad right but I know that's amazing oh yeah I'm grandpa thank you yeah give me give me their number after the show you got some fans I forgot what some cancer gear whatever they're always down yeah sure have comfies all kinds they have all kinds of good stuff in here like it's tough to totally you know what you can never have enough good clothing you know because I mean as skaters we always just kind of wear the same [ __ ] you know it's like the t-shirt a sweater pants right it's cool to have like some different [ __ ] like that like that's I could I could wear that I don't know like swim Chris wears is how stuff every day I do I like that I like this adidas shirt or is like long sleeve with I know I love it yeah I love it pretty much way up to two looks Yeah right I like what Nora said she said guys did you did you take note of that guys look better in long-sleeve stuff I was a $10 I've just been in long-sleeve I'm skinny right so I just I don't know as I feel more comfortable in long sleeves you know there's a lot of skate clothing brands out there anymore really Ryan is Volcom and Ruka that's it that's it that's it I mean lr G's gone out of some of your life I don't think I really the we distributed leave it oh yeah that Mikey Mikey Alfred's like one of the youngest coolest people I've met in a long time you should get him on the shoulder yes for sure going to miss a flare because very smart has a whole different outlook on what he's doing right it's it's really cool I mean I watch the charity ball documentary he made okay um just the other day and like his good Scott he's got a certain look about it and he's like looking more than I'm gonna sell skateboard decks right he's got big picture yeah yeah yeah directing movies and writing stuff and yeah yeah if you want skate born to be accepted to tell me hip hop is right and he's a smart kid I like him like dresses fresh yeah yeah everybody said it about his clothes he's like he's like if you wear this you know polo right and he's like people are gonna take you more serious it's true you know right and he's like he's smart Yeah right it just makes sense to bring them into Baker boys or it was this well I've seen a lot of their videos they were putting out yeah and it reminded me of like early Baker so like a lot of messing around and I just spawned yeah yeah so he'll is I was living in Toluca Lake at the time he said that you called him to come over and read blocks over yeah you said the address and he was like this is like two blocks from my house yeah like he came and we sat in the backyard no and I was like said told him what I told you guys I'm like I like we usually he was like straight up like Baker I've been a baker fan forever right is like so this is amazing you know I'm like yeah whatever you want to do you wanna sell some t-shirts and decks whatever we kind of got the thing okay so I'm what figured out yeah if you want to we could try it out dope and he's like like now yeah let's do it in a biloba soon as his life line thing comes out I just Patrick is bringing the epicly later to advise lane now - no no so he did a deal oh my own right he they did want me oh they did it oh no Spike Jonze yeah it's very sick Wow yeah when I'm damn I'm curious to see how it goes because right the first like I've worked with Patrick a lot on a lot of different vice stuff but it's always just been kind of like an online yeah and you know riot so I'm curious to see like polished version of it yeah I mean Burnett tells me just from being the king of the road dude like everywhere he goes like you're the host of the show oh yeah so I'm curious of people's like oh I saw your stupid dynamic everything that has changed probably going to be on TV now yeah I'll get it no BAM sales are coming okay yeah you got to have a harder gram or something you know character in Tony's video game right oh yeah that was much like that was sick like he wants to working on you from that oh yeah after that came out I honestly 50% of the people that would come up and say something would be about that yeah like it went from like I like your parts I like to skating I'm just going to play your character yeah yeah why it's still like that yeah this day like I played I always will pick you on Tony Hawk ah yeah he's like that's like so common since that has came out that's been a reoccurring for sure which is like it's cool I never thought much of it I was just like cool yeah you know you know they're not you know you know they're not skate fans right they might know about skating it yeah I mean obviously like what the real kids like yeah but the other average people just being exposed a skateboard and now have an appreciation for it right right on just pretty sick yeah Tony Hawk pro skater game blew up when it came out laughing like was like sales everything it was nuts wow you know you got a little peppy paycheck or yeah until somebody in their company smarten up and we're like these guys will do it for like a flat fee of like 10 grand they don't care yeah right and they were right your name up there yes yeah that's a sucky part cuz they were like you go in like what I haven't the royalties my like yeah well we're going to give you 10 now or give you 10 when it comes out to me damn my damn well yeah like yeah no you know what let's renegotiate it when you need an Asian or we need to have a union I'm yeah I think Tony like step like they kept his name involved but he like kind of step back but when he was there he was like these guys need to get this yeah like you know he looked out but I mean shoot it was a couple years like that so it's pretty may very good you were in how many two games three games there were so many like Tony Hawk's American wasteland Tony Hawk this and I don't even know yeah what was your biggest paycheck you ever got was it from shoes or the video game maybe one check one check from that game 150,000 hundred and fifty thousand no actually okay he's the first one to tell no I love it I was wrong I was wrong Maloof money cup all the skin all Streatley guys were in a contract they couldn't come okay this thing just lined up right yeah I remember this right like they couldn't they were in Street League and they couldn't enter another contest yeah they they're all tied into a contract with street legal right when I had just done like a three week demo tour with Baker right just everyday okay a hot Sun doing frontside flips basically right finish and add like whatever other tricks I know and so that it ended in DC Maloof money cup okay and the like for some reason this one they're like the prize was big 160 grand wow it's really guys weren't there right and I went I was like okay like Ryan Krieger was there okay you know in a Manny Santiago home yeah he was giving me a run for my money right I was like I was like I saw I saw I was like you know what this could be it I could take it [ __ ] do this yes I'm gonna do this you know I'm like the best shape you know this was like later in my career Gianna it all worked out I actually felt bad like we were in we were skating Manny broke his board he would had me oh we did only would have had me for sure yeah like way more rail tricks everything I was tempted to give him my board but I'm like like I'm trying to do this I'm like Emma might as well give him a hundred sixty great I don't like I'm like you know what like I'm like I'm here now he broke his board right Ronny Krieger was like cramping up from skating he was getting I was like [ __ ] right let's go in and just like kickflip front lip a 10 plug frontside half cab flip these stairs starts going that's going no 160 grand that's all I was hype I guess like because I come from Italy I come when I want Tampa yeah in like an England Northampton contest and do all that looks yeah something like that you know like like it was cool there was like three grand people are like coolly won they're like so I never saw that side of skateboarding right you know I never like when I saw like pee rod those guys getting 100 grand for winning or even 50 mm-hmm whatever Nigel's like I'm PMSing suck right you know but I got it that way hundreds yeah luckily they were in their contracts with Street League those guys took me to dinner one time in Vegas like like I'm like it was kind of a little uncomfortable I'm like I don't really like mingle and like schmooze with pikas are billionaires yeah I'm like you know like but like [ __ ] he wants to take me to dinner