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all right guys here we go today is the day become the champion of the goal our region if I get interrupted one more time I am deleting this game from my switch so it better happen anyway so the last episode I asked you guys who we should replace with with turn of this if anyone at all and most people said squashy because squashy was the least used although that was a tough one to get I had to get the pokeball plus to get Mew but anyway you guys have spoken so before we go all the way and I'm just realizing that eternities is not even close to my highest level Pokemon but definitely it's a tank so ok so what we'll do is I grab let me let me get a let's get a held item and also I need to boost oh wait do I even want so I was thinking to use some of my candies my oh yeah let's take this I'm gonna use shell bail there should be mmm let's do a life form yeah ok so um the or or black sludge because it's part poison let's do that actually cuz I found this and it's fun yeah cool ok so yeah I was gonna use some of these candies that I got here where my Dynomax candies I got some around here somewhere but as far as I know eternity cannot Dynomax right I'm pretty sure so is there a point to even use it I mean I've got plenty of it I don't know if there's a point to it like I got enough but I don't think he can Dynomax there we go cannot Dynomax okay in the previous episode we saw it sort of Dynomax I think it was that's the eternal max form but we can't do that so anyway we've got eternities ready to go here is our team at last the final match you better not be lying that's all I can say wait where are we going huh do I take this put it hold on an air balloon okay whatever wait what what would I like to go wind and stadium wait is it gonna take me straight I know we'll be able to save right cuz I want to do something also with this you'll see you'll see I want to try something out I'm not gonna just okay just bear with me whoa oh dude wait no that thing is huge I've actually never seen that's what we travel it I've never actually seen one in the game besides the little logo or icon let's check our Pokemon make sure we're healed up yeah we look good to go I think all right I want to turn to this yeah is a legendary by the way you can see cuz it has no gender wait a second Malfoy has no gender Draco fish has no gender I didn't realize that like I ha I guess it's lifting there hey hey that it was legendary he is right alright here we go now I'm I don't think we're gonna have a challenge beyond the actual final battle I am NOT gonna bother the ball guy keeps trying to give me the same pokeball this is the final match against the champion the championship match are you ready to face Leon I'm ready to beat him change into your uniform and head out on to the pitch here it comes now I'm assuming he has a six Pokemon no he's not yeah no way look he's easy okay he is your champion but not for much longer we're gonna win we're gonna win now we're gonna win on the first try I hope I don't know though I mean it's it's it really gonna happen I don't I feel like something's gonna have it like we're gonna get like one of those Dynomax beams that come my matches are always sold out but this I've never seen a crowd this wild it's because like of all the cancellations everybody got everyone knows that you did this did for us this week think they know you're the one who caught a turn in us and say the future of the Galore region a real hero bladder longside legendary Pokemon is ASEAN and Zama Zenta yeah it's pretty packed dude I couldn't have dreamed of a better challenger to help increase my winning streak no dude it ends here oh and you've even added at earnest hey he noticed that's pretty cool the greatest challenger along with the most powerful pokémon is that it now you're really getting me excited come on think let's make this a final match they'll go down a glorious history no a match that will change galore forever meaning with the new champion oh he's got the pose and the crowd goes wild but here we go Oh does he have a certain like you know most of them have a certain type like a predominant type like right on with Dragons eye I would expect the champion probably has a fairly balanced team is it really happening oh you threw it off yes the battle has begun for real guys here we go all right so I put super just because that's my starter I feel like I should okay aegislash is actually nothing I don't have a type advantage okay it's one of the duties of the champion of the crowd have fired up so I [Music] yeah I don't have a type advantage here now I could Juden we're matt wow he's level 62 so we're matched in levels I'm gonna let see hydropump we just learned this it better hit oh dude really doesn't waste okay so there goes that one if it was gonna hit and it would have it okay I wished that one would have missed our let's try again okay there we go hit let's see we got come on it's probably not enough to one shot nope okay stance changed okay cool okay wow this is a tough move dude yes all right sue you got to go first and then we'll start making good decisions don't miss don't miss come on come on yes that's what we needed critical at the right time a critical hit ha pretty good challenger why thank you thank you all right first one down five to go and I assume it's just gonna get much 3,000 XP go sue drag a pole okay so alright yeah we're definitely switching now you're okay this is Wow we got two dragon moves wait who else has dragon oh yeah Draco meteor let's go sue I'm not sue MC Hammer we're gonna go with Draco meteor here uh uh uh I hope you're quick enough because if he gets a drag and move off first okay I'm level 70 though so I've got an advantage level 62 all right Addison I've never seen it I actually have never seen that pokémon before for whatever reason at least in this game and like I assumed it was dragon cuz drag uphold right it is right uh-oh alright that's what I was worried about going slow look he loves his shadow ball that move is so strong all right you got to get this up what no oh this could go badly I mean I got to go I got to make the move right yeah I got to do it come on come on oh dude it's gonna knock me out cuz my special defense fell didn't it all right all right what we got let's bring a Turnitin man look at that already man MC Hammer failed didn't get a move off one I think the single move would have done it