CENSOR (2021) Ending Explained

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what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on this any explain we're looking at sensor following enid a film sensor who views a strangely familiar horror movie and sets out to solve the past mystery of her sister's disappearance embarking on a quest that dissolves a line between fiction and reality i was really looking forward to this one as it seemed to be a throwback to 80s horror in a creative more cerebral kind of way a major aspect to the movie is its setting in the uk during the times of the so-called video nasties back then many now classic horror movies were considered to be potentially dangerous for public consumption and thusly were either heavily censored or outright banned in the uk all with the intent of keeping the public safe from these telacious films sure it's arguable that some of the entries were certainly pushing the envelope of violence but in the many years since then most if not all of them have been released uncut involving this aspect is the most compelling to me of cinser as we first hand experience ina's journey tasked with censoring these movies and she takes her job really seriously truly believing that she's protecting society in a way and even as she digs further into the nasties she becomes absorbed in a way into the movies themselves which is all really an interpretation of her breaking with reality though there's still the main mystery of what happened with her sister so let's dive into the neon lit blood-soaked world of censor breaking down the story including enid's past and the full story involving her sister's fate as well as explaining the reality shattering ending and what it means a girl bathed in red stands facing away she turns back hearing a ghoulish sound and starts bawling there's more growling and she's dragged away screaming bloody murder or no nonsense since her enid pauses the tape rewinding it and playing the moment again at this time in history as we mentioned in particular in england many horror films were severely cut or outright banned the so-called video nasties and it certainly seems to error on the side of caution here complaining that the eye gouging moment is too realistic and the movie will require at least 18 more cuts to be approved while on the flip side this other guy sanderson appears much more relaxed and even defensive calling the gore art as it has a kind of heightened reality to it all ultimately she puts her foot down we can't make mistakes we're cutting it this shows us just how seriously enid takes her job really as i said feeling like she's protecting society in a way shielding them from this gratuitous violence we come to understand why she's so serious hearing news on the radio that correlates a rise in people watching violent films and deadly crimes calling the film's presence corrupting turning their viewers into almost addicts needing stronger and stronger films to get the same kind of high they have a heated debate about another movie in it finding a violent moment dangerous while others feel that it's no big deal on account of it looking so fake another sensor anne and enid continue to raise their concerns what if something like this got into the hands of the children while somebody think of the children working late into the night she's the last to leave the office the overheads clicking off behind her amongst some alleyways she sees a lady and calls out to her when she turns to face her enid apologizes saying that she mistook her for someone else she seems to live a mostly solitary life sitting quietly at home poring over a crossword puzzle until her mom calls reminding her of dinner that evening things are pretty tense and awkward between them we see what enid is reading over a death certificate who for exactly isn't made clear yet but it's her younger sister nina who has been missing for many years her parents are hoping this will give them some kind of closure rather than waiting for a happy ending that may never come and it is perturbed asking oh so they've decided she's dead according to her there's no way she was dead as she was with her that day in the forest too but they point out they've already been down this road and edith has never given them a full story of what happened she still refuses to believe that she's gone if she was taken away they're still out there she starts clicking her fingers and a nervous tic her dad pointing it out june explains that they're not blaming her but doing what's best the right decision for all of us as a family they try to change the subject to her work asking if she's seen anything to recommend but she's hard-nosed as always saying that this isn't entertainment what she's doing is protecting people she later digs out some childhood photos of her and nina also including an article from the past about a seven-year-old gone missing in the chorley forest she's momentarily there in the forest and then wakes up seeing a worrisome headline on a paper about crime increasing due to the abundance of video nasties oh now enid they're all depending on you society is crumbling she sits with anne to watch a new movie called extreme coda it opens immediately on a man attacking a girl appearing quite disturbing but enid is stoic and unfazed as always and even confronts her about this but she just shrugs that she's focused on getting it right not thinking about anything else and it seems that the increase in violence has drawn a spotlight on them in a surprising way their boss frazier asks if they remember passing a movie called deranged sanderson doesn't but of course ina does well it features a sequence where someone's face was eaten and a local man was just arrested for killing his wife and eating her face as well as shooting as two kids journalists are already making a connection to the movie sanderson asking if they're trying to blame them it seems so as the journalist knows they approved it but they're confused it's no worse than anything else that they've passed yet the damage has already been done the man being dubbed the amnesia killer as he claims to not remember anything about the killings frazier warns in the future to check with him before approval and if ever in doubt just outright reject it the story plays on the news including the link to deranged and they interview a woman who heard what happened wondering if the world has gone