I Fooled My Friend with IMMORTALITY

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my friend placed a giant World destroying TNT under my house it's indestructible and in 24 hours it goes off that's why it's my goal to become immortal in order to destroy the explosion and to teach my friend a little lesson go go go go we can't waste any time Gamers there's no way the son of a gun actually put a freaking giant TNT under my house and uh don't ask why I have a milk bucket and an Enron let's just say Sunday nights get a little crazy but anyways don't let this distract us from the fact that my house is gonna freaking blow up okay hold on wait what why is this okay it was a block missing which kind of sucks what is this what is this oh no no no no no no no no no no no no dude liger no one's online right now Gamers I'm dead oh my God no I'm not what snow this is what's gonna blow in my dude I can't even break it I can't even break it oh my God no this is so stupid Gamers look at this thing wait a second it's actually just perfectly thick inside of this box dude when did he have time to build this man I'm actually offline a decent amount so I could definitely see when you had enough time to build this but come on man what is this seeds that's what you left me idiots no no what is this it's a speech icon that's yellow for Liger oh you know it actually just says lager's secret massage I'm not supposed to say message I think he liger's not massaging me at all actually I'll let liger massage me if if the TNT actually manages to blow up but I'm not letting this happen Gamers because I have a trick up my sleeve it says right click to listen okay all right here goes nothing Dear Daddy I love you I love you so much that I left you a little gift under your house it's indestructible and explodes in 24 hours what like this you know okay yeah okay I know I know we may or may not have stuck his house inside of wait what hello are you are you good you know what I'm just gonna annoy you bro okay shut up dude I'm just like literally just throwing it on the ground I know why he's doing this it's because in another video we stole his house and put it in the ocean with a giant piston all right liger 24 hours bet oh my God wait it's already been three since he's logged off so oh we gotta hurry it looks like I could what uh okay I'm putting a trapdoor where the TNT is but we gotta hurry Gamers I have a plan because if my efficiency five diamond pickaxe can't break it I don't think anything will because it's made out of bedrock at least the giant Titan TNT is let's go and grab our armor yeah we're getting suited up for this video you know what we're taking the peepee Chopper because things are about to get dangerous because my plan is to become immortal Gamers and you're probably wondering how are you gonna become a literal mortal God I have an idea and I think liger might actually have some ironically we need a sponge and you know what before anyone logs on let's mute up there you go hello liger oh what a nice house I should just blow it up perfect gamer so we got a sponge okay I don't think he's gonna care that I took a sponge but he will care once I'm Immortal and we troll them at the end we've been Immortal in the past videos and yes I am digging down I'm breaking the number one rule of Minecraft well I'm also breaking rule number 346. never become immortal we've been Immortal in other videos but I've never shown you how I became Immortal and it's a little sauce okay just water for a second I got really scared oh my God wait hold on this water is so annoying there you go SpongeBob what I'm about to show you just make sure your dog your mom no one watches because this is secret Minecraft hacks we just gotta dig straight down to bedrock oh my god dude I forgot how big Minecraft is brah come on man oh oh my gosh dude wait can just work that's the famous log chant Gamers I don't know if it worked because oh it did work because we made it to Federal and I could have fallen into lava but I didn't so yeah was lucky okay but I think I actually ironically need to get the lowest point oh my God why is the lava there you go I'm better off there you go I think okay no that's the lowest point if I place down the sponge okay yeah it doesn't work because it needs to be touching the void oh no okay so we're gonna need to break this piece I need some materials some TNT some Pistons but not Giants we need some trap doors and a good old Minecraft lever and I don't know why they're so expensive but we also need some stupid ladders man so much wood okay so TNT right there yep okay okay so what we need to do is place a ladder right here okay will the Piston get activated bro it's so okay yes perfect it's kind of awkward with the Bedrock but piston right there TNT bam okay usually there's a solid block right here but okay three two one and and boom no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes oh my God oh my God don't fall don't fall don't fall thank you ladders now if we place the sponge right there okay dude how are we gonna pick it up I also really hope this doesn't kill us okay oh my God wait it's working oh my God the sponge the sponge is absorbing the void dude we got it okay okay and if we make a slab oh my God oh my God yeah I knew the fishing rod was gonna be too freaking just risky man wet void sponge wet with the foot looks yummy oh yeah I forgot I did that I thought