30 minutes to catch RANDOM POKEMON in the CROWN TUNDRA. Then we FIGHT!

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hello everybody and welcome back to another challenge versus video chill and play here and i'm out here walking around with my pup and i'm chilling with quick gg what's up buddy what's up dude me and my mu are in this cave chilling looking for some rain i don't see anything too random in here but then you look this way and you see a colossal giant that seems like it doesn't fit in this game well guys if you haven't seen a challenge versus video before me and quick gg go throughout different pokemon games catching teams of pokemon and then we fight in pokemon showdown for today's video guys we're on randomized files of pokemon sword and shield all the wild pokemon are randomized completely with randomized abilities and random move sets according to type for today's challenge guys me and quick gg have 30 minutes to catch a team of pokemon and then we're going to fight we're not allowed to teach the pokemon any new moves or use the movie learner we're just going to use whatever they have on them when we catch them for this challenge creature g you're also gonna have the use of one master ball and other than that you're gonna use whatever balls you prefer so probably ultra balls and quick balls now quick gg all these pokemon are completely randomized so the pokemon we're gonna see in the overworld are completely random like this kabutops who should not be here and also the random encounters we get in the grass that we randomized now for this challenge squeaky g you're only going to be able to catch three pokemon that you can see in the overworld so you can run around and look for three overall pokemon you want and catch them for your team the other three are gonna have to be things you find in the grass randomly by encountering an exclamation point encounter for anyone confused this is what an exclamation point encounter looks like we got a dwell and we couldn't see it on the overworld once your 30 minutes is up quick gg you will have to stop unless a ball is already thrown in the air catching a pokemon and you're going to take what you got hopefully you probably will have a team of uh six by then but uh yeah so that's the rules quick gg three overworld pokemon three mystery encounters in the grass or actually as many mystery encounters in the grass as you want but only three overworlds guys because we don't want to go around choosing every pokemon like that so quick gg are are you ready for this buddy you got your one master ball you got your ultra balls you got your quick ones you got your full restores oh buddy buddy buddy buddy i got all the balls for this challenge don't even worry you got your doggo i got a little doggo right here no i got a mew so we're ready to make a legendary thing happen all right let's get it started okay guys 30 minute timer started i got rayquaza out i had to put the uh doge back in the pc because yeah my rayquaza's got the moves i need to catch let's see let's look for some beefy's over worlds no not a cable tops not a corbis squire we got 30 minutes to catch this team guys i'm really confident in our ability to build a decent one we got to be careful about what we do because we only have one master ball so i don't know if i should use it on like an overworld encounter or like a random encounter well i guess we'll have to think about it whimsicott no what is this oh my god that's a barra scooter i think oh my god life hard coming for me no no no okay nothing too crazy out here guys a lot of random shuckle no sir no sir go lurk that scared the crap out of me oh tyrantrum decent that is not what we need though three overworlds and three grass encounters i guess we'll go ahead and get a grass encounter oh my god a reggie rock do i want that i think that's a little too hard to catch dude i don't want to use a master ball on a reggie rock honestly no no no cable tops no no no no i just totally outran him here we go okay this is an exclamation point encounter and it's a double okay we already knew this was there all right well we don't want this team uh we're gonna skip this we definitely don't want to waste our time trying to catch a dwebble come on what else is out here flapple decent decent dude these cable tops are fast dude they're trying to get me here we go we got a random encounter yo lunala dude this is amazing dude i love this pokemon i'm not even sure i know it's a ghost type i think let's throw a quick ball at it see if we can catch it dude i hope that we can catch this with a quick one please do not tell me this is gonna require a master ball please do not tell me it's gonna require a master ball no so close triple kick that's weird great waste a lot of time not very effective though okay so my ray ray has spore let's go ahead and put it to sleep and we'll just see if we can catch it okay ultra ball get in there now i don't know is lunala a legend dude this is way out of our league to catch right now we're gonna have to use a master on this no way dude no way work up oh my god oh my god it's amazing hold on team i'm not using a master wall on this right not this early let me not shade it let me knight shade it okay sacred sword that's weird um we got it nice shaded down let's go for a spore now all right ultra ball please 26 minutes 47 seconds and we don't have a single pokemon please get on the team please get on the team come on please please please yes yes first pokemon down that's nice to see and this is a really really good one dude awesome awesome we're not doing so good on time guys so i'm not even gonna go over this pokemon really right now we'll just we'll go over it if we end up keeping it probably oh another encounter right here randomized oh yes yes all right here we go team let's uh i'm gonna