Bryan Herman | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 122

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well we are back huh we're back at the 9 Club everybody listen today we got a special special guest mr. Brian Herman only two really special guests more than that how many special special special guests dude thank you so much for coming Brad thank you very much appreciate incredible I'm super psyched right now like one of my favorite skateboarders oh you do hard flips okay doing pretty good Errol got me now let's go did did he oh yeah well let's talk about heart because now that we were on the subject let's talk about let's get that out of the way no I found it interesting because when Reynolds was here he was talking about no it was mean mean was here talking about his heel flips Reynolds got his front side flips and I guess Reynolds said to mean go with it it's like your it's like your superpower yeah it's like our go-to think your go-to it's our you know did you ever think about that you know did you ever like let's not go to for me for sure like that's one of the tricks I always want to get on the spot right you know realistic that's much would be my favorite one but usually the more comfortable one to throw out would have been in three like a 360 flip reflow yeah but I feel like everybody kind of associates you with the hardflip but it but I know what you're saying though you you it's not like my go-to comes right right yeah right yeah but you know that nollie inward heel flip oh yeah tre flip switch frontside flip all da mo got me in the know I wear heels oh yeah all my tricks are inspired from somebody else yeah I'm like not that original man that was cool thanks okay let's now move on from the hardware that was fast that was quick it was cool will you answer the question pretty well thank you no that was Carol adelmo what about the tre flips I don't know where that one came from oh that one just came from really want to be able to do tre flips I was so small I couldn't could never do them so I'd always try to do them off curbs to get that little extra you know rotation and drop yeah and then I just my whole thing was just let's go to another drop I can maybe I could do it easier you know yeah I just kept going up and up I don't know kind of yeah it just I never was good at doing it on a flat ground for a while and I was still doing it off stairs and I think there's one in my one of my first sponsor tapes or of a pharmacy video where I didn't quite land it but I'd it was down at eight stair okay and I worked really hard for it I didn't quite land because I rolled far enough and then I did a little skirt and turnaround you know okay oh yeah and they weren't gonna put it in the video which video was the pharmacy mm this was our first first video out was the Chile video ever was no that was later with it we we came out pharmacy mm right when uh like kind of Baker to G year you know 99 2000 y2k yeah well y2k seen in there oh did you like some crazy [ __ ] you were prepared oh we were all such a crazy moment dist in general and like that happened yeah everyone's waiting at midnight it didn't mething happy enough happens yeah I know I was young and everyone was doing that I kind of just participated not even knowing what I was doing I was like what is this all about and I felt like later on they're like no that was a crisis with the numbers and all this stuff well was gonna reset yeah we were just psyched it was 2001 yeah people always say you know it's into the world this year and this year just like dude just live man oh yeah we're all just live what were you saying about the 2000 in the the not the Chile oberus the video yeah I uh I was about three foot high oh yeah I just put it in put it in really land it look look so way we're gonna do is we're gonna cut it right before I do the little turn around and we're just gonna throw it on the part like like you never have it wasn't even like oh he just did that no problem yeah yeah yeah and then I just I really wanted to get a legit three flip after that so I I think it worked really worked hard on it worked harder yeah yeah there you go did anybody notice the quick cuts like me maybe maybe I'm not sure Matt might have noticed you were there that really fast about Matt Allen Matt Allen because when I was younger I saw you guys skating in Orange County one time but you guys have been skating for a long time yeah we just come from the same town and he was sponsored before I was so he was always going out to you know Orange County or wherever I mean I forget exactly Costa Mesa oh yeah yeah yeah and I just just hang out with him all the time oh that dude so he skated a lot and not many other people did up there so where is up there in the desert yeah high desert victory Hesperia Hesperia Yeah right well Matt lived in Victorville I lived in Hesperia Mike White was from Apple Valley they're all it's a try city type thing Victor Valley you know dr. hill is one city Hesperia is another city and then Apple Valley is known but they're all real spread out oh they're not really close to each other no but it's not like LA you know you drive yeah sure mile it takes you an hour there you could drive a hundred miles I'm gonna take you whatever um ten minutes yeah just the metal out there sure yeah literally our speed limits are more in like the 50 mile an hour range you know right you're not driving around in the lower speed yeah 35 being a car guy - I love it up there just oh yeah what kind of car like older cars newer cars what kind of car guy are you like older cars oh oh yeah no older cars not really into the new stuff but waiting for a day where someone's like I'm a car guy what do you do I have a Prius yes sir into electric cars well what's your car what are you what do you drive right now what it what kind of car what's your go-to car well I have a daily driver yes like a Chevy truck but oh yeah what year is it it's brand-new it's a 2006 okay that's a daily driver because my daily driver rely yeah yeah other cars I've done I did I have a seat an savvy 70 cetane truck that I'd used to drive a lot hmm and it will ask you actually used to be my brothers and then we traded the truck I had we swapped traded and I started getting into these things started driving around town I go I love my truck and loco and it's kind of falling apart a little bit yeah I started restoring them and next thing I know I just kind of got a little crazy with it oh really like I want to get this car and my mom really wanted the Camaro her whole life and who it was kind of my excuse to be like I'm gonna build a Camaro you know no 67 Camaro for my mom I did it I did it fast it's so you bought it kind of [ __ ] up I wanted destroyed and that's how I got the car is I I was at my painter shop rest in peace but I was at my painter shop and he has this car sitting there forever this orange Camaro mm-hmm that's a pretty cool car man I'm like what's up with that he's like always destroyed that thing's done a whole the whole front was smashed in there unibody car so the front end is separate from the actual body okay but the whole front end was pretty [ __ ] like the motor was like eating the windshield and [ __ ] it's pretty gnarly so it was like totaled it was bad yeah and then but he basically got that car from a lady who wasn't gonna fix it got in the accident I gotta take it you know okay and I asked him I said what what would it take to bring back that car yeah you know he's like oh that a cost like probably ten grand you know I'm like dang like all the way back to like good again he's like oh yeah I'll bring that back to get again for 10 grand I was like wow I was like would you sell that car he's like yeah I don't know I don't think I so maybe like a thousand bucks you give me a thousand bucks I'll sell you that car okay I said I was like okay I just wrote a check for $11,000 bring it back to ya right yeah because that car brought back to normal is like a $30,000 car yeah gosh you know what I mean I was like steal 11 grand I got my mom's car in the hold right how long did it take took two years they took him awhile to get the body straight again you know ours although she had he has these frame pullers and you'd pull this I wonder if he's worth it if it was worth the 10 grand after I think he was a little bummed he quoted me at 10 grand yeah but he's a good guy okay and he was happy to do it for my mom too sure he's like a dad whatever mm-hmm okay and we got the whole car back together and you tell your mom no I was working on for two years and Christmas it was Christmas and my mom came down we weren't living in the same town at the time my mom came down and and I kept saying hey mom you had to come check this house I was like what house was like that I'm gonna start renting this house you gotta come check it but I was really gonna buy it okay I was working on I was like working on buying it was in the foreclosure times wanna buy this house fight I talked to my buddy who was sound gonna sell me the house and I said hey you know I want to bring the car over there and I want to surprise her there I could get her to go there to show the house but I don't want to say you know I didn't know how I was gonna do it so I put the car in the garage I showed her the whole house took maybe 3040 minutes show that even though the house tour just like why are you showing me this house like what the hell I'll probably be here a lot if you're gonna be living here great and and finally I brought her into the garage and then there was this car that said Merry Christmas on the front way Wow they blanked out like nothing in the garage except for this Camaro so it's quite obvious kind of that's amazing mr. who you know right and it's a 67 Camaro so that's her dream car so it ended up Wow I'm sorry fast you know did she cry oh I'm almost about a cry yeah story bro yeah I love [ __ ] like that nobody ever does anything like that for me nobody ever surprises me I hate surprises but I would love a new car with a bow on it no that's amazing though that's really [ __ ] sick so she drove it out and she drove it out of there drove it home actually the funny thing is it wasn't ready to go it wasn't but it was Christmas Day sure I gotta had to get get it done you know her but perfect time we had eventually got it Streatley going everything dough but the car wasn't for me she was able to get in and feel it but I was like oh there's not gonna run right now yeah right still got it tidy hop back in my truck let's go exist yeah and then we'll drive soon that's amazing love you [ __ ] like that yeah yeah I had five minutes oh hey dude two years a long time to you build up to that surprise you're like dude this is the moment I've been waiting for yeah it wasn't two years of like steady work sure you know ya would only go up to the desert when I wasn't that was when I was living in LA also mmm so I'd only there every once in a while I would I you know that's kind of the stuff I would do when I go up there so you would help this guy do it it wasn't just like you gave him the money and said go fix it you would go you would go up and do work oh yeah he did a lot of work I mean he did a lot of the body work that's something I don't really insure and then the rest of stuff I could do I could assemble an entire car I'm gonna do all that stuff putting energy together and things like that today it was amazing cuz he came here Brian is like hey Kelly you put this up right here I was like what is just like a trophy what is it was a stinger something like that I don't know what masseter you thought it oh what is that is that that's a piston out of this stroker kid I got okay what is that I thought was a motor has been you know that's just some Colossus mentioned that motor has been put together which it shouldn't be but that motors been put together and taken apart about three times whoa so and I just so happen to have it apart right now so I was like ah she brought it yeah yeah like you know that you know things my brother went to school for that and worked in doing that a lot and my brother has kind of been my influencer for everything for skating and all the [ __ ] that I've done so how much older is he 21 months oh that's it yeah he kind of stopped skating after a while so this was like my only way of being able to hang out with him yeah and it really got me more into it too because we we have I don't know we kind of share the same passion so you know I've seen why he got into it and then when we both kind of got into it we just fed off each other and nice great you know we're just these big car collectors and he went to school for it cuz he got so into it and then he went to work for this this hot rod guy so then we all kind of now that were and now that I live up there and we're hanging out a lot it was just kind of started going crazy so your only sibling know I have other siblings okay he's a I mean I have like half siblings like but you're close to him though you're almost a year apart yes you're very close yeah that's the part that makes us really close right my other sibling Jonathan is my my little brother is about nine years so it's a big gap yeah so going as Victorville Hesperia all that stuff desert town how did how did you get into skating living out in the desert aw shiet trip on this you know yeah but so I I had mentioned I actually was living in Huntington Beach till I was eight years old okay so it's kind of little beach boy mm-hmm and while I was living there I was riding BMX bikes going to Sheep Hills riding all those dirt jumps gotcha little kid little six-year-old kid like mom hey I'm gonna go to Costa Mesa she's like where's that or dive treat my big haven't got a sheet pillow strike where's that like uh it's over there next week not too far we could ride our bikes there okay cool go ahead yeah but I was super into bikes okay my brother watched the Huntington Park gets built and he skated that when he was younger so obviously we were into two different things at that time right but when we got to the desert so which is so weird we're on from around all this cement and I'm riding BMX bikes okay and then we moved to the desert and I started kind of not one or yeah around all this dirt yeah kind of stopped wanna ride bikes anymore no and I said I traded by I started training my bike parts for skate parts and that's where I fully had to make the changeover cuz like I don't have like any like my bike doesn't work what do you mean like I'm gonna trade these breaks for bearings yeah for sure you know this like I had this badass sprocket back in the day like a sprocket oh yeah these three-piece cranks and like everyone I do that kids sprockets dough good stuff I would always collect this [ __ ] you know okay um but was weird cuz I just took it off a ten-speed bike oh no you just take it off a ten-speed bike whatever but they thought I had this really cool special sprocket sure and one of the kids had a which is actually really good friend of mine section part family now but oh there you go um he he had a plank a blank board I don't even know where he got it we had a blank deck huh and I traded the sprocket for that blank deck a complete or just a dad us today oh that's how everything starts Oh humilate you were building back then oh that's a start it's like how long did it take you to put together my brother well my brother I had friends at that point that I cuz it was a start you know and I saw I started going up to friends like hey you got action extra stuff I got a board I got this gosh a lot of people eventually started just giving me stuff you know there you go and my brother had a lot of hand-me-down stuff like my first board was a mad Circle board oh yeah oh yeah and and I remember I did like I did a uh I did I did kind of like a remake through Baker with it oh yeah I was like I have to have that board back yeah yeah yeah which board was it it was us all these mad circles remember oh yeah okay yeah baseball's almost exactly they go and they almost look like moons or something yeah yeah yeah we called it mad moon series instead of trying to say mad Circle sure but people who know get it right right I got it yeah so yeah that was my first board and I was a hand-me-down from my brother so okay that was actually a complete that he handed me down so I had already had my my deck rate waiting till I go go on that complete what happened to the blank it was waiting oh so you took that off yeah my brother like my first complete Jimmy down so once I got that I had already had this blank waiting to like accumulate parts and then I changed it and the cool thing about that I remember I didn't have any grip tape oh and when you want I don't really care you don't together oh no I sure I cared I was talking to the assembly man yeah I'm not gonna I had to have it all right for sure so I remember it clearly I was like where do you get grip tape from and in the in the desert at the time we didn't have skate shops Pharmacy was around for sure but sandpaper so I I went to the store your hardware store with some sandpaper I'm you stole [ __ ] hey I used to be like that yeah I'm kidding me mom can you buy this and family was it brown sampei what kind of what grit was it how did you know what the I just felt it oh yeah yeah and then it was it came in the square sheets you know saw then just grabbed it took it and this is the funny thing is it came with three sheets and I was one sheet glad to go back and get another one you went back and stole another one for sure how would you say how do you steal it are you putting like you just idea what I was okay I just you just need to walk down dude yeah like honestly back when I was a younger kid it wasn't like it is now yeah yeah I remember when we be kids I'd like to throw chainsaws over the fences and like walk away like wait I didn't do anything and then not even get caught there's a run out and grab a chainsaw and take off running a [ __ ] oh yeah like do it VCRs like wouldn't break Wow change that won't break right now I'll do it your tools could be out of yard where the art business McConaughey but just being like a bold thief was the worst I think how did you put the grip tape on glue I mean though the sandpaper I glued it on yeah yeah it was Remo hell no it was some wood it was a it was like a wood glue yeah okay and then I just did Ralph and I wiped it down and made it you know like tacky sighs and then tacked it and let razor blade it it always in wait what I didn't have razor blade but I use a knife cut it oh okay yeah and they tell you nobody knew and I had the three lines to saw so it's kind of like a world grip only needs a print pitchfork now that no one else had that a I'd saw a group people were two people actually kind of jealous of it wow I don't know if they were jealous I just felt like you just felt yeah yeah right well you went from the dopest sprocket to the dopest board pretty much mmm the grip tape come off at any point it did start okay yeah oh yeah it like it didn't hold up at all right now yeah next and it was just a like a black image on my board it was no it's not that any wars is where were you skating up there a driveway driveway okay the schools okay um definitely the school is in behind the grocery store yeah oh yeah grocery stores with you know they