Can You Beat Pokémon Sword Using the Six Worst First-Stage Bug Pokémon?

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welcome to enter the unknown your one-stop-shop for answers to questions that you were never bored enough to ask my name is FJ and today we're going to be attempting to answer the question can you beat Pokemon sword using the six worst first stage bug Pokemon I've done a few solo challenge runs in the past but I personally have a lot more fun coming up with weird and woeful teams to conquer games with the gala region is terribly set up for a team of bugs with pokemon sword making things particularly difficult half of the gym leaders and gala or terrible type matchups for buck with fire rock fighting and ferial cramping up on top of that the region's champion finishes things with a gigantic Charizard who should be a nice easy foe to take home finally we have hop a rival who'll be going through his own journey with a flying-type and a fire-type making up the core of his team just for some clarification I'll be building my team with the six first stage bug type Pokemon who are the lowest based at totals at least the six weakest available in pokemon sword unlike a lot of my challenges we're going to be keeping the battle style on switch and held items will be around this challenge will be hard enough without adding too many ridiculous stipulations of course using items and battle is prohibited and I'll be trying to keep my levels from getting too out of hand alright I think that's everything you need to know so without further ado let's get this mess started I did have to select Sol as my starter so that hop would be using score bunny and then headed out to route 1 to start my journey properly in the grass there we come across Caterpie who will be the first member of our team a base stat total of 195 makes Cherubini seventh weakest pokemon in existence and yet we'll still have two weaker team members one pokeball is enough to secure Caterpie and that's the last we'll be seeing of Sabo from now on we'll only be using first stage bug types in the same patch of grass on route 1 we encounter blip bug who's going to be the second member of our team wishy-washy solo form is the only pokemon with a lower base stat total than the gala region's generic early bug so this is a rough start for our team once again a single pokeball does the trick and we can admire our amazing starting jewel now Petri the Caterpie begins the game with just tackle and drain shop so that's a pretty powerful mousse out Sunnyside the blip bugs only equipped with struggle bug that is the only move that Sunnyside will ever know so you'd better get used to it now all right skipping ahead to route 2 I spent around an hour grinding on scheudle to add some attack v's while also getting Peachtree to the point of knowing bug bite after reaching level 10 we can continue down route 2 and take on hop there are a lot of important battles to cover in this game and most of them range between 5 and 15 minutes long so I'll be cutting a few of them down quite a bit if you want to see them all in full I might throw up a video on my second channel with all the important battles in their entirety that should be down in the description anyway our friendly neighborhood rival leaves off with Wu Liu and we start out with Petri the Sheep does manage to tackle Caterpie that hops faithful companion is knocked out by a couple of bug fights we switch out to Sunnyside when hop sends in score bunny with struggle bugs added effect being keen the bow tightly lowers the target special attack and we need to give Petrie the best chance possible here for some reason hop lessons attacks 7 times meaning score Bunny's special attack is basically non-existent at this point Sunnyside survives her encounter with the fire starter and when Petrie comes in he's still reluctant to attack bug bite completes the job but because hop kept calling for growl we have to switch out to bullet bug to reset caterpie's attack stack after rickety cuts down Sunnyside we bring Petri back in and she earns us to win with bug bite hop really handed us that win with his abysmal battle strategy but there was enough going against us there so we probably needed the help after our win we join our witless rival on the train from wedge Hurst and end up in gathers wild area running through the rain it takes no time at all to find the third Pokemon on our list commis based that total of 244 makes her the second strongest team member although that's largely down to a very respectable speed stat after some good work from Caterpie we catch the tiny B Pokemon and nickname her Manuka at level 8 she knows sweet scent gusts struggle bug and bug bite which is just about all she'll ever know we do a bit of grinding in the wild area and then head onwards to modus Tok once there we registered for the gallery gym challenge and select the number 217 that will be the average based on total of our complete a team or the closest number to it at least just in case you're wondering that means our team will be just a little bit weaker than a group of six classes after being introduced to the gym leaders who are sure to give us a nightmarish time we run into hop on our way out of town this basically plays out exactly the same as our first faceoff with him on route to his team hasn't changed we've added Combee so it goes pretty easily again that's entirely down to hops and competence we're allowed to lower score bunny special attacks several stage of the struggle bug before he starts attacking with Amber Petrie and manuka brush hop aside and with that we can head down route three to the gallery mine inside the mind that connects routes three and four we meet payday for the first time and he challenged us to a battle as they're up against a psychic-type specialist our trio of bugs don't have any trouble forms Sunnyside wipes out cirrhosis Manuka finishes off Gothita and then cuts down hatena to the next battle in line for us of the turf field gym battle with milo for this one we've leveled Caterpie up to 18 and given her all the Dynomax candy we're able to pick up in the wild area our moose hats are unchanged but we also have blip bug up to over 15 and Combee up to 18 - thankfully the game starts off with a grass-type gym leader so this shouldn't be too bad as on gen8 there are seven different typings that resist bug type attacks and only three typings that are weak to them so it's nice bit of fortune to be starring elf against Milo the turf field gym leader sends out his docile floor first and we lead off with Caterpie as Milo only has a team of two it just made sense to me to go straight to Dyna maxing seeing a Dynomax Caterpie is just the funniest thing to me I'm not sure why it just looks amazing anyway max flutterby destroys