Every Hitman: World of Assassination Location Ranked

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The Hitman world of assassination games are one of my favorite AAA releases of the past few years it's an extremely unique quote unquote stealth series with a quirky sense of humor particularly when it comes to the absolutely absurd and cartoony assassination methods that sometimes don't even make the least bit of sense and the cherry on top of that greatness is the really interesting diverse locations that you can play through and explore after some consideration I decided why not just rank them because I really do love this Trilogy and want to share what I think of the maps which are in my opinion the most important part the games so here's how this is going to work I'm going to be ranking them based on a number of factors but primarily on the quality of the targets the design of the locations themselves and how well the gameplay flows I'm also unfortunately only going to be looking at the quality of the main missions as the bonus stories are kind of Their Own Thing The Sniper Assassin locations won't be here either but that's because I simply just don't like them and don't care enough so if you came here to see them this probably isn't your video and finally even though I've tried to dodge them as much as possible there will be some unavoidable spoilers throughout the video so click off if you don't want to risk it with all that said let's head straight in something that new and long-term players seem to mostly agree on is that Colorado at least with the main story mission is not very good despite the trilogy missions being mostly great with a couple of flops here and there Colorado is the only one that would actually consider bad the most immediate problem with this map is that it lacks the charm that made Hitman 2016 so interesting at first and replaces goofy gimmicks with a bland uninspired setting that the developers fail to use to its full potential while I get that the studio wanted to do something different by ramping up the stakes and difficulty the entire map just doesn't look or feel interesting and is ultimately a waste of resources in my opinion unlike the previous Maps Colorado has four targets to eliminate instead of the usual two or three sha Rose and Ezra Burg do have a somewhat interesting background for their law but are unfortunately not very well integrated within the mission while they have some fun methods of assassination they pale in comparison to many of the other maps and fail to leave that much of an impression I think there's a case to be made that Penelope Graves also has a decent backstory but sadly she is even less present and probably has the least elimination potential of all of the map's targets then there's Maya Parvati who has literally nothing memorable about her whatsoever to the point I keep forgetting her name you'll later learn as the list goes on that I'm a big fan of ramping up the stak's in ttention for example Berlin and Hokkaido which you'll see much higher on this list pull off this concept perfectly without making the gam playay rigid and uncomfortable again I like that II tried to do something different but this wasn't it 4 out of 10 needs [Music] Improvement if the medal of worst map goes to Colorado then the medal of missed opportunities goes to Marakesh don't get me wrong this map isn't bad it's just okay it returns Hitman back to a very Lively setting from Sapienza and possesses two distinct areas the Swedish Consulate housing stranberg is my favorite of the two because it has a very distinct disguise hierarchy and in my opinion the more interesting assassination opportunities though if it weren't for the stupid stair case at the back giving you access to the second floor without any kind of obstacle to overcome I think I'd enjoy it a lot more the second era is the abandoned High School where you'll find General Zan which I just find to be far less interesting and variant though it does give a great contrast to the very contemporary feel of the consulate which goes to show just how much effect Cloud stamberg's crimes may have on the Moroccan State speaking of stranberg I also think he's a superior Target he's just much more interesting and the game provides you with more exciting assassination methods then again Zan to me is very clearly secondary so I don't think it matters what really bugs me about this map and drags it this low is how poorly integrated both locations are they are so far away from each other for absolutely zero reason and it means that trying to complete some of the mission stories is Absolut absolutely [ __ ] awful I feel like this map would improve a lot for these targets specifically if the school angle was acted entirely with Zan instead roaming the streets and it would be even better if the different shops played into the ways you could off him as it is the whole Market angle is irrelevant and really just a nuisance to end on a good note even after the game of the year update I think the lighting and design of the map in general is far superior to Colorado and actually quite pretty so even though the mission itself isn't that memorable the location definitely is 5 out of 10 you might be surprised that it isn't dead last because this map really isn't well-designed at all I do think having the final mission take place on a moving train is actually kind of cool and for a public transportation Enthusiast like myself it was a real treat but besides that it is possibly the least fun map to play of all of them simply because it is such linear gameplay this map has very little replayability and absolutely zero need to exist when you ignore its story relevance despite how much I don't like this map though I do think that it has some saving Graces that push it a little bit above Colorado and Marakesh first of all it is extremely straightforward when it comes to completing all of the challenges so you don't really need to replay it that much and second of all being able to eliminate the constant is an absolutely amazing idea that I'm really glad they included maybe if he was in a better location then this level could have been a lot more memorable because after