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- (FBE) Welcome to "What Would My Kid Do," the game show where parents compete against each other to see if they can guess what their kid buys when we give them 100 bucks to buy whatever they want at different stores. It's time to see who can prove that they know their kid the most. ♪ (playful music) ♪ Do you know what you're doing here? - No. - No, I don't, 'cause you wouldn't tell me. What is it? - (FBE) I have a bag here, and you get to keep whatever's in it, okay? - Okay. Do I open it? - 100... $100? Why are you giving me this? - What am I going to be doing with this? - (FBE) So you get to take that $100 and buy whatever you want inside. - What?! - Hi, I'm Mimi. I'm Gabe's mom. - I'm Kevin. I'm Emma's dad. - Gabe is my kid that always goes with me to errands. - Emma does not enjoy going on errands unless she's gonna get something. She likes gaming, so I could see her going for a game card or something like that. - If Gabe goes to a grocery store, it'll be interesting to see whether he makes healthy choices, 'cause he knows I'm gonna see it, or whether he'll get the stuff he really wants. - There's a lot of things you can do with $100. - (FBE) So this is how it works. I'm gonna ask you some questions related to what your kid did in the store with multiple choice answers. Once you choose, we'll watch the footage and see if you were right. - Sucker. (laughs) - I know. (laughs) I'm nervous. - (FBE) What kind of soda does Gabe buy? - Mm, Gabe's gonna buy a root beer. - (FBE) Here are your options. Coca-Cola... - Oh, no! - (FBE) ...Sprite, ginger ale, or Mountain Dew. - I'm pretty sure he's gonna go with a Mountain Dew. - I feel like this isn't a proper thing if I don't buy any soda. Look, here's the Sprite. - (Mimi gasps) Sprite? (buzzer) - (Gabe) Okay. Because Sprite is my favorite soda, and it's pretty good. My mom's gonna kill me. She's always like, "Oh no, that's not good for you" and stuff. - I think I'll still do pretty well, because I know Gabriel, and I pretty much know what he likes. He loves root beer, so I'm surprised he picked Sprite., but I know him, so I'll do okay. - (FBE) Let's move on to Emma's question here. - What breakfast foods does Emma buy: pancake mix, cereal, granola, or none of the above? - She's not big on breakfast, so this is a tough one, because I'm leaning toward none of the above, but I know that she loves when we make pancakes, so... I'm gonna go with the pancake mix. - What is this aisle? This aisle is... flour, pancakes. Yeah, I don't need that. We're skipping breakfast. I never eat breakfast, really. - Well, I was close. (buzzer) As I said, it was either gonna be none of the above or pancakes. I chose the wrong one. - (FBE) What kind of candy does Gabe buy: caramels, Twizzlers, Jelly Bellys, or Hershey's Kisses? - Gabe's gonna pick Jelly Bellys. He likes all the different flavors, and he likes giving out the gross ones to his friends and brothers. - Hey, down the candy aisle. - (Mimi chuckles) - Some Jelly Belly. - Ah! - Treats are good. I like them, so we're gonna buy that. - Yay! All right, I got it. (ding) I knew it. (chuckles) - Now the pressure's on. - Yes. (laughs) - (FBE) Next, how many packages of mini ice cream bars does Emma buy: one... - (Kevin laughs) - - (FBE) ...two, three, or four? - Well, if she thought they were gonna melt, then she'd buy one. But she loves stocking up, and every time we go to the market, she's always like, "Let's buy four." So now I'm going between one and four, and I'm gonna go with one. - If I was ice cream, where would I be? Back over here. Ice cream! Let's see. Ice crea-- Oh my god. (buzzer) Let's just... I don't. Muahaha. - (parents laugh) - (Mimi) Three! - (Emma) Shhh. My money. I get to spend it how I desire. Just... - (Kevin chuckles) - Four. - Yeah, she's gonna go back for one more. (laughs) - It's all mine. - (Kevin) I told you, one or four. - Free ice cream