gasa floor taking Milo down to one immediately that means alda cos is up and is grown a gym leaders final pokemon that also means we're about to see another Dynomax Milo's ace temporarily transforms into a prodigious plan and he attacks with max overgrowth of course it's not very effective so Petri isn't too badly hurt but the max flutterby that she fires back with does a little more damage after some healing we run that turn back with elder ghosties and max overgrowth and can't be attacking once again with max flutterby after that Petrie's three turns are up so she shrinks down to regular size again Milo calls for one last max over growth but Caterpie tanks the hit and shuffles and close to use bug bite Alda Gauss survives but his time's up now to all the pokemon of the field are now back to normal we recall Petrie and sending Combee to finish things off elder Goss attacks twice with magical leaf but manuka barely even notices she strikes twice with bug by taking down the cotton bloom pokémon and handing us our first gym badge that's a nice start but the difficulty is going to ramp up from here just a ridiculous amount we're gonna have a new team member along from the ride from here on out though on route 5 we can finally get our hands on nincada the buggin ground-type is comfortably the strongest team member we're going to have a base that total of 266 makes nincada ever so slightly more powerful than legends like ledyba and piggyback unlike Caterpie blip bug and cone leaning tonic alone a really decent set of moves that will be incredibly helpful as we get towards the end game once we catch nincada we nicknamed her panzer and then get checking out her stats and move set the little insect has really good defense and those who move scratch hard and fall swipe and mud-slap when she joins the team but I'm sure you got some handy TMC use anyway before costing the bridge between turf field and Holly we return to the wild areas reduced from grinding I didn't want to get over levelled but with our whole team in the low 20s we've also filled up everyone's Dynomax something that took an obscenely long time to accomplish but we got there eventually in the process we got the TM for AK scissor and we taught that to new Tata here's a little one through of all the items we earned in our max rate battles hopefully all of that experience counting will save some time one grinding later after all of that we crossed the bridge and meat hop yet again who as always wants to battle this one was pretty ridiculous our closest friends and rivals team now features Corvis choir and reboot which dials the difficulty level up on this one massively Lulu's first in line though and Manuka does some really solid work to take care of him it's the rest of the battle that was troubling me though hops Kovas quarter comes in second and there's really not much we can do against the Raven oak mom Combee goes all out but a single knockout is all she'll be getting here the pure flying types attacks are too much for Manuka to withstand and ultimately a single hit of fury attack finishes are off blip bug can't do any better though before even managing to attack pluck wipes out Sunnyside not only did blip bug fail to deal any damage but pluck allows Corvis choir to consumer Oran berry and return to full health good work Sunnyside anyway caterpie's up next and hop really drags this one I hope his incompetence is making these battles possible but it's also slowing things down a lot after a seriously long time Petry has Corvis choir on the ropes but a critical hit off fury attack really comes at the perfect time for hop that leaves our newly acquired in Canada in a pretty ugly looking one on to pansies high defense comes in handy against the Raven pokémon's attack before striking with x-scissor and leaving only LaBute the evolved firestarter has every advantage here typing HP based on total level everything suggests that a repeat victory is incoming [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] against all odds Panzer picks up the wind her debut match and we can move on to Hull bury even with hops flawed strategy this battle took a multitude to try but I really didn't want to grind the team up too much alright let's move on before heading to the gym in Hull Bri I did a bit of exploring and picked up a TM behind the lighthouse that happens to be for the only extra move the Caterpie can learn so before visiting the gym we fill out you choose new self Elektra web is the new addition and I'm hoping it will come in handy against the water-type gym winter we also added metal claw and a dork to Panzers move set the latter of which could be key here the whole team's up to 27 because nASA has a Dynamite's Pokemon his part rock and that's sure to give us some problems alright let's give it a try the whole region leader NASA leads up with Goldeen and we send in blip puck first let me just take this opportunity to tell you all how difficult blip bug is to use the larva pokemon has one move at its disposal and it's not a great one on top of that it's a mile from having enough power to do anything with that soul attack combine that with abysmal defense in HP and you've got basically nothing left to show all that is to say Sunnyside falls - Goldeen fairly quickly what bug does at least deal a decent chunk of damage before being knocked out so that is something in fact a left golden weak enough that it only took Manuka one bug bite to finish the job our coot is up next for NASA and with Combee at full health it's a pretty close match up the fish and the bee go back and forth with Aquajet bug by respectively with Manuka ultimately coming out on top those first two team members weren't ever going to be an issue though it was always NASA's final Pokemon that we needed to worry about dreadnought was out last for the whole region leader and she immediately Dynomax is the water off type even with the bite Pokemon towering over Combee it doesn't stop the book from out speeding him to hit with a tame bug bite it doesn't do a lot so dreadmill counters with max darkness which decimates the remainder of maneuvers health we send counter P in next and she's immediately hit by dredge Mel's Diner max dark attack by surviving that though she's able to attack with electro wave which deals a pathetic amount of damage it does at least lowered retinal speed allowing another Elektra web before NASA's final Dynomax turn is spent on a map Kizer that washes away peachtree taking us down to one one single bug who's weak to water type attacks ok well we're probably gonna have one try at this we Dynomax nincada as soon as she entered the battle and call for a max overgrowth absorb is not powerful at all but by Dyna maxing we do now have a strong quad effective attack dreadnaughts razor shell