go ahead and start with this overworld stone thing dude this is so big i just have to you could go underneath it oh that was crazy that was kind of crazy okay it's a stack attacker that is a that is a weird thing so a stack attacker whatever that means let's see if a quick ball can catch it is this like i don't know anything about this pokemon just probably look it up quick ball no way it's gonna do that no way okay that didn't work all right let's put him to sleep really quick oh my god that's so funny it's lights shut off whenever you put it to sleep that's so weird one night shade should be good as long as it doesn't have low hp that doesn't affect it okay this is a normal type pokemon that's weird maybe i don't know no it's maybe it's just i don't know that was weird it totally resisted that so let's try again okay just use roar that failed nice roar is an interesting move to always have octo lock libero changed type to fighting it just octa locked me and wha wait wait what was all that that was so weird okay back to sleep buddy i feel like this might have been a mistake going after this but it was so big i just had to do it it looks a lot smaller whenever you're actually fighting it though okay just stay in the ball for the team homie oh my stack attacker come on man my defense and special defense fell again what did he do to me what is going on okay it's it's broke free stay asleep it's still sleeping my my defense and special defense fell again i don't know what's the what this ability is but that's crazy it's just lowering my stats just being in the fight which is crazy because this is an extremely tanky pokemon that's actually going to be really good let's see what this thing's doing alright the stack attacker with the ability libiro changes pokemon's type to the type of move it's about to use okay librero that's interesting it's got metal sound it's got roar it's got arm thrust and octo lock okay so octa lock prevents it from leaving and also lowers its defense and special defense every turn then we can use arm thrust and kind of just slap something down this is an interesting pokemon i don't know if i'm going to use it or not but i actually like seeing that that's uh that's really interesting very cheesy what do we see here what do we see here what the whoa oh my god oh my god no zamasunta zemazenta the box art pokemon for this game let's go okay um i'm just throwing a master ball honestly wait a second i'm not gonna make a mistake like i made last time let me let me nightshade once let me see if i could just catch you without using master ball we're really early in this let me see what moves this thing has bug bite that's actually good nice crit okay put it to sleep okay we can put it to sleep easily that's good let's fall swipe once it's in the red now and it's sleeping let's see how hard it is to catch i don't want to waste my master ball because we're still 25 minutes like remaining on the challenge so if we can catch this with an ultra oh my god it might actually catch oh my god i thought it was about a catch right there that was so close it's still sleeping we're gonna give it a couple minutes trying to do this and save the master ball for maybe an overworld legendary that we see this is the second overworld encounter that we've used though we have one more to use so i'm just gonna save the master ball if i see a legend somewhere else like that come on oh my goodness bro i'll give another minute i'll spend like one more minute trying to catch this okay no endure interesting so i've only seen bug bite in a door two shakes three shakes come on oh my god it's so hard to catch this all right i have to catch this now no way no way no way no way no way no way yes yes i didn't have to use my master i didn't have to use my master ball oh i feel happy i feel really happy okay that's nice that's actually really cool zemesenza with the ability gale wings give his priority to flying type moves when the pokemon is full hp that's so weird it's got bug bite fight expanding force and endure um it has expanding force which is a nice move actually and uh bug bite and bite are okay but it is a legendary so i'm probably going to pick it up probably going to be picking up it's kind of terrifying it is a fighting type so we'll see on the team nice oh baby oh baby this is nice okay we can definitely catch this with ultra balls let's start off with a spore and uh put it to sleep i guess let's go for a full swipe on it as well yeah that was a big hit that's awesome dude is there a chance that this is gonna have moxie oh no no okay the abilities are randomized what am i thinking still i would really like to see a salomons get on my team please quickly quickly this will be two pokemon already cool perfect now keep in mind guys this is a time catch so if i decide not to keep these pokemon they may that may not keep them we'll see it depends on if their ability is good and their moves because we're not using move relearner or learning tms or anything like that so so we have to take whatever they have when we catch them as far as moves and ability okay we did really good over there guys let's just keep cruising and looking for some overworld pokemon while we're at it we're looking for like mainly uh random encounters but we are also looking for overworlds here we go we got a random encounter right here no way duoblade okay i thought it was ages slash for a second dual blade's pretty good though i don't think i'm gonna catch it i'm not really too concerned about duo blade we'll keep moving i'd rather save my time i'm actually gonna go in the water right here and uh cruise for a second whiz cash swimming right there what is that oh it's a mencino no thank you no thank you um what else do we have over here whoa zatu just literally popped out of the water lol neato queen no