Can Parents Guess Movies Described By Kids? #4 (React)

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- (FBE) So today, we'll be showing you some videos of kids explaining movies. - Oh, I'm so bad at this. - I love this! - (FBE) You will have to guess what movie they are talking about. Whoever can guess correctly gets a point. The person with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. - Okay, good. I love this game. - I do too. - (FBE) So, the kids did have some limitations. They couldn't say any character names and they couldn't use any words from the movies that would give it away too much, so you ready for this challenge? - Let's get it in, let's get it in. - How fun, how fun. - I am going to win. - You know what? And I was trying to be nice. It's going down. I'm gonna win. Mm-hm. - Kids, you better nail this for me. Make it super clear for this little old lady brain. - See, I gotta sandbag so I don't look bad if I do lose. I'm like, "I don't know. I think it's gonna be a fair fight." Inside I'm like, "She's going down." - This is gonna be violent, I can tell you. - No one is-- we're not taking each other down. - (FBE) So, here's the first kid explaining their movie. - (Tida) So, the movie was about... - Aw, she's so cute. - (Tida) A little blue monster that had six arms. - A blue monster. - (Tida) Then went to two arms. - Six arms? - That sound familiar already. - (Tida) Six arms, but then went to two arms. - What? - I know it. - (Tida) And met a little girl. - I think I know it. - (Tida) She was really little. She used to get bullied and she went to a dog store. - Why do you know this? - (Tida) Went to go get a pet, but they ended up finding the little blue monster and she's like, "I want that one, Mom." - Aw. - (Tida) They ended up getting that one, that little blue monster, and now he only has two arms and helps her out every day. - Wow. - Sounds like a good movie. - You start to think you have it, - Oh my God, I know. - and then they keep going - There were so many details - and you're like, "Ah, dang it." - in there. - I think I know it. - And I picture the main character, but I can't think of the name of the movie. - (FBE) Make your guess in three, two, one. - Smurfs. - Little Monsters. - (FBE) So, this was Lilo and Stitch. - Lilo and Stitch. - Lilo and Stitch. I've definitely heard of that one. - I was gonna say Monsters, Inc. - Cookie Monster. - Kids Play. - (FBE) This was Lilo and Stitch. - Ah, Lilo and Stitch. So famous. - I know that. God, how come I didn't see that? - Lilo and Stitch. - Oh God, no clue. - (FBE) Yeah Sharon, you got it. It's Lilo and Stitch. - Lilo and Stitch. - Monsters, Inc. - (FBE) Scott, you got it. It's Lilo and Stitch. - I have no idea. - Yeah! - Damn it. My confidence is shattered. - Hey, it's one, nothing. There's still time. - Nicest guy in the world, this one. - (Dominick) There's this bad guy who basically can transform into basically anything. It feeds off of fear, but then one day, it came back to the town and then it had a little kid dragged into the sewer. - I know it. - But also, really? He gets to watch that? That's amazing. - (Dominick) He went missing and then everyone tried to look for him. A couple of characters go off to try to find him, but then find the bad guy. Basically, they kinda defeat it by kicking it back into its well and then they all... - He's doing a beautiful job. - (Dominick) Say "We'll meet back together if this thing ever shows up, so one of us will have to stay there." And then that's the end of it. - Okay, that sounds... - And this is a movie? - terrifying. - Oh no. And I'm gonna be so mad if I'm wrong and it's this other movie that I can't remember the name of right now. - Oh my God. - They should not have seen that movie. He is too little. It's a remake where with that clown, that scary clown that's in the sewer and they drag kids in there. - Oh, you talking about It. - Yes, It. - (FBE) Jen, stop helping him. - That what it is? - No, not It. Was it called It? No, wait. - (FBE) Make your guess in three, two, one. - (both) It. - (FBE) Yes, you both got a point. - Clearly, I've been watching Steven King and not Disney. - (both) It. - (FBE) Yes, this was It. - I'm glad she said that, 'cause I wasn't gonna know. I was gonna say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. - Well, that's a sewer. That's true. - (both) It. - (FBE) Yes, this is It. - Oh. - Hey. - Wait, wait, did I say it first? - No, don't even try it. Don't even try it. - She said "I, I" and then "t". - (both) It. - (FBE) Yes. - Oh. I only got that because there was a parody in a laugh challenge of It in the sewer. - See, I just remembered the original. - (Jordyn) So, it's about... - Aw. - (Jordyn) ...that in the family member that instead of... - These kids are cute. - (Jordyn) ...him having a job, she got-- - Seriously? - Really? - Fantastic. - (Jordyn) And then so, fast forward. They find that the baby has powers. - Oh, okay. - (Jordyn) The baby has powers and then he... - Got it. - (Jordyn) And then she got really excited and then he started getting his powers. There's so much. - "There's so much." - She's like, "It's just too overwhelming. I can't do this. It's a lot." - (FBE) Okay, you can make your guess in three, two, one. - Big Boss Baby. - Incredibles. - (buzzer) - I don't know. - Harry Potter? - (FBE) So, this was Incredibles 2. - (buzzer) - Ah. - Oh my God. Because I knew-- see, I should have watched number two. I've seen the first one. - I haven't seen it. - But then I thought both parents was working and they didn't have a mansion in number one. - I have no idea. - Incredibles 