If Among Us Had A JESTER

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(dramatic music) (electronic typing effect) (Shiloh and Elijah dramatic gasping) (dramatic thriller music) (emergency alarm) - [Together] Where? - [Shiloh And Elijah] Someone opened up all the bananas, only a little- Someone left all the bananas on the counter, so- - [Elijah] Okay, who's gonna say it? Are you gonna say it? Or am I? - [Shiloh] Are- Are you doing it? Or am I doing it? - [Shiloh And Elijah] You, you know what, no I, Oh I, okay, yeah, yeah. - [Shiloh And Elijah] Someone opened up all these bananas, but only- Someone left all these bananas on the counter- - [Elijah] Okay, Who's gonna do it? - [Shiloh] You said I was gonna do it. - [Elijah] You said I was gonna do it. Who's gonna do it? - [Shiloh] Are, you- - [Elijah] Okay, just you. - [Together] Just me, just you. - [Elijah] Just you. - [Shiloh] Someone opened up all the bananas, but only a little- - [Elijah] So they all turned brown! (everyone gasping) - [Elijah] I got excited. - [Mary] AHH, why am I blue? - [Micah] Why are we all different colors? - [Elijah] Anyone wanna trade colors? - [Judah] Guys, check it out, I'm a potato. (Judah giggling happily) (everyone groaning) - [Shiloh] There's not enough evidence, so I say we skip. - [Together] Skip. (exciting techno music) - [Shiloh] Mom introduced four new roles, a Sheriff, a Mayor, a Medic, and most importantly, the Jester. - [Elijah] And remember, there's still three Imposters. - [Daniel] So 3 plus 4, that's like, 11 new things to keep track off. I mean 7, I can do math. (exciting techno music) - [Shiloh] Whoa, Whoa. What are you doing here? - [Elijah] Well, there's just a bunch of new roles, so I figured it be best if we stuck together. - [Together] Yeah, Uh huh, exactly. - [Shiloh] Go do your tasks. - [Together] Okay, fine, fine. (exciting techno music) - [William] Fear me, I am the Sheriff and I get to throw out any one person I want. So you better fear me. Wahahahahahah. - [Micah] William, as the Sheriff, you're suppose to throw out the Imposter. And if you get it wrong, you get thrown out with them. - [William] Oh, well this role's worthless. - [Micah and Judah] No it's not! (exciting techno music) - [Mary] Look who's all alone. - [Shiloh] Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is mom's special vase. If you throw me out, it would break. - [Mary] Oh, she'd be furious. - [Shiloh] I know. - [Mary] Wait, only you get that? - [Shiloh] I can hand it to whoever I want, because I'm the Medic. - [Mary] Oh. Yeah. - [Shiloh] Yeah. (emergency alarm) - [Together] Why? What? - [Shiloh] It's Mary, she tried to throw me out but she couldn't because I'm the Medic and I have mom's special vase. She's the Imposter. (everyone dramatic gasping) - [Mary] Go ahead, throw me out, I want you to. - [Elijah] Whoa, what if she's the Jester and she's trying to win? (everyone mumbling) - [Daniel] Wait, what's the Jester do? - [Judah] Oh good, I forgot too. - [Elijah] Okay, if the Jester gets voted out, they actually win and they get the whole airship to themselves. - [Aislinn] Yeah, both the Crewmates and the Imposters get kicked outside. (everyone mumbling) - [Jonathan] It's to dangerous to risk, I say we skip. - [Kayla] I'm not really sure, there's not enough evidence yet. So I say we skip. - [Shiloh] I'm sorry, could you say that a little louder? - [Kayla] I said, I'm not really sure, there's not enough evidence yet. - [Micah] Yeah, I didn't understand a word you just said. I mean, hmmm, good story bro. - [Elijah] I say we skip. - [Together] Skip. - [Daniel] Wait, everyone should know, that I'm the Mayor and I am abstaining my vote. - [Micah] What? Why? - [Daniel] So that next round, my vote counts as two. It's what the Mayor can do. - [Micah] Are you kidding me? (everyone upset protesting) - [Daniel] Hey, hey, order. - [Micah] You're a Mayor, not a judge. - [Daniel] Why'd I buy this thing? (exciting techno music) - [Elijah] It's okay, I'm just a Crewmate. - [Judah] Me too. - [Elijah] Gosh dang it, what are the odds, what are the odds we'd both get Crewmate? - [Judah] Well, there's like three Imposters. And then four special things, so that's like seven things. - [Elijah] It's like 70% chance we get something cool. - [Judah] Why are we so unlucky? - [Elijah] We are cursed. We are probably actually cursed. (exciting techno music) - [Aislinn] William. You're the sheriff. You need to figure out who the Imposter is, so you can throw them out and win for all of us. - [William] Yeah, you're right. Then I'd be a hero. They'd love me. They might even make me their ruler. - [Aislinn] Well, No, I think that be a little- - [William] I'm