COME TRUE (2020) Explained

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hey how's it going folks welcome to found flicks on this inning explained we've got a pretty out there one for you come true following a teenage runaway that takes part in a sleep study that becomes a nightmarish descent into the depths of her mind and the frightening examination of the power of dreams this one was quite a pleasant surprise for me to discover you know especially the past year i've been watching tons of stuff on streaming a lot of which i'd never heard of before same for it come true and i was delightedly blown away by how unique and well done it was i was even more impressed when i found out the director anthony scott burns also wrote the script shot it and did the soundtrack with his band i was like dang boy that is a wide range of talents there i'm sure that's at least partially due to budgetary reasons but this also impressively never feels low budget and in particular visually come true really excels it's all extremely well composed and constructed drawing us into its dreamlike strangeness though there's one specific aspect that really stuck with me what i started calling the nightmare tableaus at many points we enter into sarah's dreams and the way it's represented is just cool it's in this kind of floating moving ever forward pov thing passing through dark and weird environments then ultimately coming to a creepy shadow dude every time i was like whoa that is some good looking and quite creepy stuff as far as the story it's what i consider kind of a thinking man's horror sci-fi film because there is a ton that is left completely up to interpretation by the viewer about what it all means and it's one of those that leads to long debates about how to connect the dots after watching and i just love that kind of stuff and at least in that capacity it reminded me of possessor a little bit also canadian then there's the ending itself that perhaps feels frustratingly simple after all the weird stuff that's been happening it does feel kind of like a ah okay then kind of moment but to me this does not undo everything up to that point and there's lots to look at when it comes to everything else that happens and what it means under the surface not just the ending itself and its implications a lot of this touches on the work of philosopher carl jung trust me it is the whole thing so dust off your intro to philosophy books and let's dive into the nightmarish world of come true breaking down the story including the arc of our protagonist sarah investigating its many dangling questions and explaining the ending we fade in on a dark mountain sort of floating ever closer then consumed by darkness there's a muddy ground and ominous thumps continuing to hurl forward we flow through a door that creaks open important to note as a door in dreams often represents the opening of new possibilities and challenges in the future which we'll see is very important to sarah's story we come to a black shadowy figure with their head down facing away sarah then shoots awake sleeping outside on a playground obviously haven't fallen on some pretty hard times then our first of four union titles appears on screen the persona each referring to an archetype that makes up our personalities so let me hand it over to our in-house expert professor foundflix hello there professor foundflix at your service our first title is the persona also known as a mask it is the outward face that we present to the world it is to conceal our real self sort of a public face or personality a person presents to others but isn't who we really are sarah waits outside of her friend zoe's house for her mom to leave putting away in an old cadillac she seizes the chance to take a shower a weekend at bernie's poster on the wall not sure how many 18 year olds are big fans of that one she also is struggling with insomnia or really sleeping at all barely able to stay conscious during class and passes out later in the library zoe at least appears to be a source of friendship and safety for her when they meet bringing up asking her mom to let her stay at her house for a while but is worried about what she's going to do tonight it seems even if she is sneaking around all the time zoe's mom has some idea of what's up nearly catching her on another visit to clean up and get food nowhere else to go she's back to her slide on the playground huddling in the cold staring up at the stars until sleep takes its hold there's a broken seesaw then another white door with ornate designs creaks open we pass through a flash of light more figures floating at the walls waves of light continuing to flash by we enter what looks like a sewer coming to the shadow figure in the middle columns all around this time it's facing us getting right up on its darkened visage and sarah is scared awake back in class while getting some coffee with zoey she stumbles upon a fortuitous potential answer to her problem a flyer there for a sleep study boasting that you can earn money while you can sleep for 12 bucks an hour so she bikes to the nondescript facility called in by one scientist anita she has her fill in some forms and asks some basic questions like does she have difficulties staying or falling asleep uh yeah that's why i'm here lady as for any specific sleep disorders she says she's never officially been diagnosed but actually used to sleepwalk years ago as a child although has not in quite some time back with zoe sarah is distant but shrugs it off when pressed saying that she's just fine and when it comes to when this is set she has a laptop so again i'm like what modern teenager loves weekended bernies maybe i'm wrong maybe all the kids nowadays are huge andrew mccarthy and jonathan silverman fans point being something is fishy already here time period wise she's just thankful for being in a bed in a house getting tucked in on the floor she dreams but actually looks still awake with her eyes open the shadow now upside down and suddenly kind of melts away into nothing we continue flying