all of the focus that was put onto this character it's an underwhelming finale over all this is undeniably a poorly designed map but I think it's forgivable due to its much smaller scale five out of 10 at this point of the video we're moving from the mediocre to the average and possibly the most average map of all of them is dartmore the mission itself is extremely straightforward and takes place in a single family State belonging to the cares all you have to do is eliminate one of the partners Alexa and retrieve her documents to me Alexa is a great singular Target her design and voice acting reak wealth and dominance which is very fitting for one of the most powerful people in the world as for the ways you can kill her there's not the greatest variance but I think that's all right considering that this is basically just a house retrieving the documents is also extremely simple and easy to complete on replays though I think it would be better if this was made optional after the first playthrough the real star of the show with this map however is the mission stories while not linked directly to the assassination of Alexa the murder mystery plotline is very different for Hitman and pretty enjoy and first playthrough it also perfectly leads into you completing your task so it doesn't feel like a waste of time in fact this is one of the best designed Mission stories of all of them and while I typically play with them off this was one of the few exceptions I made just because I wanted to experience it so if I have so much positive to say about this map why do I call it average I feel like it's average because I can't realistically rate it higher it's just too standard and the map doesn't feel particularly Grand either and as I said before it's quite limited when it comes to assassinations as well so it doesn't really have the W factor of basically every other map and while I was really glad to see my country feature properly for the first time in the trilogy especially with a beautiful National Park like dartmore I can't help but feel disappointed because there really isn't that much to do on it outside of the mission stories it's not low on the list because it's poorly designed or anything it's just devoid of Personality compared to many of the others and I think that's okay for what it was trying to do because by having a quiet and uneventful out like this right before the story took a crazy unexpected turn it definitely took me by surprise while the location isn't anything special it's still definitely got a lot to enjoy and I would consider it a successful map 6 out of 10 I think Hawks Bay is a good opening map for Hitman 2 and serves as an introductory gameplay tutorial without sacrificing its recognition as an actual map like the I facility did in the past few segments I've thrown around the words B basic and simple quite a lot and it doesn't get much more basic and simple than this I did say dartmore was basically just a house which is kind of true but you've also got the gardens in the nice Mission stories porks Bay however really is just a house and nothing else the first reason as to why I think it edges out Dart more is because I like how much potential a small area can give you for elimination methods there's probably more to do here than a lot of the maps I just spoke about and some of the above and I really like that the second reason the more important of the two is that unlike dartmore the stealth angle is far more present and actually PR engaging the whole mission plays like a home invasion and in a sort of messed up way it's kind of fun to be right next to the Target Alma rard without her knowing you're actually there where the map loses points however is with how rigid replays are you can only leave the map in one fashion and armor doesn't really have a loop just a series of events that act like a nighttime routine if you miss an opportunity you either have to reload a save or restart the entire level on higher difficulties which is just not a fun way to play Hitman I can understand that it serves purely as a reintroduction to the series but they definitely tried way more than they needed to and that's pretty cool 6 out of 10 just a disclaimer that you should take my opinion on Ambrose island with an extra grain of salt the map functions and looks fine the slapping contest is really fun and the targets are passable I played this map a few weeks after completing the game and if I'm honest I haven't even gotten it to Mastery level 20 maybe I'll make it a dedicated review if I ever change my mind but nevertheless I'm sorry if you did want me to talk about it it just wouldn't feel Fair doing so when I haven't even really given it a chance not going to rate this one but you can probably gauge how I feel about it based on my tone and its position in the list consider this one an honorable [Music] mention I cannot believe that this game actually features a song that is is so good that I could see it charting if it got a full release amazing job but outside of that I think Bangkok leaves something to be desired I really like how it looks and it seems like I'm one of the few people who prefers the game of the year lighning changes over the original but in terms of actual design it's subpar the map is unnecessarily big and it's quite tedious to Traverse due to how similar the whole thing feels and a lot of it goes underutilized due to a lack of available opportunity speaking of that the targets are a mixed bag for me first of all there's Jordan cross one of the greatest Targets in the entire Trilogy a story about an emerging rock star murdering his girlfriend and her parents wanting Justice through assassination is a good concept and you can really sense the douchiness of Jordan when interacting with him as for his assassination methods they are also extremely memorable and fun ioi did a great job all around with him however the secondary Target Ken Morgan is absolutely insufferable and moves at a snail's pace it makes sense for him to be here seeing as he helped cover up Hannah hore's murder but he is unfortunately really badly implemented and his Queen Suite angle is absolutely infuriating both because of how slow he is and the