Catching Predators on Discord

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i have many many times i can avoid unlimited twerk why are you hitting on a 14 year old girl i'm ugly i know i don't care why are you hitting on a 14 year old girl dude catching predators on discord i made a female alt discord account as baits and went predator fishing and then confronted them on voice hey cute selfie thanks you busy depends on if you're not boring no do you play any games you seem boring not really but okay cool hi hi boring person hi boring person boy what do you want lol why are you mad i'd love to eat your ass oh my would you even know how i'll finger your while i eat your [ __ ] sarah oh my you're probably not even good at it tell me about yourself dummy what country do you live in what's your favorite fruit okay you live in the uk and i'm 21 and i love a good melon what about you did you mean that you live in the uk yeah i live in the uk why yeah sorry it's okay i'm from california sacramento i'm 14 and strawberries are my favorite way better than melons no melons are better haha fake news are you busy right now no i'm not why wanna hang out haha hang out and do what wait are you a virgin nope really you are single though right yeah i broke up with my ex a few months ago are you a dirty girl though maybe i don't know are you submissive maybe why do you ask i don't know you're just so cute thanks i can't say the same for you since i haven't seen you silly you got a cam babe yeah why prove it haha maybe later i haven't even seen how you look like want me to leave you alone it's okay i'll go that's up to you silly my place is in the kitchen not making difficult decisions can i eat your ass though oh my say yes daddy yes daddy you got any booty shorts i do can you put some on please i haven't seen you yet i'm not sure if i want to share if you don't share i'll put my face cam on okay okay do you like teasing on cam lol when i'm comfortable with someone yes i did it for my ex oh okay nice can i video call you sure oh oh my god oh my god why do you mean your mic come in your face oh draw me to leave you alone oh well that's fine it is okay goodbye it's okay i'm nervous so you won't show your face at all i mean i'm sorry oh my god you see me i'm ugly i know i don't care i don't care what i look like to be honest i am why are you hitting on a 14 year old girl dude [Laughter] i reported him to discord and the relevant authorities here are two reasons why you should join the qubit discord server link on the top of the description we have amazing jokes why was six afraid of seven the seven eight nine was this the joke it took you 24 hours to make yeah we have the bestest mods the mods only partially abuse their powers i'm not supposed to give my opinion but if you join your pp will grow 2 inches link on the top of the description hey yes i'm a man 19 from the uk and how about you i'm nicole i'm 14 and from california sacramento oh nicole nice to meet you i'm single and how about you oh i am single too why do you ask never mind i'm just asking okay silly head sunny california i like it i want to leave yeah i can understand why this pandemic and protesters are troubling right i've wanted to leave for years now maybe i'll find an australian boyfriend or something and fly over there or uk wouldn't be fine the uk would be fine too yes anywhere is fine oh yeah may i see you sure i can send a picture but only if you send one of yourself too yes of course i'll send you mine there wow you are cute thank you why the shocked reaction mayo how many relationships have you been in i had one serious one but i broke up with him two months ago can i see a picture of you now oh i'm sorry about that you won't send one i thought you said you would i don't look good what do you mean silly what do you mean lol you look okay dummy thanks may i ask you something of course are you a virgin i'm not my last ex was the first person i did it with why do you ask oh how was it i liked it yeah ever sent nudes yes i did send a few to my ex when we were together oh cool you had fun right yes it was fun at the time cool wanna have this fun again oh do you mean with you yeah with me but i have to feel more comfortable with you before i can send nudes oh i see all right what are you doing right now talking to you silly why you gave me a nickname silly do you want to call me on discord and talk yeah sure let's do it okay call me i noticed his location appeared to be from india so he might have lied about being from the uk i did try to get him to talk while i texted him back though he wouldn't have it so i decided to confront him then and there why are you hitting on a 14 year old girl dude hey amman what are you doing here i'm trying to figure out why you're hitting on underage girls hundreds is 200 men uh yeah four num 14 is underage in india where you're located and in the uk sorry yeah no yeah okay means what sorry i can't hear you uh you can hear me 14 is underrated yes i can't hear you why are you hitting on an underage girl i'm all right i'm sorry i apologize and i will do that again how do i know you're not gonna do it again no i prove it sorry how would you now i was wrong but like do you do this all the time my discord server no no not this first time i guess how do i know it's the first time like this is serious you know an underage girl you're 19. no i i i owe to my mother's graves first time i was just trying to little you know um i never had any well like i don't have any experience yet so i wasn't maybe having fun around i'm sorry i'm really sorry so you wanted your first experience to be with a 14 year old girl no i didn't mean that i mean yeah no i was wondering i i thought she would be a guy yes i knew it but i have to confirm it it's a guy you know you still asked for nudes though while the girl said she was 14. i won't ask enough yeah but you