Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only A Syringer?

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There are a lot of different weapons in Fallout 4, the majority of which are designed to do immediate damage. But there’s one weapon that requires some patience and planning to be able to use effectively. Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only A Syringer? Seeing as the Syringer is a weapon based on syringes, I decided to be an old man and name myself Arthur Bernard Chesterfeld because Arthur Bernard Chesterfield wouldn’t fit and to prove that I know my ABCs. Regarding SPECIAL, I put 9 points into Intelligence to level up faster and to get access to the Gun Nut perk as soon as possible, Perception and Luck are worthless, and Charisma at 5 to have lower prices when buying presents for my grandson. I noticed before leaving that there isn’t an animation of Nora picking up Shaun, she goes from standing in front of the crib to holding him, but you can’t finagle the camera enough to see her pick him up. Odd. I tried to bring the tricycle I stole to the vault with me but it disappears into the shadow realm just passed the bridge, so I settled on a cone, went down into the vault, and the cone was gone. The usual vault stuff happened, frozen, murder, theft of an inanimate object, and waking up inside the freezer, just a wholesome good time all around. Escaping the vault is as easy as putting the rake in the lake, just slam the doors closed behind you so the Radroaches can’t bite off your kneecaps, snag the Pip-Boy, and you’re out of the vault. As always, my first stop was Sanctuary to check on Codsworth to up my Endurance because why not, and begin destroying what remained of an already destroyed neighborhood. I wasn’t gonna go crazy with the wood this time, I didn’t even have the Idiot Savant perk, I only cut down a couple dozen trees and put down like 650 fence posts. It leveled me up a few times, I picked the few perks I could that would benefit me early on, mostly regarding the amount of damage I can take, and left to head towards Diamond City. I went ahead and let Preston clear out the area in front of the Museum of Freedom, let Trudy kill the raiders giving her trouble, and pressed onward. Like most gimmick weapons that are a nightmare to use, the Syringer is only available in a few locations. There are actually about a dozen different places where you can find a Syringer, but I’ll have to go to Diamond City anyway, so why not just get my weapon from there. Paladin Danse bravely fought off a small army’s worth of Ghouls while I stood on top of a sign and laughed at how savagely they beat him. I looted all the corpses he’d made, left, and eventually arrived at Diamond City where I spoke to Doctor Sun and finally bought my Syringer. Now, here’s the thing about the Syringer, it is awful for a few reasons. The first is that unlike, say, the Commie Whacker or the Fat Man, there are no damage-boosting perks that apply to it. Rifleman boosts the damage of non-automatic rifles by 10%, but not the Syringer. Bloody Mess provides a flat 5% boost to all damage, except for the Syringer. None of the weapon modifications effect damage either, because why would they. And to make matters worse, you can’t find ammo for the Syringer, you can’t buy ammo for the Syringer, you can only craft it. The most useful syringe is the Bleed Out Syringer that does 30 damage over 10 seconds. It requires 1 fiberglass, 1 oil, and 1 steel to craft. I’d scrapped everything I had, bought some junk from Trashcan Carla, and only had enough junk to craft 8 Bleed Out Syringes. I bought a few more things from some of the Vendors in Diamond City and was able to craft 5 more syringes. But just think about it for a second. 13 syringes that do 30 damage each is 390 damage. A 10mm Pistol does 18 damage per shot. To do the same damage with a 10mm Pistol as you would with 13 Bleed Out Syringes, you’d need 22 shots. That’s… it’s terrible. That’s enough complaining, for now anyway. My goal was to get this over with as quickly as possible, so I spoke to Ellie to get the location of Nick Valentine, did the interview with Piper for some easy experience, stole some of her sister’s stuff, played in the bus, and left to make my way to Park Street Station. I stopped by an encampment of Raiders to test out the Syringer. It took 3 syringes to kill a simple Raider Scum. The first one I missed, the 2nd drained most of his health, and the 3rd finished him off. I reloaded a save because I wasn’t wasting almost a quarter of my ammo to kill one Raider, and entered Park Street Station. I started to use the syringes themselves on the Triggermen but it because obvious that it would be ridiculously impractical jokers to use only the Syringes. I’d have to spend hours and hours farming materials just to have enough syringes to clear out Part Street Station. I did try to find some glitches that would let me duplicate syringes, but nothing I found seemed like it would work. Admittedly I only spent like 10 minutes looking, but it doesn’t matter. This is a Syringer only playthrough, which means beating people to death with the Syringer is allowed. Kinda misleading, but allowed nonetheless. The problem now is that I did not plan for gun bashing, meaning that I can’t get any of the useful perks to make it better. Realistically, it wouldn’t have been that difficult to grind for xp at a settlement by making shelves or something, I’d need around 5 levels to be able to put enough points into Strength to be able to get the basher perk. I’ll spoil the surprise and tell you that I never did