amount of distance it is from the rest of the map differences in quality like the ones between Morgan and cross are mind-blowing because how are you going to put out one of the best targets and then one of the worst in the very same location I just don't get it this map doesn't have it quite as bad as Marakesh because the central area isn't quite as large and does actually serve a purpose in my opinion this map would be much better if there was just the one penthouse suite with the recording studio and Morgan staying in deluxe room on some kind of business overall a bit of a let down but with an absolutely iconic soundtrack and a great Target 6 out of 10 I'm rocking the suburb it's just like [Music] Michael whittleton Creek is perhaps the map that has moved about the most in terms of how much I like it on first play through I loved it and it was within my top five but while trying to get the challenges for some reason I absolutely hated it and I had it ranked even lower than Colorado but now I think it's all right just not great I know a ton of people love the Suburban setting of this map but I'll admit that I just don't the map itself looks great and the people working on it got its spot on it looks exactly like an American suburb even though as a British person who's only been to America a few times I might be completely wrong the map features two Targets Nolan Cassidy and Yannis Nolan Cassidy I really didn't care for at first but I definitely warmed up to him after a few playthroughs it's just fun to infiltrate the home of a guy whose whole thing is high level security and to turn his own Superstition on himself by eliminating him he's nothing that special but I do think he's a good secondary yanus in my opinion is the much better of the two both in terms of Law and assassination opportunities as far as I know he's the first Target in the game directly linked to 47 and it's crazy how a guy who can barely leave his home made me feel intimidated on first play assassination opportunities for both aside from Nolan's basement kill and a few others are limited and definitely lacking and honestly the whole map just lacks substance the clue collection side of the mission is an absolute pain and really uncomfortable on replays I'm genuinely shocked that they haven't been made optional after the first completion I guess it's just II Being II pretty sweet middle of the road map that definitely isn't a favorite but it's also not bad 6 out of [Music] 10 while I was ordering my list this map and the one above it I went back and forth between because I just didn't know which one I preferred after replaying both one more time just to make sure I ultimately decided that mambai was the weaker of the two which is sad because I think this map has a heck of a lot going for it first of all dard rangan is perhaps the best Target in the entire Trilogy only being rivaled by known degenerate Sylvio Caruso he's also the sexiest Target and clearly a world star in more areas than just his incredible acting and directing nah but for real he's genuinely one of the most interesting Targets in the entire game in fact his potline is honestly the best taking of advantage of the poor backstory in the game even better than chongqing's hush one of my favorite targets I also think that the skyscraper in which he's based like the Consulate in Marakesh provides an amazing contrast with the slums of Mumbai and makes him look even more scummy aside from rangan side of the mission though the map to me is quite disappointing and doesn't come anywhere near the same level of quality the attention to detail and immersion is of course up to Snuff and very well done but the map has the same distance problem as Marakesh though unlike Marakesh it actually does use the space between the two primary targets with the inclusion of the melstrom speaking of the melstrom I think he's okay but he would be much much better if you actually knew where he was on replays then there's the final Target Vanya sha who you'll find hanging around the abandoned train depot who is easily the worst of the three even though I do like her design and her similar LA to rangan with her taking advantage of the poor she's just much more of a standard Target and the area feels way less inviting and not in a good way and again nobody will ever be sexier than rangan so there's basically no contest what sunk this map below the one above it for me is that I just think this map is worse when it comes to disguises and overall design but I will definitely admit that nothing in it comes closer to Wood rang inside of Mumbai I can easily see why people rank this as one of their favorites it's a very iconic map and it has a ton of stuff to do it just isn't really one of mine in my opinion definitely a big step up but still lacking when it comes to design six out of 10 so as you heard me say before ARA scale just barely Topman by for me and there's definitely reasons as to why it shouldn't while I dig the map's actual look the level design is [ __ ] garbage it's very restrictive and like many other pulley design Maps there's a ton of space that just never gets used the arc Society angle I found interesting at first but it honestly feels like poor compensation thrown on top to hide the absolutely awful Mission planning though speaking of that this map oddly made a good decision by having the constant extraction angle be optional on replays which further confuses me as to why other Maps don't follow suit but I digress this map might have a generally poor skeleton but I honestly think it's a good map overall Sophia Washington is extremely boring and forgettable though for some reason I really like Zoe they're basically the same character but I really remember Zoe's Sly dialogue and the general socialite Vibe she gives off the voice actress did a really good job selling her entitlement and her way of thinking I said the level was poorly designed as well but that doesn't mean the mechanics and assassination methods are bad in fact they are way up there with the best the disguise hierarchy is very clear crisp and well coordinated and Rivals Maps like Paris and a kaido in terms of quality which I really appreciate it helps to hide