Can You Beat Skyrim With Only A Wooden Sword?

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The Wooden Sword is one of the worst weapons in Skyrim. It’s not really even a weapon at all, Wooden Swords are toys meant to be given as a gift to adopted children, a toothpick on steroids, it’s so worthless that your bare hands do more damage. You’re better off using nothing at all than the Wooden Sword. So… Can you beat skyrim with only a wooden sword I wasn’t lying in the intro. Unarmed attacks do 4 damage unless you’re a Khajit or Lizard, then they do 10, an iron dagger’s also a 4, but the wooden sword is sitting rock solid at a very impressive 2 damage per swing. Only the Fork is considered more worthless from the standpoint of damage, and monetary value. While the Fork has the advantage of being a fork, the wooden sword’s biggest advantage is being available in abundance. Wooden Swords can be bought from general merchants, found as random loot, and can be witnessed inside the hall for honorable orphans. Alternatively, they can be stolen from a cat’s hidden pocket. There’s a hidden chest tucked away by the Mineshaft in Dawnstar which contains all Ahkari’s wares. To abuse the exploit that resets her inventory, she needs to be in town, but to rob her blind it wouldn’t really make sense for her to know you’re there. Or, to take it a set further, it wouldn’t make sense for you to know where she it. To immediately get an overpowered Wooden Sword, borrow the enchanted weapons and armor, strip them of their most important merits, take one of the soul gems you stole from Akhari, slap it in the Wooden Sword with the enchantment of your choice and like magic you’ve got stick that does ludicrous amounts of damage. With a most impressive stick, I alerted the Jarl of the dragon in Whiterun, took a peak at what lurks beneath the court wizard, sold him my children’s clothing, and set off for Bleak Falls Barrow on Legendary Difficulty. For those of you who had your legencherries popped by a wooden sword like I did, I’ll explain what Legendary difficulty does because I’d never played with such an OP stick before. Legendary difficulty makes NPCs take 1/4 as much damage as they would on Adept which would’ve been a big enough of a deal for me to play on as it is, and also makes the player take 3 times as much damage. Do the math, Legendary makes Skyrim 12 times harder, negating the positive side effects of imbuing a piece of wood with the soul of a snowman. The Widowed Frostbite Spider killed me half a dozen times despite my best efforts to avoid her. She made peace with the Draugr in her own way and came out the other side of the triple bladed swing trap a stronger spider than before. Only by cracking Skyrim back down to Adept, chugging potions, and saving my level up for a moment of introspection could I survive in any meaningful way against 3 of the most basic, uninspired Draugr this barrow had to offer. The Draugr Overlord, a single target, wasn’t as much of a struggle to kill. As usual, returning the Dragonstone advanced the story enough to kick the cats into gear. They’re at Dawnstar, the real game can begin. Up to this point, everything’s been pretty conventional. Unfortunately we’ve reached the fork in the road. The plain Jane Wooden Sword would only be a usable weapon without enchantments when the difficulty is pretty low. Then you’re just playing Skyrim with a really weak weapon which I already did with the Fork and I didn’t want to do that again. What I wanted, truthfully, was to play Skyrim by only reverse pickpocketing poisons but about 3 hours into that, having killed no-one, I realized that wasn’t the challenge for me which really hurt my feelings since I took notes and everything. This Wooden Sword playthrough is more than 18 hours long, my last Skyrim video on top of being misleading was about 7 1/2 hours. There’s no time to save Tamriel, I’m on a spiritual journey now. The Dawnstar exploit is the first of many I’ll be using to create a wooden sword fit for a King Paul. Akhari’s caravan needs to be in Dawnstar for it to work as it uses her chest I ransacked earlier. Every merchants inventory will reset after a certain amount of time, like once every 2 days. You could wait for their stock to reset and loot the chest by the minecraft for infinite soul gems, enchanted items, potions, poisons, metal bits and pieces, an assortment of useful shit. Or, you quicksave near Akhari, attack them, reload the quicksave, and their inventory’s been restocked. Using this exploit lets you accomplish multiple important segments of this race. For starters, you own the store, you own the bank, and you control the printing press. You might lose money on the resale value but you can loot the chest to get your gold back. Bartering raises your speech, as does