mad there's immediate fallout for enid getting barraged with angry phone calls given her grief and telling her that she should be ashamed she remembers back to that day as a kid her dad asking where she is and june crying no no the spotlight only focuses more on edith an article considering if sensors are to blame as a result there's a bunch of hungry journalists waiting outside the office she overhears the others gossiping about her and the face dating scene in question even little miss perfect thought it was funny she burst in everyone going quiet sanderson then offering a bad luck huh she hears herself telling her sister to spin one two three and nina does as instructed she then meets sleazy producer doug smart and he gets a little fresh suggesting that he could get her work on the big screen she shoots back that she's not sure if she wants to get raped and cut to pieces on camera boom shutdown he instead asks if she'd be interested in watching a film from the archive of director frederick north it's generic title don't go in the church in a joking there won't be many places left to go soon it opens on two young girls one wants to go back but the other keeps pushing her deeper into the woods the lead girl decides to play a game whispering in her ear as they come upon a ratty old house summon my shadow and spin she orders causing enid to get noticeably uncomfortable as this scene seems strikingly similar to what she was seeing in her flashes this is overtly illustrated by the other girl being replaced by her redheaded sister for a moment she tells her to go in the house first psyching herself up before slowly approaching the open door in its breath starts to get shaky the movie kind of morphing together with her own memory the other girl grabs an axe following after the blonde girl screams and she starts chopping her up enid getting quite flustered in contrast to her usual unflappable demeanor she keeps going really chopping her up good ian is starting back up with her nervous tick and holding back tears the girl emerges wielding the axe covered in blood then suddenly seeing a big burly dude there she's back to running in the woods and clearly overwhelmed enid rushes to the toilet looking quite on edge really starting to appear that there's something enid has suppressed of what happened to her sister and is beginning to spill out more and more in particular thanks to this movie her colleague perkins checks in on her especially after seeing her freaking out in the screening she mauls over the amnesiac killer wondering how he wouldn't remember what happened and perkins considers that it's possible to be just basic trauma the brain shuts it out people construct stories to cope saying you'd be surprised what a brain can edit out if it can't handle the truth well that sounds exactly like what enid is going through here i'm already suspicious that she actually killed her sister as a kid and as perkins said edited out because she couldn't handle what she did blocked it out completely at least until now she almost brings out the strange movie to her mom but stops herself shrugging it off as nothing her having seen the news june tries to give her a pep talk to not let all that get to you she gets snippy with her and apologizes for being tired june tries to convince her that she can't be responsible for everyone it's just a job after all she grumbles i suppose so but isn't going to let this go digging through an old diary and dozes off static blaring on the tv she's a welcome to the sound of heavy breathing cradling a piece of fabric adventures downstairs things are now bathed in purple and blue light much more stylized than the drab appearance of things up to this point feeling as though the movies she's been watching are kind of starting to take over or infiltrate her real world this becomes much more clear when the static on the tv gives way to a dark forest the wind chime too bathed in red ian calls out to her sister apparently trapped in the gross old house and a man emerges from between the trees she looks to her hand clutching a red clump of hair to her confusion along with a note don't go in the church and the note is even signed from frederick as well showing us how the fictional and real world are beginning to blend further solidified when enid enters another room there's anguish moaning and crying and she comes across her mom turned away who then screams it's all your fault and it begins to believe that there is a connection with the filmmaker and nina asking for help with the company's archives but without a list of his films this could take at least a week stupid olden days now everything is just a google away she happens upon a storefront with a big poster for the beast man that looks just like the guy from the movie she tells the clerk she's in search of some unusual films from frederick north hoping that he has some contraband under the counter he's not buying it telling her that a girl like her doesn't watch that kind of trash she calls his bluff detailing her favorite stationary massacre including a moment where someone gets stabbed in the eye with a compass as well as someone's guts falling out and getting stapled back together blindly proclaiming it to be a masterpiece bloody hell he moans he's just being careful as so many places are getting shut down nowadays and retrieves something from a back closet wrapped in paper he tempers her expectations it's a ropey copy and someone taped over the end seeing that it's called asunder she pops it on and is immediately entranced by the red haired actress she rewinds the moment a few times and considers could it actually be her sister all grown up and now an actress in a horror movie and she actually does look strikingly similar to enid as well she sees that her name is alice lee and fast forwards to a scene of her screaming accompanied by a chainsaw sound which you know doesn't bode well for her causing init to again get upset and immediately shuts off the tape she brings up what she found to her parents informing him she might have after all this time figured out where she is dad groans dismissively her asserting that it's different this time and admits that it's mad but has a strong feeling that it's her she shows them the tape asking them to focus on the face in her eyes george stays at odds they've been over this it's never her but she pleads it looks just like the police mock-up they'd get