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hey guys welcome back to my channel I hope you're having a fantastic day I am here today with Cheryl and Zoey see you guys definitely know Cheryl she's not my channel before she's actually in my most popular video ever to date US UK accent challenge which were kind of refilling today except with the addition of Canada Zoey year I just met her need to go we've been having so much fun hanging out in Paris all together so I will put their channels in the top of the description box down below so make sure you check them out and subscribe but he just said oh my phone's on the nightstand so what would you call i probably call it a bed taking bets a chamber bedside table okay okay I would probably make it I mean I've heard bedside table that's the thing that you often understand each other but it's just not something sometimes things do come up you're like what like for example what do you use if you writing something pencil and you need to correct it here you go first eraser eraser raba okay rubber means something else yeah what would you call for example and when if a baby's crying you want to put it something in their mouth just so crying which is that a soother I would say a hooker or a pacifier a dummy never nikkor really just something my mom said oh that's like a real I think look is a brand is not a milky you would think oh we have Swiss Germans would say no nooky okay if the same vein is like baby stuff what would you put a baby in to push it around and a stroller stroller buggy yeah okay buggy I know some people use to call the thingies at the grocery store yeah definitely used to be a buggy girl you call it a buddy on Canada you go there like okay what I know that that's a regional in the US for sure but I'm from the north and we would definitely say shopping cart I cool it a trolley trolley I'm never yeah no trolley leg comes behind a train or something I don't know trolley yeah I think like the things you have in San Francisco yeah what do you call a carbonated beverage fizzy drink I would say soda pop really yeah definitely hot never soda now some people in America say pop I think they say pop in northern Wisconsin and in Minnesota soda they say pop but otherwise I think people some people in English really okay speaking of pop what do you call a popsicle a lollipop like a frozen one a frozen popsicle okay an icy popsicles yeah okay but it's popsicle brand I think so so make it would we call it if it wasn't I don't know there's something else like that I know there's another name for it popsicles definitely bring high school ice pop now we're just making them so what is the hot the name of the holiday that you go on before you get married your Bachelorette yeah very exciting hen do hen do and the hen party yeah so it's like worth it for a guy eventually to Hindu and stag do are you having okay and what is the what would you call like the direction of what about the other counterclockwise antique aqua antique antique way that's weird okay so what would you say randomly at the end of the sentence in the question what camera any means hey I'm sorry shape a or hey as the Canadian we kind of like to it's almost like saying you know right right or a or hey we would definitely say hey like it's just around the corner hey yeah I got a feel like we would say that yeah okay where I come from but just the way can I didn't say it I would say right like if you really want it like you really want comes out wall right you use it a lot like being around you you use it for everything you put right that's good right yeah I toe oh my right replaces okay thank you I feel like right like if I were to tell you a story yeah right hey I feel like I do not be like where I come from like that would kind of be like rude if somebody saw you saying you're like right right yeah like I'm not really listening but I'm just like okay what's the name of the thing that you stitch on maybe a print of the TV so fun so you said it wrong these faces say cow you know you're it you're in the club I don't know why we go sit sofa yeah you definitely say couch more than sofa yeah that's true what's like the country's most what's the name of the place where you would leave your car for an extended period of time parking lot parking lot or parking garage park a park it went okay part a part you are a the car in the parking garage because we will have a different way it sounds like slang because like you cannot it's a car park where the car park is on the thing it goes on that's now in the comments below what you what would you wet on your feet if you go to the gym runners gym shoes training is I guess you would also say sneakers okay I take gym shoes but people definitely speakers so at a kind of fairground what's the thing they go stick in it candy candy candy paws I burned up yeah do people say fairy floss right is that English you've heard very fun is that Australian yes is it Australia it's very awesome if I think if