Canadian Slang: 26 Words to Speak like a Canadian! Useful Vocabulary from Canada, eh!

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hi everyone Minnesota meet you would you like to learn some Canadian slang would you like to be able to speak like a Canadian welcome to Jen's juju my name is Jen and I am Canadian and today I'm going to teach you 26 Canadian slang words let's get started a watch the video to the very end to learn a bonus Canadian slang the very first slang word that I'd like to teach you is a a comes at the end of sentences to turn them into questions when we use a in Canada we're basically using it the same way Americans might use the word right nice weather right nice weather a number two I mentioned that I am Canadian oh you could say that I am a Canuck Canuck is Canadian slang meaning Canadian any Canadian can be called a Canuck number three we have a specific Canadian term called a poser a hoser a hoser is slang for someone who in the u.s. they might call it a redneck or like a hillbilly a fat clumsy stupid man who likes to drink too much beer that is a poser you're such a hose or a number four there are three very specific Canadian slang words connected to drinking this is Molson Canadian this is probably the most famous beer in Canada so we have a slang word which is the Molson muscle a Molson muscle specifically means someone has a beer belly there is a slang word that is very useful for if you're buying a lot of beer for a party for example this expression is a two-for I'm going to the beer store and I have to pick up a two four for the weekend - four means a pack of 24 bottles of beer so if you're having a party you need to pick up a two four for the occasion twenty four bottles of beer in a box final slang that we have connected to alcohol is a Mickey a Mickey is a small amount or those small flask sized bottles of alcohol of hard liquor usually of like whiskey or vodka it's about 375 milliliters right so when you pick up your two four maybe you want to get a Mickey of rum alcohol isn't the only drink that many Canadians love to consume we also love to go to Timmy's to get our double doubles in the morning so Timmy's is Canadian slang for Tim Hortons just like my shirts and this cup Tim Hortons Tim Hortons is the most popular coffee shop in Canada it is our nationwide chain of coffee shops and the reason it's called Tim Horton is because it was founded by a Canadian hockey player named Tim Horton very Canadian the Canadian slang for Tim Hortons is Timmy's when you go to Timmy's the drink of choice from many Canadians is a double-double a double-double is when you get your coffee with two cream and two sugar this is called a double-double in Canadian slang many Canucks have to go to Timmy's to get their double-double in the morning number nine in my hand I have a Looney Looney is Radiance playing connected to our money specifically a loonie is a $1.00 coin Canadians are very practical and the reason we call this a loonie is because there's a picture of a loon on it a loon is a type of bird that has a very distinct sound so our $1 coin is called a loonie if you put two loonies together that would make $2 right so our $2 coin in Canada is called a to me it to me is our $2 coin you can get a double-double at timmy's for a toonie number 11 you might have noticed that I'm wearing this very stylish toque Chuck is Canadian slang for this particular type of winter hat it has a pom-pom on it and it's like this number 12 is Chesterfield Chesterfield is Canadian slang for this it means sofa or couch I'm just gonna relax on my Chesterfield because today I got caught in a kerfuffle and now I'm exhausted number 13 is kerfuffle a kerfuffle is a situation where suddenly there's a type of conflict and everything goes crazy the peaceful political protest suddenly turned into a huge kerfuffle and was just a big mess it was like a total Gong Joe number 14 is gong show in Canada we will say that something is a real gong show if it's a total disaster it is a circus-like tumultuous event that is way out of control wow that was a total gong show Oh God that test was a disaster there was a total gong show I'm pretty sure I failed on Boxing Day at the mall it's just a total gong show every year by the way in case you don't know Boxing Day is the day after Christmas December 26 and it is the biggest day for shopping in Canada so I am a Canuck living in the six the six is slang for Toronto okay so if you hear someone say oh I'm from the six it means they are from Toronto I'm from Toronto the six the peg is Canadian slang for Winnipeg Winnipeg is also a large city in Canada so we have the peg and we have the six however the peg and the six are not the capital cities of Canada the capital of Canada is Ottawa Ottawa this is not Canadian slang but I'm always very very shocked when people don't know the capital of Canada when I was in Ottawa I wanted to take a picture with the Mountie Canadian slang number 17 is Mountie Mountie is slang for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police they are kind of like Canada's version of the FBI but traditionally they wear red coats and high boots and cute little hats and they ride horses in Canada you are not able to see Mounties every day in fact it's a little bit rare to see a Mountie