underneath another coming to a glowing round hole there's a desk with paint brushes entering another cavern the shadow waiting there too this actual confrontation each time appearing to be what always shocks her out of her dream we're given our next title the anima and the animus respectively each represents the mirror image of our biological sex the unconscious feminine side in males anima and the masculine tendencies in women animas trying to get into whole gender thing here is merely the concept is conceived in the 1900s at the facility she meets the rest of the group in this sleep study including two dudes that go way back one guy will has been coming to things like this since he was five years old in the room there's some quite antiquated looking equipment attached to the walls and sarah is stuffed into a strange suit with anita's help explaining that the suit is how they get the information from her to the control room she then sticks on a kind of marshmallowy looking helmet on her head as they're joined by the other female and the study emily she's curious why there's more guys and girls but anita is tight-lipped same goes for what it is exactly they're studying sacred secrets anita in the control room the head of the program dr meyer and his right-hand man jeremy stare into several monitors one for each patient's input appearing as though they are going to be watching their dreams somehow meyer describes each stage of sleep the final stages being rem sleep where you have the deepest of dreams but also warrens if they were to wake them then for a moment they will have no idea where they are so for now they wait as each in the group gradually fall into deeper unconsciousness tons of data is being spit out by the various antique machinery while noticing that they're all kind of synced meyer's tripping in yes for most it is they then start recording and already see something intriguing learning that it's from sarah's feed her eyes flittering behind the lids in the morning she's asked how she slept compared to at home and she sighs in relief that she for the first time in a while actually feels well-rested she later sits by the river reading a book intruded upon by a call from her mom without hesitation she ignores it must be something going on there huh she peruses a bookstore shelves and a bearded dude can't help but bring up that she needs to read the philip k dick book that she pulls out he calls it stuff that will really make you think now seeing his face in focus dana ratcliffe no not really his his canadian equivalent sarah and zoe attend a screening of night of living dead and it looks like sarah has a stalker on her hands jeremy taking a seat a few rows up oh by the way you already missed most of the movie afterwards she explains the situation to zoe as he walks the other way her playfully teasing that she likes him time for more sleeping so she's strapped back into her suit and put to bed but is curious about emily's whereabouts she's assured that these things happen all the time telling her goodnight sarah stares at the camera eying her and it's jeremy solo at the console now in her dream the lights overhead blip erratically revealing more floating figures she enters another doorway back out onto a rocky surface a figure stands and we go right through them a statue is seen on a table coming to more bodies splayed out in unnatural positions there's a brief flash of what looks like that same statue as well as more figures which wakes her up terrified the scientist extracts several frame captures from her dreams asking for her reaction and what she can remember yet she doesn't remember anything until getting to a shot of the ghoulish shadow sending her immediately into a panic induced seizure they run to fetch jeremy only adding to sarah's trauma knowing that he's a part of this sobbing no when seeing him they then have an awkward coffee jeremy promising that he wasn't following her she isn't buying it well then why am i seeing you everywhere he only shakes his head in response so she keeps accusing him of potential immoral intentions here you watched me sleep and thought it was your best chance to find a future mrs nerd and maybe if you followed me around i'd fall for your nerd charms he asked her to not quit because of him her firing back she's quitting because she's had the worst panic attack of her life and no one will tell her why myers sees the footage of sarah for himself and is perturbed by his colleagues irresponsible methods he cautions about the importance of how to proceed with things this is the first time that anyone has done this and puts his foot down to follow his methods that he laid out going forward she defends herself that all they wanted to see was if they do remember meyer pointing out they obviously do ya dumbo at the laundromat sarah blankly watches her clothes swirling in the dryer spotting a shadow figure on the wall behind her the figure is now appearing in the supposed real world she doesn't notice her gaze training outside her phone rings assumingly it's zoey but she can't hear anything on the line to her confusion hearing creaking sounds sarah stares up at something in absolute terror and starts seizing again the light's blinking frantically and she passes out an old possibly blind woman wakes her up informing her that some boys have stolen her phone she runs out but they're long gone falling to her knees in frustration hoping for support from her pal she bikes over to her house in a hurry knocking and ringing on the bell several times but it's looking like zoey ain't home with no other choice she returns to the facility sneaking up to jeremy yelling out aynard he's cagey at first about giving her any deeper information about those pictures but she basically blackmails him that she won't come back until he spills some deets he's concerned showing her could compromise the results firing back his experiment is [ __ ] her up and he finally relents to her deal he attaches the helmet to himself explaining the backstory of the technology a few years back it