that. I did, however, keep pushing my way through the Triggermen until I got to Dino. I gave him an injection of probably irradiated nonsense, rescued the bobblehead, and began making my escape with Nick. The remaining Triggermen weren’t too bad. Some die in one whack, some take several, but gun bashing doesn’t drain that many action points, by the time you’ve done one and can do another, most of your points have regenerated so you can pretty much bash as quickly as the game will let you. I convinced Darla to leave Skinny Malone, allowing Nick and I to escape the vault and agree to meet back up at Diamond City. I went ahead and scrapped a bunch more stuff at Sanctuary to hopefully make more syringes. I’ve been told that this isn’t necessary but I’ve always done it this way and I’m sure my dad and his dad before him would’ve done it this way too if they knew how to play Fallout 4. My adventures in composting were less impressive than I’d hoped, I was back up to 11 syringes. You already know why that sucks. I raided Arturo’s house and stole most of Diamond City’s crops before meeting up with Nick to discuss the very slight inconvenience of my missing son, smooth-talked the mayor into giving me a key, took almost everything from Kellogg’s house, and ignored Dogmeat after leaving Diamond City because I’ve got things to do. To be specific, some bird at Bunker Hill has all the fiberglass in the world and has been hoarding it for herself. It falls on me to right that wrong. Fiberglass is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination, 1600 caps for 25 pieces, making the ammo for the Syringer some of the most expensive to make in the game based on nothing but I’m saying it anyway. I sorta blacked out at Sanctuary when I was scrapping stuff. The shipment was gone but I only had 7 Fiberglass. Not entirely sure what happened. Reloading a save and not scrapping the shipment seemed to solve the problem, and amazingly it was Oil that was limiting my ability to create weaponized syringes. The silver lining is that I was able to tag both the Fiberglass and Oil for searches, so finding both components will be slightly easier going forward. With enough Syringes to kill a baby elephant and both of its parents, I hit the road in search of Fort Hagen. I beat two guys to death because their argument about sandwiches bothered me and nothing else entertaining happened on the way to Fort Hagen. After sitting in place for 12 hours to wait for Dogmeat to mosey his way up to the base, I told him to take a hike, and entered Fort Hagen. Guess what, the Syringer doesn’t work on Synths, so there’s that, which is just awesome. The Synths, or enough of them at least, are rather tough. Instead of wasting all my Stimpaks, I went back to the Museum of Freedom to help out the single remaining Minute Man. Thankfully, the Raiders inside are a low level and not a threat by any stretch of the imagination. This was less about helping Preston and more about getting my body inside a set of Power Armor. And if you’re wondering how many Syringes it takes to kill a Deathclaw, about 8. I know because I wasn’t about to spend 20 minutes waiting for Preston to do the work for me, and beating the Deathclaw to death was never an option. I’m not Frank Horrigan. Despite only having about 40% left in my only Fusion Core, I took my glorified blow-gun and barely power armor back to Fort Hagen to take on Kellogg. I mostly ignored the Synths and went through the base about as quickly as I could without sprinting. They did occasionally block hallways or doorways which was annoying, and they followed me into the safe room, but other than that they weren’t too bad. Then there’s Kellogg. In an amazing turn of events, the Syringer didn’t work on him. Everything has to be a pain in the ass. I also forgot to get any Psycho and my Power Armor died about halfway through the fight because I forgot that gun bashing drains the fusion core. It took a bit of effort and more Stimpaks than I would have liked, but Kellogg joined my dog in hell, I took his brain, watched the Prydwen arrive, and interrupted Nick and Piper’s private time in Nick’s office. Somewhere along the way I’d forgotten to put my clothes on, but I thought my bare chest worked well with my impossibly white mustache and glasses. The next task was simple: Doctor Amari in Goodneighbor. I hate going to Goodneighbor. It’s a pain in the ass to find and the game slugs whenever I get near that part of town. Then again that might be more of an iMac issue than a Bethesda issue. I spotted Deacon in Goodneighbor and tried to kill him. Didn’t work very well. KLEO mounted me and got blood all over the place. I spoke to Amari, did stuff in Kellogg’s Frosted Memories, and left Goodneighbor to head to the Glowing Sea. After about 8 minutes of walking, I managed to lure a Radscorpion to the Crater of Atom to kill the zealots worshipping radiation. They wiped the floor with that scorpion. It’s brothers were nearby and overheard the commotion, causing them to come over and wipe out an entire chapter of the Children of Atom. Virgil was as uninteresting as he always is, rambling on about coursers and plans and serums and general sadness. Tradition dictates that I ignore the quest objective and head straight to Greentech to track down the Courser. This entire thing is like Fort Hagen on steroids. The Gunners take a solid 5 bashes each to take down, there are a lot of them to deal with, and then there’s the of courser. I decided to just ignore them as best I could. My best wasn’t very good when I got lost on the upper level with a missile launcher douchebag willing to