The Mainline Mario Marathon - all 18 games in under 24 hours! [1/4]

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Real quick Just letting you know about my second channel cosmic extra where i'll post the full unedited videos of everything that goes up here Plus other random speedrun related stuff besides that I just wanted to say thanks so much for watching this marathon It took a lot of preparation and work to do it and to get it out to you So, please click the like button and leave a comment. So as many people can see it as possible. Enjoy my friends Welcome to the mainline mario marathon We'll be playing 18 Mainline mario games in under 24 hours. Hopefully the games in the marathon This is them chronologically That is what they are in order of release date but that is not the order that I will be playing them in It would be really lame to play like eight hours of galaxy in a row so I split those up and I gave a nice healthy mix of 2d and 3d So the order we will be playing them in is as follows smb1 super mario bros 2j also known as the lost levels but the original japanese fds version then we'll play mario 64 Then we will play super mario bros 2 usa super mario bros 3 super mario world super mario land super mario land 2 super mario galaxy super mario, sunshine new super mario bros news, uh super mario, 3d land new super mario bros 2 super mario galaxy 2 New super mario bros, wii mario 3d world then we'll play new super mario Bros u in this case deluxe they are virtually identical and finally we will wrap it all up with my very own digital copy of super mario odyssey Okay here goes go it has begun At any point if the audio is bad Imbalanced whatever, let me know Of all the games. This is the one i'm best at and most well known for Already missing a split. Let's go We're gonna grab mushroom, not for safety I mean it is safer, but it's also faster Once we get the fire flower, we'll save time By killing bowser at the end of each bowser level you don't have to watch him fall in the lava If you kill him with fire Okay, here comes the fire flower grab Very good Okay, we got the fire hopefully we never lose it Uh, this game is worthless because I felt like it. I thought it would be really lame to play only five minutes of the game That started it all especially when i'm good at it and I can afford to spend 15 extra minutes to show off the entire game, you know Um, there's a wide range of how good I am at all the games that's a hard pattern Like this game I am quite top tier at There's some other games I am top tier at mario 3d land That's another hard pattern holy cow that was like the hardest one i've ever seen Mario new super mario bros u is definitely the game. I'm the least prepared to play I just did not have time to uh practice it Also in case you don't know top of the flagpole faster than the bottom Fire makes it really easy to get all the enemies out of the way. So that's nice, too But you are twice as big so you have to do some crouch jumps It's harder to dodge enemies in like water levels, how am I going to be you see marbury's wii I'll start it and then Play through it Okay, this is one of the tougher bowsers Good volleyball dodgers that was quite a hard pattern Yeah for people thinking like oh, will you get world record or whatever like that's just not World records take thousands of attempts I get one And we're just that's not the goal here The splits I don't care that much about Each level the splits are there so that in games. I don't know as well. They tell me where to go Like if i'm playing galaxy 2, I need the splits to tell me what galaxy to go play so they really don't matter that much in this game, but This runs pretty good probably about 1920 face by the time I finish Which when I started running this game the world record was 1940 Not bad, all right. There's a fiber here that can be really dumb please be nice. Okay, cool. That means the rest are nice too This bowser is a laggy boy Okay, that was barely any lag Thanks for all 12 000 people watching right now. That's insane is the first time i've Gotten a front page time slot on twitch I don't normally play this many mario games. So normally I play one super well try and get world record in it Everyone who's not following is now keenly aware that they're not following. Imagine not following it's free. Can you imagine being that guy? And we're almost done final level. Yeah, this is like I said 1920 pace On the dot man do I know my stuff or what? Gotta hit this wall jump, though Frame perfect pixel perfect easy trick Right here i'm crouch swimming so you can crouch and swim and it doesn't look like you're crouching but the top half Of you can't get hit so that's why I can go right through the fire bars Okay here goes 1920 question mark Man I know my stuff if the split would work it was 1920 on the dot That was