the poor level design and makes gameplay smoother The Kills especially the ones with Zoe are also really fun and you can tell that's where most of the effort probably went it's not hard to understand why this map is so polarizing and how it ends up either at the very top or very bottom of basically everyone's lists it has some of the best and worst aspects of the entire series and showcases everything you hate and love about hitman at the same time I think this map should have been reworked before release seeing as it is so irritating but it definitely has enough good to push it up here 6 out of [Music] 10 like Carpathian Mountains New York corks Bay and similar Dubai takes place in a relatively isolated location in Dubai's case it's obviously the top of a skyscraper I think this map is the best of the introductory locations in the series purely because it has explicit story relevance but I will also admit that it's not really comparable to the others because it is more like a full-fledged level I could argue that the level overuses gold and other shiny materials but it does feel very much like the UAE to encest their tallest skyscraper with golden elements and even though it is a bit much the rest of the map looks visually stunning and very slick the actual design of the map itself is also really really well done you'd think that the verticality of it would be a downside but it means that almost every floor has a great memorable layout meaning that this map is an absolute Joy on replays in my opinion what really carries this map though is the targets and not necessarily the targets themselves Ingram and Styers as members of Providence automatically have a leg up over some of the other Targets in terms of law even with them being the least interesting of the trio we see in Hitman 3 but the way that you can eliminate these two and their map presence is incredible a lot of the other maps have great assassinations too but I think this map just brings it to A Whole New Frontier you can kill them while skydiving you can lock them in a room with you you can kill Ingram while he's playing golf and you can kick Styers off a [ __ ] skyscraper I don't know why I think it's so good because there's obviously better but this map is just so fun to replay for me definitely not the greatest map overall but it has enough highs to the point I really enjoyed myself 7 out of 10 [Music] the delgardo cartel had been hovering around the Hitman world of assassination law for quite a while by now and it only makes sense that the cartel would feature in a brand new location a lot of people don't really rank this one among their favorites but I think that Santa Fortuna is good enough to justify it being in the top 10 for a number of reasons but primarily for its gorgeous look this map is honestly my favorite of all of them if we consider just its visuals it is incredibly pretty and rendered perfectly the gameplay itself is also really neat the targets are quite far from each other and this is a common complaint against the map but I do think that jge Franco and Andrea Martinez are extremely easy to get to and their locations provide unique methods of assassination Rico Delgado however steals the spotlight cartel leaders and fiction are always quite intimidating just based on what you think of them when you think of cartel but Rico specifically has a particularly Sinister and evil presence emanating from him at all times which makes his brutal kills really satisfying my only big complaint with this map is the Delgado mansion pretty much everyone doesn't like this part of the level because of how difficult it can be to get in especially when you're doing suit only challenges and I think the area is too large just the estate on its own feels practically as big as the dartmore map and even though it connects really nicely with the cocaine Fields actually getting through it is Hell on Earth this map also doesn't use all of its areas in the most engaging way the Riverside homes and the excavation site are practically useless outside of the kill setups and the submarine angle of the map should really just be cut entirely in my opinion I think they should either cut the town in favor of the Mansion grounds or cut the Mansion grounds in favor of the town because you can't really scrap the cocaine farm for a cotel it's just kind of needed I think that the map is a lot better than people give it credit for but I do understand the criticisms it's definitely got a lot more to do if it wants to crack the top five or especially the top three and I still don't think it's quite as sound as the other quote unquote Mansion maps The Mansion here is not important enough to be at the front of it but it's also not completely irrelevant so it's a perfect Middle Ground of mediocrity overall this is a really good map and and it could have been among my favorites with just a few tweaks 7 out of 10 I present to you the 1945 grand Paladin [Music] huh Mendoza is the first map on this list to feature Diana burnwood outside of a cut scene and actually in a main mission which is a pretty nice Landmark as for the actual map Mendoza in my opinion is a great really fun map and one of my favorites from Hitman 3 I preferred to buy initially but on my most recent playthrough yeah I think I prefer Mendoza like to buy this map has some of the best methods of assassination in the entire game but unlike to buy more than just a few people agree with me having the map take place in a Vineyard also makes a lot of sense for a penultimate Mission it does feel quite climactic and without it we wouldn't get the amazing kills so nothing to complain about there something that you'll notice in the series is that a lot of Maps follow a layout of having a t home within a larger area such as Caruso's mansion in Sapienza delgado's estate in Santa Fortuna and Tyson's residence within Haven island in the case of Mendoza it's the home of Yates I do think that Haven island and Sapienza do this better but it's well integrated into the map and it isn't just extra fluff to make the mission more interesting you can tell that the people who worked on Mendoza's level design went above and beyond for their final true Mission