have loading docks sure alleged scape that was all the time there was some places that would let us put ramps in like there was this one place for instance holiday skate still there it's red but it's a skating rink and the skating rink just wasn't doing doing good anymore they let us have it to set ran slit ramps up oh so you know crew oh do we been doing this when in your mind did you start noticing like you were getting good was there a point in time we like do that can maybe get sponsored I could kind of go that I can I think I was always trying to get sponsored always up there I was always up there pharmacy just in their head you know just talking to a man and I'd see the dudes that did ride for pharmacy and like hey how'd you guys do it and they were all cool with me and they by gonna go skate and I'd go skate with them okay rad dudes you know yeah I was like influenced like I said I've just been influenced my whole life sure guys and it was just persistent you know constantly going up there and Dan Bryan's always here you know he had to actually you know but it was a fight you know I remember trying to get on pharmacy and they would say yeah you're not good enough or like keep skating were you filming and showing them videos or you just kind of taken him outside no first just kind of what do I got to do right come out where check me out sure yeah eventually I started filming stuff and then when they started bringing me out and that was when they said hey well mainly what it was I think actually is castle contest that's when it you were a castle kid ya know that for sure okay how would how would you do good I mean the best I did actually though it was like third place it's not bad I mean I would watch her and everything back then you know like it's the same stuff you know like dude Schechter would rip those car Oh yeah uh but yeah I've it's 70 I would skate the 14 upper-division or so okay I'm gonna brought my castle card I still got that you got the cat you get your castle sorry got my castle card that's amazing how often do they have those contests a lot they were like once a month or like feel like it was more than that maybe it was once a month not sure but because they would have him all over it was like a whole circuit yeah all over California San Diego Hammet they even had one in the desert one time in Victorville or Spurrier Oh dope yeah how'd you doing that one home town it was home down that was I got third place in that one though my buddy Sean Rooney he was a local at the time and he was just worked it yeah so it was either him or Andy Landry can't remember but it was it was like Foley one two or three all locals that's okay so you got on pharmacy obviously finally got on pharmacy what about Baker because Baker was kind of like your fur I know you said earlier before the show that you were flowed by world yeah yeah how did how did that come about just getting hooked up I think that a Carter was the main person who started hooking up and then that ended up getting into like Dennis blue helped me out okay and then it ended up going to Rodney helped me out and these were just guys that were in the company that did recognize something in me but the company wasn't really seen anything so they were doing whatever they could to kind of support me just giving you board yeah and I think Donny would kind of tell them my situation like hey this kid doesn't really have much money you know he can't afford skating much but he's a pretty good skater I think he'd give me some kudos to kind of let them you know oh wow maybe we should hook this kid up you know I'm a first-world box was just insane I was flipping out what was it it was like five decks and then like three t-shirts and home life and I was losing it oh boy no like five boards are you kidding me that's insane and I've never had five boards in my life they gave you more than they gave me that's a lot of words my first world but when I was flowed by world they gave me like three boards he a set of wheels no my pack so I love I love world for doing that for me you know I especially you know those guys that I mentioned you yeah Dennis and we talked about wait till I talk to Rodney were you watching it but drive us later Ronnie kind of like helped me you know he was after the Carter and they okay it's like I was literally getting buying that your night time well Rajamouli you talking about no I'm Johnson Ronnie Johnny Johnson yeah yeah oh yeah I should probably specify a my back like that hold man can you imagine what he sent me three boards but obviously I was going to hook I was talking the wrong Rodney I feel like because money doesn't get like hawk shoes and exactly yeah hmm this is like 10 years later after when Chris probably got boards Lesley Tulley they were skin lavas this is one world left window oh like 98 right okay 99 maybe mm-hmm did you were you watching skate videos back then already and kind of like knowing what was going on boys the first video you saw Ronnie moment birthday one song oh that's a good one yeah I love that oh so you were hyped on world yeah that old camp was killing it same with day one song right now have you ever heard that stupid come on oh just give me moving bet yeah for everybody has that song leaky or he ordered that song when he opens them apart the ledge spot we're [ __ ] yeah thank you clip 5 oh yeah god what a great video to watch the first video I mean day one song he's still a [ __ ] and how is he so good dude a trip on that guy I feel like he's doing karate and skating at the same time seriously and then having the loosest trucks of yeah yeah ever so what happened with world well it was good I was uh I was skating with I'd skate with Chris Cole baggy pants Ursula Monica mmm Chad Fernandez oh whoa Jason Jason was filming us just saying that's right he did work for them he got he actually got me one of my first tricks and it was in a non video first video you were in was own video I think like published big sure yeah right was that when they had like the in like the kind of the montage section yeah dope yeah exactly the seasonal open yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was I'm not sure it would then I'm not sure what it was but that I think and that or maybe even my time in a thrash her video hmm I should take that mmm not sure what my first like published either one thrash around pretty good yeah how old were you and this was going on 13 yeah little dude Wow and you were up in the desert and then coming down to skate with it yeah yeah I'd get rides out there and and I just hope people like man I got this really good gig going on right now out there and I believe I had a lot of people on my side like Donny and you know from pharmacy okay help me out right where was pharmacy was it up and it's always been in miss Perry oh okay rust the first shop was miss Perry gotcha okay I always I consider them like a Vegas yeah we're all over now we got a lot now those were all people everyone who started a pharmacy is all somebody who's we've grown up with just kind of you know a lot of those guys just love that type of life now they look at it like I could probably work in a skate shop rest of my life I probably own one one day no fun yeah cruisin have a blast cuz you own oh go ahead you go cuz you own pharmacy I started the Hollywood yeah yeah okay at that time I was living right there where the shop is and I was and Dom would hook us up from Brooklyn project we have product all the time sometimes he wouldn't have stuff that we would need em hmm wouldn't have grip tape or something which wasn't you no big deal but I just like we should start up a raw you know skate shop how does that work though if the pharmacy art existed do you talk to them that I mean own on is the main owner of gotcha I talked to him about it's like a franchise yeah yeah without a family franchise a stove and that's pretty much everyone that's part of it it's like family no that's rad yeah Wow how many pharmacies are there now do you know seven or eight it's pretty good yeah they're all precise job is really good yeah and plus do we get to you know Enzo sponsored Enzo that's you know Wow yeah uh just I know we get to bring kids out that's that's what pharmacies been doing forever if you really think about it you know and I just I really I I like that about pharmacy okay Oh going back to the world camp you were skating with all those guys and then what it just really never panned out or no I filmed I filmed I filmed a video like I filmed as much as I could sure you know and I gave it to them as you know I thought I was ready so I gave it to that went to the trade show this is this a trade show ASR a 2001 I believe or 2000 I believe okay and yeah we went there and I gave him I walked into world and seen them gave him the video and went back couple hours later was like hey what do they think you know they in their psyche dude I don't know like just keep doing to keep skating like they'll keep hooking you up but like I don't know if they're gonna do anything you know okay so which I was still cool with I was like man you know I worked hard on that sure but I was still stuck there in Guinea bored so I wasn't it tripping keep walking keep keep going yeah yeah yeah but the crazy thing was though is that right after that had happened I had ran into Terry and Evan at the same trade show and I wasn't trying to give in my video right but they were there you know as well just you know I know these guys hey Terry what's up you know I started talking to him and like to somebody I remember I was trying to get sponsored by Ezekiel hmm and the DVDs are because they're VHS yeah big-ass [ __ ] be agency like it trying to get sponsored by the most random companies I've ever seen and it's got the whole sponsor list like who I was trying had it yeah zucchini I'm gonna go to ASR I'm gonna walk in these boots and I'm gonna like hand in my taser and you know how you had to do it back then it doesn't happen anymore people don't do that [ __ ] link so you give the tape to Carrie Terry yep gave the tape to Terry and he's like all don't worry I got you you know I'm gonna hook you up and give your video two lanes and get you on the firm and he was already home Baker he's already on Baker yeah he didn't even want to give it to the Andrew I don't think he was even you know I think he was just I could probably get that better than Baker he's asleep I was you know maybe like I don't know he just was thinking maybe he could fish that pond okay my firm was part of blitz at one point right yeah the same was all in the same room yeah yeah gotcha it was easy to County connect that yeah you had your eye on the Baker will you I love Baker okay absolutely a huge fan of 2g just probably know how bright he came out I mean yeah totally huge fan of Baker okay and he says a fir yeah you're still stoked on the firm right oh yeah you can yeah firm was sick okay so for him to mention that I was all for it you know yeah or it cuz sometimes people have their heart set on something you know what I mean it's like yeah it's right now a world like yeah but what was said obviously not he's giving us a tape to Terry debuts that's true even when I saw him as a kid you you looked like you dressed like Reynolds when you're can I was a huge man I was like Cory that kid's gonna be on Baker he's just gonna be on Baker and there you go I guess it all worked out the vitória ended up not giving it to obviously didn't give it to Lance right you know I like my probably if you see the stories but like never seen it before you talk about so anyways he yeah we're at the tradeshow and there's this loop of Baker doogee playing when they're you know from promoting at being a new company and not even boards out yet so ammonia being this new company I'm obviously a huge fan and they're super psyched and they pop this tape in this whole thing you know yeah and because drew seeing the tape in his pocket is like oh what's that tape let me get that and yeah tears like artist this little home you want you know skater I know you know Terry and Andrew said all right let's check it out and you're standing right there why was for a second then I took off like I'm not about to watch my favorite skater criticize my party and just be in tears seriously I'm I couldn't even imagine well my friend Kanaan she was there and she was a skater I don't know if you guys know she was ripped the vancouver contest but canal was there and she ran back after me a couple minutes later I was like you gotta come back they liked your video part Oh seems like no way there's no way I can't go there because if they say anything I don't know and she's like no they like your part you got to come back so I walked back over there and sure enough they were watching it for a second time Wow yeah I like rewound it waited yeah and famous slices I back lift will shorten and he's like little Dube over the back here's go crazy like Jim is this hyped right now I don't even know what to think you must have been just on cloud nine I was on cloud nine ever and my friend started telling me hey man they're wasted they're drunk they're black dollar and I'm gonna remember this oh hey whatever don't get too psyched you know they're not gonna remember you tomorrow but they didn't remember you tomorrow they gave me their number and they were chilling in the hotel room and everything like they kicked it that night and mm-hmm I just felt like like good I mean think this dude's you know kind of our homey now Drew's cruisin with us you know he's like her Andrews our friend but he was pretty drunk okay there's some footage of me in that in that video once it came out for a pharmacy video where I was like please I come on punch me in the face and I just this little kid like a punch my favorites right right yes so what happened they did they put you on flow or oh no the other trippy trippy thing about this was that they were I don't know if they did really remember but this is a crazy story so I end up talking to Andrew I called Andrew I said hey you know what's up I want to skate with you guys mm-hmm he just told me you know what's the situation don't live in the desert he said here here's my address if you ever want to make it out here you could stay at my house and we'll go skate oh whoa yeah so I was like brother that's really crazy so I waited about a week and it was a Friday and there was some girls that worked at the shop who were gonna go out in clubbing you know the other thing la Hollywood yeah totally yeah they wanted to leave with I didn't realize clubbing doesn't start till like 11 or 12 you know I mean so I ended up having them getting me out of there early and I get dropped off around eight thirty nine ish in front of this because they were like hey you're you sure that was like look I got this address it's my friend Andrew you didn't even call him before and let him know no mustard I told him oh you did I was like hey if I can get her out this weekend I'll be out there for gacho so yeah definitely no cell phones and my shirt you just yeah yeah I was like freaking walking in the gas station so I call him up Tomasz gonna make it out there and then these girls you know hey yeah cool we'll give you a ride whatever as long as you have somewhere to go okay and I had this address and you know I was like yeah it was waiting for me he's here he's waiting for ya yeah yeah so they bring me out there and they drop me off at this house and I'm like all psyched I got [ __ ] here's his house and wears a apartment I walk up and here's the number and I Maddie do you dial the number and it's like Hello I was all hey what's up is Andrew there and he's like the person on intercom goes nope it's not here click okay oh my gosh [ __ ] I don't know if that was the right way to go about it you just hung up on me yeah Oh buzz back up there you know he's like a whole like hey I don't know who this is but like this is Brian and I'm here to me Andrew I've came from the desert you know you guys and I told you Andrews not here click print and I was Oh God is getting real bad and I can't get in the clubs to write young you have nowhere to go yeah I'm there Yeah right yeah these chicks read the club they did give me their number they said hey if you have any okay they had cell phones like hey if anything happens you can calm it and go Nokia and I'll join you know that cool you know they had your back totally they had my back they're probably just into the club playing snake anyway anyways I was really tempted to call them at this point cuz I it was getting a little late it was not was me there for about an hour and I was like you know la is Hollywood I was right behind right off Sunset Boulevard right behind that 7-eleven they were living there knows and I just kept seeing all this [ __ ] I was like man I did not know that Hollywood's like this crazy yeah I'm a little kid and I was 14 years old he knows I'm just look good and and I finally did the third time called up there and you know and and at this point I'd recognize that now it's Jim that's answering this you know I was like hey you're like back lip but Hollywood Jim it's me Brian like I met you at the trade show he's like yeah dude I mean I don't know like you know Andrews not here man like I don't know what's going on I don't know how it was like working out like that but I was trying to tell him I'm downstairs I need to come up right yeah you know and it just wasn't happening so I was right there about to call those those people back yeah the girls back but then I straight seen of my favorite skater pulling up it is Cadillac to find his garage door opener and I was like Reynolds Reynolds right there that's him Wow that's Reynolds so I and I remember waiting patiently as okay he's probably parking his car I mean maybe he's getting more out of his trunk right now maybe he got some you know right maybe he's changing in his chiller shoes oh he's walking up the stairs right now and done and I was waiting that perfect time like he's there I called that guy and he answered oh wow and I was like Andrew it's me Brian he's like oh yeah come on up to breed and like buzz me up all fast I'm like wow this is amazing I like waited that whole thought I'll just real quick boom we got buzzed up and then the funny thing is like get up there and I'm all I'm a super psyched I get up there and I walk in the door and I look the intercoms right here and I I look right down at the door right where the intercom is this big massive box that says Brian Herman yeah thanks Jim did you sure I mentioned my last name I did say Brian yeah you didn't you must not I just put the two together or whatever it's just probably all one I think man angels got a lot of people coming by for him at night yeah but I mean the fact that he had a box waiting for you it was wow how many boards are in that box 10 10 right there dude these are all mine everyone he's like yeah all them they're all yours go for it like these are all mine no way ten of them yeah [ __ ] right so is that Andrew texting yeah perfect world no honestly the crazy thing was about wars I didn't have to quit yeah you were being getting hooked up from the home you just hold him back yeah they had my back you know I mean and they're like look as long as we're part of this [ __ ] will make you make sure you