for me. I'm close. I know my daughter. I'm going and forth between the two, so I haven't picked necessarily a wrong one yet, so you know, I think I'm still gonna do okay. - (FBE) What else does Gabe purchase in order to please his mom: fruit, vegetables, none, or both? - I'm gonna say both. He's thinking about pleasing me, he'll do both. (chuckles) - I'm trying to get some more stuff, but I'm still worried my mom's gonna find out that I'm buying this, and she's gonna get mad. - (chuckles) No. - We're looking for an apple. - (Mimi) Oh. - No, I like bananas a lot. Okay, bananas and an apple. What do I want? Broccoli's my favorite. - (Mimi) Favorite, mm-hmm. - Broccoli. - (Mimi, softly) Yes! All right. Good choices. (ding) - (FBE) All right, here we go. What value gift card does Emma choose? - I told you she was gonna get a gift card. (laughs) - Oh my gosh. You were right. - (FBE) 10, $25, $50, or $100? - All right. How responsible is she gonna be? She knows I'd get mad if it was 50 or 100, so now I'm between A and B. Hopefully, she was responsible and let's go with the $10. (laughs) - I think you should go with B. - But I have a feeling it's gonna be the 25. - I think you should-- - All right! So we'll go with 25. I'll go with you then, since you've been getting everything right. I'll go with 25. - Wait a second, I only have $100. - (Kevin) See? You can see how happy she is. - Now that this is an option... Oh, god. How can I make this easier for myself? My master plan is to only get very little food, and then just get a bunch of money to buy stuff with. - (Kevin) So predictable. - We all know food comes from your parents that make jobs and money and stuff. - (Mimi laughs) - (Kevin) You see? (laughs) - (Mimi) 50?! We were both wrong. (buzzer) - (Kevin) Put it back, honey. - I should only get one, 'cause it's $50. You can't always live on food. You have to live on entertainment... - (parents laugh) - ...which is video games and also playing outside. But video games! Come on. - (laughs) - Oh my god. We were both wrong. (buzzer) - It's the last time I listen to you. (laughs) - (FBE) So for the next question, we have to show you some footage for context. - Okay. - I wanna practice for when I'm older, and I'm like, okay. So I don't wanna just go and be like, okay, I'm buying all of this stuff on bad food. - (FBE) Do you see that sign right there? - (Gabe) Oh my gosh, "Responsible." - (FBE) After seeing the "Responsible" sign, Gabe says he wants to make a "responsible" purchase. What items will Gabe select: Kids' vitamins and a toothbrush, flavored chapstick and kids' vitamins, shampoo and soap, toothbrush and toothpaste? - I know he's gonna buy a toothbrush. Gabe is very good with his teeth. I don't know if he's gonna buy the kids' vitamins or if he's gonna buy toothpaste. Mm, let me think. Yeah, Gabe's gonna go with toothbrush and toothpaste. - Oh my gosh, I could get a toothbrush. I usually brush my teeth with Complete Care. Then for the toothbrush... - (Mimi) Yay. - Which one looks good? I'm looking for the best one that looks so good. Okay. I wanna try this one, but it's $12. (ding) Okay, that one. - (chuckles) Yay! Yay. Okay, sorry. (laughs) - (FBE) All right. Let's move on to Emma's question. - (FBE) What does Emma do with the items she no longer wants? Does she ask a staff member to put them back for her? Does she put them back herself? Does she put them in the random aisle that she is currently in? Does she leave them in a cart during checkout and tell the cashier that she doesn't want them? - You know, she loves to be a ham, so that's why C's perfect for her, but (chuckles)... (sighs) Emma. (laughs) I'll go with C. - I don't like Oreos! But yet, I could just hear everyone saying to get Oreos, so I'll get Oreos! Eh, I don't know what else I'm gonna do with food, so I'm just gonna get this for my sister. Now, let me think. What do I not need? Sister... - (Kevin chuckles) - You get the rest