Checkmating Attacks | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Ben Finegold

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all right welcome to mastering the middlegame or as I like to call it grand mastering the middlegame so today we're going to look at three games I've never seen before except I saw the middle one already so that's called what would me twelve say there you go yeah yeah what's wrong with you people another usual okay now these middle games are going to concentrate on checkmating attacks the only thing you understand if I'm like white as a slight advantage you're like wait a minute I wonder what several of those words mean slight advantage White has the oh we have a follow Grandmaster walking that's good okay slightly late even though he's early terrible okay obviously ken west okay so first game is from Foxwoods a tournament which no longer exists but it used to exist and when it did exist it was over Easter and then Foxwoods casinos like get out chess players are cheap so now then they had nothing now they have a turn to Philadelphia I don't know okay and then you know nobody else would Easter is anyway okay so this is Nakamura shadowlaw from 2005 when Nakamura was a good attacking player and Chad woth was less old okay so the players were slightly better now they played a boring Queens gambit declined sort of like didn't you show where'd he go didn't you show Queens gambit declined yeah yeah and then he played see takes d5 in your lecture was the same thing okay now in this position engine in say John strand and John strand says lecture black played Bishop f5 if black doesn't play Bishop f5 now he'll never play it now I have an aside which he may or may not record which lecture are you putting on the web first his or mind is okay so you've seen John's lecture several hours ago and now you know that Bishop f5 was played in the game Carlsen kramnik I wasn't really participating in the lecture I was busy on Hotwire also I already analyzed the game of Fabiana Cara Juana and he was like how did white get at five and he was all mad like cram mix the worst okay and it turned out Kramnik isn't the worst but Klaus okay so if you don't play Bishop f5 now you're never going to play it and of course shadow off play Bishop d6 and you suggested Bishop e7 was the most common and na can wear play Bishop d3 now Bishop f5 is risky okay you might pre move it in a 1-minute game but Queen c2 beats you Bishop d3 b2 so yeah okay so the problem is black doesn't have a great square for his Bishop but after Knight f3 shadow I was like aw I'll play Bishop to g4 I can't go to f5 g7 is silly east six is silly because it blocks the rook g4 is great now you may have noticed one of the two players white decided not to castle because he didn't know where to castle yet well since black played h6 it's very difficult for black to trade off the bishops which he likes to do by playing Bishop h5 to g6 because then he just loses upon what White has too much force there well if black plays Bishop g4 and he's not going to play a Bishop h5 to g6 what else is he going to do take on f3 so nakamora like well if you're going to open the G file then all Castle queenside you'll open the G file I'll meet you I'll mark the result up it's an American Swiss there's no art beer that comes you know okay this is a long time ago and shabal I was like yeah it's sharp I like sharp things like I waited and I'm playing Nakamura darn okay so Knight bt7 and he's like h3 let's go take my knight I dare you I double dare you and then in a very strange coincidence Nakamura said they speak English in what very strange conversation they had okay so this should be h5 to g6 loses upon white just plays g4 Matt Larsen style Bishop e6 as a strange move because it blocks the rook on EA and also white got h3 in for free so why it's going to play G for an attack so took tonight okay White's pawn structure is man the white has two advantages got the open G file and he's got the two bishops okay White's King is pretty safe Queen a5 now anybody who is my student or as listed to my lectures and has less brain damage than most of you at home remembers my rule always play King b1 very good now come where knew that rule before I espoused it I guess that's why he's top ten in the world and you guys are top ten and now some of you our top ten in the room more than half of you all right usually don't give the audience a hand but they're oh wait a minute somebody just came in no now less of you were in the top ten okay so King b1 now a two is defended forever so if my Knight wants to do stuff and I'm running away with my pieces you're never going to play Queen a - okay and I wasn't really sure if you were never going to take on a two so I asked and vogue and they said never going to take on EA two and I was like all right and then like two people got it and at home only one person got it well darien got it - you left a little right well a little bit okay so and the rest of you are never going to get that joke never going to get it no not never going to get it okay so King b1 and obviously since white play King bee one