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- (FBE) Welcome to "What Would My Kid Do?" the game show where parents compete against each other to see if they can guess what their kid buys when we give them 100 bucks to buy whatever they want at different stores. It's time to see who can prove that they know their kid the most. ♪ (playful music) ♪ - (FBE) Do you know where you're at today? - We're right next to a supermarket. - Mm... no. - (FBE) I'm gonna give you this bag and whatever's inside, you get to keep, okay? - Okay. Can I open it? - (FBE) Yeah. - What's in it? A $100 bill?! - (FBE) And you get to take that $100 and buy whatever you want inside today. - (gasps) Yay! - Hi, I'm Y, and I'm Tida's mom. - I like chocolate, but I know my sister, she won't even ask me for chocolate. She hates it. (chuckles) I mean, she is lactose intolerant. - Hi, I'm Keyla. I'm Jordyn's mom. - I have my own money in my own wallet, but mostly it's a bunch of ones. - Jordyn's favorite item to grab is candy for sure. I think she might go crazy in the grocery store unsupervised. - (Y) If you let Tida in a grocery store, she just will go insane and try to pick out all the things that I normally would tell her, "We don't need that. Do we really need that? Is it on sale?" - (FBE) Are you both ready to start? - Yeah. - Yes! - (FBE) How do you think Jordyn reacted when she got the $100? - Hopefully, she would be excited. - (FBE) Was she very excited and jumped around? Did she think it was only a dollar and was confused? Did she put it in her pocket and then went into the store? Or did she think it was fake and that we were lying to her? - I'm gonna go with D. - (FBE) Tell me what you find. - Just a dollar. - (Keyla chuckles) - See? That's all I found. - Womp, womp. - (FBE) All right, let's go on to Tida. What kind of cookies does Tida choose? Here are your options: chocolate chip, ginger, Oreos, or Nilla Wafers. - Usually eats Oreo cookies. Okay, Oreos. - Oh, I love Oreos! - (Keyla) Aww. - (Y) Yay! - (Keyla) Way to go. - I'm gonna get one pack of Oreos. We usually run out of them really quickly so maybe two. - (parents laugh) - Nice. - Yes! Cha-ching. - Good job, Mom. - (FBE) What does Jordyn get that she says are her favorite: Cheetos, bubble gum, cookies, or an apple? - Aw, man. It's definitely between Cheetos and bubble gum. (sucks in breath) Ooh, this is tough. The first thing that jumped out at me was bubble gum, so I'm gonna stick with that. No, it's gonna be Cheetos! - Cheeto. - (parents laugh) - Cheetos are my favorite. - (Keyla) Aww. - (FBE) Do you think you have a chance of turning it around? - I have to! I mean, I've known her all of her life, so... - (Y laughs) - I got this. - (FBE) What reason does Tida give for buying so many bags of chips: to share with her family... - Aww. - (FBE) bring to her classmates. to enjoy all by herself, or to give to the camera crew. - Oh, to share with her family, 'cause family's first. - These are my favorites besides potato chips. I like Funyuns, so I'm just gonna grab this. - (Y) Oh my goodness. Oh my god. (chuckles) - Then Cheeto Puffs! That's a lot of chips actually. I know my sister, she likes Cheeto Puffs like me, and she likes Funyuns like me, and everybody in our family likes these. I'm just gonna get an extra Lay's bag for my dad, 'cause... (whispers) he runs out of them really quickly. - (Keyla) So cute. - (Y) Yes! He runs out of it very quickly. - (Keyla) Good job. Good job. Pressure's on! - There you go. - I'm ready. - (FBE) What type of cereal does Jordyn say she wants to get, but her mom always says no? - Ohh. I'm gonna go with Lucky Charms, 'cause that is a garbage cereal. - (Y laughs) - (FBE) Cocoa Pebbles, Lucky Charms... - Yes. - (FBE) Honey Nut Cheerios, or Reese's Puffs. - I'm definitely sticking with Lucky Charms. - I always try to get these, (raspily) but my mom always says no! - (Y laughs) - Oh, to the Cocoa Pebbles. Yeah, I don't let her get those. I get the regular ones. Aww, man! All right, ultimate loser. - (Y squeals) - But I feel positive. Let's just keep going. - (FBE) In what aisle does Tida spend the most amount of time: baking and dessert supplies, candy, frozen foods, or fruit and produce? - She wants to be, you know, a baker when she grows up. So I would say A for sure. - Let me check down this aisle. - (Keyla) Aww. - I was looking for marshmallows earlier. I'm gonna grab mini marshmallows and marshmallows. Wait, if we're gonna have cake, then we need frosting. Got