U1400: the London, the Colle, and the Torre Attack, with GM Ben Finegold

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[Music] welcome to class 1 also known as class 1 normally its class 3 and class 1 but it's only class 1 right you got it yeah all right Archer gets it Christopher's confused okay what okay so I've gotten a lot of requests on the Internet's from the gawking rabble to do a lecture on the London and I was like alright ok although I'm not doing that I said all right ok so what I'm going to do is something very similar there's three openings that sort of look the same I've played all three I won't show my own games because this class is supposed to be educational the openings in question obviously are the London the Kali and the Torre attack now the collie named after Grand Master System cut collie right system and what was Kylie's first name the Edgar and what country was he from Belgium yeah and I know exulted in Belgium okay then there's there's the London system and that's in London and then the Tory attack confuses the audience especially the Asian people in the audience because one of the most famous Asian players of all time is his Toure from what country Philippines there you go we got a right answer you hanging up sorry he's plated approximately man that he killed on the internet here because they're gonna look it up 20 Olympiads for the Philippines they're gonna be like he put in 26 you idiot okay so he I think he's plated more Olympia's than anybody ever in the knee country ever and he's this still not bad not too good anymore cuz you know what school he went to old school yeah he was playing Olympians in the 60s and he still is so yeah anyway he was the only good player from the Philippines for like 40 years is really good he'd be Karpov Karpov was world champion he wasn't kidding however after giving me that lunch spiel about you honey oat or a the purpose of that spiel was to tell you he has nothing as it was what we're talking about it's Carlos story from which countries Mexico clothes okay so the Tory attacked is named after Carlos story and then the London system and the colleague now when I play the collie which is pretty rare but I play it I played the zuker to our colleague and we're not going to talk about that today the zoo courts Holly Holly Holly is where white fee and cattle is Queen Bishop which we're not gonna look at so what I did was basically this lectures from White's point of view so White's gonna give the Smackdown and the reason I picked these three openings is they have the same pawn structure white makes the same moves except White's dark squared Bishop is on three different squares that's why it's three different openings okay so we'll start at the beginning that's a good place to start not like two weeks earlier terrible hopefully you guys have seen every second of Rick and Morty okay normally Morty's not murdering people but in that episode no I mean it was the purge that was okay all right so this is Rufus and doofus but I like this game and you guys don't know it because it's Rufus a doofus let's see can you guys see everything yeah you guys see less than when I'm blindfold terrible okay this game is between two players who were sort of iffy from 14 years ago the other games are from longer ago now the first game is the collie by the column in the London system I got confused now when I was a kid you talked about the London system it seemed as though white was playing Knight f3 I'm move to and then Bishop f4 and nowadays everybody plays Bishop a4 I move to now let's see if you guys are up on the latest theory which super Grandmaster that at least three of you have heard of possible all five of you have heard of him think it's possible for his whole career played to play the London system he likes I said his whole career he's like sort of stole it I was I was said world champ you know what I said something funny in that grand master and then I was like I wonder if you've heard of him come on I would have known it was five four five then he's American they're just like naming Grand Master's hoping they get it right he's very old he's in his mid-40s so he's not top he's played for the World Championship played a world championship match against Karpov he was the best player of the US for like ten years at least mm-hmm yeah his pokeyman handle has got to catch them all I'm not even kidding gotta calm ski gotta catch them all yeah that's not a joke either it's got a Pokemon anyway calm ski always plays the London and various points in his career only he played the London and by only he I mean of people who were good okay obviously everybody at the local level plays London okay and eventually Kraus has started playing it and that became more popular and now everybody plays Bishop f4 a move to especially Peter Gian otto's especially and this gives white some advantages over other move orders which I'm not privy to although obviously if you're going to play Bishop f4 in the issue which you might have is your b2 pawn can get attacked by Queen b6 later and