and like he's like they're straight they act like a mob yeah Oh like for real they act like the mob I was like he's like took me sighs like really appreciate what you're doing with the contest Cummings came to contest everything hands me five five grand in my front pocket no five thousand just here we go we go hit the tables in the pants I even tried to I even tried to like do the right thing was like oh like that I don't I don't right I can't take it nobody was like for tsunami and I was like I'm gonna stop argument yeah I mean it becomes an insult yeah we're not if you use it in that night - it was like dormant everybody 100 hundred didn't like hundred and then the funny thing about it was has been rubbed off that we not I wasn't giving up no he was giving off Tommy um I bought like a Viking refrigerator some rocky cash money no taxes are being taken out of that so the funny thing was was like there we ordered like everything in the whole restaurant for like 20 people like everything that give me everything on the menu where every one of everything as we said like and then at the end one of the one of his buddies like this really old guy was like a sixth he was like 60 was like a former basketball coach for some team or like all right I don't know they're in sports I don't even know oh yeah I don't know anything about her but um he was a basketball coach at one point okay and he's like he's like he's like listen and s he's like the funny thing is he didn't even pay for the dinner that guy over there pay for everybody he won like he won like 60 billion in gamble and it's like oh my back so like he out riched him Wow like it was it was funny though is a total trip you know God what's a trip to and then 150 said from the video coming Jesus man it's all gone you want to invest in the nine o'clock oh god you know what you know what the weird part about it about like the times that I've gotten money right it's always like my business manager or something like you know what taxes Oh yaksas are due right we've got to put some back for this you already put a little bit of retirement I never like went out and got like a Range Rover off of it was always like I cut here and there and there it's like alright back to normal right you know just smart I hope I mean hopefully you know like I mean my goal from like making money from skateboarding right is just to be able to skate and hopefully have companies and live comfortably I don't want to have to work a normal job I like like I'm down the skate and like do creative stuff and and like you know maybe a company might want my advice about something like that later later in life so insulting so sure I'll do stuff like that I even like I even thought like I'm down to teach kids how to skate one day's noting that like as long as it's skating I'm cool but I don't want to work at Lowe's or something ok you know like if I can invest right and like do it right which many years in my twenties I blew money I did a bunch of dumb [ __ ] you and I've wasted money on cars and and blew a lot of money right but uh put some way yeah right and invest in like villager and stuff that's a villager we didn't do a sane Archer did you do not know the opportunity was there okay because I was like skating Paul's Park today like Josh came up and and it was like when they were first right talking about like that day and I don't even skate Paul's Park yeah I met Josh and like I knew that they were talking about that okay but it kind of got brought up to me but I'm like I'm sober like I can't get it on I can't go here taste things and like it's cool for them like how can i really get could it make sense for you to do yeah what later like yeah I don't care if I could taste it or not like me that is the best beer yeah they told me it was the best yeah yeah Sears now for real no I did the right thing right because like I couldn't really do yeah I watch my friends get get millions off that right like huh like Brian Herman right I know his story he people like to say like people think is cool to say like well I grew I came from nothing right now I mean some people you same some people maybe they really did Brian really did you know I mean when he says that or he doesn't even say it right right like he really came yeah I'm nothing right I mean they had no money he lived in a car like and he got got a lot of Mines and I mean congratulations guys you know like I wish I was at the park that day that Josh came yeah no I wasn't there but no it was a trip to see that happening I was like just one of those things where you're like yeah you know like sometimes companies just sell at that right moment yeah people get paid out right and it makes you think like damn I should just be investing in little projects here and there because you never know never know right speeding it you know Wester yeah you're familiar with Goodfellas right of course you know when they pull off the big heist rate you know Lufthansa yeah yeah yeah and Henry Hills in the shower he heard that they did it yeah he's made on you Jeannie yeah that's exactly how I felt when Brian got his money Ryan yes I was like that that well I just pictured that in my mind like oh my I'm so yeah looking like a dad like yes like and yeah you know I got the money why all right no happy for him you know I mean how I was pissed I didn't like it at all [ __ ] I didn't like it at all man I was jealous no but it's amazing though the while these guys [ __ ] kill it you know but I had I had Josh's number in my phone know and the villager thing that happened yo the guys got paid everybody's happy is there saying Archer thing to me yeah yeah yeah st. archers in Archer and get all this Maloof money yeah and look my song Astrid that Hoonah I bought a house that we said people don't like to talk about money right I'll talk about money I bought a house that was 2.1 million dollars stupidest thing I could have done we made it yeah well you know I mean he put a downpayment on there and then you just making payment right yeah but the payment monthly payment was like was like 12 grand it was stupid you know and I was just me and my daughter and a good investment oh no down the road no okay from the time I got it yeah and then you know what started happening everything just went down down down I bought it when it was really hot okay and it was a bad time but like my obsessive behavior right I was like I need a skatepark at my house it's like a jump off stairs and practice for my video part I'll be completely obsessed yeah and like at that moment in my life it has to be in Hollywood like no I didn't care where it was right I just needed a skatepark because I was going to film Stay Gold and I was like I was like I want to do really good at this right you know and at that time in my life you couldn't tell me any different nobody could have said you don't really go to the go to the Baker boys yeah or go up to the no ho Park no I need one yeah I'm like no my kids yeah I made it all sound really know my kids young I got to be close to home yeah I didn't really have a nanny right but it all it all led and I put in some work in that yard I really did okay you know and some people help me out with the park and stuff so it really good but it was just I I probably shouldn't live in a house it was like an eight hundred thousand dollar house something more reasonable right you're still in that house today no I sold it you're a lot less than I got a four would really suck that's probably all the Maloof money and the other might why didn't I just keep it though just the payments were to higher yeah yeah yeah every month was just like it was too much right in the old grand a month is a lot a lot of money you learn you know you you now well now I'm going into buying a car buying a house I'm like okay this is the right time by now yeah what are the payments going to be right now I'm paying like two thousand a month for the my favorite house I've ever been in in my life like it really beautiful right I have everything I could ever want you know so 2004 a place that like looks like something I was well magazine compared to 12 for like a thing that's falling apart water mushrooms are really growing in my closet it was at problems okay like actual like mushrooms growing out of that dangerous yeah inhaling those spores the Lark was sick though the park was so cool it was big it was like did you sell it with the park in there did you tear yeah yeah I actually