Beating People with the Spanish Opening (Forgotten Chess Stream from Malaysia)

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okay I'm back this is not going to be a long stream hopefully but I wanted to stream one last time last few hours that I'm in Malaysia I'm flying to Singapore in just over 12 hours and I'll be flying to Australia in about 24 hours so let's do some puzzles and then I'll probably play so if there's anyone watching right now and you want to play me feel free to send me a challenge do a mix of puzzling and playing so this is reconfigure the windows here see the chat okay this is black to move blocks down upon but there's a number of things jumping out I mean II four is a fork there's also a pin on the B file B three looks like a free pawn now B 3 we tray the bunch like rook takes b3 rook takes b3 rook takes me three Queen d2 well I guess there's rook be won in the end but if or also looks good like do I choose ice cream or the cake that's is too tasty looking options here so I should probably find a reason to reject one of the moves maybe e4 Bishop takes e4 pawn takes e4 rook d5 there's some compensation good morning to cycle rooks except it's the evening here it's 8:55 p.m. that good morning to wherever you are an extra Mendota hello and go Ovid on a you are not first you are seconds so I'm really conflicted here because or maybe rook takes b3 roof takes b3 rook takes be three there's Queen c2 but then I can take in e4 in the end there's only one answer this is this is frustrating rook takes b3 row takes be a rook takes b3 Queen oh maybe Queen takes b3 takes takes and then white has cop rook b7 and then blocks better but okay I think I'm gonna go for efore cuz I don't see anything wrong with efore it's just a fork and there's still all this pressure on the B file hold my breath yes Queen f6 probably Bishop g7 I don't see anything immediately wrong with taking the rook though if I take the rook coin off seven then Bishop g7 I could take the Knights - there's so many enticing options have the cake have the ice-cream have the candy I mean Bishop g7 just doesn't move that I would probably play in a game I kicked the Queen when the rook a g5 doesn't do anything I don't think actually maybe I'm Bishop g7 Queen h4 I take the rook Knight g5 that could be annoying actually so I have to be a little bit careful like Bishop g7 Queen h4 I take the Knights maybe I should just take the rook first it's a weird problem it seems like there's multiple ways yet advantage I'm leaning towards taking the rook ah but should have sevens of threats chef sevans a monster threat okay so if you take the rook Bishop f7 maybe I can resign I feel like if this were a game I could very easily let my guard down and just take the rook and allow Bishop f7 so okay Bishop g7 Queen h4 and then I take the Knights probably if I'm up a piece okay I can live with that Knight g5 first I have to take take Queen will take if I play King h8 night f7 is subpoena hmm if Queen takes there's still this threat of some like perpetual but it's probably easy to stop like Queens u7 or something and blocks up the pieces ok hello to more people in the chat hello - Lucy moody with the emotes psycho rooks Malaysia is good Malaysia was a bit rainy today I got wet many times so I stayed inside most of the day took a nap woke up really early to teach but it was good good morning - toilet not again what time is it I guess it's 7 a.m. in the u.s. Lee central time so it's not too bad our Gila is says 3rd I don't think you were 3rd you're like 7th or something Joker Sun my tactics rating is is 2505 I gained 4 points from that puzzle people saying take rook taking rook would have been really bad hello - sentai sentinel returns and Kate 2345 ok we'll do one more puzzle and then we'll play some people bruno rola welcome back ok so this is back to move a first thing that comes to mind is just taking the rook and Bishop h4 the equal material this rook is trapped kind of Ciroc take c1 if Queen takes we win the bishop if rook takes Bishop h4 queen III Bishop takes a 1 and then Bishop takes a fates there's Bishop h4 immediately - hmm there's Bishop d4 immediately you take sticks Bishop H for Queen III weights no if Queen III I just take the bishop on d6 so this is easy rook takes rook rook takes rook Bishop H for the Queen moves somewhere and we win the bishop if Queen afore we take the rook Bishop takes a fake Queen takes f8 and black is up a bishop Queen e5 I forgot about I should have seen Queen e5 but somehow this is still good take the rook takes off aids maybe f6 Ben Feingold says always play off six right f6 and then the Queen cannot stay defending both the rook and the bishop and will take one of them Wow sneaky but we can just take and then be up a bishop in the end okay that's nice Joker son enjoying my high activity on YouTube I actually have not been active too recently in the last week but I just uploaded did I publish the video I don't know if I hit publish and go to my channel I intended to publish a video just like actually right before I started the stream maybe I'll publish it after this dream no it's published 16 minutes ago I published puzzle rush video my first uploaded in like a week or two I think was my previous upload yeah week ago i'ma try and stay active it's been difficult there's just so many things going on a lot to juggle okay um let's play some people let's go and play this guy first person to challenge me hopefully a person and let's play let's play e4 this is rated blitz he'll play a Spanish let's play a Spanish in honor of some guy named Roy Lopez 9f six so we have a Berlin I don't know what to play