Ultimate Characters Guide for Don't Starve Together (All Reworks)

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in Don't Starve Together there are a whole host of characters you can choose from but which character should you play that is the question I plan on answering today whether you are a don't starved beginner intermediate or maybe even an expert in this video we'll be reviewing every character and Don't Starve Together their perks their stats what they're best at then my opinion and rating for each character to decide which character is best for you also yes I did already make a video like this before except that video is a year and a half old and all the characters have now been reworked or otherwise changed meaning some of the information in that older video isn't accurate anymore and so updating that information with this video but also in this video I'm gonna be going into an insane amount of detail about each character's mechanics and the best things they can do you might be able to tell because the videos are pretty long also if you didn't know I have dedicated videos for almost every character defeating all the bosses adult stuff together so I do have some good practice with all the characters so with the goal set it's time to begin sit back engage your brain and your ears because it's time we start with the most recent rework [Music] now be warned Wilson requires one of the most explaining out of all the characters so if you're looking for a particular character for me to talk about uh you can check the timestamps throughout the video or you could just watch the entire video that would be cool as well Wilson used to be the Baseline character as in he did not have any downside and his only perk was that he can grow a beard but oh boy has that changed wolfson's stats are the following 150 Health 150 hunger and 200 Sani and he has a default damage multiplier meaning he does normal damage otherwise Wilson has no downside since Wilson's rewrite he is the only character in the game so far with a skill tree so for every 10 days you survive as Wilson you unlock a skill point up to 15 of them you can then use these points to advance through Wilson's various skill trees to make survival a little easier so let's talk about what the skills are in his skill tree starting from the left side of the tree we start with the torch section there are three tiers of leveling up your torch so that it progressively Burns for longer this is most useful for a new player because you'll probably only be using torches for the first few days before you get yourself a lantern by going into and grabbing yourself some light the next Branch along makes your torch brighter which is also decent for beginners but only relevant for the first few days then it's basically useless since you you will be using torches because you'll hopefully be using a lantern once you have unlocked either of the tier 3 torch skills you can unlock the ability to throw a torch but not only can you throw it but when you do throw it it lands right side up acting as a discount Lantern since normally if you drop a torch it does not provide any light so it is good for beginners but if you want light without having to hold a torch you can simply light a nearby Tree on fire which has a massive glow radius so it will write up your entire screen although there are some biomes like Rocky biomes where there are no trees to burn for light where this perk could be useful the next section is the Alchemy section the first branch in this section is transmuting various minerals for other kinds of minerals so tier one is three rocks to one flint and two flint into one rock tier two is three nighter into one gold nugget and two gold nuggets into one nighter tier three is two cut stone into one marble and one marble into one cut stone you'll notice a common occurrence with all of Wilson's transmission stations and that is if you keep transmuting between materials the two materials present in the transmutation you'll eventually run out of so you technically lose net resources when transmuting between resources the next branch in the Alchemy section is for transmuting gems so two red gems make a blue gem two blue gems make a red Gem and a blue and a red gem make a purple gem note that any character can make a purple gem with a blue and a red gem if they have access to a presty agitator the level 1 magic station the tier 2 Alchemy section allows you to turn three powerful gems into one orange gem three orange gems into one yellow gem and finally the tier 3 section that allows you to turn three yellow gems into one green gem and then one of each of the previously mentioned gems to make one iridescent gym wow gem transmutation is very useful as a surplus of any gem can be made into a different one for example if you have a bunch of blue and red gems from hounds during winter and summer nine blue and nine red for example you can transmute your weight up to a yellow gem to make yourself like a magellumliness is to move faster or with a construction amulet use that yellow gem to make a Starkiller staff Wilson being able to craft the iridescent gem which you need to unlock the archives which is one of the many tasks needed before being able to spawn and kill Celestial Champion the moon boss allows you to effectively speedrun sledso a champion as the normal way of acquiring an iridescent gem is go to the ruins don't die Mickey stockwell's death find the moon so far as wait for a full moon block off the Moonstone plug the stock walls staff into the Moonstone defend the Moonstone from hounds of weapons you'll start cool stuff is now move your staff go back to the ruins because if you want to make a deconstruction to have deconstruct the boom calls that's bam that is how you usually get the iridescent gem so as you can see I did that first take wow nice simply crafting it is a lot faster than doing all that and such the next branch on the Alchemy section has these skills transform three Twigs to a log one log two twigs and then tier one has transformed three morsels into one meat but wait what's this is this one of Wilson's best perks transform a single meat into two morsels but Jakey why is transforming a mean there's two muscles so good well despite the fact that if you keep a crafting between meat and morsels and back to meat you do lose net food but every time you transmute the food their spoilage time resets so if you have a stack of 20 meat about the spoil you can transmute it to a 40 stack of fresh morsels but not only that why not split your stack of 20 meat into 40 morsels which you can then feed 20 of those muscles to a bird for 20 eggs and with 20 vegetables and Villas you can make 20 pierogies as opposed to a measly 10 perogies if you kept your meat you can of course do this for other food but pierogi is just a popular crockpot food I used for this example the tier 2 Alchemy section unlocks two beard hair to one Beefalo wool and two beef flow wool to one beard here tier three unlocks six rot to one manure oh that seems familiar two houndstooth the one Bone Yard are two bone shards to one houndstooth the tier 2 and 3 transmutations aren't super useful as the materials they transmute to are easily farmable for example a pan flute and a razor and you can shave an entire herd of Beefalo playing Wilson so you'll get lots of beard here by shaving your beard before during and after summer a manure could be farmed from where pigs pretty easily because they produce one manure for every non-meat food that it eats but the last transmutation is quite good bone shards were only renewable through catching fish with your preferred method letting them rot then hammering them which is quite time consuming and hard to mass produce without Wacker bottom and now Wilson could turn your probable masses of Houndstooth into lots of bonjourage which can be used to make lots of glow caps and mush lights to light up your base the next section in Wilson's skill tree is his beard the first branch is three tiers of making your beard provide more insulation and insulation reduces the rate at which your temperature drops this is useful in Winter because you have so much insulation from your beard plus perhaps a b flow hat and a hibernation vest that you won't need a thermal Stone they warm up to just after overheating 70 degrees right as your screen is about to turn red and you won't start freezing until 28 minutes later which is three and a half days which is equivalent to about one temperature loss every 24 seconds for comparison we did a little bit of testing so all of these test cases they all started at 70 degrees body temperature which like I said it's easy to see if you're at 70 degrees because your screen won't only be yellow but it'll start turning red as you take damage of being too hot a character with no insulation or thermal Stone will lose one temperature per one second so 70 seconds until you begin to freeze a 70 degree thermal Stone will keep its heat above zero for 5 minutes and 50 seconds Which is less than one in game day a Wilson with a level 3 beard no insulation perks will lose one temperature every 4.5 seconds so it takes about 5 minutes and 15 seconds to start freezing a Wilson with a level 3 beard and tier 3 installation perk loses one temperature every 9 seconds so about 10 minutes and 30 seconds before they freeze and like we said before a Wilson with a level 3 beard tier 3 installation Puck Beefalo hat and hibernation vest will lose one temperature every 24 seconds which is basically Max insulation and it will take 28 minutes to start freezing cool enough about temperature the other branch is simply your beard grows faster which might sound useful but the only time you really want a beard over the year is during winter and you only shave your beard during and after summer without a tier 3 bid speed growing upgrade your bid takes 16 to full days to grow from nothing to a level 3 beard which leaves plenty of time from the start of autumn to the start of winter to grow your beard for use during winter before shaving it before summer starts so this perk is not super useful in my opinion after unlocking either of the tier 3 beard skills you can unlock the beard storage skill which allows you to store one two or three stacks of food inside Wilson's beard depending on how fully grown it is food stored in Wilson's beard doesn't spoil any faster or slower than it was in your inventory now the final section is called Affinity this is where you choose to side with the Shadows or the moon but you could only decide with one of them at any one time also to partially unlock both the finis you first have to spend 12 skill checkpoints if you choose to side with the Shadows you will need to defeat each of the few either and then you could unlock the shadow Affinity to gain these abilities 10 extra damage versus lunar aligned mobs such as Celestial Champion 10 less damage taken from Shadow mobs such as Shadow creatures transmute one dreadstone to two pure horror transmute three pure horror to one dreadstone and transmute one pure horror to two nightmare fuel interestingly enough during testing in PvP you'll take less damage from Walter's Shadow tentacles that Spawn from his cursed rounds but we'll talk more about Walter in his section if you choose to side with the moon you will need to defeat Celestial champion and then you are granted these abilities 10 extra damage versus Shadow aligned mobs such as ancient fuel Weaver and Nightmare creatures 10 less damage taken from Luna mobs and the ability to transmute three infused Moon shards to one pure Brilliance and the ability to transmit one pure Brilliance to two infused moonshots so of course extra damage is always good especially since it counts towards Shadow creatures which you'll probably be commonly fighting while also you will need pure Brilliance to craft any of the equipment from the bright Smithy which is a crafting station that you can craft a armor and such with the resources we're about to talk about you can normally only acquire pure Brilliance at a slow rate as the portal that generates Pure Balance spawns after defeating Celestial champion and giving Wagstaff to Shard that Celestial Champion drops this portal can spawn anywhere in the world typically away from your structures and will slowly spawn these rocks which can be mined for Pure brilliant um and they only spawn at a certain rate so being able to transmute into pure breeds allows you to farm them faster without using deconstruction staffs and construction amulets so Shadow vs the moon Affinity I would probably choose the lunar Affinity simply because the transmutations are potentially more useful than the shadowing transmutations and the 10 extra damage versus Shadow creatures would be used a lot more than 10 more damage versus lunar mobs but the Affinity is up to you as they're both good and this is what I would spend my skill tree points on in Wilson's skill tree as long as you're comfortable with getting a lantern in the first five days or so if you are like a very early beginner and you really want your torches to be better then perhaps spend your skillshare points like this you get one or both of the tier 3 torch upgrades along with the ability to throw a torch which sacrifices some of the Alchemy upgrades but you probably wouldn't have used them anyway I would still recommend the Luna Affinity as Celestial Champion people usually have an easier time killing than agent fear Weaver and a damage against Shadow creatures will probably be more useful Wilson's favorite food is bacon and eggs uh let me just explain what a favorite food is each character has a favorite food all that means is the character gains 15 extra flat hunger from eating their favorite food sometimes their favorite food isn't worth making but I will note when it is worth making baking and eggs are decent so make them if you're packing lots of meat with no veg now I will rate every character on four metrics survivability utility combat and difficulty I have rated characters in the past