Can Parents Guess Their Kids' Cooking?

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- Dad, you're making a big mess. - Oh, well it's good, I don't know. - Where is the sauce here? - Go in the middle! - I can't see the middle. ♪ (accordion intro) ♪ - (FBE) So parents, we've already challenged your kids to guess your cooking, but now it's time to turn the tables. We've asked both of your kids to bring in a few foods that they cooked with the help of a responsible adult, of course. And we're gonna see if you can guess which ones your kid made? - Okay. - Sounds good. - This is payback. - No! - I love it. - I think it's gonna be hard, 'cause I didn't see, or I have no idea what she made, or what you guys made, so... - Right, my sister's a good cook, and she's the one who helped her, so I'm hungry, so let's hope (laughs) she made something good! - I think I did an okay job with cooking, and I think he would probably be able to guess some, but I made a lot of really random things. - Same, that's what I did too. - Like the very few things I know to make. - I just Pinterest like easy cooking. - (FBE) We've got three dishes for each of you to try. For each of them, one is gonna be made by your kid, one is gonna be made by the other person's kid, and one is gonna be made by us here at FBE as a decoy. You'll get to try all three before making your final decision about which one was made by your child. And because we want this to be as pure a taste test as possible, we've got some blindfolds for you there. - Okay. - (FBE) We'll have you put those on, when we bring out the food. - Woo! - Alright. - How many numbers am I holding up, parents? - You're not holding up any numbers, you're holding up fingers. - Oh! - Good job, touche! - (FBE) First up, we're gonna have some pasta dishes! Here you go, here is dish number one. (kids laugh) - You guys, learn how to use the utensil! - Yeah, if we can see. - Okay. - Alright, here we go. - (laughs) Max's dad got it. - With some pasta sauce. Okay. - Wait, I need another one, wait. - Oh my God, Dad, you don't get five bites on each one. - Hold on, shh, quiet! - It tastes like spices I have at home. I'm gonna say it's Jenna's. - Mom! - Huh? - Did you get any of the sauce? - Um, no. Where is the sauce here? - Go in the middle! - I can't see the middle here. - I wanna walk over there and help you eat it right now so badly! - It's not enough sauce for it to be Tida's. - This is pretty basic, so I think I have a good idea. So bring on the next one. - (FBE) This is pasta option B. - Okay, now you got me. - Yeah, I don't, wait. - Because I don't know if Jenna made spaghetti and meatballs. I'm gonna say spaghetti and meatballs, and I'm gonna say it's... - I'm tasting some cheese though. I really wanna feel this, 'cause I'm like, this is not a meatball. - See, that's where I get it from! - Um, wait... - Mom, do you know what a meatball feels like? (Janet laughs) - Oh no, I taste ricotta cheese. This is lasagna. - I taste some type of Parmesan cheese on here. - Yeah, no, I definitely. - Right? - Definitely got the Parmesan. - And that's kinda throwing me off, because my son drowns everything in Parmesan cheese. - (FBE) Here is option C. - That looks so good! - I'm just gonna say spaghetti and sauce. - Yeah. - And I don't taste meat sauce though. - Do we ever get to try any? - Do we get to? - I think this is Tida's. - Alright, wait a minute, hang on. (chair squeaks) - Is that your stomach growling, Jenna? - Yeah, this doesn't have any meat. - (laughs) No, that was me! - That does not feel like there's much Parmesan on that. - Mm-mm. Mmm, yes! - Dad, you're making a big mess. - Yeah, well it's good. I don't know. - (FBE) Which dish do you think your kid made? A, B, or C? - I think my kid made A. - I think my kid made B. - I think my kid made A. - Okay. Although I know that my son drowns all of his food with Parmesan, we had to keep it simple. I'm gonna go with A also. - (FBE) You are both incorrect! (buzzer rings) - Yeah! - What? - (FBE) You can take off those blindfolds. You are both incorrect. (buzzer rings) - Really? - Oh! - (FBE) So go ahead and take off your blindfolds for a second. - So incorrect! - Hmm. - Very wrong. - Oh, this one does have meat. This one's Tida's. - It does have, is this Jenna's? - No! - This is Tida's. - Yeah. - (FBE) So yes, that one is Tida's. - That's mine! - Mine was B. - So you made lasagna? - It wasn't lasagna. - What was