Can You Beat Pokemon Sword and Shield Using Only A SNOM?

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can you beat Pokemon sword and Pokemon shield using only a snob hi i'm mike pokey tips mike and this is part 2 of the journey of nam she's an adorable little snom that believes she could beat pokemon sword and shield all by herself without any other pokemon for help she's had a pretty tough journey so far like struggling against random trainers on route 3 and barely just barely scraping her away by to get her first three gym badges and with our first three gym badges down today we're continuing our adventure back where she left off in moto stoke now after defeating Kabu he comes after me with Nessa and Milo as well I just can't get away from this guy buddy it's nice and saves me a little victory song Kabu that still doesn't change anything I still hate you nam and I travel through the wild area to make it to the next city hammerlock where you'd think I'd be able to fight another gym leader but surprise the gym leader ryan tells me i'm too weak to challenge him and instead i end up looking at some paintings also these people on the wall are supposed to be young but i swear they look like they're in their mid-40s well anyway after that whole little hammerlock detour it's finally time to start making progress and going to the next gym so we go onto route 6 but we immediately get stopped because one lady demands that she shows us her super cute Pokemon I don't really have much of a choice so we go ahead and battle and she sends out a Clefairy I guess it is kind of cute but not as cute as snob what's not cute though is the move that it knows it goes for metronome and we all know metronome is a very fun move but it can be terrifying but it's all cool because she gets gravity which doesn't do any damage and we're able to knock her out pretty easily but next up comes the big bad clefable who wags its finger and gets incinerate out of all the moves that could get sick again splash I could get tackle it gets incinerates oh I thought we let the fire gym back in moto Stoke I guess not the next battle goes a little bit better although she does get some crazy moves like volt tackle I didn't know I was playing a randomizer but I guess I am here after that I really don't want to fight any more trainers so I try my best to skip every trainer on route 6 except once again and there's another mandatory trainer battle I can't skip and I really wish I could skip this one because I don't like the way that guy looks at me anyway we get into a battle against artist Duncan who actually looks like he's sculpting something pretty cool I think that's supposed to be a Pikachu which is pretty impressive since he doesn't have a Pikachu on his team he must be sculpting it from memory well my guy with the crazy eye starts things off with a coughing which goes down pretty easily at rice throwing some smoke at me but snob doesn't care knocks it out with two powder snows but then comes out the sculptors Pokemon sudowoodo sudowoodo is no big deal right it's a weak tree Pokemon so we try going for bud buzz but I guess that smokescreen did impact us after all and we missed sudowoodo on the other hands nose rockslide and Down Goes Nam I lost to this guy over and over and over again and I was starting to look as crazy as he does the annoying thing was even in the battle of I'm able to get a bug buzz off on the sudowoodo its ability sturdy lets it survive a one-hit ko and that it immediately comes right back and kills me with rockslide so eventually after losing quite a few battles I got pretty lucky since Nam is faster than sudowoodo I decided to try the love strategy using a track to make sudowoodo fall in love with me we went for attract and sudowoodo was immobilized by love the next turn I went for powder snow hoping they would get that 10% freeze chance but it didn't happen that's okay though because sudowoodo was so deeply in love with Nam that it didn't want to harm her at all but then we reminded sudowoodo that love can hurt sometimes we bug buzz ditz and we knocked it out well after struggling so much on Route six we finally made our way off of it and eventually made it to snow on side where a child is getting abducted by a bronzong while adults happily laugh in the background I tried to tell hop about it but he just wants to battle me and right away trouble he sends out acremant and I try showing it my love with attract but it hides under water but when it comes back up it falls in love with me then the next turn I hit it with the bug buzzes but it froze a fish at me love is tough that Kremers gets immobilized twice and I'm able to knock it out eventually with bug buzz next up is the and we all know how that one goes it dies pretty easily as well third he sends out a toxin which is new and adorable I love toxin one of my favorite Pokemon and sword and shield but I'm not really a big fan of the move it used on me nuzzle it doesn't really do that much damage but it paralyzes me which can be annoying either way though it dies in one hit and then finally his last Pokemon is silly Cobra probably my favorite name and all of sword and shields it goes for dig and I get fully paralyzed as I try hitting with bug buzz the next turn it pops out of the ground and bashes me with the dig but we actually survived with 21 HP because luckily nom does resist it and nom the monster knocks it out in one hits after all those recent battles it was nice to finally have something go my way now it's finally time for Alistar the fourth gym leader and his pinball machine of doom and honestly this gym is one of my favorites in all of swords shield it's really crazy to just take a look at this and see how the Pokemon games have grown over the last 20 years this was a ghost gym 20 years ago and this is a ghost gym today there's also a pretty big difficulty difference because when I tried fighting Morty's gym I wasn't using a snob now going into this gym battle I'm already at a pretty big disadvantage because ghost was this bug which means I won't be able to use my strongest move bug buzz and I'll mainly have to use powder