but this time I spent over 10 hours arguing uh discussing with my twitch chat about ratings for every character and later we will see you the very cool cluster chart I made to directly compare all the characters so the definition for survivability is how easy is it to survive as the character with their perks and disadvantages utilities the definition is how many resources Buffs or advantages can a team member generate for the team whether you're playing Solo or with multiple people and combat is a combination of damage output and other perks beneficial to combat which aren't already accounted for by survivability or utility and then the difficulty ring how hard is the character to play a higher rating means harder a lower rating means easier all the ratings are from 1 to 10 10 being the best possible with a single character and one being the worst possible with a single character and five being nothing special but nothing terrible either so with that in mind Wilson's ratings are as follows Survivor wait Wilson Will Wilson it's me it's me Badger the business Pig and I have something to ask you how do you shave your beard to look so luscious and manly oh well I go to the crafting Tab and build myself a razor no way a razor for manscaped no we will sneeze his mans get the premium brand for Men's Grooming and hygiene I bet Wilson got given that all in one perfect package 4.0 which includes tools and liquid formulations for your body butt and balls Wilson you use this right the lawnmower 4.0 trimmer sure you did look how smoothly it goes over this don't stop again the player's face almost as smooth as their brain wow it's even waterproof so you can trim in the rain during spring wow that's insane Wilson no wonder you clicked the link in the description and use the code which on your mask Plus getting two free gifts the travel bag for when I must travel far and wide to visit my wife and children along with the man scoops and he chafing boxer briefs but uh for real they included this line in the brief and it's the most amazing line they've ever is seen in a brief before manscaped the perfect tools for your family jewels epic thanks for sponsoring the video manscapes very cool anyway what was I saying oh yeah Wilson's ratings yep survivability 5.5 out of 10. the beard helps in Winter and has extra inventory slots pretty useful uh utility six out of 10 being able to transmute between materials can be useful but most notably meet to morsels combat 5.5 out of 10 it would be a 5 out of 10 but with his uh final Affinity perk he gains 10 more damage against some creatures and difficulty 4 out of 10. he has perks to assist in survival but you'll still need to know fundamental game mechanics to survive a very nice starting character which will teach you the game very well and with good habit and good progression I'd recommend Wilson for beginners and intermediers or of course if you just enjoy playing him [Music] Willow is a pyromaniac who starts with a letter and a little teddy bear called Bernie who looks rather Innocent but when Willow becomes insane oh Bernie becomes big Bernie and he has 2000 health does 50 damage per hit and will taunt everything which is nearby meaning they will always prioritize attacking Bernie if they're close enough rather than Willow except uh bosses some bosses like deer clubs after getting hit by Bernie will actually turn around and hit Bernie but then there are bosses like dragonfly who prioritize hitting actual players and so basically never hits Bernie Quinn being attacked Bernie receives just as much damage from enemies as players do and when Bernie eventually Runs Out of Hell he will crumble to the floor and revert back to small Bernie but instead of alive and well he'll be used beaten broken but you can fix him simply by picking broke Bernie up and use one use of a sewing kit or one one on his tape which will fix him back to 100 ready for another round of pain well those lighters like a torch but with a lot more durability but not nearly as bright with its very small light radius and once it reaches zero percent durability you must grab a new one if you want another lighter as it cannot be refueled you can also cook on the lighter with a cost of one percent durability for each item that you cook speaking of cooking willow also Cooks things on her lighter and fires significantly faster than other characters taking half a second rather than one full second now let's dive a little bit deeper into Bernie's mechanics because he becomes a little more complicated when there are multiple insane Willows or other insane characters who aren't Willow so the requirements for Bernie to transform into big Bernie which can attack enemies is that an insane Willow must be nearby a maximum of two tile radius away but if there is one insane Willow but that Willow already has a big Bernie defending her then the other Bernie won't transform into a big Bernie this restriction is easy to remember only one insane Willow can have one one big birdie defending her at a time now when there are multiple Willows they can accidentally steal each other's Bernie as Bernie is not loyal to one Willow now if the big Bernie dies the small Bernie will immediately transform into big bunny it's also worth noting as well small Burnley only has a thousand Health but when transforming between small to big Bernie Bernie keeps a proportional amount of Health relative to the current form's maximum so if small Bernie has a 500 out of a thousand Health left then transforms to Big Bernie that big Bernie will then have a thousand up 2000 Health also I thought something someone said in my twitch chat while we were testing this was quite funny when Bernie doesn't transform but he is taunting enemies he does the tiny Bernie Tippy Taps thank you kind twitch chair otherwise Willow has 150 Health 150 hunger and 120 sanity as she gained sanity for each fire source that she is close to this sanity game is about one sanity every 10 seconds for each fire source so a stack of 10 grass set on fire near Willow will give her 170 per second and if you couldn't tell Willow is immune to fire damage so stand as close as you want to that Burning Tree to warm you up during winter Willow gains a small amount some see when she equips a torch or her lighter there seems to be a limit of how often you gain this plus one sanity when you look at the torch or a lighter Willow is slightly more resistant to overheating but not enough to not need some protection you will still need to protect against summer heat like a thermal stone or eyebrow or some other method she gains 10 more sanity from most auras such as glomer Willow's favorite food is spicy chili fitting as it raises your temperature a little bit but not worth making Willow is more susceptible to freezing in that insulation clothing is less effective on her so she loses temperature a little faster with winter clothing on than another character like Wendy with the same winter clothing this can be mitigated by using a thermal Stone as a thermal Stone's temperature isn't directly affected by your insulation or lack thereof she also becomes Frozen more easily for example Wilson takes two ice hounds dying near him in quick succession to freeze whereas Willow will still need two ice sounds but as you can see she thaws slower so an ice Hound killed the same length apart as a Wilson will freeze the Willow and not the Wilson onto Willow's ratings her survivability is going to be a 5.5 out of 10. her utility of 5 out of 10 her combat of 5.5 out of 10 and her difficulty at 3.5 out of 10 Willow's ability to distract mobs is decent for her team and good and solo if you struggle with nightmare creatures as Bernie can talk number if Bernie kills a nightmare creature you don't gain the sanity back when he kills it so you do have to actually kill the shadow creatures yourself Willow being a little bit of a pain to keep warm in Winter isn't that big of a deal same goes for summer her summer resistance isn't enough to ignore summer heat I would recommend Willow for a beginner who particularly struggles against nightmare creatures and is always forgetting to make a light source [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is one of my favorite characters as his upside is one of the most powerful in the game which is a simple yet effective deal double damage when he's in his mighty form but how do you unlock Wolfgang's double damage well Wolfgang has a mighty meter which increases when lifting any of his dumbbells and doing work like chopping Mining and while fighting Wolfgang becomes Mighty when his meteor goes above 75 mightiness at which point wolfen gets a flat 2.0 times damage multiplier meaning double damage and he works more efficiently in that he will do work in less actions this isn't just limited to working like chopping and Mining but also things like rowing your boat allowing you to row a little faster than regular characters Wolfgang starts with a dumbbell made of rock this is fine to use until you manage to find yourself some marble to make yourself a marble a dumbbell made of made of marble in fact in my speed runs I always use a marble I never make the gold dumbbell because the Marbell is better nor do I ever make the gem dumbbell because it's too expensive anyway enough about dumbbell okay one last thing if you're mighty you can also throw them which looks really funny but it isn't very practical and costs a lot of durability on your dumbbell but hey you can aggro things from a fart and I guess and and you can kill birds when Wolfgang's Mighty meter drops two or below 75 might just he becomes normal which means he has a normal damage multiplier and he will work at the same rate as a normal character but if his mightiness drops two or below 25 he becomes wimpy at this point he gains a 0.75 times damage multiplier so you're just as weak as where's who we will get to later he will also have the opposite effect of being mighty when working so when wimpy Wolfgang Works he takes more actions to do the task compared to regular Wolfgang when not lifting fighting or working Wolfgang's mightiness drain slowly and drains faster the lower his hunger is with the minimum drain of 48 mightiness per day at full hunger and a maximum drain of 768 miters per day but that's only if you're starving practically what this means is you just try to keep your hunger between 100 to 150 or up to 200 which will only have you lose 90 86 to 48 maintenance per day the higher level dumbbell you use also increases his mightiness but in game you'll find that you'll probably be staying my e by doing work like mining chopping rowing and fighting while Mighty Wolfgang has a very small chance of finishing a task in one hit for example breaking a boulder with one swing of a pickaxe unfortunately at this low chance to one hit something doesn't apply in combat so you would be one hitting dragonfly anytime soon also moving around while holding any dumbbell stops maintenance from draining entirely so in the early game it's useful to wear the dumbbell when you don't have a walking cane or anything better to wear note though that if you're standing still and holding a dumbbell your mightiness will still drain like normal mightiness also goes up very fast when lifting using Wolfgang's own character specific crafted Mighty gym to gain weight just the fastest from the mighty gym you must put two boss statues on the gym crafted on a potter's wheel after defeating a boss and giving the figure sketch to the pause wheel after which you hop onto the mighty gym and click the gym when the indicator hovers over the gold section of the indication bar to gain a big chunk of mightiness Wolfgang automatically gets off the mighty gym when his maintenance is full I personally don't recommend the mighty gym as the Marvel dumbbell is plenty good enough cheap and mobile Wolfgang suffers 10 extra safety drain from all sources this is kind of a good thing if you like nightmare fuel but if you don't it's not a big deal because you deal double damage so you kill the nightmare creatures a lot faster Wolfgang's favorite food is cooked potato which is easy to match for juice and it heals for 20 Health with an initial low hunger value of 25 increasing to 40 due to it being its favorite quite a good food to make Wolfgang has the highest DPS potential in the game and with just himself and a dark sword he could do a DPS of 272 with Wanda being a close second though we'll talk more about this in Wally and wonders section Wolfgang while Mighty has a higher cold resistance but at the cost of the equivalent negative heat resistance though it isn't enough to ignore winter cold and the negative summer insulation isn't that noticeable Wolfgang when might you can also carry heavy objects with no speed penalty like the shadow pieces the lunars all of which give him the goofiest walking animation I think wolfing also does not suffer speed penalties from heavy items such as piggybacks and marble suits meaning you could use them without their intended downside of reducing your speed so you'll almost definitely be using a piggyback while playing Wolfgang until you get yourself a cramp a sec Wolfgang has 200 and all stats Health hunger and Sanity and it is time for his ratings Wolfgang survivably is gonna be a 7.5 his utility S6 his combat at 10 and his difficulty of four Wolfgang has the highest DPS potential and even then just by himself he's one of the highest DPS characters in the game therefore his combat is 10 out of 10. quick note about DPS in this game carriers with normal weapons like a dark sword attack at an attack rate of 2 times per second a default damage character with a Dark Sword has a DPS of 136 and also a just just for fun and a tease affiliate this is the highest possible damage you can achieve in the game with all Buffs foreign 1200 damage per second we'll get to how we achieve this level of DPS later in Wally's section Wolfgang can provide a small amount of utility as he mines and chops faster at the cost of the tool breaking faster but the tool itself will do