got you got stuff you know got a board in your feet okay so when it came down to I didn't have to call really nobody else I hated I got this and they were like are you kidding me you're you're killing dude that's where you should be yeah yeah so they were happy for they were happy for me yes I don't think world even knew I rode for them right you know no I mean yeah I give them a lot of credibility but like whoa cool we blew it [ __ ] yeah so now you're in Reynolds's apartment you got this box of ten boards are you are you now wondering like well okay what's a my on the team do I have to film am I do I need I'm off flow like what's going through your mind well I was going through my mind at that point I just be the computer's looking around I've seen like Shane Shane hey Shane's got his a red dreadlock up on the wall yeah yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] is that what is that I gotta change dreadlock all right [ __ ] that I've been seen in videos right over I'm like man seen it all like all right here in my face you know but Wow I was excited yeah I imagine uh like real kid beside u prime time Baker right there - oh yeah prime time bakery right story mail you can plus Reynolds being my favorite skater and the fact that he was treating me like you know a regular regular dude yeah like a homie oh yeah well life is not what I thought it was so what happens after this point you go skating with him yeah starts game of Eagle right away beagle yeah beagle right away okay he uh he was there hanging out and he said yeah we want to ski and first trick I got was a 501 10 rail at the San Vicente it was a dust in this video part in Transworld it's the same Vicente well they're San Vicente 12 yeah yeah yeah is it the gate the gate 12 oh yeah well the bricks but is it breaks you you gland into the bricks yeah yeah no no that's brick down no no no no no no the wall afterward right oh my bad twelve ten twelve atop redondo I remember there being a rail there though there's a rail on that ten okay not on the twelve super steep and I that's when I really started tripping out on spots in LA cuz that's how I thought all the spots where I went to that Rio I don't have ever seen it but that rail was really low mmm steep though right really steer but really low mm-hmm Wow la is rad they call these little rails everywhere the beagle filmed filmed it eagle filmed it yeah that's pretty sick I was just like from there on out and vehicle and I skated like crazy you're trying to get on the team that's basically what it is you're down here trying to get on filming with Beauty much yeah I think where it mainly where I got on was that I was filming beagle for a long time and I started shooting photos I had shot a photo that front blown on the nine and he's like doing crazy stuff or whatever okay and I had filmed a lot with beagle over like a month period and I'd say maybe two month period me say that gotcha and then I got arrested for trespassing and vandalism in a at a church in Orange County with beagle when I was the fourteen-year-old kid yeah and I think that kind of made drew and then Morse like not more psyched on me but I think they're like oh what our new our new guy you know what I mean guys locked up like what and they were like coming down there and trying to see me and stuff and since they weren't part of my family I know you can't you know we can't let you visit it oh wow like they were oh you were really locked up I have 90 days 90 days year-old yes ma'am I'm a 15th birthday in there were you skating or you Vinny I I mean I was in there because I was charged at that age mm-hmm with trespassing and vandalism and the fact that I was in a different city than my than where I lived at and my mom wasn't present they looked at me like I was the worst kid on the plane really yeah and then the first and and yeah it was it was weird they I basically got stuck in the system mm you know it's what it was and it was hard to get I will give you a court date but the court date is minor yeah I was I was in there no matter what two weeks I mean you were sure for sure for sure but you ended up 90 days but I ended at 90 days because each court date I would go there that first it was this is what it was I didn't know that that lady that this lady that I'm talking to is like this lady that represents me okay so when I first seen I was like hey what's going on why the [ __ ] am I in here and she's like whoa are you kidding me whoa excuse me and I was like what I'm like why the hell my nurse is like no you all this profanity and all this cuss words like you you obviously have like if she was going on oh yeah really I'm like oh [ __ ] like this Liz [ __ ] crap Mike what the hell so every time I seen her I was so mad and then finally my my staff and the people who were like cool with me after a while we're like dude that lady is who's keeping you in here yeah and I was like why what's going on I like dude that lady it doesn't matter if she doesn't like you or your mom she could do whatever the [ __ ] she wants to Wow and that's where I was like aha [ __ ] I'm kind of blowing it yeah so I started me all nice to her and I thought she knew should I go you're just playing this dang it all right whatever and I did it forever man and I ended up not getting away from her my mom found a different person that like came in and stole me from that Lake oh wow look like this:the this social worker for your son she's gnarly like she's keeping you're like you're just like your son can get out to date if I came in and got him yeah and one was like we'll do whatever you gotta do what a [ __ ] ordeal yeah I was [ __ ] geez and after that I keep her job absolutely not I was getting it was like 120 bucks a day for me being in there that's how much they were getting paid they gotcha you know and it was good money there was a lot of us in there to make good money you'll get messed with it all on that you get sorry funny story together trip out of this okay so and I'll forever love knocks for this one so it's knocks knocks was tryna trick King with more in the six rail had it Foley had it just get smoked like seriously just got smoked capable the board goes to primo you like the board like glands in his back like full I'm like oh [ __ ] knocks just got smoked right cops pull up right after you get smoked all this stuff goes down knocks and I get arrested and it told me go to go home because he was over 18 and then this is the thing is the cop was kind of whatever trying to be cool at first is like I'm just going to teach these little guys a lesson right and you know so he's trying to be you know strict and tough and teach us a lesson but he didn't know my situation he didn't know that I was actually out here from the desert okay and if he thought my mom probably lived you know wherever pretty close by you know sure yeah so I'll but I was staying with Knox I'd stay with Knox a lot you know I wouldn't be able to stay with Andrew all the time because I'd be partying doing their thing so I'd stay with Knox down down in a [ __ ] where was that Long Beach okay and which was rad and I'd be out there and we get arrested from this from the cop we get into the station and he's like all right car yup call your parents and I'm like [ __ ] my mom's definitely not gonna answer the phone I knew my mom wasn't gonna answer the phone for sure hmm because we were living at someone else's house at that time and I was like even if these people enhance the house you know it was like I don't think it's gonna work so I tried anyways knocks knocks was able to call his dad he calls his dad his dad comes down there picks him up and at this point the cop was telling me like hey you know if you can't get a hold her mom and your mom's not here within the next hour like I'm gonna have to detain you and keep you in the system your thumb you know will put you into the system you know Wow and I was like well I started kind of just already being like [ __ ] man I'm screwed you know yeah so when Knox's dad gets there he goes all right come on knocks come on Bryan let's go and the cop goes oh no Bryan's not going with you he can't go with you he's gonna stay here till his mom gets here right and knocks his dad knew my situation I'd already talked to him and knocks his dad just laughed he was like better run I was like oh [ __ ] what do I do it he's like he's like that's literally what you said he's like huh you better run Wow like straight up and I just looked I was like oh [ __ ] I better run better I went to run the cop grabbed me and was like no like knocks get out of here and like and he's like hey sorry Bryan tried to help and I was locked in the system 90 days like my last day but that not happening was listening to Knox's dad and just right and running you know this fast as I possibly could Wow so you get out 90 days later got out you go back home or do you go back to Knox's or Reynolds actually when I got transferred to that new caseworker okay which was a great great situation like basically where I was in Orange County they didn't have a facility like that in San Bernardino gotcha so by the time I got to San Bernardino it was 1 1 or 2 options they're like look you're either gonna have to go into juvenile hall or I could probably pull some strings and get you to go to a foster home and I was like [ __ ] dude I was like are you kidding I was like I am NOT going to juvenile hall straight-up was like that's [ __ ] that's I mean if that's the option am I gonna go to somebody's house or into a juvenile hall you don't even I was like yeah let's go to this this semester you good you have a family I have a yeah but this was this was strings being you know like lien let me up hold and you know and this was the lady was looking out after me like look you go to a place where there's a bunch of criminals you're not even a criminal in my eyes she's like these people are you know are pretty heavy you know they got some some charges you know do you want to go back to that or do you want me to try to get you into a foster home I was like straight up get me no foster not so I got the I was an option I was like wow yours they ever get a whole iam I had no options yeah my mom was there eventually like coppa days after I got locked up you know I eventually got ahold of her yeah but she couldn't do anything about it because I'm a underage and I had social workers so I was instantly in the system once in the system she's fighting the system now - yeah so you go to a foster went to foster own great people Danny Tracey all them they were awesome freaking you know I love the little kids okay you know Randy sued Jacob Jackson I haven't seen him in a really long time but I'll never forget him yeah I mean it was and like this is this is how they treated me they were there go Oh miss sucks to hear what happened to you there's quads over here if you want to go ride quads tomorrow there's horses and all this I'm like what I got a cereal in the cupboard of help yourself I'm just like what we're never leaving here they were at they allowed me to talk to Andrews like hey I got this guy that like you know I'm starting to skate and they're like yeah you're skateboarder here call Andrew whatever you want to do and they let they let him send me a box of boards there no way help let me see there are the nicest people I've ever met dude how long did you stay with them I was there for two weeks so that's how long my court date to come up gotcha so is that day two weeks are you confined to the Kirk can you go out and skate or do you have to say that well they were let I was at the house mostly but they were letting me go with my family to go to the fair and stuff you know like they didn't they they knew I wasn't a bad yeah I like this kid even know ya be back he knows old I know exactly but but the thing was they were taking care of people they were probably my age they were probably pretty bad you know whatever turn a light [ __ ] on fire who knows what up yeah you know I mean I don't know but they were good people I think that they they you know just let me do what I wanted to do and I was so hyped on that you know sounds great they took care of me my real so court date comes what happens court date comes it was so fast I stood there court date comes but me like a schlub back home - horn honking all right see you later I was like what that's it that's it no like yeah you're my mom right now that quick [ __ ] you just spend 90 days and then two weeks at these people's house for for the five minute court resolutely that's I walked in there and walked out I don't even think I was in there for a minute Wow what no that's horrible no it's crazy right now our system as well so I threw that I think Drew was like man we gotta get her a guy back you know okay like just went through all this [ __ ] you know took one for the team one for the team yeah they're trying to film for this video you know and he just had my back hard after that he's just like you know he's ready to go know did you know that they were filming for Baker 3 no it was early this is okay Gary early wait after after Baker 2g comes out how long after Baker 2g came out in 2000 the video that came out after that that I was in was Baker 2000 or I'm sorry Baker's to summer tour 2001 okay and then we didn't come out with another video trip that was a trip yeah we did a trip it was so random that trip was sick there was a zero trip going on at the same time as a baker trip and they were coming this way through the US and we were coming this way through the us and we just swooped train wreck off that trip he was ripping the demos to that killing him so hard yeah freaking uh but yeah that was our that was that trip okay a video and then and then I think that this is skateboarding was our was like our video we were filming for through that time till 2003 year I think it came out mm okay yeah not only Baker but America well Andrew hooked that up sure because I was getting shoes from circa oh you were in them right yeah no let's see I took wood I'll pick whatever that I took whatever I can get seriously you know I'm not picky about anything I came from it was like dude if you want a skate you got it you got to make it happen like you got to figure this out you know I mean no matter what good sandpaper on your board totally yeah whoever I had sure get there so so super hyped on circa especially Moscow and all that you know god I got that hookup through like Mirko and I never met Mirko best dude see ya I hear there's a lot there like yo that and I'm like yeah he is the best dude cuz he didn't even have to meet me at my back yeah you still a veteran I'm still never met him right really never met me well that's amazing trippy right the closest I met him is I seen him on a Musk like day in the life video a long time ago like 10 years really that's a miracle it's like damn I was like that's as much as I know everything's great now I believe does he yeah that's a cool man shoutout I don't know that's incredible yep that's right good [ __ ] dude so at what point do you get on Baker and you get on America I think it was seriously right after when I was talking to Andrew in that foster home and you know he was uh he's like what are you doing for shoes I said I was like right now I'm getting stuff from surgeries like no you're not you're getting stuff America like really is like that's my favorite Matt was riding for America at that time Matt Allen okay so and I keep pointing like this because he's in the back yeah anyway is freaking uh so Matt Allen was riding for America and I just fanned out I go to his house and just like I loved it you know like I've he had mjz oh my god the Sampson's you know all that [ __ ] that I've always wanted to see our toe skate and all those shoes and I'm like man that's what I want to skate right there sure got the chance ski was skating like crazy Wow and he was goofy footed and I was regular so I'd always say hey can I get your old ones you would swap but then now I'm riding for America all together we started shooting we did add together no I mean yeah was I mean it just kind of clicked after that I think drew was like hey I got your back this how it's gonna go down we got we got a demo coming up soon mmm and the the demo kind of was like a reuniting of it like hey so you're gonna start skating I'm like yeah and I actually believed this was before the summer tour and so he's like hey we're going this summer tour what do you want to do okay and I said I really want to go he's like are you gonna be allowed to and I was like yeah we only have to finish this program out for another six more months and then we're good you know because it was a program between good behavior type programs just like approbation types yeah but it wasn't even more for me it was more for like my mom and stuff like that you know to make sure like she can handle being a good parent whatever which was nothing it was super easy you know we get through that and then just get out of trouble say that trouble yeah I was pretty much all it is I'm going to school with Matt at this time think we were in high school and which I went to like maybe three months of high school formulas maybe a high school and that that the tour was starting and so I was like yeah I'm going for sure I'm definitely going like no matter what right I went on that and when I came back I just never went back to school and I knew from there I think drew was like yeah this dude's part of it you know okay then we're [ __ ] me so there are you know like initiation thing they hated me though they're like me then they didn't hate me I shouldn't say that but they were like man is little [ __ ] just like God God drew all hyped anima [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] right like you're taking a little bit of their shot like yeah like yeah competition yeah yeah but they were the best to chill it they're the [ __ ] they're my boys you know what I mean so one of my favorite things about that tour that guys say though it was hilarious is that the Evan Knox and Terry were riding in Patrick's card we're he's driving in front of us is he's showing us how to get into town and we're just sitting there and we're just seeing CDs just flying just like what what's happening right now what's going on yeah and we get there in Patrick's like how did Terry threw out all my CDs Oh Mike that's a neighbor tortured people back there like crazy you know I mean everybody had the big CD books in their car for sure that's how you listen to music totally yeah that's great oh so Baker summer tour video yeah that was like through your first video pretty much we're in yeah pretty much the first video I was in yeah just so long yeah throw me in the van and we just got tricks wherever we went that's amazing every first tour - first towards you I got to see what it was really like it was a long one of the month long what was it really like she had been pretty eye-opening to see these drunks peace drunks were like thrive it was every night full-blown piss drunks for sure were you drinking at the no no I was down for that okay so you would just see all the antics and Absolut all there yeah I think I drank one night on that trip and it was I feel really bad because in the beginning of that video there's some footage of me wearing this