Celeste All Red Berries, but faster than you've ever seen it (TASBot SGDQ 2019 TAS block)

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Like everything about this is so perfect and wholesome.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Green-Omb 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
I am keeper of TAS BOTS and TAS BOTS actually gonna be showing us what is being Preston Celeste thanks to a lot of work by uni who is the main tasks are here I'm gonna throw it over pretty quick but before I do I want to tell you guys thank you so much a hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars thank you just like before I am going to be handing off because uni and the rest of the team here has done how many thousand twenty thousand hours on the Sun we think now Natalie well over 250 yeah well over okay maybe I added a couple zeros there friendly back you get the idea it has been a lot of work many many many recruit rerecords a lot of effort and love went into this and you're gonna experience that I didn't go to pass my headset and my microphone over to Kevin who is part of making this happen and that is so awesome that he's here with power of audio thank you so much I'm gonna handouts over to uni and I'll let her describe what's going on here so I'm uni everyone else want to introduce themselves I'm fishing muffins I just wanted for this game I've run a variety of other games and I'm here to commentate I'm Bob I I'm a RT a runner and I have touched the RBR test a little bit I'm TGI run pretty much pretty much every category and Celeste has NRTI runner you know who he is I know nothing about tasseling but for sure sometimes indistinguishable I'm kiddin as dwango said I'm here with power up audio but I was the head sound designer in this game alongside Linda rein on music should who killed it so I don't I don't test it all but I try to inject myself into the speedrunning scene wherever I can and I'm just stoked to see this happen so thanks so much all right so I think we're to start by going over some of the ways to actually get around in this game fast all right so first off you have your normal - cancel which is a basically pressing - and jump at the same time as simple stuff you have your hyper dash which is the same thing basically except you're crouching so it would be a little bit of a lower jump lower faster longer covers more distance jump you can also do something called extending that hyper - so if you actually separate your dash in your jump input by that we're between 10 and 15 frames there's a 5 frame window you have your dash back in mid air just like your knees doing in addition to that you can do something called ultra dashing so it's a continuation of an extended hyper - we're you - downward diagonally in the direction you're going and what that does is it actually chains the momentum and it makes it today it doesn't stop as soon as the - ends like it wouldn't any other direction and I think that's it sure we have a wall bouncing or up or yeah yeah so you can dash outward alongside a wall and press jump off the wall and I'll give you an extended height and distance what else what am I missing all that times in 3 seconds and what's to come here he hasn't you enjoyed us ok so how about you get a countdown from 5 5 4 3 what what Oh what one side so I would love to save it that's never happened before but that's happened a lot okay five four three all right so now that a spot is now the task was done manipulating the energy the first thing you're going to see here is that we're jumping off the ground and off the top of walls those are called bunny hops and corner boosts respectively and those both give a small speakers so you just see we're jumping as much as possible each jump here saves two frames you can do this at a spot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] figure we might as well start by how these berries work you have to be on the ground for nine consecutive frames to collect a berry and this leads to some interest in rooting so in around forty seconds we have to take an intentional death and that means we have to put a lot of work into rooting okay where is exactly the fastest places to collect a berry however after about intentional death at the end of a chapter Berry's automatically collected so we don't actually have to worry about collecting berries anymore and we end up with a pretty big train of berries behind us [Music] worth mentioning in the second year we're actually going to take a little detour and grow grab a heart since it's all is all red berries there are five berries in't or better of interest to us and I get in the core we need for the crystal hearts so one of them's coming up here we're entering a little password to unlock it and there's our first part and the guesswork there was you skip the cutscene we're about hearts that's worth noting as well an Archie a run would actually save and quit effort in that heart however this task has been modified to be Archie and complain yeah we actually don't care about real time really on the leaderboards for for human runs but uh everything's igt but this tas has been modified for RTA for GDQ specifically [Music] all right so coming up in a second you're going to see a really interesting strat so voicework mo dashes don't worry it will explain how those work in a few chapters but just remember about for now I'm not intended I'm sure that was not now I'm good I thought everything was intended the discoveries are intended so you'll notice that area over there was a wing berry that just means that anytime we dashed when there's a wing berry on-screen it'll fly away so there's a little bit of tricky routing with