asked the people that were that wanted to get it I'm like if you was really a big like deal-breaker like I can rip the park out oh but the ladies like you know why like I kind of she roller skated to like music and stuff just and she was like she's like I'm not skating around up there like I like this 15 stair right here I saw her later and I was like because there's like a couple inclines you know banks that go down okay from one higher area to a lower air right I'm like you go down this those banks in your row skate she's like yeah yeah like oh wow yeah and plus I think she had kids and they might use it for like messing around okay well skating but you didn't ask her if you wanted to she wanted the mushrooms ripped out well maybe that was my left out club yeah you got to be careful do you know with this money and everything right you got to be smart with it I'm always telling people like that I meet that are coming up and stuff right what what are you going to do after you're done yeah because especially now like I mean I I feel like it's really hard right now for guys to make careers yeah you know compared you're like early 2000 or whatever like like I was in my early 20s and stuff it would seem like I mean I'll tell you a cool story yeah I was getting I was I got my first year with the America okay and they gave me what they thought this I don't really want to talk about the exact figures right they gave me what they thought was the right amount that they should be giving me okay Chad Muska who was like had that baller mentality he took me in Escalade with him and was like you know you could get double triple dat right oh that was like really and he was like he was like yeah he's like I'll actually give it to you from circa if you want and I was like I was like oh [ __ ] you know then I went back and I was like listen like guys I don't really don't want to ride four circle but Chad's offering me like oh like three times the amount right well I want to stay it was like next day like yeah we got oh boy dude that just like put something in my like you Saiki yeah yeah like how I do business and that I can pass on to other people from that point on I was like they have it yeah and like it's like that Ali boo Lala's like also like all these little business tricks I picked up for people Ali's like it's a swindle the whole thing your luck it's when I'm not saying it you got to skate hard you got to work hard but you know there's ways to get the deals yeah and get what you're worth yeah if and even if you you know just show up skate hard and like especially when some other company wants you and you and they're offering you twice them out right that company that you're on will probably most likely give you that's leverage ya know yeah that's every time I've ever gotten a better deal or something happen like that it's always that way you know like it's like yes well someone says they're going to do this I go down wildly I'm not trying to be a jerk here but yeah what am I going to do yeah no I I'd like to have that crazy did he push the OnStar button and asked to let me rail now you measure didn't do that no but he did he did hop a fence into a backyard pool and just throw his board down and then go around the deep in over the light with his hands behind his back really uh-huh they was sick he got so high in the in the Escalade I couldn't even skate because you were fake yeah I was he was a legend i him and Tom Wright made me want that lifestyle yeah I see now being like nearly 40 in 39 like like that like pretty much my entire 20s and coming up I was just like wanting to be like other people you know I mean right like I'm like like just you know following the [ __ ] no whoever else yeah I think I mean I think a lot of us were too you know even though if we were even outside of it you know like we wanted to be like Eric Koston or any other I don't think anyone ever looked at you like oh he's trying to be someone else they know Zoey way you always seem to beat you right you know came out that way but I was just trying to be like Ali and and them and Tom and those guys really I really like not really I just my skating is just my skating right but like when I saw Tom with the nollie calves and the cab and frontside flips and in like I was like it's like a like you know your favorite musician or singer like one of the tricks I want to do it I want to do that I'm going to do my stuff too but like he's fresh yeah he was so fresh when he came out with the clothes and everything it was like for sure I want your app anything right oh yeah just like when I see when I thought he dress it up and recited out for Halloween every single year over the last two years when I see when I think Chris Jocelyn come out I mean I'm not if he's different than penny yeah he had that like head down yeah yeah I was like how to reminding me a pain right like hey I was like oh [ __ ] I liked that kid you know like he's got his got his head down he's just looking at it and just like hunched over just [ __ ] killing him I'm a huge shop so me too man me too in heat and he's one to like he I envy skaters like him right it's like a certain like I've been talking about this lava cater I'm sorry they like a certain skater grant Taylor but it takes the Volcom clubs puts them on go some skates you look sick yeah he doesn't right kids give a [ __ ] right yeah I mean like Jocelyn whatever is in the box I don't care you know I mean it's true though are you or you're like no I want to certain fit and I want these certain shoes and I want to look the certain way no wonder my video try too hard yeah my footage to look like this and like you know I mean it's like just two different ways of thinking total it one's not good or bad it's just like you either you know like some people they really care about the fit of their pants yeah point where you'll go crazy right yes right and another viewer like Chris in is it free yeah I'm gonna wear it I want to be like that yeah that's what I'm trying to I'm striving to be like that yeah Chris chala man I mean even seeing him do the Battle of The Berrics thing the flat ground like I was first time I seen him skate flat ground and / I was blown away I can't believe you want me I mean it away everything was insane oh it's wild you could skate flat ground in his sofa you could do any trick on flat ground and is so [ __ ] consistent - it's crazy yeah I just thought he's a jumper I just thought he could just chuck the hook himself down gaps of people you know people have said to me in a way before like like Oh a couple times I hear like comments on instagrams or people say something food like in like a way like it's gonna affect me they're like oh yeah like oh you sure you flip Davis like I'm gonna be like I'm like I'm like dude he was being nice right in a [ __ ] back treated heartless he was being kind of shut it down yeah hind that day was that triplet and I mean like yeah so like he's you say yeah he's dealt dude what do you keep the kick flip it right kick flip it yeah that was that Jesus Christ I jumped it like 25 times he really yeah yeah yeah yeah jump I kicked away first time I tried to kickflip it my back foot landed in the gap in my front foot Leo Mike I was like oh I'm not going fast okay and then and I started going a little faster you know kickflip catching him kicking Wow and then I probably did that 20 25 times and then I was like you know I better do this quick or you're done Yeah right I would have already only 2520 I know it's crazy I was in a time right then where I was like an athlete yeah I was doing so much stuff besides skateboarding - Ronnie ready for that type of smoker eating lots of fruits yeah oh I mean I was like who's like well with Ronald eats fruit yeah yeah like that that like a you know raw food yeah all right I go in and out some people they see one thing and they're like oh dude you're [ __ ] vegan blah blah right you know I I try to eat healthy but I'm like no like you know I don't sometimes I go don't stick with it and then yeah yeah but like at the time I was like raw food you know that raw foods you eat vegetables running fruit nuts fun water stuff that comes from the earth that in it I was eating like that working out two hours a day like swimming 80 laps in my pool look just I don't know it's it took me over you know it really took me over yeah it really did and we haven't even talked about the end another but it's what we did we just