the layout while big is relatively well used and due to it being a winery and Vineyard it makes sense why it would be so large I think Yates and Vidal are passible targets not that interesting but I do like how they play off of Diana and the mission contrast each other in their approach and actually have an impact on the story it's a really well-designed extremely fun level that I enjoy playing I just don't enjoy it as much as some of the others overall this is a great map that would serve as a much better finale than Carpathian Mountains 8 out of 10 Haven island is a really good map but shockingly I don't have that much to say on it ever since it came out I just haven't thought about anything more than the fact that it's pretty great the eliminations are top of the range the map is quite expensive but also easy to navigate and the targets are mostly decent this map is basically just Center Fortuna but with a map actually utilizing its full potential even if I think the targets are a little bit of a step down when it comes to the actual setup for the mission it is abs absolute perfection just the idea of a criminal organization creating new identities for wrongdoers all the well disguised as a PR firm for the Rich and Famous is genuinely cool though it does feel a little bit like window dressing due to how there are no identity change related kills on the map the assassinations are still cool though eliminating Steven and Lea in the hot tub for example is what immediately jumps to mind when I think of this Trilogy because it combines goofiness multiple objectives and a hilarious death sequence into one I'm just impressed at how well this map uses its premise to create elaborate assassination methods in general they don't feel needlessly spread out because Steven and L regularly come into close contact with one another despite how large Haven island is and that's something even the best maps sometimes struggle with and although I prefer just two Targets with Steven being the CEO of the company instead the Mansion angle with Tyson Williams is actually not bad it's very easy to get into and super compact feeling more like a villa than an entire estate and having to enter it to do a challenge doesn't make me audibly grown lastly the location is vibrant and expressive and while I do prefer Santa Fortuna and Mendoza it definitely makes the top three this map is absolutely stunning overall an awesome map and a great way to end Hitman 2 eight out of [Music] 10 let me just activate the booth privacy setting for one moment this way nobody can see or hear anything that goes on in here practical isn't it The Hitman main missions by Hitman 2 mostly tended to fall into one of two templates the largest scale maps with two to three targets and an objective or the smaller scale maps with just the one Target and maybe an objective and of the smaller Hitman levels New York Takes the Cake single-handedly I don't think this map can be much higher because it's definitely a bit too simple but the fact that it is this High despite taking place in one building should save volumes about how awesome this map is in terms of just the level design and guys hierarchies it really doesn't get much better than this New York is almost Flawless when it comes to the game play because not a single eror is poorly used and there is a pinpoint accuracy in the difficulty increase for each floor of the bank speaking of that the Milton Fitzpatrick bank is a very fresh setting for the series and as a result the location feels much grander than it really should be because it's more comparable to a map like haido in how it feels big in scale but not big in size the best part about the bank however is of course the data core objective we've had a home invasion simulator already so why not a bank robber one as well they somehow made a bank simple to break into while keeping the security realistically tight like a real bankwood which makes this map extremely immersive the vault is realistic enough to the point it doesn't feel cheap and the inherent silliness of Hitman means that getting past it doesn't have to be much of a challenge so it does feel very welcome director seales to be honest isn't that memorable of a Target but she does have a very short Loop making assassinations easy and a high level of replayability due to this so I can excuse the fact that she's a bit forgettable if it had a bit more content and a more interesting Target it might have cracked the top three honestly this map is just so good this is one of the absolute best missions from Hitman 2 and honestly the whole trilogy eight out of 10 it's the paint that makes you the warrior true Russia paper Paris is a great map and surprisingly so it's obviously not the most unique Hitman map but it feels distinctly memorable in a way that a classic show or film is Paris is a map with a really good eye for detail and might just have the best aesthetic of all of the 2016 Maps aside from maybe Hokkaido the setting of the fashion show provides a great Mission backdrop and the sound design is on point I think I just love the slick and cleanly feel of Paris in general though according to my Parisian friend valo it is extremely unrealistic because Paris is apparently the dirtiest City ever but whatever it's a game the actual Mission planning despite how early on this is in the world of assassination Saga still stands strongly on two feet Paris was the one that first introduced the concept of Disguise hierarchies to the trilogy and honestly it hasn't been top since the map has four distinct levels easy to tell apart disguises and a floor pan that you actually understand which helps you to remember which disguises get you where this location is actually a master class when it comes to it so I'm slightly disappointed that many of the following Maps dropped it in favor of an overly complex layout when it comes to the targets themselves both of them are great Victor novakov is easily the best secondary Target in the series because his design and voice are full of this luxurious personality he does give off this very prestigious feeling every time you see him which makes for an intimidating Target his Loop is not short but it's also