Which vehicle can survive the most damage in GTA 5?

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all right we're checking out the only game where the more damage my car takes the more damage my psyche takes it's GTA we wanted to find out which vehicle could take the most damage and so Alex has put together a brand new challenge Alex has given us this huge fleet of cars to put through various tests we're going to be going through challenges such as wall breaking challenges punch challenges windmill resistance challenges and more with Alex's elaborate boards that are part skill part luck and part mental anguish we're gonna have to find out how we can make it to the end with a vehicle that will still be in one piece to cross the finish line so the question is do you pick speed do you pick sheer size I don't know but it's probably gonna kill me to find out let's do this I know I know I'm getting it out of the way okay yeah I want my mommy welcome to wall breaking resistance this is where this starts so Alex described this board to me as a survival challenge part of it is just the ability for the car to survive through this stuff like this glass ass and the other part of it is going to be me you know trying to survive probably as a human being why am I putting the top down wind resistance that and he told me there's like a bolder challenge or something so I figure if the top is down my head can break The Rock's fall see anything to reduce damage to the car now unfortunately we're one challenge in and this car is already looking pretty jerpy the windshield's busted the front end is bending it's starting to smoke already and Alex has given me no weapons in order to clear out any of the obstacles I like that I've been given a stun gun maybe I can just hook it up to myself and I won't have to feel any of this all right so we made it through the first wooden wall car looking terrible so now the wooden wall is going to get even thicker and even taller we're dealing with thick wood God the Whiplash trying to get through this thing is real well it's like all the Whiplash I endured making all the membership videos that are sitting on the channel in the join area there's over a hundred of them that's how much brain damage I've endured that you don't even know about anyway if you want to join you can check them out oh sweet Whiplash first person view penetrating the wood very normal in GTA happens all the time for science I science okay we're almost through this is great so now there's three layers of wood my windshield is caught on it all right we made it car looking worse so now we've got like uh like a Ply board wall I would say there we go oh this did pretty well through the plyboard wall oh yeah no problem second wall easy come on easy third wall oh wow I think he's stacking him you can see it kind of glitching I think it's like three walls literally on top of one another come on here we go yes I didn't think going backwards would do that to me all right we're gonna get we're gonna get some speed we're gonna oh I see the Rocks yeah come on Mom car welcome to the Rock ball resistance so already this car has made it farther than I thought it would if one single rock falls on this thing I don't think it can survive remember how I said I was gonna let my head do the work for me yeah I don't know anymore all right here's what we're gonna do I'm just gonna try and like power my way through this oh hey stop stop he put the stuff bars in so you have to get smashed all the cars already on fire there was one rock that was a direct hit but it is still going we are still rolling hold on hey made it past the Rocks come on it can barely Drive the rear bumper is falling apart will they say fist resistance oh oh my engine died I mean it didn't blow up all right let's uh let's pick something with unbridled speed and nimbleness now this isn't really made to take damage but with the sheer speed of it maybe we can avoid some of the rock strikes and it's very easy to plow Through the Wood just from the torque we do have a brush guard in front too I've already lost one of the lights oh yeah this thing could just drill right through the walls out of the way level walls okay uh it has taken a lot longer to get through the wooden walls than I thought and I've lost the entire front hood all right but we did make it it just took a while and we did take a lot of damage so ply board doing great so far in fact it does so much damage just from the speed that you'll notice in the one shot we got through three levels of flyboard in one go the rock wall resistance if we get hit with a direct shot I think this thing's gonna fold I'll probably end up busting a tire or something so what you wanna oh it's already on fire too oh I don't even know if this will hold on I just got to see if this can make it further than the mom's car if this doesn't make it as far as the mom's car it's gonna be really sad okay the fire is rapidly spreading right now so it can get down this hill throw the fist resistance still on fire the fire spread to the rear okay fist resistance it has to blast you through the floor and that did it so it got through one obstacle more than mom's car before it blew up all right let's go for something that looks like it could take a beating now we've given up all of our speed but we what we lack in speed we make up for and just rock climbing ability and weight the other cool thing is this thing has like a roll cage around the entire outer body of the vehicle all right so again it's not super fast at busting through walls it's kind of like you know hitting your head against concrete so I got through it and all