Canteen Cup Tuesday, Sweet and Sour Spam and Potatos

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hey y'all it's bear but here it's Tuesday lunchtime I'm hungry and we're gonna do a little canteen cup cooking and you know what I want to show you a quick solution I saw the other day I was watching Billy Joe Denny do some canteen cup cooking he had a little three prong stove and he dropped a grill grate on top of there to give his canteen cup something to balance on so that's what we're gonna do today with this guy and make life a little easier keep watching my channels you've seen a canteen cup or two fall off the stove alright so let's get started we're gonna cook sweet-and-sour spam and potatoes today that's right Chinese takeout on the trail yes we're doing Chinese takeout we're gonna use the fauces bowl because this guy folds up like a Chinese takeout dish just like that sweet huh let's cook okay so first thing I need to do is boil up some water so we can hydrate the potatoes we're gonna use these dehydrated hash brown potatoes today that ought to be planning ain't that just a sweet idea let's get that water boiling now when it comes time to make the sweet sour sauce it's gonna be really simple we're gonna use a little oil to saute up a garlic clove and then we're gonna put a touch of water in it and then we're gonna add ketchup and some Chinese hot sauce some pepper sauce to it and that's that's about it we'll mix it up we'll let it thicken a little bit and then we'll mix everything through it yeah I don't think my grates gonna take the heat this is a cheap dump my cheap dollar tree her dollar tree my cheap dollar dollar general appache grill top it doesn't seem to be liking that we're just gonna have to work with it today and I'll have to work on getting a grill top that's a little more resistant to the heat these stoves put out it look like it was melting my my wires we're not trying to do that there we go alright y'all so the potatoes need about 10 minutes to hydrate so while they do their thing we're gonna get everything else prepped and ready to go so when we start cooking it's gonna happen fast all right how about some spam yumminess I'm gonna try to cut my spam right on the package that way I can just pick it up and pour it in now one thing I think I'm gonna do is I think I'm gonna take so all my packets are ready to squeeze off real quick I think I'm gonna take and just cut the tops off of them real quick so I can grab them and squeeze them in the one thing this recipe calls for that I forgot was a little bit of sugar it calls for a pinch of sugar but we're just gonna have to go with whatever is in the ketchup packet huh wow those potatoes are starting to plump right up y'all get a quick rough dice on this club here I'm using that book knife today a little MaxLite get my green onion ready to be my garnish right there at the end all right so we're gonna put just a touch of oil down in here a little more enough to saute up these potatoes and spam alright potatoes are hydrated let's cook time to get a little camp walk back walk action on run this oil around my stove a little bit there the leftover water in the pot creates a bit of a violent reaction as the oil gets hot [Music] alright now that I've managed to splatter oil on my camera lens in hindsight I should have stopped at this point the potatoes would have crisped up better in small batches a little color on the potatoes all right yeah I think I'm about ready to call the potato part of this adventure done and let's start cooking off some sections of space [Applause] you know this isn't healthy but it's gonna be good so you make sure you hike a long day before you eat this I'll start cooling this pot down a little bit so we can do our sauce all right last round the spam goodness y'all all right let me get rid of some of this excess oil all right just a little bit of oil left and in with the garlic all right now is that garlic starts to become fragrant we're gonna hit it with a little water keep from burning the garlic now we're going to start going in with the condiment packs ketchup it'll be four packs of ketchup then I've got two of the Chinese chili sauce packets now we just want this guy to cook down till we develop a sauce that coats our spoon we'll let it do its thing for a minute or two all right you see how we're starting to coat the spoon now now we're gonna add our potatoes and spam back in and mix everything up go ahead and turn the heat off [Music] our job there we go there's our Chinese takeout little sweet-and-sour spam and potatoes on the trail the sweet-and-sour is there if you want it hot you're gonna want to ramp up that hot sauce a little bit though and I'm not gonna watch the cooking it in that canteen cup the potatoes are a little bit oil soaked there's definitely a better paying option for doing this but yeah it still eats so look here we'll see you on the trail
Channel: JourneyofBear
Views: 1,821
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: Canteen Cup Tuesday, trail food, trail cooking, Bushcraft, Hiking, backpacking, camping, Camp Cooking Tuesday, Camp cooking, camp stove, camp stoves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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