in separately and I'm gonna play d3 some sort of anti Berlin Bishop c5 Castle I honestly don't know too much theory here I'm just gonna try and play normal moves I think I have a threat like when I'm when I Castle I was threatening to take on c6 let's play c3 we treat this like a typical slower Spanish type position start with 92 bit more positional in nature I think black is pretty content with a bishop develop to c5 and this might end up transposing and into some Italian but who knows and play h3 very typical move so I want to play rook e1 but I don't want to allow Knight g4 followed by f5 also putting the question to see what black is doing Bishop can drop back drop back even further now I think we've sort of transposed into Italian my goal is to do this he's kind of doing the same thing with his Knights hey it's bits was it bits no it's a donation Abdul Abdul Benz I don't think I've heard that name before thanks for the three dollars I was very generous who are you it's like one of the most alphabetically first people that I've seen in a while d4 we trade the ship before let's play G Nigeria three dollars is a lot of money in Malaysia I get buys it almost buy is like a full meal hmm Bishop III can play b4 like be for a for let's do it so thing about this sort of opening like white can play on both sides of the board let's play this I like the tension because black doesn't really ever want to take always has to worry about me taking or maybe playing a5 Bishop d7 I'm gonna play Queen and Queen or above Bishop to e3 maybe Bishop b3 that's why Bishop b3 more active square because he gave up control of this diagonal if he plays Bishop e6 back that would be kind of funny I would have had a decision to make but maybe he wants to play a 5 ok let's play Bishop e3 I'd be happy to get the double e pawns what am i doing in Malaysia I'm playing chess and I'm streaming but now I've it was just sort of a mini vacation I've only been here for five days I'm flying to Australia tomorrow Bishop d5 is a natural move while them I move so far have just been purely intuition based not too much calculation based b9 f5 and five still relying on intuition assume if he takes I'll be happy yeah Malaysia has been really nice I mean would have liked to stay longer but try to make the most of my time here I went did like first time ever I did like this Airbnb experience yesterday which involves like traveling through the jungle going like off trail finding some hidden waterfall seeing monkeys it's pretty cool I forgot about night isse Evan I probably should have calculated before going into this line so if I play Bishop e4 there's g5 so maybe I take first I can take if takes back then Bishop e4 looks a little bit sketchy but I'm trying weather the storm if Knight takes d5 pawn takes b6 and we're just trading takes ticks ticks ticks ticks not sure who's coming out on top it still seems relatively balanced I feel like I should take keep some initiative b5 might be a target Queen b3 starting to I some some focal points also stopping Knight d5 might have ideas of like rook a7 is beginning to apply some pressure I might be threatening this too so going d7 is a normal move let's play rock a6 because the knight is also a target Knight doesn't have too many squares I guess it can move to a4 which I kind of forgot about and then my rook is kind of stuck hmm but if 9a for maybe Queen D 563 66 there's also 9a for c4 which could be interesting Queen c7 okay defending the Knights on defending the pawn I want to play rook a1 first let's do it just want to improve my pieces or k7 coming and there's stuff on the seventh rink that black has to be concerned to that but everything is defended right now Knight c5 could be coming so let's play queen of queen d5 I don't think c3 can be taken because I've rook see one followed by rook takes g7 meanwhile I want to capture a d6 d6 is not easy to defend as a queen can't defend it b6 is off-limits from the rook so let's run up on maybe now he'll take on c3 but I still have rook c1 rook c1 Queen b3 I take g7 I'd like to play Queen e7 here I think it it's okay so I've sevens of targets and e5 is a target - I probably could have taken on e5 now it's too late I could take on f7 play rook c1 first let's take on f7 so black and windy 3 I think the goal here is just to start attacking like night h4 Knight g6 possibilities let's not get the Queen to trapped let's play this and then this just holding on to d3 and when I'm given the chance I would like to play Knight h4 night g6 maybe right away now okay this pawn should not be too problematic and this is a kind of attack tonight g6 is coming I'll probably play rook d1 soon let's take the rook first rook t1 take the pawn I can take the night to it's a nice gift resigned right as I was about to take the night's a good game it was interesting kind of Spanish grind I think black was okay out of the opening and then so the thing about the Spanish like kind of so long fights and things got messy around here because I miss 97 I had to improvise with B takes e5 things worked out in the end so hello to more people in the chat let me scroll up check to the King is that OB chest jumper Senor Rosen I don't even know what that comment means you need to stop procrastinating did you consider watching my stream procrastinating because then you should stop chess improves memory does it maybe it does well part of Australia I am I going to I'm going to Adelaide in Melbourne and maybe Sydney and maybe Gold Coast I was looking at flights earlier I'm trying to figure out like the cheapest way to get from Australia to Asia around New Year's and everything is pretty expensive