keep talking again but at that time you know I mean I was probably 28 I was probably filmed that from like 27 to 30 something like that mm-hmm that's all I wanted to do that was for stay cold say go yeah had anybody ever skated that before nobody had ever been touched all they did Ollie in a quarry duffel front one aidid it I wouldn't even walk down it I went up there I can eat doesn't look like a long gap when you're there it looks [ __ ] way too big to be a cannibal when I thought when I saw it I was like yeah I could do it okay but also but also people have mentioned to me many times I wanted to bring this up a few people have mentioned to me many times from six little Toro they like to tell me 100 football Toro right so I was like down that way one day and I was like I'm no Popeye yeah I'm gonna go check it out go check it out see I looked at it and then in my thought was if I ollie this I would crumble is that I will crumble on it Ollie and okay not happening not happening no news right away yeah right I looked at it was like that's so huge how long ago was that though like in a time where I probably could have like done like athlete like no yeah like around same time you know like like I was definitely jumping stuff right right yeah yeah weird though because I did I did like a 17 or 18 and Baker 3 oh yeah okay piece of cake yeah let's you tries cheese deaf Wow and it was like a straight and it's only like it's I mean honestly it's like three stairs bigger yeah I've been looking at it it's just it's huge it okay so for instance like talking about jumping big stuff right there's a Bert Bercy five block right yep oh God and right so in my Imperator in France right Paris is that Paris things yeah yeah this one this will you go okay so check it out right we've got the cover here of a skateboard magazine oh [ __ ] sorry he spills over every episode don't worry hit on that two three four [ __ ] okay so I come from here and do the top the tricks that have done from here you set a backside flip you're doing back back heel back heel yes I'm back healed it backside 360 ollie did you do it like a bunch of times you didn't like the way you landed some of them but some of the backer you had to do it four times can I just tell you something look how high you're in hit you're in the air right now I feel like it I kick flipped it back in the trans roll part too but people before people you get it it nothing back no one it no one had skated it I just walked up and I was like damn I was kidding Thank You Wes Keenan is a Ledge so so check it out there yeah so then I was like prepared so like okay back heel right back three kickflip and some of the older older footage of it right here where you can't see is one more that's it well guess what this index right each each block is three stairs okay so there was one more and I was like just hype today I did the bacteria time like [ __ ] it I'm a nollie which makes 18 stairs okay I'm gonna just ollie but I'm doing flips off this one yeah and landing them in rolling away right so what three more stairs and one more block up I'm like [ __ ] it film is some nollie this thing okay I just died like yeah yeah like like bruise my both my feet kicked through it landed on one shot out like with so much force next one kicked away Bruce both my feet I'm like so that that much strangers is yeah it's really hot it's really weird yeah it's really a foot and a half taller sol toro being four more three more stared has a [ __ ] big deal a big deal which it seems like I mean I would think like oh whatever I thought I was just gonna all up to 18 part no big deal didn't happen I know this is like it's different measurement but I mean even like a 50 millimeter wheel to a 50 one millimeter wheel oh yeah one millimeter but it's a big difference I really like that when you're jumping off the stuff I always remember lists are reading about you're like you don't think three times do you hold is that something that you still do now like even when you make every single day type thing like skating though um filmic not what I'm just out having a session if I'm filming and starts to become like a pattern you're like where I'm like like there's I got to go you know like then I might start doing a little kind of little routine or something yeah I never I never said - oh yeah yeah three like it's always been even when I was little it was always like like touching that three times and then II buddy like for me like clears my mind so I can go it was it really bad at one point or something for you or you know what like if I'm trying something that's scary mm-hmm then I'm gonna need a didn't you in summary color madness yeah madness oh he had it switcher board and your clothes and the way everything is and like he told me he told me after living with me for three or four years he's like do you know when you set a set of wheels down that there's always three up and one down well like no you didn't even notice no F had no idea so it's happened away no like I did it you just did it on purpose like ya know only yeah when you didn't even know I mean he would do it not even know it my mom showed me this Christmas video okay where I was getting my presence and I was like this like I was little okay now get the presents out no skate stuff yeah I'd be like well I never mind everything I and everything up all perfect like that one and then go back to my next present when it was probably okay okay yeah it's so weird I didn't I know it yeah I probably still do it but I mean I think everybody has a little bit of like OCD in in some weird way you know having a kid yeah I think like got rid of a lot of it Oh cuz you just are so little control here's like yeah [ __ ] I gotta deal with this yeah yeah I got it whatever yeah I want to get into I want to get into your kid and everything since we're on the subject um her name Stella yep right she's ripping I know it's getting so good she's 11 I'd say like two and a half years ago uh-huh I don't care if she skates or not right well I'll just put that out there like I really don't like you're not escaping yeah you just said oh right no I feel like I just do what my mom did you know I mean cuz but this time actually I can just if I want to go with her I can yeah so she was doing gymnastics and stuff like I'm quite a little kid stuff yeah like first it was like ballet classes just she had no idea what's been going on right I'm super cute and awesome and then huh and later was like I want to do gymnastics and then she did some like horseback riding and stuff okay trying stuff out I think that's what kids do they try their hand and I mean I think it's your decision it was like my decision yeah yeah because like they don't know yeah you got a they got to do some time story class right and like she was on some teams at school like basketball volleyball stuff like that we she kind of liked what I could see she's like not really into it she's not fun like it's like you know like if she serves really good or something yeah they've like but she's like didn't ever really care about waiting or losing she just liked being with their girlfriends at school and there you go playing the sport right and then there was a few days where she came with me on a Baker tour oh and she could like ride the skateboard okay was the skateboard was I'd say like a bike a skateboard a scooter did I mean it's all doing something there yeah just like a thing in the house a toy like she ride the bike the same as she could ride skateboard no tricks no interest in who's who or anything and then she's I think she saw that like what we were doing on the tour it was like we were all having a lot of fun mm-hmm all really good friends right all these different unique people together Ryan she saw Rowan was like that's the coolest person I've ever seen I mean I wish probably everybody in the world ever did oh yeah and when when we came home she's like I wanna learn some tricks oh sure so she started doing a little fakie rocks and quarter pipe and take mines and training a lot of training yeah yeah she's like training yeah and then is that what you had in your backyard yeah we had a little we had a little skatepark she knows she didn't skate at the house with the big bigger table right but then I had another house a little to skate stuff at it right smaller but and then she never stopped no actually she stopped oh she did one time she was like Cana got over it when right when she