that involved like we have to be entering the screen with a lot of speed oh yeah and that's that's the thing yeah so humans go over there and taps just goes under this is TAS how much faster even is that [Applause] but half a second in real-time individual so old site is different from every other level in that there is a cutscene at the end of a level that you actually can't take berries fruit I believe that's going work next it's already fixed is fixed yesterday I'm glad you can thank null for though I didn't do anything actually I should explain cutscenes get coming up here when used to get the cutscene your Y position stays to say and so you just appear in the dream block yes there's all the time climbing so what I was saying about berries is that the at the end of the level there's a cutscene that takes the berries away so we have to find places for our level to collect all the berries there are 11 berries that we have to worry about collecting and we're able to actually collect all 11 berries cryo only losing 7 frames which is very impressive [Music] so some interesting hitbox is coming up here that should at work I don't know why that works that shouldn't work yeah hit bust goes right through battle and it's interesting is a thing [Music] guess we should start explaining ultras delayed altars now so you saw ultras when we were setting off and you when you do an ultra you get a 1.2 times speed boost when you hit the ground a delayed ultra is rather similar you - down diagonally but then you corner boost out of a - and when you land from about corner boost you'll still get a 1.2 times speed boost now this is August really fast and it's really hard to see it but we can use this to gain a lot of speed on relatively flat ground and you'll see that become relevant very quickly we did explain the corner view sorry yes yeah so that's the cutscene right there the Getty was talking about where you can't actually take berries through and watch this yeah this is insane [Applause] unfortunately on the way there we have to take a little detour and get this berry but with a cheeky little spike don't we can get it nice and quick yeah and that's the only place in the game where we can chain five ultra dashes [Applause] [Music] there's an interesting throughout at the beginning of a resort here I think it's about a tenth of a second faster to do this incredibly precise - up to this platform so we were talking about delayed altra Zura and if you missed it you're gonna see a few more right here to carry an absurd amount of speed through these next couple of rooms watch for that screen very closely so we mentioned that earlier that's a demo - so less doesn't actually it check what direction you're dashing in until the fifth frame of your - however if you press down on the first frame of your - you'll be ducking during the - and if you aren't pressing down during the fifth frame you can - in any direction with a crouching hitbox and it's a nice coincidence the distance between those dustbunnies is exactly the same height as Madeleine's crouch and hitbox so we can just dash through them you might have noticed there a little another application of the demo - is that if you demo - and then so if you dip my - firm is hard to explain your demo - underneath a wall and by the time your - is over the hitbox is not crash nothing work so whoo you can actually wall kick off the other side yeah basically metal and on crutches in the air and her back is touching a wall and she can do a wall jump also that's the thing right there yeah worth noting demos are humanly possible they're not very humanely practical there are a few vacuum ins go for usually one goes for it it has a setup of some sort and when working on his past we would find a demo that would save a lot of time and it would be like well continuance find it set up for this sometimes they introduce yes sometimes it's no so this is the first major difference between the castes and RTA so there are free paths and huge mess that you can do in any order so the any percent does bottom than top the middle but but that it's to proper Mistral for finding a trip coming up very shortly I was to work from the middle sections of a top section and talking our hero to once it saves around 8 seconds per the tops yes so it's actually happening here is a this screen right here ok so we're gonna leave the screen to the left after it on the heart and the game doesn't really expect you to kick back up so what it does is it just because there's no designated spawn point for that entrance to the screen it spawns you with the nearest spawn point which happens to be upward and you can keep talking to Osho going next of the main huge bathroom and talking to oshiro once so tas does middle talk bottom humans do bottom top middle it's that's free second slower for fat ass it hasn't been properly timed to our TA it but it's just really awkward mm-hmm maybe the screen coming up here there's not really any platforms to land on this one and this one yeah huge my surrounding was one thing that took quite a bit um there's just a lot of paths we can take so we at a time there's a few that we just kick out immediately but we had a time a lot of them yeah there's some clever routing right there where we pick up a key it put it in the door and then leave to get a barrier yeah that's the main reason why this route saves time because we don't have to wait for the door to open this Barry has given me adrenaline rushes because I thought the task was going to die before you I just I really love how I love how the task gets the Barry and still finds a way to demo - wait mr. Barry oh no test buggy back well I think he figured it out so it's about