would have obliterated Panzer prior to Dyna maxing but with the added HP she tanks the hit that allows you to strike with max overgrowth which wipes out the rest of dread nodes health handing us the win this gym battle wasn't a lot of fun and I'm sure they're only gonna get worse from here after leaving hull brie we head into Galler mind number 2 I really have to take a second and give some credit to whoever's in charge of naming Pokemon locations they really went above and beyond with the creativity here anyway inside the mine urine tube a day for a second time who apparently spends the majority of his waking hours hiding out in the caves of Galler that meeting leads to another battle and again we're gonna skip through this bait a psychic-type specialty is just about the only thing we have going for us right now Manuka makes quick work of his entire team and we can get back to what we originally came here for we run down a wild wind pod and with any luck we're about to have a team of five the turn tail Pokemon has a base stat total of 230 but if you take away the very decent speed stat the remaining 5 average out at 30 when pod has a unique ability that forces it to switch out or flee when its HP falls below half that will probably be a little difficult to deal with but I'm sure we can figure it out we catch the bug in water type and nicknamed him iguazu we also start by teaching in waterfall because wind pods going to be focused mainly on physical attacks when we return to mow to stoke we have to take on another rival who's chosen to focus on a helpful typing Marni's dark types actually put up much more of a fight than Beatty's pokemon but we don't need to spend more time on a meaningless battle like this instead we're gonna jump ahead to our third gym battle the fire type specialist Kabu has three strong pokemons so we've got our whole bug type collection up to level 30 we replace wind pods struggle but with leech life which suddenly became a fantastic move in gen 7 other than that things are largely the same so let's get a move on and jump into the motor sub gym battle kibou sent in his nine tails first and we lead off with a katsu we immediately call for wind power to Dynomax because we need to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as possible after the arthropod explodes in size he sends a jet of water crashing into Noland tails that Max Keiser wipes out all of the fire types HP handing us a very early advantage kibou sends in his arc 9 second and his intimidation tactics lower whimpers attack by a stage luckily egg Watson's first attack caused a change in the weather the rain now falling boost water type attacks by enough that the attack drop goes unnoticed the little bug out speeds the dog that serves God to hit again with Max Keiser clearly win pot is set on outdoing Panzers impressive debut because our kind falls just as quickly as ninetails did kibou brings in his final team member sent to scorch and for the first time we get to see a Pokemon Giganta max [Music] the burning band of raffle tickets finishes his growth spurt and is instantly blown back by a final Max Keiser unlike ninetails and arcanine before him Santa Scorch isn't taken down by a single shot caboose ace survives the hit to counter with GMAC sent to Ferno which actually doesn't deal too much damage three times having passed when pot shrinks back down and attacks with waterfowl sadly the attack falls just short of taking out cent to scorch meaning this one won't be a clean sweep for our newest Pokemon Max flutterby cuts him down leaving us with four team members but this shouldn't take too long we send in Combee whose speed should be enough to get us over the line Manuka hit center scorch with gust finishing off kibou and handing us the winged bath third badger earns us passage to hammer lock and after getting pulled by rock types up and down route 6 we find ourselves in a battle with hop and still onside you've seen enough of our rival for now though so I'm just gonna show you the one sequence from our battle that makes for vital fueling it is probably the greatest double knockout that I've ever witnessed we took hop down after a few attempts and that means we can head straight on to the next gym the stone side gym leader B specializes in fighting types so we have an interesting matchup of all the Taipings in the world of Pokemon bug and fighting are the only two that aren't very effective against one another so we're both at a disadvantage it seems before jumping into this one it's worth mentioning that our whole team is now in the low 40s and we've replaced whim puffs defense curl with attract and then count as mutts not with dig all right that's all of the important stuff let's get into it B leads off with their hitmontop and we send in Minooka first B versus being a matchup for the ages cone we have the super effective stamp gust on side but even so she's not strong enough to make this easy be wasted her first turn cone for counter against the Special Attack though so in the end Manuka comes out on top but it's closer than I'd like pangoro's up next and with his partial dark typing we may as well make our last attack a good one Combee buzzes up to the bear and uses both bite to deal a healthy chunk of damage of course that's her last action is pangoro slams her into the ground with circle throw finishing or hitmontop started blip bugs next out for us and unsurprisingly after one struggle bug she's taken down in the single hit by night slash it's probably time to get used to sunny sides appearances being brief because even in this team of lovable losers she's the least lovable and the biggest loser Petrie's our third pokemon out and she puts in a short shift to a couple of bug bites do at least Li pangoro on the brink of fainting though we're now in a two on three but with wind pods speed we can quickly tie things up Waterfall takes care of pangoro and sir fetched is up next iguazu has defying type in one shot range but a brutal swing forces wimp out to come into play and we need to switch a nincada comes in and we go for the Dynomax right away max quake wipes out sir fetched and takes beat out to her final pokemon the champ comes in and immediately Giganta maxes which is a little terrifying we still got two turns with puns or Dynomax though so we need to take full advantage of them the enlarged Pokemon go back and forth to Dynomax attacks with nincada actually landing the better shots after two attacks with my champ in red health Panzer returns to her regular size as you watch this final blow land I'm just gonna quote directly from Boulder PDF as Giganta match me champ it swells to enormous proportions and acquires in measurable strength jutsu Giganta maxing its arms are filled with power the punches it makes can hit as hard as