then you're like do i sacrifice my pawn do i defend it well if i'm gonna play this before anyway i think you should play it as early as possible because then you give black less opportunity to attack it i mean now now black wants to attack it he has to start doing it after Bishop f4 could play Knight f3 and he plays c-65 you can do it more quickly the other reason is when people play the cop will play the London it used to be they just close their eyes that made the same eight or nine moves which still most people do however you can try to punish black if black tries to play too aggressively by play Knight c3 and sometimes night b5 and obviously Knight b5 and Bishop f4 is attacking the c7 pawn Knight f3 has nothing to do with that so Bishop f4 is more accurate I guess in one sense but now what's funny is this game was played in 2005 I don't think people thought that ship f4 is more accurate then was just a way of playing ok so we have the London system and black can basically do anything and this is the big negative of the London system for a lot of people is black and play the way he's playing now or black can fianchetto his bishop like I do war but I could put this Bishop out before playing e6 which I've also done and so if you have the white pieces you can ignore what your opponent's doing and just make the same moves which is what a lot of people do but black has more than one way to get a reasonable game a six does it move that I like that's okay okay and you can see this structure this pawn structure here that's basically what we're talking about in the lecture and the London system is where the bishop is on f4 the torii attack is where the bishop is on g5 and when the bishop is on c1 that's called we talked about it when the lecture started Tory London the Belgian guy Kali yeah that's right yeah now it turned out Kali was not happy with his opening choice and didn't play chess for five years because he was I made the joke up on the spot so it's not too funny his melancholy yeah okay then he was like wait this openings okay all right what there's noise in the chest Center okay the drug deal went bad all right so c3 Knight knight c6 Knight f3 and this well let's make another move okay so you see where these pieces are if you play the London that's almost r3 the pieces are however I recommend if your opponent fiing kettle's their Bishop which black did not do this game that you don't put your Bishop on d3 and when you play this shove d3 which is a good square for the bishop you're worried the guys gonna play e5 e4 and for capiz luckily Karan's out of the room otherwise she would be having you know what is one of the veterans have yeah cuz if I was a guessing man I would say in blitz bullet and slow chest it's happened about a hundred times efore fork in the bishop at night that would be my guess we're doing Karin's games yeah got again okay now normally when that does happen that's because black has played g6 Bishop g7 and later plays d6 + e5 and then after ePHI v4 so with this pawn structure it's not going to happen if if black plays the move e5 I mean you can take it so when the black pawns that on d6 I'm not really worried about that yeah okay so this structure of pieces that white has like this that's going to be what we see in all the games today except the bishop is on c1 and the Kali f4 in London and g5 in the the Toray okay now I didn't want to show games were white one a 95 move endgame because then that sort of defeats the purpose of the lecture the point is these openings normally White's getting a King side attack when white wins when white doesn't win then white isn't checkmating black so these are all attacking games ended pretty quickly now one thing I'd like to say and it might happen in the games of minot if black does play a 5 which he did do this game and he takes on d4 which you might do later usually whether you're playing the London the Kali or the Toure you could take back with the C pawn or the e pawn which way is the consider the most correct for white take back with the C pawn or the e pawn this is the C pawn and that's the e one for the Senate towards the center is the normal you know way of playing chess that's why it's a trick question it's not really a trick it's just a simple trick so here because we have a nice pawn structure here than we're defending before from the pieces and we like to have an open e-file taking where the e pawn is considered better now I'm not saying that that's going to happen but it might happen let's see if it happens now I'd like to go back one second okay now we can continue I went back one second right Christopher yeah so black made a move that I would make or consider black played Bishop d7 what that's got nothing to do with anything okay so that's does make any sense all right a six I'm not a fan of that move either now here obviously black wants to play b5 an attack on the Queen side thinking if I was white I wouldn't really mind that but I wasn't white so he played a four and stopped that and a four is a positional of grabbing space on the