thank you anything in the grass skunk tank yo that actually that could be really good i'm gonna catch a skunk tank i'd like to look at that this oh actually oh do i want this to be one of my overworld pokemon though i can only have three so if this isn't a good one we won't end up keeping it and that's not that good i don't know i don't know i'm actually not going to catch this because i don't like the ability it has psychic surge we definitely don't want to use that ability oh we got a random encounter right here let's see what it is wow it's this little guy impedim no we don't need that that's funny that's impedent no thank you buddy no thank you oh my god he's got shadow tag yes thank you okay well that's how you want to play it buddy we're gonna hit you with the nightshade great we don't have anything to quickly kill this because we have false swipe lol wow that wasted literally like a minute that way literally wasted like a minute filling that up a dimp oh nitto king gosh dang it dude we still have three overall catches we can get guys i'm about to prioritize though so i'm about to ride around and look for some cool stuff because these random encounters are messing with me okay what do we have in the overworld over here that's what we have over here in the overworld that's what we have over here in the overworld oh my god okay well this is one of this where we might use our master ball we might use the master ball right now we're gonna try to catch this first i'm gonna use nightshade okay it did a little bit freeze dry oh god oh god that can kill me quickly change of plans guys we don't have time to try i'm throwing the master about this i'm gonna make a good decision and throw the master ball this because i don't know if you guys seen a quick gg's video yet um on 30 minutes isle of armor randomized but let's just say i should have thrown the master ball sooner let's just say that i'll just leave it at that there we go guaranteeing a caught there's our one master ball used and also this is one of our overworld encounters so we have two more left that we can catch in the overworld okay hopefully that giratina is good i hope that was a good uh choice oh my god i wish we saved our master ball kind of maybe we can still get this guys maybe we can still get it i need to literally heal my rayquaza right now because it's gonna die oh my god he just yawned oh no no no no no no no no no all right let's put it to sleep really quick for all right there we go now i'm going to sleep two 20 minutes dude how long can i sit here throwing balls to this rescue ram i want it badly this could be one of my second overworld pokemon i would definitely like for it to be if we can catch it i feel like i should maybe wake up my uh rayquaza but at the same time i don't want to waste a turn there's hail falling come on come on how are the bees no way it's gonna let me no way it's gonna let me know it's gonna let me no way it's gonna let me i knew it i knew it come on team i just want to pull up with a legendary team dude how long might i sit here and try to catch this i don't know okay so far it's only used yawns i don't know what else it knows three shakes please yes yes we're pulling up with the legends dude we're pulling up with the legends oh my god this is amazing team dude this is my best versus team ever i think right now oh my god that is two of our overworld pokemon guys and i think i see my uh next one right here keldio i think i really do want to kill dio this is a very weird pokemon guys i think i'm gonna go for it it's a legend so it's gonna be hard to catch i gotta wake up my rayquaza dang it i forgot to do that this is our final overworld encounter that we're allowed to get so you know if we do get it though that's three legends like right there dude i gotta move locations guys this area is bad with the hail the hail makes it so that i can't fall swipe these encounters because they're gonna die eventually to the snow so we got to be careful we got to be very careful i'm just going to chuck balls let's just see if we get lucky come on kelly oh join the team please join the team that'd be amazing to have this as well no way you're kidding you're kidding hold the bit i'm putting it back to sleep again guys i needed to stay asleep because we're actually running out of chances to catch this i'm gonna keep going until the hail kills it and then that'll be when i call it i guess because yeah okay lunala the foe is weak i just need you to stand there while i throw another ball well this is our last ball the the the snow's gonna kill it here on the next turn or the hail rather that's it nope no kill deal all right well i mean that means we still got an overworld encounter somewhere so we'll just go get another one we'll heal up our rayquaza that is unfortunate 13 minutes 57 seconds we did just waste a lot of time okay that was the uh last overworld i want to use for a while i'm gonna try to save the last one in case we see another legendary and then at that point we'll use a master ball let's get some oh sock get away from me okay random encounter come on here we go here it goes oh is this a mr rhyme oh man let's do it let's pick it up let's pick it up i want it look at him look at him clicking his feet look at him what a clown three shakes three shakes let's go easy catch we like those oh i like a nice quick ball let me see mr rhyme you're such a weirdo let's see if we're actually going to use this all right mr ryan the ice psychic type with volt absorb which is good for electric moves if he starts using that's that's really cool i love that ability it's got giga drain morning sun for the heels skill shot interesting and shadow punch that's a very interesting mr rhyme um i mean he's got good stats and volts absorb we might use them we'll see we do have 20 minutes left though