Cars vs strong winds in GTA 5

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all right we're taking out the only game where highspeed wins will make my sanity come crashing down its GTA we wanted to put cars in GTA against highspeed winds and so Alex has created a brand new challenge channeling the power of Florida Alex has created multiple hurricanes of sadness that are attempting to elbow drop my vehicle with winds while I'm trying to get to the end of the course sometimes the winds are coming from the front sometimes the winds are coming from the side and because there's no way he could do this challenge without this there will indeed at some point be windmills being tossed by by the wind I've been promised as usual he's given us all these different wannabe kite boarding vehicles but only one can make it to the end let's do this yeah this looks like something I'm going to hate myself for later so Alex put in an extra Challenge on top of all of the glory yeah go ahead and peel that off the license plate I feel like I've been lied to facing the wind okay that sounds very simplistic so Alex has put an extra challenge in all this as a bip plane flies past me oh my God what is going on anytime one of the vehicles explodes it's going to be removed from the map and I won't be able to use it oh my God and I won't be able to use it any longer so basically I can reuse the vehicles and try and keep doing the map as much as I can as long as the vehicle doesn't explode from the damage that it takes now as you can imagine getting things thrown at you at you know a decent speed will cause some damage Over time however the further we go into the challenge the faster the winds are going to get okay I think I I think I saw a a tricycle or something being thr that was a tree limb that hurt there is a log luckily the log slowed down a little bit I'm going to take a lot of damage very quickly in this oh yeah front of the car is looking hot I'm also going to need a perfect mixture between size and speed because the smaller the vehicle is the better I can probably Dodge all this stuff but oh my God ow oh oh it's I fell in between two different deer two deer for the price of one and they don't care at all as a matter of fact they will probably be eating the grass that oh there's three deer here they will probably be eating the grass that I just bled all over none of you care do you these deer catatonic this is what happens when you've been part of a GTA board as long as they have okay I have no idea if this is going to be a decent plan but here here's my idea this car is really low to the ground but it's also kind of wide so I'm hoping like a wedge yeah see right there I'm hoping it has a lot of weight and then like a wedge it kind of just PL oh my God hold on I can save this I told you it'll just be able to plow through stuff also as you can tell this vehicle has already gotten its appendix kicked out of it so it looks terrible as it is oh man oh God no so it's difficult to really tell how much damage it's taken but I I think at this point I can tell you um it takes damage very very quickly now fortunately it see ah fortunately it seems like when I restart with the car it does get healed so I have to fully blow up the car in a run in order to lose it or like the last car you know I could just get launched out of it and give up because I know that it's not going to what is going on with the launching this time I got my parachute out though ow okay trust me on this the vehicle super small okay oh God okay it's fast it's Nimble I'm going to be able to go around the look at this I'm just going to stick to the edge go around the obstacles oh my God I almost died we're fine I almost got Final Destination by that trein but it's okay cuz this made it to the next challenge everyone laughed at this didn't you I mean I laughed at it too but this is the first vehicle to make it to jump through the wind okay so now the wind is vomiting stuff sideways what we what do we what do we got over here here in this uh popcorn bin of Satanism so we got some cars uh let's see there is a I think there may have been a bathtub in there I'm really not sure like a jet ski I think I saw a human oh yep there is totally a human in there that's a big jump too you're giving me here Alex all right we're going to back this up we're going to get some speed and we're going to jump through the wind uh well the top speed isn't great but we'll see how the aerodynamics is oh I'm pretty sure I got double tapped I got knocked off the vehicle and then the vehicle got home runed now I will say this thing is great at completing the first challenge it's just a matter of getting past all this there we go got it please stay on the challenge please oh it is just rolling down the challenge it is still going what do you think the chances are that this thing is still on the gentle seab breeze what do you think the chances are that it's still on this challenge it is it's barely on but it's on this is great so now I have to go along a roadway of ey boards while getting a bunch of speed boats launched at me I do appreciate that Alex makes sure that they're coming from each side oh my God but as I've said my oh as I've said my plan for this was working quite well until I got you know destroyed just then my plan being just using the tiny size of the vehicle to be able to dodge past the gigantic headache that is the stuff Alex is throwing at me look at that right ow huh uh H you know what let's try something a little faster okay I found the obvious car I don't know why I even left this to this point so the ramp car can do what the rust bucket did but but better basically because everything's going to ramp off of this it's not going to matter what shape it is so like tree Lim watch this I was to totally wrong that did not ramp as much as I had thought at all my entire plan is now in the toilet okay maybe that was just a glitch in The Matrix maybe everything's going to be just fine or I'm just not I won't get hit by anything that was weird you know what got to take luck every once in a while you get the luck I'll take it the roulette wheel of depression missed me today got past all those cars as well that means we're right