Queen side that isn't really related to check reading your opponent playing in the center but the moon's a 4 and a 6 were played anyway so maybe that's why you haven't heard of either player okay Bishop e7 and I think more common for the black pieces is not playing Bishop to d7 and playing Bishop to d6 so this is a sort of a passive way for black to play okay white plays 95 typical move in the London we have e5 for a knight and sometimes our Queen comes out and sometimes we play f4 then we attack and he took now we can put my theory to the test took with the e pawn castles Queen f3 okay so this is a position where black has little to no counter play this is the kind of position we see when the players aren't very good and black gets smooshed so black is making legal moves that look okay Oh in that bad and then he gets checkmated and that's why people apply the London because black should have some system he plays where he sort of knows what he's doing and has like an idea and here he's just like I move my pieces out I resign and obviously when you play e6 early which black did your your white squared Bishop isn't very happy and that's when you're playing the London and your white your bishop is getting out here so when you play III or outside the pawn chain which won't happen in the Kali now of course if I was black and my bishop was on CA and I played he's sex I would be worried about that so I would try to fianchetto my bishop and play 94 or I would try to play e5 later so my bishop could get out or I would play b6 and Bishop a6 and trade these bishops that would be my plan one of those plans he didn't do any of their he played Bishop d7 into nothing so I mean pawn structure wise it's okay for black but this Bishop should should not be there the most famous game I played in the London system was my game with whom magnus carlsen write it when I played Magnus and we got this position I mean similar position I played Bishop f5 okay and this is my game with Magnus see that looks sort of similar okay and I forgot what happened I think I won but maybe the whole world was destroyed something something happen like that okay so also possibly I lost all right so Queen f3 black players rookie aide I don't know okay now again this lexsha some whites point of view we have to see what White's supposed to do now one of the negatives of weaker players is they play okay some of them then when their opponent doesn't play okay and the weaker player can punish them the weaker player doesn't do anything just keeps playing okay and the other player who's not playing well doesn't get punished so obviously books like chess master versus chess amateur by your two favorite authors max Ave and Walter my Dhin right those are your two favorites one was a world champion they would show games where one player was a good player and the other wasn't very good and they got crushed this is a good example now I'm not saying why it's a good player and black isn't but it sure seemed like it okay so rikiei that's them do anything okay so g4 white decided I'm gonna check me black because black can't do anything so White's just gonna push this King side pawns and attack the black King and black can't really do much about it so he played g6 obviously don't remove pawns in front of your king but eventually is gonna have to h4 and the attack plays itself always play Bishop f8 a tribe if you guys are paying attention and you're not this reminds me of yesterday's game between rogers paying a little attention very little carlson mamedyarov carlson played h4 h5 the first seven who's of the game okay here unlike the mama jar of game black has no counter play white White's king is safe and black can't do anything if mama dramas game Magnus's King ran all over the board very suspicious the game was a draw of course because all the games were draws yesterday they were okay this isn't a tournament than ended a while ago Zagreb yeah that's an archers favorite country yeah right you you're my only hope no yeah Croatia there you go yeah what's Croatia known for remember the interest to be funny what's the funniest answer the people are very tall well is serious yeah people are talking yeah the guys naughty mind you people are tall in Croatia yeah they're not kidding I thought they were kidding but I was like you're not kidding yeah okay so H five men now basically I should be kicked out of the lecture room now and ginger GM should replaced me because white played h4 h5 so he's pretty happy about that okay Bishop g7 but you know it's my lecture because I got Perrier and coffee so and the coffee was made with Perrier no okay HG okay that move as well right right HG Wells alright but he reads a lot so he has a chance right there you go okay HG we got the open H file so that's pretty good for white Bishop g5 now it's a Tory attack the game has to stop no all right so he pins the knight on f6 it's very easy to unpin that night you could resign and then reset the board that you wouldn't be pinned anymore otherwise I don't know are you unpin okay so if it's white