Cashiers, What’s Worst Reaction When A Credit Card Was Declined? (AskReddit)

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cashiers of reddit what's been the most interesting reaction you've experienced when someone's gotten their card declined I was 16 y/o working for minimum wage of the Jesus chicken restaurant a guy and his daughter came in and she was in a gymnastics uniform they order and she starts telling me all excited about how every time she has an out-of-town competition they try the local chicken chain together their total was only 16 dollars but his card got declined he pulled out a second but it declined too she looks disappointed and he tells me to cancel the order but it was only 16 dollars so I run to the back and grab my own cart and run it through they get their food and he lingers behind to thank me and tells me that he's going through a divorce and they probably wouldn't have gotten to continue their tradition if I hadn't stepped in I felt good doing that for someone without expecting anything in return but to my surprise right at closing that night my manager comes to the back and says someone is asking for me the guy came back and gave me $30 and thanked me for making his daughter's day I had a lady break down and start crying while she was in line she already looked like her world was falling apart I don't remember what it is she bought but I don't think it was more than $30 and the guy behind her offered to pay for it more crying ensued I once had a woman scream at me and call me a [ __ ] then she dumped her purse out and started showing me expensive makuu to prove she's not poor and broke could I afford a $50 lipstick if I were broke no I could not it was a lipstick that normally sells for $25 or so anyway she demanded I push it through like I had any ability to do something like that the manager came up and told her she had to leave because we couldn't push a transaction through a declined card I had a customer that was yelling in multiple languages in my Lobby demanding a refund onto his shift curbs we had already made his drinks but he said it took too long smoothie shop mid-summer it's going to take a bit always the guy wouldn't stop yelling was trying to take other custom smoothest - replaces even though his were in his hands all good after trying to convince him that I absolutely cannot give him a refund on the gypped can without the actual gist curd and hash he finally walked up to the register deliberately knocking over to staunch ins with the guided rope between them then proceeded to flick the two gypped kids at me both missing and going over my shoulder the craziest part is in the end he actually didn't pay on the gift cards he paid in cash wanted to smooth his refunds put on these non relatable gift codes but also to keep the smoothie at that point I went to hand him back the cards he dropped his smoothie one was mostly gone and kept the other and just walked out the door left fifty dollars in gift codes utterly astounding interaction cashier at a drive-thru I took his card at the first window told him it was declined he says alright I'll just go I guess he pulls up to the next window demands food then slams on the gas pulling away almost crashing into another car that boy wanted his windows this happened to a friend but I worked at the same place at the time my friend swiped a college kids card and it declined well this kid very calmly said oh my parents must have cut me off excuse me then proceeds to get out of line walk a few feet away to call his parents once said parents answered the phone the kid proceeds to yell at his parents and insist that they give him money all within earshot of everyone around the register several years ago day after Christmas at Target woman has three carts full of marked down Christmas merchandise my scanner was broken so had to hand type each UPS code in by hand needless to say it took a while customers not only complains about how much I was inconveniencing her by taking so long finally finished ringing up her purchases and she hands me a card declined she had me run it again declined again sighing outrageously she pulls out her wallet and flips it open I swear the woman had like 20 credit cards he starts wiggling her fingers over them like she's picking a tarot card and the new card to me declined another card declined as me try several cards more all declined finally super pissed she writes me a check in mounting Li I tell her it's declined also she slams her front cart away and stomps out the exit lady behind her asks if her items are up for grabs I say yep and proceeded to watch as a horde of people ravage the contents of the cards it was awesome like watching sharks eat Chum everyone was pretty chill during my years in retail they either paid cash or asked me to hold things so they could hit the ATM and this was not an affluent area by any stretch so fairly common occurrence I did get one person who was in denial and went through every credit slash debit card in their wallet eight total I almost thought the machine was broken until the next person in line had no issues whatsoever misses eight card was not amused but couldn't do anything never saw her again not necessarily a bad customer behavior story but one that I'll share anyway I was a cashier at a chain hardware store the big orange one a mom dad and a few kids all in ill-fitting clothing but pleasant as all get-out come up to the register and look like they're having a rough day they have three carts full of merchandise all basic stuff one of everything you would need if you were moving out or starting from scratch toilet paper cleaning supplies mop broom light bulbs carts full of just everything you can imagine I asked you guys moving to a new place the mother says actually a house burned down I apologize for their circumstances and continue to ring up their write-ups the total ends up over a thousand dollars I run their card and it's declined at this particular department store you're allowed to discount a total up to $50 without manager approval so I do that and it's still declining the parents look like they are at their complete breaking point but are taking it so gracefully for a family with three kids who just lost everything the mom tears up and starts calmly making decisions about what to put back I asked them hang tight fooled the manager aside and explained the situation the manager and I walk back to the family and they are still eliminating things and my manager took 50% of the entire transaction then added a 10% senior discount in the 10% military discount on top of everything the card then worked and they were incredibly grateful and nearly in tears as I backed everything up I'll never forget how awesome that manager was I didn't even have to