the charismatic caravan worker camped out on the side of the road. In the process of pretending to exchange goods for other goods, you can break down those goods at an Enchanting Table to raise your Enchanting skill, create new enchantments on armor and weapons to raise it even further. Soul Gems, used to enchant items, are found inside the Cat Box as well. The cycle of tormenting the simple trader continued on and on and on until I’d raised my enchanting skill up to level 94, 6 levels short of 100 for the strategic reason of not feeling like taking it further at the moment. Before leaving Dawnstar I applied one-arm buffing enchantments to the armor pieces I had and armed with Dinksters Surprise and a Sparkle Stick that steals the souls of its victims, I saw no reason to not test out my new toys on a dragon. I survived as well or better than I was expected to, spoke to Jarl to advance the story, got mauled by a bear, retreated to the river, it stood with its son and taunted me, and entered a bandit hideout to harvest a few souls to keep the train inside me chugging along on the tracks. I would learn after those 18 hours I already mentioned that Black Soul Gems are needed to take human souls. I saw “No soul gem large enough” hundreds of times and never once looked up what it might mean. At level 19 now I’m on par with the dead skeletons as far as offensive capabilities go while baby’s first bandit dungeon was filled with enough high ranking Bandit Outlaws to stop my plans in their tracks. Magic, the technology of a bygone era, is one of humanities greatest achievements. Polish your stick while chanting the special words and you can it to Paralyze anything it touches, leech the life from its body and harvest its soul, or let you breath underwater. Those enchantments don’t touch the base damage of the wooden stick. To improve that, you’ve gotta get your hands dirty. Improving weapons falls under the the Smithing skill tree, naturally. Wood comes from trees, we know this, your children will learn about it in History class alongside how to turn a leftover human skull into a bowl for vegetable soup. Until my sword can split in Orc in twain with a single blow, it will not be strong enough. Luckily an exploit exists that can pump up Smithing in minutes. Down in the basement of the Halted Stream Camp is the book that teaches the Transmute spell. This Alteration spell converts iron ore into silver or and solver or into gold ore at the cost of 88 magic. Thanks to my surplus of pocket trinkets- swords poisons, other people’s hats, the important stuff- I had the funds to beat the Ironworkers daughter every hour of every day to restock her inventory of unrefined ore. I finished dressing the stage in Riften. Firewood, the sole commodity used to upgrade the Wooden Sword, is not found out in the wilderness. Supposedly merchants will share their ‘stache with you if you ask nicely. I never did, asking someone for wood isn’t something I feel comfortable doing. I took my 30 pieces of wood weighing 150 pounds from the ground, tried to ride the carriage back to Whiterun, I exceeded the weight limit so I bought a stallion and rode across the county towards High Hrothgar. Brother Bear and his Dad killed my horse on the first leg of my journey. See I’d taunted them for a couple minutes by riding around them in circles occasionally hitting whichever bear looked weakest with my sword. After I learned my lesson and took a new direction home, I found Redwater Den and, remembering what lurks within, entered the basement to free an old friend from his cage. Telekinesis proved itself worthless in its own right last year when I played Skyrim with only Telekinesis and now it has a chance to be worthless once again by coming with me to the Top of the Threat of the World with Horsington the 1st then with me to the afterlife when we slipped off a rock. Back at Whiterun I transmuted until the wee hours of the morning and through all my backbreaking labor I’d created 31 Gold Rings, taking my Smithing skill to the upper echelon of the mid 20s and with Enchanting properly maxed out allowing me to dual wield enchantments on all items, I grinded away until Smithing reached 38 and at long last, created a Wooden Sword capable of parting the sky like the red sea. 11 Damage on a Wooden Sword, not to mention the extra magic nonsense, is practically unheard of. But wait, there’s more, and believe it or not I can’t do this alone. This isn’t a job for 2 people, it’s a job for 1 and a half people. How convenient is it then that the Jarl gave me a donkey for saving his town from a dragon back when I valued the lives of a nation over my newfound love of woodworking. On a related note, I mentioned a donkey painting on Twitter last month, this is that painting. One of the donkeys is named