with my intro Okay much harder game only released in japan until the all-stars version and the wii virtual console I'm, just gonna wait this guy out Thanks takate11 is very hard Let's go frank perfect tricks on point today flagpole glitch Show off small fire it's not it's like harder to set up in this game for some reason, but i'll try Oh, okay, this game doesn't work the same I try to do the same setup you do in the other one My coin count is so wrong Whether fireworks go off or not in this game is based on your coin count. This level ends in a three. Okay, we're good Ah don't fireball me i'll fireball you I like how that deal went. Okay This is a interesting level. We gotta go on bottom to like make the maze work and it looks kind of strange Bad fire barn Ooh the four ball kill there's a pixel perfect shot in there You can do these ceiling clips You pretty useful in a lot of these castle stages i'll try one right here Didn't get it but that one saves the least time saves almost nothing Really hope I get the 7-4 one and b-4. Wow nice dodge Oh the three-ball kill three, that means two fireballs did double damage There's a really cool trick at the end of this level called the super jump I'll let you see it for yourself Let's go we're up there and we're getting called by a scammer scam likely no. Thanks Nice snipe gonna do a cool trick here There we go Now we're skating and no animation down the flagpole And three fireworks to celebrate because my coin can't match the timer Whoa was that Was that sub alert in sync this level is really hard I really need to just get through this That section is awful I like halfway click through that block with the whirlpool Two for two baby, let's go Okay Oh, I didn't get the speed. I jumped one frame early I had to go the bottom out there to trigger the maze I should have just uh, oh wow It didn't even trigger it how I definitely scrolled the screen far enough. Oh, but me taking damage ruined it this game's kind of Kind of odd, man And then i'm gonna wait for this hopefully the fireball, okay, I got under it I wasn't ready for that one, but I dodged it that was like the worst fireball you could ever get in the game. Holy cow No worse pattern Oh don't believe fire Worst pattern i've ever seen in my life, dude. Oh, he doesn't breathe backfire. That's right. That was my chance, but not really Jump, okay That was so bad I was I tried to crouch under him Normally I'm either small or a fire flower right there And I was like wait i'm neither. I'm just big I can't fireball him. I can't go under him. What do I do? That was not a situation i'm like ever in But that's okay, there's two power ups in eight four All right grab this fire flower This is the easiest clip in like any mario game ever. If you're big mario. You just run off right here. You'll click What's up, bruce? I'll leave him alive because he's about Okay Now if you beat this game worthless it takes you to world nine afterwards You only get one life to beat world nine it loops forever until you die So I really need to not die in this world because I get one chance Listen to this beautiful famicom disc system audio those sound channels Okay bizarre castle level it's outside There's like this pipe right here just takes you backwards in the level for no reason We're gonna go up top everyone. Say hi to doug Longwest cousin of the bowsers. Hello doug bowser I gotta go through the exclamation point I always go through the exclamation point Let's go arigato No, thank you And again back to back that time was much smoother Uh, these levels are way easier on the super nintendo version which is the only version i've ever ran them On uh, you get to start With fire, so it's a lot easier but also that game's just like easier in general Okay, we beat a1 Okay, I can get power-ups in this level. Finally. Hopefully I can hang on to them. Like I said letter worlds are quite different On this version so it's pretty tough world a is so hard on this version like just so hard And I have to do a different route in this level than i'm used to because i'll fall through those blocks So bad, whatever it's fine it wasn't that bad Normal Big jump, can you believe these are intended jumps to make in this game? They put intended three frame tricks in this game like to beat the game. You have to do three frame tricks Okay, uh we get to do another one of those cool clips And right to the end of the level Exclusive to this version of the game doesn't work on super nintendo You you're not ever able to go up one of those upside down pipes, but you can go ah dang You can go down a cup, uh if you clip inside and that The game's not prepared to send you somewhere from those pipes. So the place it ends up sending you pretty glitchy Look up like top 10 hardest mario levels they put this one at the top of the list every time for some reason like