let's go ahead and go hard we got a lot of encounters to find let's see we still also have our master ball i'm feeling really optimistic about this one oh no is there any fishing spots around here maybe oh there's a tree i could shake let's do it before we do that let's get one more random encounter here we go there it is what is this uh fans nah i don't want one of those all right let's shake this berry tree until a random pokemon comes down upon us okay shaking it more shake shake shake shake shake shake it okay something special please oh my god a goddess lord oh my god it goes lord oh my god lord dude let's see if a quick ball can catch this i know that this is a crazy uh ultra beast pokemon it's supposed to be huge like when you see the wild it's giant i wonder how it would look when it follows me a thousand waves that's a nice move what type is this i don't even know what type this is let's see if we can make it go to sleep first oh there it goes all right that is beefy fall swipe barely did damage that is really beefy okay let's ultra ball i'm scared of this thing killing itself actually let me i should have probably masterballed let's see how many shakes we get here two three no way yes yes oh my god oh our team is looking beefy our team is looking so good oh my god this team is looking so nice right now okay let me let me see let's see what this thing has for us it's got the ability filter reduces super effective attacks that's awesome and look at that hp it's completely maxed out that is crazy okay it's got it's a dark dragon type i didn't even realize that it's got thousand waves that's nice drum beating oh my goodness that is such a good grass move growl and foul play oh my goodness these are great great moves it's pretty tanky it's pretty well rounded that is almost guaranteed on the team we didn't even use a master ball team let's go find a mewtwo please i want to go master ball mewtwo right now let's see what else is in this grass let's go ahead and get one more random encounter first one more to finish it off what is this allurin a lurantis i don't know how i feel about that was that a gen 7 bug oh it's just be some kind of ultra beast i can't even tell oh no oh yeah oh no thunder okay okay that's a nice move to have bone meringue it's got a decent move set actually it really does i'm gonna catch it and let's see what this thing can do for our team okay there we go there we go nice laurentis i'm guessing it's a bug something bug fairy type maybe it is just a grass type what all right lorentz is the grass type with grimney oh my goodness no way oh no way it's got grimnay do we have we got thunder and we got nature's madness oh my goodness thunder is so oh my goodness we might use this we might use this it's got grim nay which is really just a great ability it increases our special attack although we're not that fast uh we might use this it seems decent it seems decent oh my reggie giggis overworld encounter that's happening that is happening that's it oh my god no way no way bro what over world let's go reggie giggis randomized overworld encounter with download oh my god oh my it's over it's over chill and play i'm sorry shown play i'm sorry we're masterballing this that is oh my what is gonna happen here this is op we can't do these overworlds again oh my god my team is gonna be too strong too strong bro oh this team is looking crazy right now we haven't even finished catching everything yet reggie gigas let's see it's got the ability to download which is amazing because we'll raise our attack it's got thrash oh my goodness super fang covet and sweet scent as long as he doesn't have ghost types i guess maybe rock and steel types would kind of be bad for us too that's really interesting that's really interesting all right reggie giggis with thrash on the team dude that is gonna be a slapper that is gonna be a straight up slapper oh slow king that was our last overworld encounter we can get too so we can't pick up slow king now we can only catch uh pokemon in the grass come on random encounter where are ya where are you i don't want to accidentally run into something that's over world where these random encounters at there we go alone bray get out of here dude delta stream lombre that is funny yeah we've got like 11 and a half minutes left and i'm feeling so good about my team right now come on buddy what about what else do we got out here okay here's a random encounter right here okay doug trio not not that bad not that bad with drizzle oh no no no no no no thank you no thank you buddy you're all ready you already can't survive a water move but now you really can't okay let's keep moving maybe find some overworld giratinas oh my god that's awesome oxycroak that could be decent oh we got a random encounter ah another freaking little rock bug get away from me buddy get away from me what up team i'm on the slippery slope aerodactyl no no no magmar i don't think so snorlax whoa that's decent okay guys we only got 11 minutes left uh we need some stuff we need some cool stuff to appear tangela oh no come on team whoa whoa whoa oh my god doraldon okay you know what i can't not do it i'm a dragon type trainer now it's over i'm gonna take it i'm gonna take it this is gonna be my uh third overworld encounter so we can't get any more of these but it is gonna be a decent one i think it shouldn't be impossible to catch either because it's not like a legend so hopefully we can catch it with ultra here we go guys we nice shaded it now we're gonna throw some ulcer balls at it while it's asleep and hopefully we'll catch this pretty quickly and then we can get some random encounters in the grass okay nice one ball that's all decent very decent we're all done that's our last overworld encounter so now it's all grass pokemon eight minutes and 41 seconds left guys we