black resigned now we'll go to the next game oh he didn't resign oh never mind okay Shabanov played Bishop e7 retreating like a Frenchman now why would you play Bishop e7 you got me I'm guessing Shabanov wants to move his night either Knight FA defending or Knight b6 attacking and if you move your knight now this show takes f6 is good for white so Bishop e7 then we'll move our Knight okay rg1 very obvious now this is a middle game where we castle opposite sides in those middle games whoever checkmates their opponent usually does pretty well I'll let you write that down if you're taking notes okay and when one side is attacking and the other side is defending and the side you're playing against never attacks you yes sir Sarah one would say it's a free attack and so chaparral played rook AGA I don't know what that's got to do with anything and rook G to caveman chess double rooks and crush them on the G file King H a double rooks rook GA came in a bughouse even black's losing even worse okay and Nakamura can't really do any more that's Paul Eakins stands he can't stands no more doesn't like spinach so e4 he's trying to win on the Kings side now he's winning in the center this is the other problem with taking this tonight it helps white strengthen his center and I'm sure it reminds all of you it doesn't remind any of them about the Braunstein Larsson variation of the caro-kann right well one person nodded and then he looked like this you'd be careful I'm watching lie to me so I can talk about your facial expressions you're like what's Bronstein what's Larsen what's the Carroll Khan what's defense what's chess what's the black pieces why am I here okay I can tell that from your facial expressions all right so white wants to play e5 and then black would resign because otherwise you your position is even worse than resigning losing a piece okay so they traded on e4 and now if I play e5 at least you can play Knight d5 since your pawns not there so white has everything white as an attack white has two bishops white as the better center and White's King is perfectly safe I thought this guy was the four-time US Champion what happened okay even in 2005 years old yeah harsh okay Nakamura played a slightly different style and open tournaments in open tournaments if you have four wins and five draws then you lose five rating points and they shake your hand and you go home in in the Sinquefield cop in the US Championship and the Norway chess when you have four wins and five draws you win so this is an open tournament so Nakamura has to win every game we can't be drawing so a lot of the games are a little more swashbuckling okay so Knight FA and now we see why the rooks on da attacking the weak deep on Black has a lot of piece of defending his king that's not so bad okay Bishop c4 attacking the new weakness I tell all of my students and if I never listen to me I won't teach them anymore but since they don't listen I can the same lesson over and over again okay and if you look at all of black's pieces and pawns you try to find ones that aren't defended and usually in chess there's one or two usually okay so in this position if we can highlight okay I do it right or I did it wrong I didn't say I could do it right but I could try I think I did it right those are the four things that aren't defended and usually when you Castle kingside this pawn is defended a lot its defended by a rock and a king but those things moved away so Nakamura wants to take this for free that's very easy to defend yeah I don't see a good way to defend it okay so g5 counter-attack and this was the star move of the game I'm sure you would all play it that means that when you play it okay so everybody and their twenty five hundred rated you know siblings would play Bishop to g3 okay although then the rooks aren't as good as they were okay Nakamura played much more aggressively with this should take that's that's too aggressive very good you what you should teach here f4 so now we have a lot of guys on g5 you must admit and now with a take our Bishop our Queens coming into the game because our plans that on f2 anymore now I actually play the Queens gambit declined with white Kaiser only I Castle queenside and when I do I notice when my F pawn moves my Queen can go to g2 in the dragon Sicilian which I'm sure you were all thinking they they weren't thing in it when white plays f3 I move seven or eight the Yugoslavia TAC often white plays g4 h4 and sometimes the Queen goes to h2 and you give them the hammer not the hammer that's in Norway a hammer so if I can give you a sample variation let's say he takes this that's a good sample Wow or I could Bend Simonet here so let's let's never go back okay so I think that was a coincidence so let's say he takes the bishop I would take the rook probably you play Knight takes King takes is illegal King here is risky okay then I play something like Queen's g2 for example threatening mate and mate I'm guessing Knight g6 and then I assume have five wins and I assume Bishop f7 more wins and then on black super resigns because he's a super Grandmaster so he resigns differently than you