was discovered how to decode what a mind process is creating a visual representation of this data as a moving image on the monitor we see it is definitely him waving his hand in front of sarah's face but a bit lo-fi sarah smirking so cool oh and a terminator 1 poster there another odd choice time frame wise i see you burnt it was jeremy who tweaked the tech for another purpose to watch our dream sarah realizes beaming ear to ear he's worried about showing her her own dream but instead cues up another seeing someone falling to sleep represented by patterns of rotating squares he refers to this as a hypnagogic experience it's his brain beginning to lose consciousness pictures and shapes start to form in his mind but jeremy recalls that he had a scary dream right off the bat so they might need to cut things short it fades into the same rocky floor seeing several beds there a hand reaches out clutching an egg as we ascend a flight of stairs encountering two statues with arms outstretched more beds surrounding it on very long poles there's a child's tricycle then a jack in the box cranking out an eerie tune their attention is turned to the side a figure's face surprising them there the nightmare that he warned of but it's also interestingly someone else having the same shadow appear in their nightmare just like sarah's taking it all in she calls this nuts but then does consider the moral implication here isn't it a little skeezy to watch people dream especially without them knowing he counters vaguely that he wouldn't do it without a reason and is cut short before he can elaborate further footsteps heard out in the hall and they have to bail in a hurry our next stage is the shadow appropriately been seeing shadows all over this [ __ ] thing the animal side of our personality it is the source of both our creative and destructive energies known as the id in freud talk per her deal with jeremy she returns to a place in the study and it's back to sleep along with the others light stroke venturing through strange formations twisting and floating down a staircase going potentially underwater the shadow is there motionless as always jeremy catches it on his monitor and fiddles with some knobs to clean up the image a bit the rest of the group instantly entranced anita whispers in disbelief how is this happening because we see everyone is having a dream of that same shadow figure as it's laid out we all do have unique aspects to dreaming but eventually all end up like this jeremy revealing that he too has seen this same creature since he was six years old and there's been records of similar things for years but has always been discounted as unfounded and unbelievable the whole idea here is of the collective unconscious this concept refers to part of the unconscious mind which is derived from ancestral memory and experience common to all humankind distinct from the individual's own unconscious essentially there are memories that all humans share and the shadow showing up in each dream is an example of this a primordial fear that we all share of this same shadow he barks too lyle to get the frame in 4k and i'm like this stuff does 4k you kidding me look at that grainy ass image an alert starts beeping and sarah starts to convulse coming out of rim they say she pants awake breathing heavily she's had enough ripping off her suit growling to anita that she hates this place she attempts to calm her down telling her it's just a nightmare but sarah divulges that she knows the truth about what she's up to here knowing that she can see the shadows too sarah goes to leave and anita stops her mumbling your eye seeing that she's bleeding from one of them alone meyer stares at the same shadowy figure from the footage seeing that he has jotted down notes about its particular characteristics sarah furiously pedals through curiously empty streets jeremy trailing her in his car he luckily spots her chaining up her ride sprinting off to a nearby club she must be irregular here knowing the bouncer bill and asking if zoe is around things grow more intense in their absence at the facility both dudes starting to wake up but they begin hyperventilating with their eyes now open mire enters everyone's suddenly silent asking what is going on at the club sarah searches everywhere for her pal beginning to get overwhelmed she braces herself on a fence it runs past the lengthy bathroom line blowing chunks in the toilet she's discovered unconscious by jeremy who carries her out in his arms passing by zoe dancing with some guy so i guess she was there after all the science gang asks about jeremy's whereabouts not wanting him to miss this exclaiming that this is what he's been waiting for the bros keep breathing heavily a shadow appearing in the room near their beds the shadow now really appearing in our own world which is you know probably not good they press on thanks to meyer's encouragement needing data to prove the connection to this so-called icon the unified fear of this shadow with eyes they send someone in silently to reconnect their sync devices and both begin to convulse the image goes fuzzy and both shoot up wide-eyed like the laundromat lady and the equipment glitches out the gang staring on on pins and needles we then come to our final archetype the self the self provides a sense of unity and experience to young the ultimate aim of every individual is to achieve a state of selfhood or really reconciling with the other stages of oneself up to this point ultimately unifying into one realized being back in the dream realm things continue to get stranger a beam of light appears focusing in on a drawn square on the wall we're then coming out of a cave the walls closing in actually looking like claws or teeth entering through a gravestone we're in a mortuary there's a statue of a man going right through a black square there's pools of water on the craggy ground lights continuing to blink above the shadow stands on a rocky structure going right in on its glowing eyes sarah awakes in a new environment jeremy's apartment now sporting an