let's dude Rhett wait what let me see the move info I don't even know 185 I want to save this because when he Giganta maxes what is it mrs. Charizard right isn't that his like starter favorite we want this move and I don't ya see twice to damage the targets diner so we want we want nah let's do it let's do it dynamaxx cannon yo come on this thing is so fast alright you got it you got it come on aiming for super effective the shirt by yeah I'm about to let's see if we can oh no dude are you kidding me alright at least I got the move off yeah dude I've seen this move in the and the raid battles before come on one shot yes yes that's what we needed a super effective hit I'd expect nothing less from your team yeah I know all right that thing that's quick dude all right yep look at that XP almost 4,000 okay yeah we needed that the black sludge is useful okay Haxorus let's stay in but like the paralysis could become a problem but do I hold on like I'm gonna go dragon pulse I think I can still one-shot this thing oh okay ah bro that really puts a damper on my plans all right let's try this this is um yeah we're gonna try the ice move and see if we can get it off first cuz Sue's quick it's just if I don't one shot which I don't know if I can like he's gonna knock me out but this will do well this would probably get it down 75% okay eighty almost ninety percent yeah outrage I'm done okay that's he's gotten three of mine I think I've gotten three of his this battle hey there we go alright he's confused good good good ooh man I I don't want to use Malfoy and and okay let's see what we got what's our best back all right let's um let's go with miss bugs - let's use leech life I mean I don't know it depends like if I get to go more or first let's see oh no we don't want that you kidding me holy cow oh that's not great okay but let's see what this can do that's good I wish the wheel each life could have waited oh geez with the outrage how many people does that thing have watts it almost one shot at miss bugs - and it's not even super effective come on man come on Oh what do I do here okay here's what we're gonna do this is this yes the burn is gonna knock that thing out unless you use another portrait store so here's what we're gonna do we are going to use a max revive on you know yeah I want to give you an I want to give MC Hammer another chance so we're gonna use a max revive miss bug sash you're gonna get knocked out but I think it'll be worth it [Applause] the thing is come on ko ko ah dude Oh what do I do now okay I don't think he can to one hit ko so yeah we're gonna do this we're gonna let now I know I can't out speed it so what I'm gonna do what am I gonna do you know what yeah you know we're gonna do we're gonna use another Mac's revived on eternities yeah cuz that's what I'm trying to do because we're gonna need that I think against against his uh okay so outraged it's gonna hit me it's gonna hurt that wasn't bad that wasn't bad at all I thought it would have been way worse there we go it knocked it well didn't knock itself out the burn took it out ooh lucky the flame body man that that helped all right there we go 5000 XP sorry sue you didn't get any of that okay all right right fury ER hey who's got anybody has oh I do I do I was good no but it takes two moves though I think I can manage it I think I think I'm gonna stick with it wait yeah let's let's just stick with it let's cross our fingers for spit solarbeam that we can withstand rhyperior for one round and then get the solar beam off man oh oh yeah yeah okay uh but like if I had if sue was up we would have been great with hydro cannon oh jeez dude dude - eh yes MC Hammer with the solar babe you're going down buddy one-hit ko it has - yes yes - HB wolf that was lucky super lucky well done ah okay here we go wait wait he is really boom as a starter so wait like I thought oh yes do it baby let's go Stella so you know you would assume that this is gonna be his Dynomax Pokemon but since he's got that Charizard that he's always traveling around with I'm pretty sure that's gonna be his Giganta Max or but this is his gen8 starter I guess almost 64 dude I think oh I'm five levels under all right sludge wave come on stab super effective strong though ah man I was really if I we were matched levels don't we - our Wow see if we were matched levels I would have done that to him unfortunately that is not the case dude oh I should have oh my goodness I forgot that eternities is poison and and that the Wits cross poison I don't even know this move ah I'm not sure that would have knocked it out anyway whatever let's swap yeah I might've though huh and I don't know if return of this is faster we're gonna find out right now let's see all right cross poison yeah I might've I don't know though that went really slow I'm not sure that was longer okay boom didn't get a lot of XP out of that all right so here we go Charizard will I switch my Pokemon no no we're gonna keep our Pokemon I'm not finished having a champion time here and I won't let anyone else finish it for me now we cannot yes okay so we cannot Dynomax but I am 99% sure he's gonna die no maxius so this is what we want right so this wait so let's look at this move so it's a hundred power but when it's Dyna maxed 200 so let's see what Dynomax yeah yeah Dyna nice Canton cannon can do to a gigantic axed Charizard from the champion now he's got a five level advantage on me too I probably shouldn't trained up my well not even trained up I could have used some some candies yeah dude look at that thing I love like that the the the wings of flame it's amazing wait wait whoa how come he's going first okay okay we're good let's see come on come on come on let's see this move dude do it do it no wait you got a one shot I don't know if we can do that is not good okay but we can to hit oh yes yes I forgot about the shell bail dude or black sludge yes if he hits us again even with a super effective we're okay go ahead I can stand that it hurts but it's fine but you can't stand this can you alright if it happens we're gonna do something here let's see alright ready alright that's it right we won yeah okay so that's it okay hold on a second now I know like you gotta wide so in that battle guys we did not use Malfoy Draco vish for even one Pokemon so now I'm gonna go ahead and soft reset yep and we're gonna go back into it and only we're gonna start with Draco vish and I'm gonna try and sweep him with