some of it seems to me this move is really winning and then if it's black 7 black takes white takes back also winning so this seems like fun for black he's getting me down the H foul and his Knights pin and I taste so I don't know Bishop c8 what else can I do Oh Knight bTW I missed this thing up for the next game that's sort of like bishop CA that way he can take ok I understand all right Queen h3 pointing at an age and well I don't see like a meetin one year but black made a very bad move that's good cuz we won't look at the next game so he sort of helped us out that way so again black can't do anything black has no counter play this is the reason people play the London they want to put their knight on e5 and they want to open the H file now this way of opening the H file to me is less common than the other way this is a less common way white played h4 h5 and took on g6 that opens the H file another way to open the H file so we see similar attacks is black plays Bishop d6 at some point fat let's play it now because it's my lecture white retreats and they trade on g3 that's that's another way to open the H well so I've seen them both I've seen that okay now here black blundered but I guess I might run the engine on it just resigns for black that would be my guess and he played Queen b6 which is just a very simple tactical blunder finally making a threat making a threat not his forte ok and white has a very simple way to win here which I'm sure the audience all knows yeah now if if the Queen was on d8 which it was we would take with a queen but the Queen's not on da so we take with a bishop and we gets activated so if you play the London you look at games like Dan and go yeah that's why I play the London I play Knight f95 Queen f3 push my king-size pawns I mean my opponent my opponent makes no threats ok that's the goal of the London and a lot of people who win with the one then that's what it looks like it looks like a 20 move checkmate okay now if black plays more accurately that you could lose in 25 moves like I did but it's an endgame sorry I played much better okay next game is from everybody's favorite world champion yeah everybody's favorite and he's playing I think the guy's nickname was doofus that was his middle name yeah this was in the Double Deuce Dusseldorf and as you all know I like to bike here and leaves the room whenever I'm ready to make fun of Karen basically so yeah yeah the dude Dusseldorf the double D City right and hopefully our churros no that means okay so the world champions white 1908 that means he was not the world champion now this very intelligent audience and I found this audience I was watching a Three Stooges episode and they were the jury so that's that's how I found this audience very intelligent audience man that's one of my favorites Three Stooges they even refer to the jury as being very intelligent yeah then they show them good anyway you all know what year Alec I actually became world champion he's like who's alaka'i and we're talking about maybe Karen knows the Year Alec I became world champion yep come on Christopher get your stuff out of it alright so if I'm not incorrect which I probably a.m. it was 1927 I think Alec I think kappa blank it was 21 to 27 slightly before my time slightly okay so 1908 Alec I probably wasn't very good all right he's probably okay alright so so the double Dusseldorf okay because chest base knows what they're doing now you'll notice III was played instead of Bishop f4 Bishop f4 is the London right Christopher okay what's III the Kali okay very suspicious because I don't think Kali was playing chess in 1908 but maybe he was probably was pretty old okay so looks sort of similar okay and it looks like the last game except the bishops not on f4 right same kind of pea structure now normally white is waiting to play e4 white castles first white plays c3 first if it's the colleagues ook retort which I play plays b3 and Bishop b2 but Alec I just plays e4 with obvious threats BAM so they traded trade it again castles Bishop g5 so Alec Kane isn't Castle again is a place c3 he's seizing the initiative ok now his opponent is an unknown player so he must have played a move that you should never play Queen e8 gotcha yeah even back then they knew f6 was no good okay Queenie 8 that's not the first thing I would play castles f5 so f5 is a very aggressive of that low rated players like because it makes a threat unfortunately this pawn is not not the best there's an open file here and that one's not defended so good also weakens the e5 square which he takes care of immediately by playing a5 and now he wants to play e4 fortunately black is opening up the center and playing aggressively when these pieces aren't aren't so white has all his minor piece on black doesn't take Ricky one that seems pretty scary Queen h5 there's a tactical blunder I guess he has to play Knight takes Knight check and then move his Queen and then I have a bad position but then we wouldn't see the brilliant tactics so that's no good okay so so this is a Kali which is considered boring