Can Piers Actually Become Champion?

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hey pierce we found another city in gala that has a power spot would you consider moving your gym there with dynamaxx you can bring in crowds bigger than rihanns so come on pierce what do you say oh no pierce the first dark time gym leader in the history of pokemon his gym is the only one in the gala region to still practice traditional battles since there is no power spot that would enable dynamaxing sadly this means the town of spike myth has fallen into obscurity for mainstream fans and totally not because of its sketchy alleys lack of seating or inability to hitch a cab normal battles are just too boring for the people of galar but maybe if pierce could defeat leon and claim the title of champion he can restore spike myth to its former glory to find out if he has what it takes i downscaled his team and took on the gather gym challenge as the singing man himself and yes random singing may occur consider yourself warned the first battle of the gym challenge was with milo who actually beat me with ease thanks to his dynamaxx pokemon this served as a good reminder that i couldn't just brute force my way through these gyms like i did in previous runs and since piers doesn't dynamax or even own a dynamax band i couldn't benefit from the extra health to book out milo's attacks as piers tells hop in the post game rushing in without a plan is just plain reckless and oh boy does this man understand how problematic that is so for my second attempt at fighting milo i'd have to fight less like bosco and more like pierce this meant i had to find a way to style milo's dynamax and debuff his pokemon i started out with a focused power to give me better odds of critical hits and took down his first pokemon with a couple of acid sprays when the elder goss came out i went straight for bite spam since its physical defense is much lower than its special and also kind of hoping to flinch it i kinda didn't realize the dynamaxx pokemon are immune to flinching after barely surviving its dynamaxx attacks i finally shot off a smoke screen before being defeated everything came down to zigzagoon pierce's starter pokemon since elder goss was mostly a special attacker i decided to spam snarl hoping to debuff it enough so that i could survive its hits lucky for me both times he tried to use round on me he missed but then the ai got smart and switched up to magical leaf which would hit every single time good thing i've already had the triple debuff on this dude's special attacks from there i switched over to using pin missile and finished off the battle with a critical hit luck was on my side and oh boy was i gonna need way more of it moving forward next up was nessa the gym leader that's caused me the most trouble when doing these challenge runs and unlike the previous times i wouldn't even be able to dynamax when facing her dreadnought leading off with stunky i was able to knock out her fish however her turtle showed no mercy knocking out both of my pokemon with ease i needed something to help style dynamax if i was to have any hope of beating her so i picked up a purloin from route 2 since piers must have secretly had one to teach his scraggy fake out later kind of how right hand secretly has a melodic to keep this challenge fair i removed all damaging moves from the cat and went back to battle i stalled out the dynamaxx and send out lineup to fight this double defense debuff turtle i managed to land one night slash but even with a critical hit the damage just wasn't enough her dreadnought outsped me in the rain and since ly noon couldn't one shot it that meant i was going to lose again and again and again and for the first time when doing this series i put the game down had projects and exams to study for and my health took a turn for the worst so for the majority of the month of november i had accepted defeat pierce couldn't defeat nessa pierce couldn't become champion that was until a week before my birthday when i was trying to calibrate my laptop's new battery i didn't want to wait all night for it to drain so i started a stream here on youtube hence the drop to 720p where i was joined by my friend victhion i hear people saying hello vic's voice i did some single battles with viewers and none of whim decided to show them a behind-the-scenes struggle with the nessa fight by then i had plenty of time to think about pierce's team and had realized something very important i was a bit confused as to why he would use his obstagoon in battle and save skuntang for last after all obstagoon is supposed to be his signature pokemon you know the one that he uses in the pose game and that follows him around in the aisle of armor well i realize the reason that the orders are reversed is that obsta goon is faster and able to knock out more pokemon before taking much damage itself meanwhile skunk tank is more for picking off already weakened enemies so this time around i started the battle with lin and took out both of nessa's fishies then i went for a lick on the dreadnough and managed to paralyze it and it was stunned by paralysis right away i followed it up with a night slash lending a critical hit which did joke damage but i'll take it sadly li noon went down and live parts dialed out the dynamax with a protect since i couldn't do any damage i pulled the classic pierce and pocket sand the battle came down to stunky v dreadnought since the turtle was paralyzed i was actually able to outspeed it even in the rain and decided to spam bite the first time it flinched the second time its attack missed the third time it flinched again it wouldn't get a fourth chance with