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[Music] hey guys this is Carmen and I am here today with Mike carci and we are going to talk about how we say different words Mike is from Canada and as you guys know I'm from North Carolina in the southern United States and so mike says that he can't hear his accent but he does have a slight Canadian accent huge a little bit and I have a definite Southern drawl there's no doubt about that so this will be really fun to see how he pronounced the different words and mike has a channel that focuses on all kinds of things he goes to Disneyworld he travels he goes on cruises he spends time with his family and they do fun things in Canada so you definitely gotta go check out his channel and give him a subscribe and he will also have the second half of this video on his channel so definitely go check that out all right so we both collectively came up with words based on watching each other's videos and things we've heard that we know we say differently some may sound pretty similar some maybe different it'll be an interesting experiment so we're gonna start out with the first word which is barbeque so there's the southern version yeah I would say barbecue and the next one I know is different about I would say like now that I'm thinking about it well they're they're about now that I'm thinking about there's about a belt if it's weird if you think about it in my head too much and then like wait am i sharing it the way I normally say it or am I saying a difference right right and also once you hear someone else say it I think it influences a little bit how you're gonna say it back yeah I was right now I'm in the house doctor house yes house and I can definitely hear the difference in those two I don't know if you can and the next one is progress we're making progress progress Carousel of Progress oh we said that this thing okay interesting or at least close sounds pretty close to me the next one is something that grows in your garden a fresh herb I would say herb hey you guys got some herbs check out herb over there I think every one but I could be wrong but I think all english-speaking countries accept Americans say the H I think it's only silent for Americans but I could be wrong so don't quote me on that but I don't know I find like like you said you say UK people say it without the H herb oh really I don't know that's what I've noticed okay all right and the next one is lieutenant lieutenant I'm looking at the word lieutenant I would say it is lieutenant okay that sounds pretty similar as well next is pasta pasta let's have some pasta I love pasta pasta that's pretty close to you I think yeah pretty close all right and then a vase that you sit on yourself oh yeah now I'm really thinking about if I would say vase or no I definitely say base I wouldn't say boss you don't say vlog now that's that sounds special advisor maybe it was really fancy and I was trying to be featured hey check out my boss that's the fancy pronunciation all right and the next one is drama drama hey guys when I come join me in the drama club drama drama I like to do drama I did some drama in high school so yeah I think we do say that slightly different I slow it down a little I think in the south we we draw things out just a little bit more but draw oh is that what that means maybe that is could be the next one is lever I'm gonna pull a lever now it like now that you said it I'm gonna say lever bow so if I was to look at this I'd be like I think I would say lever to not really know they pull that lever lever leaver die now I don't know see now that you said it the experiment has been tainted it's filled I think I say lever lever the next one I know I say different this is my eye okay yeah I would say I hey check out my eye I got really bad eyesight I didn't go to contact lenses in my eye I have great eyesight that's one thing I don't have to wear his contacts that's good you're lucky yes I am I know I'm doing yeah I'm getting the old problem there where I'm starting to need the you know glasses to read things so my eyes are getting worse with time I all right the next one is get I'm going to the store to get something yet I gotta go get my stuff get get it sounds about the same time say so and this is when an another risk could be any of these with the eyes gonna be different I need to change the tire on my car tire I got to put my winter tires on up here it's starting to snow soon so get those winter tires summer tires off winter tires on tight yeah glad we don't have to change tires yeah that would be fun and the next one is fire my house is on fire actually hoped my house is not on fire no I hope your house is not on fire either fire fire fire fire keep warm by the fire up here yeah you definitely need to do that I don't really hear do you're here it's nice and balmy outside still is it cold there it's getting cool I got my sweater on today Oh No I've got short sleeves on nice weather today and schedule hey I gotta check my schedule for next week see what my work shifts are on the schedule pretty close yeah and the last one is for like the number for the number four one two three four four similar so I think that'll wrap up the first half of this but we have a whole nother set of words that we're gonna compare which will be on Mike's channel so be sure to go to this channel give them a subscribe click that notification button twice the bells so that you don't miss anything from him and then go check out the second half of this video while we continue to compare and contrast our accidents between the southern US and Canada yeah Mike it was great doing this there's a lot of fun it's great doing with you thanks for having me yeah so thanks for watching as always we appreciate subscribes likes shares and comments until our next adventure [Music]
Channel: Carmen and Brian at Myrtle Beach
Views: 187,594
Rating: 4.7119675 out of 5
Keywords: canada vs america, canada vs usa, canadian accents, american accent, canadian accent, american accents, southern accent, canadian vs american english, canada vs america english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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