snow which at this point in the game is kind of lackluster with its base 40 power so that's exactly what I try to do against his first Pokemon the gallery' Enya mask I try going for powder snow and it goes off but immediately after that he disables it so I can't even use my neutral move anymore luckily for me though a bud buzz easily takes it out now comes the next pokemon curse Allah I'm a little spooked by this one because it has an insanely high base Special Attack stat so I don't first struggle bug to try to lower it but it goes for something even worse curse worst curse but anyway this is awful for me because it limits my life now I'm gonna be taking damage every single turn well with that limit I figure now is a better time than ever to go ahead and Dynomax so I do that and go for the max hailstorm which conveniently still works even though my base powder snow move is disabled and we get the nice chaos but when he sends out his third Pokemon mimic you I immediately regret Dynomax aim because its ability disguise automatically eats up one of my attacks and basically wastes a turn of my Dynomax on my last Dynomax turn I try going for max hailstorm again which does do a lot of damage but he keeps setting up on me with that hone clause and here unfortunately the Dynomax ends and my health is not looking too good and apparently mimic you think so too because it goes for slash gets a critical hit for good measure and takes me out of the battle why is every battle so tough with snom y so yeah that battle was looking like a mess and obviously we're gonna need to do some work here we didn't even get to his final Pokemon now again I could over level or it could be a filthy cheater and use those X items again like I did with Kabu but for the rest of this run I'm gonna try to avoid using potions or X items anything like that in battle to try to keep this as difficult as possible so we're ruling those out now and since I also don't want to level up crazy high that means we're gonna need to do some strategy work here and I figure now is a better time than ever to go ahead and actually Eevee train Nam by doing this I'm able to boost up a few of NAM stats so I choose to evey trade it in HP so it could survive a little bit more and special attack so my attacks actually do some damage now this was definitely something very different for me because I've never had two Eevee train a Pokemon to beat in-game trainers before but I've also never attempted to beat a game using just a snub before so I guess there's a first time for everything that's not all there's also a few more things I'm gonna need to get here first I'm gonna grab the TM for protect which I could just buy from an NPC and basically this is gonna help me survive against the Giganta max Gengar and second even with my Eevee training I feel like I'm still not gonna do enough damage so I wanted to seek out the item that never melt ice just like the silk powder I got last time if this item boosts the power of ice type moves by a little bit and since I'm mainly going to be using the weak powder snow in this gym I'm definitely gonna want that item the only problem is it's kind of annoying to get this early on in the game there's a very small chance that the bargain shop guy in Stowe on side will sell it to you but his inventory changes every single day so it might take me a while to be able to buy it from him the Pokemon vanillite has a 5% chance of holding and never melt ice when you encounter in the wild so me being the crazy person I am I decided to go to the wild area and catch as many food no light as it takes to get one of these never melt ices and I actually get pretty lucky I think it only takes me about six vanillite's to actually obtain this item so it wasn't too bad and while I was in the wild area I also decided to level up just a little bit more so now with all this stuff were ready to go fight Alistar and get our fourth gym badge and let me tell you the gym battle was so good that I can't even show it to you because I lost the footage turns out when you record a snom adventure over a few months and make plenty of videos in between you end up losing some footage it's kind of annoying because even though I had worked on this video for a few months I still have footage from the rest of the adventure this was the only thing that went missing all I remember out this battle though was it was insanely close I think in the end we were just a few HP away from dying after defeating Alistar getting my shiny new fourth gym badge I go up some stairs and run to be dead of all people and he's up to something a little weird so he's got chairman roses kapa Rajah and he's using it to destroy a mural I get that he's looking for wishing stars but really buddy I don't think the way to find them is to go around the destroy public property so when I catch him he turns around that immediately challenges me to a battle probably to silence me but in the end he gets silence because once again bead is so free his team of psychic pokémon don't hold a candle to snob and we easily win that battle after the battle is over chairman rose pops up and banishes beed from the championship and beat axe all surprised like he wasn't expecting that to happen well they walk away the mural collapses we see some legendary Pokemon statues behind it and next thing you know I'm running through glenwood tangle and moving on to the next town balloon lay now balloon lay this is a town I've been looking forward to getting to forever first off it has the fifth gym leader opal so obviously we'll need to fight her to get our gym badge but more importantly there's a trainer in this town who gives me an incredible item so as soon as I get here I walk into a house and go talk to Pokemon breeder Elena who knows the secret of making pokemons strong without evolving them but despite her claims her dot ler goes down in two hits when I battle it with snom but anyway after the battle she gives me the amazing item what are the most important items in this whole entire run the evo light and let me tell you why this is so good so you take this evo light right and you give it to your