eye patch on her previously bleeding one she encounters a glowing machine covered in a tarp she removes the patch her eye now black and bloodshot yeah let's put that back on for now she finds jeremy strapped in bed pillows covering the whole wall behind him based on the setup here it sure looks like he has a quite severe sleepwalking problem he's wearing his own dream helmet transmitting to a glorified vhs recorder she returns to the machine and dials into the video feed of his dream jeremy begins to fall unconscious and then images start to take shape he's driving a car looking over to sarah in the passenger seat he then comes to her in a void facing away she dons a pair of shades blood dribbling from her lips seeing in the reflection that he has a set of vampire fangs and she smiles with a pair herself they embrace and kiss spinning in the void then dissolving into particles the dream interrupted by jeremy waking up the feed continues here too seeing a shadow looming over the foot of the bed in the waking world she rushes to wake him up and manages to do so right as the shadow approaches him he shouts himself awake giving her a casual hey when he is finally back to reality they go for a bite jeremy creepily eyeing sarah as she scarfs down a sandwich neither uttering a word she suddenly gets emotional and excuses herself again removing the bandage but the eye is looking much better now she returns asking if she can crash on his couch tonight and of course he's down i mean he just had the whole vampire hump fantasy dream thing yeah yeah sure you can stay over she does bring up seeing this herself both stone-faced at the obvious tension and it's right into boning as they get it on all dreamy and weird things grow unsettling when two shadows appear over jeremy's shoulders sarah gets upset and passes out and he backs away shrouded in shadow and gets sarah some help it seems it's not too good either her being wheeled off in an ambulance to the hospital they do an mri and anxious jeremy waiting by her bedside her still unconscious in the nightmare glowing eyes pierce the darkness a telephone rings the same omnipresent light blinking a large almost submarine-like door opens and the shadow is on the other side of some plastic we then fade into another hull what really resembles a hospital lights blink at the end of the hall the shadow revealed with multiple limbs looking quite terrifying this time it's jeremy rather than sarah's dream that we're awoken from things are still off however as the entire floor now looks empty him shouting for help futilely as he runs down the halls he manages to find a nurse inquiring about sarah's location her informing him that she's still in room 237 nice little shining reference there she writes off the oddities as just being all due to a staff shortage asking him to wait until they can get things sorted he sits still all of two seconds before wandering around and happens upon the security camera room catching sarah out in the garage sleepwalking as you recall she mentioned this being a childhood problem but hasn't been for many years jeremy finds her unresponsive at his attempts to wake her he even grabs sarah her only grunting back before continuing to slowly walk on undisturbed he rings a pissed off anita asking for her help her complaining that she's been cleaning up his mess since he vanished he promises he needs just one more thing and we're done then we're done she agrees sarah continues sleepwalking for what seems like hours and anita finally finds them bringing some helpful belongings like slippers and a jacket for sarah along with a mobile monitor to watch her dreams anita verifies their plan to wake her up at the height of her nightmare he's confident that this will work the body tries to reject death and dreams so you wake up sarah going through another dream tour anita is growing concerned how long they're going to let this go on just as sarah goes off the main road into an overgrown field as though she knows exactly where she's going after all they're now on a dirt path in the foggy woods even jeremy is confused thinking that she was going somewhere familiar anita stops him seeing shadows are flanking them on both sides of the dream jeremy notes that he hasn't seen this many before rose and rose of the dudes revealed he reiterates that when one gets close she should wake up as we've seen so far the shadows end and they reach an ominous large building that comes into view confused by a nearby cell phone chime jeremy goes to investigate as sarah enters large columned halls approaching a white beaming light jeremy swipes the phone call from an unknown number away causing a weird error on the screen and the dream light goes black sarah screams and has woken up just as he theorized she's confused asking what happened him explaining that they couldn't wake her you saw she cries referencing all the shadows yes he croaks and apologizes giving her a hug the trio silently head back out of the woods sarah still dazed and anita on edge uncertain that they are heading the right way he pulls out the phone and sarah immediately snatches it away claiming it as being her missing one you lost it out here he asked confused and even more bafflingly sarah says that she's never been here before anita thinks that perhaps she had an episode like this prior but sarah cuts her off asking the time the time's showing as 0.0 then glitching to 1001. jeremy is alarmed too when checking his watch grumbling what the [ __ ] a branch cracks amongst the dark foliage seeing glowing eyes starting to appear run sarah orders the three breaking into a full sprint anita is quickly snatched away followed moments later by jeremy sarah stops turning back unable to see anything around her beyond what her phone light provides hearing more wrestling and breaking branches she stares ahead and gasps the glowing shadow eyes right in front of her she wakes up back at jeremy's seeing that she has jammed his eyeballs out her hands and body caked in blood she tears up in realization of her apparent murder