it? - It was like baked ziti, kinda. - Oh. - Mine was B, because I use our signature Parmesan. - I did taste it! - And I drowned it all! - Mine was C that you just ate. - Didn't I say that he drowns his food in Parmesan? - I drown... - But I know he was trying to keep it simple, that's why I went with A. - I thought the first one was just like straight down the line. - Right, that's what I thought too. - That's what I thought Max would've done that. - (FBE) So for the next round, we're going to be trying some different desserts that your kid made. Here is option A. You probably don't need your fork and knife for this one. - Holy moly. - Ah, feels like a cupcake. - Dad, pick it up, pick it up. - Do I pick it up with my fingers? - No, pick it up with your fingers. - A lot of chewing here. - Yeah. - (laughs) You guys look ridiculous. - There's three different ones? - (laughs) Mom! - I think... - Oh! - Are these from one person? - (FBE) Yes, these are all from one person. - Okay. - Hmm, are they all different flavors? Who knows? You never know. (laughs) - I'm gonna say this is Jenna's. - Um, okay. - She likes sprinkles. - (FBE) Alright, here is option B. Probably gonna want your forks or your spoons for this one. - Oh, okay. Am I getting anything? I can't tell. - Am I getting anything? - Yes Dad, you're getting something. - Holy moly. - Yuck. - Is it like a custard? - Yeah. - With a blueberry or something like that. - Yeah, I'm not a fan. - Yeah. - You guys went for the, oh my God! - Mmm. - Okay, a little messy, I'm gonna say this is Tida's. - There's three different ones. - Hmm, wait. - Might be Jenna's. - I wouldn't say that this is Tida's. Can't be, yeah, this is not Tida's. Although this snickerdoodle's really good. - (FBE) Here is option C. - Fork or hands? - (FBE) Spoon. - Spoon? - (FBE) Spoon. - It's in your beard, Dad. - Mine? - No, in... - Oh, see I don't even know which son is out there. - Mom, why are you touching it? No touchy! - I don't know where... - Eaty! Actually, I would play with my food, so I can't really blame you. - I know this is not the girls'. (laughs) 'Cause this is too cold. - Oh yeah, but it's good. - It would've melted. Wait. - Mmm. - I want, what is this? - This would be good with the cake I had earlier. - I'm sure Tida's like dying wanting to eat this. - You found a cherry? I didn't find a cherry. - I found a cherry on top. (Tida whimpers) - Maybe mine doesn't have one. - (FBE) Which dessert did your kid make, A, B, or C? - Okay. - You go first, you go first. - Okay, knowing my son, and how much of a sweet tooth he has, I'm gonna go with this one, C. - I'm gonna be really boring and say the same thing. Max is like a mad man for ice cream. - I think Jenna made option one. - Mmm, I think Tida made option two. - (FBE) You are both incorrect! - Incorrect! (laughs) - What? - (FBE) You're both correct! - Oh yay! - Yeah! - Hey, good job! - Yes. - The best snickerdoodles! - Mom, it's not cake, it's a cupcake. - I like cupcakes! - I was B! - I made the muffins. - Me and mom looked up how to make white pudding, and then we just added blueberries from the house. (David laughs) - No way, dude! - Can I have a scoop of the ice cream? - I could've sworn it was this. - (gasps) Yay! - Oh yeah, you're welcome to it. - Go over there. - Give me a bite! I'm coming over there! - Mmm! - Dude, this is really good. - Oh my gosh, this is like so... - I want a bite! - So good, you can't waste this! - Can I have it? - You guys are... - Thank you! This is not part of the rules, but we're rule breakers, so. - Yeah, sorry. - Mmm. - We're bad judges. - We're 0 for 2! - Yeah, we're bad judges of food. - Hopefully we get the last one, because I need to redeem myself at least once. - (FBE) So for our last round, we've got three different dishes. We asked your kids to prepare a dish that they consider one of their favorites. So you're gonna have to guess which one that is. - Oh! - (FBE) Here is option A. - It's gotta be cornish game hen. Isn't that what you like, Max? I don't know, um, is this... Salad. - I'm not even picking anything up. The hell, sorry. - It's alright, I think it's salad. - Yeah, yeah. - I'm not getting bites. - Use your knife! - Oh yeah. - Now I can't see what I'm cutting then. - Alright, this is Tida's. - Okay, I can taste... - If Aunt Tida helped you, wait, what's this? - Meat. - Mmm. - Is there any noodles in it? Oh, is that fishy? - Mm-hmm, yeah, I'm eating this