pokemon and when your pokemon isn't evolved it boosts its defenses both physical and special defense by 50% so you know how sanam likes to die pretty easily because it's a snub well this is gonna help it survive and hopefully make my life much easier so now being Eevee trained having the Evo lights I'm ready to go and fight the fifth gym and this is another one I love I love the whole game show theme it really makes me feel like I'm a contestant on some super famous show like usual the gym trainers are pretty easy although there was one pretty funny battle against gym trainer annex where Nam just managed to freeze both of her Pokemon with powder snow that's a 10% chance and it happened twice snom wasn't playing around here it was ready for its next gym badge and ready we were we jumped into the gym battle against Gym Leader opal and immediately a 20 level difference between Nam and hurdle Aryan wheezing naturally the wheezing is faster than Nam and it goes for sludge and here we can really see the power of the Evo light in action sure sludge isn't the strongest move but it only did 12 damage to Nam that's fantastic we go for powder snow and it's not really doing as much damage as it would like it looks like it's gonna be a three hit ko but I guess she heard me complaining about speed a little bit because right away she jumped into a question because this is the quiz gym and asked me if I knew her nickname now I really don't know her nickname but the wizard sounds cooler than the magic-user so I got the question right and she raised my speed with that speed boost were actually able to out speed the wheezing we get off another powder snow but it doesn't kill and wheezing decides to go for tackle this wheezing is on the fifth Gym Leaders team and for some reason it's still nose tackle get that thing out of here out comes pokemon number two a Togekiss and this Togekiss is scary it happens too though the move ancient power and if you remember my struggle ensued a few minutes ago we don't do too well against rock-type moves so I decide right here right away to go for Dynomax and give myself that super advantage and once again even with the speed boost the Togekiss is faster than me however on the right side of things ancient power really doesn't do that much damage to us but it does give Togekiss that massive stat boost for every single stats this could be annoying but nam says i got you fam and it goes for max hailstorm gets a crit which ignores the stat boosts and one-hit ko is the Togekiss her third pokémon is Maul while it tries to intimidate me but I'm a Giants nom so really who's gonna get intimidated here and now it's time for her second question she asked me what her favorite color is and looking at her you would think it's pink but since this isn't my first playthrough through sword and shield I knew the right answer was purple and forgetting the question right she raised both my defense stats which is awesome were able the two hit ko the mall while with no problem at all and now comes out her ace Pokemon all creamy and what's annoying is she has her Giganta max left but I already used up my Dynomax that's the one bad thing about using it so early on in battle so she gets big and goes for Giganta max finale which does 12 damage it would probably do a lot more but she boost up my defense a few turns ago so thank you meanwhile I'm over here and powder snow is doing no damage at all I'm starting to get a little worried here but then she asks me another question and this time it's how old is she now I think everybody knows when a lady asks you never tell her her real age so I tell her she looks like she's 16 and she gives me a nice little stat boost for that so at this point she's pretty much raised all of my stats and snow actually is pretty strong now on her last Giganta max turn I go for protect and while it doesn't fully protect me from her max move we do only take three damage and now there Giganta max is over and she's just a tiny little all creamy and snom stats are boosted up super high it just takes a few turns of powder snow and we're able to knock her out and get the fifth gym badge now that was a wonderful gym so with five gym badges it's time to go to sir Chester but it's gonna take us a long time to get there as soon as I leave the fifth Jim opal pops up again and she actually wants to go to hammerlock with me it's nice to travel with company sometimes and when we get to hammerlock we see my favorite scene in the whole entire game with bead I love how opal just goes crazy when she sees in pink pink and pink well shortly after that an explosion happens and Leon and Sonya decide to deal with it assuming they could find the way of course cos Leon his pants with directions after those fun little cutscenes we could finally make our way over to Route 7 to go to sir Chester but hop pops up again and of course he wants to battle and this is going to be a battle hop starting to become a pretty serious pokemon trainer here he has five Pokemon this time around and leads off with the trevenant who I think looks really good with sword and shields graphics trevenant noise for confuse ray but snob doesn't care and lands a nice bug buzz which also gets the special defense drop good job nom well trevenant unfortunately lives in the red zone and hop decides to heal him up here but since we got that special defense drop last turn a bug buzz easily wipes mounts now here comes the second Pokemon a heat more which is annoying you know we don't do well against fire types well of course you know heat more has to be faster than Nam even though we're 22 levels higher than it and it goes for fire lash and you would think you know we're 22 levels higher than it we have the Evo Lite we could take this well rights no it brings us down from full health 220 HP well I figured this thing might be annoying so I went for a tracked with Nam and now this thing is in love with me and of course a love is too powerful first turn this thing gets immobilized and decides you know what we're not attacking today Nam on the other hands takes that opportunity to go for a nice powerful bug buzz and nearly