do okay so black doesn't want the G file open but black played g5 so yeah I'll teach him so he blocked the G file more Knight G says five-time US Champion or four-time something like that okay man I can't make that joke darn moving on okay so now this Bishop has attacked a lot for example Knight takes bishop how that worked okay now uh in nineteen oh they don't know and to that even I don't know every year every two years every two years the Michigan Chess Association induct someone into the chest Hall of Fame the Michigan chefs Hall of Fame what an honor I was inducted last year and many many years ago Paul Paul Shaw was inducted and he was he played the 1949 US Championship and he was rated over 2300 for 50 years he's still alive it doesn't play anymore and he gave a speech for some reason and he said my favorite player ever was kappa blanka and i found out his chest secret remember it's important to be crazy to be good and he said his secret was he always did things in pairs understood the power of two every move he made had two ideas and then his opponents couldn't wort that so they would lose okay then they shackled him up and took him off to the you know your speeches over okay now knock come we must have heard that speech because he made one of those kappa blanka like moves okay very good move and again it's the kind of move you wouldn't suspect because it's a retreat and so white played a quite at home they can hear you Bishop II won now the bishops not attacked this pawns attacked a lot and we're going to do some discovered attack on your Queen pretty good square for the bishop yeah that'll teach his queen to be there by the way f7 still attack if you forgot what you did also I did so this is attacked this is attacked discovered attack and black didn't like white didn't sacrifice anything crazy okay so Shabanov played Knight f4 white played the most aggressive move ever that's ever been played louder nightwear yeah 95 now every piece is attacked I'll let Ken West count all of them yeah you could this is attacked and this and this and most importantly that all right now well this isn't defended and this is attacked and I don't see it square the Queen can move to that defends the bishop unless you do there's a lot of you there's only one of me the most of you in the top ten okay so sometimes you got to lose your queen you hear me talking ken west is like yeah yeah who can suggest now so okay so shadow walk took the bishop and then shadow I've had a choice of taking this or this he's like wow what a choice ah mmm I would have taken the rook because then I'm threatening this rook and this Knight although I would have resigned already um I'm assuming they both get totally crushed because the night ie one's going to be trapped you lose your bishop by the night g2 is a better try still losing but he took the night because now he's threatening the rook and the bishop danny has two pieces for a rook two pieces for Rick its two pieces for a queen who dears call me okay drew my lecture all right so white took the pawn discovered attack on the bishop so if you take the rook I'll take the bishop and then all these pawns are hanging and the Knights hanging in you're down a queen so black attacked more with Bishop before attacking both Rex confusing the audience the audience is like wait what's the material here I'm confused well at least blacks king of sword is safe but white has a queen for two nights and the pawns are equal but white has both rooks hanging the ones defended so Rick f1 again if you if you take the rook on g2 I could play rook takes f6 for example where I could go back several moves because that's what this computer engine likes to do likes to go back okay so if I take the rock don't go back this time good I would take this threatening rook h6 rook f7 and queen g2 and I'll up a queen for a rookie tonight so that's really winning for white okay so black played rook g e8 now his works are in the center so blacks doing great now and a3 attacking the bishop and Queen f5 attacking the knight and he's all over black and now it's just a queen for two nights and some people like me don't like to resign so black didn't resign yeah after h4 he's like man things are getting worse like what happened over here now of course the only one that makes any sense is f6 but due to my rule never play f6 black resigned very nice good resigning yeah okay cuz down a queen for two nights isn't any fun so that was a nice attack from akaru because well that King looked really safe I don't think black did anything that King was just sitting on b1 all happy that King was on c1 black would have won a million times over but I'm b1 nothing does anybody believe me I believe okay now this is a short game but it wasn't played by Nigel short the mysteries of life was Nigel short born 63 64 I'm going to say no wow 69 carry the one I think it was more than 65 might have been born in 64 but if he was it was after this is 63 64 right so you at home was was short alive during Fisher's 11 Oh run okay anyway this was one of the eleven Oh games against my pal Benko and your pal - yeah the delayed reaction