for lunch, Tida. I think she definitely made that one. - (FBE) Here is option B. - (David) You know, we're not doing well on this. - They're not messy. - I'm gonna guess this is FBE's. Woops, ooh, I just... - Are these hotdogs in here? - (laughs) Yeah. Wait, is that mustard? - (laughs) Your mom stuck her finger in it. (Tida laughs) - I did too! - Is this like an evil chicken nugget? - They're like pigs in a blanket or something. - Yeah, I think it's a corn dog. I think it's a baby corn dog. - Yeah, I think that was FBE's. - But remember Dad, our mom's not a good cook! - (FBE) Alright, here's option C. - Jenna makes good food too. - Does she make salmon? Okay, wait. Is this pasta? Another pasta? - Mmm, this is like restaurant quality though. - Wait, this is actually pretty good, hang on. What's in this? Is there tuna in this or something? - Is it tuna casserole? - I don't know. - I think you still have the fish flavor in your mouth from the salmon. - Yeah, I taste some macaroni. - Aha, I have a clue. I think it's more of a cookie. - Cookie, brownie. Yeah, yeah, okay. - (FBE) Alright moms, are you ready to guess whether you think your child made option A, option B, or option C? - Um, A was the salmon, right? - (FBE) Yes. - So yes, Tida, A. - Jenna made C. - No question for me, this is C. He's a chocolate chip cookie fiend. - As much as he likes sweets, I know that he also likes salad too. So I'm gonna go with A for him, salad. - You got it correct! - Yay! - We got 'em right? - Yeah! - The mac and cheese is from a box! - Really? - Is that what it is, is mac and cheese? - It's not restaurant quality! - Is it Kraft mac and cheese? - (FBE) Congratulations, Dad, you got one! - We both got it right? - We did? - (FBE) You did! - Oh yeah! Dude, can we take these... - Right on, dude! - 'Cause remember when you threw me off with the pancakes? I thought if I threw you off with salad! - No, 'cause I know you love salad. - I do. - He loves salad, that, that is true. - I love salad. - I'm surprised you even figured out that those were chocolate chips, 'cause there were so many mistakes when I was baking them. Like, I did, instead of a teaspoon of vanilla, which is what usually should be in there, I did a tablespoon of vanilla. - Holy moly! - (FBE) You both got two of these correct. Girls, how are you feeling about their performance? - Good job, Mom! - Eh, good! - Well I got one, when we did it, so I mean, kinda even. - We're even. We call it even. - But yeah, I was just hoping... - But I didn't spit any food out, like some people did. - Uh, nope, mm-mm, not even putting that in my mouth. - It was quite difficult trying to, you know, taste food without seeing it. - Yeah. - Seeing is a very important, vital part of eating, because you want to know what you're eating. - Didn't we do good? - We went to town. - I wanted to finish all of those dishes. Like, I wanted to eat more. - Jenna said that she couldn't cook at home, 'cause she didn't want to, but now I'm gonna make her cook. - Yeah! - She can help me in the kitchen. - That was so much... - I've never had this. - So you wanna taste Jenna's mac and cheese, but you wouldn't eat mine? - Yeah! - Mmm, that's good! - It's good. - (FBE) Good job, moms! - Yay! - So now it's time for you to go home and cook like every meal. - Eh, I'm good. - No. - I'll wait til college. - (laughs) Goodness! - Thanks for watching Guess Your Kid's Cooking... - On the REACT Channel. - Subscribe! - We've got new shows every day! - What's your favorite dish? - Let us know in the comments! - Bye! - Bye guys! - Hey guys, React Producer Mary here. Thank you so much for watching Guess Your Kid's Cooking right here on the REACT Channel. Be sure to subscribe for more great food content just like this. Bye!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 1,257,200
Rating: 4.9354515 out of 5
Keywords: can parents guess, can parent guess their kids cooking, parents react, adults react, kids react, people vs food, taste test, master chef jr, parents guess, dad reacts, moms react, cooking challenge, food challenge, kids cook, kids pick, kids make our food, kids make parents food, react, reaction, GYC2001, do they know it, do parents know, family friendly, home cooking, Can A Parent Guess Their Kid’s Cooking?
Id: 9XcH78BN7dc
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Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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