it. - (FBE) Three for three. - Woo! - (FBE) What cookies did Jordyn buy? - Is it Oreos? (chuckles) - (FBE) Oreos... - (Y laughs) - (FBE) ...Chips Ahoy, both... - Ooh-- oh, no! Not the option of both! - (FBE) ...or neither? (chuckles) - And neither! Oh, no! This game was set up for me to fail. - Okay, ooh. I'm just gonna go with C, both, because she loves both. Oh, god. Okay. I"m ready. C, both. - I don't know if I wanna get Oreos or chocolate chip cookies. OR I'm just gonna buy these. (buzzer) - (FBE) The Milanos? - Yeah, I tasted one... - (Keyla) What?! - ...but I only had them with chocolate, not mint. I only like the chocolate ones. - (Keyla) Those are granny cookies! What are you-- what?! Oh my gosh. Wow. (buzzer) - Oh, lord. - All right, go Jordyn. Okay. - Let's see what Tida's up to next. - This is exciting. - (FBE) How much does Tida decide to spend on gift cards? - Oh! - (Keyla laughs) - (FBE) $0, $25, $50, or $100? - What she's used to getting is probably $25 gift cards. But if she wants to go shopping, she's gonna choose not to get a gift card, so she can spend all her money. She likes tangible stuff. I would probably guess zero. - (gasps) My mom can't stop me from getting these! (giggles) - (Keyla laughs) - I mean, I do have $100, so let's see. It's $100? Mm, never mind. - (Keyla) Oh. So cute. - So this is $50? I don't think I can really get this. So I think that's enough for now... - (Keyla) Aww. - ...and then I'll just see how much I already spent. - (Keyla) Good for you! - (Y laughs) - Good job. - Oh, yay! (claps) Yeah, 'cause she's gonna choose product over a gift card. - (FBE) Which of the following items does Jordyn not buy for her mom? - Oh, she bought me some stuff? - (FBE) Popcorn, fruits and vegetables, gummy bear candy... - Ooh. - (FBE) ...or Cheetos. - Oh, man. I'm gonna say B, the fruits and vegetables, even though I love them. Oh, god. Oh, I need one! - I think I remember which kind my mom likes. I think she likes these ones. -(Keyla) Yeah. Cheetos for sure. Oh yeah, those are my favorite! Boop, boop, boop. - Only those for my mom. I think I remember what kind of popcorn that she likes. - (Keyla) Yeahh! - Yup, it's this one. I remember. - (Keyla) Yeah! Woo, woo! All right! Not a total loser! - Woo! At least she knows you very well. - She sure does. Yes, yes. - (laughs) - Paying attention unlike me. - (Y) Yes. - (FBE) All right, here we go. The last question for Tida. - All right. You've got this! - Ah. - (FBE) After going over budget at checkout, what items does Tida put back? - Ooh. That's tough. - (FBE) One bag of Lay's and some cup noodles, some cup noodles and gummy bears, one bag of Lay's and Oreos, or Oreos and gummy bears? - That's a tough one, 'cause she loves her cup of noodles. You know, that's the Asian in her. - Yeah. (laughs) - She's not gonna give up Gummy Bears for sure. I'm gonna say one bag of Lay's and then a cup of noodles. - I don't really think that I got the right kind of noodles, so... - Let's see here. - I guess we don't need another bag of Lay's. - (Keyla) Oh, so cute! - All right, you're down to $98.72. - (Y) Oh my gosh! I did it! - Way to go. - Yes! Yes! Yay! - Very nice. Yay! Go kids! - Jordyn. - (FBE) Keyla. - Yes. - (FBE) You lost. - Big time. Terrible. But that was super fun, so I'm okay. - It shows how well I do communicate with her a lot. - She surprises me all the time with the decisions she makes. I feel like now I might just let her kind of be a little more free in the grocery store just to see what she's gonna pick, but I'll still say no if I don't like it. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ (cash register ringing) (cash register whirring and beeping) - (cashier) Your total is $45.71. - (FBE) Jordyn, you still have money. Do you wanna buy anything else? - Mm... no. - Here, you want one for Jordyn? Will she... - I don't want Tida to get mad at me! - She won't. - I bought the spicy Cheetos for my mom and the Doritos for my dad, and I bought the Cheetos for me!
Channel: REACT
Views: 7,342,667
Rating: 4.8981519 out of 5
Keywords: Kids, Toys, what would my kid do, CAN PARENTS GUESS WHAT THEIR KID DOES WITH 100 DOLLARS? Ep. # 4, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, youtubers react, elders react, teens react, adults react, parents react, what would your kid do?, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, kids react, children
Id: -sCLXU9aaJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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