belt that Ali gave to Andrew okay and Andrew had it and it was in the van and I convinced Andrew somehow to let me where I was I drew let me wear that Bell Ali gave you that thing sick he's like hell no no way no way in hell I'm let you wear that eventually I got a little anywhere I was like please I'm nothing's gonna happen to it and I freaking drank with Terry had like two beers and was gone zone like whoa what the heck like we were raging and [ __ ] lost his belt no how do you lose it you're wearing good I know I don't I don't know how it happened we were rushing to get out of the hotel we're getting kicked out the next day and because they want the maid walked in and seen all this party shirt on call the cops yeah gotta get out of there okay and we just took off as fast as we could what was it would you tell drew I didn't I didn't know what to tell him I was like sorry I mean I don't know and he he he told me to he's like I'm really I really won't take this nicely if you lose my belt oh [ __ ] he was a little more kinder than he explained you I've still till his day look for a belt for him to replace that I tried it one time and I was so close it was almost the exact same belt hmm I brought it to him didn't fit him oh yeah he's like I'll you tried no big deal yeah you tried man you tried I was still trying I still look for it everywhere I go all the thrift stores wherever it was special at the belt I don't know it was a no it was a leather like a normal belt but I had these like it was about the size of my pinky and there they were looped around the bell Oh like every metal looms yeah yeah so it had this it's I think it's a common design mm-hmm but I just so happened to be selling like handful I have man I found it in like gold and pink like you know we go there's the bill but it's pink you know shortly after that then this is skateboarding right yeah second oh do you know this is skating okay now did you feel any pressure or anything like filming for these videos or were you just out there skating doing your thing at first no no not pressure no I was a skating having a good time yeah it's much like they're just doing as much like an I remember a minor and man zuri calling me in to check my part out oh you know and they they were just kinda like hey it's already done you know I don't know if if you want to get something more so it wasn't like oh you got to get a you know hey we need a bit we need a banger for you yeah I mean that's great news to go in there and yeah it was a guy I got my I got my last trick like maybe mid skip mid filming you seriously yeah well I didn't think I was gonna do anything crazier than that so I mean it wasn't the 50-50 on the 19 yeah and that's in my hometown - so we've always been talking about that and it you know to me I was like I can't like everyone's gonna see I did the night they're gonna see it right of course as I had already had my last trick for a while Wow and then from there I was just filming and then by the time miner and man Zuri had called me in to work on my part they were just kind of like look here we had our we've kind of got it done already Wow Oh sick kasa they were just like you'll see it was that your first big that was our first big premiere than I'm so I was gonna say seeing yourself on the big screen there's got to be in the very back corner on top of the speaker you're right I was so scared everyone the team in the back everyone yeah I mean it's her but dude I was stuck in the corner like I don't want anything I don't even know I don't want anyone see I made it here now how was the reception that there were people cheering because that's the worst fear right you go to a premiere nobody's like crickets during your part or something like how I was remembering for people to it that that's right yeah any any and you know any any bit of them being psyched on me was a great feeling right Spanky was fairly new to that Spanky was new to I was amazing had that this song with the song and we were filming a lot with him during that time or were you guys yeah for sure house yeah we were all I mean he was it was like I was filming all he was filming lot we get together we come a lot together you know it was just a lot of filming at a time we were just kids with so much energy ridiculous yeah no no no we would just bug anyone who had a camera like Dario you got a camera let's go old school you got a camera oh let's go like anyone who had camera we just wanted to go out and skate with those guys yeah that was our style and you were still living up in a way down at this point at this point we started having I think like the America mansion and stuff and gotcha so I was able to kind of go out there and chill for a while hanging out yeah well I mean we had a room I was able to be I really liked that you know not paying any rent there hey come stay here and do edging yeah it was hard being stuck up there though oh wait no drop not being able to traffic I think even speaking he was saying that wasn't Spanky saying that there's like that you get down but I mean it's a trap it wasn't before the ubers and all that you know and taxis were just it was acting nice place to stay though I remember one time he asked me he comes in I don't know what happened I think maybe just said hey you should interact with the kids maybe a little worried but Heath comes in and we were hanging out much and he comes into the room was like hey what's up Herman I'm like how much were you doing he's like want to go to the movies together yeah right yeah I'm like sure let's go and and I have never know what to expect you know I know you got a cop car dollars at the time busy straight just hands me a helmet you say let's go like hop on the back of his bike within like [ __ ] alright we go to the movies like this is date night well GUI did you see god I can't remember no and I remember asking him I did you share popcorn I don't think we shared a pop no but I do remember asking one question I was like Heath how come you don't laugh at the funny parts he's like what I do laugh but just not out loud like you guys [ __ ] how was that filming with those with the big prospective in you're like a little kid doing your thing Ethan would go on his own missions Heath wouldn't Heath wouldn't necessarily be like we're gonna skate today you know he was always on his Amish night missions sure what about Reynolds with analyst yeah he would uh he would be the same type of way he'd said get a trick do his thing and then be like Spanky now were just out every day yeah you know you skate every spot based anywhere we go yeah at any moment just as much as we could those guys when they were out they were getting clips they're getting tricks so they can go back to doing their lifestyle right yeah speaking of lifestyle did you know that it'll party it's harder they were back then yeah I kind of did but I came from you know a lot of partying and a lot of seen a lot of drugs mess people's life of I just stayed away from that oh yeah yeah I seen drew going through a lot and it was hard it's hard to see that mm-hm I never tried to give any advice and not to do you know so I just stood back well what are you supposed to do you're a little kid like he's ripping he's doing you know what I mean like how are you there's nothing you can do it yeah see when he's you know you're a big fan of him you know I mean you're just kind of witnessing this happen and I'm so young at this point that I would just be ridiculous to try to step in that's who I'm saying yeah yeah little kids telling me to [ __ ] chill but he's trippin yeah and go to see another movie with Heath exactly so but it was it was it was harsh to see there was a there was a lot of things that were hard to see you're not gonna name him in specific but you know it was tough to see Andrew going through all that stuff bad he was taking it very nonchalantly to in those times he was just being drew you know yeah right but everybody around 2 was just I think everyone around widely known oh yeah I remember one time even Mumford came over loved to do was rad the other came over and you gets he finds some he called it goon he's like I found he's like oh you guys got going here and I was like what you find this [ __ ] you found a box of wine that who knows how long it's been there for sure the people who lived there before we were living in that mansion had that box of wine because he found it like way deep down yeah it finds this wine box of wine yeah he gets all the way up there he's like what the [ __ ] you guys gonna no alcohol and we're all the way up here on this mountain like we're gonna go you know it's been fired he's like you guys got some around here's a mansion you know they got somewhere there's a will there's a way absolutely finds this finds this goon and I don't know if it aged differently but those dudes were trying to swing off the freakin chandeliers at night just wiling out when it goes for a long time and we wake up in the morning I was like hey Eric where's Matt Eric's like I don't know somewhere around this [ __ ] [ __ ] you know and he ends I was like dude Matt's not here so he calls Matt calls Eric he's like hey dude what the [ __ ] happened last night like I woke up in my bed wasn't it didn't I stay at your house last night Yeah right blacked out drove from the mansion to San Diego oh whoa dude blacked out doesn't remember nothing and Eric and I just look each other like that dude from last night drove his car into me is someone with that right right yes I kid you how are you not dead to two and a half hour drive you should be no he called Eric tripping on himself like why am I here if you guys how did you guys how would I get home why do why am i home should-should didn't I go to your house last night wow I watched a lot that plays too but I'm sure to like it being a young kid like that and watching all the [ __ ] code it must turn you off to it a little bit too like you really you don't want to get involved I mean wasn't my cup of tea at the time I was there it was just listen to entertainment to me yeah because I could see how a kid could be you know want to get involved with that as well you know join the party I just wasn't know who of those guys yeah what they were doing is because they're cool this is Matt Mumford and Erik Ellington you're talking sure you know they could do whatever they want it's cool you know so it might meows is this little kid just watching cool people do cool stuff yeah incredibly so now they're gonna film for Baker 3 right I'm on the right track this is skateboarding Baker 3 yeah how long were you filming for Baker 3 how long did that take I don't know maybe like 3 years 3 years Wow a film for big it for any date for Baker for what's going on with that I mean it's I think it just gets pushed back sometimes because yeah people have parts they want to release now some people don't have much like me getting tricks is pretty few and far in between now so I mean I got a lot to film for with that video still - okay so yeah how do you do yeah how do you feel about those tricks right now good I'm sorry that kind of trick today right before I guy did you yeah I don't get back safe lips that much so I found a spot that I could do a backflip on oh yeah and what there is to this morning with beagle what spot oh how many stairs whatever retama just whisper okay the reason why I mean I don't skate there as much anymore I still do don't do much just because it makes it to where I can't skate for a couple weeks afterwards in C that's a bummer kind of sucks dude like I'd rather be able to skate when I want to then nah sometimes I won't even skate for two weeks but if I can't skate for two weeks I start getting weird two weeks is a long time a long time but it was cool to watch your skateboarding over time is that you were doing the bigger stuff when you're younger and then you brought onto the tables oh my god baby you know I mean you know that was because of a certain reason I broke my leg oshi and when I broke my leg that changed kind of a lot of my my you know I wasn't jumping at that time either I've once I broke my leg coming back from that was well what could I skate so I started skating a lot of the other [ __ ] a lot more the other [ __ ] and then I just kind of fell into filming more of that stuff towards the end and I did start filming bigger stuff once my leg got better I mean I have a freaking massive plate titanium plate in my leg with eight screws in it all all at different angles seriously yeah it's pretty know what to do why did you break your leg skating didn't bring my leg skating Ryan Miller sighs yeah okay that sucks I know we're response was pretty bummed yeah what is that Widow what what time frame like right after Baker three I'd say okay and that was did you turn pro around that time says Pro yeah you turn boat before that video right before the video came out see drew was telling me if I do a good enough video part for Baker three I might turn pro and that gave me a lot of that gave me a lot of like wow that's [ __ ] crazy that he even told me I was like [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you know I got to do this this is awesome and then he he was like before the video came out he's like yeah he already did it and I was like no way he's like yeah dude he's like then you have to wait for to come out and so super surprised me it crazy I did not think about it at all I didn't think one second that I was gonna turn pro cuz he had just told me sure once before that that you know it worker for ya that work hard for video comes out we're in trendy bro Wow so I was not expecting it at all did they surprise you with the boards in her eyes yeah that's cool we I was living in Palmdale at the time I drove drove out and brought a couple homies made up a skate spot I was this old and skate spot in Burbank where was a foundation spot and there used to be a gap there yeah droppin a gap there yeah and so I guess come see this last week sick you're gonna love it I was like [ __ ] no one skate with Rose sure get out there and we're all skating around everyone's skating and I see this board everyone's riding the same board yeah I tie member telling uh Eric I go Eric what's up with that hammer time board everyone's writing things dope he's all the what I was all the hammer time board and he's like it doesn't say hammer time dude he looked he's like look at it was like oh [ __ ] - the hammer time yeah I thought I said hammer time I was I wasn't that hammer time board he's like what but hammered I'm Court that's your name that's incredible I love surprises bro it's just a great story man you hate something I know what the hell are you talking about you said earlier I love it when other people get some you love hearing about it I love it oh it is yeah I don't like it what happens to me but I love it don't surprise you but I'll tell you about my surprise all day you could live off other people's surprises there Joe you know when you watch these other people get surprised like it just brings us like warmness to you you know Chris of the dude that watches like unboxings Oh what is there that's not much of a surprise I watched I watched a couple but no I just like it but it's cool to watch it's so good it's so great I love people work hard and so you're pro now in the video I hadn't even come out so I worked even though I was like wow well now that I'm pro I for sure have to have a good video poor not even you know so there was no question about it at that point right and then so I filmed as much as I could and it ain't have given me last part Wow [ __ ] honored has that oh yeah I'm the only last part I've ever had in a video yeah but truly I think I'm wrong beagle has last part in the Baker video beagle yeah he was much deserved though beagle absolutely you know you know for a long time people I always say like do you know who has the last part of Baker 2 G who know Dustin Dolan oh yeah that's right see don't really see I always think of Greco for some reason every always saying good cuz he was the major hit that bit you know Baxter huh so how often do we really remember the last part I don't know but it's nice to say you remember your favorite part Oh exactly like Brad hey we all remember the last part it's always nice to say though at the last part in the video I think that's good hot chocolate I always had second-to-last MJ beat me out but they just didn't know how to do we don't know what to do here we don't I'll give it to MJ you know he's pretty good you gave it to me and I said you know what and he needs it right now MJ needs last you should be saying I have everyone's favorite part MJ Kiwi switch flip manuals so it's the kind of works out it's true that's true yeah but get the keeps on giving that's right so breaking your leg though we get sounds gnarly plates screws all that [ __ ] it's got to be a mindfuck though to try to come back from that you know and be speeding on a day seven months in a cast didn't even walk for a year mostly what happened I was so anymore I've always wanted to have a motorcycle as a kid like that was so far out of our price range of having that over like oh there's no way I was ever gonna have a motorcycle it was be like a motorcycle from 30 years ago there's all with Cherie I would take that all day but I'm we had a Kawasaki 104 euros the 80s but it was nice okay so when I had some money and you know that I'd saved up they asked me like what do you want to buy first thing I went out positive bike I like Danny Way I was like you know watching these videos with Danny Way oh yeah but yeah that's who that's that way I am too so if I get that to that point right combining her biked it I went out and bought dirt bikes a bunch of them not just one no I was buying a lot of them I was even trying to like sponsor kids seriously is a you're a good rider do you want a bike generous dude I know my buddy was like of course I wanted like I went through this bike crazy I was call about dirt bikes I started jumping pretty big jumps my whole thing I'm not gonna go to my local track and not be able to do the whole track and race my friends and have a good time okay so I've learned fast I had already been such a fan of it my entire life mm-hmm I just thought I was instantly so good at riding bike and I feel like that kind of was my friends like hey you got some got some skills skills he started being recs for the kid that was being maxing out the kids I knew that awful Oh a bike you know cross jumps and how it felt when he'd run into walls surely you know so yeah that was all about it I mean maybe it was a joke but eventually we would go and rent these tracks out le CR we rented out we'd have it to ourself oh [ __ ] I had a lot of friends who were pretty good at racing they'd get into the you know go to the super crosses and they'd race I don't know if they'd ever make it in but they were they were pretty up there okay so a lot of a heavy influence there too you know right but they would rent the track out and they would get you know the whole track to themselves and we were riding our big bikes and there was one jump it was about a hundred foot it's like a little under it's like 92 or something like that but it was big and I really want there was I was like i want to jump that jump at by the end of the day so