as much work as if it was used by Wilson or Mike Wolfgang does Wolfgang does it in less actions Wolfgang survivability is a 7.5 out of 10 as if there's a problem he could simply kill it also he has higher stats than most but if you're caught in a situation where you're not Mighty it might be rough uh partially due to his unskippable animation between going in and out of mightiness which can and probably will get you here a sense his rework and changes his passive extra hunger dream was removed unless he's wimpy in which case he drains at 0.75 times so less hunger rate than normal but remember if you need to become Mighty wild in combat you can fight with your dumbbell to gain mightiness even faster than if you just hit an enemy with a normal weapon and with double damage he's one of the most powerful characters in the game and my go-to choice when speedrunning all the bosses which I'll be doing again soon Great Character very powerful [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] windy and Abigail except I don't see Abigail that's because Wendy keeps Abigail inside of her Pokeball right-clicking Abigail's flower will summon Abigail into the world and also if it wasn't clear Abigail died I don't know how I'm lucky oops Anyway by default Wendy does 0.75 times damage just by herself and she has 0.75 times sanity dream so she loses sanity slower from all sources and does 150 Health hunger and 200 sanity now let's talk about Abigail Abigail can be summoned from the flower that Wendy starts with and her maximum health is between 150 and 600 depending on what level she is she starts at level 1 and levels up to level 2 after 8 minutes which is one whole Don't Starve Day level 2 grants her more Health being 300 and 8 minutes or one whole day later again she will become level 3 obtaining her maximum HP of 600. her level does not affect her damage but what does affect her damage is what time of day it is if it's daytime Abigail does 15 damage if it's dusk Abigail those 25 damage and during the night Abigail does 40 damage and also if Abigail is in the caves it always counts as night time so she will always be doing the 40 damage but did I forget to mention that Abigail's damage is area of effect with a radius of about one tile and she attacks once per second air effects damage is pretty rare and don't starve so this is one of the rare sources and it's a good one whenever Abigail takes damage by getting hit by an enemy she generates an invincibility shield for half second and yes I counted the frames it's half a second this means she can't be stun locked and it negates most damage when she's being attacked by multiple enemies like a horde of spiders you can even hear when enemies hit her Shield Abigail starts in passive mode meaning she'll only attack things that are attacking Wendy and Abigail will stay close to Wendy but by riling up Abigail by right-clicking her flower she will enter kill mode where she will attack anything that gets too close and will roam around when he's searching for things to attack good for preemptively defending you from enemies like Hound waves when Abigail hits an enemy she vexes them increasing the damage they take by 10 from all sources along with that Wendy characters also deal 40 extra damage against enemies that have been vexed so the way this is calculated is Wendy's 0.75 times damage multiplier is multiplied by 1.4 for the 40 which makes Wendy's personal damage 1.05 times that of a default damage character but since enemies also receive 10 more damage because they were vexed again windy when attacking with Abigail has an effective damage multiplier of 1.155 times plus Abigail's damage on top of that so as an example Wendy with a Dark Sword attacking with Abigail at night time gives them a total DPS of just over 197. Abigail also counts as a source of light to protect you from Charlie if you stay close Wendy can craft a structure called assistant then can put four petals inside of it which restores plus 25 sanity per minute when standing close by and it levels up Abigail four times faster than normal this isn't too useful there are better ways to get sanity back faster and Abigail already levels up pretty fast but since if she dies her level resets to one and if your Abigail is dying a lot then I guess assistant might be a little useful for getting her back to full strength a lot faster Wendy can make potions for Abigail that buffer in various ways to craft this potion you will need various ingredients depending on the potion but all the potions share one common ingredient that being Morning Glory did I say that right you can get this material by visiting graves in the world where there is a five percent chance that a pip spook will spawn and this this chance increases by five percent for every additional Wendy in This Server I'd recommend searching in the Mosaic biome because there's always a bunch of gravestones close by there after right clicking on the Pips book it will put you in the direction of its lost toy the closer you get to the toy the bigger and quicker the ring around the pipsuit head will pulse until you get close enough to the toy becomes visible upon the PIP spooker picking up the toy the paperwork is so hard to say the Pips will drop an amount of Morning Glory you can help one pit spook finds multiple toys until you find its final toy at which point the PIP spook will despawn and drop the majority of the morning glories as your reward that's too many Pips but I kept messing up saying Pips book the potions themselves can only be applied one at a time so applying one on top of another one will stop the previous potions effect Revenant restorative makes Abigail regenerate help three times faster than normal from one Health per second to three for 16 minutes or two days for a total healing potential of up to 960. spectral cure will effectively an upgraded version of revenant and restorative it rapidly regenerates Abigail's Health by 600 over 30 seconds so much faster unyielding drought this potion extends Abigail's already existing Shield to last for one second after taking damage from a hit rather than the default 0.5 seconds this potion lasts for 8 minutes or one in game day distilled Avengers this potion extends Abigail's Shield like before to one second except any mob that attacks and hits this field will take 20 damage back this potion also lasts for 8 minutes Nightshade nostrum uh this potion of Grants Abigail nighttime damage no matter the time of day for eight minutes Vigor mortis this increases Abigail's speed by 75 for 8 minutes this is useful for very specific situations like chasing down bulbs are pulling Abigail away from attacks like during the total fight also if you're dead you can haunt this potion on the floor to get the same speed runs for a few seconds wow cool in typical gameplay you'll be mostly using Nightshade nostrum before a boss fight and have a spectral Cure All In Case Abigail takes too much damage while occasionally using a shield potion as it effectively doubles her damage mitigation as a reference a level 3 Abigail can kill a hundred split monkeys without a shield before dying but can kill double that with a shield buff Wendy offers a very rare and cheap source of area of effect damage and Don't Starve Together which allows massive crowd control versus hauling mobs like monkeys spiders and other small mobs which other characters would struggle with typically bosses will Target the player over Abigail but if you're out of range or the boss does air affects damage Abigail dies fast against those bosses without a strategy to help Abigail Dodge the boss this is because Abigail counts as an NPC and therefore receives NPC damage from other NPCs such as a Clockwork Rook hits Abigail for up to 200 Health whereas it only hits the player for 45. Wendy won't receive damage bonuses versus nightmare creatures so Shadow creatures are a pain to deal with as you you deal 0.75 times damage to them but Wendy's 0.75 times sanity drain modifier means she loses sanity uh slower than most Wendy's favorite food is banana pop which gives 3320 Health along with a boosted hunger of 27.5 pretty decent if you've got a lot of spare bananas now it's time for Wendy's ratings her survivability is going to be a seven her utility is 6.5 her combat a 6.5 and I had her difficulty a three Abigail serves as your personal bodyguard and she'll die for you before you die probably Abigail's air of effect damage can mean some bosses just couldn't get stepped on by Wendy such as e Queen although bosses like the twins of Terror will put Abigail back in the ground faster than you can put her back in her Pokeball speaking of which to pet Abigail away because she's in danger or she's being too slow or whatever reason simply use the flower on Abigail this can be used for some trickery like I used in my Wendy or Boss run having a mob Target Abigail then recalling Abigail by attacking her with an ice staff this causes the mob to Target Abigail but then Abigail's record back to her flower so the mob doesn't hit anything Wendy and Abigail's total damage per second are combined is effective to a one point four or five times damage multiplier with a portion of that damage being AOE meaning higher DPS than a character like Wickford but not as high as Wolfgang great for beginners as you will never be alone in Intel Abigail dies again [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] WX starts with a low 125 Health hunger and 150 sanity lower than most they also start with a circuit extractor and a bio scanalyzer we'll get to what those do later WX also has a charge meter and gains one charge on their charge mere every 90 seconds if you're not wet or starving but how do you utilize this charge mirror well WX can unlock craft and plug in 15 different circuits which give WX various Buffs and abilities and we will go through all 15 of them unfortunately you cannot plug in all of the circuits all at once since once you are fully charged you have six circuit slots some circuits take one slot some take up to all six slots so you must Choose Wisely each circuit must be unlocked by scaling a mob in the game to scan a mob you must deploy your biosk analyzer or Jimmy that that that's its name and it will bloop its way over to a mob that can be scanned then you must stay within Jimmy's green circle otherwise the scan fails and then once Jimmy has been scanning long enough it will return to you and upon picking up Jimmy you will unlock the circuit depending on the mob that you scanned while also gaining some biodair biod is used to craft these circuits and when you scan a mob the amount of biodata it gives you is usually enough to craft the circuit you would unlock by scanning that same mop also scanning bosses that could be scanned usually give lots more biodata than mobs that aren't as dangerous but there is a cooldown on scanning the same mob twice for biodata so you can't just infinitely scan a mobile one for Unlimited biodea waiting for 8 minutes before scanning the same thing again will grant you the full amount of biodata that the scan can give otherwise there is a minimum cooldown for every mob which seems to be anywhere between 30 seconds and a few minutes it seems to be different for each mob scanning before this 8 Minute cooldown will result in a proportional biodata return based on how long ago you scanned that mob so basically just wait eight minutes before scanning the mob again now we know how to unlock the circuits let's go through all of them what you need to scan what they do and how to craft them and my opinion on them Hardy circuit increases your maximum health by 50 fills one circuit slot unlocked by scanning a spider as a craft requires to biodata at one spider gland this circuit can be cheap to fill a slot if you have one spare and you want the extra Health but I'd rather save the slot for another circuit super Hardy circuit this circuit increases your maximum health by 150 or taking up the two slots and is unlocked by scanning a nurse spider which is spawned by spider Queens it requires four bio to air two spider Clans and a Hardy circuit the previous circuit to craft same opinion as the Hardy circuit if you want more Health it's good but I wouldn't use it processing circuit increases your maximum sanity by 40 and fills one circuit slot unlocked by scanning butterflies and moon mods on lunar Island and requires one biod air and one pedal to craft so not too good super Processing Unit increases your Max and E for 100 while also providing plus two Sensi regeneration per minute or 16 sanity per day fills two circuit slots and is unlocked by scanning any of the three Shadow creatures crawling horror the Terra beak or the Terra core you can even scan the ruins generated Shadow creatures for this circuit it requires three biodata one Nightmare before one processing circuit to craft this circuit is decent because you know Sonic region generation if you don't like being insane is good the average ultimate evening night will make you lose about 20 sanity while the circuit generates 1670 so after one whole average an autumn day you will net -4 sanity per day but without the circuit you would have lost 2070 gastro gains circuit increases Max hunger by 40 fills one slot unlocked by scanning normal hounds requires two biode and one Hound Tooth to craft increase your max hunger isn't very useful super gastro gain circuit plus 100 maximum hunger and 20 less hunger train and fills two circuit slots unlocked by scanning slurper found in the entrance of the ruins and a Berger the Autumn boss requires three biod Air One slurper Pelt and one gastro green circuit to craft contrary to the name starving probably won't be the thing that kills you and don't starve so not too useful though an interesting note is that if you plug in three of these circuits you won't need to eat for about 11 days chorus box circuit gain a plus 570 Aura per minute around you for you and your team also plays music to make sure that you go inside in real life while also tending to plants in game fills three