it's hard, but it doesn't deserve like All the glory it gets for being the hardest mario level of all time It's it's kind of just a gimmick once you get it it's like really not much to it you just yeah, you gotta take the springs and the wind sucks, but Hardest mario level ever like I don't know No, don't go down there That guy despawned it's crazy. I've never seen that Okay much better Uh, just take this a step at a time Get it Oh, yeah, I think you just jump at him in this version. Yep Good thing I remember because That outside section one of the hardest parts of the whole game Okay, I can show off one of the few things. I have actually found In this game hard to find something in these games All right, bruce the takate kiss but more importantly the cosmic screen wrap The bruce teleport we set a portal we put another portal on the left he's coming back Give him a second he's coming back Isn't this funny? Back in the portal All right bowser, we did it 2j done It's me mario The weirdest lacquer to skip of all time what on earth I came at such a weird angle. What was that? What the grind lackages give what was that Let's go Ah if I was a gamer I would have gotten that Weird angle so i'm gonna jump Yo 1m views just hit a million views on my twitch channel Let's go. I have one million views. Why don't I have one million viewers? Let's go canon loose Nice ledge Grab you'll guess the slide time if you put a 12 probably a little too ambitious 13.0 oh even i'm too ambitious I'll get a 12 next time rip. We got a point one improvement though celebrate your small victories Okay, not too bad Okay, that was much better That's okay There's probably some people who've never seen the 64 speedrun and this part is like mind blown to them even though I didn't do it as fast as top players I remember that slide down when I first saw speed runs looked so sick Okay, we can only miss one coin on the slide We're good get ready for lag Nice melee on the schedule melee will make an appearance very briefly How I boot up the game boy Not too bad of a bbh stack it up Thirsty, yo, am I a legend the dive roll out? Absolutely slower Not a legend It's caught mips though That's not a triple jump I almost didn't get up there Okay Tremendous thanks for the five subs, dude Christmas miracle question mark no I don't do the strat right to get that Wall kick literal wall kick for the fans Yeah, my first speed game you guys want to hear history of cosmic aka cosmic d12 2011 I watched lots of glitch videos. I would look up mario kart 64 lap skips. I thought those were so cool I like to do glitches in this game ocarina of time That's just like my favorite thing to look up glitches and then I would try them and most of them were too hard You know, it's too hard i'm, like glitches are cool, but I can't speed run ever way too hard. Then my good friend. Brian Mp16 uh in 2011, he made an ocarina of time bingo like tutorial video basically, and I thought that was so cool So cool I was like, I can't not play this and I always kind of had the idea of like people who do speed runs They're like trying to get a world record like super good run so they can post it on speed demos archive This will date it a little bit and you can understand the time frame Uh Uh, so yeah, that's like part of the reason I never got into it But I was like being good like i'm not trying to get a world record. I'm, just like playing the game for fun And however long it takes whatever. I'm just playing the game for fun a new way to play So I went to the link to speedruns live and started racing ocarina of time bingo and because there were so many like people there I could interact with they would like tell me how to do tricks that I never knew how to do before couldn't get And suddenly I could do all these hard tricks. I couldn't because community let's go And I was like, wow, I really can speedrun. Let's go man So I got pretty good at ocarina of time bingo. I learned this game. I got into dk64. Oh nice through One day there was a race on speedruns live of super mario bros 1 I knew the game was only like five minutes long even if i'm bad It's not going to take me all day if I enter without knowing how to speedrun the game So I entered it Got one hour 10 minutes to complete the game Not a great time, but I said some other guys in the race got like six minutes I want to try and get that. I got like 10 minutes seven minutes six minutes one day uh, I did a worthless race that took me like an hour and a half or something, but I was like, wow, I really like warpless So I kept racing warpless eventually got my time to around 20 minutes I entered again Dude, one sec pause. How's the story? I gotta go to dire dire docs So back to the story I kept racing worthless got my time around 20 minutes. This is in the first super mario bros I was like, what's the world record? I'm