and then you guys check whoa wow that's exciting what good old chest base and it goes back to this position okay I never know whether to blend this software or the hardware the answer is fries maybe you guys must watch my stream yeah because you guys whatever I do anything that's on the stream for one sec you guys died laughing so because they're not that funny but yeah those are some stream people okay now remember something very important don't cross the streams cuz that's exactly alright are you gonna call Archer very good I don't think Archer get that that's pretty quick yeah okay I'm trying to figure if I should make fun of the female Ghostbusters but I didn't see the movie because I'm like everybody else in America okay so he played 9 takes tonight and you'll notice that's a discovered attack because I said so white is now attacking the Queen okay now obviously doesn't really matter because black knew after Knight takes tonight there's only one way to get his piece back but do you guys know it Queen takes g5 Yeah right now when I say never play f6 that's because of what happens in the game normally f5 is okay but f5 that when you play f5 you're trying to play aggressively all f5 does is opens up the black king and if walks this Bishop that's okay so if you have the black pieces here it's your move you should play f7 recommended by me yeah okay so obviously Bishop c4 check okay yeah and this obviously is what he missed now it seems to me Knight f7 Shaq wins the exchange so that should win yeah so blacks plays is pretty bad because might have some is just a simple move but Alec I played a much better move Wow a very impressive move only Archer can find it you that's why your name's not Archer Archer with the right answer yeah and as per usual I was right only Archer could find it the rest of the audience looks confused especially wise he's the most confused of them all Caryn's like I have no son then then it's nice at seven checked and rook takes and rookie yeah see Alec I'd understood even sixty years before I was born always play Bishop f8 okay and obviously if white tries to play rook e8 check while black has a bishop they can go and have a terrific learn FA but if there's no Bishop that can go to half a rookie it's gonna be made so he played Queen takes d6 yep and then Queen g2 which is funny and then he resigned but what's funny not sure at the point of it was but it was funny anyway the correct way of playing for the audience is night Shak and then yeah if there was a bishop on d6 we could just play rook f8 here but there's no Bishop on d6 so after Queen d6 black could resign but he played a funny move instead and then he resigned all right so that came black didn't do a good job with his queenside pieces and when I give lectures I often talk about black not getting his Bishop on see it out then in the next lecture I talk about black not getting Bishop on see it out and I keep talking about it and they keep not doing it now is 1908 and nobody's heard of them so I'll forgive them but I won't forgive you guys unless you're playing me if your Bishop is here the whole game gotta get your Bishop out and black played very aggressively f-5e 5-4 not having his pieces developed so he got punished White's pieces are all great rookie 195 busy fourth everything's great okay so that was the Kali which is considered boring but did look too boring exciting it's nothing that's easy that's pretty exciting okay the last one is your favorite world champion Tigran petrol see on right Raj that's right yeah he ruled with an iron fist and he played iron he was the first iron man then they replaced him yeah when I went to Moscow in 1984 Petrosian was sick he was supposed to lecture me he did not but everybody else did so that was exciting then as you all know there's another Tigran Petrosian who's a grand minister and if I remember what I read which is I don't read too much so much if that's good or bad he was named after Tigran Petrosian Tigran Petrosian and Tigran Petrosian now there's about 20 650 feet a he's pretty good pretty he's playing the US and I have a lot of Petrosian stories because I like stories not this one the one you never heard of the other one and I'll tell you the other ones stories in the Chicago open approximately eight years ago approximately the the the other Tigran Petrosian playing the Chicago open now this one had a good excuse for not playing he's been dead for like 25 years and when they found out he was playing a couple of the directors overheard them like while petrosian's coming and they thought it was the world champion who'd been dead for 20 years not coming it's another guy okay that's that's relatively funny story I have a better story though from my perspective I was playing in the US Championship in Tulsa it was 2007 or 2008 I remember but it was one of them because it was in Tulsa so I don't recommend going in Tulsa by the way anyway so I learned something from the tournament and I was in the analysis from analyzing one of my games and there was a guy standing behind me I didn't