I had my mind really set on it like a tabletop was more like a room okay it was a tabletop almost the jumps there were big wall table too so it's pretty safe but still I was like I want to do that by the end of the day and then we were riding I didn't do it and the track got a little rough so we stepped off the track for a minute and they started to grade the track with the tractor to make it smooth again yeah and there are the cool you know this next time we go out when it tracks all smooth I'm gonna jump that job oh shoot yeah I'm like I'm gonna do that for sure and I was really nervous was like dude I got a pit that [ __ ] pin you know so I was pretty nervous we ended up taking our little pit bikes out on the track to just suss it up give a little you know let's go check the track out before we get out there in the big bags yeah so I just I wasn't me I didn't even care like I don't even think I put a helmet on do like that was just yeah let's go you know so I had shoes them took my boots off earlier just cruising we were just gonna go check the track out oh yeah so I went out there on my little ass pit bike and the little tires that they were and all the ruts we had been putting in the ground from turning the corners as I'm coming around this corner there's right before the whoops and I'm on my little bike so I was gonna try to just [ __ ] around and jump on him okay and as I'm coming around the corner my front wheel comes out of the up the rut yeah so I cross rutted you know I'm literally just turning wheel off no like though it fell out of the rut so when you cross road I sing the drag you know if both your wheels aren't in the rut you usually end up like kind of learn you know get squirrels like squirrely like a topsoil it's kind of loose okay it's like it's like this basically boom you get you end up high side and then you end up going like completely sideways you know like your back tire stuck in that rut but your front will go wherever okay so I got stucked at and it turned me completed sideways and all I basically did was go over the hill like I wasn't even really jumping gnarly I just went over the hill and as like as I got thrown off so sideways I had to put my foot down I came here on the corner came sideways came over the hill at the same time and like [ __ ] I gotta put my foot down so I was gonna take more did I and I just [ __ ] put my leg down dude it was like a kneecap in the middle of my leg instantly I was like it was swinging and oh I was so gnarly it was insane I'm not even kidding you it was like the Daniels dangle his kneecap Oh little in my leg and everyone's like what happened cuz I didn't fall so your legs snapped into that broke yeah what do you call the ambulance they have to there was an ambulance on site because where you rent out the tracks you have to insure and all that stuff so gotcha they were there in seconds that's good this was crazy too because uh it was you know like I said it was a kneecap in the middle my leg that thing was in two pieces you know both bones were it was compound fracture as well also that means them came out of the skinned him out of the skin yet oh my so go yeah pretty gnarly so I'm sitting there with a knee bent and then a leg bent and then the leg straight all the way up above the foot straight no heels basically rest against mine you broke like this part yep Jhin gnarliest shooter you could ever ask Oh Shin to the max yeah but crazy thing was is the doctor that the ambulance guy comes and they pick my leg up and then he starts kind of holding oh my god whatever he's holding straight my god [ __ ] takes the knife and start or the scissor starts cutting it as soon as he exposes it put get spray-tanned right in the face with blood yeah he just drops my leg oh this guy's not supposed to do that yeah I'm like what did you expect probably not that I'm saying bro he might I had a lot I had a lot of adrenaline going and it was like every time my heart beat it was like whoa anyway stop and oh I never drift it's eventually filled out but you pass out yeah no how's that ah some people pass out because of the pain and the whole thing your body shuts off you know I was like screaming my buddy's like you're smoking I was like dude I feel like I could have passed out watching that I know yeah and I remember lecture like that the whole ride I didn't have I didn't have any pain killer like more for you to remember until I got to the hospital but I was pretty chilled by the time I got in the ambulance I remember a couple things I was freaking out on a couple bumps or whatever but oh yeah bad so I mean they have to rely on your leg they have to do surgery probably right away right away I looked at it for a solid eight hours take cert like you have to wait to all your food water is out of your system right they kept me around for a while before they but I went in real late at night I remember I was so tired so seven months in a cast yeah you couldn't walk for what I mean he's had 18 staples of my to close the wound oh my god and then so I had that screen that white are that opened at a cast they had an open face so I could take care of the wound oh I'd rub iodine all over it all the time and it was crazy it was really hard to take care of that I was that was tough part alone and if I would stand if I wouldn't have my foot elevated n't have my leg elevated it was so swollen that ii out elevated this was the hardest thing about taking going the bathroom like you know taking shits and everything mm-hmm good it would start to like blood would start rushing there's so much it would just anyone pulsate they would rip open the staples and bleed everywhere no way yeah just all over the place and I have cleaned it up again and I would you know it's I'd to go lay down I was laying down a lock know these and Mike white and Matt Allen they were living me at the time you know and they see me go through hell but you know that's [ __ ] totally yeah but I had a cast for seven months and by the time Mike hat I was about seven months deep I was doing hard flip phone on flat ground with the cab with it with the gas yeah in my on my carpet okay at least you were practicing how long did it take you to get back into it took a while because it took a long time like I said before it's kind of one of those injuries that you might even be scared to yeah do [ __ ] on B Turner is a huge inspiration on that very good Turner yeah yeah he broke both of his legs when yelling you know I he was just I had just heard about a story it was like dude if you know he's a huge inspiration I'm just gonna try to be having be Turner mentality there you go Wow how long before you actually like were actually comfortable out a year before I started skating even after the cast was off it was so weird he's like yeah we pulled the cast off yeah check it out see how it feels I hit what soon as I hit the floor I step back but could not handle [ __ ] bro your whole leg is like atrophy the whole muscles gone and all was going it was like this big yeah it still been really hard to build back that muscle because when yeah you trip out on this [ __ ] to when I had that that open area when I was taking care of that wound mm-hmm I went into the doctor he pulled the staples out he's like oh you're everything's clear we could put a full cast on you now and I was like cool right on I've been waiting to get a full cast anyway you know yeah puts this full cast on me and I had each cast for a month okay and I had seven different casts Wow and so each month I'd go there and get a new one and I went in there after he just my first full cast and I remember I was like you know at this point I was starting to itch a lot I'm like taking what the heck I didn't achieve much what I went in there and he pulled that cast off and my entire area where that 30 or that 18 Staples was was a field full of maggots oh by serious too full of like your skin being crawling maggot in your foot in my skin burrowed inside the nestling home could see the movie like thriving off my leg and I'm like that's that feeling I've been feeling for a while now that's it and he doesn't say a word he just turns around it opens up his cabinet grabs a wire brush like literally a wire brush and just yes start scraping and I'm like oh god I'm scraping a maggots [ __ ] skin scraping these maggots out of there like it's no big deal no big deal I've seen this before maggots couple maggots unless it wasn't infected it was magnetized I mean that's why they have to change these casts every month right there I mean the mold can grow in your [ __ ] like God happened was my wound wasn't fully healed it was in the cast and it opened back up all that weird moisture prior in there whatever I don't know where was going on fungus on bugs and sort of yep I always wonder how maggots just form don't mean like weird the [ __ ] you come from but where the Flies are in his cast anyway where the maggots come from where did they come from that's disgusting his [ __ ] though oh that's horrible I almost gave Kelly a heart attack it was real it was some real [ __ ] when I see now that [Music] that's that's your own body you seen moving [ __ ] maggots in your own body that's that's pretty burrowed inside that opened area - they weren't outside crawling around there like burrowed in that Vietnam I would've been I would been petrified the next cast they took off you know what I mean like I would have just been like wow you just bandaged my leg up and put another full cast on I was like dang this is scary you gonna put some hydrogen peroxide I was like you don't want to open this one on and beg take care everything must be a common thing like that one I got two weeks later he's like hey I'm gonna do did you should get a quicker yeah and it wasn't it wasn't bad as a little little weird a couple more brackets no more maggots I don't like those bugs maggots who needs him were they for every but hey when I when I finally got that cast off he told me you know jump down on the ground and when I hit the floor I felt like a tree broke great oh yeah that's it that's the scariest [ __ ] though you have this bro you just heal from this thing and now I'm scared too I was rebranded to almost go back in the cast go out go back to just being yeah safe safe I was like dude this thing is not working I didn't get like a boot or something like that to wear for a boot for a little bit and then he just a to jump on it and then no I just started doing a lot of exercises they were telling me because you a lot of ladies yeah doing a lot of calf exercises started doing a lot of that [ __ ] got real serious about that because the last time it's the most important part of after being injured yeah it was hard to build that leg up though because it didn't heal right the way that that infection went down you know it healed kind of you'll even see like pull this leg up so this muscle should actually be more over there no oh you're over this way you know it looks follow me it's not bad look really the truth is is this muscle had a hard time kind of like forming again like looks great though bro okay it's a little why teeny little white but I'm super white and super chicken leg not that thing did all like did some jumping yes you got more pop out of that you worked out so hard you started that's where yeah it's changing my skating of them to getting exercise in that way you know yeah oh yeah that I did all I feel like my best stuff after I broke my leg and that was after Baker 3 filming for Stay Gold and all the in-between yeah Baker has a death wish all those little things no shake John laughter but it sounds to me like you were kind of on a mission to after that yeah whole ordeal like I kind of had a lot to prove that yeah and you know why shouldn't being doesn't even really need to be known but like this is where I was going through so I I had a really good deal Justin just got me on Volkl mmm and I was like no I was really psyched wow this is amazing and then I got kicked off welcome the second I broke my leg they're like dude it's in your contract that if you get hurt they're gonna be longer than three months like it's just like they were like I'm sorry there's nothing I could do just a while no it was Dustin Dollin Oh Dustin Justin my bad yeah Dustin Dustin don't help me you know so and it happened fast so on and then I was off and they were actually gonna pay very good money so I was really bummed about yeah yeah did you have insurance it's time you broke your leg no that's a that's a only time I've ever had insurance is filming for America videos they always look they were so good that's dope no I just think I read where they charge up the app oh you gotta get that [ __ ] though bro you never know throw your appendix could burst or something you know what I mean like you never know what happened I mean it's it's probably important I I think it is you know you just never know I mean the right my whole paycheck would go to my freakin insurance so thank you you know you could probably afford it bro you got some investments and [ __ ] your I've invested in my money well we'll talk about your investments because that's super interesting but let's go let's still keep on the track of filming for stay gold and all that you were on a mission oh absolutely you were on a mission living across the street from guard gardener school you lived across from the garden off the street oh dude so you skating there every weekend and that's and you were filming the table [ __ ] and a lot of to know how you were killed tables bro is never serious about the premiere of like do Brian Herman [ __ ] up tape yeah yeah I think it was kind of unexpected just cuz maybe someone had we hadn't seen you around in a video part for a minute it was a while yeah but everything was so perfect yeah but it comes out because dude America dudes weren't really known for skating the tables at that price you know what I mean so it's kind of like a cool thing to see you am i encouraging you I was out skating lot with beagle mm-hmm getting table lines we also - we lived really close to the selma school when we lived by at the hollywood house okay so - two houses i was living at at their apartments i was living in at the time we're just gonna be right next to schools okay so schema beagle law and then minor was just said eight just keep doing it keep filming that you might have something pretty cool where we could do something with that a and minor knows what he's talking about audio look it was all like New Year's Day right yeah they won that mold my favorite lines yeah oh yeah no Rizzo full-blown fantasy line my dream line oh I was like beagle I've already done the switch from Yale and I did the nollie we were Hill right okay what if I did them back - ah you know line beautiful you got that do that take a while I was gonna have it it didn't take that long no no I think I did maybe it's maybe seven like decide to pile and maybe seven switch my heels didn't God you know well you had to switch from he'll nail I didn't know I know it was like seven out of maybe 5000 as you were saying but I only had to get to the nollie reveal about seven times gotcha what I want to say too is that the America guys they they skated tables but like maybe Reynolds or Heath would have a like do switch what manual table and sure but first you're the first dude to like just go in that was like some rodney mullen first day one song is tables yeah like all threes there is it all that down the shell yeah I grew up watching table skating so to me I was all about it I love that bro people fly around the world skate these tables here too it's pretty [ __ ] say anything about this totally yeah amen stay gold great part bro that was great love that damage that's why I'm excited to see his Baker for I want you to do a full part like HD foam part and I'm gonna try to film a full part yeah but I'm not gonna put out some full part if it doesn't look good okay you know I mean you she's like it's just gonna be done yeah I felt like that way on mate chapter 2 oh yeah I was almost there but I just wasn't really what I wanted you know and it worked to me I was like [ __ ] at least had something okay I'm just I just feel I just don't know it's like I'm pedaling fast no no if that's the case you know no dude it's just [ __ ] I don't know it's hard to to put something out that you feel like you could do better so if I just put out my best stuff I might not feel that way you know right it's like okay cool no I just did my best and put those out if I put out a part that I'm not if I think and not not only that drew or someone else like yeah it's alright it's like not it's not worth it you don't have that from drilling yes alright no say that word part you know I mean I just rather be in that thing dude you know I'm gonna have tricks I'm filming I'm getting that stuff done no matter what like there's no doubt about that but it comes down to qualify no product yeah exactly and it may not be sweet it's always good to short Suites always good go back to the tables bro or do ya man dude manuals you're good at manual I'm gonna be honest I did try to go back to the tables for made and smoke don't do a lot of tricks wow it's like [ __ ] I gotta give this [ __ ] up for low pay man the tables can be scary it was it was working me yeah yeah there was a couple always try to rely on the front crook like I was trying to like a front crook and all I flipped or something okay and I do anything where I slid on top and that one broke me off the most like it just straight to the my back and mmm-hmm go over it really quick after that they could be those things really like mine [ __ ] swings like go ahead and go ahead and [ __ ] around get comfortable with those things you know they're slick on top you you miss the grind I mean you [ __ ] up you get funky earful yeah you got my whole thing for a while was those just go fast I would just go really fly over yeah I'd go really fast and I remember by the time I was trying to get from cooking I was like well I can't do that I gotta have a lot of distance yeah it was bad God because I you know that hurt me I remember slim kind of heard my name always get scared that my foots gonna go in the the yeah that had happened to I don't think it ever happen to me so I gotta go fast so so don't bat yeah go fast you got any table tricks in mind anything oh you want to do over a baby do you happening I was filming the last table trick I was trying and I got sketchy mm-hmm it's capable back knows Baron nollie heel out Wow yeah that's a good one not in the lion though so I don't care [ __ ] great telly you can trick afterwards actually oh then the other one I was trying to get that I almost did which would have worked was a heartful back tail on a table in the line oh I had that I was like right I every time I went to the school I had it but just never came home with me you need to go move back across the street from Garcia I know I need to get an apartment across yeah garner again because you know what it's one of those things where you if you see if you're skating those things all the time it just becomes a second nature you know again what about like switch frontside flip manual - that's a great one twice Oh Tina line filming for that video both times I went there camera not out Yeah right this was