circuit slots and is unlocked by scanning crab king or a crabby hermit requires four biodea and one baritone shell Bell which is which is this shell this one right here a sunny Aura is decent for you and your teammates if you really don't like going insane this Santa Yore is enough to not lose sanity from the passive sanitor from evening at night the last few circuits have not been too good but don't worry we're about to get to the good circuits be in the booster circuit regenerates five Health every 30 seconds increases Max sanity by 100 and you gain two sanity regeneration per minute fills three circuit slots unlocks by scanning the big bad beep Bean boss requires eight to biodata and one royal jelly and one super pro 16 unit to craft may think scanning bee queen is tough but two uses of a pan flute and Jimmy will have enough time to scan her and you can escape unscathed the royal jelly in the crafting ingredients means you must kill B queen or get lucky with a claws prison either way this circuit is decent for passively regenerating your stats which is a very rare and Powerful survival mechanical stuff acceleration circuit plus 20 five percent movement speed fills up all six circuits uh unlocked by scanning a rabbit requires two biodata and one rabbit to craft taking up all six slots is an oof especially since when you unplug the circuit it removes the number of charges that the circuit needed this circuit can be obtained easily on day one for an easy speed bonus typically bunnies run away from you if you get too close so scanning them can be a pain so try to stay far away from the bunny while still staying within Jimmy's circle after a bit of chasing you'll eventually scan the bunny it's worth noting if the mob runs out of Jimmy's range the scan will be paused and not canceled so your progress is saved the thing which resets your progress is if you WX leave Jimmy's Circle super acceleration circuit one circuit gives 25 speed burners and takes up only two circuit slots equipping two of these gives 40 and filling up all of your circuit slots with three of these will grant you 50 speed bonus unlocked by scanning Clockworks broken Clockworks in the ruins and the ancient Guardian in The Labyrinth requires six biode Air One gear and one acceleration circuit to craft each of them this is one of the most powerful circuits in wx-78 Arsenal the burners can simply trivialize most boss fights so if you get lucky and find a rook on the surface world you can scan it and after amassing enough biodata in Gears you can craft three of these circuits in the first few days for an insane 50 speed bonus and if you have no Rook on the surface you can simply Rush The Ruins where there will be definitely be a broken Clockwork Rook for you to scan but if you can't find them you can always scan agent Guardian but be aware scanning agent guiding is kind of hard because you've got to stay close to him for long so bring a powerful awesome armor and healing most circuits stack without diminishing returns but as you can see the more speed circuits you equip the less speed they give individually so you might find one circuit giving you 25 speed bonus is enough for you so that you can pair it with one of the circuits coming up the opto electronic circuit allows you to see in the dark exactly like Muggles they automatically activate during night time and the dark like in the caves fills up four circuit slots unlocked by scanning a mole worm requires four biodef and more worm and one Firefly to crack this circuit granting infinite night vision as long as you don't lose charges is insanely helpful for new players and not as experienced players as something like a lantern doesn't allow you to see very far in the dark but now you can see everything while also freeing up your armor and weapon slots for whatever you want to wear tip for scanning a mole one you can drop a mineral like a flint wait for the moem to approach and pop out the ground and as it begins sniffing your rock pick it up so he doesn't steal it then after he digs back underground simply drop your rock again this keeps the moment above ground so Jimmy can keep scanning it illumination circuit you glow with light similar to a default torch radius fills three circuit slots unlocked by scanning a depth worm in the caves or a light bug in the lunar Grotto biome or a skitter squid found in the ocean sometimes near the shores requires six biodata and one light bulb to craft you might think why would I make this circuit where I can just have the model night vision circuit well this one takes up one less circuit slot and it keeps your friends safe from Darkness whereas with the Mogul circuit you will simply watch from the comfort of your Moguls as your friends are slain by Charlie wish that would be what playing solo I'd rather use the Muggle circuit even if I was playing with others I'll still probably just use the model circuit thermal circuit gives you a heat radius of plus 25 increases your minimum temperature by 20 anything that's coils will spoil 25 faster in your inventory and you dry off 10 faster fills three circuit slots ins unlocked by scanning fire hounds or dragonfly requires four biod air and a red gender craft giving you a heat radius means you can keep your friends slightly warm in winter but it really isn't effective in testing and your teammates will have to snuggle up real close to you to get warm increasing your minimum temperature by 20 means that the default minimum temperature of -20 is changed to zero so you cannot take ambient freezing damage during winter although your screen will almost always be Frozen as you are sitting just above freezing food spoiling faster in your entry is not good but you can simply just store your food in your backpack that way it doesn't get affected by the accelerated spoiler trait Refrigeration circuit gives you plus 25 cold radius decreases your maximum temperature by 20. things that spoil will spoil 25 slower in your inventory and this also excludes your backpack like the other circuit and upon reaching 95 wetness the wetness turns into two ice on the floor and resets your wetness to zero fills up three circuits and is unlocked by scanning ice hound and dear requires four biodata and one blue gem to craft the maximum temperature decrease means you are safe from ambient overheating in the summer after testing regardless whether you have any charges left or not the ice circuit will still turn your 95 wetness into two ice cubes even if the circuit's charges it's connected to have been deactivated interesting and also after testing despite being wet causing you to take damage on average you'll get struck by lightning enough to heal any damage you will be taking from the wetness damage so long as WX is taking the lightning bolts and not a lightning rod then you can probably survive spraying purely with the circuit but I wouldn't rely on it though sudden changes in wetness on the other hand this circuit could negate such as your boats are coming to a rock causing you to drown or a teammate reefing you with a little war balloons lastly electrification circuit anything that hits you takes 20 base electric damage back capture only dealing damage once every 0.3 seconds also grants lightning insulation fills two circuit slots unlocked by scanning a vault goat requires five biodata and one electric goat milk to craft this circuit delivering electric damage complicates the damage it actually deals as electric damage deals 1.5 times damage by default against non-wet targets though against wet targets deals 2.5 times damage they have a dry Pigman poked you he would receive 30 damage back 20 multiplied by 1.5 if the same pigment but wet poked you he would instead receive 50 damage back 20 multiplied by 2.5 he probably shouldn't plan to get hit while fighting bosses so this circuit is more of a gimmick than you know actually practical but but despite that me and my twitch dad did this uh when we killed all the bosses or most of them only using these circuits and other types of thorn damage and the videos Linked In the card in the top right in the description it's a very stupid and impractical uh but funny and that's all the circuits wx78 has a few other perks being they can eat gears to restore 60 San e 75 hunger and 50 Health eating gears used to buff your maximum stats but that doesn't happen anymore since wx783 work WX has half the aggro range for Clockworks and broken Clockworks because they are also machines and I guess they need WX to be closer to them before they realize WX is not a friendly Clockwork comrade this means in the ruins you can mine statues and Hammer broken block quotes without engaging in combat most of the time since you must be a lot closer than other cards for Clockworks to aggro unto you the best circuit combinations are completely up to your personal preference but my personal favorite competitions are triple speed for maximum speed running single speed with single moggle single speed with single heat or cold depending on the season and single speed with a B Queen circuit for the ultra passive play style to take circuits out you need to use the circuit extractor which will always take the circuit out at the top of the circuit meter first which then causes the circuit itself to lose durability and when plugging a circuit in it will always go to the lowest point available first so it'd be best to keep circuits you plan on taking it in and out at the top such as heat and cold circuits or keeping others like speed circuits at the bottom if all your circuits are active and you are frozen by something like ice hounds you will instantly lose two charges on your charge mirror which disables any circuits connected to those two charge slots WX also loses a charge slot every 5 Seconds when above 15 wetness while wet WX also takes rain damage between 3 and 9 depending on the wetness jbx can also gain a circuit charge by doing the following touching a lightning rod that is glowing from being struck by lightning being struck by lightning them elves eating electric goat milk or boat goat cow Freud which we will talk about later or from touching either of Winona's generators while they are charged wx's favorite food is a butter muffin you get it butter muffins are an early game food for healing not too useful as for Hunger not really worth making at the early game Derby X's ratings depend on the circuits that you use but I'll try to give a general average survivability 7 out of 10 with wx's speed night vision cold and heat immunity it makes it pretty hard to kill WX unless you do something catastrophically wrong like forget to get rain protection dobex also gains full nutrition from food regardless if it's stale or spoiled so this helps slightly with survivability utility is going to be a six some circuits can help your teammates by keeping them warm cold giving them light and Sanity or also having access to the most speed most in the game combat's gonna be a 6 out of 10 because WX doesn't have any damage multipliers but the speed bonus WX is able to achieve mix dodging every mob agrees and WX is difficult he's gonna be a 4 out of 10. pretty decent character with a lot of different Buffs that can be applied to them [Music] thank you foreign [Music] wickerbottom the native librarian of the constant stars with 125 Health 150 hunger and a massive 250 sanity pool and two Papyrus wickerbomb can craft different books at her bookcase and the magic stations with her players specific crafting Tab and read them for various effects which we'll cover later wickbottom takes significantly less nutrition from food that is stale and will straight up refuse to eat anything that is spoiled wickerbottom also cannot sleep because insomnia strikes each time she tries she can also craft all recipes which normally require a science machine but without a science machine as you can craft Alchemy engine recipes with just a science machine this is helpful for the early game but otherwise not too amazing look at bottom can craft a bookshelf which acts as her book crafting station while also acting as storage for papyrus and books storing any of wickerbottom's books inside the bookshelf calls then slowly restore their durability now for the main event let's talk about all of wickerbotomer's books what they do and what they're best used for sleepy time stories cost 33 70 for wickerbottom to read two Papyrus and two not Airfield craft and has five uses before braking this book acts as a pamphlet with a way bigger range reading it puts mobs to sleep within a 30 meter radius but this book does have a longer casting animation than the Pan Flute but can be mass-produced unlike the Pan Flute birds of the world costs a wicked bottom 50 70 to read and cost two Papyrus and two eggs to craft at the bookshelf and has three uses before breaking causes 20 to 30 birds to fly down from the sky in an area around the player who read the book you can use this book in combination with the previous book Sleepytime stories to make an easy bird farm for various colored feathers meat and Krampus Farm simply read birds of the world then read sleepy time stories then go around killing all the birds before they wake up once you kill enough Birds Krampus May spawn close by make sure to fence off an 8x8 area to do this farm so the Krampus don't get in and so they don't scare the birds away from being too close to the birds also be sure to drop a twig or something close to the edge of the fences so Krampus will get stuck on the fence trying to steal them then whenever you're ready kill the Krampus changing the turf in the area you spawn the birds will cause different birds to spawn also depending on the season here's a screenshot of a wicker bottom feather Farm but if you want more details you can check out my wicker bottom video in the card in the top right or in the description where I talk about the mechanics and other ways to kill the Krampus on mess on tentacles cost 50 equal button to read across two players and one technical spot to craft and has five uses before breaking