end his life if it meant I’d go down with him. I eventually got to the elevator, took a ride, and confronted the courser. The courser, being a courser, is immune to the Syringer, so once again my only option was to bash it to death. The gun bash, with my frail body and lack of any strength perks, is quite ineffective. Add in the multiple stealth boys and several stimpaks the courser uses, and you’ve got a recipe for mayonnaise and jello tacos, or something else that’s equally has horrible. This felt like it took forever, but it really only took about 2 minutes. Still, 2 minutes of constant attacks is nothing to sniff a stick at. With the chip in hand, I returned to Virgil early to see if you could skip visiting Amari the 2nd time. You can’t, and she was as worthless as ever, forcing me to find the Railroad. There was a Legendary Ghoul in the church, I only killed it because I had a glimmer of hope that it would drop a Legendary Syringer, I got almost the exact opposite, found the Railroad, got the chip decoded, watched a brief video showing how to repair blinds because my window fell and fucked up mine, returned to Virgil for the last time, and began siding with the Brotherhood. Logic would dictate that I side with the Institute, any other faction will have me fighting Synths who are immune to the syringes, but I sided with them last time and didn’t feel like doing it again, the Minutemen are monotonous, and the Railroad has you working undercover for the Institute or the Minutemen, so the Brotherhood are the most interesting choice. Before I could get the interceptor built, I had to go with Danse to Arcjet Systems, which was interesting for the sole reason that I could actually attack while I was in there. Danse did most of the work, but I was able to take credit despite doing next to nothing, which is something I’m great at. Once that was done, I rode up to the Prydwen, met captain boring, the Elder, and everyone else onboard the blimp, and realized what a colossal mistake I’d made by siding with the Brotherhood. I have to clear out Fort Strong. Strong is a Super Mutant companion in Fallout 4. The math tells us that the enemies at Fort Strong will be Super Mutants and a Super Mutant Behemoth. I knew I’d need more syringes, so I absorbed a bunch of punishment, discovered Fort Strong so I could fast-travel there later, and returned to Bunker Hill to buy some supplies. With everything I’d hoarded, I managed to make 31 syringes, for a total of 36, the most I’ve ever had at a single time. I then went back to Fort Strong. There were a couple problems. I was lower on Stimpaks than I should have been, there were a bunch of Mutties which meant I was taking a ton of damage at all times, weapon bashing is terrible, and the 30 damage from syringes ain’t shit. It eventually occurred to me that I could take the Lead Belly and Aquaboy perks to make the water my friend. Bash Mutants until my health is nearly depleted, then retreat and drink water to get my health back without getting a ton of radiation damage. For the Behemoth, my only option was the syringes. Luckily, he will only go so far, meaning I can attack him from a far. Like when I was in high school. Nobody wanted anything to do with me but they could still do emotional damage from afar. It took 16 syringes to take the big boy down. Inside was worse. There was no water to drink and the Mutants were just as tough as those outside. At one point, I did the unthinkable and put a skill point into Strength to do more damage. I also started using the Bleed Out syringes to do damage while I beat the mutants to death. The basement was unpleasant as there was a former guy with a missile launcher. Danse arrived just in time to tell me what a good job I did. Maxson told me to report to Ingram to begin construction of the teleporter. I had a slight issue getting enough generators and I got the cords all tangled up, but aside from that and Ingram being a stupid idiot by being in the way, I got it contracted easily enough and went inside the Institute. The robo-boy had white hair just like Father and actual Father. I convinced him that I was on his side, then double-crossed everyone by assassinating Doctor Madison Li. What really happened was she got caught up in the crossfire when I accidentally beat her to death. At least that’s what Maxson thinks. Ingram explained to me that Liberty Prime is their secret weapon and sent me to find a Doctor Scara. She was supposed to be in Diamond City, now she resides in a bowling ally ran by robots with ironic names. I tried to kill her too, just to see what would happen, but you can’t. The player can truly do whatever they want except for, like, a lot of things because that many branches in a quest line is impossible. From there, I had to find a hi-powered magnet. This. Was. Very. Suck. It was sorta my fault, mostly not my fault. I decided, after what I went through at Fort Strong, that I wasn’t going to fight my way through all the Super Mutants. That in and of itself isn’t the worst thing to deal with, just run passed them all until you get what you need. Problem is, the door I needed to get through was locked and I didn’t know where the key was. Oh, and a Super Mutant Suicider followed me inside and if I stopped moving it would catch up to me and detonate, causing death, among other things. It took about 10 minutes and several reloaded saves to figure out where the key was, then I had to actually get the souvenir magnet, which wasn’t actually that bad. I went back to the airport, built the magnets, and was sent back into hell to find a bunch of nukes. They really want me