knocks it out we got a very powerful critical hits and if only it did a little bit more we were taking it out right there next turn heat Mors and love again but this time a love doesn't blind that heat more and it goes for a bug bite and snom let me tell you this hop battle right here was the bane of my existence oh well since fire lash seems to be the main problem I decided to give snom the acha berry which reduces damage from super effective fire type attacks but even with that berry we can't win against heat more so once again we are getting walled by a fire type Pokemon the evo light isn't helping acha berries aren't helping so I decide here to level up a little bit more and buy a little bit more I mean going up to level 73 now good news is we can one-hit ko the trevenant but the heat more still is so annoying why is this thing so strong after trying to just brute-force this thing and maybe get lucky get a nice crit get lucky with love about 15 attempts in I realized it's just not going to work so I came up with a new strategy let's go back to the Glenwood tangle and grab the item the bright powder now this is a pretty silly item I give it to Nam to hold and it basically decreases my opponent's accuracy usually fire lash is a 100% accurate move under normal circumstances it's never going to miss but now that I'm holding this item it turns into a 90% accurate move so the majority of the time it's gonna hit me but now we have a 1 and a 10 chance of just dodging it now even with this strategy things took a long time about 50 battles later I finally got the luck that I wanted and I'm not exaggerating at all by 50 battles there were so many things that could go wrong in this fight even at level 73 trevenant outspeeds me so it can go for confuse ray and if I get unlucky it'll just mess me up right there and then one of enough HP to get through the battle it could also go for shadow claw get a critical hit with it's boosted crit rates do a lot of damage to me and once again I won't have enough HP to get through the battle but finally so many runs in I finally got one that works the trevenant confused me but Nam didn't care and knocked it out in one hits then next up hop sent out that evil heat more of his but due to my break powder it missed the fire lash and since it missed we were able to go for bug buzz our strongest move against this thing but buzz doesn't quite kill it gets in the redzone but it doesn't kill luckily for us though we get the special defense drop and hop uses his next turn to heal up and since he wastes to turn healing with this lower defense we could go for another bug buzz and take him out here finally got past that stupid thing but hop has another deadly Pokemon in this battle his third pokémon is a Snorlax and in a few of my failed attempts where I was actually able to get past the heat more Snorlax usually ended those runs this thing as a killer move set with moves like body slam and heavy slam which is super effective against me and Snorlax is just a bulky pokemon all around so it's pretty annoying to take down but luckily it also has the useless stockpile move on its moveset so if it uses that I'm good now Snorlax is probably the one Pokemon in the game that nom is actually faster than so we go for bug buzz get it into the yellow zone and luckily in this attempt Snorlax went for stock pile and were able to to hit KO it's now his fourth Pokemon which we haven't seen it all yet is Bolton to cute little dog Oh it tries going for crunch and it gets a little bit of damage it even gets that defense drop off on us too but we're able to one-hit ko it with bug buzz so it doesn't really matter and last but not least you all know what's coming the rila boom it tries going for knock off here but we get super lucky and we dodged the attack again - due to the bright powder and were able to one-hit ko it with bug buzz I'm sure watching this successful run right here it didn't look too bad but it took me well over 50 tries to finally beat hop here without going all the way up to level 100 uh I hated this battle so much so glad that it's over so with that annoying battle finally over we're free to go through the little desert and snowy areas where Sonam made a little friend and finally make it to sir Chester now this is another town I've been waiting to get to for the whole entire run because here we can get the best ice type move in the game force nom icy winds now it's not the greatest ice type move ever it only is 55 base power but it's the best ice type move that snom gets other than icicle sphere which I'm not gonna be using because that's a physical move it also has the nice little bonus effect of lowering your opponent's speed which is a nice little plus the only catch here is since I'm playing shield version for me to get this TM I'm gonna have to beat the sixth gym leader Melanie so I've run into the sixth Jim and who do I see there hop but this time he doesn't want to battle and thank goodness cuz that last battle was terrifying but instead he tells me that he actually lost haha so we enter the ice type Jim and this one's pretty typical you have your typical little ice puzzle where if you take the wrong step boom you fall I wonder how this works in universe because it kind of just teleports you back to the beginning of the gym or your special little platform but that just doesn't really make much sense maybe underneath the ice there's a bunch of gallery' and mr. mime using their psychic powers to teleport you when you fall the gym trainers here were pretty uneventful although there was one terrible gym trainer gym trainer Luis who made me do the unthinkable I had to use nom to defeat another snom well eventually after figuring out the gym puzzle I made my way to fight the sixth gym leader Melanie and this battle felt like something straight out of the anime because right away I had to use snom against its evolved form of frost moth now frost moth being the evolved form of snom has much better stacks and a much better move set so you would think that everything would be stacked in frost my favor so frost moth is obviously faster and it goes for bug