reading this book was one of the three tentacles between three and eight meters from the reader these tentacles are the same as naturally spawning tentacles if a tentacle chooses a sporting location which is blocked by a wall or structure it will simply not spawn so sometimes you may get less than three tentacles per root this means you can build walls in a seven by seven or eight by eight wall unit square like this knock them down and then read the books from the center this will keep you safe from the tentacles that spawn around you if you're in the middle of the square this is useful for making traps for bosses like B Queen which I used in my wicker bottom or Boss run which you can find in the description the end is nice costs 33 for wicker bottom to read two Papyrus and a red gem to build and has five uses this book causes 16 lightning strikes to strike the area around the reader This Book used to be essential in the wickerbottom and WX combo which would overcharged WX for all of their Buffs but this was removed as of wx783 works this use case no longer exists and Don't Starve Together which leaves this book with little to no use I think other than giving WX charges on their charge meter or charging goats to make them drop their vault goat milk and that's all of wickerbon's original books now we're moving on to the books which were introduced with her changes and rework bought a culture a Bridge cost 33 for wickerbomb to read two Papyrus 5 seat and five minute craft and has 5 uses when red it causes up to 10 nearby plants which grow edible produce to instantly grow including but not limits too berry bushes banana Bush's stone fruit bushes and farm plants from seeds though Farm plants and this book are a little complicated let me explain when you force Farm plants to grow this way they rapidly go through each growth stage producing and consuming nutrients consuming water Etc but since you cannot tend to the plants quick enough nor water them fast enough you'll never get giant crops growing plants this way also even if you could there's the fact that there is a coded block which says you simply cannot grow Giants if you use this book although if you plant crop combos such as potato and tomato in ottoman spring asparagus pumpkin potato in Winter tomato tomato dragon fruit and spring and summer as the crops grow due to the book they'll produce appropriate nutrients for each other such that they'll be happy enough so you get at least one seed back plus the crop so you can Farm the same crops again repeatedly Horticulture expanded cost 33.74 component to read two Papyrus one Horticulture Abridged and a feather pencil to craft and has three uses essentially an improved version of a Horticultural bridge that grows up to 15 plants instead of 10 but also while growing Farm plants from seeds it makes them rapidly go through each growth stage and it will tend to them on each growth stage and resupply the farming soil with nutrients this makes it easier to get more seeds back from the plant even if the plant is planted in the wrong season with the no crop combo as the book refills nutrients in the soil and tens of the plants on every growth stage for example if you plant four dragon fruit seeds in Autumn which means they're out of season but have the family bonus and there is no weeds nearby then read Horticulture expanded you will get one seed back along with the dragon fruit to farm them all again if you want to get more seeds simply plant the plant in season for example four dragon fruit seeds in the spring then read Horticulture expanded you'll get eight dragon fruit season four dragon fruits it's worth noting that another way to duplicate seeds for a farm crop that isn't in season is plant four of that crop water the soil then read Horticulture expanded continue watering the soil as it grows this should result in two seeds returned from each crop despite them being out of season the minimum requirements for this kind of farm is at least four of one type of seed for the family burners and no nearby weeds then you'll get the seed returns as described to before it is still impossible for this book to grow Giants however due to a block coated into the book itself applied silver culture costs 33 evil with compartment to read two Papyrus and one living long to craft has five uses this is similar to the previous two books except this book only grows plants which produce non-edible produce such as trees grass Tufts and saplings while having no limit to the number of planets it can grow in the area using this book you can make trees grow instantly ready for Berger to pulverize or more commonly you can set up hyper productive grass tuft and sapling low plant Farms you can check out my wickerbotom video all my ultimate beast video for a more in-depth explanation of this Farm but here's how it works plant grass tough saplings or monkey tails in a pattern like this so there's room for eye plants to spawn around them Turf the area with natural and man-made Turf so that eye plants don't grow close to you plant the low plant in the center after three days the lower plant will have grown along with its eye plants the eye plants will harvest the plants and store the items they eat in the lower plant bowl it's at this point you can read a few applied silver culture books to cause more twigs and grass to grow and be instantly harvested then once you have enough Kill The Lure plant at BAM stacks of grass and twigs and Reeds potentially it's important to note that lower plants digest and delete items over time so keep this Farm away from your base or I'd recommend in the caves that way the eye plants only eat the plants once they're loaded so only when you're nearby also when lure plants Harvest grass it doesn't spawn grass cutters the Anglo Survival Guide costs 33 Santa ether Wicked bottom to read two Papyrus two wooden bull Bobbers to craft with three uses this book simply spawns a school of fish in any nearby ocean war the type of fish that has spawned are dependent on the ocean type for example reading in deep ocean will only spawn deep ocean fish but with this book you probably won't be reading it in the deep ocean as this book can make an insane Fish Farm close to the shore it looks like this build some docks in a shape like this read the books from this bookshelf here then once you think you have enough fish look at this very precisely placed Cannon obtained from Monkey Queen Island and fire it twice which kills all the fish then grab your masses of fish meat and then you win pyro kinetics explained costs 33 sanity for wikabomb to read two Papyrus one feather pencil and one in this nigh book to craft with three uses when you cast this book it puts out all fires burning objects and smoldering objects within a three Turf radius and then oddly the book will create something called a fiery pen with 10 centurability for each extinguished and burning object and five percent for each smoldering object up to one single fiery pen with up to 100 durability can be made at a time if you use the book once again it will recharge any fiery pins to 100 and the overflow will not create a new pen unless you all your pens are already 100 durability what does a fiery pen do it's a fire staff except it takes 10 durability per cast rather than five percent and it has no sanity cost to use this focusing super useful due to a small range but could be useful like but having a bookcase in the middle of the base if your base catches fire you can quickly read the book to put it out overcoming Arachnophobia costs 33 cents even with the bottom to read two Papyrus and eight Souls craft with 5 uses creates a 3X3 Turf area sized spider web under the player this web Works similar to a normal spider web in that it slows land of creatures down but doesn't affect flying creatures or other players the web lasts for two minutes on the ground this book is useful for slowing down some bosses like agent guardian and the nightmare where Pig although you may have to cover a large area for those bosses an interesting interaction with the web and aging Guardian is that when agent Guardian runs into a pillar he's stunned for an amount of time this amount of time is determined by how long he was charging for before hitting the pillar interestingly ancient Guardians charge times out based on the distance he has been charging which leads to this interaction having agent Guardian charge over a web means he will move slowly so he's charging for a lot longer time wise but for the same distance so when he crashes into the pillar he will have been charging for much longer than without the web and so we'll stay stunned on the floor for significantly longer this is hard to pull off as ancient Guardian needs to get off the web before hitting the pillar otherwise he doesn't travel fast enough to connect to the pillar to get stunned you can stun him for over 20 seconds using this method typically without this method you can only stun him for like five to seven seconds tempering temperatures 334 to read two Papyrus and one thermal Stone to craft and has five uses removes wetness from all characters within a four tile of radius while trying the items in the inventories and backpacks the book also sets the temperatures of the affected characters to 35 degrees it also unfreezes everything in its range I guess if your boat just crashed and you've just drowned you can read this book uh oopsie Daisy I drowned my friends don't worry boys I got you mwah all fixed otherwise I guess during springing you don't have rain protection you can use this book but you'd probably rather just have rain protection to stop from getting wet in the first place or use another one of wickerbottom's books to Simply turn off the brain but we'll get to that soon though this book does have a use being unfreezing your B friends during Crab King fight when they get Frozen Wait the kabobombers be friends we'll get to that later don't worry Lux Eterna 33 sanity for wicker bomb to read two Papyrus and two light bulbs to craft with three uses upon reading a beam of light shines down from above onto the character where it'll remain for four minutes this book does not work in the cave and will simply cause an earthquake an interesting note about this book is that if Farm plants are within the light created from this book they will continue to grow during night time typically Farm plants do not grow during the night without natural light which means the speed of light is natural light so wickerbong can create Suns Luxy Turner Redux 33 sound equal with the bottom to read two Papyrus one Eterna Redux and one feather pencil to craft with five uses effectively an improved version of the previous book beams down a ray of light which lasts two days instead of half a day reading this book in the caves courses in earthquake too at in our testing the light radius seems to be the same practical rain rituals 33 Cent evil wicker bomb to read two Papyrus and two down feathers to craft with 5 uses when you read this book and it's raining the brain will stop when you read this book and it isn't raining the rain will start it also increases the humidity of nearby farming soil upon casting for rain to come this is one of wickerball's most useful books being able to turn the rain off in spring makes spring basically a second Autumn being able to cool rain during summer stopped wildfires and stops the sandstorm in the Oasis desert so you can walk around without worrying about wildfires outliner or wearing any Desert goals though all of this will resume once the rain stops and everything dries off an interesting way to kill outline with help from this book is doing the following find out mine feed him a cold thermal Stone then once he's Frozen cool in the rain then fight him without any Sandstorm atmline normally despawns if the sandstorm subsides but since he is engaged in combat by eating the cold thermal Stone he will not despawn Luna grimoire 50 sanity for what you want to read two Papyrus two moonwalk wings from Luna Island and one iridescent gem to craft three uses upon reading the current Day's Night will be a full moon night this also interrupts the lunar cycle by default full moons happen on day 11 and every 20 days after that if you activate this book for example on day five full moon will be day 5 and every 20 days after that unless you use the book again of course this book requiring an iridescent gem might sound daunting as we've already described in the most section how you're meant to acquire a mirror doesn't gem but there are actually two iridescent gems sitting in the world on day one you just have to find them by going into the archives if you rush the archives and steal the two iridescent gems laying in the pedestals you can use these gems and a quick visit to the lunar Island to craft yourself two Luna grimoles within your first one during these two books in your bookcase will allow them to slowly restore durability over time and you could have a full moon every night forever as long as they stay in the bookcase pretty useful as you don't have to worry about surface Darkness until you've like forget to read the book apocultural notes 33 sanity for wicker button to read cost two Papyrus 4 honey and eight Stingers to craft with three uses each read summons two friendly Grumble bees a Grumble bees that beat normally summon these Grumble bees act like normal followers they protect you from harm and are passage your teammates you can summon up to 16 grumbles before wickerbottom refused to summon more so you can't have a game chugging horde unfortunately funnily but not surprisingly enough if you attempt to fight B Queen with your treacherous grumblebees vegan will yell at her subordinates before their resolve crumbles and they serve their original Queen Once More so basically your Grandma will be Sim part of a b Queen then wickerbottom what the hell in my Wicked bottom run I use these beads for almost every fight and it's a similar play style to Weber they're good or even great against some bosses but are squished by most