sure it's like super good and unbeatable because that's just what everyone says about super mario bros Unbeatable world records. I looked it up and on sda. It was 1940 I was like wow pretty good time. Like not just sub 20, but like 20 seconds under it I watched the run. I was like what this has like mistakes in it I was like I can play this level faster and he plays He like makes a bad mistake here loses like two seconds here and there I can beat this like what that's crazy. I could get the world record in super mario. Bros worthless. Like that's unheard of the Insane thing to get and eventually I got nineteen thirty Four I was like cool. I got super mario bros world record I also got world record in gk64 any percent around the same time. This is like the end of 2012 It just seemed normal to me because it was all a very natural progression a lot of times people just see speed runs like people who are the best at something and it's just like a big disconnect between how they got there and where they started So it seemed normal to me and it is normal like whatever you put time into you can get it get good at I started learning mario 3d land I thought that game was super cool. I invented a lot of strats to speed on that game got world record 2014 and 2015 I left I was gone disappeared. I spent two years exclusively serving a religious mission Doing service and teaching people and then 2016 I was back in business came back started doing super mario bros 80 world record attempts Because I had never gotten that record and i've gotten close but never gotten it and it took so long like Most people have probably heard of darby and he was hard to compete with man hard to compete with I was like right behind him i'd beat him by like a couple frames at one point but like he beat it pretty shortly after because It's when flagpole glitch was found and there was tons of new time to save I got 456.46 and that was beaten shortly after by some west because he's a legend and I never planned on doing 455 attempts. I Just wanted to like get one that wasn't beaten super shortly after I kept doing 456 attempts Tied the record to the frame at 456.24 I was like, wow, I tied the record Um, like I don't really expect to get 455 but like i'll just start doing some attempts It was kind of early in the stream when I tied it. So I did nine more attempts and got 455 It was like the weirdest fluke like craziest run Ever that's how I sealed myself as the most clutch gamer alive. That is where it came from I was like memeing the whole video. I was like guys i'm gonna be so clutch and get 455 this run but then it happened and the whole commentary looks like i'm like super cocky and came back to smb one any percent this year to try and get What I wanted to be my final run and I got 455.64 And that's like Better than I even expected to get by a couple frames, it's just such a crazy Optimized and precise speed run and i'm playing a lot of uh, 2j the sequel lost levels these days Trying to get the first 754 and 753 in that game So, yeah that all sounds interesting to you follow so you can keep up with the Journey, it's still ongoing I've accomplished a lot also gotten records in billy hatcher best sega game ever Nice nice Big tip for people who complain about the camera in this game Do mario cam with r and then push c down? And that camera is a lot better for a lot of situations. My teacher is an alien the one true speed Game my childhood Most important world record i've ever gotten 20k mine's not updated fully but dang 20k viewers. That is insane Thank you everyone who's here? This is pretty Pretty crazy pretty crazy thing we've got going on. Thanks for being a part of it Yes Um favorite game ever is like smash bros melee, or maybe this mmorpg called dofus Nice bonk peach mane in melee, by the way Thanks for the sub aid kind Oh don't slide slide on the shell I remember as a kid. I thought you couldn't um You couldn't get up this jump right here it's literally just a side flip what am I doing? I like was about to do 100 coins, but I don't Do that. I thought you couldn't get up that platform right there as a kid with time stopped So I thought I had to do 100 coins, man. I gotta focus on where i'm going I thought you couldn't do 100 coins without the clock moving So like it was so hard when I was I was so young Sarah thanks for the 200 bits Okay. My favorite first d in the game. Can I hit it? I gotta get it. It looks so cool, man I really want to hit it. There we go. I love it Okay, this is a cool thing, you probably don't see much because it loses time we I even missed the floor. So now i'm like at the bottom of the clock getting the star Okay, is that even making it okay Okay, we're on our way up here so that we can do carpetless Uh, one of the beginner tricks of this game. I'm, just kidding Everything I just said was all