upset bringing up that this is why they wanted to declare her dead because edith keeps going off and dredging up old wounds going nuts like the day you went off on her he accuses later she's passed out at home with pictures we pass over her to a red light and emerge in the forest still red nina is there and does her spins young enid watching from afar she then changes into alice who smiles warmly a spooky figure emerges in shadow behind her causing enid to grow frightened she turns back to the man and purposefully walks up the stairs right up to him and he snatches her away she shouts no nina running after and enters this smoky abode overwhelmed by a white light she is suddenly at work the red light's still following her now she sneaks into the archives and finds a copy of don't go into the church jotting down the address marked on the outside canister following this she tracks down the house belonging to the skeezy producer doug who answers the door with a crowbar blaming that people don't like his films have been bothering him in particular lately she instantly recognizes the interior from a scene in extreme coda doug boasting that he won some awards in america for that one she shows him a picture of alice asking if they look similar and he agrees if they do him wondering why it was that enid looks so familiar to him she presses him for info on the director frederick who he deems a provocateur and misunderstood genius in fact it was frederick that pressed her to view the movie saying that he wanted a woman's eye on the film he playfully asks if she's not enjoying her scotch and she gulps the whole thing down in one drink he mentions they're shooting a sequel to church at a location right by where they did the original it turns out that this is to be alice's last film dismissing that she's come to the end of her shelf life worried what this means she asks what they're going to do abduct her and he gets frisky out of nowhere putting his arms all over her they start tussling and she gets loose knocking him back on the table sending the award right through the back of his head and out of his mouth he sputters up blood until he croaks to death oh whoops init cracks her shoulders trying to regain her composure and calmly thanks him for the whiskey saying i'll see myself out seeming like she's really not comprehending what just went down here you killed that guy in it even if she doesn't get it the ghost of doug haunts her receiving a call where he rants at her about deserving to get sliced up the evil is contagious and it's all your fault everything you touch turns to [ __ ] he says hearing distant screams emanating from the tv her mental state continues to deteriorate sleepwalking through the office things feeling quite off voices begging for help fill her consciousness she bust in on sanderson and anne watching a movie with beastman and alice her saying nothing sanderson cuts the silence with uh we are interviewing here in it appearing completely out of it someone's losing the plot he snarks she returns to the archives not minding valerie's pleas and grabs a file that includes the new filming location valerie attempts to snatch the file back but enid assures her everything is gonna be okay yeah if you say so ian shockingly sanderson has news that the amnesiac killer didn't even watch the movie deranged that was being blamed for the killings after all so maybe he was just inherently bad and it wasn't inspired by horror flicks whatsoever throngs of reporters wait outside and she shouts for them to get back pushing her way through the bodies another movie on the tv is interrupted by a forest and this time we actually enter into the shot as though we are ourselves entering into the movie which aligns with eda's current state she drives to the woods with a map to find the filming location she arrives at a dinky trailer with the light on considering what to do she cautiously gets out of the car stop by a distant scream from the darkness a woman spots her from inside and already thinking she might have to kill this lady grabs a rock when she comes out enid innocently asks if this is the film shoot with alice lee and after puffing on a sig she tells her only that she's late thinking that she's another actor in the movie nina doesn't understand as debbie extends her hand in greeting i'll be doing your makeup she tells her but notes that she looks nothing like her picture well at least you showed up apparently many of the cast never did show and production has been all over the place dragging her inside to get ready probably all a result of this bad press they've been getting lately she's fitted into a white dress and enid spots a newspaper with her on the cover from the video store the headline sensor with a bad video nasty habit and she pushes the paper away another guy knocks on the door to hurry up as frederick is getting impatient frederick being the director of the church movie and all that who she's been looking for this entire time plus there's no sign of the producer which debbie definitely finds weird doug she says would never miss a gory murder scene yeah because he's dead and enid killed him she's doused by debbie and some fake blood and ask what it is that they have planned for alice lee she doesn't know what she means snapping a polaroid and it stomps off through the trees looking quite scared of what she's gotten herself into also make sure to note the change and aspect ratio from up to this point she hears a voice saying i've been waiting for you finally meeting the infamous frederick directing her to step into the light and hurry up he stays mysterious and out of sight calling her guarded assuming that it comes from a place of fear she asks about the story that inspired the little girls in the church and he steps into view sniffing it was inspired by a true story divulging all of his ideas are drawn from real life meaning that he was actually inspired by the original killing in the first place she refuses to believe this crying that isn't what happened he tells her people think he creates horror but he doesn't it's already out there in all of us it's in you no it's not she screams back he continues prodding her to access her darkest impulses until he loses his patience commanding her to commit take control of your own story he orders she's still not willing to him then dismissing her to piss off she pleads that she just wants her little sister