know who was he was and he said something like Bishop III I don't know if it was my game or somebody else's game I think it was my I don't know and I said I don't know who that guy is but he's better than me by the way he said the move and I said who's that guy and it was Tigran Petrosian the one who's alive not this one yeah and I said oh he is better than me that's right it's a lot better than me but I could tell he was better than me he was VARs coach at the tournament because VARs Armenian Varco bian and obviously petrosian's Armenian okay now this is the good Petrosian so Petrosian is known for two things being the most boring player who ever lived and sacking his queen and meeting you those are the two things he does it's either he sacks is queen of mates you know whether the games a draw okay I wonder which one this is okay so Petrosian was a great tactician and by that I mean he didn't blunder you guys blunder even when you're not playing look uh huh my queen and I wasn't even playing chess right Petrosian never done anything ever so what he did that means you were losing okay so this is Petrosian versus a guy that I have heard of but you haven't in the Soviet championship in 49 so he became more champion in 63 that sounds right and who did Petrosian be to become world champion anybody tall that's close couldn't be month got the right first name you know tall's first you know the Intel Bob Janek yeah yeah and then Petrosian had a couple world championship matches miss Bosque okay so anyway petrosian's pretty good and he's Wyden 49 so he's pretty young young Petrosian that sounds exciting sort of like young Steinitz okay so we looked at the London and we looked at the Kali so it's time for the Tory okay so that means which will did he play here this your g5 okay now I have a very famous win in the tour in the tour a and when I say famous it's not too famous however everybody's favorite employee at the st. Louis chess club Mike comer my commerce favorite game of chess is one that I played and it started like this against somebody who it's all about Joel Benjamin it's all about the Benjamins now this pairing was incorrect I should always be black against Joel Benjamin that way the pairing is Benjamin Feingold but I was white so it was a mistaken the pairings were mistaken yeah and I played Joel Benjamin many times in different countries too and in the u.s. championship I'd beaten Joel Benjamin twice and once was in st. Louis and it started like this and I sacked a piece and his gang ran around I want and my comer likes that game I just pushed all my pawns in sack to fees and I was my covers like that's my kind of game okay so in the London the bishop goes to f4 in the Kali it stays at c1 now it's on g5 a lot of grandmasters don't like the Torre attack cut for white because in the long run it's very common for this bishop to trade for this night and grandmasters like their bishops so they don't necessarily buy the Torre attack very often okay c5 is the most recive reply black wants to play Queen b6 and attack this pawn he's putting pressure on the center and then he played Bishop e7 which is very passive that's not in line with c5 yeah and once white plays Knight BD to Queen b6 does nothing I can play rook b1 I can play Knight c4 sort of gets rid of that okay so they just play sort of a normal position and again you've seen this position this is the third time and the first time the bishop was on f4 and Alekhine's Bishop was on c1 although he didn't play c3 he played he played me for he could c5 was implied so when c5 is played we got to protect our pawn so this sort of triangle pawn structure I'm trying to make this trip I can't remember his last name okay I finally remembered it take to this kind of plan structure was recommended by Phil Jackson and this audience isn't gonna get that but you would home will get it Bulls in Lakers yeah and what did he like what was the joke about triangle offense yeah your favorite offense sure yeah all you do is watch the NBA you do nothing else I was telling Karen yesterday a guy she's never heard of that you never heard of is gonna science today 441 million dollars usually you heard of those guys but no Kemba Walker no yeah you're right I didn't 41 million never heard of them if you'd heard of him like Twitter okay yeah he's gonna sign with the Celtics today and for you guys it's a few years ago okay so he's already retired okay so castles so petrosian's got the the setup the way he likes it 95 now again a lot of low rated players especially if they're from India what do they do Vishwanatha n-- castle queenie - ricky 1a3 offer draw okay Petrosian probably like that like offer draw okay 95 rar attack and all the games today we saw a white attack now what is 95 do it allows our queen to get out there and maybe we'll play out 4 and we'll start attacking ok he takes takes the night has to move away so now blacks King hasn't defended very well and Petrosian retreats because he wants to keep pieces on the board for the attack trading pieces makes it harder to attack ok