already did one task i just yeah already i'm sorry for that i would never do check-in i promise dude you can be sorry but like how do i know you're just not gonna do it again tomorrow and then there's another fourteen or thirteen year old girl no i told you i'm both on my mother's dream i love my mother right i would agree why i never did again you promised but you could be scamming me man you could be just lying and like no i won't lie i'm really i'm honest man i i don't like it's my mistake you can say that i made a mistake and i apologize i'm really sorry i need a chance to prove it i would not do that again you're an honest man but five minutes ago you were asking for nudes from my 14 year old girl no i was i was out of my mind i guess you know [Music] i was out of my mind actually so what if you're out of your mind tomorrow or a week from now or a month from now no no i'm awake now i'm out now i i would never do it again sorry you know that if i send this to the police like it will go down like you'll be in huge problems huge ah i know i know i'm sorry like could you imagine like everybody in your family knowing that you know you did this going to the police they would be sad they would be really sad i know it's not just about people being sad dude it's like you'd be in prison it's about spoiling images by spoiling my image i know i can imagine now yes sorry but i didn't mean i was just uh asked about it actually but you're only sorry because i caught you just now like five minutes ago you didn't sound too sorry yeah yeah right yeah yeah you are absolutely right actually god has sent you to prove me wrong you know i apologize to you when even see his girl exit i unfriend her i would never do this again i promise okay so how can i be sure you're never gonna do this again how can i know like is there any way for me to know that you're not doing this tomorrow a month from now a year from now what okay i'll block her i'll leave my discord if you want listen i need you not just i need you to completely after this conversation uninstall discord you know uninstall okay i will be i'm uninstalling okay okay and keep in mind i'm gonna be watching i'm gonna be following your account i'm very very good with computers okay i will all right okay i'm on sterling okay if if i see you again it doesn't matter if you hit on a 14 13 year goal even if you are on discord it will go down never go on discord and if you on any other platform if you are hitting on underage girls on twitter on youtube comments on facebook you'll be in massachusetts i don't really do that things i'm i'm serious i'm not doing anything again actually i never did that i just wanna associate i'm just telling you man right after this conversation uninstall discord if you try anything again i'm going to be watching i'm going to be watching i'm not going to you're not going to know that i'm going to be watching and it will go down yeah right all right okay i'm going to stop thank you you know how [ __ ] serious this is no you know i can understand yes yes i'm awake now i can understand [Music] okay leave the call okay okay what's your name can i annoy him no hello no all right okay fine thank you okay thank you and bye leave sorry [Music] if you are enjoying the video and end up subscribing thank you so much only a small percentage of viewers that watch end up in fact subscribing and also a thank you to whoever is just stopping by maybe we'll cross paths again sometime around who knows heyo hi how are you i'm okay what do you want i saw your picture in selfies on ideas and you looked cute so i thought i would start a conversation oh thank you tell me about yourself what country do you live in how old are you i'm in the states pennsylvania and i'm 18. you i'm from california and i'm 14. i've never been to pennsylvania but i have friends there i plan on visiting someday i have a couple of friends out in california i'm going out this summer to visit him his name is elias and he lives in sacramento i didn't expect you to be 14 though oh i live in sacramento and it's okay i understand we don't have to talk haha i don't mind talking if you don't it's just yeah it's just what i don't know just different for me i don't understand just didn't expect you to be 14 that's all you look older okay so what do you like to do for fun well there's this one guy i met on discord two weeks ago and he's really cute and he lives in cali too so i like texting him when i'm bored or i'm happy for you haha is he nice i don't know him well enough but he flirted with me a bit in voice and that made me curious he seemed very confident haha i'm usually in voice chat with my friends i met someone about a week ago and we are good friends she is older but hold on apparently he was talking with a friend of his called eve where he had said quote i'm not looking but i'll probably find someone unquote then his friend eve said hit up sarah she looks cute to me then kyle says you know i did ha ha i'm not the only one who thinks so hugs oh my head pads why do you pat my head blushes and gets embarrassed looking down cause i think you're cute ah i felt something in my tummy when you said that you would gets butterflies but you're 18 and i'm 14. is that okay i i don't mind if you don't i'm only good at making sandwiches not difficult decisions silly kisses your cheek oh my ah i'm nervous me too but i still like you can i see a picture of you i was on a walk yesterday it looked like a beautiful day outside almost as pretty as you i look sad in that picture i wasn't though the sun was just bright you're saying all these nice things but would it even work out between us i don't know i want to try though that is up to you though maybe it can but i need to get to know you better silly okay can you call me mm-hmm now yes yes oh my god oh my god okay okay let's be quiet hey i'm sorry i was getting the taco me too