buzz which barely does anything to nom on the other hand guess what we go for bug buzz and nom shows it where a real bug buzz is like because we won't hit ko the frost moth I guess you don't need to evolve to be strong after all Pokemon number two is gallery' and our mana tan and I'm so happy this is the gala forum because if this was the fire-type we'd be in a lot of trouble here dar man attend taunts me I don't care about that though and once again down-and-outs her second last Pokemon is I skew I like this Pokemon very cute little face and design and since we're near the end here I decide to go for the Dynomax right here right now and take it out with the max flutterby and now it's time for the big bad Lapras which of course she has to Giganta Max and here actually noticed something I didn't know before melanie is married because in the cutscene you could see she actually has a ring on her finger I did a little bit more research and it turns out she has a lot of kin it's one of her songs Gordy is actually the gym leader here in Pokemon sword version if you pay attention to the lore of these games you'd probably already know that but I didn't know that so I found that kind of cool heady way back to the battle jug anthem acts Lapras comes out and it goes for Max Keiser which doesn't do much damage to me at all that Evo light ice scales ability and being Dynomax are all putting in a lot of work here and fortunately her Lapras goes down in a nice easy to hit ko we defeated her got our sixth gym badge and at the end she finally gave me TM 27 icy wind so immediately I taught that over powder snow and now we finally have a decent ice type move everything's looking good to celebrate Sonia invites me and hop to Bob's your uncle the best restaurant in all of the gala region although not really sure what they sell I think it's burgers now after eating a nice meal most normal people would want to go ahead and relax take a little break rest or if you're crazy like me maybe go for a walker or run but hop on the other hand hop wants the battle again didn't we just fight you well the good news here is his team is totally different this time he leads off with a super whoo-whoo-whoo growls at me first the tackling wheezing and now the growling double these are some weird move sets next up is korfin Knight which is a Pokemon I definitely don't want to see but I guess it's better than that heat more now instead of going for its powerful flying-type move first turn instead it decide to taught me with scary face to slow down my already slow pokemon on the bright side we get to test out the new icy wind move which actually does a decent amount of damage looks like it's gonna be a nice to hit ko here but on the next turn this is when the core of Knight remembers hey I'm a flying-type and it goes for drill peck which does about a third of my health not looking too good here at least we hit the icy wind and we take it out Pokemon number 3 is when we saw not too long ago with that Snorlax well since the last time we saw Snorlax it got a few tricks now it's faster than me and it also decides it wants to attack me so it goes for heavy slam which hurts after two heavy slams we are down to 15 HP we just barely knock it out and we get to see hop Cyrilla boom once again who decides to go for the same move it did last time knock off but this time it is I'm not holding the bright powder it does connect with me and it knocks me out dude why does every battle against you have to be so tough well not wanting to get walled by hop again I immediately run it right back I challenge him to a battle once again and this time actually get a little more lucky the double once again doesn't want to attack me and the core of a night this time goes for scary face twice so when I get to the Snorlax this time I'm actually at full health and I'm gonna need it because that Snorlax loves going for heavy slam after two heavy slams this time word about half health which is a lot better than just 15 health and we take out the Snorlax again now going into Rilla boom we have a lot more HP so we can take a knock off ends knock it out with bug buzz and I think hop actually enjoyed that move he told me it's proper the only annoying thing here is since hop used knockoff we're basically fighting the rest of this battle without the Evo lights and that's gonna be a problem against his final Pokemon pen Kirchen so here we are at 47 HP and of course his Pokemon is faster it goes for spark and nam here is hanging on on a tiny thread at 22 HP meanwhile your girl snom knows exactly what to do oh we got lucky there if we got a little unlucky if that Corvin i decide to attack us with drill Peck that would have been another failed attempts now after that fight with my belly still full from Bob's your uncle we make our way on to route 9 where we run into an old friend remember doctor bad posture well he's back team yell is also there screaming at a dreadnought for some reason and after easy battles against the team yell grunts the surgeon upgrades my Rotom bike to actually be able to surf on water I remember when this used to be a glitch back in the gen 3 games I even made a whole video on that but now it's actually a feature it's never gonna not be weird to me to ride your bike on the water will I ride my bike through the water and eventually make my way to land where I see a giant anchor walking around in the grass these games are so weird but even weirder than that I run into a big crowd of people that are staring at the closed off entrance to spike moth quite a few of them are gym challengers that want to go there to get seventh gym badge but they can't quite get in but don't worry Marty's here and knows a secret way to get into the town which involves literally just walking around the fence below the gates there's a crowd of four people standing there and none of them thought to go this way okay well since Marty thinks I couldn't have found this entrance on my own she demands a payment for her guide services and that payments a Pokemon battle but since her team is full of dark type Pokemon in which snom has an advantage over it's a super