after Lydia, not Lydia specifically. I need a name for the remaining donkey. If you’ve got one, leave it in the comments. As for this next exploit, Lydia, Serana, Torvar, Falco, any companion or follower will work. You need a follower and any item or items you want to duplicate. The duplication is not as exponentially broken as it is in Fallout 4, but for items you only need 100-200 of, this works perfectly. In my case, I’ll be duplicating iron ore and silver ore and gold ore. Command the b*tch to halt, and drop all the items on the ground individually, no stacking anything. Tell the follower to pick up the items, back out of the follower command interface, Press B or Circle on a controller, open the gate to Skyrim, turn around, go back into Whiterun, and your items will be on the ground and in your followers inventory. This, of course, was a trial run. The extra metal gets me up to 40 smithing later. The summoning circle of dead fish does something else entirely. Something far better. When combined with an equal part salt, these fish can do extraordinary things. One Abecaen Longfin, one Cyrodilic Spadetail, and one pile of salt, when stuffed together into a bottle, create a Fortify Restoration Potion. What’s the point in that, wonders someone watching this, you can’t use Restoration spells in this playthrough you’re saying. First, shut up, second, it’s a beverage. Third, we’ve arrived at the 4th and believe it or not, not the last exploit we’ll be using. What you’re about to see, don’t bother asking why it works, It just does. You’ll be recommended to wear a complete set of Fortify Alchemy armor such that you have 4 pieces of armor, rings, or neck laces that make created potions 100% more powerful, +25% from each piece of armor. I had 3 of the 4 which is close enough. While wearing the armor, create a Fortify Restoration potion at the potion stand. Go into your inventory, remove the enchanted bits, drink the Fortify Potion, put the armor back on, and exit the menu back into the game. As you do this over and over and over again, the potions become stronger, the fish become more confident, the salt is that fancy shit YouTubers use that you pinch, not that I would know anything about that, I keep my salt in Tupperware like civilized folk. Don’t waste your time thinking you can do this outside of the Alchemy Lavatory (Lab) by creating a bunch of potions here and drinking them elsewhere. I tried it, it didn’t work. You’ll get the benefits of a single potion but they don’t stack the way they do here. Here you can make rings that make you a master blacksmith, an olympic sprinter, or boots that fulfill the legacy of a lost loved one. A fake legacy. I never loved her and her legacy lied to me. In true Mitten Squad fashion, I couldn’t quite get the potion thing to work the way I saw it working in other videos. The effects always went away after the potions timer stopped. However, 60 seconds is like 57 seconds longer than I need to make this Wooden Sword Legendary. Pop on the bling, chug a refreshing cola, and a simple ordinary stick of wood now does a staggering 71 damage. Up in Dragonsreach I ran the potion alchemy gauntlet again, created the Skin Suit, made Alteration cost nothing, picked up a bucket and held it there the air until Alteration reached 100. Only for the perk points. Alteration is the charisma of skyrim. Over the next lets call it 25 minutes, a multitude of repeated events unfolded once more culminating with a circle of gold replacing the dead fish, I am a King after all, and my wooden Swords all growing up right before my very eyes. At this moment, on Legendary, I feel comfortable saying the real game has begun in spite of the goofy appearance. Where am I going, what am I doing? I’m not doing anything important. I overheard the Jarls assistant mention a giant that needed slaying outside of Whirerun and there’s no better target for 273 points of thick grainy goodness. I’d gone and done it, almost 10 years after Skyrim released, I created a character capable of surviving the assault of a giant. My reward was 100 gold. I’d already given him thousands of gold for my house in town. This is like my apartment raising rent by hundreds of dollars per month while giving everyone a $5 starbucks gift card as a token of appreciation for being a tenant. My second mission after achieving god-tier status was to strike down Grelod the Kind. I let one of my boys give her a strategic pummeling in the throat. That killed her. As I was laying out her body to stage an accident, the children ran into the room, presumably because they heard her screaming as she died. I locked the children in the room and reported back to the other child that I did as I was told. Aventus Aretino is a Dark Brotherhood scouting agent who saw in me what nobody else did. I