2. - (FBE) Yes, Scott. - That raccoon scene is one of the best scenes I think I've seen. - This is my punishment for not having... - It's just a good movie. - I know. Incredibles was a great movie. I just didn't go see the second one. - Oh, it's good. - The Incredibles 2. - Incredibles 2. - (FBE) Yes, you both got it. - I coasted into that one. I'm just going, "All right, the only baby I know with super powers." - This is where it could all turn, though. You know what I mean? You get on a roll and this could be the part where you're just like, "Oh no." So I'm ready for my "Oh no" moment. - (Royel) There's a boy. He went to go read. Then he was in a dream. There was a guy. He wanted to go save people. His horse died in mud. - I got it. - (Royel) A dragon creature. - A dragon? - (Royel) And then there was a thing that attacked the dragon creature and bad things happen. Something that happened in the story happens in real life. There's a thunder storm. - What? - That's great. - (Royel) A princess. - What? - (Royel) He says something or another. - It's like they can't explain too much, so they're like trying to word it but can't explain too much of it. - That's so cute. - Dude, if he really picked the movie I'm thinking of, wow. - I have no idea. I'm just gonna watch what Scott says and I'm gonna say the same thing. We're gonna do that thing. - I have no idea. - That was really good. - What movies are you watching? - The best. - I guess. I'm gonna throw a guess out there, but I'm going way old school and I don't think it's true. Okay. - I bet you got it. - (FBE) You guys can make your guess in three, two, one. - Sleeping Beauty. - Puff the Magic Dragon? - (FBE) So this was Neverending Story. - (buzzer) - Wow. God, we're so bad. Are we getting an F today? - Shrek 3? - Game of Thrones. - (FBE) So, this was Neverending story. - Ah, I was wrong. - Oh, Neverending Story. - Neverending Story. Great movie. - X-Men. - Neverending Story. - (FBE) Neverending Story. - That movie is-- oh my gosh. He knows Neverending Story. That's what's amazing to me. That was part of my childhood. - (both) Neverending Story. - (FBE) Yes. - What, okay. - The horse died in the mud. The sad place or something like that. I think we were talking too much and giving her time to think, so if we can get to that three, two, one a little quicker, it'd be great. - (Sydney) So, the movie is about this guy and he has to go into space and leave his daughter. - Aw. - (Sydney) When he's in space, he has to go to the fifth dimension or whatever and the reason why is because on Earth, all the crops are dying and stuff and so to do that... - [Bleep]. - (Sydney) Save the planet or whatever. And so, but when he's over there, time moves differently and so when his daughter is forty, he'll still be forty and so by the time he comes back, - Sounds familiar. - (Sydney) His daughter is actually about to die, - Oh God. - I-- gosh dang it. - (Sydney) And he ended up saving the planet and everything and it made me cry. - Aw. - (Sydney) It made me cry and it was very sad. - Wow, she explained that very well. I feel like if I knew the movie, I would-- she explained that well. - Syd has a great explanation. - Yeah, Sydney immed-- - I have no idea. - Even her mom has said she's her age going on thirty. I'm probably gonna say the wrong name. I know who's in the movie and I can't even... - Can't think of the name of it. - Argh, it's so frustrating! - Very possibly. - I'm so irritated right now. Oh, I know exactly what it is. I can't think of the name. - I'm worried. - What if I say the "stars" name? - (FBE) No. - I like that. Half a point? - (FBE) No. You can make your guess in three, two, one. - I don't know. - Mars. - (FBE) This was Interstellar. - What is that? - Okay. Well, gee. I need to watch more movies. - Fifth Element. - I have no idea. That was a good movie, though. - (FBE) Sydney was explaining Interstellar. - Interstellar. - Interstellar. - I don't think I saw that. - Matthew McConaughey, Interstellar. There's so many space movies. - I need to watch more movies. - Interspace. - The Martian. - (FBE) You're so close. It's Interstellar. - Ah, damn it. The Matthew McConaughey movie. - Oh. - (FBE) Sharon, you won. - Whoo! - Nice, nice. - Color me shocked. - Yeah. - Interstellar. - Glengarry Glen Ross. What? - Interstellar. - (FBE) You're right, it's Interstellar. - Oh, good. - God. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Sydney did an amazing job. All the kids did an amazing job. - Yeah. - I feel like I have to go watch every movie that was ever made before and try to think of it from an eight year old's perspective and see where I get to. - Thanks for watching this episode on React Channel. - Subscribe for new shows every single day. - Hit that Like button if you like this episode. - What movie should the kids explain next? Let us know in the comments. - Bye. - Hey, I'm Katie, a React Channel producer. Thank you so much for watching this episode. Be sure to check out our Instagram @FBE to see what we're up to. Bye, guys.
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 2,762,857
Rating: 4.9357762 out of 5
Keywords: Guess That Movie, Movies, Incredibles, Can Parents Guess Movies Described By Kids? #4, Incredibles 2, IT, kids describe movies, Guess that, staff react, fbe staff, react, reaction, fbe, employees, coworkers, co-workers, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, kids versus food, do they know it, lyric breakdown, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE
Id: -E_4pyL53Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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