right Not doing that at all Raise your hand in chat if you found the triangles to be tricky as a kid They are pretty tricky even now okay 70th star incoming Oh, okay. I made it my thumb slipped off the control stick for a second Oh wait kai I want to do the triple jump wall kick, but you wanted the pole glitch All right, I guess no triple jump wall kick just know that I would have hit it I always hit it I got to do the pole glitch because kai wanted it Full glitch How's that Run fully into the wind, it's fine. It's number two. That's crazy. Thanks everybody Three for three throws question mark legendary Oh, well, that wasn't That wasn't a big throw it was the right direction at least The lag there's so much lag i'm not used to Krista early because the game slowed down I pressed it late because I anticipated just kidding. That was just me being bad alone All right, perfect a little too hot a little too cold just right 71 stars Nice job we did it. Yo, even uh sub 1 hour between 2j and 64 With the break in between so we are still on schedule. Let's go Let's do it Uh, the four characters in this game have very different attributes The best for most stages because if he picks up an enemy he runs fast So a lot of the times we want to get towed so we can Grab an enemy immediately and run super fast. There's a cool little double jump thing right here To get up here faster And then Hopefully I can do this trick, right? fall through the floor Warped to birdo a little bit faster and I got a really tight ladder jump for the Optimal birdo egg cycle, let's go Oh no, oh no Go fast fast carpet. Just get us over the gap. Okay, we made it. We're good Ideally that takes you all the way here but You get two carpets one of them becomes really fast for some reason I don't know the details I failed carpetless. All right, most people probably know about this warp I think I got hit so I can't do the swag All right, grab the bezo dodge them all And the pose in the door, oh I didn't get the pose All right, the whales are very difficult we're just gonna nice and safe Um, a lot of games once you get to max height like you can release the jump button and you won't lose any height after that Ah Get out But in this game you have to keep holding jump all the way until Like as soon as you release it, even if you're falling you'll lose Okay, okay, that's the scary part Ah Oh my gosh, they tricked me Okay, I just didn't want to die That is the enemy from mario maker, yeah, okay gotta pick weedge Oh, no, I supposed to full jump there, of course silly me. I almost had it. It's like two jumps past that Wait Uh, yeah because I have limited lives. I'll just write them I guess I could have nailed it again or whatever Better safe than sorry Uh, i'm gonna just play this boss safe because I don't want to die There's a strat you do where you like go inside him, I don't want to fall off Dang pillars I give up Hardest jumps ever man All the frame perfect jumps in smooth all day those pillars are impossible Okay, there's a huge skip in this stage You can do one of those ladder jumps or in this case. It's a Chain and get up on top of the wall Normally you go up and down all these different rooms to find the right way to the end, but we're walking over the top Oh you kidding me Okay, just gotta beat work now I am the great wart Oh nice timing Two more The onion my favorite Yeah one more for the road All right game's done four out of 18, let's go For warning my console does not like smb3 so the screen might shake up and down and who knows what? It does kind of weird stuff just warning you it's not that bad but in some stages like 1-2, it might Like let's uh, let's just do it. Whoops Man I can tell i'm a bit rusty on this one But it's okay I made some adjustments Yeah, if you play mario maker none of the games in that well they all pretty much play like new super mario bros we Or are you? Oh, whoops Wait, it's this one i'm being so dumb I jumped Past it and got confused Um, yeah, but the original games have way different physics and are just a lot better Uh do info blue goblin Go Fly All right, very cool no i'm not doing the wrong work All right Grab the orb, I forgot. It takes so much longer to pop out if you don't kill him with fire Hands First hand, of course These are random 50 50 champs you get them. So in speed runs of this game they have to just pray On all the categories except 100. They just have to pray they get no hands, which is a one in eight chance It's like really terrible rng Okay, i'll try and get the fire flower here kind of hard just to even get down here Oh, I got the speed and I missed the jump Getting that the speed there is really hard you can take it all the way to the end Yo the extra lives just in case oh you can really see what I mean my console does not like the fireworks Okay, and it does not like this level I