free seconds faster for vataj to skip getting the key and just - rubies dust bunnies instead if that saves a lot of time in any person at around close it's up to forever they go for it and or red berries I haven't seen a lot of these damn editions this so say yeah and test there is pretty much no limit to what that mode - we can do we're in real time you got to be real picky it either has to have a setup or has to save a bunch of time this next room is definitely something [Music] so how close is that to missing the - crystal now last room the last green probably around a tenth of a pixel tenth of a pixel and that's already in five minutes all right right here this is my favorite level I think almost everyone here is favorite level in the test let's hope though everyone else hates wind though there's a light wind yeah witness interest in it wind is interesting it because if it's against you you move a lot faster or when you're dashing it against the wind and you actually move slower when you're dashing way for wind we're coming up to a actually I'll wait a second very important strategy coming up party so the next Berry is a heated berry we have to collect obviously it's to get the berry to collect and we're not supposed to touch foreground here you're supposed to lose the see that varies if he touch foreground but if you land on the ground and then fall off of it the game's generous and allows you to keep the berries and the TAS abuse was bad a theme with fasting this game is whenever the developers were being generous with like letting some you be a little bit off of like an input or something we can push that to the limits berries no movement yeah we don't need those moving platforms [Music] this next berry is my favorite I'm like a analytical and then you'll see in the next room there's a white block that's a reference to SMB free you're supposed to hold down on the block for a few seconds and you're suddenly moving around the backgrounds of this stage we do VAT Yoe I tried that for so long during development I couldn't do it there's a cool auto scroller skip in the next screen and first jump at the end of it that you might want to pay attention to right there we jumped off the bottom of a wall that's possible because the game is sometimes just doesn't move you up far enough when you grab a wall and you can just jump off a wall even though it's not there also there's some kind of interesting movement at the end of the next screen so that looked a little weird if that was us doing a delayed ultra to gain a little bit of more speed entering the next screen because of the time it takes to set up it's usually not worth it but it does save time in our nice little default path all right coming up in this next screen there's an auto store here we don't like all those rollers shut up testicle a for finding rot one the TAS is its own autoscroller so the next very variable moving platforms that we interact with these in the unconventional way so yes but where to spike jumps I would explain them except we're about to get a third spike jump on this top screen Dell watch this [Applause] cliff face is definitely one of a better parts of estas yeah this took forever to find a good route forward and one more spike jump all right best jump at the game how much time does that save like point one yeah even the public range we made sure that Fed jump is in the add first Alaska this marathon so how those bike jumps worked is Iver if the wind pushes you into spikes or a moving platform pushes spikes into you if the spikes don't actually kill you and you can just jump off of stuff [Music] the star of mirror temple here is definitely one of the more frustrating parts there were probably 20 separate routes tested in this section alone I'm not joking yeah and in general mirror temple while one of the best levels in a test it is very painful there's so many routes for every section probably my favorite level 2 and spike jumps yeah that one's a little different because it has these inner spikes instead of normal spikes and those actually give you your - back when you jump off of them all right so coming up here is an interesting segment a human would go to the left and get those berries first then come back get this one later there's a very specific reason that the task is that very first so we're gonna use a block yes we're gonna use this block right here to come back and to do this I try to not 1rt a viable it didn't work I won the way I wonder why miss next berry coming up it's definitely a fan favorite it does another one of those little wall jumps that happen underneath the wall yeah we call him ceiling pops I like the name not sure who came up with it but coming up actually uh the tas is gonna go a different route here than the firm what humans do it saves what like 0.3 seconds or something less than that around three frames so we get the berries in a specific order here in order to take this moving platform over here on the left at the end of the segment to gain huge momentum and basically pretty much skip the entirety of the platforming in the next room and I want you guys to say this with me it ready that's gonna boost never see that berry in this room again we're not supposed to touch the ground here but we do an extensive hyper here anyway and we have four Berry's behind us next berry we're going to do a deaf warp after we have a little bit of time to wait for that platform right there so let's collect the berries then I think now if there are any would be a good time for donations yeah but a bit of relatively team movement here alright I have $35 from Dave stereo who's behind the stage right now greetings from camera tech had to show some