not needlessly long and therefore there are a lot of really really good ways to kill him Daria margolus is also very iconic and has the best type of Target backstory the highly intelligent very wealthy ring leader of Argo who need need to be eliminated in order to protect classified information from being auctioned off to the global Elite literal Perfection the map despite having a lot of seemingly empty areas uses its space very well and it never feels like you've taken 10 minutes to go between two regions of Interest which is a Hallmark of good level design seen only on the highest quality Maps this in combination with its excellent gameplay and writing make it among the best in my opinion though not quite the top five not because of this map specifically more so because there are just maps that in my opinion try a lot harder this map is among myself and many people's favorites and it's not hard to figure out why it's the perfect template to be repeated for future missions and I'm so glad they practically mastered what a Hitman Mission should be on their first try n out of [Music] 10 Miami is my favorite map from Hitman 2 and most people's favorite map of the entire Trilogy admittedly though it's not quite up there for me because of what I personally look for in a Hitman level but this map is straight fire the biggest and most important factor as to why it is so good is the level design and Mission planning even though this map is in fifth place it has the best spatial awareness of any location in the series with the only exception being the one right above it Miami just blows this aspect out of the water and it's one of the few large maps that is actually worthy of being large almost every part of the map is perfectly interconnected and as a result it probably has the smoothest traversal of any location this is definitely thanks to the complexity of each room and building but also the insane variety despite how little space there is to work with this map is the strangest mix of locations I've ever seen but somehow it doesn't feel inconsistent and everything comes together like I'd never imagine a marina a robotics Expo and a racetrack working well with each other but the fact that it does shows just how ambitious Miami tried to be a racing event is one of the coolest settings you could possibly have for a Hitman location Sierra nox is also one of my favorite targets of the series and not really because of the loss surrounding crste and her defection from Providence it's more so the fact that she's practically inaccessible for most of the mission and how the game encourages you to play around with the racist mechanics and while Sierra's side of the map is clearly Superior Robert Knox and his robots are also pretty fun it's definitely got the weaker area usage but the Expo itself is the best singular area of the map with its many rooms and particularly exciting methods of el elimination where the map I think loses points is that between it and the ones above it it's just way less visually interesting it's a good looking map with a lot of attention to detail like always but it's definitely a bit standard considering how pretty and aesthetically pleasing some of the others are I also think that even though the map does use its space very well I still don't particularly like the larger maps of Hitman and would prefer that some of the areas get cut overall this is a fantastic episode of The Saga and stands with some of the strongest bones of the lot n out of 10 [Music] after the very Messi and controversial Colorado tried to reinvent the wheel unsuccessfully ioi out of nowhere proceeded to immediately give us perhaps the best example of difficulty escalation in the entire series what makes a kaido such a spectacular level is how unlike Colorado it is actually subtle with its upgrade and difficulty this is the first time in the series where the game tells you that you can't key card or lockpick your way through the map because every lock is electronic then you think okay simple just bring some scramblers and you'll be fine then you find that it's locked until Mastery level 20 while I typically don't like it when games lock primary features behind skill walls I think haido just barely makes it work by having such intuitive and immersive puzzle solving this map makes what feels like a small location feel complex and challenging but unlike is of scale or similar it doesn't sacrifice the fun or smooth gameplay with its various angles unlike Paris it also has the best disguise mechanics of any map haid's unique hierarchy wins massive points because your disguise signifies your proximity in relation to the primary target Eric sodas who has some of the best elimination methods of any Target in the series I also think it looks great while it isn't the most visually stunning level the comfortable feeling of the GMA Clinic almost gives you a full sense of security with where this level is trying to go it doesn't feel like a harsh environment it's actually quite inviting and I love that there isn't an unrealistic amount of security as a world leading Private Hospital you'd think they would completely flood it with suspicious NPCs but surprisingly it's a relatively tame location when it comes to the targets I do like Yuki amazaki but she's undeniably forgettable and even with her having a backstory as cool as a yakaza lawyer it does not excuse her limited map presence she's a standard Target with great eliminations but unfortunately not much else Eric sodas is the opposite end of the spectrum what makes sodas such a great Target is that he is stationary for the whole mission and more like an objective that needs to be completed if anything you don't even have to keep track of a loop which means there's full Freedom with opportunities this is the key component that separates hakida from Colorado the fact that they focused on quality over quantity an easy to eliminate Target with a challenging Fortress of map mechanics is a lot better than two extra targets and the whole map being hostile in my opinion I understand that I'm comparing this map a lot to others but in order to truly appreciate the absolute Brilliance of it you have to consider the difference