have got to find some wild encounters oh that is not a wild encounter that's a wishy-washy all right come on come on here we go no toxic crow gosh dang it dude oxycodone trying to join the team buddy but i need wild random encounters not overworld there we go here's one all right exclamation point sig lift decent okay okay we'll catch that and look at it oh it's got sandstream as well very interesting very interesting we'll catch it we'll catch you just to look at it although sandstorm does waste a lot of time by hurting us each turn so i don't know i'll throw a few balls if if it doesn't get in the ball soon we're running away because we only got seven minutes 27 seconds left we gotta we gotta get some more pokemon there we go one ball nice and easy nice and easy that's what we like to see we definitely have a full team now we gotta go catch some more options just in case we got some uh not so good ones anything else out here here we go random encounter is oh my wow dude wow and we don't have a master ball should i spend time going for this i don't have spore anymore dude i gotta go recharge my spore oh my god it's got protect oh no oh no you know what i'll throw one lucky ball at this if we don't catch this we're running away dude i can't waste my only have six minutes left i don't have spore no way you're gonna give this to me no way you're gonna give this to me yes what what that is unbelievable one ball it wasn't even low health it wasn't even low health it wasn't it wasn't even a sleep either yo that pokemon was full health not even asleep we just called a freaking zosian our team is amazing our team is legendary dude five minutes and 50 seconds left guys we're just gonna keep cruising and look for a few more extras here we go let's go search in this grass over here leiron's here not interested in that but i will take this random encounter you again oh my god and you got shadow tag you little oh you little oh all right empedem get out of my face these shadow tag impediments are killing me dude all right what do we got what do we got out here oh and a moongus you know what i'll catch this i'll catch the mungus for the memes with how my team is looking right now like i don't even like i'm feeling really good i think my team's almost done i'm just looking for people with crazy good move sets at this point so we're just gonna catch most pokemon that are pretty good at this rate and we caught him with a quick ball that was so fast let's see mungus what you got pressure has its ability it's got pyroball it's got revenge it's got swagger and rapid spin uh i guess that's good powerball is kind of insane that's a really good move right there pyroball okay mungus you're an option we'll see at the end let's see oh my goodness what is that look at that sassy bug what okay okay rock ruff sorry buddy but nah we're not catching you bro how did they make a bug with so much attitude like seriously even the way it walks oh my goodness gengar oh i wish i oh oh my god it's so fast a pharaoh mosa that is such an interesting looking pokemon all right let's find a random one though oh gengar please don't catch me there we go random encounter no way bro oh my god oh my god what oh we're getting so lucky we're getting so lucky team we're getting so lucky let's try quickballing first and then we're gonna we're gonna try to catch this we're gonna try to catch this yeah not even close there you go you got swiped you woke up aquatail all right interesting moveset we don't have master balls but i'm so down to catch it honestly it's got air cutter that's all it's used so far i mean that's an okay move but i wonder what else it has back to sleep for you pal two shakes three shakes no no no way no way no way yes yes yes yes oh that was uh that was uh less time than i thought it only took a couple minutes to try to catch that it literally didn't shake twice any other time until right there that was pretty rough but you know what i didn't give up because i wanted the i wanted the dog one of the sabertooth tiger actually whatever it is oh this bug well guys we might have one of the best teams ever right now we got cheek pouch on this praiko which uh we can't use because we won't be using items it's got air cutter it's got wicked below that always crits that is a strong move aqua tail and steel roller oh man that is that is pretty wild i don't know about that i don't think this works right um unless they change the terrain but that is pretty interesting there yeah we're probably gonna use this raikou oh man i'm feeling good about it if chil chilling better be getting this too or else it's gonna be a pretty one-sided fight i told you oh my god her attackers everywhere stack attack is all over that was one of the glitchiest things i've ever seen in this game all right let's go to this grass it seems friendlier over here all right random encounter yes what will you be oh and seq ice cube actually with this guy's ability i don't know if that's gonna be good like i don't think his ability's right we're gonna throw a quick ball to see what it has though i don't know if we're looking for legends at this point guys our team is so stacked right now you have to be a legendary or a mythical or somewhere around there to be considered all right i ask you with the ability effect spore which is actually an amazing ability to have still so now it's considered on the team it's got forest cure that's interesting expanding force recycle and kinesis oh those moves aren't good yeah we're probably not using it all right team we got three minutes left three more minutes to gather up the last few teammates let me go ahead and uh i'm gonna go back to this grass over here because we can only oh my god the stack attackers are so huge all right random encounter metagross yeah okay oh my dude oh man we're getting such