on it. - [Aislinn] To hard. (exciting techno music) - [Elijah] Okay, I think I've got it figured out, because we're Crewmates, they probably gave us easier tasks, to make up for us not being anything cool. - [Judah] Yeah. (both agreeing with each other) - [Elijah] Sort the documents. - [Judah] These tasks are mocking us. (exciting techno music) - [Mary] Nah, you can't, she's got our mom's vase, it's like a shield thing. - [Kayla] Seriously, that's too powerful. - [Mary] Right? It is way too powerful. - [Shiloh] You can hear her? - [Mary] Yeah, of course. - [Shiloh] Elijah, Elijah, Elijah. - [Elijah] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Shiloh] Go press the button. - [Elijah] Okay, okay, right after I'm done with this task. - [Shiloh] Go press the button! - [Elijah] Okay, fine. (emergency button) - [Together] Why? What? - [Shiloh] It's both Mary and Kayla, they both tried to throw me out. (everyone dramatic gasping) - [Judah] Wait, but what if they're the Jester? - [Shiloh] They can't both be the Jester. - [Aislinn] But how do we tell who's the Jester and who's the M? - [Micah] We need to both, smart and sophisticated way to tell. Enny meeny miny moe- - [Shiloh] That's not a good method. - [Micah] Yes it is. - [Shiloh] I say we vote Mary. - [Mary] Skip. - [Aislinn, Jonathan and William] Skip. - [Mary] Looks like it's a skip. - [Daniel] It would be, if you didn't have a Mayor. My vote counts as two. Ha. - [Mary] Ahh. (hard landing) - [Elijah] And, (technical typing effect) Mary, was, an Imposter. (cheering) - [Aislinn] Remember, there's still two Imposters left. - [Together] Yeah. Right. (exciting techno music) - [Shiloh] Listen, the Imposters will be targeting you now, so you need to take this, it'll protect you. - [Daniel] Wait, but then won't they get you? - [Shiloh] I'll be fine. It's more important that you stick around. - [Daniel] Got it. - [Shiloh] Wow, were you just waiting on us this whole time? - [Shiloh] Ahh. (dramatic thriller music) - [Mary] They broke mom's vase? We're dead. We're all dead. - [Shiloh] No, no, I gave it to someone else. - [Mary] Well geez, no wonder you got thrown out. (emergency alarm) - [Together] Why? - [Micah] Guys, I really think we should vote out Elijah, he's been acting super sus. - [Elijah] What? I haven't done anything. - [Micah] I dunno, I think we should vote him out. - [Daniel] Guys, we all know who Shiloh said was the Imposter, Kayla. And now Shiloh's gone. (everyone dramatic gasping) - [Kayla] Skip. Ehh. (hard landing) - [Elijah] Kayla, was, an Imposter. (cheering) - [Daniel] Now guys, there's still one Imposter left. And, the Jester. (exciting techno music) - [Together] Right. - [Elijah] Hey, hey. Mom only trust Shiloh to watch that. - [Daniel] Uh, fine. - [Shiloh] Thank you. (exciting techno music) - [William] Whoa, where'd you just come from? - [Daniel] Doing electrical in storage. - [William] There's no electrical in storage. - [Daniel] I dunno, must of been some other room. - [William] Whoa. I caught you in your little fibby fib, Imposter. Now I'm gonna throw you out. - [Elijah] What? - [Elijah And Judah] No no no no no no. - [Daniel] Ahh! - [Elijah] He's actually- (hard landing) - [William] Wow. How did I end up here? - [Daniel] Because. I'm actually the Mayor. - [William] Man, I've got to rethink my strategy. - [Elijah] How did he get that role and not us? - [Judah] I don't even know man. (dramatic thriller music) - [Micah] Gasp. (emergency report) - [Together] Where? - [Micah] I walked in, to an empty room, nobody was there. Someone had taken a bite out of every apple though. (everyone dramatic gasping) - [Elijah] Okay, I really think it's Jonathan. He was headed that direction right before the crime is reported. It's gotta be him. - [Micah] No, no, he couldn't have done it. I watched him do trash. He's safe, don't vote him out. - [Elijah] Oh, that's weird. Okay, skip. - [Together] Skip. - [Jonathan] Skip. (exciting techno music) - [Jonathan] Thanks for saving me, Jester. (dramatic western music) - [Jonathan] Now you're going down. - [Micah] Now hold on a second. (exciting techno music) - [Elijah] What are you guys doing? - [Jonathan] Just doing tasks. Not much. - [Micah] Not me though, I don't have any tasks. - [Jonathan] Yes, Yes he does. He's just joking. (exciting techno music) (Micah making odd noises) - [Judah] Are you okay Michah? - [Micah] What? I don't seem like a little bit sus. Or maybe a little bit Imposter-ish to you? - [Judah] No buddy, it's okay, I know your safe. You would of thrown me out already if you were the Imposter. Remember, ♪ We're the greatest Crewmates. ♪ (exciting techno music) (dramatic thriller music) - [Micah] Gasp. Ohhh