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- (FBE) Welcome to "What Would My Kid Do?" the game show where parents compete against each other to see if they can guess what their kid buys when we give them 100 bucks to buy whatever they want at different stores. It's time to see who can prove that they know their kid the most. ♪ (playful music) ♪ Do you know what you're doing here today? - No. - No, not really. - (FBE) We are going to give you this $100, and you can buy whatever you want in the store. And you're gonna buy whatever you want. - ♪ Da, da, da, da ♪ ♪ Da, da, da, da ♪ ♪ Da, da, da ♪ - Hey. My name is Nicole. I'm Sydney's mom. I believe Sydney, on her trip to the toy store, will be overwhelmed and extremely excited. - I'm Shannon. I'm Max's mom. And I think that on his trip to the toy store, he was probably really excited and then probably tried to keep the money for himself. I think she's gonna win, because Max's interests are super limited. And so, if he goes beyond that, I have no idea what he is gonna pick. - (FBE) How did Sydney react when she discovered she got $100 to spend at the toy store? Was she happy and thankful for the $100? Was she surprised, in disbelief, and questioned the producer? Did she doubt the $100 was real and check to make sure? - (chuckles) - (FBE) Or was she frozen and didn't know what to do or say? - I would say B. - (FBE) Okay. Let's go ahead and throw the headphones on and see if you are correct. - (Nicole chuckles) - Really? Anything?! Why?! - (Nicole giggles) - How irresponsible can you be to give a 10-year-old $100 in a toy store? What? You're wasting your money. - (Shannon chuckles) So cute. - Oh my god. She's so funny. - (FBE) So the next question is gonna be for Max. - Okay. - (FBE) Max mentions he normally doesn't play with toys. How does he usually spend his free time: drawing, playing video games, playing on the iPad, or playing outside? - I think he said an iPad. - I don't normally buy toys a lot. I normally... play on my iPad. - (both laugh) (ding) - You do know him. - (FBE) What stuffed animal does Sydney decide to buy? Is it a dog, a koala, a bear, or a bunny? - I would definitely say A. Sydney would want the dog. She wants a real dog. We already have two, but she wants a third dog so bad. - I don't want any dolls. I don't need any of these horses. Gonna spend my money wisely. (whispers) Oh my gosh. I love dogs. Oh my gosh. Stuffed animals are the best. - (Shannon) Aww. - I need more. Aww! Look at the koala. (buzzer) It's so cute! Okay, we're getting you. Okay, let's keep going. - I thought for sure she'd pick the dogs. - (FBE) What did Max do when he got to the Nerf gun aisle? Did he decide to buy it? Did he decide to buy it, then put it back? Did he take out of the package to try it? Or he didn't even notice it and he just walked by? - I think he might've bought one and then put it back, because he would like it, but then he would be afraid that he would miss something else if he didn't check out the entire store and then make a purchase. - It's cool. - (Shannon) Ooh. - Um... - (Nicole) That's a big one. - I'm not sure I'm gonna buy that, 'cause that's a lot. - (chuckles) - Right on. - (FBE) Which one of the following does Sydney not get in the toy store? Does she not get a stuffed koala, a hacky sack, a pony stick, or a Twister? - Oh, goodness. I'm gonna say D. - I've never tried hacky sack. - (Nicole) Oh. - I'll try it. - (Nicole) There you go. - Sure, new hobbies. I'll get Twister. - (Nicole) Oh. (buzzer) There you go. I don't even know my child - Ooh. I used to love these as a kid, but I already have one at home, so I'm sorry. - (FBE) So now we're on to Max. What type of toy car did Max decide to buy? Is it a remote-controlled car... - Oh. - Oh. - (FBE) ...a Transformers car, a bulldozer, or a Power Wheels car? - Definitely not a bulldozer. That would just floor me if he decided to go construction. - (Nicole laughs) - I'm thinking a remote control car, and it's gonna be a fancy one. - I think remote control cars are... they're cool. That's 79, so that's... - (Shannon inhales sharply) - (Nicole) The money. (chuckles) - (FBE) Let me grab it for you. Cool. So, you want me to toss it in your basket? There you go. You still got 20 bucks. You're three for three right now. - Yes! - (FBE) Why do you think you're doing so well? - Because his interests are very specific right now, so it's kind of easy for me, because he doesn't play with a lot of toys. He never has. And so, when he's into something, it's very saturated into that one thing. - (FBE) What does Sydney say when we tell her to spend her