on seab Breeze and we didn't take a single damage now this we should be good at because the boats are curved on the bottom like the hull is so once I once I find a boat here and it come here we go yeah okay perfect yeah they ramp over us now the ow I like pop over this there we go just takes a this takes a little extra no how and plow on through perfect we're doing it looking it's looking good I love that you had to make this like as uneven as humanly possible possible what is going on here a sailboat whoa so you have to oh all right so you have to drive through a little bit of water and get to that ramp I don't know how this is going to do under the water it can stop a sailboat though you may have noticed but I just got kicked in the groin from behind uh so I had to do all this oh all over again oh god there was a high chance that I'm about to get boated right about now don't look at it gr just get to the car just get to the car if you don't look at it it can't hurt you I was at the door I got back to where my car was I think they I think it managed to get the car things are going good the run is strong the dodging is high the dexterity points have been placed Bal oh God all right pop got to pop over it oh my God though don't you do this to oh God there we go I just kind of glitched through the board whatever work balar gate 18 to dexterity go through the water and well there is a problem cuz the bottom of the vehicle is so low I don't have any tires with which to go through the water what just happened I just get bludgeoned by a boat where sure I did I don't have the tires with which to go through this so that's the end of that uh you know what you never know it's small whole position ah I love positioning my pole in ways that'll probably get me killed of course he had to stack this with 69s so I can tell he did not soup this up because this thing is slow now it is very slender and you know whatever that was it took pretty well but the thing that came immediately after it it did not take well at all I get the a feeling that this thing isn't even going to get past the first challenge because it doesn't have any ability to dodge and it has a terrible center of gravity the only thing this thing does well is wear the number 69 here's the plan if I'm in first person I can't see the bad stuff happening to me oh never mind I can totally see the bad stuff happening to me I am now falling to the ground I now eating broken glass I'm going to give this okay after putting myself through that Agony we're choosing the wastelander the wastelander is big but honestly it just tanks through all the problems watch this boom right there knocked an airplane out of the way bam another vehicle pretty sure that may have been a a large tree limb or some sort of colossal sized plant there's a there's a shipping container okay that kind of hurt I was thinking with the size and the weight this would be no problem but man after you get hit with like a 100 things even the wastelander falls off me and this plane are going to become very good friends okay Dodge the plane there we go now we're in the middle now we do have to legitimately just tank everything oh I almost got there I think this can do it come on wastelander you can do it I have faith in you let's I have a lot less faith in you now I think in any other car I would have given up by now but I just I just oh God I just know the wastelander could do it I just have to get some lucky he breaks oh my God wo why did I have no idea why the one tree log like went through me but whatever I'll take it the wastelander finally gets past the first challenge this took like 16 tries all right how does it do against jumping through the wind it can definitely make the jump but again it's so big that it's going to get hit I think I got hit by a human and that did not weigh enough to cause any kind of problems to the wastelander let me not fall off this challenge all right wastelander versus wind blown boat okay so far so good doesn't hurt that bad going to want to stay oh yeah oh yeah oh oh no so I can tell you right now the biggest thing about the wastelander is you don't want to get hit while it's in the air if it can get hit while it's on the ground like that it could just tank the shot if it ramps off something and then you get hit in the air you get blown off the course even in the way hold on I might actually be able to get through this like right now what is this what is this how come the how come the ramp is so high all right I'm going to try this again I'm going to I'm going to ramp off to one side I guess we're picking the right there we go okay so it can make it through that it just you have to kind of ramp it sideways otherwise it gets caught on the fan all right what's next what else you got for me wind on a wavy was that a train did I just see a train that is a train there is a literal train being blown by the wind also I do see in the background the windmills being blown by the wind Alex told me it was coming he said he was going to do it and he sure did oh hold on I can land this oh no I can't now fortunately I found out I don't even have to gain any speed that ramp is really easy to get to this next part so really with any vehicle I don't think I'll be able to hit the top of that anymore I can just kind of go slowly and make this work the wavy road I don't know what I'm going to do with this cuz the problem is you want to hit stuff head on and you have to turn in order to make the waves now fortunately I found a little cheat over here you can get to the water part of the board by just going through here and then you know crossing over into the little land bridge that he has in order to make the ramp so you know just make the ramp no problem we're back all right wavy Road as long as you don't destroy the wastelander I can keep going back to that point we're fine the wastelander does take a bit of damage here but it nothing nothing has been close to killing it yet now I do see there's some very large Boulders that are coming at me at a high speed and was that a jet oh there's a jet it goes in front of the fan then it gets yeated I love how some random pilot was like this is a great idea what is the worst that can go wrong