very good yeah what would the guy in litem you say huh okay so Benko played as passively as possible giving fish of the center good idea and this is called the Austrian attack and the Austria attack Black has several ways of playing people nowadays like to castle and place five and Benko played Bishop g4 most grandmasters nowadays like their bishops they don't just give their bishops away like I don't know then Simon okay now Bishop g4 is still played today but it's very rare because white gets a lot of bishops grandmasters like bishops more than you do even grandmasters who play a lot of bug house like bishops just not a buck house okay so h3 very similar nakamura game and now since white was not mikhail tall heaps looking with the queen and you know which came i'm referring to typical class tall Botvinnik one of their fifty World Championship matches in the caro-kann I move for one two three I move 5 tall played G takes f 3 instead of Queen takes for no reason just then why not play Bob panic and they drew a bit very suspicious okay so now they just play normal chess mastering the middle game and this is very important for you and possibly you at home although you have to wake up you wake up okay one guy was asleep okay and wait hold on one guys it is frigid out let me wait okay you're back from the fridge good timing in the positions where you have pawns on d4 II 4 and f4 which happens in the Kings Indian in the Pierce and the modern etc and black plays e5 there's two standard ways for white to play you take on e5 one way and then you push the other pawn so in some variations you take this way and then you play d5 but in this variation we're going to checkmate our opponent because I was informed that that wins the game so you take this way and play f5 okay you always want black to have a pawn here because then the bishop isn't doing anything and the knight isn't doing anything and I have a lot of women who will tell you I'm the master I'm not doing anything because oh I know how not to do anything and of course we could have the pawn here if you had taken with the F pawn I hope you're okay over there kind of lest you see what I did okay but I mean if you want to check make the guy it's good to have pawns over there okay so he took on f5 which I would never consider and this is like the u.s. championship and he's better than me okay I see he's better than me and uh yeah so I don't I I got nothing I'd rather have white here because White has two bishops and the bishop on g7 is pretty bad but I would never play GF I would never think of GF okay so Fischer is like nom yum-yum now we have open diagonal over here and we got open file over here half open file actually this is the half open file and that bishops still terrible it's blocked by the e pawn okay so don't blink because this game ends at about five moves but some of you blinked okay Knight to d4 now as I've said many times and I say the same thing over and over and over again you still forgot it when I teach kids and there's a legal capture they apply it so if I was in Charlotte or if I was in Nashville which I'll be in a couple days or two weeks ago for you right there all right yeah then then Bishop takes Knight is forest there is no other move okay but that's not the best to move because then you sort of open things up for black you open up the e-file the bishop gets a little better the pawns here so what you just play Queen f2 and show okay sort of like Netflix but less chillin okay and then Benko played ninety eight his knight wants to go to d6 he pretends he wants to play a five he stops Bishop g5 pinning his knight castles the only game of the lecture we Castle kingside Knight d6 Queen g3 that doesn't look very nice does it okay so if you remember not going to his game it was seven or eight minutes ago when the G file was open ciaobella play king h a and rook g8 he must have learned from this game he lasted longer than Benko very impressive okay and now queen g4 which I like is you just play Queen g3 that's pretty awesome c6 doing nothing Queen age five he wanted the Queen on the h-file since the king is there but Queen h4 previous move was very risky so Queen h5 is safer well this is the problem with not having a knight on f6 then you don't control h5 usually Knights on f6 and they're not playing Queen h5 against you that's why nakamora plays Queen h5 I move to alright so Queen e8 threatening to discovered attack and trade Queens and Black has no problems this should takes Knight pawn takes and since I have a blue water it's time to pause those of you who have seen the game which is most of you that is getting over there well know what white played here and I would probably say two or three of you have seen the game and you all forgot so that's good right ken west but you saw what you forgot yeah exactly I don't see the threat if you play e5 are you threatening h7 - yes then how does black stop it maybe f5 then your Queens attacked by my queen remember in Nakamura's game there was a bishop on e1 threatening the Queen on a5 now it's the reverse angle I got one in for Peter there the Queen 90 it's attacking