money wisely? - Oh, god. - (FBE) So here are the options. - All right. - (FBE) She appreciated it, she talked down to us... - Oh, ho-ho! - (FBE) She asked for us to help her keep track. - Oh. - (FBE) Or she ignored us completely and moved on. - Oh my goodness. It could be any of those. D. I'm gonna say D. Just throw it out there. She probably ignored you and just moved on. - (FBE) I mean, you've got... you can probably splurge a little. - No. (buzzer) No. Just, no. - (parents laugh) - You're not the one to talk about spending your money wisely. You just gave me $100. - (Shannon laughs) Oh! - Think about what you're saying. - (Nicole) Wow. Schooled you, didn't she? - (laughs) Look at that! - Man, I feel schooled all the time by her. It's brutal. It's brutal. - (FBE) Which Star Wars figurine did he get for his father? - So cute. - Aw, he actually thought of his dad? - (FBE) Was it Darth Vader... - Oh my god, Jar Jar. - (FBE) ...Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Jar Jar Binks? - If it's a Jar Jar, his father will never speak to him again. - (laughs) - It has to be Darth Vader. It has to be. My husband dresses as Darth Vader as a cosplayer. But I'm nervous! - My dad loves Star Wars things, which is kind of weird. And I don't. - (FBE) You know, there's a bunch of Star Wars things right behind us back here. - Has to be. - I think I'm gonna get the Jar Jar for my dad. And that's only $15. - (parents laugh) - I have no words! (buzzer) - That is awesome. - None. - (Nicole) Oh, I love it. - I don't even know what his dad's gonna do. - (FBE) What story did Sydney tell about the boomerang she got from her aunt? Did she break it? - (chuckles) - (FBE) Did she lose it? Did she break a window with it? Or did she hit her brother with it? - She probably hit her brother with it. I'm almost positive. - Aunt got me a boomerang, 'cause she went to Australia, and what happened was I tried to throw it, and I think I accidentally hit my brother in the face. I'm not sure, though. I forget. Don't blame me, though! Blame my aunt, 'cause she got it. - (parents laugh) - See? I figured her brother's a glutton for punishment with her. - (FBE) Got another point on the board. - (both) Woo! - All right! No shut out. - No. I don't even know what's gonna happen after the last one. - Right? - Woo. - (FBE) Has your confidence been shaken? - Yes. My whole world has been shaken. I can't go on. - Jar Jar Binks. You'll be dreaming of Jar Jar Binks. - I can't even! - (FBE) So... - (chuckles) Shocker. - (FBE) Max spent too much. - (sarcastically) Really? - (FBE) What was an item that he put back? - Please sweet lord, let it be Jar Jar. - (parents laugh) - (FBE) Was it the remote RC car? - Hm, no. - (FBE) Was it a small cop car? Was it his dad's Jar Jar Binks? - (laughs) I can't. I can't go on. - (FBE) Or was it a stuffed toy? - Well, I want it to be C, but I can't imagine him buying a small cop car in the first place. But now I question everything that I know about my own child. I think he put back a stuffed toy, because he has 1,000 of them. (cash register beeping) - (cashier) It comes to $112.75. - Give me money. - (FBE) No. - Aw, man. - (FBE) You have to put something back. - I'll put the Jar Jar back. - (Shannon) Yes! - (Nicole laughs) - Phew. I mean, I lost a point or whatever, but it's worth it. - (FBE) Congratulations, Shannon. You won with three points. - Shocker. - (Nicole) Yay! Congratulations for knowing your child. - Pfft. You know your kid obviously, but they're little, and they still have... they're developing their personalities, and they still have whims, a lot of them. So they're gonna do things that are shocking and terrifying. - I get to buy toys! ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ (cash register ringing) (cash register beeping and whirring) - Oh, here's the fancy car, I'm sure. - I had so much fun. For his dad! - Aw. - (FBE) So Sydney, your mom's gonna have to guess what you bought today. - Oh gosh. I feel bad for my mom, 'cause there's so much stuff! - Jar Jar in here? - (FBE) No, he returned Jar Jar. - I know! I'm just wondering if he snuck in.
Channel: FBE
Views: 7,325,430
Rating: 4.8717275 out of 5
Keywords: what would my kid do, toys, parents kids, CAN PARENTS GUESS WHAT THEIR KID DOES WITH 100 DOLLARS? Ep. # 3, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, youtubers react, elders react, teens react, adults react, parents react, what would your kid do?, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, kids react
Id: -66xHRJSPxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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