great ones team we're seeing we're getting amazing ones we are getting amazing ones right now all right spoil you to sleep does nightshade work on steel psychic yes it does we only got a minute and a half left so i'm just gonna put it to sleep and go for these balls ultras all day it's low hp it's sleeping come on no teleport he's gone well that didn't work out all right another random another random another encounter oh my god oh my god glaring slow king i can't believe how good these pokemon we're seeing are all right uh quick ball for sure let's see can this catch no way this will catch a gallerian sloking is it too quick are the quick balls too quick for the nope nevermind spirit shackle that's dangerous now i'm trapped too that's nightshade once okay hurricane interesting move we're gonna nightshade twice because i don't think i think that might be half hp actually i might have just killed it oh my god it's at like one hp it's at like one hp no way put it to sleep yes okay we can maybe get two vital spirit it can't sleep oh my god we got one shot we only got one shot team maybe two ultra ball all right throwing it come on stay in there shake no oh no three two one oh we can't we can't well we didn't get it but it's all right let's go ahead and find out uh who we're using and do a team recap four minutes and 20 seconds left we need some random encounters here we go got one okay gallerian persian decent decent i guess i could throw some balls and catch this i don't know if i would use it though let's catch it why not why not oh my god i tried to sing me to sleep don't you dare do that buddy you want to do yourself a favor persian and get in this ball right away and join the chill and play squad because we got so many legends you're not even going to make it you're not going to make the team dude i'm just catching you for fun at this point i'm just catching you for fun good fight good fight good choice persian good choice okay since we're doing so good really quickly let's look at our pokemon we've caught so far just quickly and briefly okay you got gayle wings that might be cool weird moves um feel free to pause it guys if you want to take a look for yourself telepathy ooh reckless oh okay tar shot noted expanding four supers oh god bad dreams okay body press yawn oh with gorilla tactics wow this is this is crazy doraldon oh not good moves on dural dawn not good moves on draudon let me check our sigaliff let's see let's see sandstream overdrive overdrive um zasia with sacred sword oh man sniper dude we got a weird team so far let's just kee let's see if we can encounter a few more things see we just wasted a little bit of time that we could have been encountering stuff i don't know if we'll regret it but let's see oh my god no way we're gonna regret it i wanna oh my god oh i forgot to get my oh no i forgot to get rayquaza back out gosh dang it dude we can't even okay you know what we're going to get lucky team we're throwing the quick one we're throwing the quick one guys we're going to spend the rest of the time trying to catch this ekron because if we can have this it's going to be insane glacial lance oh my god he's in he's insane he's insane okay guys i'm getting ballsy we only have a minute and 25 seconds left um we don't have our uh rayquaza to use the moves we need so i'm gonna super fang the zekrom with my giratina drop its health down there we go zing zap oh my god i want to catch this so bad all right now the hail is going to hurt it as well we got a minute eight seconds we might get to throw like two or three balls maybe if he doesn't kill my team holding the b come on one minute come on one minute dude please join the teams that grom this would be crazy there we go we got him in the orange come on come on no we're not even getting close we're not even getting close we've had too much oh that's dead that's dead yep we're not oh god yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no come on i want to throw at least like one more ball or just maybe two more balls oh no oh no throw the ball ultra ball come on stay please no we're dead aren't we we're dead we're dead that's it timers out that sucks guys i really wanted to just have the craziest team ever ah running away we're running away that's it guys uh i'm gonna get the pokemon together we're gonna use on the team and we'll do a team recap of the final choices okay team for the recap this was pretty weird we got weird pokemon with weird moves really good mods though we had sniper on zasia with sacred sword mega punch protect and rage powder so pretty weird here at least we got two nice physical moves for it that's all it really needs to go crazy with next up we got lunala with telepathy uh anticipates an allies attack and dodge that we like we do like to see that it's got work up which is awesome triple kick and sacred sword with poison gas as well so pretty decent there for this guy psychic ghost type very interesting very interesting really good attack stats though oh man this is gonna be nice with that work up okay okay next up we got salamis with draco meteor love to see it hydro pump tar shot oh interesting interesting icicle spear as well which is pretty cool and we got the ability reckless which doesn't help necessarily but uh yeah that's salamance next we got giratina with bad dreams doesn't really help us either we got expanding force that's decent assad super fang and freeze drive so really decent uh giratina here next up we got reshiram with body press we like to see it yawn doom desire lovely kiss and we got gorilla tactics which is actually only allows the use of the first move selected that is decently weird i just gonna press our bodies then in that case because oof oh yeah yeah i didn't even see i didn't even know that's what that said oh man well that is that that is what that