the other problem is every time I cheat the board and don't res are you kidding me did I just get one tapped by a train every time I don't restart the board the vehicle doesn't get healed so the the wastelander has been taking damage over time and now it's gone like permanently all right everyone we got a problem the wastelander was The Golden Child and now you guys are all that's left Badger we're running this Superior turning lots of acceleration wow oh my God uh an it can take a hit pretty good too that's it's not bad okay that that hit kind of hurt Badger you can do it you may have failed like the last seven times in a row you know what let's go for a shorter car all right I didn't really want to do this but we're going to go ahead and use this superar they can't really take a ton of damage and they're really wide as a matter of fact this one is literally called wide but they're really small they're short to the ground and just with raw speed you don't have to sit in front of the shooting gallery very long watch this I need ass Wow first dry uh we might not even get touched by a boat because of the just the speed the top speed on this thing is absurd now having to jump over the little platelets that are like right there that are risen up is kind of hard but again if we can just well I'm going to go swimming now I already have a feeling yeah the boat area is going to be my God I was going to try and land that with a flip the boat area is going to be my Crypt Tonite but everything else I can kind of one time at this point don't I don't do anything crazy like try and do 35 barrel rolls on the sideways wind area you know how many times I've flown out of the windshield of my car and then got backhanded by bay watch's boat it's a lot if the w Road oh God is the most difficult part of this board oh my God the boat area is pretty much as difficult now as long as I could get there without stalling out there we go I can just climb this and jump it no problem perfect welcome to wind on a wavy Road just going to cut these Corners as close oh my God this is happening oh my God this is happening nothing can stop me I screw you Karma you yes oh we have a checkpoint that was a pleasant surprise all right Alex the time I can already see it's here the time has come for wind blowing windmills it just had to be done yeah you did wow the windmills are uh they really kind of spin too all right now I don't know maybe it's just me but this doesn't really seem that bad so I need to oh there's oh there's two different jumps okay it's a little bit worse now all right we're just going with speed straight ahead launch it oh nice there we go oh yeah this is going to be good you windmills should have known you can't touch me I have my windmill repellent spray on today down here in Florida you get those two for one especially after all I've been through windmill oh no ah come on we're fine everything's fine I just have to get through the last windmill area I am dying now okay no joke this is turning out to be slightly harder than I thought I figured I could just kind of time this like right now but man you sit in the air for a long time don't you blow up on me car ah hold on hold I can fix this yeah so I touched the windmill but it wasn't enough to you know force me off a really bad path that I couldn't correct second windmill area I think we got it I think we got it I think we got it the windmill helped us high five for the windmill September in Florida be like well hurricane season so it's not great usually it ends up putting me behind on YouTube because my power goes out for a week all right well let's try it just drive to the Finish okay oh that took a second oh my God okay all right it's a little it's a little wild um there's uh there's vehicles and stuff oh my God okay hold on this is oh wow it is really difficult well if you if you've ever had there's a BL if you've ever driven in like a category 35 hurricane a hepatitis B hurricane which is what this is what oh it ended whoa huh all right this is fine so all you have to do is get past the windmills which we've done already so there shouldn't be that bad that's great look at that timing that is perfect timing we're just going to roll this because I don't have time to reset it per I got like every single nose hair plucked by one of those windmills oh my God I almost landed on the second ramp whatever H can't make it sometimes the windmills just barely graze you you know it's enough to knock you off of the tiny little area that he gives you to land on I'm starting to think that the time I got past the windmills is a fluke because man I'm struggling now for god sakes let me have this there we go you just got to complain never mind oh yeah super strong run pass the first windmills second set of windmills go ah oh my God it's a new personal best this is a farthest I've ever gotten hit so far right to the prison all right note to self wind propelled windmills can send you across the enti entire map all right the key there we go I I just had a heart attack all right give me the hurricane we're just going to try and go through it never mind I can't outrun the hurricane I need to think of something else so we're going to go real slow it looks like you have to okay yeah you have to kind of go to the edge of that sphere in order to fully trigger the script so that's probably why it took forever to trigger that one last time so real slow nice and patient stay on the center of the roadway because constantly the game is trying to projectile vomit me out to the left or the right now as long as we don't have you know like a commercial jet plane fall on top of us I think that we can survive the winds out here there we go okay now either there's a pulse or it only lasts for a certain amount of time but it doesn't matter because the answer wasn't how racing it it was out patient it we have a winner well Alex put me up against wins and it blew away my will to live any folks hope you enjoy this episode GJ until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,014,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened
Id: gcfMUFfzjZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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