easy battle for us and just like that we're in spike moth where we could challenge our seventh gym but my friends we have a problem I tried talking to the team yell guy to start my gym challenge and he tells me I can't enter the challenge with only one Pokemon so can you beat pokemon sword and shield using only once num no challenge over we fail it would be nice if the challenge ended here would save me a lot of editing but no I go into the box and grab a score bunny my little starter and just throw them on the team right now so I could enter the gym challenge snom easily makes quick work of the first few grunts in the gym and after just a few battles because the exp share my score bunny keeps trying to evolve it I'm just thinking this shouldn't be happening but again I'm not using the score bunny so it's all good but really this gym feels like a circus you've got people jumping out of windows doing backflips and all sort of crazy stuff instead of battling these guys should have literally just been performers they would have been pretty successful but battling wise they were all super easy to beat and now finally it's time to challenge gym leader piers my mentality going into this fight was this is going to be the easiest fight in the whole entire game bug is good against dark so we shouldn't have a problem here we had the Evo lights so we're super tanky and snom is pretty high leveled so I don't see what could go wrong here also there's no Dynomax err Giganta max at the end of the battle so I don't have to worry about that either so we start battling against Gym Leader peers who don't really seem like he wants to be battling he seems like he wants to be more of a singer well anyway he sings his way in descending out of scrap d as his first Pokemon and it seems like everybody has a scrap T in this game now turn one it goes for fake out to get a little bit of damage off on me and the annoying thing about this is I flinch turn - it goes force and attack don't really like that cuz I don't want to be missing but luckily we hit it with a bug buzz which puts it in the red zone next turn it goes from brick brave to get a little bit of damage off on us and we finish it off with an icy wind Pokemon number two is malamar which is something we're super good against because both of its typing dark and psychic are weak to bug unfortunately though of course malamar is faster than us so it goes for night slash gets a little bit of damage off on us before we take it out now his third Pokemon is the big bad obstacle and honestly against this thing I would like to be at higher health but I feel like we're doing okay we're still in a little bit above half it wastes the first turn of the battle by using obstructs which is fine since we only use special attacks but now the next turn obstacle goes for a throat shop decently strong dark type move and brings me down to 67 HP not so good but not to worry bug buzz will easily take it out right well not exactly I got a weird message on my screen saying that throat shop prevents the usage of certain types of moves that's a little weird whatever I'll just try to do it again so I try to select bug buzz to take out the obstacle but once again that message pops up it turns out that move throat shop prevents me from using sound moves for two turns and it just so happens that bug buzz happens to be a sound move I didn't realize this going into the battle I didn't look up his team at all so now we're a bad situation we basically just wasted a turn we're low health and with my current move set I have nothing that's super effective against this obstacle so now I'm forced to go for icy wind which does nothing at all and this obstacle takes me out I can't believe this guy literally has the counter to bug buzz on his team that's so ridiculous so to beat this guy I actually have to go back to the movie learner and reteach struggle bug to numb it really seems like every move that Nam learns has a purpose somewhere in the game so we go back in to fight peers once again and this time I feel ready I feel confident I know he's got that chop coming and I'm ready to take out that obstacle but we start running into some trouble with thus crafty remember a sand attack yeah it really likes going for that move and I start to miss everything because of it we actually end up dying to the malamar from a critical hit because I just kept missing bug buzz all my goodness that battle was awful on my third battle I decided to switch away from the Evo lights and switch back to the silver powder item because it seems to me like if I just did a little bit more damage with bug buzz I'd be able to stop thus crafty from using so many sand attacks and maybe take the opposite of goon out sooner with struggle bugs since it's significantly weaker than bug buds and that strategy actually works really really well for me I was able to knock out his first three Pokemon with relative ease and I got to his final Pokemon the skunk tank I hit him once with struggle bug and almost knocked him out and all it takes here is one more struggle bug and I'll get the badge I missed so since I'm running into a problem where with the Evo Lite I'm not doing enough damage but with the silver powder I die too easily I decide to train up a few more levels until level 82 so at level 82 I go back to the gym again hoping this is what I need to push me over the edge and get me that gym badge I also swapped back to the Evo Lite here cuz I figured that leveling up would make me do a little bit more damage and more bulk is always good and just like before we were able to get through his first three Pokemon with relative ease and I say relative ease because we're only at 43 HP when we're going up against his final pokemon that scum tank but I guess it's better than what we were at before now since this is his last Pokemon and we're at such low health I don't want to take any chances here I want to use my full powered move but again that obstacle always loves to go for throat chop and disables my bug buzz luckily though throat shop only blocks sound based moves for two turns and one of those turns was already used up