10 Weird Things an IRISH Person Noticed Visiting CANADA For The First Time

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so today I've been peer pressured into doing a video by Canada okay it's not that I didn't want to do a video by crime that it's the fact that basically I have a two percent fewer ship in Canada so there's a good chance this video is gonna be watched by like three people scheidegg de curtis seraya and Galen before I get into the video do me a favor and share it with a Canadian that you know tell them otherwise every time they go somewhere outside of their own country they're gonna be mistaken for an American and that would be sad so they should subscribe or they'll felt full pervy stuff first Canada is actually nothing like America much like Ireland is nothing like Britain in the UK I went to Calgary you counted out when I was in school and I went with my school choir and we got to appear on Canadian television for st. Patrick's Day and pour out we learned the Canadian national anthem um we also signed the Irish national anthem it was a really fun trip I got to stay with the Canadian family for a week it was strange it was like we were adopted by them and there definitely were some huge cultural differences so that any further ado what isn't you let's get into it coming in at number 10 this list would not be possible that I'm noting have cute the accent is at all times when they say anything it can be a threatening thing or it can be a nasty thing and it's perfectly okay because their accent is just frickin adorable a lot of people say the Canadians exceptionally polite but I happen to think a big part of this is down to the fact that their accent is just adorable so cute I challenge you to feel threatened by this gorgeous passage there's a well-known thing around the world the Canadians say hey at the end of everything and I actually happen to find that they didn't say a at the end of everything but it's the spirit of the a that you feel in their sentence it's just a beautiful melodic accent and it's the next thing that I noticed is that they are completely immune to whether they're not bothered whether it's hot or cold now in Calgary it was particularly cold but did this stop people from wearing t-shirts no in Ireland if there is even a dribble of snow you will find the entire country shuts down roads will be cordoned off people will stop going to school and work it's just mayhem because we are not prepared we are not prepared for the cold weather Canadians happen to have an entire restructure in place whereby if there's a snowstorm it's just basically a piece of piss I can't think of a better way to say it it just is they just take it really handy I remember we would get up really early in the morning because we had like a big itinerary to follow and there would be people are shoveling each of those driveways cuz they're saying like that they just shovel each other's driveways some people even had driveways that de-iced themselves which was pretty cool and all the roads and everything was totally prepared for that stuff I also noticed that while they had central heating it wasn't really stifling central heating so I don't know what that was about did they have a different kind of central heating to us not sure it was just pleasant and wireless Irish schoolgirls were wrapped up warm in our scarfs and our gloves all the Canadian schoolgirls were just walking around in little miniskirts and t-shirts like it was nothing to them which brings me to my next point Canadian teenagers are secret Norton when I was in this household the parents and very strict rules there was definitely no drinking under their roof and they basically made sure there was a curfew and the children even got grounded just like in real movies that I had seen welcome to real life but I did notice that while their daughter left the house and one outfit in the morning jeans and a jumper she would carry out her school day in a little miniskirt and t-shirt and boots and returned home later Israa jeans and jumper hmm when we were away from the household I also got chatting to a lot of teenagers there and they agreed that when they had parties they would all drink but their parents were completely oblivious to this fact and oh my god Canadians drank the next thing is milk in bags yes it's one that people talk about as something of a myth but is an actual thing that happens when Canadians are going to the shop do they say they're gonna go get a bag of milk that's my biggest question in this whole thing so yes they brought this bag of milk and inside the bag of milk there are four little bags of milk and then they take out the bag of milk little one and they pour it into like a jug or a container things they have for milk which just adds a whole level of work to having milk and putting milk in an extra thing and it gives me another thing gonna have to do with my day so I just doesn't seem like the most practical thing but they've been doing it for so long there probably is a good reason for it so if you know the good reason for it let me know below in comments what's the debate why do you do at Canada the next thing is yes people we're Canadians being polite but the thing I noticed was how polite they are when they drive Canadians give way to people all the time they stop they let people cross the road it's just it's just a really lovely environment to be in a car and maybe I would be driving now if I lived in Canada I have come to know that the orange light means go faster but in Canada no orange light means slow down and stop they're pretty happy to do it and they're very relaxed with their time there's no speeding around it's just a really chilled place to be a driver and I don't know any percentages or anything like that but I would be surprised if road deaths are