started she's I think she was thinking she wasn't getting very good or something so she kind of just left there bored and then and then she she said she was really she told me a story she was really bored and I would we had some ramps in the back okay and she's like could already axle stall and stuff right now and she's like what am I doing this is boring like why don't I just go out back and learn better I get better at axle stuff yeah and she did and then it from that point really she was like oh it was on and then like she frontside ollie Vick over the coping on a quarter pipe yeah she ran in the house was like I don't know what the clothing no yeah and then like and now she's like insane oh yeah I mean just showed those clips of her just ripping that nine foot Bowl right I mean hurt yeah yeah invert and wreck I'm spite of interesting because even being a girl usually at that age to you're kind of doing what your friends are doing you know you're riding bikes you're whatever skating you know but I mean probably a lot of her girlfriends aren't skating right well I mean I mean now now well she is she's in a really smaller private school okay and she's had her like girlfriends that are there from when they were little right so she's got a couple friends at school yeah but really outside I'm sure like most skaters from outside of school if she has like 10-15 friends that are all skaters girls boys home and ignoring your skater like she's got a skater friend six yeah she's got a skater friend that's that's 13 right and so it's like we just mix whatever like I mean there's no age like short race yeah yeah it's just like skater you're a skater yeah so she's part of that now okay and there's a lot of girls and you know like she look she watched the episode Nora oh yeah daddy look she totally looks up Nora Lizzie are Manto okay like yeah she's well in her mind she's like I'm gonna be a pro skater I'm doing 540s I'm [ __ ] doing this didn't you say I mean it's rad though that they can have the you know other girls to look up to you know - oh sure and Lizzie and all these girls yeah Elissa steamer élisa élisa steamer is a close friend of mining like we were she was part of our skate crew yeah and she was it that was it no other like years she was like no other like I'm going to call the other girl up and skate it was no other girls right or just her you know with us yeah and that was she stuck it out no matter what I like to think like imagine like how could we you're in I don't even know like someplace where it's all women and then you're the only one I mean maybe it won't be so bad where can I find this baby nobody yeah yeah yeah I don't have like a piers or right now they do they have like a lot of peers too you know and and they become I'd say in pop culture from what I see like the role models are pretty lame you know right all right I don't know Sebastian's and all that and I love yeah all that type of stuff and like you know you'll like I'm a dad I'm a dad like it's that's just crazy oh my god like I could figure this whole thing out you know yeah like it's like girls are like you know they might certain girls might think like I got to show off some boobs or something or some short shorts to like get attention yeah yeah for shows girls that she looks up to her that's they're not that far this thing yeah and they're you know they're girls their boyfriends and they're living their life and they're like but they're doing it in a respectful way and they're [ __ ] badass okay with it yeah if she's like I want to go meet my friends at the park sure go ahead a park I might skate yeah maybe I won't right but instead it's that's part yeah I know everybody and I'm you know it's just it's easy and it's cool you know you know not to mess with the boss's daughter I just know how we were with Elissa right like nobody's gonna say no yeah yeah yeah I mean like it's just like that's how we look out for like like so anybody would have said something to Alyssa wrong like maybe not mean somebody was going to knock somebody I mean like yeah for sure you know so it's like even like a young skater girl I know that works about surf Victoria like she hangs out NoHo like just Roughnecks you know nobody messes with right nobody meant right right yeah I mean so it's like skaters look after other people regardless yes true yeah I was almost like a good thing you know yeah I know like I know when she gets to be like probably going out with people they're driving cars and stuff on my like you're gonna be fine you know she's in good company yeah yeah yeah yeah I was getting bored from Ellen right yeah so Dan Rogers friend of mine who was working at element and um he saw some of her videos she was doing it was is he called did he call you to say look I know like if your doctor did not get him baby boy yeah actually what's funny is um she went to element skate camp oh and Evan Smith was there okay and she said she's like he was like one of us yeah every day right in the woods playing in the lake skateboarding he put a blindfold my kid yeah yeah you had a blindfold on and he they like guided him in off the dock he didn't know where he was going but they made him fall in the lake played songs every night for the kids and she's like that guy's so cool and so she saw and then element had some training guys - yeah okay so she was telling me she's like if I ever get sponsored and stuff I want to be on either burn house or element Wow and dance all some of her footage it was like what how do you feel about selling not writing Baker stuff and getting some element more than like she doesn't want to ride Baker burns anyway she's a liar there's no one I have anything I mean she wants to do her own thing she wears vans yeah and Justin Regan you got bands and I mean it did make sense but it's just weird you know to me it's like how did she would I why wouldn't she be in but like that Riley being like oh yeah I mean you heard what you did it was it Tony on on here well yeah and you Riley like you said when me and Bryan approached Tony were like listen like we like what Riley's doing we feel like he should you know she was on ground he's like whatever I they wants to it's totally cool yeah you know and Tony sees now he's like when he went came with us he really made him like I'm gonna do this now yeah I'm on my own nobody can say yeah you know in Riley's insane so creative I love watching him skate because he's got like I mean it's only son you're gonna you're going to get some of some of it before you know I even see my daughter when she does sir we skate the same it's crazy yeah like does she have the madness well she's never happy with her with the clips you know so but but this is the filming of the way she did it so she's like I would say you know but people might not know this because it's only video parts and you'll hardly see the tries but like we have this it's a very cautious way of skating right you know it may sound weird jumping off 16 and stuff but it's a very it's like very hello anybody steps to it yeah and in cautious you know like I know like somebody like my favorite some of my favorite skateboarders Dawn's trainwreck that there's many of there they're the opposite right just like lads go for it you know I don't care I want some of that but it's like very calculated yeah bicep you know and like she's the same it's like a process together the final go you're not just going to jump out and go for something that you don't know you can I see if she does the same thing yeah it's weird yeah and even like arms are like more like okay like yeah I'm accountable on huh yeah it's funny huh I mean I could say yeah definitely I could see that when you know let her be your own person right don't let her be Andrew Reynolds daughter right right I mean she I mean you know what I mean like let her grow herself hey Guerlain baker's trash anyway you know one of the best companies in skateboarders you know thank you aside from chocolate we can you can't win them all no honestly little girl chocolate real antihero maker where we've been in it for a long time I mean lucky you know I might write like that like we could be 15 20 years and still yeah still able to you know to me keep kids attention and be like oh that's a cool brand well yeah I mean but like when you guys came out with the Baker stuff I mean you were so different from what was going on you guys I didn't even drink or anything when I was a kid and I saw