saw something similar in his mother, she did a little shake when I got too close, I returned to Riften, my Stallion had resurrected, and together we rode through the woods culling the soul of every animal we came across. Technically speaking, I failed the challenge here when Horse got his licks in on the Bandit outlaw, he didn’t kill anyone himself, he’s an accessory to the crime. Fashion changes, you’ll see. Speaking of seeing, you’ve probably noticed that I contracted the vampire wart a while back. A guard had mentioned to me the Dawnguard was reforming and Isran is a Vigilante of Stendarr, he worships the god of Mercy, he has to help me cure the vampirism. It’s completely curable with minimal effort at the early stages, I noticed it and chose to ignore it. I believe I was knee deep in dead fish at the time. My priorities were elsewhere. In the late stages of vampire illness you can’t regenerate health or stamina during daytime hours and all the enchantments I’ve put all my heart and acquired souls into are aimed at empowering my sword, not increasing my armor rating. I think when they saw a pair of glowing eyes and a glowing stick emerge from the darkness their priorities weren’t to help him. Killing Isran and wiping out the Dawngaurd isn’t an option, at least not now. They kept me from going to the light, Isran forced me to return to the Dark Brotherhood but I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of making it easy to get me. I snuck into the Dawnstar jail by walking down the stairs and opening the door. I killed the Guard, walked into the cell, closed the door, locked it tight, and the Brotherhood of Steel got me anyway. I awoke in a room being given a choice by Astrid, kill one of the hostages. I killed the Fearless one first and he leaned back on his legs. Killed the middle person, they did the same, for the third and final I upped the ante by going for a 360. All three of them, the backs of their skulls caved in, obviously had heart attacks and died of natural causes after being kidnapped. I f*cked up the Draugr down in UStengrav, the story does exist we can’t pretend it doesn’t but that’s enough of that for now. Hidden in the woods of Falkreath is an ordinary looking door with a bloody hand etched into a giant f*cking skull, unsuspecting to the common man, that opens up a whole new world to anyone granted permission to the other side. I said the password and slid inside. As Astrid told me I was about to start a new life in the dark brotherhood, the light in my life went out, she ran me through my options for avoiding prison, and I got my marching orders in the form of 3 contracts from Nazir. Kill Beitild in Dawnstar, Narfi in Ivarstead, and Ennodius Papius in the Mill near Windhelm. Beitild was first, I know Dawnstar like the back of my head, I know where each guard sleeps and the exact moment to strike when Brooomhilda was all alone soaking up her metal ore. What I didn’t account for was my failure. Sneak attacks count as sneak attacks but still alert all the guards in the area. I followed her into her house and told her my plans, analyzed her for weaknesses, performed a single strike, took out the guard that came in, and the one after that, and the one after that, dumped all their bodies in the burning fireplace to stage the appliances after a kettle took a pot shot at me, killed the town cook and since the entire town hated me, I saw no reason to not go from house to house seeing who mattered and who didn’t. That included the Jarl and everyone in the Mineshaft and the boat people too. Papius was out in the wild nobody heard him, Narfi was hiding out in the bad side of town and befell an accident, and Astrid assigned me a contract. A woman in Markarth performed the Black Sacrament, summoning someone like me to answer her call. A gentleman caller abused her for her friendships, she had the right reaction: kill them both. Before executing that plan, I visited the Markarth mineshaft to see what treasures lie within. Mercenaries are working the tunnels, they said I didn’t belong, that I would definitely not fit it. Me and my big nose proved them wrong, traveled to Windhelm, and handled the adulterer first. I couldn’t get her alone in the bar, too many people nearby. Outside had too many people as well, but there I took a page from Jeff Bezos playbook and just killed this b*tch anyway. My thousands of gold trivialized the fine for taking her life in the same way a simple liquid refreshment slathered on a sword stuns into playing possum. Markarth girl’s primary target died under mysterious circumstances, my flame stick didn’t ignore the gasoline, I couldn’t play in the urn, nevertheless I returned to the Hag’s Hole, told Mauri that her friends are dead, [saw that post on the Skyrim reddit about Spiders, instinctively