Airy attacks still a very powerful book 16 grumblebees have a DPS of 120 plus work and bottom with a Dark Sword increases that DPS to 256 so 94.1 the DPS of Wolfgang by the Dark Sword the everything encyclopedia 33 sanity for Wicked button to read two Papyrus and one electrical doodad to craft with three uses upon reading lower the science magic and think tank tears needed for crafting recipes meaning anyone around you can craft anything which is normally locked behind a science machine Alchemy engine think tank or press the hectator to unlock Shadow manipulate your recipes with this effect you only need a science machine or a magic station one read gives one effect per person around you in a one-tart radius and this effect Stacks so if you read this book twice someone can craft a football helmet and a pamphlet without having already learned the recipes nor being close to the normal necessary science or magic stations this book is useful if you're in a small team for example you really want to access Shadow manipulator gear without needing a shadow manipulator like a wicker bottom and wonder in a team trying to rush Wanda's weapon without got a manipulator this book is very cheap to make so can be somewhat easily produced for unlocking lots of recipes for lots of players normally you get 15 sanity when crafting a new recipe for the first time but if you craft a recipe for the first time using this book you don't gain the 15 Sani and that's all of wickerbottom's books all have their uses some more useful than others now we must discuss the act of casting these books as you know each book has a sanity cost when read but what happens when you're unseen surely I can just keep reading the books with no sanity cost because I've already zero sanity well yes but every time you read a book while you are insane or the reading of a book causes you to go insane one shadow creature will spawn which means if you stay in scene and keep reading the books you'll be greeted with an army of Shadow creatures by the time you're done there's multiple ways around this either keep eating sanity food but as the books can cost up to 50 Cent you're so per read this would be pretty expensive to farm all the sanity food the other workaround is to read on lunar island or during a lunar full moon on the main island in both scenarios your sanity is replaced with lunacy and Shadow creatures do not exist during this time so they won't spawn the final workaround is defeating agent a few Weaver to acquire the bone helmet this helmet artificially drops the sanity to zero while your real sanity value is hidden and make Shadow creatures passive towards you so no matter how many Shadow creatures you spawn you can ignore them with this helmet and once you're done reading eat some sanity food with the bone helmet still on then take the helmet off the shadow creatures might try to hit you but will start despawning you can also raise your Sani then hop into the caves to Simply get away from the shadow creatures wickerbottom's favorite food is surf into a fitting that she can Farm a ton of fish this dish is used for healing usually so the extra hunger doesn't make it any more worth making but it's still a good dish wicker bottom survivability is lower than normal Judo had not taking full nutrition from stale food and not eating spoiled food but her books could make up for that so her survivability is a 5 out of 10. wikibom is one of the most powerful utility characters in the game with all of her books so her utility rating is going to be a 10 out of 10. meanwhile liquor bombs combat is the same as any other character except she can summon Grumble bees and Lace spider webs so can swarm some bosses relatively cheaply thanks to her bookshelf recharging her books so her combat is going to be a 7.5 out of 10. and finally a difficulty rating of Five Point 5 out of 10. very strong utility character and one of the most useful characters you can have in a team [Music] Woody is a character who can transform into many different creatures which we'll get to but firstly he has 150 Health 150 hunger along with 200 sanity he has a beard which you cannot shave so provides insulation in winter but works against you in summer Woody is also a lumberjack and starts with an ax with infinite Jubilee called Lucy now is the time you ask yourself whether Lucy is actually sentient and talking to you or you've just gone insane from watching too many of my videos Woody chops faster than normal characters and at a higher efficiency so he chops faster like a faster animation and he takes less shops to chop down a tree being a natural enemy of the forest tree guards have a higher chance to spawn when the Woody chops down some trees and finally Woody's Transformations on a full moon all when Woody eats two monster Foods in under four minutes Woody will randomly transform into one of three rare creatures where Goose runs with a 1.4 time speed modifier and can run on water where loose 90 damage reduction deals 59.5 damage per attack and without animation canceling it attacks at a rate of 1.75 times per second which is 12.5 slower DPS than and Woody using habit so not too good also has a 0.9 times movement multiplier so it moves a little bit slower than Woody the were moves also has a charge ability which hits everything in a line that is hit by the Moose if the Moose hits an object he will damage the object like a hammer and will walk slowly as he recovers from the impact for a few seconds where Beaver chops more efficiently than Woody can mine dig and Hammer but at a low efficiency than a normal player doesn't summon three guards when chopping trees has a 1.1 times movement multiplier and has 25 damage reduction all of the waveforms have night vision and all of the waveformers drain your Sani by six per minute all their forms have partial weather protection being 240 installation from cold and heat along with being a 70 waterproof upon transforming into any of the waveforms your hunger meter is replaced with a wear meter when this wear meter Runs Out you transform back to Woody with zero hunger all forms slowly drain your wear mirror unless you're not doing the corresponding activity for the creature then it drains extremely fast for the Moose you need to be in combat the wear Goose you need to be moving and the where Beaver you need to be working the longest you can stay trans formed is four minutes if you keep doing the appropriate task or 8 minutes during a full moon as all forms where meter drains half as fast during a full moon all forms cannot pick up items not interact with the player's inventory for example you can't eat food to heal or gather items from the ground while you are aware creature you drop one items except for backpacks when you transform Now to control what you transform into what you can craft the corresponding creatures Idols the where Beaver Idol requires three monster meat and two logs that where moose requires three monster meat and two grass the where Goose requires three must be in three seeds since when you transform back your hunger is set to zero you can also utilize this to fend off starvation so you're about to start starving instead you can transform Woody also has an odd loyalty and recruitment perk so when Woody recruits a pig he can recruit them for up to three days normally this limit is 2.5 days and when recruiting bunny men gains a bonus loyalty time of two minutes while recruiting Rock clops has gained a loyal bonus time of one minute with these Transformations are quite underwhelming the goose is useful for early game when you have little to no speed Burns and then Woody can like Rush the villain islands for kelp stone fruit bushes and Glass Cutters the way Beaver is fine for cutting wood but you get no tree guards and the where moose is counter-intuitive he's meant to be good in combat but moves slower than normal and his DPS in his form is lower than Woody with a fresh handbag because it has a low attack speed I didn't all boss foam with Woody and forced myself to use the wear forms as much as possible and it was painful Woody's wear forms are good in the very early game for beginners when you have like no resources but otherwise I wouldn't recommend them Woody's favorite food is honey nuggets which is easiest to make and the extra hunger is decent consider making them if you need a small amount of health and 52.5 hunger like meatballs but also with 20 Health his survival e is technically neutral since he has default stats and an unachievable beard which helps in winter but doesn't help in summer but during full moons being transformed to rare creatures and being transformed back from a rare creature leaves you in a vulnerable state along with not being able to interact with your inventory at all while you're a flare creature it makes it pretty easy for you to die and your demise is usually out of your control and you'll be transforming a lot in the late game when Moon storms are active or you have a wickerbot on making it full moon every night so probably he's gonna be a 5 out of 10. utility is a 7 out of 10 as Woody can chop trees quite fast and Rush Luna Island but that's kind of all he can do and as we'll see later Maxwell is the best wood gatherer in the game and Woody's combat is a 5 out of 10 as your best DPS as Woody is not using his wear forms and therefore he's the same as any other character there aren't a lot of circumstances where Woody's moose transformation is just better than being human unless you perfectly execute multiple charges over like shadows and monkeys to kill them without messing up any other difficulty rating of 5.5 just because dealing with the wear forms is a little bit annoying but otherwise a pretty decent starter character as long as you can keep on top of the wear forms [Music] all right [Music] mmm whiz is the best character in the wait uh oh sorry I got my notes mixed up where's sucks balls and not literally he's just bad he's designed to be the challenge character in the game and so if you want a challenge you play Walter I mean where's where's cannot talk because he finds it difficult to express in words how much he would like to grab your face and begin peeling off your skin your skin he's a mine so he refuses to talk as he was not taught to talk in my military training he also has the lowest stats in the game with 75 Health hunger and Sandy with a delicious damage modifier of wait 0.75 times oh no he does less damage than Wilson on the upside West has a balloon crafting tab at the cost of 5 Sani which at this point you have none left to give you can make balloons with various abilities pile of balloons where's the starts with this and where's can craft default balloons from it costing 5 San easy each these balloons can be attacked upon being attacked they uh detonate wait no they pop and they deal five AOE damage speed balloon this balloon is actually kind of good equipping this Bloom increases your movement speed by 30 until it reaches 66 durability which point it provides 20 movement speed and finally at 33 durability it provides 10 movement speed the first being the total durability of the balloon is only two minutes one quarter of a day if you drop this balloon on the floor while it has durability left it will float away into the sky where it will finally find peace and all your teammates can laugh at you for dropping your balloon because it will appear on their map also getting hit while holding the boom causes you to drop it so you got a kite floor so with this balloon to keep using it party balloon when popped it gives the area of effect sanity equal to the number of players in its radius multiplied by 4 while having a maximum standard gain of 16. this is a slow but cheap way of giving sanity to you and your team so long as there's more than just you the next two balloons aren't balloons but they are made out of balloons inflatable vests will cause you to not lose any health if you fall into the ocean but taking physical damage it reaching zero percent durable e all falling into the ocean causes the vest to pop and deal 5 damage balloon hat negates lightning strikes and provides 20 weakness resistance it's same as the vest in that taking physical damage or durability hitting zero will pop the Hat dealing 5 damage back to the downsides of Wares which there are loads of so let's do this fast is more susceptible to overheating antifreezing takes longer to recover from grogginess when you wake up hounds will Robert Chase Wes than other characters lightning strikes are more likely to hit with over other characters Wiz does not speak so no audible warning will happen when something is about to happen for example a deer cross attack but he will do some of the most if you're not doing anything and he cannot talks crops whereas takes longer to chop mine how Etc weapons and tools durability are drained slow with whiz meaning he can do the same amount of work as other characters with one pickaxe despite taking more swings to do the test but this could be seen as an upside as West will get 125 uses from a dark code rather than 100 while dealing the same theoretical total damage if you use a Dark Sword versus 34 hounds Wilson would kill 33 out of those 34 hounds Weds would kill 44 hounds this is because Wilson deals Overkill damage which effectively wastes some of the total damage the Dark Sword could have delivered so despite was deeming less damage per strike in this case actually delivers over 20 more damage than Mawson from the dark Zone because he had less Overkill damage than Wilson where's is meant to be the hardest character to survive as but as we will see later there is another character who can have low Health than whiz so where's the survivability is a two where's his utility on the other hand is quite useful with his balloons where they can give the team speed Sani and even taunt hounds with his balloons but he also takes longer to gather resources from every source so we're gonna rate him a 4 out of 10 for utility as for combat whiz does 0.75 times damage of a normal character so 