the power of friendship and low stream quality i finally defeated nessa good job mr games but the fun has just begun up next we must fight kabu long before ryan is pokemon her best is pokemon or bulky the only decent pokemon you have is little burn listen here vic beyond my team is just okay i'm gonna leave what's crying and barf his nine tails away my pokemon is weakened hurricane nine took the bait little does he know lionel knows retaliate you will be set on fire and hot wheels will be spun his dog is not that scary and the fun has just begun he has a giant sentence course ambition's burning bright i have a tiny lineup g-max flutterby nowhere was i i send out the stalling knife hard use protect and pocket sand and well dear viewer this battle is about to end it's time to send out stunky and the battle will get funky but if i can't mean toxic now all i need is time so take a look at this graph and subscribe to mr mime but me subscribe to me not that clown or the cooler clown me anyway i used venoshocke and won the battle but oh my goodness was a far from winning the wall you see unlike nessa who didn't have anything super effective against me or kabu who only had one pokemon that could easily sweep my team everything on these team could basically one tap my dark types i guess i better add b to the list of very powerful gym leaders right next to nessa after a couple of very foolish failed attempts i decided to bring out the big guns so first i had to evolve my lion oh yeah the game soft long stone sight into permanent day mode until you beat the gym so i flew to the wild area where time does work normal and evolved my lion i also picked up that toxo from the daycare on route 5 just to have an extra buffer on my team knowing how caring piers is about youngsters like marnie and hob i could totally see him instantly picking up this pokemon the moment he passes by the daycare also it's on his team in the post game and i'm taking all the help i can get i started the battle with a fake out and hope i can do some damage with brick break before getting obliterated in one hit ouch i am obstagon montoya you killed my teammate prepare to da next up was pangoro who fell for my trap lost a little bit of its defense and then got chopped off the battlefield i obstructed on surfaced as well and since he too tried to hit me with a four times effective move down goes his defense i tried to finish off the fight with the retaliate but sadly couldn't do enough damage and got hit with a revenge anyways i used venoshock and won the battle but oh my goodness was that far from winning the wall steve bringing out pharaoh aaron over here i only had one hole and that was too toxic stall b went for a mag's darkness which didn't one shot me yay and then i went on to protect against her max strike but with the speed debuff stunky got taken out on the last turn of dynamaxx i had this battle in the bag but first i had to let the cat out of the bag so i sent out my trusty light power then went for a fake out then a protect and on its last turn to attack me the machamp decided to use scary face or should i say scared face because right after that i died the poison was that a cheap victory yeah but whoever says pierce plays fair next up was oppo i got a bit scared when her mao started using draining kiss since that would undo any puny damage i could inflict but then i realized they had skunk tank on my team and it conveniently knew flame thrower baby barn i also took out her togi kiss with two veno shocks leaving us against the giant cake fun fact oppo used to be a gym leader before dynamaxing was a thing but unlike piers she did the upgrade when the technology became available i wonder if he's salty about that could be considering he just poisoned her cake and he screeched at it too it was finally time for toxicity to shine first up we used venom drench to debuff her attacks and then i finished off the battle with a poison jab i guess even pierce isn't pink enough for opal although to be honest he doesn't even want to be spiked with gym leader let alone take up the job elsewhere he'll pass opal but i will not pass up on nk ok because it's the last pokemon needed to complete pierce's team although it also happens to have the most annoying evolution method you have to have the game in a handheld mode and make sure every controller is disconnected too here you can see my pro controller was still connected so i had to make sure it's not because it failed the first time and then you have to level up the thing while the console was held upside down and tada evolution with the full team ready to roll i went to rock out at gory's gym scrafty still wasn't able to pack much of a punch but obstagoon was able to pick up the pace the obstruct strategy i was using up until now wasn't going to work on shaco since it required physical contact to also decrease their defense stat so i had to take the slow approach of getting hit and using counter pierce's team is mostly physical attackers gordy has good physical walls like stone journey but just when i thought i couldn't do much to win the ai acted up and then used wonder room swapping everyone's defense stat with their special defense tab and let me tell you stun gerner does not have a very good special defense trying to act all cool while in a corner cordy brings out his dynamax i send out skunk tank and once again one for the toxic stall strategy i barely survived his attacks but managed to wait out the dynamics technically i should have been out of pokemon right now except i still had that stallio part that i've been carrying around with me this entire run i used one last protect won the battle and put the kitty