really explain anything after I said so their house burned down and she immediately jumped into action to show some compassion we see a fairly clever smoke and mirrors routine at my liquor store customer comes in walks to the spirit / hard liquor section and puts one bottle under their shirt while picking up a second and walking back to the register with it they attempt to buy the second bottle with a card that they know will decline then they say they have to call their bank and dial a number as they leave this direction works back in the 90s I worked for under Lowe's had a guy pick out a new TV and VCR wanted warranty nice easy sale trouble is I noticed the signatures were a bit different and in those days anything over 100 pounds you had to phone through for authorization so I did and the card was stolen lady at the other end of the phone said I was as much as possible supposed to hold the line and keep the customer in the store as the police had been called so I say to the guy sorry it seems their system is playing up so it's going to take a while for the authorization to come through he seems fine with it waited and waited what must have been 20 minutes and another customer said you know what mate you're making it look likely stolen that card I told him that I was just told to wait for the orth code and that would take a while cost their system yada-yada card bearer pegged it out of the shop I could now explain to the good Samaritan that the card was stolen and in the nicest possible way that he was a dick and should keep his thoughts to himself got paid 50 pounds for the card handed it to the police who turned up about five minutes after he'd bails told them what he was wearing that he was long gone just the other day I had a lady whose card got declined her response was to try it about six more times then it hit her she works it's a wrestle shop and had to use a big magnet for jewelry or something she forgot to take her card out of her pocket and long story short she managed to demagnetize her card her solution was to run home and grab cash which wouldn't have been a big deal except she ran her food stamp card first and the register physically will not let me do anything except finish tendering so I had to cash her out return the non-food items hold them until she got back and we ring them and yes she spent a good five minutes ranting about how I was conspiring against her until she figured out what happened I had a guy who pulled cash out of his wallet to pay but before he handed it to me he stopped and said oh wait I can earn points on my card so he got his card out and swiped declined tried again declined so he says never mind and just leaves his stuff it was only like $40 bucks but I was like you don't want it because you can't get points no clue what that was all about I once was standing in line behind a new Canadian whose card kept getting declined it was almost closing time and she was trying to buy diapers baby food and some regular groceries she was panicked and insisted that there was a problem with the machine the cashier at Safeway was being ride and condescending and insisted that there was nothing wrong with the machine the Lanoue behind me was growing and the cashiers attitude made me uncomfortable so I offered to pay she said she had money I insisted it wasn't a problem her writings fell just short of $50 we added my items to her transaction and I paid with my debit card I was there long enough to hear the transaction behind me get declined then the cashier said something like oh that's right credit cards are down right now I was told to be quiet and polite when explaining that a card wasn't working so when the transaction was declined I tried to keep my voice down older gentleman with family asked me to speak up he still couldn't hear me his family laughed and said something like you Daft bugger the cards been declined he laughed said he used the wrong card fortunately the other one worked at least it was a positive reaction back in the mid nineties often you would have to call in a credit card dial in the number and expiration date and the amount over a phone if it was declined there was no additional information so I was working at the Walgreens that never closed the crap that is sold at a drugstore is pretty impressive the customers are captive for half an hour and the practical items are few and far between so the store sold toilet piggy banks and fake mounted deer heads and extended rubbers that couldn't actually grab so this family comes in and loads up two shopping carts late at night just before Christmas I rang it all up the card was declined so he voided the sale and the family took a few things out IRA rang up items and still declined this repeated until there was a pile of rejects and a pile of still wants the still wants pile got smaller in the rejects pile got bigger they were dejected and humiliated until it finally went through I think that this was their Christmas and they waited on a card to come but the line was not for the amount they wanted they were stuck with picking out their gifts for each other among overpriced crap I spent the rest of my shift putting the entire rejects pile away I'm not a cashier but I had an interesting encounter with such a situation while I was in line at chip Atal once it wasn't a very crowded night maybe four or five people in the whole place and I'm in line making my order as a very tall sleek and ridiculously shredded black dude is paying for what looks to be four or five different orders it caught my eye because the total ended up being like over $50 and I thought to myself damn I wonder how often someone spends over $50 here anyway he hands over the card and it declines the cashier is just some teenage high schooler who feels obligated to try again because it must not be reading it correctly she scans it once more with a pretty frantic look in her eye and hands it back saying that she thinks it's being declined I think the cashier and myself were both absurdly surprised when the guy takes the news completely in stride tells her it's not a problem at all and proceeds to pull out a wad of cash from his pocket all Benjamin I'm talking easily dollar sign 8k dollar signed 10k just in this guy's pocket maybe even more probably a similar amount in his other pocket hands her a single $100 bill and tells her she can just toss the card
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 183,681
Rating: 4.8526506 out of 5
Keywords: cashiers, cashiers of reddit, credit card, declined, declined credit card, credit card was declined, worst, worst reaction, reaction, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: PvVXQgbEDkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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