hit the sun. He's eating all my shots And we use the star for the fort so we can go through the waffles disco balls Now this p-switch that we hit We want to make a cycle You're supposed to hit another p-switch to activate this door, but you can make it just in time it ran out right there Now we can kill boom boom faster because we have fire finally My best speed run of this game ever like sub 11 minutes is a really good time I've tried to get sub 11 minutes, but it's hard because there's the three hands you have to get no hands And uh, I had no hands my best friend ever to that fight And I got this glitch where his health underflows and so he gets like tons of health and he wouldn't die He's so sad Okay, try and get this clip Yo check out the clip So sick And then we have this one the nintendo power clip Uh jump Very nice nicely done Well, normally you want to kill bowser with fireballs It's a lot faster than waiting for him to jump in the hole, but we get to show off his amazing hitbox Only bowser's head has a hitbox so he can't hurt me if i'm crouching or if you're small mario Oh, whoops I did this kind of wrong, okay one more jump Oh, wow, I didn't know he could shoot at such an angle Oh wait, he didn't Wait, what is he doing? I didn't know he could jump half a block like this Please die. Okay, whatever all good All right, smb3 done go we are only line doubled Okay, this is the orb glitch I hope I can pull it off. I barely even remember like I muscle memory needs to carry me hard To get this trick Quite good, let's go so safe. Heck. Yeah If I get yoshi to tongue and mario to fireball that'll be pretty exciting What that's mine, maybe Yeah, he didn't tongue rip Sorry, I didn't get the orb Where am I? Okay Uh, okay just don't die Okay, so the orb is a glitched item you can get in your inventory and it instantly ends a level So normally you use it to skip this level you just instantly collect it and finish the stage All right, so we're coming in this pipe to grab a shell look at this nice pipe half green half orange Uh, you swim faster when you're holding an item in this game So we're grabbing the shell We kept it we kept it all the way Okay, we're going to fly up Hope the boo ring is good here. All right, very nice And drop it I was like way too late Okay, uh, oh nice Okay, we're just gonna ride this one down we got one i'll take it Okay, this level is very fast in general but with cape it's extra fast And I don't even do the fastest strat Yeah, I like it better In the older games where you just keep whatever item you exit the stage with all the new games You have to beat a level to get a power up and it's really annoying it's nice if you get hit you can pause exit to keep the power up but I think this is better Okay, we made it Okay, we're at bowser You can fly through this door like you oh, no I messed it up You fly into it and then you can fly jump and fly immediately afterwards The cape kill is one of the things I cannot do when rusty I think it's there All right, that went really well Don't throw it off screen, please. Okay good All right gg time stops, right there Done with smw seven games done, I think Not bad luigi go here goes Dang it, man, last guy's so hard to shoot Ah hardest part of the game, okay Focus and pay attention to where to go There we go, just keep talking to him maybe still save time All right Nice long jump we can log jump here to get to that star I'm really bad at this planet. Ouch. Okay, and then we back flip I just played them when they came out most of the time All right, I got to well here's a hungry luma I need to get enough star bits in the level to get So i'm gonna walk in the bushes for some spin Wait, there's one more wasn't it? Oops I can kick him for three right? Yes. Perfect Oh, yeah, I always forget about camera cancels I actually didn't even know that was a thing until I watched the galaxy 2 tutorial Is this planet in yoshi star 1 it looks like exactly the same and galaxy 2 It's really similar I guess. Wow I got owned I got an additional luigi All right, and you're supposed to collect chips for the pool star but obviously just long jump to the start Okay, so you can run up slopes by just shaking repeatedly Gotta remember the nunchuck spins Here goes What that was not the right angle to fly off. All right, come on All right, we're up there Good stuff, at least we're past it not Really that fast, but hey, we got up So i'm gonna like get in a different gravity field here Okay, good, no Get on okay nice. All right. I believe my pb took forever to get this triple jump maybe So let's not take forever Not forever pog champ Where is the thing? People will be weird and annoying Get me up there. Whoa sure that's what I meant to do Nice backflip Come with me bullet That backflip went nowhere All right, come here Let's go Probably was A good bit behind my pb