it's okay you're cute [Laughter] i'm just saying how i feel oh my god oh my god i don't know um i want it to [Music] and i definitely want to try oh my god but why the [ __ ] are you hitting on a 14 year old girl dude [Laughter] holy [ __ ] your heart oh thanks silly yeah listen yeah listen why don't you come be queen in my server in it why would i want to be the queen of a server of an owner with small pp you haven't seen my pp what the [ __ ] also even if it is small my servers are big i own both join i'll roll you oh my what country do you live in and how old are you silly uk and 19. what about you i'm 14 and i'm from california what the [ __ ] you're a miner yes but i don't just mine in minecraft i chop wood grow crops um yeah okay join my servers i don't think i should i heard the owner has a small peepee bruv is this small to you yes tiny it's not oh my god if you saw in person you wouldn't say that oh my exactly i see yeah so can we still be on it what do you mean silly can we still be together in it oh my get together how you know friends with benefits in it send each other pics and i'll give you nitro and rolls in my server you get me but if we were friends with benefits you'll just forget about me the next day no i'd treat you special g swear to god why do you want more than that bro what you saying you got snapchat i do but i don't know you well enough to share yeah it's all right we can get to know each other in it you can call me on discord if you want to talk do you have a squeaky voice i don't know you can tell me if i do or not all right come okay call [Music] you eugene do you speak why the [ __ ] are you hitting on a 14 year old girl dude how babe very small pee pee you have a beautiful face i would give a lot for seeing an orgasm in your eyes but i probably wouldn't even feel anything with that small pp of yours prejudice isn't that you would crack you want to look at more oh my nice suit tell me about yourself silly what country do you live in how old are you 28. russia where are you from honey i'm 14 and i'm from california sacramento but i want to move out someday you are very young sorry for the photo very beautiful i thought you were older oh okay are you a virgin nope my ex was the first person i did it with i would love to be in his place you can show yourself i only saw one photo oh my sure let me find a picture there you have nice suits tummy i love your face thank you i would give a lot for seeing an orgasm in your eyes more and more oh my would you actually i'm too far babe you are insanely attractive but you'll probably forget about me tomorrow why do you think so if there was an opportunity i would please you infinitely do you want to call me on discord maybe my english is bad i'm russian it's okay we can still try i speak very bad you will laugh and i understand just as badly spoken language i like to laugh a little bit later now it's not very convenient to talk how much time do you have it's okay if you don't want to call maybe better we just forget about all of this no no no i'll call but not much later what if you call now for 10 minutes i really like you one minute due to poor knowledge of the language you will not be interested in talking do you think it's worth doing it if you speak english slowly i can probably understand yes it's worth it half the words from google translated so you won't call maybe video call we can video call yes wait two minutes honey okay i'm nude need where oh ha ha i understand oh he was having technical issues at first but after a bit of fiddling he managed to get his video to work [Music] once again he started having issues but soon after it was resolved only avatar go on microphone i can't listen you i won't listen you i have many many time i can avoid unlimited mind which is very very bad he left the video call but i managed to get him back on so that i could confront him about the whole situation why are you hitting on a 14 year old girl more why are you i'm listening why are you hitting on a 14 year old girl i'm not nude for dialogue but you wanted to have sex with the 14 year old girl in the messages in the messages you said you know in the messages you typed i don't understand hobby you know what you typed that you wanted to orgasm with her you know what you said about the um if there was the opportunity i would please you infinitely [Laughter] after a bit of convincing i got him to join the voice call again hey hello so you um i want to understand like why were you doing these things hello so why were you saying these things i'm not understand my entities is very okay okay uh why okay okay for my message okay look uh in text why did you say this in message why did you say this i would not say message easy say what and after that you said this like um so nicole said this i say she little and then you later for two years you didn't say in two years you never said in two years only later you never said only later in the text hello person i hope you enjoyed the video if you didn't feel free to hit the dislike button or comment below how i could do better next time if you did enjoy the video and ended up subscribing thank you so much and welcome to our um not so small group anymore of homies we're often chilling in the discord server and you're very welcome to join us the link is at the top of the description below i hope you all have an amazing day peace out and see some of you over at the discord server you
Channel: Qubit
Views: 3,953,822
Rating: 4.9388452 out of 5
Keywords: catching predators on discord, discord, predator, catching predators in discord, chris, hansen, catch, catching, chris hansen, catching discord predators, hunting, caught, tonight, new, 2020, video, server, busting discord predators, meme, exposed, 2019, qubit
Id: 8H8pWA2SAkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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