I got was brain damage but no damage to the vehicle ply board easy all right so the vehicle is still looking pretty good but now we're almost to the Rocks yeah it feels like trying to shove a square peg in a round hole get in the hole there we go see we don't need intelligence now the front end of the vehicle did bend a little bit but I've got a 2000 IQ play here what we're gonna do that didn't quite work as I had anticipated what we're gonna do is go in with the rear of the vehicle first oh my God why had to go through the entire course again all right forget the rear first I don't want to have to do this again uh you know the cool part is is that it's short enough oh no oh Direct Hit uh uh ow you know with all that said and done by the time we got to the bottom here I only lost one door and dented the grill maybe this car is pretty legit okay this is the best run so far basically what I have to do is kind of yeah I have to line it up so that the front oh no I was gonna see this so that the front hits the Rock in front of me as it falls otherwise I kind of end up getting smashed from like yeah here we go right here right here Perfect Look at that awesome watch this ah yeah okay I'm not uh I'm not gonna try and be cool anymore I just want to make it past the rocks at this point uh okay this is it this is it here we go here we go no no no no yeah down a door but we got it and it looks like the front axle's bent but that's okay this is the first time we've gotten through the rocks and not been on fire that means it's time for fist resistance oh Force 50. okay so 50 punch Force this is like the one punch man challenge except uh you know we're not the hero of the story all right I guess I'll line it up and get hit here we go and uh oh made it okay the car is bad um the car kind of looks like I'm driving a half melted ice cream that that is that is what this car reminds you of right now it's like an orange sherbet that's been sitting out in the sun for a few minutes you're probably like great are you really trying to stun gun the ground listen if I can take any of this damage away and cheat it absolutely all right stun gun doesn't work hit me hit me oh okay I think if I line it up right and it hits the yeah and it hits the top part where the cage is that should reduce the amount of damage that the engine takes okay so we made it through the I just lost the entire front brush guard six I saw a comment someone was like Alex during the try not to use 69 in the title of the board challenge somewhere somehow there will always be a hidden 69. yeah all right we're not on fire yet come on I think what's happening is he's stacked in the boards effectively all right so it made it through the fist resistance challenge the engine isn't sounding so good windmill resistant windmill resistance and make it sound like a dungeon is a dragon spell I cast windmill resistance you know for all of those wild windmills out in the world okay so what you have to do is line up your car and get smashed by the windmill oh no this car's not going out like that I want to give it one more try I've got good news and I've got bad news the good news is we've made it to the Rock challenge the bad news is this run is going terribly ow ow oh God still rolling down the hill so I rolled all the way down to the bottom of this mountain and the car is on fire and I think the car is about to well there you go all right I'm going with something with real body armor thugging what really ah Enis sounds like a new planet that they managed to find out in the solar system oh something has great speed front bumper not looking fantastic kind of wobbly okay perfect there we go ow I may have just popped a tire oh God all right now we're starting to take a lot of damage the problem is the length so look at the amount of damage this thing is taking oh God stop please I made it oh no it's on fire hold on I gotta see if I can get to the fist resistance go go go go go go go go go go go go no but the timing was fantastic all right I've had enough this thing is incredible look at the rear bumper look at the front plow it's got everything boosts Scott I don't even know what those are it's like sharpen Spears on the top Spears like my buddy Spears the amazing HD you know what we can just use the rear why not it's got the biggest I don't know what to call this like shield on it okay so we've made it to the ply board at this point now the question is how does it handle Rock Falls the only problem I can proceed with this car is again it's kind of long but it should be able to take a ton of damage oh no oh direct it I'm pretty sure that damaged the engine there goes the door wow [Music] this thing one rock fall destroyed the engine and set it on fire I will say the car oh my God the car can be on fire for quite some time we just lost the engine Color Me disappointed we're using this oh yeah Die Hard I'm gonna die so hard before this board is over now if you notice we have like bulletproof plating on the front of Die Hard Bruce where let's guide me oh yeah oh it's got a lot more power than the other car too oh it just blasts Through the Wood now the hood is already starting to bend all right let's see how it takes the rock fall challenge again all these cars are so long that you get hit no matter oh oh well hold on we're kind of low to the ground so maybe I hate you so saved oh God is any oh hold on hold on I was gonna say is anything going to make it through the rock challenge we took a lot of rocks we're still in one piece we're not on fire that means it's time for a car to go through the fist challenge now the only problem with the fist resistance