f5 now normally when they play out 5 blocking your bishop if you want to attack you would take on poisson but this was 1949 so probably there was no long pissant rule right Christopher he's a kid so I could probably trick him yeah no no they had the opposite yeah okay so Petrosian did something else that you do in queen pawn openings when they play f5 and you want to attack this also happens in the French defense sometimes you can see it's sort of a French pawn structure his white later plays G foreign attacks that way again not very Petrosian like you would think okay he plays h4 first c4 b 5 and now White has the d4 square obviously and g4 now if you told me this was a game where white was a world champion but I won't tell you who's playing probably petrosian's last and who I would guess it is but it's Petrosian it was 1949 a lot of times were the world champions aren't world champion yet and they're much younger they've placed sort of a different style play aggressive style okay so this is an all-in style if white doesn't win White's King is probably not very good okay once again as with other games black black didn't move his Queen side pieces okay b4 crashing through on the Queen side 95 g6 it's not a move I would want to play probably he was afraid of Queen h5 chess is scary right okay now this is a overwork theme why can't white play Queen takes d5 check why not that's easy questions there's a queen on da right so that means if the black Queen moves somewhere we could play Queen takes d5 check so that means the black Queens not going to move anywhere well the Queen and Bishop are attacking the knight but I think the Queen wants to go there because the Queen takes d5 check so he plays a tribe then he says you can keep taking on g5 but I'm gonna play queen takes d5 check attacking the king and the rook so I'm gonna watch it and the night because the bishop isn't defending the knight anymore so normally you couldn't play h5 because the g5 nice not protected but the Queen is is doing too much so h5 was played ok 93 check confusing the audience getting rid of this white squared bishop the hg hg queen takes it's the same tactic if you take on g5 twice f queen takes d5 check for king your king and rook takes on c3 takes n c3 takes takes Queen a5 so White's up a pawn but both Kings seem pretty bad pretty bad but once again we're on move 22 and black has a move these yet white's bishop is better than blacks Bishop has Weiss bishops attacking the blacks position hasn't moved at all and since we have opposite collar bishops as is well known that favors the attacking side because the bishop can't defend against the other Bishop so white improves this Bishop how does he do that even better score than g5 it's a good thing the bishops on g5 if it was a London or a colony then the bishop would be here and you know here and the truth hurts here comes the white rook okay rook e8 good move Queen d4 the Queen can come this way the Queen can come this way the Queen's on a dark square so the white square bishop can attack it king f7 and now man Petrosian was known as a boring positional player you may change your mind after what he does here this smooth is just a great move in a lot of attacking games I'm thinking of a Kasparov game I'm thinking of an MV yellow game where like this move just always wins it just provides more attack and this is actually very good example of a cleared sacrifice followed by another clearance sacrifice that's that's not easy to see - cleared sacrifices in a row that's and it's the same clearance so basically he wants to move his Queen somewhere but it's illegal because of two white bees he gets them both out of the way man that's you don't see that too often you east six check right and we don't want that point on e6 we want our Queen to come in there that part that part is just blocking White's attack okay now this King takes looks a little suspicious it might be the best move but there's a little suspicious okay the move that looks like the best move is the move that he played took with the rook that way his King can you know get out of there right if he takes with the bishop he's trapping his king even more then the black King is just stuck in there yeah and archers like I heard what Grandmaster Feingold just said so I know the winning move I remember what he just said about the clearance sacrifices and again even after watching this game if I didn't know patron was Wyatt ain't picking Petrosian to be ye I'm picking like tall to be white aren't you with the right answer that's what your mom wanted to play this should be eight right there's just like no in fact I still don't like it yeah that's right confusing the audience except for Archer look we can't go to have six years of rook here also the bishops hanging this is a clearance for the Queen to go to h8 and buy go to h8 he's gonna preface it with Rick aged seven check and then Queen eight shades made I guarantee it notice how the queen is attacked did you notice that then if you save your queen I'm gonna play Rick h7 Shaq and Queen h8 