but there is a there is like some cheap flight from Gold Coast so I'm still still figuring things out joana try is in the chat is there music there better not be music unless I've been hacked okay it's your computer that's good Joana I think I was watching your stream earlier but I just like I fell asleep like whatever music you had playing it was so soothing clap says next would Jenin thanks for the clap grooving Kurtz hello Joanna thanks for the three bits Matthew mob you're in Sydney if you're in Sydney have you been to the this restaurant the queenside is it just Queen side there's a queen side something we inside two chests it's like the one of the only chess themed restaurants in the world as far as I know I really want to go there that's like the main reason why I want to visit Sydney is because they named a drink after me and I want to go to to try it so I'll try and stop by for a few days oh my jumper you are wearing right now oh you call it a jumper okay like I call this a hoodie or like a jacket I forgot that jumper is like a form of clothing stumper you know yes I'm in Malaysia you live in Malaysia what I'm only here for a few more hours do you live in in Kuala Lumpur because I'm that's where I've been saying for the last like five days check - the king is sorry you're from the UK why do you have to be sorry about that oh because he was using the term jumper okay that's okay it's good reminder there's all this like weird turns we're like terminology that even amongst English speakers it can be confusing 40 minutes from Kol yeah it's just like a mini-vacation kind of a work occasion but yeah I've been enjoying my time I'm in Malaysia because it was the easiest way to get from London to Australia I basically just picked the kind of the Midway airports and what what I actually did initially was I just was searching for flights from London to Australia and most of them just had the had one stop in Malaysia so I used that to my advantage yeah okay let's play another game Napa tune I'm conflicted also I'm really tired so I'm not gonna stay along around for too much longer who wants to so Niemann kia das says please accept my challenge but i don't know who you are oh that's you well these people have been waiting longer I'm gonna play this guy he's been waiting the longest czp I'm not staying at a hotel I'm staying at an Airbnb but it feels like a hotel really nice has a pool has a gym has a restaurant okay good luck have fun maybe I'll play another Spanish yo hablo poca español hey we'll play an exchange Spanish in honor of toilet noggin annual castle now I have to remember what I'm doing maybe D 3 D 3 is a move usually the planet is just like d3 Bishop III and Knight bTW - and I'm okay if black takes on f3 and we'll have just a solid kind of positional battle 97 okay so not getting double plums yes it is a question like what to do next I'm gonna play a really weird move here but it's a move that I've seen before in similar types of positions Queen B 1 the idea is maybe twofold first of all I get out of the pin so there's no like annoying that h4 I mean not eh for I still playable and then I can just take and then additionally I want to play B for a 4 B 5 and just attack if black castles Queen side or maybe just gain space like B 4 a 4 and see what happens yeah how do you stream snipe chests because it's not like poker where like poker there's hidden information but just all the information is right in front of you I guess you could listen in to my ideas but even if you know what my ideas are you can't stop them so be for I don't understand h6 o maybe preventing Bishop g5 okay that's good sign my queen might want to activate like queen bee - or queen bee three let's play a four okay so castling kingside it's logical like queen bee too connecting the rooks I'm honestly not sure what I'm gonna do next just wait to see what he does the e5 is like an obvious target but it's so well defended that can't really exploit it I don't really want to play b5 kind of fix his black structure so maybe someday I'll go for like d4 but that opens up the bishop Queen e7 so he wants to play a five he's also attacking the pawn it's nice multi-purpose move so if I play b5 yeah maybe it's it's time for b5 fixing block structured but trying to open up something on the queenside maybe b7 will be a target later at some point I might like to play Knight c4 or even pawn c4 exploit the bishop also imagining some lion like see takes b-58 XB v a5 I could add b6 creating some weakness mmm time management is good there is a three-second increment so he won't flag if he moves quickly enough but if he gets a long time it's more likely to have some blunders if you calculate everything out loud then I can leech your calculations and it's like you're playing against yourself but yeah and maybe that's true but then you have to like wait until the stream delay or like wait extra time because of the stream delay and then you'll flack and I don't always like predict my opponent's moves either that's one thing I've kind of learned that just try not to shout out the best moves for the opponent b6 okay normal middle are Beasley with $10 sorry Beasley some nice donations today three dollars $10 a pies like two decent sized meals in malaysia and i have a feast of the airport's pretty soon do I take the rook take the rook I could play Knight c4 by h3 I'm gonna fight h3 because it actually puts the question to the bishop hey it's bits from sarin Elio 500 bits thanks hearing Elio take the rook no I don't want to surrender the the a file may be night c4 applying some pressure I don't see anything wrong with it and now I actually