bomb blasts an encounter doesn't feel like fainting though the bug survives the hit and digs underground to give him a champ some time to shrink when the superpower pokemon returns to normal pans were emerges striking one last time to score the knockout and in turn the win as you can probably see from the level increase this took a rather large number of attempts but eventually we got over the line we're not done in still on side yet though hearing noises coming from the ancient mural we had up the stone steps to see what's going on of course beta is just standing there ordering an elephant to charge headfirst into a gigantic stone because why not he probably senses the mini cave behind and if there's one thing we know about him the man loves the cave this all leads to a battle with our least friendly rival which we obviously win with ease I'm sure it's getting a little annoying for him that at this point he's basically been repeatedly swept by a Kobe anyway after dealing with all of that we can head through Glenwood tangle to Balam Lee once we reach the secluded forest town we take on a trainer in her home and as a reward for winning she gives us the Eevee alight it's a held item that raises the defense and special events of a Pokemon who's not fully evolved by 50% and it's going to make nincada even more deadly ahead of our battle with the bow a gym leader opal we got the whole team up to the high 40s but our mu sets are unchanged a fairy type gym leader alone wouldn't be a fun prospect but the fact that three of her four team members have additional secondary Titans that resists bug just seems rude very poisons steel and flying all resist bugs so her team is basically custom-built to fend off our team of critters still there's no harm in trying so let's give this a go opal sends out her gallery' and wheezing for starters and we lead off with nincada who we instantly Dynomax the thing that I really enjoy about Dinah maxing is that if your Pokemon has any attack of the right type thing no matter how bad it seems it can help you Panzer is getting pretty used to battling pokémon smaller than her at this point and once she reaches full size she strikes with max steel spike not only is the Dynomax attack super effective but it also gives me cada an additional defense boost it isn't enough to knock out wheezing though okhla calls for a fairy wind that barely faces Panzer and then she quizzes us about her nickname correctly answering that earns us a two-stage speed boost max steel spike connects once more to finish off wheezing and raised Ponder's defense once again opal sends in her Togekiss next and with our last turn in Dynomax for and we call for one last steel type last that greatly weakens the ferrying gives us a third defense boost but sadly toad uses a special attack a super effective air slash hits hard just as the encounter of hurts back to normal size thankfully the earlier speed boost lets her attack first a medical finish off Togekiss to take Oakland down to two moles next in line and honestly I don't even want to attack I wish I could have the best Pokemon in existence on my team but unfortunately we have to battle intimidate lowers nincada's attack before another correct answer rewards us with two stage increases to both defense and special defense at this point pastor's defense star is north of 600 and even her special defenses up to a very respectable 144 she digs underground to avoid more wiles only special attack ants with a super effective dig that leaves the fairy-type weak mole burns a turn using iron defense but that won't be enough to stop take once again pounds air strikes from beneath ear knocking out more oil and leaving overruled only one that final team members I'll cream me with after another quote unquote correct answer nincada's attack and special attack of both given sharp increases as the bowing gym leader calls for a race to Giganta max and we see i'll creamy transform into a gigantic five-tier cake I just really wish she was a physical attacker unfortunately we're never going to get seen in Coty's beefed up defense in action but her slightly boosted attack stats on show when she strikes with metal claw the critical hit leaves the Giganta max cake below half health before we get to see G max finale in all of its glory from low health Panzer still tanks the hittin lives to fight another turn the Giganta max move did recover some HP freyal creamy so a second Medical isn't quite enough after putting on one hell of a show nincada is finally defeated by another G max finality we send in whim pot whose speedy waterfall leaves the desert deep in red health but then a one-shot courtesy of the gigantic mites Fairy attack heals her up a bit I really thought we were going to lose this with draining his healing how creamy faster than Sunnyside and manuka could damage her but eventually a critical head-on a not very effective bug bite got us over the line after nincada did 99% of the work i was really worried that the rest of the team might mess up but they did their jobs just as you can probably tell from another fairly significant level increase this also wasn't the first time your success hope will destroy us in front of the bane crowd several times before he finally took her down after returning to hammerlock and heading east down Route 7 we run into hop yet again and we're gonna be skimming through this one too I would like to just take a second to say that I really like hoppers arrival I feel like it's pretty popular to hate on him but I don't get it constantly changing up the Pokemon he's using to try to overcome any makes him a lot more interest in the most rivals throughout the game I think he uses like 12 different Pokemon on my first run-through I stayed pretty unkillable so not knowing what was coming made the battles really interesting for me anyway thanks to be an Opel we're a long way from underleveled here so this one wasn't too bad we actually made it through whether our whole team intact and can move on to something ridiculous for the second time this year in a super grind heavy challenge my whole team got infected with pokey us I was actually in the process of Eevee training knowing the next gym will be tough and realized right at the end that we had it pokey Ross is extremely rare having a zero point zero zero zero zero four five seven seven six three six percent chance of being picked up after any given battle that makes it about five times rarer than finding a random oil shiny on any given encounter if you don't know how poke your arse works it basically just earns the infected Pokemon double effort values from every battle having max out our EVs it was time to move on and finally at our 6th team member on route 8 steam drift away we encountered snowman with a base stat total of 