of the Oreos. Goodbye. - (Kevin) Yeah, leave it right there Emma. - (Mimi laughs) You got it! - (Kevin) There you go. She got it! Come on, you can do it! - (Mimi) You got a point! - (Kevin laughs) All right. - (Mimi) She put it in perfectly. - (Kevin laughs) You just hide it, Emma, so nobody knows, right? - (Emma) Again, no one will notice! I want to check out. - (FBE) You got a point. - Yay! - All right. I worked hard for that one. (laughs) - (FBE) For his last purchase, who does Gabe buy something for: classmates, mom, dog, or brothers? - I'm gonna say D, brothers. - I have a big dog, so he needs something... - (Mimi gasps) - ...that's big and... I feel like my mom does all the research on dogs and stuff, and she's like, "Okay, this is what's good for dogs." I don't wanna get the wrong one. So sorry, Blue, but... - (Mimi gasps) - ...there's nothing that I can get for you. - (Mimi) Oh my god. I-- - One of my brothers likes hot stuff, so I'll get him this. - (laughs) He's working really hard on being mature. He's trying to earn something really big for Christmas. - (FBE) So, another shot to score one more point. How many times does Emma say "Thank you" to the cashier: zero, two, six, seven? - I'm gonna go with six, 'cause I could hear her going, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." - (cashier) Hi. - Hello. - (cashier) How are you doing? - I'm okay. - (cashier) Okay. - I decided to go grocery shopping today. - (cashier) I see. - (Emma chuckles) ♪ Do, do, do, do-do, do-do, do ♪ Thank you so much. (ding) - (cashier) You're welcome, sweetheart. - (Kevin) Keep going, Em. Come on. (laughs) - (Emma) ♪ Do, do, do ♪ ♪ Do, do, do, do ♪ This better not be $100. - All right, $94. - Wow. Thank you so much. (ding) - Your change you're gonna want is $5.66. Here's your 66 and your five. - Thank you. - (Kevin) Say "Thank you" again. - (cashier) This is your receipt for your purchase. This receipt goes with your Google Play card. - Thank you so much. - (cashier) In case anything happens that's not right, and it doesn't work, then you bring it back-- - Thank you. - (cashier) You're quite welcome. It was nice seeing you today. You got some goodies here. - (Mimi) Aww, that's a good girl. - (cashier) You did some great shopping. - (chuckles) Thank you so much. - (cashier) All right. - (Kevin) No more, Em. (laughs) - (cashier) Can you handle this big bag? - Yes. - (cashier) All right. - It is now mine. - (cashier) Mind you, don't drop your change, okay? - Okay. All right, nice seeing you. Have a good day. - Thank you! - (cashier) All right, buh-bye. - (Kevin) See, at least she made me proud. - Yes, a good kid. - She donated. She said "Thank you." I mean, you know. - (Mimi) Yeah, she's a great kid. - (FBE) Mimi, you won. - Yay! I'm sorry. I have a little bit of Gabe's competitive nature. - I think I probably lost because of the questions you guys asked. I'm gonna blame it on you guys, not on myself. It looked like, you know, she had a blast, and I had fun doing it as well. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ (cash register ringing) (cash register whirring) - Wow, Gabe got a lot of stuff. - She's got enough popcorn for an army here. - (FBE) You know, now that we have to keep it a secret from your dad, I have to take the bag back from you, right? - Can I at least have the ice cream? - (FBE) Sure. - Okay, then I'm totally fine with this.
Channel: REACT
Views: 18,103,716
Rating: 4.8556151 out of 5
Keywords: what would my kid do, Toys, Parents Kids, CAN PARENTS GUESS WHAT THEIR KID DOES WITH 100 DOLLARS? Ep. # 2, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, kids versus food, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, Do Teens Know, Do Parents Know, Do Kids Know, Do Elders Know, Kids Toys, Kids Buy Toys, Kids Toys Video, Toy Video, Kids Watch Toys
Id: gVjHOyKQn3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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