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in this video I raised AI to see who could make a game faster the rules were simple a coded designed and made a game myself without any help they made the same game while making use of AI tools like chat GPT to help speed up the process the results were definitely shock you so stick around to the end of the video [Music] I opened the dough and started the timer I had no idea of what the game be like and decided to be a simple 2D platformer I made a very simple grass block for the ground and a cube to act as our character for now I changed the background color to improve the look of the game and code of movement for the characters so that you could control it the code worked fine so I can now add some mechanics I designed a very simple trampoline that added code so that when stepped on it would Propel the player up into the air higher than they could jump at the end I added texting you win and a door that the player could enter to restart the level I drew up a few Sprites to add into the game to make it a bit more interesting such as a better design for the player character and some text and arrows I added these Assets in along with the dead box to restart the level when the player fell off which finished off the game I think the game turned out fine but it did have issues such as that the controls just feel floaty and not smooth enough also the game is very ugly no thanks to my incredible art skills and time restrictions but I'm hoping that making use of AI will fix all of the issues in the next game foreign [Music] by using the AI tool Bing image generator to make a character and a grass block to use in the game the first issue that I encountered was that every AI generated image had white background not a transparent one meaning I would have to painstakingly crop out each individual asset to add them into the game which took as long as it probably would have to just draw the assets myself I changed the sky color like I did before and use chat GPT to code the controls for the character this really sped up the coding process and made it extremely easy for me to just copy and paste the code into my player and it works with no issues on the first try with better physics that I encoded myself in the previous game I then image generated the trampoline and added into the game like before only this time it did not work for a try and I had to go in and code it myself I generated an image of a door which I cropped out and added in at the end to allow the player to restart the level I added text and arrows like before to finish off the game and this is how it turned out in the game using AI physics felt way more fluid with the gravity and jumping feeling more natural and less floaty the game was much more aesthetically pleasing thanks to the AI generated assets which had a much higher level of detail compared to my assets which I had made myself in under a minute using AI didn't really save much time because I set it to crop all of the images designed the level and navigate the Dome myself which meant it took just as long overall to make the same game with and without AI the one thing that AI saved a huge amount of time on was Kodi it made the process so much quicker and gave me clear instructions on how to implement it into the game I think that overall AI can make the process of making a game more enjoyable because you can focus more on level design and mechanics but AI will definitely not be replacing any developers anytime soon one thing to think about is the fact that AI is the worst that it will ever be today and it is constantly improving and if it continues at the rate that it's been going I wouldn't be surprised if AI was capable of making simple games like the ones in this video with one prompt in an incredibly short amount of time [Music] Let Me Ride [Music] thank you
Channel: katomps
Views: 74,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: katomps, game, development, ai, human, person, race, dev
Id: eKC82Mb0o9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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