in quality between badly designed Maps like Isle of scale or Colorado and this one hiado feels like a genuine Hitman map through and through and there hasn't been a map quite like it since hakida is some of the most engaging gameplay and design of the entire selection and just for that I seriously owe one to the developers 9 out of 10 just based on how most people seem to talk about Chongqing I might just be the biggest Defender out there this is my personal favorite hit my map it's the one I replay the most and perfect for a rainy day it's definitely inflated in its position just because of how much I love it but I think there are also legitimate reasons as to why it does belong at least in the top 10 first of all this is by far the vibiest Hitman map and I know not Everyone likes the neon rain look but I adore it because of this and how the very futuristic look contrast the poverty there's this Eerie forgotten City feeling it just emanates ancient Monumental power and with the combination of the Music Plus the scale it's very tonally distinct even for a man as Unstoppable as 47 it feels like he's a fish out of water it's like you really are in the Yong District completely overshadowed by the buildings around you it's also perhaps the only level that is truly centered around its targets rather than having the target just be there because why not hush for example is extremely well implemented a cyber terrorist experimenting with transhuman technology and using the lower classes test subjects is somewhat reflective of many places in the world the era in which he's based also reminds me of a mini Paris in that every single floor seems to be a little more dangerous than the previous just not quite as extreme of course because this is just a single area whereas Paris is an entire map right now for the difficult bit the part which everyone seems to hate on this map is the Ia facility and no I don't mean that one I mean this one imag Roy definitely feels like she was thrown in last minute because I always hear her actress voicing the generic NPCs though she does have a badass design and like hush rules over the people around her with an iron fist as for the I facility itself it is not very well integrated I do like how secretive it is but I can't help but get annoyed with how you can only really go in or out as there's no corridors to get between there and hush's Hideout which is something that even Marakesh has the data core objective for example is really [ __ ] annoying on plays and I wish theyd make it optional most of the time when I play I find myself making a save in the facility because going back and forth can be really really irritating it's also very generic visually though it is at least aesthetically pleasing the facility on its own though when stripping away the mediocre implementation I actually really love I do enjoy how you have to use your camera and three tiers of dongles in order to Traverse through it and even though it makes the Silent Assassin suit only challenges very rigid the map at least didn't throw an insane amount of security on top of that yet another haido comparison but the facility reminds me a lot of the gamma Clinic based on how the locks are all electronic and your level of access symbolizes your proximity to the Target except unlike sodas Roy actually does have a loop it's luckily quite short though so there isn't a lot of waiting around involved chong ching is a good map and while it's only really this High because of personal preference it's also very underrated and just for my enjoyment 10 out of 10 [Music] something that I often Overlook is that Hitman 2016 by the time of this video is pretty old while I enjoy it now admittedly it didn't hook me at first the IC tutorials were really boring but understandable and Paris was a very good map with a lot of visual style and excellent gameplay but it was and still is kind of basic and when going into the next map Sapienza I didn't really expect much after playing it a few times and getting it to Mastery level 20 however I completely changed my mind and realized I was dead wrong even though it wasn't the first Hitman game ever released it is very impressive that Sapienza ended up this good for a brand new chapter it holds up amazingly well with the rest of the catalog especially in terms of its detailing and Graphics if it weren't for the NPCs you can mistake a lot of these shots for real life it's not even my favorite map visually but it's still the most realistic even after 7 years at least in my opinion that is sapien's area usage and gameplay also deserve a big round of applause it's probably the only location that legitimately feels like nothing's being hidden from us it tells us that Sapienza is a small town on the emaly coast and it is a small town on the emaly coast as a result it feels really organic which is satisfying to say the least Villa Caruso is also far in way the most memorable and iconic of the mansions in the trilogy even more so than dartmore which is literally nothing but a mansion it's not only an integral part of the map but it actually makes sense being there because a wealthy historic Family household as a base of operations for a biotech company strangely makes sense the Mansion being such a focus also reminds me that a lot of locations tend to follow this really annoying Trend where they feel the need to use every corner of the level but in Sapienza the town is just kind of a backdrop and a melting part of different challenges and opportunities Caruso DeSantis and the virus are all within the mansion and lab grounds so there are very little points during the mission where you find an area to be completely useless there's practically no secondary hot spot so the game encourages you to do what you'd like with the rest of the map essentially you have a location with really good balancing detailing and gameplay incentives but without the sometimes infantilizing Target separation it's literally everything I could ever ask for in a Hitman level and I haven't even gotten to my favorite part yet Sylvio Caruso as I mentioned previously might just be the best Target in the trilogy I'm a sucker for good law but the world of assassination