Draco vish every single one of his Pokemon all right let's get him up front dude Malfoy are you ready for this buddy you've been training your whole life for this here we go like that alright here we go all right here we go Draco or mouth flight you have chained your I've trained you your whole life for this it's better perform now okay wait wait before I do anything because actually yeah you know what wait wait wait who the smite who I don't know how this is gonna work okay so what I want to do have any expert act I do yeah all right so we're gonna use this because if I hit him because he's gonna use that protect move right I think yeah okay so that would have decreased my attack anyway so now but I don't know if everything as long as I go first in this turn okay should still knock him out with one hit right yeah all right there we go now I didn't see I was worried about that lowering my taxed at all right there we go okay no no no learning moves right now okay she's happy with the moveset no no we can always learn that later let's let's focus here let's focus we have a Haxorus to deal with uh keep um I'm kind of worried about this one is this the fast one no the next one's the fast one the Haxorus law do you got it oh dude not effective all right we've got a level advantage so it could be okay come on you've got a one-shot do because if you don't yeah that's what I'm talking about yeah all right OH - now here's here's where I'm worried cuz this dragged a pole uh keep this dragon ball was really fast last time if he goes first I don't think I can one-shot if I go first definitely can one-shot let's see here we go no oh come on come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is a not effect is the opposite of that dude come on Oh what shot at it even without going first I still one shot at the drag of bull okay we're three for three although it's not a flawless victory we did get hit what's next right barrier okay no we will stay in again we should be okay here all right here we go come on vicious friend I'm definitely faster there we go I'm not even worried if I go first he's done yes there we go one shot at another one come on dude cuz you saw what happened last time I had to like I had to do I had to what revive like three of my Pokemon almost all of mine were out real a boom no no I think I'll stay we'll just keep spamming vicious friend so the only one we really had trouble with assuming I'm faster which I am probably yep I am uh it was come on yeah there it is even though it's not a bet still moot as long as you go first even when I didn't go first it was still super powerful I just didn't get the twice banned boost or actually fishes rend itself gives of this to if you go first so even though I missed out on those still doing it oh my goodness so you guys ready to see whether or not vicious friend can one-hit ko a gigantic max Charizard from the champion there we go fish is red so you know I mean you can see in the PP also we've got we've got we'll be down to four PP left which means six moves six Pokemon hopefully please don't let me down come on Malfoy you can do this oneness shot the entire team here we go I know it's big new but you can do it we one-shotted the champions entire team you're the one move on one Pokemon now boy is the nbv I just wanted to see how strong you guys we beat it legit before guys I just wanted to see if I could do it or if Malfoy could do it and sure enough yeah you let her do everything for some walking shakopee yeah my time is champion is over but what a champion time has been thank you for the greatest battle really did you see what happening oh yes mouthful you rock dude ha that was awesome so yeah that pokemons pretty oh babe oh it's like black screen for like an hour uh what you got there that in that in that ultra ball bro huh Munchlax are you doing what you doing what you doing are you doing congratulations think thank you you beat even the unbeatable champion making the new champion of the region I'd beat you in one Pokemon if you have a first-rate trainer alright I offer you my heartfelt congratulations and now that you've grown so strong perhaps it's time I started looking ahead myself are you gonna like it's time we adults started working on improving the here and now for the sake of all this to come are you gonna take over as a chairman and you think what you ought to do now hang up but believe in yourself in your partner pokemon i keep on blasting ahead it's booty in order to create that bright future for all of us to have people --gel our here you have it a new legend born right before in your eyes your champion think and Malfoy bet you can't wait to see what kind of a future this kid a kid with this kind of strength might bring about I sure can't let's watch and see what he can do hey winner winner chicken dinner yeah there it is the end credits yeah it's dude it's like showing all of my pocket well okay now not all my but yeah okay that's a man of course it is so there it is guys the end of the storyline now of course we can capture the legendary one of the legendaries we go back to the slumbering Weald I think we can people have been telling me I can get a gigantic max Charizard what else come I mean obviously fill up our pokedex a lot of things we can do and we'll do if you guys want to see me continue playing this I managed I enjoyed the storyline but there's a lot more to the game of course also the DLC so if you guys enjoyed the series thank you so much for watching it and like sticking around even though it took me a little longer then it took all of you I do appreciate you guys watching giving me encouragement advice everything and I hope maybe you learned a thing or two about how awesome Draco vicious so guys that's it for this video and of course there'll be another one coming up right after this in a couple of days probably I can't seem to end the credits well anyway I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course [Music]
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 1,066,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, no cursing, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, thinknoodles pokemon, nintendo switch, pokemon switch, galar, gen 8, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, galar region, dracovish, pokemon dracovish, leon, champion
Id: d8wsNrZOiXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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