filming from a chapter two went there with beagle tried the line did it first try well and then he's like let's get it tried it all day all day waiting is so [ __ ] up sometimes I said the same I went back on minor and did the same thing no the second time it was kind of sketchy but mine was like oh we got it it's good everyone out but it says it's those times where you're not even thinking about it you know and then the more you try the trick the more you try the line it gets in your head and you start they all I need to do this right is I need a first try I go so easy so easy is easy but I should never think that because that's what I get for thinking that's what you get the be okay now believe me I'm okay with taking that type of pain and it's like I got this speaking of video parts do you have a favorite one that you've done do you have a favorite like a favorite one that I've done yeah Baker has a death wish is probably one of my favorite season-low what do you think it just like that was more like that would that to me it was honest it was just fun dude okay and there what music do you want my gosh use this you know you in it and it just was it was me at the time I was partying a lot not doing my thing sick live in my life so I feel like I was the funnest woman and it was just footage I had you know I didn't film for that video either it was footage I had oh yeah I like that one the most okay gold I don't even know what's up here but stay gold for sure is my best like tricks I feel like I've done gotcha okay last time I seen that video you know that was what made me think man I should you know try to start filming these more more of these type of clips and you know things that I was really psyched on that video part and made me feel really good ekits but I still watch and it makes me feel good you know so do you watch could you go back and watch your video part no but I walk into skate shops and seeing up there like damn lot of times I gotta want to seem like I'm trying to watch my video but I haven't seen it in a while and like did I do good oh yeah drink your seed your favorite part is that the one you do the nosegrind you know fish down the Tollywood 12 oh yeah I should've done down at 16 but but what dude what's the information about how did you think we've been trying that no one was doing that [ __ ] no the point of that just something different I thought really think outside the box do something different that I don't even do was that scary though Briggs I'm it wasn't I don't know at the time I Hatchin down anyways I never been able to steal fishes either it's so weird I can't steal fish no for some reason on a rail UK it was supposed to be the 16 I just chickened out maybe dumb tricks on the 16 just fifty fifty fifty hmm we talked about pharmacy owner of the Hollywood shop you you like investing in stuff you're kind of a low-key businessman entrepreneur entrepreneur in a way I wouldn't necessarily say I like to invest into stuff I think it's more that I lived my life without money for a while that once I started getting it and kind of just was dumb that not dumb to have it but I just felt like I'd be dumb to spend it sure you know and so I was being and being around a lot of influential people like Donnie from pharmacy and Reynolds and all those people I had people looking out for me yeah you know so I just decided to regulate myself I think I made five hundred bucks for a year before I started spending money so it was seriously like a little less than a year so I had almost like five thousand bucks saved or you know five thousand bucks was saved pretty much by the time I was spendin money okay so I was like wow I'm doing pretty good I mean it's hard to save money I didn't spend a single dials like man living my I was living with Jeremy from pharmacy in Palmdale and he was leveling out his house for free you know he's like dude you've been living here for free last calm once anyways so you just find like the little cheeseburgers here that was already they were throwing barbecues every night at their house let me you know I wasn't having a hard time living people were looking out after me I was just being taken care of you know so when I started making that little five hundred bucks a month I just was told just try to ignore it you know you're alive is your life really that bad right now I can you not live life the way you have been living now and ice and I was able to like you know I've made perfect sense to me because I remember going to Jeremy and saying I do making this money now like what should I do with it he's like oh do you want to change your life like what was wrong with it before you started making the money you know like oh just don't act like it didn't happen act like it doesn't exist just keep doing what you were doing it's a good way to look at me sometimes you know if I wasn't watching it to be in that situation if you're trying to pay bills and [ __ ] obviously you can't do that you know holding 14 or 15 years old or whatever being 15 years old and and having that and the clothes travel and also it was kind of easy to do yeah you get per diem when you travel is everything's alright I was being taken care of yeah it's like fully being taken care of you know I took advantage of being taken care of and said hey I'm going to blow my money it's taking advantage of I think it's just your I was excited about that yeah yeah I was thankful for that literally for sure I mean what else have you got pharmacy you've done you were a saint Archer villager now oh it's the right there the Peace Hawk yeah oh wow got your hands in a lot of yeah I love that though you do get a child too we got ghetto child no charlie yeah I'm dude and lists or keep going I'm probably forgetting a bunch of what we got we got Harlan Oh a new beer and new beer can you beer company yeah Wow under Scout distribution okay Claxton we got a Claxton cellars is a wine company we do getting back into the fun cool stuff I need to hang out with you more often probably didn't on some of these deals what's up with the new this the new shoe brand oh yeah oh my god hrs there you go hrs is there yeah my bad there right there there yeah Ellington yeah so when things went south with America and I okay which was just in a more unfortunate situation I think that they were at a different crossroad in their life and so was I and I think that it just ended up being that way okay so that hard feelings no hard feelings I mean America took care of me my entire life everything I have is basically because of America so there was zero hard feelings there at all it was a part of it was mainly that you know there was a lot of obligations and I just didn't feel like I could come through and do those obligations and I think we just both agreed that were it was like our time to split okay you know God showed ya like there was deals where it was like hey this is what it's gonna take for you to be part of our team okay you know and I just didn't think I and I know all those years of them looking out for me I should have busted my ass to retire but it was really and I'm not gonna try to throw anyone under the bus but I would have ended up owing owing them a lot of money at the end of the year and then I didn't have okay so I didn't want to have to go through a lawsuit on just not trying to have to pay them money you know I was like it is like this is just gonna be too harsh yeah yeah I decided not to do it out of out of the best sake for everyone okay and then when I left I literally had no no sponsor I was just was like look I don't think it's gonna work I didn't think we're a deal was gonna happen mmm-hmm got you I seen Eric couple days later started telling about it and he's like dude I'm doing some really cool phone [ __ ] I know it's not really doesn't have anything to do with skating where we're making dope shoes you know oh whoa yeah he's just like if you wanna check it out and be part of it it'd be rad and I was like yeah I'd be really interested okay so we started hanging out and I seen a couple designs and thought they're rad and sample started coming out and they were my size and I started hanging out and I was like can I skate he's like woah if you don't I don't know if you sure they're shoes right but his idea is strictly to have freedom to do a shoe company right to do whatever we want and it's not necessarily a skate brain no it's not a skate brand not at all like for him when it comes to if I was to ask ya oh if I was asked Erik right now like hey make me a pair of skate shoes you buy cute Brian there's like a million skate shoe company yeah my parents like boys to send you a pair of skates you take up their own right deal because he's looking like this we're not in competition with skate brands with this shoe sure so for me to wear a skate shoe company anything to him it doesn't it doesn't interfere with what we're doing right that's the thing is we started getting a lot of [ __ ] where it's like you guys are skaters you should why can you not skate in the shoes and it was like no weed realistically we don't you know the shoes that I have I have a coke pairs of these I don't skate them I've wear dude you have shoe goo almost because I started because I started trying to prove a point that you could skating whatever the [ __ ] you want I see people skating these damn slip-on slippers and [ __ ] like you could skate in whatever you want to skate in dude these aren't skate shoes but you could skate and if it works it works it works it works you know it's awesome and yeah they are sooo good but you know there's only how are they for hard flips pretty good actually skate bro yeah it's got a nice pointy toe good oh this is about shoes in the future that we are coming out with our fully skateable oh yeah and I don't think Eric's point is to make this them skate shoes I think he's more looking at it like well no those are our tennis shoes or oh those from our hiking shoes you know those are our pool shoes you know he anything besides skateboarding because we're not it's just like dude we're just making shoes man yeah you know really are in skating I'm skating them if you want to go hiking in a Mike in them yeah you wanted night think well you know it's hard to tell with skate shoes new brands coming out if you pigeonhole yourself in just in skate world it's hard to grow yeah amen throw some Volks on there bro you'd be [ __ ] good see we do have this shoe in bulk but oh you do we do yeah and Eric's like yeah you know we make it it's cool but you know we make a lot of stuff and some of it a lot of it is just like I don't want to do that yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz you know these are expensive and when Eric goes in there and I go hey check this out is what we want this one want he's really on a no budget type thing he's like I want a really nice shoe I want it to be like this this is what I wanted to be badass right and he gets it I think $200 is reasonable for in this world yes it is in the world of you know shoes like that I mean instep shoes yes there's 800 thousand bucks a hundred thousand dollars no 800 to a thousand oh no for sure Buscemi he's doing some awesome stuff yeah would you entertain a shoe sponsor at this point like I said you know I don't want to be too crazy but it's just I don't know if I could come through I may go on a skate trip and skate one day and be like [ __ ] for the next the whole trip right and it's just like what who brought this dude I don't think anybody's saying that about you know you've proven your your spot you're sure but I I guess you're at a point maybe where you think you can I don't want to go out and look for that you know where am I gonna go I'm gonna be honest I don't like many brands I like America mmm I like vans you know I only like Vans they've been around forever I'm fairly even like vans they're like super corporate these days but mm I mean that's about it you know like oh yeah I do like some s you know like I really I am i'ma die no that's cool was I wrong for the [ __ ] America fade for sure sure yeah you know so it was like I that's why I started off saying it's just unfortunate I'm not there anymore but they should have done some like legend thing or you know I mean like you know they I mean people can't happen grandma's quick do it was fast you know my my contract was up I was like hey you know do you guys want to re-sign wasn't the knew and they said you know things are a little different I'm not sure if we want to resign okay and I was like okay well that's a pretty straight answer but I was really persistent about wanting a deal yeah I was like no dude like let's let's do something let's do something do something sure like just you're just gonna be like I don't know if we could do it we're not gonna do it yeah yeah yeah so it's pretty persistent about getting something out of them I think they were kind of trying to just let me know like look dude I don't think we're gonna be able to move forward putting John Dixon on for yeah they had other obligations so when my contract was over they didn't really truly want to sign a new deal and they made it clear but I forced them to give me something gotcha I was like no no no no no and like literally people were like taught like whoa I'm gonna go and try to pull some strings and get Herman a deal right and they did that mm-hmm but the deal was only it was like I said I didn't I would have ended up owing them a lot I didn't have you know and all court things that I would have had to pay for it was like [ __ ] it was just too much too much if I had I read the damn contract [ __ ] hour three times I read the contract three times and I had a lawyer read it too right so it's like everything I was thinking with the lawyer was like yeah you guys wear your head so do you want to do it or not and I was like I just don't think it'd be a smart idea and man get it in America they weren't losing anything they were just looking at it like dude we're sorry but we came to this point where week this was gonna happen it's a different world were living in right now dude like I know there's no I feel like after a while me being an asset I eventually became more of a liability for them you know you got skateboarding changing on you I'm dealing with injuries I'm not doing it you know it was just like look dude I probably could have gotten what happened happened yeah it worked for the it was fine they probably had a lot of new dudes coming on helping them getting paid which by makes them feel amazing they're brand new dudes in this game doing their thing hmm you know where America got me in my life I can't even they could have kicked me off years ago and I would still love them you know so they've brought in me and carried me you know what I mean they've took me under their wing sure so there is nothing more in the world that I respect in America for what they've done for me so it was just a mutual parting ways yeah and it was also a recognition of knowing that shit's just different it is you know it's crazy it's different so what am I gonna do am I gonna go out and fight to get a new shoe sponsor no I was like look I already have my I'm spread out so thin right now I'm already I got all these companies I'm part of I'm not going anywhere in skateboarding I'm still gonna escape for happy hour I'm still gonna skate for Baker all these companies that you know this is what I'm still doing I'm gonna skate as long as I can no matter what exactly it's like if you want to be back and you want you want to be part of me and you want to back me like that's amazing you know sure is I'm gonna skate until my [ __ ] legs fall off again I'll try to put them back together I mean do I have no choice because it's my life yeah that would be like giving up you know like I'm just not gonna talk to my mom ever again there you go like what why yeah the point like that's your mom you know yeah so I would just be dumb to get rid of it I mean I I think to you sometimes you reach a point in your career where you know you may lose a shoe sponsor or this or that you're like and whatever I'm not gonna go out and search for something else like I'm content right now I'm doing what I'm doing let's go I mean yeah Johnny now you got a job advanced yeah you know but it's just like I don't know I feel the same way you know it's like I'm not gonna go out and if chocolate said to me tomorrow hey man you know what I mean we're gonna take your board I'd be like cool man dude do your thing bro like I'm not I'm not you know why everything you've done for me like I'm not very gonna have to have a talk with you no Brian Mayon Herman kicks off chocolate I know goddamn it Rhonda here for nice conversations new board collabing with the 9 Club oh there you go there you go it's talking about ideas that's why we need a doctor idea ideas sacred 9 club your lab I don't run that company but I'm sure I can connect the dots for sure so investments are working out great for you obviously seen Archer was a big one now you just kind of put your money into I mean everybody was putting their money into this thing yeah kind of on a whim right like you didn't really you in investments are risky absolutely so but it worked out great bro well see I got kind of lucky with that yeah that's so true with disinvesting period mmm I saved up a lot of money throughout saving and I've really badly wanted a home you know it's like I was won by a house yeah do the smartest thing buy a home be that guy sure I'd always been moving we were kids never stayed in the house longer than a year so I just thought that would be something good to experience mm-hmm so I bought my first house and I was like let's say 19 I think mmm it's pretty and loaded 480 thousand dollar house okay [ __ ] ridiculous we're up in the desert this is the one we're like it's one and I were living where and we had that little eppley later yeah yeah house got you bought it the way wrong time put almost all my savings into it which is a little over 50 grand all down into it so I was living like month-to-month now still paying this mortgage payment huh housing market completely crashes yeah completely crashes so now I'm living in this really nice house but my neighbor's house which is three times nicer is selling for three times less than I bought my house oil god yeah and I didn't know what to do I was panicking at this point you know panicking like well I can't keep paying this I put myself in a position where I'm kind of screwed right and they were coming after me up from like this fixed rate or something they're getting me asking for more than my normal every trait which was like fifteen hundred fourteen hundred a month and it turned into about three grand eventually they're asking uniform let so doubled in price and I ended up landed up saying [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna forget about this house so I stopped paying my mortgage lived there for thirteen months without paying a single dime oh yeah live there for a while are they trying to get you to get me out no they were trying to get me to pay money is what you're gonna do and I just kept telling I'll do it you know eventually I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it soon I'll do it you know they kept calling a twinge yeah yeah pretty much I was never gonna