I placed it I forgot oh wait oh my God why am I taking damage is it because I'm holding it hey yo it only makes sense Gamers if I eat this in front of liger's house am I Really Gonna Eat void SpongeBob Gamers yes I am oh my goodness hey yo oh no oh my God it's happening I'm becoming Immortal why am I doing twerking oh my God Gamers we did it we're now Immortal I think oh my goodness I could just insta mine everything I even have Immortal Hearts oh no this is insane Gamers it says Immortal crafting recipes unlocked perfect if I put down a crafting table and we go and type in Immortal dude let's go we have all of these Immortal abilities flying ability hey oh wait this is so easy hello Mr Cow Bob bro I can one shot every mob but can I one shot an Enderman oh yes yes yes I can well even when like underwater I could just oh no that is so satisfying I forgot how amazing it feels to be immortal I mean just check this out I look insane I got an immortal booty okay but we're gonna need to craft ourselves all these abilities in order to just upgrade our immortalness because now with the flying ability I mean I think yeah it's pretty self-explanatory boom Immortal ability unlocked flying oh my goodness okay wait yo I can literally fly like Superman we're becoming even more stronger Gamers and oh whoa whoa time manipulation ability hey yo would you need to clock some gold and some emeralds okay well I doubt that's gonna be hard because if I'm not mistaken dude I'm always stealing from Izzy and he's like never online I gave him his stuff back by the way and oh my God dude this gold is right there just ready for me to yelling and emeralds oh you actually can't make that up okay wait it doesn't have a crafting table though what type of psychopath is he man I forgot the Redstone and there you go is it you can keep that crafting table it's on me if you know for all the stuff you just got me boom we got the clock and now we just have to surround it just like this and oh my gosh only Immortal players can unlock this ability and boom we just crafted it but here goes nothing boom we just unlocked time manipulation which I have no idea what that means what if I oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Gamers Gamers Gamers what the nuts is going on oh my God I can control the time wait what if I stop it the sun's out again wait oh dude no this is actually why is everything green dude this looks insane whoa no way oh my God Izzy's online hey man is he is he at his house dude this wasn't even according to plan hold on a second I'm just gonna go and time manipulate oh my God is he gonna notice what is happening oh my God what are you and what is going on outside listen listen I know I know I look so beautiful right now but don't worry I'm I'm not here to troll you actually this is perfect I'm unlocking these Immortal abilities I know I'm like this is kind of crazy that I'm casually just approaching you as a God but yeah you know it's like perfect that you log on because now I can test my abilities on a little test subject no no no no no no don't test them on me bro I don't think you have a choice you don't have a choice stop stop bro stop stop stop stop wait so happens if I press this wait I can't move hello wait what did I just do hello wait where are you what I'm stuck in place are you good bro wait get me out bro she can't move wait wait no no no no no do you see this team wait what did I did I just yo I don't know uh yeah I'm not trying to troll you by the way like this is just an accidental wait so what if I just press it again oh my God oh my God wait can we test them wait that's actually pretty sick Bro yeah yeah wait hold on I have something I want to test against your will okay hold on I don't want him to see it he's over there I'm gonna go and just build up Gamers wait can I make him like clutch hold on this is gonna be hilarious let's just stack up with all the blocks time freezing right as like right before you before you hit the ground all right Izzy a normal Minecraft scrubs okay I'm I'm God of all scrubs I'm scared of heights bro don't do this to me please it doesn't matter please no no no no no no no what you need to do just drop yo trust fall you know I'm the best cousin ever bro you know I got you really yes if you die it's actually my fault I got you ready jump whatever baby I think he's actually scared I think he's actually terrified Gamers oh my gosh something you're a psychopath I pressed the wrong button yeah sorry I pressed the wrong button good thing there was water there bro hides me right he has me right yeah I got you bro dude I actually almost just killed the thank God he had water there oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh God yeah I got you bro don't worry don't you don't have to reach the water or the boat or anything oh my God wait so what if I just oh my God stop wait I think you're dead I think you're dead I think you're actually placed water below me please you're a god dude we're gonna be able to troll ligers so good oh wait oh oh bucket I I was like oh he has orange juice nope that's just lava I got juice uh Izzy best cousin to the rescue okay there you go I place the water I got oh oh why oh I misplaced it oops I think Izzy might be a little mad but yeah I'm sorry I may or may not have done that on purpose but hold up there you go we just one shot wood dude I would never get used to that I think that's like