your videos and I was like that's what that's what that is as you guys drinking and is doing crazy tricks like I never knew that lifestyle even exists my right right into it I am do you feel now like looking back at it being a sober and father do you look back at it going like god we were really like bad limp ones' bad well I mean you were really like promoting that kind of stuff you know and like you know or your I've thought a lot about have you yeah alone um and life happens yeah the way it is shown what's going on skateboard and honestly that was like that all those videos and all that stuff that's a documentary yeah of what what it is and I would rather show the real truth of what happening then then not right trying to fake something that you guys right and I have like a thing just because when I drink you know I've been sober 14 years now just because when I drink I end up on drugs and in jail and crash a car and everything else does not mean that everybody else is going to do that right so like I can't put my [ __ ] on everybody else right right right like most people can have a couple beers and have fun with their friends yeah so it's like it's a weird line yeah I mean like like if I'm like oh no every kid's going to end up on dope because of we were drinking beer in the video like it's not not realistic yes so like you know even though even the more recent Baker stuff like if I see a clip and it's like blatant drugs and then yeah I'm kind of like no but like right little stuff little stuff you know what some of these guys you're not going to get footage without a joint in their hand you're not that's true that's stuck to their hand for life there's like like I'm going to do yeah you know I mean solar it out okay yeah I just try to show show who they are yeah you know Noah did you guys show personality so good yeah yeah it's so good thanks I think that's why people really connect with Baker a lot too I like making videos and and I have like some things that I stick to like if somebody like if somebody I feel like somebody else might say like don't show that they look really goofy right or something they look that looks goofy yeah like or I'm like I want to show it yeah that's what happened it's funny you know I mean like just show it you know well I think you have to just be real Indian with this show like we make fun of ourselves all the time because why not you know yeah we will do it or anybody else can you know just like like I just couldn't find Kelly all the time I'll talk [ __ ] on my list just random everyday things you guys can capture the moments you guys capture I couldn't even imagine that happening right Antoine singer looking at like some ice cream a eagle yes yeah like through that I put together that that section of Antoine that's all the not skating stuff I had so much fun bag I bet my god he walks around that u-haul with those jean shorts on they know he's checking for dents okay you know I don't know if you know that except he just walks around with this strut with some huge jean shorts on Anton Antonovich is man he came out of nowhere you know it's like that is so cool like that type of stuff like yeah like the history of like that's what people told me that day because I have I hadn't really liked that would be go and talk to him for a while I'm doing this thing filming all the time right he was in the car with me for some reason we yeah I mean him I'm like you still you still into this no I mean yeah like like get the same you know feeling of like and he's like he's like I I feel exactly the same as when I was filming Baker to G as it was like when somebody does something I'm so excited out he's like I'm I'm watching the history of this Baker's like in his blood right I mean he is Baker you know love that it's like it's like I'm watching the whole thing right happen yeah and he's just as excited now as he was back then yeah you guys really nailed it in there because I mean I was amazed I always made the joke of like imagine if Baker tried to do like HD with cranes and indifferent but it just wouldn't be a baker video you know you want me to see them hijinks on the dolly you know I know yeah dolly I could drone do that again cut the big crane yeah not anything that works for who it working for sure no man look I love that stuff yeah it's really definitely I like I like the strohbeck stuff strohbeck oh they're the kids look so cool you know I like that like because people like I feel like skate park skating is kind of like an easier way to go these days we're sharing I'm free I'm part of the problem Network I like I want to be in the streets so bad when guns go up the bit go to park yeah so like but so when I see like that and they're like in the streets every day I'm like damn yeah it's like I'm watching eastern exposure or something it isn't thick manly I backed those guys that new thing they put it onto a shore was just like the trash did you see that it's like I made up such dope foot yeah for sure all those kids hi Shawn frontside cab that trash today who does front sometimes yeah over handing up trash can you think y'all eat it like backside shifty way I would be gnarly yeah he's sick Wow feel like he's gonna be skinnier that you're one yo yeah one year uh-oh wasn't like getting skater of the year that Kelly looks a little different that moisture here no no cater later sitting in Kelly see hey Kate Ursula it was funny back then like that I'd say the last five six years like somebody shows up at the door with a big surprise it's like this whole thing yeah like people are documenting it right it's like a big thing I don't know who it was like one person a trash room probably not even Jake okay they just call him like um yeah you're giving the next year the year or so we're really gonna have a little party or something no way if you want to come to set it was just that nonchalant yeah and I was like uh yeah well come up and that was you that answer was nonchalant to you weren't like super pumped I mean it it was weird it would like what was in 98 98 in six I would get confused 98 or 96 I was telling him to Jake Jake's funny you know Jake Jake Phelps you know best you know right he's taught me I actually want to bring this up okay people know this whoever knows it he has taught me lessons in life that like I didn't learn in life oh yeah like I went through my whole twenties or whatever shaking hands and shake man shaking hands like this yeah oh just looking at oh yeah I didn't know I didn't know you're not looking at Gemini I was just like gone right like I'm like often my own world did you say hey look at how Jayco state goes see my hand like up man look me in the [ __ ] eye and I was like all right Oh like I don't know I just didn't know right Jake taught me that Wow you know I taught him that it's a very important lesson you know you know what else he taught me is like if you're in the van and people are like people are like like oh I don't know I don't know where to go yeah I don't know what do you want to eat you know or like what skates what you want to go to he goes he's like what do you want to eat pizza what do you want to listen to Ramones right I did it generate basically speak up yeah and say have an answer yeah I mean I was like his legend soup yeah that's it some people don't like it because he might say something you know he'll say some [ __ ] yeah I know that people don't want to hear right right but I've always noted in the day they probably should hear it yeah I don't know it's weird now it's weird because like I mean he'll say it too like I'm an [ __ ] people don't like the stuff I say whatever like I've always noticed about Jay cause people as like as you dick or like what's it like for whatever like he was asking me you know like when I show up somewhere like and my good my intention is like I'm gonna show up there and people want me here to skate they don't want me for some other reason so I'm gonna skate right I'm gonna work hard yeah Jake respects that mm-hmm that's all he shame you know grant like he's not expecting Shane to skate like Peter Hewitt or grant there you go like Shane [ __ ] out here getting getting some you know I said yeah so Jake respects that so he's I don't know I think he just saw he told me he saw the sequence of the birdhouse at a kickflip that that five block right there okay yeah whatever see yeah I can't have that one and he's like I saw that and I said I'm giving it I'm giving it