the Queen on h5 if you trade Queens and you think you're going to take my knight I'm going to take your knight you're not going to make me when you trade Queens and if you after f5 if you take on passant I'll play Queen takes Queen so after a 5 f5 black is ok now those of you who know me and are at least 2,500 strength know that in the Sicilian Bellamy ravitch attack I like to play Queen e8 instead of the theoretical Queen c7 and the reason is when I move my F pawn I'm attacking your queen just like here every opening is the same somehow now Fischer wanted to meet on h7 but Fischer didn't want black to play f5 giving the answer away yeah that's what Ken West would play ah see very good now it's hard to play f5 unless you do a lot of cheating and when I play e5 it's going to be really hard to not get made it what's funny is if you leave your Bishop here and don't take my rook then when I play e5 you can play h6 because you're defending it although Rick h6 really kills you if you don't take my rock are your nights hanging by their way also e5 checkmates you so real coughs looks pretty good not not a bad move Benko played King GA his King will run away through his queen and rook so for example Bishop f6 when I do this it's going to go back like 20 moves just say you know they already did this once and it went so like what's at somebody else's lecture Wow it's good it's gonna I don't know what's going to happen nothing happened it happened last time now after E 5 unleashing the latent potential of the bishop I said that because I saw the a bit sure about M retain in chess life today so for those of you who don't know Emery Tate was one of the funniest guys ever in pretty good at chess more funny in every day it was giving a lecture which means he walked into a room and just started lecturing himself and people started listening and my friend was there and he said the latent potential of some piece and my friend said how can a piece have latent potential what are you talking about and Henry Tate said if you had more than an eighth-grade education you would know the difference between latent potential and actualized potential and then he went back to his lecture the friend in question he was talking it has like four master's degrees anyway anyway well the now it's hard to stop me you know what I mean very hard you could computer it in like block you know and then get me to moves instead of one okay so then cope late yeah there we go I'm not sure I'm not sure who won that bet now yeah I don't know what happened there okay so black play King g8 then why play d5 and black play the move this stops Queen h7 mate age six right now if the King was on h8 I would play rook h6 here no really now if you play rook h6 maybe black can play f5 again maybe so Fischer's like hey my Knights attacked I just noticed that then plate 92 now why it's going to checkmate you by playing rook h6 and such but more important than me why it's going to play rook takes a knight and usually when your opponent's up a knight and you're getting mated that's bad and if you move your night away because you don't want to lose your knight right then Queen f5 is annoying man it's really annoying but nine on d6 stops Queen f5 so as long as black doesn't move and white doesn't move blacks okay but if white moves white takes a free night and if black moves why maids him so now you choose a really cool final move he's like hey my Knights hanging now I win everything most people just keep attacking and give all their pieces away and don't care and fishers like hey I can attack for free in fact even the white sacrificed his rook on f6 his knight on c3 they weren't captured white was never behind anything why just started attacking and blacks like no now when you're getting attacked on the Kings side and you play King h8 and then King g8 your polygonal lose probably that's not there right yeah and so Benko resigned I think yeah and you did see that game and what book did you see it and that and then you still were going to play e5 right when I show it to you next month what you gonna play I know the truth hurts okay and last but not least I'm afraid to leave this because then Ben's gonna see all this craziness it's the craziness no way that's not that crazy that's okay okay now this skin I didn't know this is a game it's a vellum yurevich and Lubavitch in the Yugoslavian Championship shocking in 1972 now Vala Maravich was a wild and crazy player Steve Martin learned everything he knew from him and Lubavitch was a better player but sometimes when your opponent's wild and crazy they meet you okay and here white sack all of his pieces he thought he was playing bughouse he was misinformed yeah they played the crazy Sicilian and you all know the velum yurevich variation of the what's it called the classical Sicilian you're supposed to all say what are you talking about okay in the Soudan Sicilian when white plays Bishop c4 when Fischer played this sozin also known as the Fischer sozin he would Castle kingside Val Amira vich would play Bishop III Queen e2 in Castle queenside that's the vellum yurevic attack that's if black