back and that angle is enough for him to work with he continues breaking her down telling her there's something rotten within her and to let it out stop fighting it which does appear to be directly speaking to enid but is in fact all about setting the scene that he's filming he then asks her to enter her story getting right up in her face and there's a sudden real change as we now truly move into enid's own movie a kind of redo of that moment with her sister as children that has defined her so much she's back at the beast man's house and picks up an axe she heaves with determination entering inside weirdly beast man appears calling her his love and gives her a big hug he says that he's been waiting for her a long time and she's always been in his heart she tentatively puts an arm around him then refuses to accept this rosy version of things and lifts the axe into the air he grabs alice by the hair reiterating there's something rotten and twisted inside of her and to let it out you know you are evil he sneers sort of proving his point she goes at him with the axe stammering that's not in the script alice cries charles and he tumbles back into a tv causing it to explode in a fire of sparks out of his axe wound a mouth emerges declaring i am [ __ ] and she keeps slashing relentlessly at him the aspect ratio that had been more square fixes back to that of the real world now understanding how far her delusion has evolved at this point and effectively her exiting the movie and seeing the real perspective in the real world frederick storms in asking what the hell she's doing the sound guy blowing chunks at the grizzly scene she screams this is all your fault and cleanly decapitates him in one fell swoop oh boy this showdown is a complete synthesis of the movies influencing or combined with their own real history the violence is a bit goofy on purpose is all i'm saying caught some definite evil dead two homage is there she chases down alice still convinced of her delusion that she is her grown-up sister while alice is torn up saying that she killed her friend charles obviously the beast man's actor's real name enid tries to convince her of her fantasy you're my sister i would never hurt you ellis screams i already have a sister and it's not you her not understanding what the hell is going on here in it keeps whimpering you have to be her falling to the ground in tears she is still literally unable to accept anything otherwise still believing she could have never killed her sister and been rotten as continuously accused the aspect ratio gets wobbly and static takes over and she redoes her own version of things rewinding on a remote to a better ending the edit in her brain an angelic looking alice emerges from a holy blinding light she smiles you came back to save me yes i did she says dreamily she holds out her hand telling her to come home it's suddenly daytime and they're holding hands laughing and running together reunited and it feels so good the overly positive outcome spreads further on the radio hearing that thanks to dealing with the video nasties all crime rate has dropped to zero the streets of britain are safe at last the two cheerily driving through a rainbow but then there's a quick flash of real life alice looking terrified and screaming out the window they come to enid's parents house escorting alice out into the street her parents emerge and wave to them it's all so perfect the family back together after all those years of trauma alice excitedly runs toward them inn and mouthing found her and the parents give her a long overdue warm embrace in it feeling like she did it after all then there's another distortion save me alice yowells the parents look terrified and confused init slowly walks proudly towards them alice still screaming she turns back and smiles and can't help but laugh things turning a-ok in the end as far as she's aware at least the ending and how things go down make it perfectly clear what happened enid must have killed her sister as a child and as is brought up at one point it's amazing what the brain is able to edit or really censor in a sense to protect it that's exactly what enid is going through here she has stuff deep down what she did to the extent of really forgetting all the details completely it's by watching that movie that kind of triggers her memory of the past but as we saw when confronted with the truth alice not being her sister she still is unable or unwilling to accept this hence the whole rewinding thing in the woods and the final super over-the-top fantasy positive outcome she has once again censored her own memories because she can't deal with killing nina something i noticed was this entire moment is an exact recreation of another tape she picked up back at the store showing us just how much all of this has started to really influence enid subconsciously also it seems to be the point that enid was so adamant about preventing the public from seeing these nasties that she instead ended up being influenced by their content also the director claimed to her that she has evil within her and is rotten at the core she continuously rebukes this but it appears for all intents and purposes that this actually is the case there is something deeply wrong with her at her core because she winds up killing even more people to avoid reality and in the end has completely succumbed to her own mental fantasy now a hero in her own mind well that wraps it up for this inning explain on sensor while i did particularly enjoy its use of the real life video nasties aspect i could have used a lot more digging in deeper into this and indeed many aspects of the story overall it just felt a bit simple i would say but i still did enjoy the story i told in the end damn those horror movies always turning people into crazed killers and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of censor and its ending what do you think really happened in the end with enid let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 659,160
Rating: 4.9597697 out of 5
Keywords: censor movie, censor 2021, censor ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, twist, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, video nasties, 80s horror, censor, review, spoiler, meaning, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: VO7je_h4f4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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