significantly lower there because people are just very pleasant when they're drunk the next thing and I did want to cite specific examples of Canadians being lovely was the fact that complete strangers will say hi to you in the street to the point that if you are walking along the street and somebody else is walking along the street and you don't say hi it's art in Ireland we have thing where if you're driving along a country road you'll give a person the odd way and in Canada it's that way but amplified and multiplied by a gajillion because there's a lot more people there when I came home and started just saying hi to people out of habit people looked at me like I had a million heads especially in Dublin where people just don't do this and it wasn't just people who worked in shops like in LA because they want your commission they just said hi to you all the live long day the point that I wondered was I giving the right answer to buy back hi hi how are you Joe it didn't seem to go as far as a how are you it was just generally a smile and a hi I kind of liked it but also it was strange the next thing worth noting is like almost eerie loveliness it's quiet yeah - quiet Canada is so clean or at least the parts that I went to I didn't actually see road cleaning trucks or people are cleaning up the streets or anything but I did notice that everybody puts their rubbish in the bit sorry their trash in a can and indeed the footpaths themselves were extremely clean I didn't see gum on the ground and blobs of black dirt they were just all very keen it felt very fresh and good and I think that's because Canada is kind of a self-regulating Society in a lot of ways and had me wondering if I were to just throw something undergraduate Canadian come over to me and tell me to pick it up or would they just pick it up for me that would be an interesting social experiment that somebody should do in Canada the next odd thing that I noticed in Canada is that they watch British television there's a popular soap in the UK called Coronation Street and we also watch it in pardon my clothes was so muddy I couldn't get stains out Canadians seemed to watch it too they were watching it every evening in the house that I went into and it just really seems odd and random to me that this strange little soap opera is being watched a bajillion miles away don't quote me on that I don't know the actual amount of miles I'm gonna guess it's less than a bajillion I guess they watch it with the same cultural fascination that we would watch TV novellas here it's so alien to them but also kind of familiar in a way it wasn't just Coronation Street there were other British TV shows too but I don't know I'm not Canadian let me know below in comments what you think if you are Canadian why do you watch British television shows the next strange thing I noticed is that Canadian water is not only drinkable out of the tap but also freakin delicious it's juicy and it doesn't taste like fluoride and it doesn't taste stale a lot of Canadian people have filters on their tops but I really don't think there's any meat because it's just nom nom nom ewwww no no no no no that's gonna be me like a minute I would be a person who's he trying to reach for a fizzy Cola before I would reach for water but in Canada it's just so young that I found myself just drinking a bucket loads of water imagine the benefits for your hair and skin yeah I wonder if the bottled water industry is doing like financially Oh around that because they just don't need it to people still drink bottled water because they can is that the power of marketing and the number one weird thing that I noticed when I visited Canada was how much they say sorry and the reason this was weird to me is because Irish people also say sorry all the time instead of excuse me we say sorry and it's to the point that the other day I was walking down the street of I came in contact with a woman and I said sorry and she just she said nothing and it really upset me because her response should have also been sorry even though neither one of us were sorry that's just protocol manners and in Canada they also say sorry all the time all the live long day and when Irish people meet Canadian people it's just a whole sorry fest in Canada they actually have an act in the courts called the apology act where you can apologize to somebody and it marks an act of compassion rather than a sign of guilt and I think that's nice and appropriate but it leads me to wonder if Canadian and Irish people were in contact more would we get anything done or we just spend all the live long day apologizing to each other I don't know that's it for today's video which goes out to the karma girls crew over on patreon these guys are some of the scientists people and the people who always have the answers to everything like why there's been no weird Wednesday for a while feel free to engage you will know there in the comments in a respectful way and I will be back on Friday with more I don't know I don't know what I'm doing on Friday yet let's see what happen okay I went to Canada Calgary so I I went to Cal as people talk about cainy he put amplified multi type muttered eyes and let me know but now I think I noticed it what is going on with my voice to the next range where have you been over on the floor Eitan cabel sleep in why have you been on camera for a while people are missing you you
Channel: Diane Jennings
Views: 241,229
Rating: 4.9211211 out of 5
Keywords: only exist in canada, canada, canadian, weird canada, canadian manners, irish girl, diane jennings, facts channel, why i left facts, irish people, irish people try, canadian alcohol, calgary, things in canada, canada list, top ten canada
Id: 1xlF3N3NZNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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