challenge is this car is so short that whoa oh wow the weight of the car blasts it right through the ground I didn't even have to get hit by the fist that was kind of cool fish challenge level 60. go easy there is so many scars on this car oh this this truly does look like an apocalypse vehicle at this point all right go ahead just another day getting abused by an Alex board this is what it feels like this is what it feels like oh three punches to get me through that car still looks well it looks terrible but it's still in one piece it's not it's not on fire we're doing okay but the question is how far can it fly during the windmill resistance challenge here we go line it up you kind of want to be at the end I think right here yeah perfect nice this is the first one to get through the very first windmill resistance challenge okay so you have to get brushed off to the right again so I guess you want to park like right on the red line you know but it's like hitting with the barrel of a baseball bat nah oh I lost a door okay so we lost a door and the trunk doesn't lock anymore as we say all that means is I get free air conditioning fourth July resistance you know Michael pay me to death at first I thought I was gonna get lens flared to death uh nope they're shooting actual fireworks at you and you have to be on this tiny little tightrope now I think that the reason hold on I think I can get back on the challenge or not all right so car isn't looking great uh but I think it looks a little bit better than our last run so let's try the Fourth of July challenge again all right ready epic Dodge oh because we're so short I didn't I never had to dodge the rocket in the first place nice trash compactor resistance [Music] this was gonna make it hold on hold on uh uh I gotta try and get to the trash compactor resistance oh never mind so we did not get to the trash compactor resistance okay so we need something that can probably take a real firework to the face let's try the dollar store tank so far it's okay remember how I said okay never mind I'm gonna upgrade this to pretty awesome it breaks through wood real smooth all right now how good is it at getting bludgeoned to death by Mother Nature God it's like it's like an angry Captain Planet or something the cool part is it can actually push the Rocks like I can go forward and push this rock to give myself a little bit of a no no yes that was almost awful ow so these are pretty direct hits and I don't know man the Armor's doing great I just can't make it past this last Rock it's killing me there we go so this is the best we've ever looked going into the fist resistance now the good part is this thing is so tall that getting hit by the fist is really gonna put us through the wood ready here watching One Time full flip 60 fist surprise didn't make it through in one shot I mean the second one's gonna do it there we go Okay so we've got some scars on the rear bumper but again not too bad so 69 doing okay uh yeah doing all right now I know what you're saying they're great how well does it fly through the air life's pretty good wow what's this thing get like two miles to the gallon how uh how eco-friendly is this what's my carbon footprint in this thing boom nice full flip sticks The Landing all right here we are Fourth of July go go go go go go go go go go speed speed speed speed ow uh oh I'm on fire I'm on fire in two places now out of the way I need to see if I can get to the trash compactors before this thing blows oh I am burning alive like me gray inside the car the cockpit is just filled with fire right now but it's okay car hasn't blown up well car the tank thing hasn't blown up go ahead crash can packs me hurry up we gotta see if we can get past this level so you get smashed through the wall the wall goes down eventually after you get crushed a lot kind of flip through the air a million times and then we're supposed to land down this tiny little ramp area where the garbage is all right so the tank has taken a lot of damage it is smoking a lot but it still works that means we're on explosive resistance I'm gonna try it I don't think there's any way there's a lot of smoke now that this thing makes it through yep that was enough I'm gonna give this one a shot while breaking resistance I give it a B minus so we made it through the ply boards this thing has more armor to it than I thought it would so the question is how well does it do on the rocks and the answer is because it's so short it's look at it it's like really short and Nimble so it doesn't take a lot of damage here by the rock some of the cars just get hit by these rocks eight ten times and they're already on fire or smoking by the time I'm done this car has taken the least damage going through the rock challenge look at the speed it's incredible right through the punching challenge but we are losing the front bumper oh the Karama is money this is great go ahead hit the top where all the armor is doing it perfect now there goes the full bumper Bumper's gone no problem just shedding a little weight is all still not smoking might be able to wiggle it through here now uh well the extra punch helped I guess yeah I mean it looks all right we got all the doors we have the rear bumper front Bumper's gone but you know windshields are still there all right so how well does it fly so right here uh foreign it's okay we can make it up to this point pretty good and we can literally squeeze through a lot of the Rocks all right made it past the last punching challenge car looks pretty good other than like a couple of dents on the bumpers look at how legit it is nice oh the front well the rear pumper is