have three attackers on e5 so I didn't realize it when I played an IED c4 but I might just be threatening Knight takes e5 so f6 might be expected or that let's play queen bee to keeping the attack mm-hmm I'm looking for targets in box position but everything's so well defended there's no obvious targets I think I'm gonna play a sneaky move Bishop d2 some idea of taking and playing Bishop b4 also ideas of 93 the night is just happier like kind of tucked between the pawns or than I have ideas of 95 or not 5 all these Spanish games they're a long fights it's like these opening battles like go well into the middle game and it's not clear like who's better both of us have chances you might want to attack not really that's scared of sacrifices on h3 at least yet I'm more scared of like Knight f4 so what to do I could take on a then play rock a one hmm play king h2 don't like a lying aligning my king with the bishop though maybe Bishop before my bishops doing nothing and he has a bishop hair so I would like to trade it off if he plays he five then it's weakening to be six and most importantly I'm making him think he hasn't blundered yes but the goal is to just keep tension and some day induce a blunder okay h3 now I'm a little bit concerned Aion III keeps things safe but I would like some more safety I'm gonna play nine h4 if Sox on the h3 I'll have Knight g2 and then and another wise I'll have Knight f5 coming I should probably up the tempo wait a minute I overlooked something but I don't think it's that bad unless it's really bad we'll have to go back and analyze later g6 is interesting move I'm gonna play rookie one wait a minute now I'm gonna play King eh - hmm such a confusing position I really don't know what to do let's play Queen c3 having some x-ray vision this is the slowest time scramble ever let's play F for now maybe take then c3 and then later playoff for or maybe play d4 like we're both under 10 seconds and we're moving so slowly put the rock on do you want rotate to coming I really want to play this and this is a threat kind of control the a file again mmm free pawn or free nights finally blundered this is looking fun yeah I don't know what to make of that game I think I was in trouble at some points and then we both got low on time it's such a slow time scramble there's a moment there I was scared when I played a night h4 I was actually scared of this and the thing I overlooked is why I originally played that H why I thought I could just play Knight g2 and defend everything but 92 his meat and that would have been tragic and meanwhile they I can't defend 90 to end the threat of Queen takes h4 I don't think so if this were to happen if Bishop takes h3 I'd probably just start crying and then I would realize I can't take the bishop I don't know what I would do Knight f5 probably because that's what stockfish recompense and then maybe later like there are still ideas if Bishop takes h3 but here it's a bit fuzzier because g6 is hanging in some positions like maybe here I could take on g6 and it gets really weird Samsonite thanks for a hundred bits have fun at work doesn't sound so fun yeah I forgot that like now it was around the time that people start heading to work in the u.s. like it's about rush hour right 7 just after 7:30 a.m. it's 9:30 6 p.m. I have to wake up early tomorrow Chris HD thanks for the sub yeah I'm in Malaysia because I'm heading to Australia and I'm leaving tomorrow pretty soon I think that's gonna be my last game just because I'm tired do I ever do speed chess on stream this let's be chess right I've done bullet too I mean I do most time controls wait what's insanely exciting but I'm going to sleep or I'm going to Australia I I have been to Brisbane I was in Brisbane last year for one day because I I found just the most incredible flight deal ever from Chicago to Brisbane one way for $340 with one stop in Shanghai and it was a great flights China Eastern Airlines provided meals for breakfast lunch and dinner on both flights it was great Brisbane it was I don't know wasn't the most exciting compared to like Melbourne but I was impressed with like how clean and how friendly everyone was or how clean the place was and how friendly the people were so it was good I don't know if I'll meet on dress if I go to Sydney I'll try to we'll see both sound nice yeah at this point sleep sounds nicer than anything else okay autumn on being autumn on okay I think I'm gonna wrap it up thanks guys for watching hope you guys enjoyed a couple Spanish games a couple puzzles maybe I'll upload this to YouTube I have to start uploading streams to YouTube again I need to hire someone I need to hire someone to like just do the upload stuff and write the write the copy for the streams at some point I'm gonna have like application or Google Form or whatever but for now goodnight or good morning wherever you are and I'll see you guys in the future
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 83,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, chess, lichess,, Eric Rosen, imrosen, international master, twitch chess, chess stream, Ruy Lopez, Chess Strategy, Chess Tactics, Chess Openings, Positional, Chess for Beginners, How to play chess, How to win at chess, best chess channel, youtube chess, full stream, Malaysia Chess, Australia Chess, Family Friendly, Positional Chess, Checkmate, Chess Puzzles, Endgame, Middlegame, Opening, Spanish Opening, Ruy Lopez Opening, Exchange Spanish, Berlin Defense
Id: fHItD5BYziQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 29sec (2729 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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