Trilogy isn't really known for its story like some of the other installments are Caruso however is one of the few exceptions this is the only time I've legitimately felt bad for a Target manipulated and abused by his mother to the point of fearing woman and eventually murdering her out of spite haunted by this for the rest of his life and eventually being murdered himself due to the concerns of the EA Corporation despite his good intentions like this is a game where you can disguise yourself as a golf coach and seduce one of the Targets in order to kill her I really do appreciate how a game that our best describe is Extremely Goofy can actually write in a truly layered character seamlessly as for the other two Targets they're perfectly fine but they're not nearly as good as Caruso Franchesca DeSantis makes sense as a Target and as mentioned before has some great assassination methods but she is a bit standard the virus also is super easy to complete though I would prefer it to be optional on replays though then again the virus is so well implemented anyway that it already smokes a ton of actual targets so it's definitely forgivable not much else to say honestly Sapienza is an awesome map and easily the most iconic it just is one one of the best maps in the series and I struggle to find anything about it that makes me angry or even just annoyed 10 out of 10 when I first put together a draft of what this list was going to be I knew Berlin was going to rank high but it was only when I replayed a bunch of the maps before revising my list and changing a lot of my opinions that Berlin became my favorite this level is really something special both to the Hitman games and to me there's a lot of debate about whether Hitman is a true stealth series or not and even though it's not necessarily a bad thing if it isn't the series is known for how it uses AI to craft different tiers of difficulty depending on the environment you're in many Maps do this very well and have become some of my favorite levels in AAA gaming and of course a heck of a lot of disappointed or underwhelm me too but Berlin doesn't do this type of gameplay underwhelmingly or even very well it does it basically to Perfection Berlin is Far and Away one of the best video game levels I've ever played in my eyes not a single one of these Maps no matter how good they are get nearly every single thing right and have practically nothing wrong with them the only thing that I can think of is that this map's actual design isn't my favorite and that's it I really mean it when I say that I think Berlin is perfect for this Trilogy the club's layout flows really smoothly and while the map isn't that visually diverse it doesn't look exactly the same all over meaning that even if I think the location itself isn't that interesting it is a great sandbox mission sbox style gameplay is extremely rare in the series and the only maps that I'd say feature this are the top three of my list Chongqing Sapienza and berin while the other two achieve it by having plenty of detailed streets line with things that only need to be explored if you want to berin does it through the just right amount of differentiation between its areas I've mentioned the term disguise hierarchy a heck of a lot in this video especially with the maps that do it well and what a surprise we have yet another location with a disguise hierarchy that is arguably the best like Paris haido and Aras scale before it the disguises are really easy to tell apart you know exactly where they get you and it makes the very loud and eventful areas easy to get around very good stuff so yeah there's a lot of good in this map but the most important reason as to why this map is in first place is [ __ ] obvious to anyone who's played it instead of one or two Targets to eliminate you have an entire Fleet of Agents after you and it's not even just that you get to choose which ones to eliminate and you can kill as many as you want if you go about it the right way the systematic eliminations of the IC agents are really solid and they encourage you more than any other level to use your surroundings without the map pulling the video game equivalent to guarding you blind by including a bunch of mission Stories the absence of mission stories strips away the safety belt that you usually get on first playthrough and likee Sapienza it doesn't treat you like a three-year-old and earns itself massive points for this going against the kind of people who used to work with you and the gradual buildup of excitement from their fear and anticipation of your capabilities is one of the most enthralling things in this series The confrontation you have with agent Montgomery is the best demonstration of this it's an amazing moment of suspense and adrenaline yet another Showcase of 47's insane abilities one of the few times where Hitman becomes pure action and multiple eliminations in less than 15 seconds literally the only thing it's missing is the possibility of qualifying for Silent Assassin this genuinely might be my favorite moment in the whole trilogy Berlin succeeds in everything it tries to do to a shocking degree and truly deserves the title as the world of assassination trilogy's best map 10 out of 10 so there you have it every world of assassination map ranked from worst to best I'd like to thank you all for watching if you made it to this point as this video Took a ton of time to put together and while that's not the most original thing to say I really mean it this video took a while this is also my very first video so I'd appreciate some constructive feedback on what I can improve for next time also you know feel free to discre my opinions most of them are kind of terrible anyway so make a bit what you will oh and if you're curious as to where the ICA facility would rank it'd be last place like come on now and with that I have not much else to say I guess for now goodbye [Music]
Channel: Masu
Views: 125,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hitman, maps, ranking, aaa
Id: yMi6n9dCeRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 45sec (2745 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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