love during the celeste tasks last is such a special game that I'm so proud of everything this community has accomplished thank you for being some of the coolest friends ever and let's keep celebrating this amazing team thank you so much Dave thanks to you also I've got a bit of fun won $250 from listy that says go tas bot go tas bot go go go tas bot go tasbot go tas bot go go thank you very much listin it's going you can fit a number one in alright and of course this one is referring to dark souls glitch exhibition that we got coming up we're at a pretty good amount 18,000 out of the 6 mm and it's from John M 194 they donated $250 said just say praise the Sun so coming up here we have the first appearance of seekers seekers move around somewhat erratically and like the - Madeleine and we have to manipulate one to get this Barry here first one of our seeker we have to manipulate later in the level and manipulating those seekers to move quickly it was probably the most painful part of this time really nice quarter abuse a lot of investors cream [Music] alright coming up here is another section called search this section is also a nightmare to test because of a cycle were really not really want to talk about but there's a lot of moving parts Peterson just about impossible to save a single frame on this checkpoint because of a lot of miscellaneous stuff regarding how Keys rotated that demo - is done by humans actually mm-hmm it actually messes up the camera a funny little side effect of it that was found by a narrow shout out soon yeah yeah so that's narrow it found a ton of really good setups but are actually possible and coming up this next barrier that is five frames slower but we have to wait for the cycle anyway so might as well show off a little bit yeah so the cycle they're talking about is actually in a couple screens from now it's in this screen right here so yeah because of the way keys work because of the way it's facing it can actually take longer and yeah it makes that possible yeah we were to go one frame faster and the entirety of search we would a seeker in that room with dashing to us and we're coming up to Pheo one of the best parts of a task vo cancels a - which means if you - downward into fee oh you can use him to interrupt your - and get the speed boost from the ultra and yeah just a lot last time this once pass was shown at a gdq this section was the fan favorite you can probably see why now you're just showing off your you're correct check this out right here so two flavors and it's time to deliver Pheo into an eyeball [Applause] [Music] so I guess you might be warning how that spike clip worked so basically at the long story short one frame you're on the left of the spice the next frame you're on the right side that's like it's that simple so in about all wait so this pepper we took some kind of weird movement out of that if ever it actually is faster to hold diagonal on iver d-pad or of a keyboard on the first frame of ever movement it just gives you a bigger speed boost I love this next screen right here so normally we call those Kevin's but I think their covert muffins now overclock let's go covert blocks [Music] watch this very carefully [Applause] it's great carefully if you get that you're welcome so here actually we're gonna play the b-side of reflection that's because this level at the end of it has a heart and is actually a little bit faster to play six a basis so what is that a watch vests so we literally just jumped four strikes on that last three and it just so happens that with absurdly precise positioning you can just crush jumper spikes occasionally what fish was saying is that I can't even tryna call Randy this guy's out for your job so 6a it does not have any berries in it 6a does not have any berries so that so we don't have to collect any berries and that means we can take advantage of an oversight we're completing the P side of a chapter actually unlocks to the next a side and it happens that 6b is faster for Vitalis to complete anyway and it gets us a crystal heart so we can skip corner earlier and at the end of each screen we end up going really fast you can jump every frame of water and each jump gives you a small speed boost and we call by the water boost [Music] on the next screen here we could just demo directly to the end of the screen but it's actually faster to go a bit out of a way to do a water boost here and preserve speed in the next screen so we're entering the battle in fight you just have to hit battle in until she spies off the next screen and this has some excellent strats here a little special IVA snuck screen a lot of stress involving falling blocks from ceiling as you can see I feel like the best way to describe how a task plays this level is just the intended strat is lava [Music] on this next screen we've been using this throughout the tas but we're able to were able to jump off this kevin twice and gets over and over he boasts from over we're able to jump off at Cobo twice and get to speed versus from it and that allows us to just jump over pretty much for whole oh it's great and we've been using that throughout the entire task getting as many as four boosts off of blocks in some places we got through you right there throwback so this next screen is the best cycle of nataas this is not RTA viable that cycle is pretty cool to get some load for covert muffin VT good sports you thanks a lot man thank you that was great the very first part about cycle is technically possible by which I mean I did it once after trying for an hour and a half so we have two dashes now there's a cutscene in 6a where you get two dashes we skipped that fortunately you still have two dashes