185 we have to catch her just as slow and frail as she is adorable Sonam has the fourth lowest based on total out of all 890 Pokemon and yet still only the second worst on our team after quite a lot of effort we called worm Pokemon and now we finally have a full team we nicknamed her Plinko and although it's a terrible nature I wanted to stick with whatever hand I was and that's it for Rudy our next stop is the sir Chester gym which is a terrifying prospect but it's what we have to do i believe i maxed out snom zeebee right away seeing as i had the poke rust to work with but i didn't record it so I can't be certain I'm fairly sure though going into our face off with a rock-type specialist Gordie the whole team was between 48 and 51 so around 10 levels higher on average rock type moves are super effective against bugs though so this is going to be extremely tough against the team it's almost 300 base stat points higher on average let's give it a go beau the seer Chester gym leader sends out barbaracle first and we lead off with nincada as we've done a number of times now we start out by : 4 pounds or 2 Dynomax and then get right to work after a transformations complete she attacks with the quad effective max over growth but it just falls short of scoring a knockout barbarically uses shell smash to sharply raise his beaten attack which in turn allows him to strike next a powerful razor shell cuts away more than half nincada's boosted HP which is less than ideal but we push on and get the first one of the match with another grass type attack chuckles out next for Gordian with her lost I know max attack Panzer strength max steel spike to take him below half health the retaliatory rock team goes completely unnoticed by nincada and that's largely how the rest of their faceoff plays out chuckles weak attacks make next to no impact as Panzer eventually brushes aside the fellow bug with two Pokemon down and Cody calls for stones earner next and tells a lot time to set up self rocks that could be an issue when nincada digs down stones Ernie uses wonder room that works against us a little but mostly it's a big help wonder room flips the defense and special defense stats of all the pokemon on the field so we're a little more susceptible to Gordy's physical attackers but it also massively opens up stones earner dake scores an easy knockout at the rock type has just swamped his base 135 defense that for his base 20 special defense time when Gordie calls out colossal we switch on nincada for blip bug as the rock and fire type grows into a mountainous cold beast Sunnyside Wiggles to the middle of the battlefield and sends a tame struggle bug right at him max Flair obliterates the tiny bug but our main goal here is to kill some time so it's a sacrifice willing to make we send in Kobe next and she's badly damaged by the jagged stones shooting up her on the arena floor GMAX vocally and wipes Manuka off the face of the earth leaving us with only four Caterpie is next in line and like Tomi before her she's injured I entry by stealth rock after getting off an electro F she is crushed by another GMAX move taking us down to three snom follows Petrie into battle but stealth rock is really just slicing up our team after colossal shrinks down Plinko hits with struggle boat before being finished off by hit crash now we've only got two pokémon remaining we send and cata back into battle and dig straight down even underground the stone sent out by Volkl if they're dealing damage when Panther emerges and strikes colossal the super effective hit wipes out his remaining health handing us another wind when pop was our secret weapon here but we never even needed to use it this challenge has sort of become the nincada show at this point and I'm okay with that let's move on down at the heroes bar Sonya heals up our Pokemon and hop asks for yet another Bible our seemingly ever-present rival leads off with double and we start things out with blip bug thanks to hops unwillingness to attack Sunnyside is actually able to force a hyper potion usage and then earn a double knockout that's about as good at blip bug can possibly do so I'm very proud in the second face-off of the battle hop once again lets us get away with attacking this time hitting core of knight twice with caterpie's electro up eventually Petry is obliterated by troll Peck taking us down to four snom comes out next for us and for some reason korva Knight continues to stall Plinko takes down the steel Raven with a little help from Hale and that's the biggest roadblock overcome cinder ace is up next but wind pod makes quick work of the fully evolved firestarter with waterfall topspin curtains out next and once again iguazu gets the job done this time with leech life Snorlax comes in last for arrival and rather violently leaps onto snowman crushing her with his entire 460 kilo body when pod returns to the battle attacking again with waterfall discourse to win over our rival this cut-down version made this look pretty nice and easy but this battle was incredibly tough I cannot even begin to explain how ill-equipped this team is to deal with the core of night anyway that's everything we have to take care of in search so we can head on to spike meth take on Galler seventh gym leader there was a battle with Marni just outside of the small town but I didn't record it as far as I can remember it was a pretty easy matchup ahead of our face off against peers we taught Plinko attract and that's about it I think peers is a dark-type specialist so in theory this one shouldn't be too tough the spike with gym leader sends out scratchy first and we lead off with wimp odd but after intimidate kicks in we switch straight out to Coby although she was able to get off one bug bite scruffty is too much and takes down Manuka with payback we send to Graz ooh back in and he almost finishes off scruff he would leech life but the hook from Pokemon forces wimp out into a fact with another payback blood buck replaces the turn tail Pokemon and for once she gets to be the hero struggle buck knocks outs crafty and take Spears down to three malamar comes in next and Sunnyside almost gets back-to-back knockouts struggle bug badly injures the dark and psychics hype but a crit psycho cut one shot split bug we send wind pod back in once again in leech like wipes out mallomars remaining how peers is obstacle comes in third and after leech life the doc and normal types somehow finds a way to throat chop iguazu that takes care of him and another throat chomp knocks off Caterpie - we send in nincada who tanks the fighting move and then strikes back with axes are taking down obstacle and leaving peers with only one gun tank comes in last and we throw in Plinko but she's quickly out class as sucker-punch knocks her down in one that leaves