is this is still gonna be on the team next we got siegelif the final pokemon with round assurance over driveu and false surrender that's decent it got the ability sandstream so it's gonna hurt everybody you gotta love that i don't even know i'll probably send that out last maybe i don't know but uh that is the team guys we're looking healthy af dude so many healthy monsters but uh i will see you guys in the fight let's go do this all righty team let's go ahead and do a team recap this is gonna be an interesting one guys starting off with our reggie geez who's got download we got thrash sweet scent covet and superfang then we got reiko who's got air cutter wicked blow aqua tail and steel roller it's got cheek pouch next we got zamasunda dude this team is just insane gel wing bug bite bite expanding force and door i wish the move was a little better on this guy but it's still zamazenta next up guzzlord with filter it's got thousand waves drum beating and foul play and grail and mr mime with volts absorb giga drain morning sun skill shot and shadow punch and lastly stack attacker with metal sound roar arm thrust and octo lock i actually uh took this guy on because i just wanted something else like really really tanky it's got mega mega defense so and it can also octalock and lower someone's stats if he tries to set up with somebody so that might be a little more useful but that is the whole team uh let's go ahead and yeah let's fight it out i'm ready okay quick gg we're here with the teams yes yes oh yeah thumbs up thumbs up nice uh nice one you look like you're uh on fire over there i am on fire buddy always the charmander gang okay okay starting off big i see stack it up stack it up i see yeah yeah i stack it stack it stack it packet stack it you know what i'm saying well you know why buddy i do stuff too and uh you're not gonna like what i do really am i not gonna like what you do okay team okay uh we had some technical difficulties my controller was messing up but we're back and i'm ready to press it down you stack it up and i press it down buddy oh decent oh decent octolock what'd you do it was huge actually you just became fighting nice oh i might have whoa i might have i didn't expect you to have that i didn't expect no longer escape i wasn't going anywhere pal i wasn't going anywhere okay okay okay good to know good to know listen do we dynamics on this oh no no never buddy oh no way no way okay i got you i got you and step on him dude wait a minute what just happened oh buddy i'm arm thrusting you is what's happening thrust brush thrust oh what only twice how did you just oh yeah so heavy how did you just take it so heavy oh because i'm a stack attack stack a stack at stack attack him bro i stopped kill me and then i attack him don't tell me that you're weird like is this going to have one hp if you hit me like that oh my god if i hit one hp flip out what's happening with that what's happening with that what happened what do you mean what happened you saw what happened why were you so tanky because i'm tanky bro you hit me with a body press okay okay well i'm impressed with your body you probably should be honestly it's it's very impressive you know what's really impressive too what the lord of the gazes oh this week have you witnessed have you witnessed him how did i forget about that oh yeah by the way he's beefy i forgot to mention he's beefy and he's got waves maybe i think that's a scary monster buddy that's a scary monster yeah it is it is scary oh what can i do what can i do to you well you know what they say what do they say everyone's got him oh oh you mean choices yeah yeah i know you know this is i know you know who this is oh man what is this exactly that's lunala i'm gonna go crazy that's luna i'm gonna go crazy oh that might hurt a lot okay but this is gonna hurt a lot as well i think that might be a big hit oh my goodness [Music] oh god the gun i've got to kill that dude i've got to kill that thing it's scary it is a lord of the guns yeah oh man that's uh now what do i do here huh you know what i gotta do what i gotta do um me too pal me too draco meeting no no no no no that's gonna oh my god oh you guys are kidding me you gotta be kidding me oh my god huge miss let's see let's see dude thank you get him out okay is that going to be a meteor for the lord that's enough dude for the lord okay don't scare me that's enough enough why do you have so many painters out right now he's got a pizza he's a pinchy boy he's a pinchy boy oh my god i'm screwed okay okay now what do i want to do my salad man let me down heavy tea my salad man let me down heavy now i got choices you know yeah i can't believe you we both had such a beef team did you see that guy in the overworld is that one of your over world encounters dude you want to know where i got guzzlord out of a tree i shook him out of a i feel like that's how he talks he's tap dancing he dances bro those feet those hips don't lie look at him oh look at him he thrusts he's a thruster oh my god i am literally uh i'm at a loss for words oh yeah yeah i thought you wouldn't be here this is uh this is a beefy team honestly i had like i said earlier i'm gonna go crazy i have to really okay okay what's happening here now yeah yeah yeah you'll see on yeah interesting you know this one the cover art you know this one right the shots with scales oh it doesn't affect me buddy does it affect me are you a f are you off of a fairy type i don't know buddy but my right my right joy con won't let me click buttons gosh dang it dude you could use your left by using the stick and then left bumper or left trigger that's what i needed to know that's what i needed to know the more you know comment down in the comment section guys if you didn't know that because i didn't know that did it work yeah it worked and uh this