and really the only thing you need to know about summit is Merrill 47 varies in this chapter [Music] it's worth talking about the way that somebody just laid out as we progress up areas of the summit we get remixes of areas we've previously seen so like right here will have a remakes the first second city yeah unfortunately at the beginning of each section you are forced to collect to bury also a just great touch I really like how the music changes slightly for each section shout out to the later range he did a great job on this game [Applause] never really good to be a conservationist route on this nut stream Callay is really good at finding fingers like that but just allow us to conserve speed in places that we really did not think for as possible [Music] so for these dream box that we're dashing through in this section whenever we leave a dream block generally its fastest to do two jumps out of a dream block one right when we leave it and then another one right in there it's kind of hard to see you can maybe hear both of the jump sounds happening but it gives us a pretty significant speed boost at dream blocks test do them both really quickly together so you might not be able to see them quite as well I love this fist this next Berry brute here I just completely missed this in the first version of a sauce so one of the YouTube comments just adjusted that and it saves two seconds [Music] you can also high-piled Dreamboats as useful yeah the game treats it as if you're on the ground of the frame that you exit the three block so that it's not possible and now we're entering a 1500 which but it's my favorite part of summit Ferrari there are one or two demos in the section that's how you just kind of like lose sight of metal in there where'd she go of course at around here [Music] this cycle of manic screen is probably the most precise in the entire toss we have zero frames to spare here [Music] that is even closer than that what school road coming up there I love the screen [Applause] you so fortunately if you toss tools we use allow us to pause at a point so let's get started Academy [Applause] so vist Barry it's actually free frames faster for fat-ass the deaf work but we don't do that because it varies and this screen just gives a really good vantage point of how many berries we have [Music] 2,000 meters is another really good part versus another straw absurd speed conservation strong by Callay and this autoscroller skip is pretty well known for community here shut it stupor by for the end of off-screen one of about two seconds to them foot yes'm estas thank you so if you watch closely we jumped seven times at the end of a spree in it we haven't talked about scam enough but if you jump more than four you aren't supposed to be able to jump more than four times off a wall while rapping before you run out of stamina weave it at seven not abused as a mechanic which should be devs - confusingly call a wall boost and a wall boost is you press o you jump off the wall and if you press away from the wall they gain treats it as if you tried to jump away from the wall and gives you back your stamina and of course the TAS completely abused us five [Music] as the coming up is actually a brick of a wall on the left that until like actually somewhat recently we thought you couldn't break that wall without the bubble you have a first version of a toss the day after it was to release or once I saw Stewie hey why think you jump off the wall I was like wait you can jump off our wall to be fed the only breakable wall was like that so understandable and then we have a couple skips coming up here this one isn't intended ooh okay this room that the other side is in case we got very bottom two tiles the very bottom two spikes also watch the key here that last room we literally made the key skippable for any percent and the very not skippable over hundred percent so thanks so at this point we've collected I believe we haven't collected any of the very solid run valid run I believe we have not collected any varies from the Forsaken city section of Summit and not another really good vantage point of the berry train coming up here just keep going you expected the stock but it just doesn't that very Trina actually like some people's computers when I was screaming the first version of estas my game was running at like 15 FPS very we're entering the downwind section of Vespa toss a nice property of downwind is that if the wind pushes you into spikes you can jump off of them so we just did free strike jumpstart and there are four more coming up here [Music] [Music] in case you're wondering by the way all of us is completely our table hey so what's the vio record for summit ARV 1146 winning 1147 keep that in mind I think this piece it by a little bit a little bit [Applause] [Music] [Music] fair warning it skips like the next 4 ok this point is great yeah I watched this by the way I was kidding about the Archaea valuable thing in case it wasn't obvious also cool fit it's actually faster to skip the orb here it also skips them collecting a berry which is obviously more importance take that beamers [Music] it's why have spice hey leader position - well enough to block us [Music] okay flag one is on ironically the single hardest part of a game capacitor [Music] and we did not have to do this but we knew everybody wanted to see us [Music] [Applause] great yeah 930 vine a little bit better oh but but we're not quite done yet we still have to do core and get five more berries to finish out to run and for anyone you wandering it you have to come collect five berries and complete core we get that question a lot so the main you make of core is so once you get past this