pay on it and then they eventually gave me cash for keys again they paid me to get out you know okay they paid me twenty five hundred dollars to leave the premises like you no longer own this house the bank owns that here's $25 get the [ __ ] Wow that's what they call cash for keys okay they basically say look get off the property we'll give you three grand cash just get off the property that's insane that's what they do to like squatters so I eventually I was like I guess the squatter in my own home right water in my own house that I was paying this massive mortgage just lost so much money on it sold at the auction for 87 grand no way Jeremy and Donnie went to that option I was out of town and Jeremy called me Zach to your house just sold for 87 grade - Wow I was like are you [ __ ] kidding me the the house he's having $400,000 180 so what you do you just don't know yeah I was sad it was a harsh moment we just we all Jeremy lost his home mmm Donnie lost his home we all lost at the same time we were all upside down Oh suit completely upside down losing so much money and we all lost her on the same time and Donnie and Jeremy you know mainly what it was that you know Donnie asked me he said hey you know what was that stuff you were doing back in the day with you and your mom and we were just we were really poor we didn't have no money we couldn't even get we'd have gotten kicked out of so many houses nobody was gonna rent to us ever again you know so we literally we're squatters we would go to with her old HUD homes and have boarded up boarded up windows boarded up everything and then you just unboard the house and make it nice again turn your electricity on and live we lived there for through almost three years before anyone even came there that really yeah absolutely you basically how you used to take over HUD is a bank-owned type place so it's a bunch of piece [ __ ] [ __ ] button you know they just fix it up link down the freakin wood yeah all it is is boarded up stuff yeah I think there was a broken window we replaced and change the locks and what do you do you turn the light you put the just move in to move okay just move in do everything you would do is if you're moving in it don't like those boards up take them down it was a canoe it was a condemned home at the same time as well so they've not many when no one was going there nobody soon right I had I had a little about $15,000 after a couple months saved up maybe like six seven months saved up I was like getting back into my savings like I'm ready to do this again and want to get back on top okay and then Donny called me and Jeremy they're like dude we're gonna start buying foreclosures if you know we got to start doing this and we we cuz you know my household for that cheap sure there's like we got it we got to get into this business if we're all homeless you to me well pretty much homeless now you know we should we should take care of ourselves so we started buying condos my 50 I put my 15 grand in right away mm-hm Jeremy I think put in the same you know well we had some good amount of money but we were buying condos on foreclosure for fifteen to twenty thousand dollars fixing them up and selling them for about forty forty five fifty thousand dollars you know were you fixing them up yourself or were you honey was doing all that Donnie was creating the team he was more like just give me your money and I'll make make it happen okay so I was able to sit back I'd check in on it once a while but I wasn't doing anything I just basically with the funder of it and us three basically built then what is known to be as Donovan development now up in the desert and it's just everywhere oh really oh this [ __ ] everywhere now the indiv it's like an all you you see leaves like the century 21 signs home it's just Donovan development [ __ ] everywhere but I got out after about three years - oh yeah before Saint Archer got started uh-huh so I put my 15 grand in yeah and Donny goes hey dude I'm gonna start doing this on my own now okay here's the quarter million dollars oh wow yeah he's like this is how much money you've made in the last couple years it's awesome straight up I had no idea this was no idea no idea I'm like we're buying houses were flipping I'm going down this was a couple years you gave him 15 grand in a couple years later he's like I'm about to do time I knew you wouldn't give you an ETA like hey we just sold this one for X amount here's a sheet of everything that I had sold in that year I still have that sheet and why I have that money in here on which I made on each one so I have a I have a rap sheet of basically how my money made that you know how my 15 years turned into that yeah so he's like he did good you know how I'm gonna do it on my own and then so I had told him when I was like wow I can't believe this is happening like I was even talking like I don't know how to do it it's like what do I do you know putting the manga together I mean pretty much that's where Ray's I got for now just whatever I'll just transfer your bank account there I was like that sounds great to me so a couple days later I get a phone call from slash yeah and he says hey dude just told this guy's Josh to hit you up because they were doing an investment on a beer company you should get in on it I said dude I'd be so down to get on there you kidding me is like oh he's gonna call you soon so wait for his call yeah get his phone call I told him you know let's meet up Josh was actually looking to close and start saying Archer and he needed a quarter million dollars oh my god yeah yeah trippy right yeah it's like perfect perfect but how scary is that though it was scary but here's the thing here's the thing when you forget that it never existed that's hard to do that bro but imagine if it 15 grand 250 grand though my life had not yet changed yet I was still in that moment of like it's in the bank latched it yet right what do I do I could have been like [ __ ] it let's start spinning it right now let's go let's get out of here let's go buy Corvettes let's do whatever the [ __ ] we want to do and let's go have some fun sure but I didn't I had a little bit of time of you know talking we've started doing you know they're talking about the Saint Archer stuff whatever yeah so it was maybe a total of a week I had that quarter-million dollars in the bank and it went straight to Josh I didn't touch a dime of that money and that went straight from the real estate company straight to the investment with saying wow so all in my head that I was truly really losing was that original original 15 grand from the original investment you're thinking bro that's how much I lost that day was 15 grand not quarter million 15 grand I wish I had your soul decors and then when they sold the cores that turned into almost two mil here's a here's a guy grew up with almost enough Asian squatting in houses you know what I mean like worked his ass off skateboarding kept them and made some money I mean bro this is like the ultimate success like I'm so happy you know what I mean it's incredible don't tell me put two million dollars into something else I think I ended up spinning uh seven hundred and eight years seven night close to 800,000 on taxes along okay Wow so but you turned fifteen thousand into two million just over methylamine in what six years maybe how long did st. our trips for four days no Alice because it's two years fifteen grand it took two years to do the development thing you got paid from that and then Saint Archer starts what they sold like three years later old fast yeah quick yeah they built this so maybe five years that 15 grand turned into two million orderly that's amazing the meantime I was just kind of living yeah that's a guy how I do it now Ivan I have all that money still invested out there I've been turned around invested all that and reinvested bought properties did all that now I'm just back to just living on my little bit of savings I have in a little bit what do you do with the two million dollar check do you go to Bank of America and deposit it what do you like who do you call Macallan so I don't know okay so you okay what do you think you spent on a daily basis what do I think I spent like you're like no mall spend this like per day forty dollars I eat at home a lot no I don't really spend that much you're not a guy that goes out and spend this [ __ ] though money on stuff it's like beer some sure yeah I don't spend money that much actually I do spend money on car [ __ ] but the thing is I never go over my budget on what I can get the car back for so let's say that that I my plan is to make this car a $30,000 car my budgets 25 so I know that I could dump that car for 25 you know and me dump this $30,000 over 25 just getting my money back and in the meantime at least I got a little bit of education on building a car sure so I don't spent I try not to spend that much money but you're smart with your money that's what amazing yeah yeah nice path to spend money on my horses and things like that getting you got horses yeah putting my animals and stuff and how many horses listen chickens and you make we got a whole thing I got go get a hold for minimal farm yeah yeah I told I'm trying to go to Parma cultures and [ __ ] like you know like I'm even crazy about buy I was buying seeds for my garden okay and I'm planting them yeah and they're just too expensive there's like five bucks three bucks a pop I mean people like whoa if you want to go and go to buy seeds I'm like no I'm gonna find out a way to make it cheaper so now I harvest my own seeds let him go to see you can get him for free I don't like spending money it's crazy I love it I do money though I mean I'll be honest I'll take my lady out it's like Oakland and I'll buy like $80 dinner I'll get like two big pumpkin pies pies and [ __ ] like I'm bringing this home that's okay though cuz you still got 1 million nine hundred a day $80 dinner doesn't seem too bad yeah well let's just let me just tell you this go ahead I don't spend my money on that stuff I spend my money on investments yeah I've already reinvested all my money back into companies we start we just started up the new stuff here sure this took money yeah this took money villagers I'm caught and ice and I have to have money in the bank to to help feed this you know yeah you know we want to be successful in my shoe so we back ourselves right you know I back the company for what it is you know see I want to see this brand be out there so realistically you know houses I bought my house I bought my mom a house I bought my brother's shop to do hotrod [ __ ] amazing I bought couple properties you know which I'm hopefully gonna sell soon but you know I I just I spend my money on [ __ ] that I know is gonna make me money back yeah but you know what though it's because of skateboarding oh yeah it's amazing absolutely it all came from skateboarding right it's incredible I'm about to cry I [ __ ] love it first story is amazing skateboarding is like is it [ __ ] paid every bit of my life what it is you know so I love it you don't need a shoe sponsor bro you're good I know but dude the thing it's rad is that you made that money that's a great story but you let you're leaving a legacy in skateboarding dude like everyone skateboarding's like dude they're gonna remember you forever dude that's [ __ ] sick dude I think it's awesome thanks at heart thank you yeah lots of you and all your word heals from heels to clips tre flips you know Josh called me for a villager he never coming back down didn't return my calls he gave you the pitch but didn't give me the bear didn't go stood me see like I was I'll go as I mentioned I probably would have been in your boat too if I didn't and this is a night and I shouldn't even forget ever to mention this slash was the one that made it to where I was in on this right that quarter million dollars was only brought to me for / to come to me sure to then be introduced to those people so slash is what a bond did that I could have been the same situation as you if Joshua t'v yeah but I had slash Memaw on that right and then I also had periodic me up on that and I was like calling those dudes every day hey what's going on what's the deal what's going on Mikey a lot Mike it was a hey let's meet it meet down here meet meet us down in San Diego right and it got real you know we were started looking for places and started looking for places to have our brewery at yeah I knew it was just real from there but it that would have never happened for me I don't think unless I got plugged with / / yeah / he did it for me he made it all happen how's the whole thing with villager going villager is going really well it's just that it you know we had a lot of fun doing the beer brain mm-hmm and we we just were gonna want to bring the vibe back do that again I think for villager it does really well for what it is and we love this brand as well too but we had a lot of fun doing that from here is fun it was fun let me look at Rogers having a blast let's bring it let's bring it down a couple notches let's bring it down to college Leah's great strong I could just trust me to talk to you forever but the sticker you wanna keep this relationship for a while keep it going and give me call hey what do you want ro I'm gonna be calling you every day say it but now the sticker that you put on her microphones yeah it's a desert Mambo desert that's your crew that's the crew right yeah it kind of it just happened naturally oh yeah that's the best way to do it yeah I moved back to the desert I was living up there Matt lived up there angel lips up there who has a camera films hmm Adams up there Mike whites up there and we just we just skate that's it yeah and and I'm the way the mom but came about was you know we were 10 July were texting back forth and he's like who do you you know who's who should we film the most for this YouTube channel whatever you know cuz he films like let's just make a channel let's just make a channel and whatever we zoom you get to throw it on there he loves to make edits dope so he's always doing that and we love to skate so we're always doing that sure it both came together and when I was texting I was like oh you know Matt , Adam , you know Brian right um oh and then you know Mambo Mambo Mike Mike white does her Mambo and it was it was like all of our things were capitalized and I was like oh look it's like yeah but I feel like you know this day and age you know YouTube for a while was kind of this like stigma but get skaters you know I feel like every skater should have a YouTube channel you don't have to necessarily go blog or vlog you can just just do whatever you want to do and then put your footage on there like I think everybody puts too much focus on Instagram there's a whole other world as a whole other world that lives on YouTube yeah you know and I don't think I don't monetize it I don't think a lot of skate well that's another thing too is like you can make a little money doing doing doing we haven't reached that level which would be rad if we did yeah well reef silo would probably won't but the whole idea of is is just to have momentum with what you're doing exactly are you really gonna in like film these land random little clips and just sit on them forever maybe put him on Instagram I get to me I was over the Instagram thing I don't post much on it no more on do it either yeah it was something that was past tense and I'm like you know I'm over yeah I move on to something new sure and that was something more he was filming all angels filming all the time yeah so it was gonna happen no matter what we had no choice what are you gonna do with that footage put it all on Instagram we're gonna have to have that we're not clog the feet up right we're done with that but but you know what it's cool to like go on it you can watch some cool edits and [ __ ] like that you know what I mean like he's editing constantly he brought me that he goes I brought my laptop I'll probably just editing see while we're chilling work or you know he does it for a lot of things so I've seen him do weddings I've seen him do skating I've seen him do construction I've seen him to like anything I've seen him do wilderness type photos fashion photos he has a skill for using his camera right and I always say you know just do what you love to do give a [ __ ] how much money you're making you're still having [ __ ] blast totally you know what I mean and you're probably eventually gonna get so good at it you'll probably make really good money never pursued so that's where he's at he's killing it and Mamba is our fun thing yeah Mamba is just we hang out no matter what all the time monday came around we said hey we're all gonna get out of the desert anyways and drive an hour and a half down to Venice sure let's get some trips there you go so I think that we've probably got an edit today just from because we don't even ask him to film he's filming no matter what right so the all this metal tip oh absolutely yeah and Beagle even sees him and says man angel you have the ability of being one of the best filmers because he says the way that he's he set up the way that his arms are set up and he skates right yeah I don't even think he knows about it but he told me I think angel has the ability being like the next toy evidence sick-ass so how many subscribers you guys got for the 1600 okay but how long you been doing it let's get you at 50k by the end of this episode takes time to build dude those are 1600 badass followers it's hard it's kind of hard to find stuff on YouTube there's so much stuff going on that's cool that you tell these skaters now they're gonna want to watch any eight yeah yeah gonna miss some more to subscribe I'm just glad to put the videos out if you're gonna sit be a skater say you're gonna be a skater they're not putting out on Instagram every day or you're not filming the best view apart it's about drop next year mm-hmm should be doing something you know YouTube's a perfect plan like I said I think every skater should have a channel you know it's pretty fun you play horseshoes you got a horseshoe behind you you play a play though that's for your horse that's actually horseshoe what size she was that oh I got I got I got a I got a Aztec a quarter horse I don't know what that is yeah what how many horses do you have well I have one my lady has one as well oh we have to do you go ride these horses regularly or do you she's it a week is a really good horse so I was helping a lot of kids they were doing training with her oh okay she was able you know so some horses will be will buck and stuff yeah you don't know what you're doing you ever feel like you're in fulfilled dream or something when you're out there riding yeah no Thursday that's what kind of got me like man I've ever seen that vo and they were just on those horses yeah I wanted to be on those horses with that on those horses cruising Hillman that's crazy made me feel so good I know you know them as a team and riding horses she's a great horse yeah and I'll tell you right now I feel like a team on that word you sure yeah listen bro I I don't want this to end you know let's keep talking said they were well we got it we got a rapid damage okay you guys could you got a drive back up to the you know that these happen