sword is sacred buddy cutting down the size oh that mr rhyme is not tanky giga drain that is me getting a little bit of that back let me get a little bit of that back that is nothing to you this is nothing to me but that might be just enough to help you survive it might be just enough if that is the case i don't like it okay die here with the camera you got a lot of sacred swords over there buddy you're kidding me that does nothing right it's gonna do nothing little eyeballs the little eyebrows on your belly you can't see it from your angle but the eyeliners on your belly are blinking buddy oh i know i know all right well you're dead now pal so let's see let's get him out move him on move him along no more nice sword you got there a nice sword where did you get it from dude it's so safe um i got it from there there you go it's a sacred one though so you can't have it don't even ask [Music] all right well we're in a decent position we're in a decent we got choices to make here not choices to make here i feel like my team was really good oh no let's go oh no who's the better legendary beast i feel like my team was missing some key component i'm gonna go for this i'm gonna go for this we don't have the moves we need buddy oh mega punch mega interesting ow that actually is huge that's actually dc how about this awkward tail whoa liquidy wow that did so good disturbed yep um that did so little it scares me some it should because now it's a new ball game when i see a weakness like when i see a weak hit like that i think to myself i'm going to take advantage of this really weakness okay well my aircraft this time at least let's see how much that does not much minimalistic minimalistic not much either and that terrifies me and now that's terrifies me actually terrifies me because it's a ghost should i do what i got to i can't check my move info that is a pain in my rear i'm gonna go for this take a sec if you need to okay how about a wicked blow first before you do it one wicked blow for you huh how about i oh that was a crit you're lucky how about how about i expand the force buddy oh is that enough that's a big hitting move i know but is that enough oh not even close oh not even close the crit did how much that's how much a crit does mr krabs okay don't worry don't worry because i believe in a double crit i believe in a double crits i believe in the double crate buddy wait that always chris doesn't it oh yeah i believed it yeah i believed in it you tricked me i believe 100 believe in that yeah good tricks good tricks we like the tricks like it nice nice no problem um now by the way i think i could win this no you can't no i don't think i can no you can't no you can't no you can't now i really do think i got a shot salad man salad man that is a salad man though can't win buddy you can't win i'm about to drink some nice uh oh uh oh wicked blow how much drink milk are you about to drink some oh or you gotta drink were you about gonna drink milk on me no i was just gonna drink some sweet tea in real life but dang it oh okay okay we're not looking good we're not looking good at all okay this is the worst this is the worst i want to tell you something so funny to explain how i'm i'm where i am right now because if that didn't work out i just i would tell you after we're done though i want to make sure i get the dub first i'm scared buddy i'm scared this is literally where we're at sandstream kicked up oh i'd be terrified right now sandstream sigoulif huh uh-huh uh-huh oh i'm tanking no critical hit every day assurance come on please take him down wow how much does it do we are what did you that was your best move assurance yeah buddy it basically was i mean there wasn't much flying moves you could use against me huh i'm electric type stuff well i don't have any other moves i found this raikou wild in the grass by the way this was a random encounter i thought i was decent but now i found two legends randomly what happened what happened i thought it was decent where'd all my pokemon go where did my pokemon go [Music] is that faster than me maybe legend v legend who's faster oh really that's how it is now legend v legend who's faster i'm pretty sure you are faster i'm pretty sure you already hit me earlier um um okay i am faster wow that's actually interesting they think they're actually really big i wish i had known that these don't have any grenade or anything stupid don't have any grim nay no grim nays please okay again no grim nays it's over for me um yeah buddy yeah i think it might be hit him with reggie giggis are you serious yes yeah overworld encounter by the way foundation download download register this is why i knew when guirantino was dead it was over and by the way one more thing for you my nuzzlord wait critical him now oh my god okay we're good we're good this is it my guzzlord had filter so all those super effective attacks were all reduced that's why he was such a tank that's why he was such a tank bro we just got bodied team good fight quick gg if you guys enjoyed that video don't forget to check the playlist in the description for more challenge versus videos um quick gg gg buddy gg power
Channel: Chilln Play
Views: 2,217,829
Rating: 4.8586841 out of 5
Keywords: 30 minutes to catch RANDOM POKEMON in the CROWN TUNDRA. Then we FIGHT!, 10 Randomized Starter POKEMON... Then We FIGHT!, 30 minutes in the ISLE OF ARMOR. Then we FIGHT!, Quickgg, Quick gg, Chillnplay, Chilln play, 30 minutes to catch a team, Pokemon Sword and shield, Pokemon Isle of armor VS, PokemonVS, Pokemon VS challenge, We catch a team of random pokemon, pokemon random VS, Chillnplay vs quickgg, Pokemon Crown Tundra vs, Isle of armor vs, Pokemon, Sword and shield Expansion pass
Id: jRNK9jbCyVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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