came up with Can You Beat Skyrim With Pocket Spiders because I’m that good], and returned to Lydia to pony up some potions and poisons. These potions afford me useful abilities like surviving intense heat, increasing my stamina, poisoning my enemies, and turning down the opacity on my skin. With dozens of a dozen different drinks stored inside my house, I bought a house, duplicated a couple bowls of Vegetable Soup, and reported back to Astrid. She claims Cicero the underground clown is whispering of treachery in the Chamber of the Night Mother. I was to snuggle myself inside the coffin to listen in on his words. She didn’t have to ask me twice, I’ve got good ears, I hear her the first time. While Cicero performed as expected, the Night Mother instructed me to travel to an ancient Nordic tomb in the Pale: for I am the Listener, the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, the opposable thumb on the black hand. Astrid gave away my disguise, reclaimed her position as Leader, and sent me to do some busywork until she could piece together why the Night Mother sent me to Volunruund in the Pale. Nazir handed out 2 more contracts: Lurbuk the Orc and Hern, a fellow vampire. I started with him. Shoved my sword straight down into his esophagus, lining his entire throat with splinters. I left the bucket behind to ensure nobody knew I was there, checked to make sure I was still on Legendary, arrived in Morthal, and found Lurbuk. I tracked him down to the restaurant, told him it was nothing personal, teleported behind him, left his body in a state of shock, was got permission from Astrid to meet Amaund Motierre behind death’s door His target is Emperor Titus Mede Il. You know, God. He’s still off working on Elder Scrolls 6. We’ll have to get his attention somehow. This kind of a job leaves no room for doubts or second guessing. Amaund gave me an amulet to show Astrid he’s for real and as a means of acquiring anything we’ll need to pull this off. The amulet’s worth a lot but with us being underground assassins, I can’t just waltz into a gift shop and demand they buy my necklace, I don’t have those perks yet. Delvin Duckworth appraised the amulet, extended a line of credit to Astrid, she doubted my leadership abilities, and I was going to a wedding to kill the bride. She’s the cousin of the Emperor. He’ll come to investigate and will never make it home. Eliminating the bride can be done many ways. There’s a big rock you can drop on her head, that’s a crowd pleaser. You can drink an invisibility potion then take off your helmet as a display of confidence before attacking Victoria, forgetting that doing just about anything with that potion will deactivate the effects. I left the audience to come to their own conclusions about what happened there and turned to psychological warfare to weaken the Emperor where it hurts the most, in his security team’s feelings. They are the Penitus Oculatus, the Praetorian Guards of Fallout New Skyrim, serving as Titus Mede’s personal bodyguards and good god is their morale about to take a tumble. Commander Maro, take a guess what he commands, has a son living in Skyrim. He shouldn’t have done that. Gaius Mora’s been tasked with evaluating the safety of each of the Major holds of Skyrim. He can be dispatched in any of the big cities for bonus credits but doing it near the Dragon Bridge is so on the nose. You’ve seen mine, it’s crooked. I pummeled him to death with the knob of my sword, stole his clothes, quality disguises are hard to come buy, I’d know mine just failed. Whether either of us like it or not, I’d have to come back here later, can’t have them hating me. I paid the price for my silly little crime, forgot to plant the evidence on the guy’s body, doubled back to correct that and Cicero, poor Cicero, they made fun of him one too many times. He activated his berserker rage, leaving the Sanctuary in a huff, a giant f*cking stab hole in Astrid’s husband, and a chasm in my heart. Inside the asylum, Cicero summoned the ghost of jesters past to stop me from reaching him. It’s the arrows you gotta watch out for, a single arrow to hidden kill switch hidden in everyone’s body at birth stopped me in my tracks. At last, I found Cicero, caved in the front of his skull with my sword, informed Astrid of what I’d done, and continued to torment the Emperor by plotting stealing the identity of his favorite celebrity chef. He’s an evasive f*ck, never in one place for long. Luckily an orc in my way has information leading to his whereabouts. With his permission slip in my possession, I was off to Solitude to assassinate the Emperor. Commander Miro still stricken by grief, fell for the forged signature, my parents are gonna have a heart attack when they discovered I’ve gone on an overnight field trip without their