fighting against the obstacle so now we just need to burn 1 turn fighting against this skunk tank which is pretty easy to do thanks to protects so I go for protect and skunk tank tries going for Sucker Punch which wouldn't have worked anyway since we didn't use a non damaging move and thankfully we get access to bug buzz again so I go for bug buzz but that skunk tank goes for Sucker Punch which always goes first and we survived with 7 HP now it all comes down to this Ken bug buzz one-hit ko the skunk tank yes it can whoa there we go gym badge number 7 is ours and those levels really mattered there if we hadn't level off a few more times we were done of that enough HP to be able to survive that sucker punch in the end and we would have had to try over and over and over again well we're always looking ahead so now it's time for the final gym badge but before I could go get my final gym badge the earth starts shaking but Leon says don't worry about it keep your eyes on the prize and go fight right on I don't know dude Pokemon are taina maxing out of nowhere and the earth is shaking but okay y'all go fight the 8th gym leader so I go to the hammerlock stadium change into my outfits and they send me into the vault I really don't understand the point of this I have to to the stadium and then when I get there they tell me the challenges have actually here it's in the vault so go to the vault what was the point of going to the stadium now I was not looking forward to this gym at all because this is another one of those double battle only zones so once again I need to have two Pokemon on the team to come here so I have to keep rabbits on my team again they literally won't let me fight it with only one Pokemon on my team now since I'm forced to use a Pokemon on my team every single battle I'm gonna be super crazy and have that Pokemon the rabbit in this case attack my sanam every single turn because I really want to do this with only slum if they forced me to bring an extra Pokemon in there it's not gonna be on my side so this gym starts off just as well as you'd probably think it would gym trainer Camilla is a nightmare for me because she leads off with the nine tails and atherton eight or great to fire type Pokemon it can't get worse than that right no it can because nine tails has the drought ability which makes those fire type moves even stronger well it's a good thing we have struggle bug it'd be a struggle bug not only does it hit both Pokemon but it also will lower the special attack of both of them so this could come in pretty handy here so turn one I try going for struggle bug but nine tails of course is way faster than me and it goes for flamethrower does about half of my health and burns me nope not having it I quit right there that bad it was not gonna go well I tried battling her a few times but to no avail so eventually I decided to train up to level 90 Wow we're almost at the level cap at level 90 I finally got a good battle in the strategy is the same here gopher struggle bug and hope that we lower their special attacks before they do a lot of damage to us her tirta dater goes for shell trap which luckily for me doesn't do diddly squat to snob as long as I don't hit it with a physical attack and the ninetails goes for will-o-wisp which burns me but that's okay at least it's not a burn with a crazy amount of damage - oh and rabbit who's supposed to be on my side goes for tackle on myself and gets a crit anyway we get off the struggle bug and you can see that does nothing at least it helps us survive a little bit the next turn nine tails decides to attack me and goes for that powerful Sun boosted flamethrower but since this special attack is lowered we only go down to 147 health which is okay we can survive we get another struggle bug off which brings both of her Pokemon down to about half of their health and tort inator this time actually decides to go for an attack and uses rock tomb another one of those double super effective moves and now things are not looking too good after the burn damage we're down to 81 HP and it's not looking like struggle bug is gonna kill either of her Pokemon this turn so since I no struggle bug won't knock out either 4 Pokemon I change up my strategy here and decide to go for bug buzz on the ninetails which seems like it's doing more damage overall luckily this turned her turtle decides to be useless and go for shell trap again and the ninetails thankfully goes for flamethrower on rat boots so after taking a little bit more tackle damage from our own rat boot were able to knock out the ninetails with bug buzz and once again the next turn the turtle decides be useless again some were able to take that one out easily with bug buzz as well another really lucky battle if that torta later decide to go for rock to a little bit more we would have definitely lost cuz our HP was getting super low thankfully the rest of the gym trainers were pretty easy so now it's time to challenge ride on but we're not fighting him in the vault we have to go back to the stadium again what's the whole point of this why couldn't we just do all of battles in the stadium so this is it the final gym leader champion Leon's rival so you know this is gonna be a tough battle and just like his gym trainers this is going to be a double battle a 2v1 plus the rabbit that's he'll be attacking me and Ryan sends out some pretty heavy hitters he leads off with a giggle ahthe and a Flygon and even though nom is almost twice their levels I'm pretty scared of this because both of his Pokemon are gonna be going for numb to make matters worse that giggle it is gonna be setting up a sandstorm which does a little bit of damage to me every turn and also boosts the special defenses of rock-type pokémon which is gonna make this slightly more annoying for me now the nice thing about this though is I see wind hits both of his Pokemon at the same time so I decide to go for icy wind especially since it's very super effective ances Flygon but before i get the chance to do that his Flygon hits me with the braking swipe it does 30 damage on the dot so I'm not really too worried about that red boots