us with only nincada who returns to battle and after being hit by snarl digs underground Panzer slams into scum tank knocking out the skunk and although aftermath kicks in she just about lives through the Bible the collective 12 HP remaining our team has just about made it past peers to earn gym badge number 7 there isn't much to do between now and number 8 though so we may as well just jump right into it rehan is the gym leader in hammer lock and he specializes in dragon types we'll be taking on the final gallery gym leader in a double battle which might benefit us but I can't really tell rehan leads off with Flygon and giggle a and we start things out with whim pot encounter p it wat suan peach redouble upon giggle if leaving him in red health but between Flygon the raging sandstorm wimp out kicks the partial water type out of battle we replace whim park with snarls Petry takes down giggle if the bug fine glencoe then catches the quadric flying on with powder snow and links the dragon in red house it's a really strong stop and when Ryan sends in his son to kondeh a Petrie and Plinko are both quickly taken down we choose the new duo of wind pot and Combee and get back to work on Flygon a crashing waterfall takes down the dragon and Manuka deals a little bit of dodge to send a condor with bug bite the sand snakes glare paralyzes iguazu and jolly dong comes in for Flygon Jayden then placed skyscraper which gives all of his elemental heroes of 1,000 point attack booster and damage calculation that allows a max rockfall to take down Manuka but elemental hero snake man's glare is redirected at guansu who's already paralyzed we bring in sunny side the blit bug who wriggles forth and attacks both array hounds team members with struggle bug before another max rock poll blows her away SantaCon does fire fighting swim pot low enough on health that sound storm can finish him off leaving us with only one nincada comes in and she's really up against it a gigantic stir a lead on and a healthy Santa Conda up against one little bug we Dynomax and coal from max quake but your ion attacks first with G max depletion Panzers defense is too much though the Giganta max attack horribly even leaves a scratch Rehan calls for Santa Condor to use glare though so now on top of being in a one on two nincada's paralyzed she ignores the paralysis to strike with max quake anyway in chunks away half a pteranodons HP the steel dragon shrinks down to regular size and slams into panzer with iron head but again it doesn't do much breaking through paralysis for the second time then counter-attacks jolly done with max quake knocking him out and leaving way hand with only one SantaCon does fire Fang also fails to make a big impact before Panzers final Dynomax attack moves the ground type on the brink of fainting after nincada returns to normal another fire flying lands before X's or finishes things for good ray has defeated nut means we've now learned all eight gallery gym badges that means we can head straight to windin as we're now eligible to enter the gallery's champion cup our our first matchup in the first round of the semi-finals is against Marnie but we're so long into this video that we're gonna have to skip through this one it's really not much of a challenge for a team of bugs to defeat a bunch of dark types the whole thing comes to a close with nincada's max steel spiked a bit early Mars Giganta might scream snarling one our whole team actually made it through this battle so sadly Marnie didn't even get a single knockout in her wind and stadium debut Hop is next in line and you seen this one all before our friend and rival leads off with dumb pool and we start out with blip bug after doing surprisingly well and almost taken down the normal type sunny side has eventually taken out by bodyslam Komi comes in second and she goes close again forcing hop to use a full restore before also being crushed by the horn sheep snob comes in and hops double almost lands a third knockout was reversal but Plinko lives through the hit and finally hands us our first ko with Iceland korbinite comes in and cuts waste noms remaining HP with drill peck and Petrie doesn't fare any better another drill peck one shots Caterpie taking us down to three at this point we had two Dynomax WIMP odd because we needed to try to rescue the manage I always feel a little dodgy about Dynomax in iguazu because of wimp out but max geyser actually takes care of korbinite Pinkerton meets the same fate with the rain boosting Max Keiser our final turn we win pot Dynomax results in another Max Keiser one shot as Snorlax has washed away like the others hop sends in his final Pokemon cinder ace and calls for the starter Dynomax the gigantic transformed fire type is sadly blown away by one waterfall from the tiny bug and after some significant effort we've beaten half this one took a bunch of attempts I need to use a lot of the experience candy we had on nincada and wimp arc it ultimately came down to luck with korbinite who we needed to avoid using drill peck as much as possible after triumphing in the champion Cup semi-finals ilianna tries to stop us from meeting with rose and Leon so we're forced to battle her atop rose tower for the first time in a long time the battle doesn't leave us with Panzer or iguazu instead Petri and Plinko are the last two left standing after taking down Rosa's wild-eyed second-in-command we can head back to wind and stadium for the champion Cup Finals beta interrupts us before the tournament begins and forces us to battle but unfortunately this one's more complicated than usual under Opel's tutelage our secondary rival has transitioned from a psychic-type specialist to a fairy type gym leader in training as I've noted before our batch of bugs have no trouble with psychic types but fairy types can cause some real problems we can at least take solace in the fact that three-quarters of a day's team is still part psychic anyway beta puts up a decent fight but ultimately an encounter and win pod combine to finish our horrible for good with Bayley defeated we can move on to the proper tournament finals NASA's up in round one and if you remember back to nine hours ago when we faced off against her you can probably tell that this one won't be fun the battle begins with NASA's go is a pod facing off against Combee but our whole team gets off to a slow start after battles midpoint we're left with only iguazu and nasa's only lost her pelipper which hardly even seems like a loss a couple of crunches of leech life drain guys the pods remaining HP getting wind pod into a one on three seeking comes in next nakatsu uses his bug-eyed charm to attract the regal fish love the mobilise is seeking for back-to-back turns allowing win pot to pick up another big win with leech life all