that kid right really yeah that's it I think that's all he saw Wow I like that kid no no I mean nowadays too it's like you feel like now people are gunning for it right they're coming out with this video part they're doing this like they're trying to get the ski to Thrasher and I got you know what I mean my uniform yeah that the companies are planning and that's what we're really shooting for this and yeah you can't right right I hope that Jake has the final say yeah cuz he's like that dude is doing it right and I mean so like companies like making full-on campaigns educator stop looking at a skateboarder my girlfriend either of the year am I gonna do - I guess skater of the year no okay we're from Kidder and seeing a California Encino nice yeah you ever seen Encino man in the movie no no pres it's pretty good how did how did how did you get hooked up with Baker um so I met Andrew at fievel's Park okay and we like he asked me for a box because I guess you like to ask a co so then that was it me a box yeah right what were you doing at People's Park I met up with my friend Jimmy okay because he usually gets man oh no man so the key is - no this is what this is my story right okay it's like so I'm up there a couple times and there was like a lot of kids you know kids come by for sure and like people would sometimes or maybe guy let them skate yeah like Ron's not like yeah yeah right so maybe like I don't know just depends if he knows them or the mood or whatever like towards the end of the session like three go ahead get in there right so I knew he skated there a little bit because I think because later I saw some footage whatever but this day I think they were in letting you escape that day right I don't thanks huh yeah cuz he was himself decide like somebody was like now are actually like I think I just like went there waiting for Jimmy until they let escape so I saw him there in a couple weeks before that tea funk was like check this kid out they all had a pedlow this company up Zack Tristan him you know they all come from that Park so he's like check out this clip and he back three-d-- off the top of the bowl into the bowl oh you know like stuck to his feet like wow I was like damn a little dude back to eat into a bowl right and then I know I realized it was him yeah and I kind of didn't want to like step on guy and then Stowe's I thought maybe they had something going okay I asked like these guys going to flow you some bored yeah he's like no nobody's trying to fill me bored well now you've been up there a couple times I'm like if they're slipping yeah really he was large right right right and then that's it that's dope yeah yeah thank skating with us ever since it's like Brian yeah Brian came up with the trade show me and Jim were there he had a tape and he front tailed two four wheels hurt ten grinded Wilshire 15 every flat ground knowledge like everything so sick right this tape was like out of control yeah it was like no question no question any company would have put him on we're like damn and then Jim came Tommy watch this kids tape you know I'm Brian remembers that too I mean I like that Montessori story he's like he's like if it wasn't for Jim you wouldn't have been yeah it's we were we were burnt anyways we didn't know the wood I made my way over there to watch it I want to see so we were drinking stuff when we watch it and basically Brian just came with this Wow from that point on for his life yeah like one crazy event a little kid yeah Gator I'm gonna talk to you after the show about chocolate man right I'm gonna try to get you on there no but that's dope dude so you're stoked yeah everything yeah yeah yeah bad right are all your friends jealous like yeah you hook your friends up with with stuff too yeah sometime good yeah spread the wealth man you know don't don't don't hog it all right you know spread the wealth the Amity you guys did was amazing oh I loved it I had like a love child feel to it follow through then what about Baker for you know what we're gonna film for a year and eight months okay from now okay and I'm gonna put a video out I mean people have been talking about it you know so you know like annual thing about the Baker am video like I struggle because like you hear a lot of stuff like that things are moving so fast kids attention spans and this and that yeah you know so like no but when you put a good quality product people gonna take notice of it I know that part of me wants to just put out 15-minute video here that's just like that's really one of my favorite videos of all times is a Tim and Henry's pack of lies and that's what 12 minutes 15 dozen I'm saying though do I go that that way every couple months or do I wait the whole day I am folding no I think I think I wouldn't believe I don't believe the hype I don't believe the hype that people's attention spans are like 1 minute or 5 minutes or 15 minutes I think if you're putting out a quality product and it's entertaining to watch because we're going to watch in whatever state they're going to gravitate to it you know and it's like to me it's like don't let that thought process dictate in this video yeah let me make the video how you want to make this is what now this is what I have always done with Baker's like I leave it up to everybody so okay we had a group text all bigger guys right hey you guys want to just keep putting out little things like the bakery and video every couple months fifteen minute videos maybe somebody has more footage or not or do you want to wait the whole time and put out the full link right every yeah plate length yeah everybody would say that everybody in the group text full and fully really comes like cool that's my answer yeah I mean why I mean we talked about the - Tony Tony Hawk yeah yeah he's our like people who print out these parts but it's not part of anything I know yeah and you guys just actually had someone in a new trasher where it's like would they ask you what your first game buddy was I think he said feature primitive in kids ago some someone's part on on the internet right yeah like you don't even remember what it was but you remember exactly what it was right you know I mean like and to put on a rad product like whether it's baked it for baked you three whatever you know 15 years from now some kids like oh my first video was Baker for right yeah no I'm hype yeah but I just want to keep it just something that's just real weird and wrong like you know 35 minutes longer so I'm not too long with this dick video pretty like thank you memorable yeah and it's all up to the people in the video right like somebody you know it's like every video you see like there was those old girl in chocolate meals where there would be a montage you like this guy and one trick going on you know I mean but like that happens yeah i mean so like like i kind of look at like bakers in that stage there's some dudes that are like ab set different life now some run young dudes that are going to go hard so like tristan do i can - can I just put like a whole part on out for DC might not have enough footage for he'll have enough yeah he'll have enough trust me even the last person we gotta worry about yeah I know he's he's on fire yeah I mean dude you got a good squad man you got a good you you really put together great team no it's amazing it just happens that way nothing's like pre like oh we need to have this look at this or you like it's just if we need to do that New York right it's natural and you know what I think I think like over the years like the way I've done my career yes they can say they can't they can say like you know what like they respect me enough to know that like I'm laid-back yeah the company's cool rights not some not gonna you know I mean yeah like I feel like Baker would be an awesome game to write for yeah I think so yeah so I feel like I was going to put my notice in for chocolate up and how to get on Bay there's nothing else like I may be a stick with okay yeah I'll stick with chocolate ever no no no I'm just kidding but uh but yeah congratulations on everything you know yeah miss [ __ ] rad Lucca and all that stuff and uh Baker for you know keep it moving try our best yeah yeah thank you for taking the time I know yeah it's 10:30 my moaning yeah loosely asleep right now are you really usually at sleep 10:30 10:30 11:00 Wow you wake up at what eight seven seven really what do you do at 7:00 in the morning I go get coffee first thing first