those 4 tackle once again and finally nam gets the chance to icy wind this pokemon the Flygon gets taken out immediate it's a one-hit ko but that giggle Athan the other hand is still in the green honestly things aren't looking too bad until the giggle it decides to go for rock blast and it hits me once hits me twice and stops there but even only hitting two times out of the maximum five that it can hit that did so much damage and at this point the battle really feels like it's over but I'm not giving up just yet next up comes Santa Conda I'm not too worried about that I need to take out the gig lifts right away cuz I know another rock blast is gonna kill me so I decided to go for bug buzz but before I even get a chance to fire my move off that's Santa Conda you know I just said I wasn't worried about it two seconds ago it goes for fire Fang and knocks out snom man this guy's team seems like it's set up specifically to take out snom we've got to deal with super effective fire and rock moves and he gets to 2v1 me every time it's gonna be rough well you know me I don't give up too easily so we're gonna jump right back into this battle and try a little bit of a different strategy this time I don't really think the Flygon is too much of a threat so i Dynomax right away and go for my strongest move max flutterby on the giggle if we actually one-hit ko it so we're off to a pretty good starts in comes the Santa Conda and I decide to go from max hailstorm on it to change the weather and knock it out but before I get the chance to fire off my attacks and akanda goes for glare and paralyzes me normally no big deal but I get fully paralyzed on the first turn that's awfully literally just wasted to turn my Dynomax and we missed out on a very crucial KO here now the next turn both of his Pokemon gang up on nom Flygon actually knows steel wing which is super effective against me I'm surprised it didn't do that before and Santa Conda goes for the fire Fang since we're Dynomax were still in the green after taking both those hits and were able to fire off a max hailstorm and knock out the Santa Conda but the bad thing is my Dynomax is gonna be up after this turn is over and also here's something a little silly so my max hailstorm changes the weather the hail writes nope Santa conda's ability Sandspit makes it go right back to the sandstorm I can't even change the weather in this battle so my Dynomax ends and we're at about half health now he sent out his final Pokemon the dural but remember that fly guns still there so it's still an annoying 2v1 to make matters worse he's gonna Giganta max right now and turn his dural udon into a giant skyscraper I attempt to get nice he went in there but we're not gonna be able to survive duralumon s max steel spike this battle is tough but it's looking doable so I give it a third try we're almost here we almost have all eight gym badges so I'm not gonna quit this time instead of Dyna maxing straight away I decide to slowly take out the giggle ahthe to save my Dynomax for a little later on in the battle we go for bug buzz and get it in the yellow zone it's just barely living but luckily on the first turn and giggle it decides to take out rad boots so numb gets off a little free this turn aside from a little damage from flygon's braking swipe now since giggle a--the is in the yellow and I know Flygon will die at full HP from an icy wind I see a really good opportunity here to go for icy wind and knock out both of his Pokemon but unfortunately the gala is able to avoid my attack and it's gonna be living at least the Flygon goes down here though giggle if goes for rock blast but we dodged the attack but now he is two very tough Pokemon on the field sand akanda and giggle a--the which both have moves that can kill us I decide to just go for it and try going for icy wind again but before I even get to move sand the Conda goes for fire Fang and misses we get the icy wind off and it knocks out both the sand akanda ends that giggle earth at the same exact time we could not ask for better this battle this is going incredible so now ryan sends out his last Pokemon that dural udon and we still have our Dynomax available to us so this is the big moment here dynamaxx thumb versus Giganta max der Luyden dural udon though goes for max rockfall and things are looking like it's gonna be over but numb takes it really really well and survives with 96 HP on our side though we get the max hailstorm off and I'm thinking this might not kill but it does it takes out from full health and that Giganta max derp luden is down this battle was perfect it really really was perfect the rock blast missed the fire Fang missed it's not even like I was using the bright powder for this battle I still had the evil light on snom we just got insanely insanely insanely lucky and just like that we have our eighth gym badge the dragon badge look at that complete thing right there beautiful it wasn't by any means easy but numb the slob just beat every single gym leader in Pokemon sword and shield but can Nam take it all the way and become the champion of the gala region all by herself I don't know guys it's gonna be pretty tough taking out Leone's Charizard if you want to see part 3 the finale and see if Nam can truly do it - make sure you give this video a thumbs up right now and leave a comment saying part three below this video this video took insanely long to make so my friends I really hope you enjoyed it thanks for watching and I'll be seeing you in the next one
Channel: PokeTips
Views: 3,909,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat pokemon sword and shield, can you beat pokemon with only snom, beating pokemon sword with, beating pokemon sword, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, snom, can you beat pokemon sword and shield with only snom, pokemon solo run, pokemon challenge run, pokemon shield, pokemon sword and shield but, pokemon challenge, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, poketips, pokemon shield challenge, snom 2
Id: DiSpefYu74Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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