of a sudden it's a one on two and beerus cute is next in line the skewer pokemon also falls for wimp odds dashing good looks and makes it four consecutive turns that nasa's pokemon have been infatuated we chive knocks off the water-type and against all odds iguazu is forced to one-on-one dreadin all comes out last and this activates for Giganta max form which is pretty scary as a partial rock type attract puts another pokemon under wim pod spell and dreadmill makes it 5 turns of infatuation on the bounce waterfall crashes down on top of nasa's ace but it doesn't deal too much damage luckily for us egg watts whose charms bias even more time a second waterfall takes dreadmill below half health and after a track where its rust again the horn turtle transforms back into a regular form when Pop summons one final waterfall that slams dread knowing to the stadium turf knocking around handing us the unlikeliest of wins the odds of nasa's pokemon being immobilized by love 7 turns in a row it's little under 1% so that really was incredibly implausible advancing to round 2 we've been thrown against b who's another challenger that gave us a lot of trouble sins taken iran and still onside the fighting type specialist has traded out her hitmontop and pangoro for pallucci oh crap locked and banks we lead off with Kobe against BSS tradition and after sacrificing Sunnyside Manuka knocks hawlucha out of the sky with gust if alex comes in second and causes some real problems before eventually going down to Plinko zai see wind surprisingly the ice type actually gets back-to-back wins with another icy wind finish on grandpa we Dynomax Nakata after Sonam is taken out in max quick blast sir fetch out of battle to leave B with only one Machamp is up last and once we burn through three turns of her jag on tonight's forum iguazu earns us the wind by taking down the forearm fighter with waterfall now that we've defeated the still on-site gym leader we can head on words to the battle which will decide who faces Leone in the championship match Rae Hannah will be our third round opponent which isn't the worst thing in the world our team actually matches up pretty well against his so I'm not gonna complain the dragon-type specialist leads off with torkoal and we send out wind pot first after an unbelievable performance against NASA and qu'atsu starts well again here even though waterful only has a 20% chance of flinching the opponent the turn tail pokemon lance two in a row to take out torkoal Ravens goodra comes in next and after going back and forth Plinko wind pot returns to battle score his second knockout somehow against rain hounds turd inator it wantses waterfall manages to cause a flinch for the third time in a row another cascading water type attack washes away Terminator leaving Leone self-proclaimed rival with only two win pot makes it for flinches in succession against Flygon which is like a one in 625 chance essentially a Godsey was just ignoring the laws of probability at this point a second waterfall knocks out the dragon taking Rehan down to his final Pokemon Jiraiya dong after battling through his three turns of Giganta max are Dynomax nincada eventually finishes the job with max quake having taken down gallery's eighth gym leader for the second time we can finally move on to battle the region's champion when we come onto the field for our faceoff with Leon though Rose pops up on the big screen to deliver a classic bad guy monologue he tells us that he set the darkest day in motion and that means our match with Leon is off for the time being instead of doing that we have to head to hammer lock and go underground to the energy plant to take on chairman of the gallery pokémon lead as a steel type specialist the president of macro cosmos is at a pretty major advantage here in fact I'd go as far as to say it was at this point that I started to think maybe just maybe this game wasn't designed to be beaten by a team of terribly feeble bugs s Cavalier who's up first furrows is not a fun opponent with triple digit attack defense and special defense and a single weakness that we can't exploit the cavalry pokemon is a pretty excellent foil for our team by the time panzer scores a knockout we'll take the cavalry pokemon has organized through half of our team luckily nincada wasn't in that number what I love most about making these challenge videos is coming up with new strategies and discovering strengths in Pokemon that I would ordinarily never use I think it's safe to say win pada nincada have been the stars of this run and I've actually had a ton of fun using them both after knocking off this Cavalier Ferrothorn / serger and Kling Klang all fall victim to Panzers overwhelming power the final hurdle to overcome in this one as chairman roses Giganta max copper Asha the steel type strikeouts max form is basically a brick wall with tiny arms and a theme-park water slide for a trunk which looks completely ridiculous but even so copper asha easily wipes out flip bug and Combee those are just the mini bosses I throw out before bringing in cata back in though Dave takes down Elmer the patchwork elephant and honza had another win it also makes it a total clean sweep for Panzer who eliminated every single member of roses team after taking down the Chairman we can head up to the tower summit where Leon and Charizard have been dealing with eternities the gallery champion attempts to catch the legendary dragon only to see the Polka ball he threw snapped clean in half while his ace guards us from the blast really lonely on a pokeball being the champion must pay pretty well splash the cash go for an Ultra Ball now is not the time to cheap out ultimately this leads to a battle between us and eternities that of course comes down to just flip book and the poison dragon Sunnyside is simply too powerful in the end and a not very effective struggle bug hands us the wind that was nice she deserved that [Music] [Music] alright having added an unnecessary non bug to the box we can now return to wind and stadium to get our battle with the gala champion underway all of our hard-fought victories will mean nothing if we can't win the big one Leon throws his cape aside and sends out aegis flash to start things off we bring in nincada first who's really going to be very important in this one although it may seem like a big risk against a full team of six we start by Dynomax and Panzer because it's our only real option Leon calls for king shield to protect aegislash but Mac's quake is too powerful and breaks through to inflict some damage not only that but we get a nice special defense boost a second super effective Dynomax move knocks out the sword and shield to give us an early lead with nincada's HP untouched Drago pol comes in second for Leon and this is why that early