plays Knight c6 black played a6 which is the night off but let's look at the game that I would play or we could just do this and lecture never ends okay knight c6 cancel when I meant to put insert the new variation this ship c4 e6 this should be three this should be three castles here and this is the velum yurevic attack invented by vellum yurevich and he would push all his King side pawns and meet you then you'd be like man I lost the last game I lost that was rated was in this position against Sam Savion maybe you should lecture here really I'm serious yeah and then that's the tournament where he became a grandmaster he already had all his Grandmaster Norns we need to be 2500 feet a now he's like 25 80 feet okay and that was in November 2014 and he sacked a piece as quickly as possible he might have played g4 first but he he went here as soon as he could and then I was up a piece like I made it okay so it was a very smart idea of me to take America's youngest Grandmaster put the sharpest line possible okay now Lubavitch played a6 the knight ourf and Val Amir which played the sharpest wild and crazy' line okay this is normal theory and he played Bishop d3 even crazier is g4 fact g4 is probably more common but okay Bishop d3 develops a piece b5 rip p1 okay now White was getting very antsy because white hasn't sacrificed anything yet so we got a we got start sacrificing it's not even clear which side black will castle on good and this looks like a normal Sicilian position but Sicilians a dangerous opening sometimes you lose with one move you miss something and your pieces all go away okay so white played Knight to d5 it's been a while since he's sacrificed probably since the last game okay and if you take on d5 you're opening up the e-file to your king and the night goes deaf v so that's a little dangerous okay so he took him with a knight keeping everything closed and this looks like we're going to trade a lot of pieces and blacks King will be perfectly safe now if Larry Evans was here and he would look sort of strange he's been dead for years but if he was here he would say you got to take pieces you got to accept the sacrifice otherwise if I got free a free attack so I mean if I was black I would just take this and lose I wouldn't I would not be a piece up you could be a piece up or not a piece up so you gotta be a piece up so you got to take the night and hope for the best and if that loses then you go go back to the drawing board and play better in the opening okay so 9:00 takes pawn takes white hasn't sacrificed anything terrible Mitchell takes g5 and now most of you would recapture without thinking in fact most of you do everything without thinking okay I agree that's good policy but if you recapture how are you sacking all your pieces if you want to be down three or four pieces but you're not really effective can last experience right you've been down three or four pieces more than anybody I I hope yeah exactly so rook takes a six check just what you were thinking when my opponent plays rook takes e6 check and I didn't see it coming and then I'm laying then this isn't good this isn't this isn't going to turn out well for me all right takes that Knights pretty reasonable on e6 white blacks never get a castle assuming you know the castling rules if you're the one o'clock class castle either way okay so the knight stops castling the knight threat threatens the Queen the bishops attacked a lot and whites only down a rook but those rooks aren't I'm not scared of those rooks Jack I'm not scared of any of blacks pieces all right well the Queen's sort of important so he moved his Queen shocking and Queen h5 check man this is tough so do I play King e7 and let him take with check or do I play g6 and let him make me in win all my pieces and rooks the answer is fries I don't know so he played g6 and I would think Bishop takes g6 is the obvious move but he played Queen takes g5 I guess he can play Bishop Dave g6 next move let him think about it that looks completely winning whites down a rook but blacks King is perpetually getting checkmated okay so he played rook g8 now that's not special g6 now one of my ex-wives I don't know which one because they both play chess when they were black and a Sicilian they would often play rook g8 and I said don't do that okay and yeah you're going to find out why okay although when when they did it it was even worse this actually stops Bishop g6 check so it has some merit okay rook D - that's my favorite move of the game okay white wants to play more fee style rook e1 with me if you watch every second of all of my lectures you'll remember in the Karpov course no lecture from their candidates mansion 74 that there was a position where Karpov could play rook e1 which looked really strong but the refutation was the same as it is here Queen takes for a checkmate yeah so rook e1 looks good but like Anna Kournikova it never wins so Luke's good never wins alright so instead of rook e1 black white decided to play rookie - so you play and rib d2 and the rooks going to e2 and then that's very annoying and one of the problems lower rated players have