into the box no more cheese the only thing i've learned so far is that pierce can cheese all these fights thanks to toxic stalling and lypard otherwise every single one of these gym leaders would have won while piers was away on the gym challenge someone else had to take care of spike myth and who better than his younger sister marnie the battle starts out with scrafty vs leopard no more cheese not even for marnie marnie's crafty does outpunch mine and for some reason i swapped at the skunk tank of all pokemon going back to those toxic stalling roots i poisoned the scrafty and start attacking with venoshock up next is morpeko who i also poisoned what was i thinking poor thing then stand a chance last on her team was a toxic rock i guess picking a poison type that has nothing to do with your usual team runs in the family but after one screech multiple swaggers and a sucker punch the frog goes down in an instant from here we'll fast forward all the way to the champion cup where pierce fights right hand in single battles torko instantly heats up the battle but i have a thing or two to say poketan i guess he was already bored with my slide strategies because he instantly went for a yawn i might be asleep but at least pocket sand worked i tried going on to the offensive with scraggy but sadly he couldn't break through the turtle's hardshell i tried doing the same with malamar and once again right hand was not impressed and of course he had to use his full healing to torque things weren't looking too hot for pierce eventually i landed crit hit and finally took down the turtle only to end up facing an even stronger turtle malamar was powerless against the shell traps good thing the tertinator's health was already low so obstagoon easily finished off the fight gujarat was a bit worrisome but ended up wasting a turn setting up rain rather than attacking flygon made the exact same mistake as godra setting up standstorm rather than attacking except this time flygon survived with one hp the battle with raul don just became much harder obstagoon went for obstruct hoping to survive one of those max knuckles and it did it wasn't going to survive another so i dropped my one time used potion and by some miracle lived with 8 hp and the sandstorm stopped this man the obstagoon successfully stalled out the dynamaxx i knew that duraladon had low special defense for my right hand run so i went for a snarl and it actually did quite a lot of damage skuntank survived a triple attack boosted iron head and landed one more snarl winning the battle this tells me that if story pierce played his cards right he actually could have won against right hand no toxicity or lie part needed if anything this explains why right hand later compliments piers under battle i think he finally realized how strong pierce can be even without dynamaxing but is he strong enough to beat leon pocket sand and two paybacks to knock out ageslash no big spam needed this time unlike with marnie's attempt obstagoon gets poisoned but managed to take out the frog we obstruct haxes outrage but couldn't out speed and got knocked out the second turn skuntang finishes off the fight with a sucker punch malomar has to finish off cinderella's and by some miracle survived a shadow ball from dragapole except leon's pokemon survived with just one hp toxtricity had to come in clutch finishing off the dragopold and facing off leon's charizard sadly leon's charizard is both faster stronger and bulkier than our spunky little toxicity meaning leon would win the fight even when i could stall out the dynomax so could piers beat leon become champion and restore spike myth to its former glory ah no unless [Music] every time i interacted with piers i got the impression that he was only a gym leader out of a sense of responsibility at heart he cares deeply about the citizens of spike myth and his little sister but not so much about being a strong trainer he just wants to sing or maybe he doesn't see himself as a strong trainer and simply never put in enough effort to achieve that even in the post game we can see him being super meek when getting complimented on his battle prowess and when helping others piers would rather resort to using his voice than using his pokemon to fight just like he didn't want to be a gym leader perhaps pierce also didn't really want to be champion so him losing to leon would be more of a victory than a loss after all now he gets to travel freely put on a show by doing exhibition matches with his friends and help out other trainers when there's trouble to me it seems that by losing in the championship piers gets to follow his heart and there's no bigger w than that if you've enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and perhaps check out some of the other videos i've made asking if other characters from this game could become champion also a big thanks to captain astronaut and victon for landing me their beautiful voices for this video thanks for watching and happy questing
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 425,166
Rating: 4.9350982 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Piers, Gym Leader Piers, Can you beat pokemon as Piers, Can Piers become champion, Piers vs Kabu, Piers song, Piers challenege run, Pokemon Piers Run, Pokemon Piers Song, Pokemon Sword no Dynamax, Pokemon Shield no Dynamax, pokemon sword Piers, pokemon shield Piers, Piers vs marnie, Pokemon Piers vs Marnie, Pokemon Piers vs Raihan, Piers vs Raihan, Raihan vs Piers, Vicvillon Pokemon, Captain Astronaut Pokemon, Vasko Pokemon, Vasko Piers
Id: NwcY6oU9ck8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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