to face my fears. The situation inside the Sentinel Site was similar to what happened a few sentences ago. A lot of baddies that I chose to ignore instead of fight my way through. The bigger hinderance here was the Ghouls blocking my path. Thankfully, none of them were Glowing Ones or Legendaries, so I could find the nukes, plant the signal, and get out of there without thinking about breaking out the shot glasses for my drain-o. Liberty Prime was finally back online, but all is not well. Friends become foes in this episode of Dragon Ball Z. Paladin Danse has gone rogue and it’s up to me, the person who knows him better than anyone else, the person who just met him a couple paragraphs ago, to track him down. And of course by “track him down” what I mean is mindlessly follow the waypoint. For a change of pace, I didn’t kill Danse and convinced Maxson to spare his life. Buzz Lightyear can now be my companion at any time, and all that stands between me and the end of this retched existence is obliterating the Railroad. I took Danse’s Power Armor that was still onboard the Prydwen and went to the Old North Church to make God cry. The Railroad agents, for the most part, were complete pussies. Most took 3 hits to defeat. The idiots with names inside Railroad HQ were tougher, Glory especially, but they weren’t too bad. I’d have syringed some of them but I was down to 2, and I didn’t want to waste them. I did waste one on Glory just to see if it worked, it didn’t. After they were finally gone for good, I quite literally spent 2 and a half minutes staring at a goddamn loading screen. You know that thing that happens when you don’t move for a while, where the camera starts panning around your character? That’s what I saw after the loading screen. That’s how long it was. All that’s left is the Beryllium Agitator. Getting inside the building didn’t make me want to blow my brains out too many times, the elevator was broken, I fixed it by flipping a switch, grabbed the Agitator, and fate through a curveball. The Sentry Bot you have to defeat, one of the toughest robots in the entire game, was a Legendary Sentry Bot. Cool. Awesome. Swell. Neat. Why? What’s that saying? Whatever can happen will happen? This is proof of that. My initial plan was to use a stealth boy to hide and wait while Ingram did all the work for me. She didn’t stand a chance. Neither did I, to me honest. I got lucky and found a tactic that worked. The Sentry Bot couldn’t, or wouldn’t for religious reasons, fit through this doorway, meaning I could pop out, hit it with my gun, and retreat. It worked for a while, then I got greedy. All told, it took more time to kill this Sentry Bot than the Courser and Kellogg combined. And what did it drop? A Rolling Pin of course. Why would it be anything useful. Then came the Assaultrons. Significantly more annoying to be honest. Not because there was two of them, but because they do this thing where they put up their forearm as it spins, which blocks any melee attack you do. It felt like I could only do damage every 5 or 6 hits, the rest of the time they’d block it. So fucking frustrating. But once they, and the cousin of Deputy Weld were dealt with, it was finally time to take the fight to the Institute. There was not a snowballs chance in hell that I was following Liberty Prime for 17 miles. Instead, I fast-traveled to somewhere near CIT Ruins and waddled my way to the ruins where Liberty Prime and everyone else were fending off hoards of Synths. Father did the announcement that you do when you side with the Institute, something I never noticed before which is actually a neat little detail, and I entered the Institute for the 2nd and last time to end it all. As you probably saw coming, I was not going to fight the Synths inside. I was too tired, lazy, and pissed off to do anything remotely badass. I did convince Father to give me the code to shut down some of the synths and then glitch the game. I also used a console command to slow down the game for a moment because I had to know if the Syringer actually fires a syringe, it does by the way, and then shot Father right between the eyes. I knew this bitch was a synth. Since the syringes don’t work on robots, I bashed his head off, pushed through to the reactor room, planted the charge, got teleported to the safe room, for the first time ever told the kid that he could come with us and got teleported to the safety of a roof where, as the Institute was engulfed in flames, I bashed Elder Maxson in the face and beat Fallout 4 with only a syringer. And that’s gonna do it for this video about whether or not you can beat Fallout 4 with only a syringer. If you enjoyed the video or learned anything, leave a Like. Leave a Dislike if you didn’t enjoy the video or didn’t learn anything. Thanks to the Champion tier supporters, as well as the the other channel members, for helping make videos like this one possible. Join the Mitten Squad Discord through the link in the video description. My name is Paul of Mitten Squad, have a wonderful day.
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 4,857,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can You Beat Fallout 4 With Only A Syringer, can you beat fallout 4 with, can you beat, can you beat fallout, can you beat fallout 4, can you beat fallout 4 with a syringer, fallout 4 syringer, fallout 4 syringer build, fallout 4 syringer rifle, fallout 4 syringer rifle build, fallout 4 syringer only, fallout 4 syringer rifle only, fallout 4, mittensquad
Id: I--_SpOsb8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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