mate however black prevented all of that the usual way he resigned that prevented everything otherwise you know on trouble so I mean east six editions yay wow that's you know I was gonna do that but I don't want oh yeah so so the end would be this rep check and then the king can go anywhere and then made or the king can go here and it's still made or or e8 yeah setting up for the next game again now again white opened the H file with h4 h5 and crash through on the Kings side and in the final position which was with 26 these pieces still hadn't moved as per usual as with all games I look at for some reason that's the problem people have that trouble getting their white square Bishop out because they're putting their pawns on white squares their Bishop can't move conversely in the three games we looked at today the London the Tory and the Kali and the London and Toure wood white plate III his bishop was already out and when Alec I played a three like four moves later he played Eve for the misery g5 black blacks bishops stayed there nice and safe not saving blacks King but saving himself but that wasn't so good was it right so those were nice attacking games from the white side and those three openings were basically white gets a triangle pawn structure puts his knights of bishops on the same squares Knight f3 Knight to d2 Bishop to d3 and we have to decide is our Bishop gonna be on c1 the Kali f4 not the Tori the other one the one care in plays the London and g5 the Tori yeah now I've played all three probably I've played the Tori attack the most cuz I like pitting the guys night now you can't always play those openings but you see what the idea is the ideas White's to get a big attack because White has all his pieces out and one of his ideas is to open the H file or to play e4 and start attacking with all of his pieces and that's why when I was black against Magnus my bishop move down move three I went over here I didn't keep my bishop on c8 you with some question that's right well the semi Slav if you're playing east six and c6 and d5 which is what you indicate the bishops on ca it's not only be like in a colleague now of course your bishop could go to f5 or g4 and with black that's harder to do because your tempo downs you can get attacked on b7 more quickly 95 is coming it's actually difficult for black to play this way it's easier for white problem is when blacks playing the semi Slav that's very solid and equalizing so a lot of players with white didn't want to do it for that reason why why am i playing solid equalizing turns out what's getting big attack sometimes and this is why because of games like this the ones I just showed you when I'm black I'm either playing Bishop f5 early or play g6 Bishop g7 play e6 that way my dish ship has some options yeah I don't like the way these games turned out where black just sat there and I start attacking he's a lot of I defend against that and the guys like well your unknown on petrosian's your unknown and I'm Alec I'd say you're not gonna do that he's gonna lose and comp ski for the most part who plays the London a lot is the point for me he's just like he likes the London he likes that position I understand getting all your pieces out castling and having a reasonable game but the reason most low rated players play that is for that reason stronger players are going for an attack 95 h4g for and play for me and then the successful it looks good obviously if I show you again as black one you may beg to differ but from White's point of view and the reason a lot of people like these openings for y is you know whites to split make making the same moves these just putting his pieces like this and it's just a question of where the bishop goes so he's playing here at night F 3 and E 3 and C 3 Bishop d3 Knight detail and this Bishop is either here he were here and the London right now is the most popular the Trump the Torre attack and the Kali are not as popular but the London is pretty popular now and the main reason is because Magnus is playing it if Magnus was playing the torre attack every game guess what will be more popular world champions the people like to follow the world champions then you play exactly like Carlsen the first 7 movie then you know then you just plug you again oh and the truth hurts don't want to be doing that yeah now for those of you who don't know which is most of you Carlson is black today and he played a6 and h6 the first few moves very suspicious yeah all right and then the immortal words have been fine gold you get out yeah Zack I mean classes you get out yeah [Music]
Channel: Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Atlanta
Views: 180,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCSCATL, Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Atlanta, GM Ben Finegold, chess, Atlanta, Georgia, chess openings, colle, london system, torre, alekhine, petrosian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 43sec (3163 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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