permission but it’s too late for them, I’m already on the bus. There’s no turning back. Gina, my subordinate sidekick, asked for my assistance at every in the recipe. She had the hat, I trusted her gut instinct to pick the perfect first addition to the soup. Then the next and the next and the next and the next. My only addition was the root of the Jarrin tree. A potent little poison that dissolves the lining of the stomach. turning the victim’s tummy into what resembles a stepped on slug. Gertrude and I presented our dish to a famished Emperor, who keeled over seconds after swallowing the substance. The guard detail immediately suspected Gretchen of foul play, as did I. I donned the king cloth in an effort to fool those who just saw me flee the scene moments ago in the same hat I’m wearing now. It didn’t work, they caught me on the bridge in the rain with the wooden stick and let me in on the bigger plan. That guy who choked to death? He was a mirage, not the real emperor. The real Emperor was never here, the 8 legged octopus of justice was once again 7 steps ahead of me. Asrtrid and the rest of the gang plotted had been plotting behind my back this entire time. I slay the Emperor, the guards get the assassin, and the Brotherhood lives on. However, you know I’d never get myself into this kind of situation without a backup plan. I stole the Emperor’s voice with my secret ingredient, used it to pacify all the guards on the bridge, slayed them all, caught one of the birds in a malfunction, and made a beeline for the Sanctuary, where Commander Maro sent the majority of his forces to wipe us all out. My faithful companion Aarbok the werewolf died in the heat and flames, I saved Nazir with a sideways offhanded home-run swing to the dome, and as the fire engulfed the sanctum, the night mother’s sarcophagus saved me from the flames, and found Astrid in the back room cooked alive. Her final moments were filled with the haunting realization that her entire life working for the Dark brotherhood was a waste, I was to become the true leader once she passed. To give her a true Dark Brotherhood death, one would end her life with the Blade of Woe. I did the exact opposite by trying to stuff the remains of her life for into a soul gem. As the leader, it fell on me to call the shots. Astrid initially didn’t want to kill the Emperor so I will continue down this path to spite her memory. This is the end of the line, not traveling to Sovongarde to face Alduin. Under no circumstances could I go in unprepared. Back in the Dragonhouse, I went back and forth between the Alchemy and Enchantment tables until I had enchantments powerful enough to turn me into a living legend. Having hit points well into the millions effectively activates God Mode.. until the potions wear off and your enchanted armor becomes borderline worthless. I f*cked up somewhere, I just couldn’t figure out where. Doesn’t really matter in the long run. I’d failed enough throughout this run, the king dies on this day. Good ol’ Titus is on his giant yat, yach, that’s one of the words I can never spell, it’s a big wealthy b*tch boat. They had countless buckets stashed away below deck, that’s true wealth. Using an invisibility potion, I walked my glowing sword through the bowels of the ship to the one true Emperor: Titus Mede the 2nd in all of his shiny headed glory. Content with what was to come, he offered me one last deal, one last way to twist the knife in Astrid’s memory: kill the assassin who ordered his hit. I’ve entrenched myself so deep in these goddamn weeds I have no idea who did anything. Whoever it was, they were in Whiterun but what I haven’t told you yet is what crime I committed in Whiterun. It’s Skyrims 10th anniversary today, only one crime could fit the bill. I used my one get out of jail free card to murder Nazeem and drop his body in to the drink. It took ages and a national tragedy for the bugs living in his body to get to work, but work they did. By the time I’d slain the emperor, there were no remains of Nazeem left to mourn. He was one with the well and as for me? Well, I did the rest of Skyrim, starting with Lydia and ending with Alduin exploding into a puddle of buckets as I did not beat Skyrim with only a wooden sword.
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 1,802,264
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Keywords: can, can you, can you beat skyrim, can you beat skyrim with, can you beat skyrim with only a, can you beat skyrim with only, can you beat skyrim with a wooden sword, can you beat skyrim with only a wooden sword, skyrim wooden sword, skyrim wooden sword build. skyrim wooden sword exploit, mitten squad, mittensquad
Id: nsS-fVAjWLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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