3.5 out of 10 even though points seven five times damage isn't that bad because there is another character who could theoretically have even lower DPS than Wes but we'll get to that later guess which character where's his favorite food is fresh fruit Crepes which normally give 150 hunger 60 health and 1570 but since Wes has a max hunger of 75 he cannot gain the 150 hunger nor the 15 bonus hunger he gets from it being his favorite food so a character which is just if you are a troll or you just want to challenge yourself play where's or if you want to be banned immediately from any server play with foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Maxwell begins with one of the lowest Health in the game of 75 along with 150 hunger and 270. Maxwell starts with the Codex umber which can be used to cast four different abilities which we will get to later max volume craft a magician's top hat with a top hat and two nightmare fuel wearing this Top Hat regenerates 3.3 sanity per minute but that's not the reason you'll be crafting it the reason you'll be crafting this hat is because holding shift and right collecting the Hat will allow you to store items in a shadow dimension this Shadow Dimension can be accessed by any Maxwell with a magician top hat or any player with a shadow Chester which you can make by putting one nightmare fuel in each of the people Chesters imagery slots during a full moon be warned since this storage is effectively in the void if your only access to the items is destroyed or lost then you cannot access the items again until you gain a new access point for example if Shadow Chester dies with items inside him he does not drop them those items are lost in the void until you make a magician's hat or another Shadow Chester where the items will be waiting all Maxwell can make a magician's box which is a structure to access avoid storage by any player well there's no effectively boils down to is you craft The Magician's top part for extra image slots sweet anyway back to the code example book this book has four spells along with 20 Jubilee upon reaching zero percent durability the book does not get destroyed instead you can refuel it with nightmare fuel or 25 durability per nightmare fuel the Spells have the following effects Shadow worker summoning a shadow worker will reduce your maximum sanity by 15 for each worker that you summon up to six although summoning six will keep you insane so you may prefer to summon five so you're not kept insane the shadow worker has an area in which it will perform work this area can be seen when summing it the worker will do all kinds of work in this area equipping different tools as it needs so the worker can chop dig mine and it will pick grass from grass Tufts and twigs from saplings along with picking up resources from the ground and handing them to Maxwell they only have one inventory slot the workers will continue working while there is work in their area to do until you either run so far away that you unload them all their timer expires which is around 4 minutes and they will also despawn early if they have no work to do and you run outside of their working area this makes Maxwell the best Woodcutter in the game since his puppets might only chop and dig the trees but Maxwell could pick up and refine the logs as the puppets are also picking up and chopping although tree guards can disrupt this process in which case the shadow workers do try to run away from danger like tree guards Shadow duelist the shadow duelist costs 15 maximum sanity per summon and has a pitiful 75 health and only does 20 damage and only attacks once every 1.86 seconds but wait it's not as bad as it seems because its damage can be increased by wearing different tiers of Shadow gear there's a lot of Shadow gear so here's a chart which shows the damage burners and which tier of damage boost each bit of gear gives your puppets level one two three and four also every 8 seconds or so the shadow duels will perform a dash attack which deals 1.5 times the damage of a default slash though this Dash attack will have a much greater cooldown of 16 seconds if Mata is not fighting alongside with the puppets even if you're close by another way to influence their damage other than equipment is if Maxwell is within a full tile range from his puppets they will be deal more damage than if he was more than four tiles away from them with the maximum Buffs to your Shadow duelist they can deal 60 damage with their default attack while you wear bone helmet bone armor and Shadow terrible but that's not very practical so in game you'll probably find yourself wearing something like this in the early game The Magician's Top Hat maybe a dark sword and some Knight armor giving each of your shadow puppets a DPS of 26-27 mid to late game you might be wearing bone arm a full site crown and a dark sword meaning your actual damage output for each puppet with this setup would come to about 29.6 DPS per duelist and if you want to see the calculation it's on screen and with a maximum DPS in Max gear being about 37 DPS per puppet this Temple will change in game since if your puppet is about to attack and they get hit they teleport away from their attacker and then must run back to begin attacking again Shadow duelist will serve you for two minutes before despawning unless it is killed before then speaking of which Shadow Duelists have a special treat being that they cannot be one hit despite them only having 75 health so the maximum Shadow Jewelers can be hit initially is 15 damage with one little downside the damage can the Jewelers can take in one hit increases by 5 damage for every 2.5 seconds that it does not get hit while still staying in combat meaning if a shadow puppet doesn't get hit for 30 seconds while still staying in combat the next hit that would deal 75 damage will theoretically one hit the Duelist but after testing this while the damage cap increase is true there seems to be a rule which overrides one hitting Shadow duelist as you can see we should have hit 75 but instead the shadow puppet got hit to 1 HP this proves the rule is true with the exception that shadow puppets cannot be one hit from Full HP this isn't too bad since it's just a balancing mechanic so that your shallow Jewelers don't survive absolutely everything so to maximize your puppet's damage wear the best tier Shadow gear you have to buff their damage stay within four tiles of your puppet so they do more damage and attack with them so they do their Dash attack once every 8 seconds rather than 16 seconds you can achieve this comfortably on top of an ornery B flow while wearing top Shadow gear the shadow Jewelers will attack anything that Maxwell does but will not attack Shadow creatures even if Maxwell attacks a shadow creature that's the complicated stuff out the way lastly there are two spells The Shadow prison after a short cast time and a one-time sanity cost it will spawn a prison around the enemies in the casting area keeping them immobile until the prison begins shaking which indicates is about to collapse the prison lasts for a shorter period when used against bosses but is the most useful against bosses the prison lasts for 24 seconds versus normal enemies such as pigment but only 12 seconds against bosses and six seconds against other people in PvP this time is reduced even more if the trap to Target is attacked for a boss like agent guardian or the twins of Terror which both get their difficulty from moving fast their difficulty can be completely negated by a well-timed Maxwell Shadow prison lastly we have the shadow sneak it costs 1570 to cast and lays a shadow trap on the floor if a creature enters the trap's range it triggers and will frighten the creature causing it to run around randomly for 12 seconds while a creature is panicking they won't attack back the Trap will last three in-game days before disappearing and it has no effect on bosses though it has some special effects with some mobs such as rabbits it will turn the rabbit into a shadow rabbit along with turning monkeys into Shadows of monkeys and when either of these transformed creatures are affected by the Trap they're guaranteed to drop a nightmare fuel whereas usually they only have a chance has dropped nightmare fuel though if you wanted to find nightmare fuel was Maxwell simply spawn the maximum amount of Shadow workers to lock you into being insane then kill the shadow creatures as they spawn while remaining within your workers range so they don't despawn early a few last things a spider hit by the shadow sneak will guarantee drop a spider gland if it's killed maxo naturally regenerates 6.67 sanity per minute Maxwell can read all of wickerbottom's books but usually at a higher sanity cost than with a bottom if you lose or destroy your codex umbrella you can craft another for two Papyrus 290 and minus 50 Health Maxwell is the best wood Chopper only rivaled by were and Berger but can be superior since you can pick up wood while chopping them down whereas with Berger you must chop down all the trees then dig up the stunts then pick up all the wood and you cannot do all three at the same time and we'll talk about were in words section Maxwell's favorite food is lobster dinner which heals the 60 Health 37.550 Sani but Maxwell gains the bonus 15 hunger So 52.5 Hunger a great overall dish if you can make it but it requires butter so it's kind of hard to make and kind of rare Maxwell's survivability is a 4.5 out of 10. since he has Low Max Health as whiz but has Shadow Jewelers and the prisons to defend him you should almost always be wearing armor as Maxwell as most bosses can just won him Maxwell's utility is going to be a 10 out of 10 since he's the best wood Chopper can read ricobotton's books collect materials and immobilize enemies while Maxwell's combat's gonna be an 8 out of 10 due to its duelist being decent against everything even bosses and the ability to immobilize most bosses and Maxwell's difficulty is going to be a 6 out of 10 due to the Low Max health and you'll need some slight Mastery over your sanity [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wigfred is a warrior who excels in combat and starts with her very own Spear and helmet which we will discuss later but first her stats and downsides Wickford has higher the normal Health at 200 with only 120 hunger and Santi Wickford only eats meat yep that beats no more snacking on berries or carrots that you find while running around the world nor can you eat crockpot dishes that require no meat or eggs such as dragon fruit pie but dishes which do require meat and vegetables or filler like pierogies and meatballs she can still eat along with that Wickford can also eat food items which count as goodies which are jelly beans Taffy Vault goat ciao Freud and mushy cake wait for it can craft a battle Spears which deal 42.5 base damage for comparison a normal spear deals 34 base damage she can also craft battle helmets which provide 80 damage reduction and have almost double the durability of football helmets for the cheap price of rocks and gold so you'll probably be making these helmets for you and your team at least for a while now for the rest of wickford's perks which are all very powerful but will potentially be your downfall Wickford by default deals 1.25 times damage so 25 more damage than a normal character and has 25 damage reduction by default so if she gets slapped by a pig man without wearing any armor instead of taking 33 damage she will take 25 damage when you mix armor into the equation what happens is the following Wickford wearing her battle helmet fights 80 damage reduction so being hit by a pick band will deal 33 damage 80 or 26.4 damage of which gets absorbed by the armor the rest 20 or 6.6 damage hits Wilfred at which point wickford's built-in damage reduction reduces the 6.6 down to 4.95 which is then applied against your health okay that's weak for its damage output and reduction explained now that was the simple part now we move on to her other built-in perk her health and Sanity steel effect when wickrid Attacks An Enemy she'll gain sanian Health based on the damage she dealt the damage the enemy shoots fighting deals and the enemy's Health if you want specifics here's the formula on the screen but what this means is Woodward gains a good amount of Health Insanity when killing small and medium mobs like spiders and Pigmen but when she's fighting bosses she gains a lot less health and Sanity per hit from this perk but still a little Spore amount over time perk itself is very powerful it can save you time and resources but the problem with this perk is when new players choose a character they might choose Wickford who simply is a significantly easier character to play than every other character since you never really need to heal or deal with Insanity because of this healthy leaching and silently restoration effect this will cause the player to become accustomed to a week for its Easy playstyle and will struggle with actually learning fundamental game mechanics when they could just choose way for it and never have to deal with the mechanics that's all I'm going to say for now about the whole wigfred bads discussion I think you should play whichever character you have fun with but if you're new or even an experienced player I wouldn't recommend wickrid anyway back to wickford's perks health and Sani isn't the only thing where Fred gains while fighting she also has an inspiration meter and you're starting to understand the meme that for every rework clay just adds a scared a specific meter now anyway this inspiration media goes up faster the higher level creature you're fighting for example fighting a spider it goes up slowly but fighting deer Corps it goes up very fast here's the formula for the inspiration Mia I just know that fighting small enemies makes it go up slowly or fighting Big Bad Bosses makes it go faster and Wickford also gains inspiration when she gets hit by enemies but you probably shouldn't rely on getting hit to gain inspiration but what does this