usually you only see Mounties at special events or usually whenever I visit Ottawa I'm able to see a Mountie if I want to travel from the 6th to Ottawa to see a Mountie it's about 450 clicks our next slang word is clicks clicks is slang for kilometres right so from Toronto to Ottawa it is 400 and D kilometers from the 6-2 ottawa's 450 clicks speaking of traveling we have a very specific slang word for people who love to travel south for the winter this expression is snowbirds so if you call somebody a Snowbird it means that during the wintertime they like to escape from Canada and go south for the winter so many elderly people who are retired become snowbirds these people are called snowbirds because they're migrating just like birds do in the wintertime plane number 20 is keener oh my gosh she's such a keener but you might think he know that's a good thing you're keen you're energetic you want to do something but when you call somebody a teener it's actually negative it's the similar thing to calling them a sock up for a brown-noser it's someone who is getting close to maybe their teacher or their boss or someone in authority and constantly saying nice things and acting super super nice to that person complimenting them a lot in order to get some kind of personal benefit for themselves Sally's probably going to get the promotion because she's such a keener number 21 homo milk this is homo milk homo is short for homogenized homogenized milk in Canada we call it homo milk and an interesting thing about milk in Canada we sell milk in Canada in bags this is a huge bag of milk this is how you can buy milk so inside this big bag there are three smaller bags each one has about one liter of milk so Canadians playing homo milk is homogenized milk and fun fact you can buy milk in a bag in Canada number 22 in Canada we often will call these type of shoes runners just runners sometimes running shoes but I heard that usually in the United States these are called sneakers and in the UK these are called trainers but in Canada we usually call them runners number 23 pop this is pop pop in Canada we call soda pop in the US they usually say soda but we say pop it refers to a carbonated non-alcoholic soft drink so if you're in Canada you can drink some number 24 pencil crayons pencils this is a pencil and this is a crayon so when you put them together what do you get of course pencil crayons these are pencil crayons the rest of the world calls them colored pencils they are colored pencils but usually in Canada we call them pencil crayons number 25 Canadians like to call it the washroom we don't say I need to use the toilet that sounds too dirty we also don't say if you need to go to the bathroom because if you're in public you're not taking a bath in that room in America they often use the word restroom and in the UK they often say water closet or you see but in Canada we use the word washroom finally number 26 number 26 is a specific word that we use to encourage people in Canada so if I am really exhausted oh my goodness I am so tired everything was just a huge gong show today and I have no idea how I can finish my work to make my boss happy what someone might say to me is ah just give her just give her which means just do your best when all else fails the only thing you can do is do your best ah I feel so sick today I don't think I can do anything ah just give her you can do it just give her so if you're struggling with studying English don't give up just give er so today you learned 26 Canadian slang words that you can use to help yourself sound more like a Canadian please try using these words the next time you speak with your Canadian friends in English it's great practicing and now it's time for question of the day today's question is what is your favorite thing about Canada what's your favorite thing about Canada let me know in the comments below thank you so much for watching this video if you found it useful please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to learn more English every Monday and Friday when I upload new videos Nina thank you combated you might have noticed that i changed my clothes from earlier one final bit of canadian slang is a bunny hug this is called a bunny hug in Canadian slang usually people in the prairies and Saskatchewan use this slang the most but other Canadians use it as well bunny hug is slang for a hoodie a hooded sweatshirt with no zipper so this is my bunny hug also this bunny hug is from York University please watch Jen's juji on next Friday to learn important vocabulary for university see you in the next lesson
Channel: JeN's Jyugyou / ジェンの授業
Views: 91,205
Rating: 4.9079738 out of 5
Keywords: canadian slang, canadian english, eh, learn english, canadian words, Speak like a Canadian, Vocabulary from Canada, Canada, Canadian, vocabulary lesson, expressions from Canada, improve your English, English communication, English studies, canadian accent, native English speaker, Canuck, The Six, Toque, Kerfuffle, Mountie, Timmies, Double double, gong show, chesterfield, Two-Four, 26 Canadian slang words, slang, Loonie, Hoser, Give'er, study English, Canadian English, pop, ESL, JeN, vocabulary
Id: lM8IGRmwxYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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