when they sacrifice material intentional or not is they're in a big hurry if I don't meet him right now I'm down a rook and Bellamy rich isn't in a hurry because he has this knight on e6 so he's like wow that Kings there forever this rooks here forever like I'm just going to made it when I feel like it the knight can't go to e5 because there's a pawn here now this is actually funny game because Lubavitch is a pretty good player apply top ten in the world in the 70s in fact when Lubavitch was 61 years old he beat Akari with black so he's not a big player and Lubavitch stopped the attack but he gave so much material away he was actually lost in the end game which is pretty funny because if a rook but you know you want to get me to have to give some pieces back ok night f8 that Larsson approved night takes FA which way should we take hmm they both looked just terrible like if you can take with the king I got Queen f6 and rookie too if you take with the rook I got rookie too and I'm going to e7 so he played Queen d8 yeah I think taking just gets checkmated Queens e8 now black treats Queens and black was a rook up was a rock up now White has a knight and two pawns for a rook and he still has the same issues so this is really cute he plays Knight takes h7 threatening Knight f6 check trades Queens and now we indirectly defend d5 because of knight f6 so now White has a knight and three pawns for a rook and he's still attacking so it still White's ahead material now king f7 stopping Knight f6 Knight f6 anyway g3 defending the H pawn discovered defense age 4 and yeah black could have resigned because he's almost ready for the next game okay now the knight one from the beautiful east six square to the more beautiful f6 square stopping black from getting on both open files for his rooks but that's okay black still has lots of weak coins so and White has a three to one pawn majority so we went from a middle game where we had a big attack and we're mating to black giving all the material back to avoid getting mated but with a dead lost endgame it's too bad Bishop f5 doesn't really stop the attack yeah rook it and then yeah alright and then I actually the way if didn't resign the arbiter said okay that's enough like I don't want to see anymore yeah because you're going to lose this and then there's some things you don't want to know important things so that was funny because vellum yurevic developed all of his pieces these like alright sack on e6 AK on d5 sack everywhere and blacks King was just awful and the other games black actually castled and it was easy to sort of attack his King by opening the G file with files and diagonals here blacks King was in the center we didn't know which way he would castle he just opened up the center put his light on e6 and said you can't castle now sometimes that doesn't work and you're just down a lot of pieces when it does work though it looks great okay and this is the problem a lot of people have with our fantastic players like Moors a and like Bellamy ravitch and Emory Tate and a lot of people who are wild attacking players who win a lot of brilliant games don't look at their other games that they lost no we're not looking at those so the problem is when the attack doesn't work you're like why that guy give all his pieces away when you check does work you're like wow that guy's great okay and you can learn a lot from the first match played in 85 85 yeah between Karpov and Kasparov you had sort of the boring player versus of the wild attacking player and after 29 games the wild attacking player looked so good ok 5 losses in 24 draws you'd expect kiss rock to win one game out of 29 maybe one and so sometimes while the attacking play doesn't work but unlike some of you white got all of his pieces developed and put them on the right squares and then started sacrificing okay he played rook aid she won Bishop d3 and then he started wishing his pieces and there were too many pieces for black to deal with black eventually evaded the attack but ended up in a lost endgame which happens often you get all your material back and you're just easily winning and well if you're a novice player this may not look simple to you but luckily I can I can dribble it here because I'm foaming at the mouth looking at White's position I would be expecting lots of Queens because yeah you just rip Knight and pawn just do that if you put this on an engine if I had an engine I would show you I probably have an engine it's going to say something like plus a it like in your mind it's plus two but it's it's it's not yeah alright and Lubavitch resigned and somehow we've heard of him and nobody's heard of elam yurevich now I'm just can you ever have either one I'm just kidding all right that's mastering the middle game with grandmasters so now you're all confused let's let's split the difference and just say International mastering the middle game see you next week
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 634,181
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Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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