Dynomax was necessary it was absolutely essential - we call those early special defense boost sin because Drago pol combines frightening speed with high special attack to make his flamethrower absolutely terrifying for our whole team after the double stat raise with are boosted HP and AV light and play though we hardly have to worry I did teach shadow ball to panzer part facing off against Leon but even though it's super effective I think Mac's quake will do more than max phantasm so we plumped for that once more that takes try to pull way down into red health but that's probably not a good thing after nincada shrinks down to regular size we call for shadow wall knowing well what's coming next Leon uses a full restore to heal the stealth Pokemon right back up the ghost type attack bubbles into dragon pool slowly not doing too much damage before nincada's hit by a second blast of flamethrower it still hurts even with everything we've got going for us so not want to take any more damage Panzer digs down after narrowly avoiding a third flamethrower dig lands and takes try to pull down too deep deep red health that's unfortunate Panzer is caught in the blaze once again before finally finishing off the ghostly dragon with x-scissor that could have gone a little better but we've still got our full team sanding ax horse is up next for Leon and we're sticking with nincada for now the bug is easily outspent by the dragon who attacks with outrage but her monumental defense stat leaves are standing on 7 HP that allows another use of dig and inter missed outraged but unfortunately Haxorus isn't done yet in an ideal world we would have ended outraged and started the confusion there but this isn't an ideal world as is abundantly clear to make up for that disappointment in kata emerges and one's a crit to help out but with hacks are still standing the end is near outrage wipes out the few hit points the pounds are had left and finally we've lost our first team member we call a wind pot to finish the job hoping his speed will be enough to outmaneuver the dragon leach life does indeed come first and it takes out hacks first making it a 5 on 3 Leon's got no great matchup for Iguazu and calls on his right ear next who must be hoping a sky-high defense that will be enough to stop one sharp wind pod summons a waterfall before the heavily plated drill pokemon has time to register what's happening the quad effective attack hits its mark and repairs HP takes from a hundred percent all the way down to zero now with only two pokemon to go I'm gonna need you to think back to four days ago when you started watching this video we selected Saab was our starter meaning all of our battles with hop would be nightmarish but in turn it led to Leon taking kruky the grass starter is now a fully evolved reloading but it's still definitely a help for our team of bugs we recall wind pot for the moment and send in Combee who darts in close to a tank with bug bite before the drummer finds his feet the super effective hit is countered by a rather pointless endeavor which Manuka hardly notices before a second bug bite hits extra hard and knocks out willaboo leaving Leon in a one on five you know what's coming next though this one's 8 a long way from finished the gallic champion sends in the original fire starter and coals for the beast Giganta max [Music] [Applause] I'm not sure I've ever seen a site quite as hopeless with Kobe fluttering around in front of Leon's check out tonight's Charizard the champion calls from Max rockfall and as the enormous boulder topples and lands on Manuka squashing her I do feel a little bad honestly Charizard could have spat a pebble at Kobe and it would have blown her away that was probably overkill I'm sure nobody wants to go next but after drawing the short straws Nam sent in to face what must surely be her worst nightmare Leone calls for Charizard TV max wildfire which again is probably a bit much if a pebble was good to deal with Kobe poking Plinko with a sparkler probably would have done the trick wildfire engulfs the field around snom scoring an incredibly easy one-shot not for a few games of rock-paper-scissors caterpie's next on the chopping block at least max walk home makes it quick for Petrie there's no dragging things out Petrie is unconscious before truly registering what she's up against alright blip bugs up next she took down eternity so this one should be a piece of cake having endured that's not the right word having floundered through three turns against Charizard Leon's ace is forced to return to his regular form which truly isn't much better Sunnyside is made of tougher stuff though the bug majestically dodges Charizard fired lost before attacking with a 4 times resisted struggle bug that unsurprisingly doesn't do much it does lower Charizard special attack though and that could be huge Sunnyside is injured by the sandstorm and the flames that surround our side of the field which distract her for long enough to allow fire blasts to connect earlier when we had a 500 Vantage well now we're down to a 101 the sound storm subsides and we call in our final Pokemon wind pod once again Charizard is fast but not fast enough egg watts new strikes quickly with waterfall and the super effective blast floods the stadium floor extinguishing the flames of putting an end to Charizard reign of terror somehow we've defeated Lee on to become the Pokemon League champion with that we have officially beaten Pokemon sword using the six worst first stage bug Pokemon you may have picked up on the rather significant level increase before the Leon battle and that's because it took a ridiculous number of trying's by the end I had everything down to an exact science I really wasn't entirely sure Waterfall would be enough there because it had done around that much damage before but luckily we got over the line I love using this team honestly by the time you see this I will have been working on this video for almost two months it really took a lot of time to put together so if you made it this far I really hope you enjoyed seriously thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Enter The Unown
Views: 311,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, EnterTheUnown, Enter The Unown, ETU, FJ Pokemon, Enter the Unknown, ETU Pokemon, FJ, Can You Beat, Can You Beat Pokémon, Pokémon Sword, Can You Beat Pokémon Sword with Blipbug, Can You Beat Pokémon Sword with Snom, Can You Beat Pokémon Sword with Worst Bugs, Can You Beat Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Galar, Gigantamax Charizard, Can You Beat Galar, Can I Beat Pokémon Sword
Id: JEIv-0dXZYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 37sec (3037 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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