I your floss I just think like yeah like do you call this boss okay what's the white stuff that you [Music] now that doesn't make sense cuz else it's just two fabrics yeah I guess so yeah oh okay but it was just a cotton ball yeah yeah it's kind of weird but I'll give me that one yeah what would you use if you're gonna blow your nose I always say Kleenex but that's a brand I was gonna say Kleenex initially but yeah won't facial tissue I'm a Kleenex tissue tissue tissue yeah yeah I know what do you use to cut your finger the table like summer wear before tonight cutlery you see so Larry come on no we see cutlery cutlery so Burberry's would be like if your in-laws are coming over is nothing okay yeah like silver plate yeah the special come up like anyone has silver plates but no so board can be like plastic so we're like somebody do you have any plastic silver sometim so fancy - yeah that's funny that you I think silverware sounds fancy and I think cutlery is like Wow and what would you say if you were gonna kiss with top is smoking okay like it kind of spoke or yeah what the place will be by medication the drugs pharmacy okay mechanic yeah the whole street on a father Bush office rep mom yeah a Shoppers Drug Mart I make up what's the main branch of chemistry shoppers boot drive if you watch like you can call me UK channels it's all about boots okay what is this cool thanks thanks fringe fringe yeah did you cut that yourself yeah really yeah yeah I put my Instagram I was like oh I just cut my fringe and people were like fringe means like I described like you had a sweater in a head of Fringe like it has like strings hanging down for decoration do you say fringe benefits you know what fringe benefits means you're doing real fringe benefits so like if you have a job and they offer you a gym membership and the discount at the local I don't know what bookstore died be like club fringe benefits yeah no I never I never heard of it okay okay so off to like a kindergarten what's the name of the first school that you go to after that I've heard of that I think that it depends on I think it was like elementary school middle school high school yeah that would you have elementary yes and how old are you when you finish high school physically I was 17 but that's young I was 17 with us yes yes so like 18 and for you when you get you when I was at school it used to be 16 but they've upped it to 80 that's like the required school okay so you finished at 16 with oh yeah okay and then you to a level switches technically still high school but you just put it out to school or secondary and did you have school uniforms yeah did you explain before no no I'll send you a picture they kept it okay terrific send it is a common then like every but yes that's what I saw so that would be like a private school thing yeah wonderful say a hundred percent yeah yeah everybody other grandson why it's kind of I think that wouldn't have been the end of the world but that wouldn't kind of nice you not to worry about me outerwear and yourself I was always worried about that when I was younger you have been kind of nice did you make the uniforms at the time well you think I need it for okay it's just like I mean they say that it would prepare us for the workplace name about cursive yeah did you have to learn cursive did you have to learn cursive what is that let's carry on writing oh honey I can yeah but it's like no just right so that it's legible see but you didn't have to learn her to beat us so if you say someone is pissed angry or really drunk I'm really mad - drunk yeah I don't think you're kind of like really an amalgamation yeah yeah I think no yeah I'm trying to like justify yeah you could say piss drunk but I don't really think you could yeah I'm definitely great on the fence yeah and you guys don't say crackers and cookies the same way that we you like a cookie what's a cookie to you cookie chip like a chocolate yet like and I'm with the cracker like a Premium Plus like a soda cracker you dip it in tomato soup excel teen okay what about like do you have like Triscuits and wheat trip yeah those are cracked that's right and for you a cracker a dry biscuit like a dry you put cheese on it or maybe Sochi and maybe has okay and a cookie it's just American okay or you can get a like if you went into a shop and asked to buy cooking you to get a big kind of round table chocolate chips in it okay yeah like a charge like a very specific type of okay okay thank you guys so much for watching I hope you found this interesting or entertaining in some way don't forget to check out these two girls in the description box down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Money Confident Club
Views: 2,308,322
Rating: 4.9155083 out of 5
Keywords: minimalism, sarah, nourse, inspiration, vegan, vlogs, couple, nyc, new, york, switzerland, swiss, matthias, durrer
Id: x_g_Y1jDyrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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