but i'm sure I saved a bunch there I have no clue. I don't care that much about it. It's just I just want to go fast mostly Okay, i'll try and get this skip um It's really weird but i'll try it Oh wait here, let's just try it like this Get over there. Wow, I actually made it, okay Long jumped in the wrong store Is here Too many games to keep straight man One more for the road Triple jump up here. Now. We have one to start the fight put out a koopa shell first before you hit her Oh, she didn't throw one, what's she throwing now and does it stay? Wow, okay, we got zero we got zero shells Should have been two. All right, we got one. No big deal All right This bullet bill is really bad at turning i'll try to lead him through the needle or yeah Cool thread the needle Go in the pipe holding left made me fall off the pipe weird video game dude one more bomb Oh go dang that cycle Do I remember how to do this Yeah, just like that Don't get crushed. Oh my gosh. I thought I could make it Won't get crushed this time Ah All good We like getting extra luigi's Could have beaten that easily Yeah Get on this swamp for one single jump off of him. Let's go What's up, bowser always better to spin early than late I guess Much better You know what guys want something weird You go higher on spins Depending on what a thing you used to spin with? I don't know you could spin with the nunchuck as a kid But yeah as mario this will make you spin higher as luigi this will make you spin higher very strange And import really important for certain skips in this game Bro It's so hard sometimes the things in my way, okay You're supposed to do a bunch of stuff to get to the star here But there's a skip you can do You can barely make it And sometimes you like can't make it because of a really weird mechanic in the game called tilt It just depends on the like how Because like the worlds are so round basically Like depending on how Curved the ground is when you jump Will affect how much height you get kind of? Oh, thank you luigi He like doesn't always grab it either. It's just like very very strange thing to try and do Okay, the fast straps for this are really cool and I don't know how to do any of them So man, we'll call that a win that was like way faster than I normally get Oh boy, don't fall out the window Yo luigi section I there's two you can be your own hero Sometimes you need to save yourself You can do it too ouija that's good. Do I have 400? Sure hope so, yeah Oof how do I have so few and what do I do? How this has never happened to me i've always had plenty I've even made that exact mistake before and it was fine around 50 Well, perfect. I wish I could select the normal star here That sucks Yeah, yeah Okay, our splits are all messed up But I would have enough star bits by then, you know what I mean, like I just did it at the end or something Oh 800 oh I thought someone said I'm in such a weird angle Oh, there's more up here The next 600 normally I get them like way early on What oh the way this game's shake works is so Dumb oh my gosh Poach things for 13 months man. I hope you're good What I don't know what happened that sucks Top players do this so fast. Oh go this way Like luigi just flies through here What happened I don't know I think I tried to shake Into the star and I just missed I like panicked and hit z which was very dumb Oh, yeah, so here You just get on this and long jump over Thanks, okay supposed to look like this Sure go Damaged I was stuck on that switch Okay Steps to beating super mario bros bosses hit them until they're mad then hit them again Well, this is bad fight You see how many things almost hit me at the end? Okay, we can move over here like this Yeah, nice Can I make it Go Nice and then I think I can just like jump to this one. Nice I've never pulled that up before You're telling me I didn't land on him there I don't know how that works I think there was just two there were three stars total, but I don't think three were yellow I tried to shake but I was too late This is a cool long jump And then Over here is a really cool long jump, too That one just kidding this one Oh what the that was not it started like flipping back over. But yeah overall you get the idea We have one health don't touch the lava the floor is lava All right All right now we get to skate on lava, which is probably my favorite part of this game when I first played it That was weird Yeah tampa because like by the time one of the slower one, oh watch this by the way we're zooming Nice no one really knows why this works it just does By the time, uh, you get The zelda games faster like if twilight princess hd got like two hours faster to give you some leeway. Um, Like another zelda game will come out So then it's longer Okay, we go over to right here and then we can do this trick again All right to the star nice Okay, if