at nighttime um I'm sure they figure because I'm sure they know that Raj isn't drinking beer we've done something yeah he has a coffee when it's 8 a.m. we've done we've done early ones what spike jonze was only why don't we try to work with people's schedules you know skaters are hard to they're hard to get sometimes you know our schedules hard to get me on the show no not really because being you discussed when when it was work we would worry you know you know I want to mention it's the main reason why I didn't want any obligations in this moment that we were speaking because I was thinking so heavily of asking my girlfriend to you know marry me I was really thinking of the proposal oh where are you proposing right now no I just got you didn't yeah Congrats how did I do it yeah I brought it I brought her back to the tree singing we had our first kiss 17 years ago and it was [ __ ] still there that's 17-year old rugged ash tree swing from 17 years ago we knew each other as kids you didn't just grew up we went through all the whole like tearing up the shoe thing as a you know puppy-dog face basically really yeah and then we kind of met up again as we or though I'm a more mature high school made up again yeah do I okay he lives in the mountains I was going to say high school so it kind of is a high school it was yeah it was you know I met through I met her through a filmer Greg uh you Greg introduced me he was he was really good friends with his with her sister okay and and then I met through them when you proposed is she's like it's about time let's do you I caught her off guard pretty good you yeah I you know I've always been weird about marriage you know I have really give I don't like the government being involved in my [ __ ] it's like formal you have to pay those [ __ ] taxes really are you kidding me but they do say it's like forming a business with somebody getting married like the papers and everything you know I'm like I could spend my life with somebody the rest of my life and not be married totally you know my mom and I aren't really truly married my brother and I aren't married but I'm fine there you go let's just create this thing that we can't get rid of hey man you're good at those surprises though yeah I did surprise thinking about she's all swinging on the swing from 17 years ago and I'm like hey lift check it out I'll make this real special you know did you get your name really yeah you don't get it down on me I love that take a knee for the ladies I love it bro did she start crying eventually yeah first he was more shopping on wow that's incredible bro you know I wasn't thinking I didn't want to I didn't want to think about anything because I thought so hard about this moment it's a big moment did you go check out the spot before you say Ella let me know I gotta make sure there's winging it my whole thing was this I had been I was trying to figure out how I was gonna do it yeah for a long time okay I got to a point where I said [ __ ] it the last week I'm gonna let it happen naturally if it happens a week before all right because I didn't on our anniversary so it was a special day any got you and I said you know either way I'm gonna do it on one of these days between the seven days yeah and so seven days before I was just trying to wait for all these cool things that happened I'm like looking around like is that cool enough not a shame you know oh yeah yeah you trying to figure it out right when a good time let's do it totally and the crazy thing was as we're sitting down on a fireplace you know we've rented a nice cabin mm-hmm and we're sitting at the plot the fireplace outside a nice cold night roasting marshmallows having some s'mores I had mine with antes a and E's can do for the first time I was like wow that's the way to do is more what is it into Andes mints though with that [ __ ] call Wow yeah okay yeah nailed it asleep right this may be the time to be perfect but she just so happened to say hey you know maybe tomorrow we should go check out that tree swing oh it's all coming together dude I'm trying to find out what a good time is it asked her - sick bastard all mean together yeah and she goes hey you know I bet you that tree swing still there from a long time ago when we had our first kiss I was like no you think so she's like we should go check it out and see if it's there tomorrow and I was like yeah I don't even care if it's there or not we that it's so sentimental already to us like we're doing this you know so when we got there I'm like shocked I'm looking at this I don't know how old tree swing yeah I'm still there she jumped right on I started swinging that remember this I'm like [ __ ] yeah well you let me a zoo boy 17 years right get down on your knee were you nervous at all or was it just I mean yeah yeah like I imagine I was trying too hard flip some big [ __ ] right [ __ ] love it man did she know what was going on no she was and she like what are you doing I tried to dress all nice because I knew what was happening and she was just in her like pajama still on amen I like bro your I love you bro this episode is [ __ ] the maze I could sit here and talk to you for another eight hours hey Weez a [ __ ] special guest uh bro you deserved every one of those goddamn special when you tell you a couple special special guests listen bro this is Kelly please man dude would you like some nightclub stuff we'd love to give you like a mug heard or even exchanged some Oh awesome love you know you brought some I brought you guys I tried to bring you guys ELISA oh man so thank you bro look at this you guys give out coffee mugs I figure we get out [ __ ] [Applause] pharmacy copy that it's a thin to be retro this is all it's like East High kids pretty nuts like Easter it's there it's all there Thank You Man I got Chad over here awesome thing you know I presentation probably no it's getting kind of cold out no yeah thank you stay warm you could fight over that I know you already got one so maybe yeah maybe Raj where's beanies he loves beanies Pharmacy po4 the wall Baker dick Spanky's been on the show this is Spanky graphics make yard oh yeah oh my goo you guys do have a lot of boards over there I don't mind if it gets thrown in there you'll have to sign this for us this one made throw everybody off a little bit I [ __ ] love to garden okay it's the most convenient let's just get this is be honest America lives off convenience that's why we got Dunkin Donuts and all these [ __ ] random plays hundred-percent just stop by get a delicious treat you're getting on key yeah nothing better than having food in your backyard it's the most convenient thing in the world I love it oh so I did bring he's got little baby baby kales I just started them so they're young you're gonna I'll throw that [ __ ] into smoothie right now if you would I know it's like I just live like a kale shot hello don't - Kelly Kelly would kill him nice now how do we had us Rush all you gotta do is take her this okay all you got to do is if it if it dries just give it water oh and okay for sure and then and then once they get looking like they're a little too big for this thing okay put them in something bigger and those are seeds that you have yeah these are actually generational seeds so good I grew them then I let my plant go to seed and then I grew them again let them go to seed and what it is each generation of growing the plant well I mean I'm growing these in the desert so they're having a hard time doing that I'm trying to make them more unjust more susceptible to the desert shores you know so I bet you these things are gonna thrive out here being in this weather thank you man you got you could either yeah you can either eat these or grow them and I suggest you grow them they're really smaller and I wouldn't even suggest you eat them suggests you grow them you can do what you want to do you know what it Roger girl I might take one for my house and just put it up because I got to make guys want to split them just oh yeah cut it down the middle boom there you go gee he's got a whole bag of stuff man this is like so this is business oh yeah this was the I didn't mention you this but this was the cool uh-oh that is some random that's a random thing that I was doing that's super cool okay working I love music but I'm like a big music fan no this is a acoustic instruments so it's really hard to amplify acoustic instruments okay so they've been they made a type of mechanism that uses light to read acoustic instruments and it reads it very clear talking like 99% crisp of what that would sound like in that room and stuff it's very I don't understand it sounds fascinating feedback is a huge issue in the comics and that's mainly what it kind of covers it's trying to give you that acoustic vibe that you play with in your house there's difference between you know electric and acoustic is on a capturing acoustic for what it is they did really really good job doing it technology is there yeah the products just and it captures it to light yeah and this is a company you're involved with I am involved in that investment too that's outside of obviously anything anyone knows but I look at it like this hey I love music yeah if there's gonna be some in its a patented technology so I was very interested sure and I said hey you know if this is this could be cool yeah so I did invest into that it's been a really fun adventure because I've gone to a lot of cool name shows and things like that yeah done a lot like almost trade shows you know yeah site yeah but that that that that's been interesting that's one thing about investing it's like almost a roll of the dice right only got to spread your money out one may hit one may go down you never know absolutely you never know so it's a huge it's a huge risk but here I like figured I'd go crazy look at them oh my god it's just Bach Evelyn glass people up you guys live with them Beach dude Wow you guys live at the beach look at that hook I actually throw in whatever random stuff we have around the house in packages okay I'm so no orders I guess what your lever oh oh come on I brought that fat box of shades to you guys thank you I was just thinking today I skate down by the beaches think I need some sunglasses man there might not be something there you like what I try to bring as many as I could these aren't really my style she just sped up like crazy but I walk them I don't know about that I don't have a mirror in Friday's do they look good you are killing it killing it oh my has anyone seen a real Switchfoot Manuel din those oh dude it's so bright where's the robot design now get all these everyone what's nice is are you going down for some more yeah bro Manny cuz I love socks but oh I love I bring three pairs of socks of sockets academics thank you they're definitely obviously red wow look at this show got the yellow ones yellow ones right hey will you come back next week yeah this is great I definitely brush you off so cuz I'm heavily involved with shake Janet we started this [ __ ] Lina Shane like and all of our boys like we're heavily involved in this [ __ ] no matter what you know so I want to make sure mock my peeps out here staying crispy big so stay winded in Korea statement less crispy yeah hey good luck having it yeah to those things coming in how do I rabbit their you know this is what this is what hold your trouble this is what holds your trucks onto your skateboard I don't this this isn't I love it bros shake Jen just love [ __ ] yeah good looks I didn't have too many but I brought two pairs to get a child will do my way whatever you guys brought back we're there yeah it's doing you know let's just be honest I did that for a nostalgic feeling yeah we all did it you know we all had this good we had a good time back yeah yeah and I saw I see musk around the chat I know you cuz gay no child you know right right right let's bring it what's up let's do it so in chat always told me her my still own it I still only I said let's just bring you back and I finally feel like I convinced him one day and then Brandon and I and all of us we just did it we did it we went for it like Tuan oh wow Tuan win you know Benny Benny Bermudez he helped us out like everyone that was literally the original people right where said let's get it let's get it back that's the dude I love it my eyes is like oh let's bring that [ __ ] back yeah and we did finally convince Chad to come back around and he did yeah yeah dawg let's do it let's do it let's do it yeah yeah that that that's what the company is we're just doing it we're out there doing it pennies down like oh oh jeez are done we hit up Chevy you know he was he was were getting shoe uh wheels from another combo you know out of respect you sure I can't you know yeah right we wanted the same feel that one of the same thing back and just kind of I love it you bring back some track pants or something like that these I know right if we brought back that og old T is just drop today no he's my boss today now that's a nice box I like that bar let's see how this [ __ ] works what's a good all right so my loved ones my good persons excited about the product yeah oh yeah it's awesome this box boom magnetized down sweet weave pink lemonade the fitness Mel and my Charlie's some sick-ass slippers yeah oh boy smell that damn it's kind of [ __ ] awesome right money that smells really good but I was like pink lemonade hey man listen dude I am so [ __ ] stoked you stopped by I'm so stoked on everything you're doing man I'm just stoked on you yes thank you so much for all this stuff bro Kelly will you please go grab them a mug no please tell me I still exist we have it it's alright we have exactly yard ones too but Oh we'll grow what size t-shirt or sweater you I'm a large and sweatshirt same sweatshirt I'm a medium okay yeah go grab a bunch of stuff man bro you're the man dude this is right bro pharmacy chapstick socks yeah kale kale I'm not lying I will be that right now literally you just ate something I ate that's but here's a let me tell you one thing about kale yeah more you take the more I make oh really you want to take money mate so this thing will probably wanna pull up and grow more let me see Robin that tasted like an apple can I see right let me see this thing yeah let me know I want to take a bite they're young they are young I get it you're the dead one yeah pinch it off try not to pull the plant have a pad on I'm not gonna good you know like the whole I feel bad oh here's it here's a nice where use a nice layer let me get that's gonna be weak but it's worth it you liked it I know you did you're down for it little spicy did you think it was nice by it I mean I think that's good don't you seated try to cook good I took a good leave you did take a good leave let me see which one you take you took a nice leaf and this one doesn't need to have to grown in here anyway so yeah like this this is the [ __ ] that I do I walk around my yard I'll see to these growing right next to each other just separate them pick it up pick it and [ __ ] plop it all right really all there you know what I think the initial bite was spicy but it's really not it's a does almost like an apple no let's see but then the spice goes away and it's like almost sweet I was actually pretty good no but it was spicy it wasn't as sweet as mine because I had that apple flavor at first well look at all this stuff I told you one mug look at all this stuff bro hey he came through hooked me up right there I better make sure to wear this [ __ ] now well yeah dude I mean you know your homies - like you don't forget mama crew that you know and don't forget Instagram it I can't even reach you over all this stuff on the table man look at this long slim Ilana look at this this is our Cyber Monday sailrite here even though it's it's over for you folks pouring right now hey wait wait no no I mean I'm gonna save the best for last just as Anna McDonald and here's a there's Appleyard with me and Raj you know but that was a first drive ever drawing up your dick and then I loved it apples bro I got the the legend the trick switch flip I was telling I hardly ever see you in the episodes cuz I just I'm drawn to this and I don't know how many more times I could watch it right but I do I actually feel like everybody just watches that they'd only may seem kinda takes away the attention on that's following you that's fine you know people don't but it's weird how many times you'll watch it in the episode watching this episode for about an hour and every time it comes on my eyes go straight right Manny right but now it's gonna be produced I'll take of your coffee in it bro I'm like good there with a little white marker and like draw the actual draw the stage yeah yeah well the logo itself was supposed to be the stage see all right as long as I got the signature hand behind the back too it's there listen dude Brian Herman bro hey you came up look at us hey thank you so much for coming down bro and like in sitting here with us for a couple hours but now this is a straight-up pleasure yeah I [ __ ] thoroughly enjoyed it man into all the Mambo crew sitting in the next room shout out to those now in those legends right amen what are you gonna do tomorrow well I got I got a couple things coming up but I was gonna ask you if you want to go see a movie but like admit I could no I I don't ride bikes he's got he's got a Harley glasses on showing oh yeah I mean unless we're gonna go see a matinee I mean I wouldn't be worried you know someone's you're supposed to wear on the Harley duh this is like when you're going oh they got the side now what's its side protector things all about what is this in the dirt oh so don't fly yeah that's the Burning Man style right there Oh stranger man acts hello there looks now in your opinion can I can I pull this off you can't you're pulling it off everyday life I'm driving down the street I get out of my car I go to Starbucks I don't take the glasses off I go in our order a latte I think you need a leather speedo for that you know good thank you so much he's a man playing that wedding dude hey let me tell you bro if I get an invite I'm going we'll do a live show from will interview all right that would be amazing I have a feeling your wedding will be fun your are you gonna plan a fun serious yeah we have like goats part of it and a horse isn't everything yeah we [ __ ] about it I love it bro oh my shit's gonna go off don't feel obligated to invite it but if I do get into Bay I will be there 100% absolutely I'll be there with these glasses on suit everything I got a nice ring so the engagement can last a while [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 258,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skateboards, skate, skating, skater, podcast, show, history, interview, news, tutorial, motivation, best style, legend, how to skate, schrock, comedy, braille, thrasher, berrics, tricks, nike sb, sk8board, street skating, switch tre flip, crail couch, hardflip, bryan herman, baker3, emerica, gcode, hrs, this is skateboarding, mike white, kevin long, jim greco, baker, andrew reynolds, antwuan dixon, millionaire
Id: Q2GKppUdkYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 4sec (9544 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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