thing first thanks Starbucks venti iced coffee venti iced commerce thing I like to write in this little book what you do yeah I do a little bit of writing what do you write in that book like sobriety stuff oh yeah like you know how can I do good today that type of stuff and I'm a guy ready it's sometimes it's really stupid stuff oh yeah like stop wanting to go out and buy a Lexus today your car's fine yeah like that you know just little reminders come on yeah which is surprising hard for you to do sobriety being sober is the best thing I've ever done in my yeah right and I twenty four years old when I learned from 17 to 24 that alcohol and drugs in my system right will take all my stuff away okay maybe my life Wow um yeah so you know luckily I was excited I listened was there something that happened that made you real know that no a lot of dumb should happen you know I was in jail a few different times I couldn't go a day without 60 to 100 worth of weed I've every time I think I'd want to have one beer I'd blackout turn into 130 beers yeah not from one beer right the thought of one beer would end up three days later Oh drugs then I started when I was drinking I needed drugs yeah it was like a switch you know yeah but jumped on it alcohol is the one alcohol you know that's the one that will get you oh because without the alcohol I wouldn't ever even thought about drug interesting everybody else was doing drugs right you ever try to practice still out on other people like hey you should maybe sober up you're acting a little crazy right now or no no because let them live their own life the thing is is when the person is ready they have to be ready on their own yeah yeah I mean another day there was there was during my 20s a lot of people were telling me oh you should you're horrible at this right you're really bad at this like you diffuse me they're not fun to be around right you don't know how to drink on so whatever yeah whatever and so one day well I did I totaled this card like it's bad accident okay I drank like another year after that I drove drunk oh wow back on drugs when everything was like a whole another year and this one day I woke up Jim actually had two weeks sober oh and Jim was like a dope fiend at one point so I was living with him I was like I'm not that passionate I yeah I looked at it honestly good like like he was like like everybody was using a lot but like I was like damn Jim's gonna die from this [ __ ] I mean things you didn't have a problem right yeah that's how I felt yeah yeah and he was he was open about it he won't care about about me see I don't think it's right he was openly he's sober okay same amount I'm yeah he was using a lot of truck yeah and there were a lot of other people around us were too and I saw him get two weeks and then Justin Regan had a year and they both said you know we're going to give you some options right and it was just like that moment that when a lot of people I hear about better sober to you have this moment where you're like all I mean really looks like a snowball effect all you need to say is like okay I'll give it a try right that you have that you that I was willing to say like alright okay I mean even online weddings are the same thing right I just give it a trial give it a week well like two weeks I'll give it a month you know and really being able to say whatever I'm doing yeah doesn't work right because I've tried it every single time over and over I've tried oh maybe I'll cut out just weed yeah yeah okay then I'm back where was right okay maybe I'll just smoke weed at night okay then I'm back on drugs and drinking so yeah maybe I'll move to Florida you know what there's a lot of drugs and alcohol in Florida and Sarah maybe I'll go to Philly a black UNAM trilliums like you don't get winning yeah yeah and then I'm like okay yeah there's probably everything yeah right there's a problem here Wow yeah 14 years that's um congratulations problem yeah you know and it's it's been the best thing I possibly could have done I feel like very grateful that I got it at 24 yeah and if you think other people are listening things like oh I'm too young [ __ ] sober no right if you know when you pick up one beer in three days later you're blacked out then there's problem you have no right if you're thinking about maybe I have a problem then you probably have a problem yeah so normal people that drink they don't think that yeah they don't think maybe I have a problem right don't know when people just my girlfriend has a has a want has a glass of wine has a second half a glass of wine it's like it's kind of sick of it right I'm like what is it I was drinking the four bottles I get done it so again it's just two different types of people you're either normal like that drink normally right or your drink like an alcoholic so you don't have a problem when your girlfriend's drinking or so no no I mean yeah you're you're fine the whole Baker team we'd go on trips every scrag beer okay we'd ever that's not I'm not there to judge your mouth doesn't water when you hear that sound no early sobriety early or early sobriety I just stayed away from places I thought were a questionable run like I you learn some stuff along the way didn't meet the right people and get involved with different programs yeah like that but you learn some things Wow do you have a reason to be there right if you don't then you could say you know I don't really have there's no reason for me be there yeah like I don't need to go there right and basically some reason or job or whatever then yeah yeah you know if your friend has an art show it's like your best friend and there's going to be some so dollar go pay respect you mean and leave when it sounded me exactly yeah I mean I just picked up all kinds of life tools that like really I mean at this point in my life and I haven't done it perfect you know updates over but I haven't made you make a lot of mistakes yeah and you learn but like you know the goal is how can I just be a good person right in this world yeah and how can I be kind to people in you know in that it's not all about me you know what I mean that's a big thing because like alcoholics are like that like like like I was saying during that time with a video stuff I was [ __ ] tripping but I got the job done but I was tripping I was like me my [ __ ] my what a new car [ __ ] need this video for me me you you sure yeah you know I mean but it was like like it doesn't have to be like that bill are yeah yeah right Arnie move on you're like like okay like I don't need to be like that right growing as well too you know I mean there's probably sober people out there too that are all about themselves right I heard the guy the other day say like he's like I used to be you know a bad drunk and a drug addict and an [ __ ] right like now he's like I don't drink or use drugs anymore but are you still a knight I mean you you are who you are like you can you can grow and say like you know like I just want to better yeah yeah that's what I write okay then do you hang out at Starbucks and do this or do you just like you drive there I got there get a coffee come home right thank you so much for coming on do the best of luck man you got to come back sometime well hang out because I mean I'm sure we missed a lot of stories that we get here for 12 hours or here Lee yeah home do your daughter she has an awesome nanny escapes oh no really oh ho then what there's some to six months she actually took a TV out on my five stare at the park she kicks up the stairs what Wow pretty sad about it yeah I'm sure if he kick flipped off it before her she he would have been bragging about it for sure pretty months it's not years yeah you know [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 760,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, andrew reynolds, the nine club, the 9 club, the nine club show, 9 club, skate, crob, skateboarding, podcast, talk show, chocolate skateboards, berrics, transworld, thrasher, crailtap, batb, baker, emerica, tony hawk, riley hawk, RVCA, SOTY, the boss, frontside flip, deathwish, the berrics, spitfire, baker skateboards, biography, erik ellington, backside 360, interview, king of the road, action sports, love park, birdhouse, goat, x games, love child
Id: mU4Y7upvdfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 47sec (7487 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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