point your dashes don't actually replenish when you push the ground you have to either Spain transition or you have to collect the green - crystals in order to get that back and there's a pretty major skip coming up here saves around 30 seconds and normally you're supposed to go several strains out of a way to hit a switch that turns this entire area to ice instead we do this [Applause] [Music] that saves about 25 seconds we do a version of that of not that version in Finn human runs as well saves about 35 seconds yeah similar to the the key and Barry thing in the mirror temple part of Summit there's another really cool skip here we skip outs which just gets about two seconds of backtracking here what were you saying saying the ice list in that section it was intended for any percent but it was not intended for the Barry again so again thanks for that that's awesome you're welcome yeah Callay it mainly worked on the anypercent version of his tasks a lot of stuff I found is relevant to vests but also found a bunch of stuff in core specifically back screen used to be just horribly slow but in general core is kind of a nightmare to optimize because we have to think the best location to use all of our dashes yeah also just movement while Madeleine's moving slowly is really hard we're corner boosting twice at the top of most of these corners who also see we do a little turnaround at the top of a lot of these corners and I think we saved seven seconds to office tasks you're from scratch changes but just from micro optimizations all over the place it's not hard to optimize [Music] this one's pretty good [Music] so there is a one pixel window off the side of Lavo where you can actually wall jump off the lava but if you do it at the very top you can corner boost and it looks absolutely ridiculous also I really like how before we collected those two berries we had every single berry encore at the same time episode a finish out the run we now well yeah because they're not actually collected but we have every single berry in the game and I was just finishing out the core we have this like just left to right call a section and uh yeah the last berry doesn't actually collect until we complete the game which i think is pretty appropriate and we're coming up to the end of a toss here so a couple people i'd like to thank-- devil squirrel for making the original anypercent passes and making the tools 0x0 a de for making feed mod were running verticals on right now and demo James been for aside from discovering demo dashing making it some pretty big improvements to be tossed to us hi [Applause] [Music] so we actually have one bonus level for you today I have had I think four people ping me on this cord and asked me if we're doing this so I know people are excited about it and we're actually going to be doing a seaside sea sides are really hard but really short levels this one is only four screens and before we do this I'd like to just say if you want to learn more about what we do or you want to get into Vista PD running speed running this game we have a discord you can find it by going to Celeste on speed run calm we have a channel specifically for casting and for a couple pin messages and that channel that describe most of what you have seen today in test videos also has a in the resources section has a little page on some of the tech we used in this run yeah and fist level the insanity rap to see it was made possible by Don Luca and clay so huge shout out to those two and we're out of the way let's start with this is your dessert you've paid for this well okay now let's go look what an input the file yep the high identify so this framework made by double squirrel is what we used last year there's also a lip task framework maybe Keely we can use that or other submissions but this particular one was made by the preferred tools yeah lib toss is really finicky with Celeste it's a great tool but this is better okay let's go [Applause] all right so AC is actually where hyper dashes are taught to in game that's pain right there if you stop long enough to see if the bird would have actually taught you we use the hyper - on the next screen in a interesting way watch Madeline darling [Applause] and with that that concludes our block again before we before we pass it off I do want to say thank you to Unni thanks so much for everything you can find more information about tasses at tas videos dot org you can find more information about console verification at tas bot net or task bot you can find us on disk or task but highly recommended if you want to be part of our community we'll see you again at a future gdq if they'll let us come back I hope they do with that I conclude this box thank you everyone thank you alright everyone I do want to cut in before this less people take off their headphones because I have a special donation for you guys I have two hundred and fifty dollars from Noel Bering and he says thanks so much for all the support first last over the last year and to all the people who put so much work into having it at this of amazing event also I like your jacket Kevin one more big round of applause for everybody who's involved with TAS spot this year thank you so much [Applause] [Music]
Channel: dwangoAC, keeper of TASBot
Views: 1,186,517
Rating: 4.9293938 out of 5
Keywords: TASBot, Celeste, fishmcmuffins, kilaye, TGH, buhbai, PowerUp Audio, TAS, SGDQ, Games Done Quick, SGDQ 2019, GDQ, dwangoAC, CovertMuffin, CovertMuffin blocks, All Red Berries, Red Berries, euni
Id: ovaMlxgLLi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 36sec (3156 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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