you ever touch any of this dark matter you cease to exist Okay, i'm just gonna do this one nice and safe because I think my pb died right there because like something really weird happened and I just like flew off of it and died What's up bowser If he because they're all on the schedule Oh didn't think he'd do it again Now he's mad chances of dying way up Whoops wow What was that? I don't know What that was I found a new strat. I don't know Maybe you're supposed to do that You think triple jumps are cool bowser knows that quintuple jump Okay, uh up here Oh, I got so owned periwinkle. Thanks for 23 months dude, almost two years. You almost have that sick blue badge Okay, now we go down here Uh, let's see Insane movements Um, yes there it is now let's try this Okay, and then I want to stop about right there One two no one two three You skip I don't know it whatever it I is followed the tutorial It's probably a bunch of skips I could have done Okay, so we're going to fly up onto this tree here You bounce on this b you get all your energy back We can skip over to here If you are wearing your mmm shirt right now raise your hand let's go japanese guy Oh what get up okay, that was a bit of a sweat It's this star is like really funny to me You you come down everyone's freaking out because this shark is ruining everything And then you get over to him and he's just like yo, I think you can swim through some rings I got a break You guys know that koopa shells have front and back lights built in every koopa shell That's terrifying People say the eel in sm64 was like scary as a kid. I never found that scary, but those eels I think they're scary now Yo first try oh never mind Okay, surface swim look how fast we're going once it slopes here you can't do it anymore So that was a bit short-lived I try and get it at the end again Are you winning? Yes We got a train to catch ouch Oh gosh, never mind, we're not catching the tree We did in fact miss the bus My pbs are on the right side of the schedule for each game Oh, come on Yeah Okay, come over here get on the arm I'm gonna wait for it to go back up a bit and Here Climb oh this part sucks. It's really hard to Okay, this is the most powerful enemy in all of mario you can't change my mind he's just so strong I hate that bro Sneezing Wait, it's not done did I miss one? Oh, okay. Thank goodness. I didn't miss one at least Oh my gosh, dude what Am I crazy or is wild stuff happening All right, everybody's favorite memory of this game right right here But maybe filled with 100 purple shiny objects instead Yeah Poplic thanks for the 28 months. That's so many Oh gosh get me up we made it Quick one Let me hive l I'm always so tempted to go to that comment right there. I see comment I click How about hamee Let him have his own game for once Gonna do a mainline luigi marathon go for it. Let luigi have his game Let me just mention one's really short game actually Chill luigi Okay, so we're just going to jump over the top here L, that's me. No, that's waluigi l Waluigi was here Upside down l is real please get off Oh, yeah, you can just do this Okay, go like this and then damage boost up on here Get up there man, you can do it mackie. Thanks for seven months Don't die that's the worst. Oh I can survive i'm bashing for my life Get me out how does it work. I don't know how it works Maybe I need to hold a I don't know whatever we're live. I got out somehow. I don't understand the mechanic but Whatever need help There's some help I don't know how to do this. Just Do it that way What what I got so owned Just beat the game We're so close just finished No, don't backflip into the poland Just go Just Please get to that star What is happening the ground? They didn't even make the ground right there? This cutscene's so stupid it's like hey mario we see that you're there or luigi We see you But no way you can get up to us and then you move like two feet and then they're like What he's approaching after that? I don't know I get the point Bring it Do the rock thing Okay, that place is dumb I shook yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're real mad. You're primed for death Ouch What the I canceled the roll thing. Am I finding new strats on these bowsers or or like are these normal things that are happening? Every time I fight this guy I think did I just discover something? That's not what normally happens Okay We did it done Foot pedal. All right. I gotta go to the bathroom real bad So i'm going to go do that You
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 505,127
Rating: 4.9426236 out of 5
Keywords: cosmic, kosmicd12, speedrun, Super Mario Brother, smb, twitch, highlight
Id: QgqwB7Bx16Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 58sec (5698 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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