actually tearing off now yeah we could take a hit from the left here we go perfect big flip still have that rear bumper so now it's the firework challenge we're gonna do raw speed raw speed here we go oh do you have a stop stick at the front nice nice Dodge and nail them crash compactor resistance I love this glitchy mess that you put together Alex all right let's line up to the wall get sandwiched okay wall should come down there we go okay uh doing okay wow oh the front the front of the car looks terrible but it's not smoking that means it's a matter of how well can it deal with the explosive resistance challenge you cannot oh oh yeah yeah you knew what time it was there's no way this thing loses right it just walked through the walls and it is walking through the owl through the Rocks too yes it does take a rock pretty solidly on both the front and the back of the vehicle each time they fall like that but while there's a lot of dents and a lot of scars if you notice the axles are great all the doors are still on looking good all right fish challenge here we go hit me oh oh it's so heavy it just goes right through the wood this car doesn't even have to get punched well this is interesting uh it's almost like a cheat kind of because it it gets rid of some of the damage it could be taking because it can't take the damage in the first place all right so how about 69 I'm gonna go I'm gonna go on this wood kind of slow wow it's still it's still just busts right through all the wood but because it's so heavy will it fly far enough to complete the windmill resistance challenge here we go yeah good aerodynamics too aerodynamics it's like we're testing aerodynamics by taking a a backhand windmill shot to the face perfect oh I hate myself right now so much it's okay doing great now you may notice that this run has not gone as well as the last run the car's looking pretty bad uh we've lost a door completely all the glasses shattered out I'm hearing knocking from the engine every once in a while the top of the vehicle is dented badly and the other problem is because it's so top heavy sometimes it just goes flying over this barrier the engine sounds like it hates me oh it sounds like someone's popping into a can of Pringles so there's no way to dodge this you basically just have to take it face first run the guy over go over here to the trash compactor resistance hope that you get here in time basically the guy's still hitting me stop this thing is oddly fire resistant even though it's been on fire for a while look at that buyer's out we're good we're good hit me now we're missing a door unfortunately but look it has enough strength to stop the trash compactor and wall goes down really a glitch is gonna kill me back to the beginning I tried to be positive I was like it's fine it'll give me a chance to have an even better run yeah I don't know if you can tell the Run has not been better at all so again the good part is that we could just fall through all of the fish challenges like it's no big deal but the car is jacked up I guess I should call this an SUV the armored vehicle still though the windmill resistance is great on this thing okay so how do I want to do this can I dodge this there's no way to dodge it so I'm gonna be on fire I can well I could just miss a oh actually hold on hold on hold on I haven't I didn't have an idea I have an idea maybe I can put the fire out down here because it does it hold on I'm gonna try something go out I can't get this spot there we go I was gonna say it won't flood out that easy I should be able to get the uh the the Fourth of July fires out on this thing and I may be able to climb my way back on the chair nope nope nope nope nope nope don't you reload get out of here all right I mean I was only on fire for a very short time trash compactor easy we're about to find out if it can deal with the explosive challenge surveys no all right here's the plan I've got an idea all right this has been a good run I'm gonna double tap that guy make sure he's not gonna give us any problems we're gonna put out this fire by backing this into the water I think that we could have made it through the explosive challenge the only problem was one of the explosive barrels there was like three hold on there was like three different explosions the third explosion is what killed us the first two I think we tanked so we're gonna line up with the trash compactor let it grind us for a little bit it looks like it gets like two or three hits in before the wall finally goes down because the wall doesn't go down all the time it just kind of sometimes happens okay so it gets at least at least three trash compactor hits in after hope you're not claustrophobic when you're down here we're gonna get as much speed as possible we're gonna try and hit this high and only have one major explosion there we go go go go go go go go go go before it blows up and we have a winner I knew it could take two or one explosions we got there well apparently this vehicle even had a little bit more gas left to get before it blew up and folks hope you enjoy this episode next time stay foxy a bunch of love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 970,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gameplay, funny, gaming, game, games, comedy, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, grand theft auto v, ramming obstacles, ramming in gta 5, ramming ridiculous obstacles, best ramming car, monster trucks gta 5, most damage in gta 5, damaged car gta 5, survive the most damage
Id: JAgk0lAOir0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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