and goes back to the mirror staring at her reflection really confronting herself so to speak her phone beeps with an incoming message she stares at it and starts to gently laugh returning to a reflection she opens her mouth revealing fangs just as in jeremy's dream fantasy and starts to really laugh incredulously we see the message for ourselves reading you've been in a coma for almost 20 years we are trying a new technique we don't know where this message will end up in your dream concluding to please wake up wow so yeah lots to explain here strap in everybody this is one that has so many questions for me it's like a bullet like one by one getting all this thing sorted first of all the conclusion in the end as that sarah has been in a coma for nearly 20 years and everything that we've been seeing is all kind of in her head in a dream reality to an extent then there's a specific wording of the final message from the outside world this is actually a meme which is sort of hilarious to me the earliest example i could find was from back in 2014 but the wording is pretty much exactly the same i'm not sure the meaning behind this particular choice by the filmmaker but it is definitely a choice so this explains the kind of anachronistic nature of things with old equipment alongside modern laptops and cell phones because when sarah first fell into her coma it was 20 years ago but also at least to some extent the changing outside world did seep through into remind which seems to be at least part of the bigger point here they're trying to find a way to get sarah out of her decades-long coma and that is the purpose of the final message to attempt to break through to her dreams all via the out-of-place cell phone the phone to me acts as a kind of gateway between the modern day out of the dream world and her own coma reality due to how it acts in the story first it's the kids who supposedly steal it but then it's found outside the weird shadow building and it's specifically by answering the phone that sarah wakes up from her sleepwalking as though it was almost really planned out in a way trying to trigger specific things to get sarah to finally wake up activating the first step with the call same goes for the final message it's through the phone that they are able to reveal what sarah is experiencing with the whole coma thing all in particular to me thanks to it not really actually belonging to the time sarah initially went into the coma there's a few other clues about this like as she gets deeper into the dreams the environment really does start to resemble a hospital like the overhead lights that illuminate the floating shadows those look like fluorescent overheads that you would see there and even the ever flashing light really could be a pin light scanning her pupils for activity especially based on its particular movements later point being they're trying to get her out of the coma but conversely to all of that she's been experiencing what is essentially her own jungian journey to self-actualization we've actually been following her through each stage of this in our story even if technically all part of her coma dream world i do believe that there is some kind of semblance of reality being presented here as well we start off in the persona before going to the study sarah is suffering from sleep issues and also kind of some estrangement with her mother possibly some kind of drama i mean she's not dead or anything like that whatever it is she'd rather sleep on a playground than deal with it she's kind of running from her problems here and keeping that face or mask up of things being normal where she starts her journey as a character but things continue advancing and particularly with the anima animus archetype to me i feel like in real life things again continue to kind of mirror the dream world and so jeremy could have certainly been a real doctor that she had a burgeoning relationship with however in my interpretation of the events in the coma is that he represents that dormant masculine side of sarah the animus they do have quite contrasting personalities with jeremy usually being collected and reserved while sarah is much more brash and loudspoken to continue this through line to the final stage the self it is by sarah killing the animus that she reconciles with her own self achieving self-actualization as a result all sides of her personality now working in unity together in relation to her having fangs as well this is literally her becoming that dream or fantasy version of herself that was in jeffrey well actually her dream that's the conclusion of her journey in her state of unconsciousness whether she ultimately chooses to leave the coma or not due to the message is obviously up for debate but it seems like based on this final outcome that since she found herself she won't be interested in going anywhere hopefully that all makes sense and that brings us to the conclusion of this in-depth explain video for come true sorry if things got a little heady there but that's just the way she goes sometimes especially when you get carl young involved in all that stuff i dug this one quite a bit and look forward to see what else anthony scott burns will be putting together in the future because this one was really just my style you know and don't forget before we go you can see me request for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of come true and its ending do you have a different interpretation or theory than mine leave your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching foundflix see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 980,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: come true 2020, come true 2021, come true ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, meaning, carl jung, twist, meme, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, monster, shadow, philosophy, animus, foundflix ending explained, foundflix, new horror
Id: EW5BhlX-fn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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