probably one of the coolest parts we crafted two out of the four abilities phase shift and to membrane and I've entered yo that should be pretty easy we could just go and keep skipping the time cycle and if we leave it on night I think they should spawn the evil bird thingies I forgot what they're called listen no one likes them and there you go look at these little flying nerds oh my God that was so easy I don't even think wait are they even trying to come for me I can't even tell and Boop you shouldn't have been added to Minecraft where's dream's fault wasn't it or was that the glow switch either way mosing never let us vote again or listen to me instead of dream you know I mean I I feel like homelander Loki just being able to like absolutely murder everything bro being Immortal is just way too easy but there you go we got the phase shift ability boom okay wait that was sick wait I'm a ghost now what does this mean what I could just phase through blocks oh my God wait what the heck I'm like climbing them huh whoa this is insane Gamers I can literally just go through it look at my body I can just walk through everything I'm not even in spectator mode my XP is gone though that's actually kind of sus and I could just fly at the same time wait no no this is actually way too insane oh my goodness I could just fly through a house okay no no no no dude liger's not gonna see this coming but I think the final oh sorry kipley's house I just needed some wood and if she gets angry about it what is she gonna do about it huh oh God okay sorry the power is getting to my head we must remain humble Gamers but energy blast ability this is the final ability we need and it's just a bunch of TNT a beacon and some obsidian which okay I already have one obsidian way oh looks I'm obsidian I'm the fastest obsidian Miner ever now sorry Nestor I just uh took your position we have the TNT although I could get some more and oh my god dude what Skitty secret base wait are these supposed to be oh my God and these are supposed to be unminable wait what they don't even do anything this Blood isn't even real man oh my goodness an oh spiky traps nice one Skizzy you fool I need your beacons actually just one sorry yeah I'm not gonna be that mean I'll leave his other ones however wait what's inside these chests Gizzy industry secret plans okay honestly I'm Immortal I don't really need to be like scared of anything why everyone should be buffed ah listen what an idiot bro I mean yo he's not lying what does this say my deeper Secrets I look you want to read that but I feel like he would kill me maybe subscribe and I'll come back to this and read it in another video but his final book in case I can never fart again what okay no you definitely need to subscribe read these books right now because Gamers sorry kipley's house we're gonna be crafting yeah that's right I didn't want to use that crafting table I made another one and grieved her house the final oh my God no the final ability just a beacon in the Middle with the obsidian at the bottom and oh my goodness we got it energy blast ability boom after this we have upgraded ourselves to the Max and are now full Immortal let's save the final ability to troll liger but I think if we just test it oh my goodness okay wait I think the server's bugging out I think the server is bugging out yay okay okay okay I don't know what's gonna happen when that lands but I know liger will now the question is Gamers do I mine the giant TNT block or do I freeze time when he lights it up I think we'll probably do that but wait can I even break it oh my gosh yes I can dude we're that strong oh my goodness okay yeah let's leave it there and we're gonna meet liger tomorrow morning liger's online oh my God so he finally decided to join okay we're in oh my god there he is that little rat Locker I have no idea Gamers let's go in just like yes there you go on Immortal ourselves I can go back and forth if I want dude he's really not gonna see this coming like are you little rat oh you think you're cool because you can watch Emoji into it but listen there is nothing nothing you can do stop listening I know man I just feel so useless if only I could just let's go you fool you cheated what did you do what can I see through you stop stop no there's nothing you can do you think you want it you you wanted to blow my house it's time it's time oh my goodness wait this is crazy dude wait where are you liger bring it back bring it back please no bro why should I be nice to you man you know what matter of fact I actually want to see what this does that's gonna kill you kill you as well no it's not gonna kill me there's no way oh my God stop stop chill oh my God I didn't realize it was that big stop no oh my God am I actually gonna die oh my like your your house is gone what did you do it was supposed to be a pride wait hold on can I go from here yeah we're two powerful Gamers time to destroy everyone's house I don't care anymore subscribe
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,513,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I Fooled My Friend with IMMORTALITY, Why I Became Immortal In Minecraft, immortal, minecraft immortal, i became immortal in minecraft, minecraft mod, mods, mod, minecraft mods, challenge, family friendly, bionic
Id: jPLkccUPk0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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