yes! Wah yes! It's a crime, it's a crime, it's a crime! Now all I have to do is wait here, for someone to find it, then they'll think it's me. Yes. (exciting techno music) - [Micah] What if I was like, Mah! I'm the Imposter. Eh, is this working? (exciting techno music) - [Micah] Any day now. Gasp. No it's a squirrel. It's a squirrel. (exciting techno music) (Michah singing) (loud alarm ringing) (emergency report) - [Micah] Oh no. - [Together] Where? - [Micah] Um. Someone smashed cupcakes everywhere. It could have been anyone, or, it could've been me. I mean, it could've been like anyone, but most likely me. It was mostly me. Probably. - [Elijah] Nah, too risky. Plus we're doing great with our tasks. - [Aislinn] Yeah. Let's just win via tasks. I say we skip. - [Micah] Or. Or. We could just vote anybody out, literally anybody, how bout, we all close our eyes and point to someone, whose name starts with M. - [Judah] Micah. Mary's already been voted out. - [Micah] Are you serious? - [Elijah] Skip. - [Aislinn] Skip. (exciting techno music) - [Micah] Oh no, you caught me, how embarrassing. - [Judah] Gasp. Oh no. The Imposter left this behind and you just found it. He's probably still around here. But it's okay, because we're almost doing tasks. We're doing good buddy. - [Micah] Dang it. (emergency report) - [Together] Where? - [Elijah] Someone made lemonade, but they used mac and cheese powder instead. - [Together] Ew. - [Judah] Well was it good? - [Elijah] No. No, it was not good. - [Micah] And someone threw out Aislinn. (dramatic gasping) - [Jonathan] I don't think it was me or Micah, I think it, was, Judah. - [Elijah] Listen, we all know that me and Judah are safe and that it's one of you two. We just don't know who's the Imposter and who's the Jester. - [Judah] Oh yeah, so uh, who ever the Imposter is, could you please throw out the Jester for us? That'd be great. - [Micah and Jonathan] I'm trying. Oh, you're good. Stop copying me. - [Judah] That was weird. - [Elijah] Skip. - [Judah] Skip. (exciting techno music) - [Jonathan] Looks like you're all alone. - [Micah] AH, ah, ah, ah. You can't throw me out. Cause if you throw me out, they'll know it's you, then they'll vote you out and you'll lose. - [Jonathan] Gah. (exciting techno music) - [Jonathan] What are you doing? - [Micah] Copying you, that way I look sus. - [Jonathan] Get away from me. - [Micah] Hmm, you can't make me. (exciting techno music) - [Jonathan] Stop that. - [Jonathan] Got you now. - [Micah] Time to throw you out. - [Judah] Gasp. Why are you both chasing me? Ahh. (exciting techno music) - [Judah] Ahhh. - [Jonathan] Stop chasing him. - [Micah] You can't stop me. - [Judah] Ahhh. - [Jonathan] You know what? If I throw you out, they vote for me next, but I don't care. You're going down. - [Micah] Ahhh. (exciting techno music) (emergency alarm) - [Jonathan] Okay. I wouldn't even need to win this anymore. I just can't stand this guy winning. So I can't believe I'm doing this. But I'm the Imposter. vote me out, as long as he loses. (dramatic gasping) - [Mary] This is twistier than a pencil. Just saying. (clapping) - [Micah] Ladies and gentlemen, that is the greatest Jester play, I have ever seen in my entire life. He down right claimed to be the Imposter, just so he'd get voted out and he'd win. Go ahead. Vote him out. He deserves it. - [Judah] Wait, but if Jonathan is the Jester. Then that means Micah is the Imposter. - [Daniel] So Micah's the Jester? And Jonathan's the Impostor? (Jonathan laughing) - [Jonathan] Jester. I'm just gonna vote whatever you do. Then it'll be a tie. I guess I win. Nooooooo! (upbeat techno music) - [Mary] Okay, what if the Imposters took turns saying something nice about the Crewmates. - [Jonathan] Okay, It's their fault that we lost. - [Elijah] Our fault? You're the little Imposters. - [Jonathan] Yeah, you should've let us throw you out. - [Elijah] Oh My God! Are you kidding! (arguing over it) (upbeat techno music)
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 10,959,055
Rating: 4.8566647 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us in real life, among us imposter, in real life, irl, if everything was like among us, among us new role, among us mods, among us mod, among us new map, new roles, among us jester, imposter among us, imposter, among us but in real life, real life, among us irl, among us skit, funny among us, funny, funny among us moments, real life among us, imposter in real life, siblings, comedy, shiloh, shiloh and bros, shiloh nelson, among us mayor, among us medic
Id: qfs8_roHUAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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