inspiration do well as you can see there are three little pointy bits on the inspiration mirror each time your inspiration fills up enough to hit one of those points the point will activate and you can now activate one of wickford's passive songs wickrid has many songs she can craft in her own character crafting a tab which gives some week but some really powerful effects some of these songs are passive and will be hooked up to your inspiration mirror others cost a one-time cost of inspiration to activate with three points on your inspiration meter you can use up to three passive songs at once let's now discuss all of wickford's songs what they do and what they're useful for all with songs cost one Papyrus one feather pencil and one other item to craft weaponized wobble you're gonna need a sewing kit to make this song this is a passive song which after activating reduces the weapon durability drain of you and your teammates weapons around you by 25 so you and your teammates Dark Souls will deal 125 hits rather than 100. pretty decent song If you have no other songs to use it effectively saves you some resources it only works on weapons which have a left click Combat Action basically like swords and staffs but not weather pains heart run new ballads you're gonna need a life-giving a minute to make this a passive song which after casting provides your teammates with the following effect they gain one Health every time they hit an enemy that's insane this applies to all players nearby while Wickford herself gains a similar effect but instead of one HP per hit she gains half a Health Point per hit on top of her natural lifesteal this is a very powerful song as it gives your entire team the lifesteal effect of wake Fred most usable when fighting for an extended period like against bosses and is quite cheap to craft interesting information to put into perspective how powerful this song is is it allows players to tank dragonfly without much food as you will heal 14 to 16 health for every one hit dragonfly will deal to you and if you wear 80 damage reduction armor every one dragonfly hit will only damage you for 15 damage clear-minded Cadenza one Moon Moth Wing from Luna Island another passive song which has the same effect as The heart-rending Ballad but instead of Health it heals sanity by one every time it hits landed on the enemy Wickford this time round gains the full plus one sanity gain without apparently like the heart running ballot this song is one of the best as it keeps your teammates seen during boss fights as long as they keep attacking also keeps you and your team's enlightened Crown at 100 uptime for an extra DPS of 85 per Crown purely provided by each enlightened Crown without needing extra sanity food in case you don't know what the crown does every time you land a hit on an enemy the crown will fire off a Gestalt as long as you have higher than 85 sanity and it costs you one sanity and that Gestalt deals 42.5 damage and you can attack twice per second so it delivers 85 DPS as long as you keep your sanity above 85 so every hit with the song you've gained one sanity then also one hit you lose one sanity for the crown to do some damage so free E5 DPS belcanto of Courage one thought Medallion which you can get by crafting in the ruins reduces negative 70 auras by half from nearby players including whip depending on the boss either this song or player might as a condenser can be better usually clear minor condenser is better but typically you'll pair both of the sanity songs up together to be basically immune from going insane fireproof farsetto requires one what what the heck is that thing oh it's a fish this fish the spittlefish that you can fish near these plants in the deeper who cares you're not gonna fish for this dish because this song sucks harder than West this song is a passive song that provides 33 decrease in fire damage only 33 uh this song is poo poo don't make it has no use except if you really like cuddling up the dragonfly larvae during the dragonfly fight brood interlude requires a tomato this song is not a passive song instead it's a one-off song which costs some inspiration this song costs 16 inspiration to cast upon casting it will taunt all nearby enemies onto the caster which can be used for keeping aggro of creatures off your teammates temporarily but oddly it has no effect on bosses also due to how aggro Works in this game this song isn't very useful mobbles will attack whatever player attacked them last so as soon as you cast this song and a teammate hits the enemy the enemy will just turn back around and begin hitting your teammate again startling I don't know how to say it it requires a purple gem this song is another one time you song costing 16 inspiration to cast and upon casting it makes nearby enemies Panic for 4 seconds or so has no effect on bosses I would say this is particularly useful but it only makes them Panic for 4 seconds and it has a really long casting time and given that Maxwell's trap makes things Panic for 12 seconds this song is just very underpowered so this song isn't too good but has some uses and that's all of my great songs workfrid's favorite food is turkey dinner which is already a decent dish using only vegetables and drumsticks giving 20 Health 7500 and 570 but granting wait for it a hunger bonus for a total of 90 hunger good dish if you have the drumsticks survivability for Wickford is a clear 10 out of 10. she makes it extremely hard to die if you keep attacking things even if you're starving you won't die she regenerates Health Insanity so you never need to learn how to deal with Santa your health and she has built-in damage reduction and easy access to high damage reduction armor being her battle helmets and a mediocre but easy to craft weapon so yeah best characters in the game for Staying Alive she makes the game very easy and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to see if you're playing a different game when you're playing Wilfred because the game is on hyper easy mode hey utility is going to be a 6.5 out of 10. her songs are technically combat oriented but the utility of healing your team and raising their sanity means they don't need much if any food to raise those stats during a boss fight as long as they don't get hit too much and wait for its combat is a 6.5 out of 10. now you might think this is kind of low but let me explain her damage output is only 25 better than the normal character not even close to Wolfgang I wonder or even Wendy and the fact that she can regenerate health and tank a little more effectively gives her a little bit more Merit but we attributed all that towards her survivability score so yeah 6.5 out of 10. and then obviously she's gonna have a difficulty rating of one you don't need to know how to play the game to survivor's weekly just keep attacking things and you just probably won't die so she is the easiest character to play in the game overall for a beginner or intermediate player it's my opinion that Wickford is a very unhealthy character as instead of teaching you mechanics of the game which you must deal with for every character rickford simply ignores them due to her various built-in abilities so instead of the character giving you a special ability to assist you along with learning the mechanics of the game like a character such as Wendy giving you Abigail to help in combat yet still teaching you mechanics like that health is valuable and you must heal instead wigfthrough will not teach you those mechanics and will dead flat I'll ignore them due to her health and Sanity restoration along with a very easy access to armor with that being said in the hands of a skilled player Wickford can save on resources and time and could do very well but you'll end up just feeling limited by the amount of damage that she can actually deal but in a team she is also quite valuable just make sure you're using wickford's abilities as bonuses to complement your gameplay rather than a crutch to ignore fundamental gameplay and survival mechanics there was once a young boy who would not hurt a fly living on a small farm underneath a blue sky as the lowly days passed jealous thoughts filled his mind and the boy turned to naughtiness when once he was kind and one fateful night he broke into his father's connection he tipped off the case then it shattered on the floor out he gave it a bad boy a fright and I feared into his soul came from oh turn away my dear friend I don't want you to see for the for the boy and this spider were not meant to meet you in fight at the sight and chased him away where he got once in one night he fouled he'd be nice he begged for a way to change back no matter the price [Music] whoever is the first character we'll be talking about who is a monster which means normally neutral mobs like pigment and buddyman will now be hostile to you basically anything hostile to a spider will be hostile to you as well also being a monster himself means he can eat monster related foods like monster meat without any negative effects whoever starts with 135 Health 135 hunger and a low 100 Sani along with a few items spider eggs monster meat and a Webby whistle we will discuss these items later being a spider Weber can befriend other spiders as they are neutral towards him feeding one monster meat to a spider anywhere of any type will cause the spider you fed and two other nearby spiers to gain an abhorrent smile while also becoming your loyal servants forever or at least until they die or you tell them to go away using this little item here The Shoe Box this box has two effects when activated it will deagro all spiders in the area and it will dismiss all friendly spiders back to being neutral so they'll stop following you and this item has 10 uses you can find this item in Weber's character-specific crafting tab where you'll also find a host of other items to help Tamer control your spiders and even switch spiders between different types let's discuss all of the items in this tab firstly we have spider eggs normally you can't craft spider eggs but Weber can because he is a spoder though it is rather expensive to mass produce eggs this way I would much rather do what I did in my Weber or Boss run which was to shave a bunch of spider nests using a razor which grants you one more cell per level of the spider than as opposed to destroying the same nest something only Weber can do then use the excess silk to level up other nests to level 3 which is also only something Weber can do then you cause the spiers within the nest to fight each other while you destroy the nest itself to get the spider eggs from the level 3 spider nest which is only dropped by the level 3 spider nest and spider Clues next we have the den Decorating Set after crafting this you can use it on up to five nests to decorate them which reduce the website around the nest and the nest will stop growing so if the nest is level 3 it will stay level 3 and not evolve into a Spider Queen and it will pacify all spiders that belong to that nest and spiders nearby that Nest so they don't attack your teammates but be warned attacking a spider from a decorated Den like this will destroy the decorations and cause the spiders to revert back to normal this is a balancing mechanic otherwise you'd be able to slaughter the spiders unchecked without them fighting back this done decorating set has a lot of weird and wacky setups that it can be used in but the biggest use is effectively parking your spiders so here's what you do place some spider eggs and use a denim tank create and sit on it then fence off the spider then and a small area within the spider Den with something that spiders will eat but won't perish like pigskin now you can bring your army of spiders to this area use your shoe box which will cause them to stop following you then they'll see the pigskin and try to eat it but since they are pacified from the den Decorating Set they will not attack the fence to get to the pigskin and just like that you've parked your spiders you can include these dividers in the setup to score different spiders in different sections to make it easier to recruit specific spiders later and yes there are many different types of spiders which we will discuss later the Webby whistles can be crafted and then blown to cool out all spiders from all dens nearby it also wakes up sleeping spiders and controls already befriended spiders by cooling them back to you this is useful for pulling them away from a boss when they're about to get scorched healing glop this is an item you can craft and use to do some AOE healing to you and your spiders but you'd much rather use another method of healing you and your spiders which we'll discuss a little later next we have many different variants of an item called a switcher noodle these switch Doodles can be unlocked by befriending the corresponding spider in the world for example feeding him monster meat to our lunar Island shatter spider will befriend it and unlock the shatter switcher doodle these switch Doodles have various recipes and will all transform any spider into the spider corresponding to the switch doodle this is useful for amassing a horde of powerful spiders just by using a bunch of common spiders and a lot of switching Jewels but if you're using the before mentioned parking method to store your spiders you'll most likely be stealing a horde of spiders from the natural world and then storing them at your base rather than making new spiders all the time with Twitter Doodles now let's talk about all the types of spiders very quickly because this is a character video not a spider video standard spider the most common spider which has a DPS of 6.67 and 100 Health can be found all over the world spider Warrior this spider can be found in level 2 and 3 nests and spawned by spider Queens it has 400 health and a pounce attack where it jumps towards its Target with a lower DPS than the standard spider as it attacks slower so its DPS is between 3.3 and 5 depth dweller this spider can be found in the caves when there is an indestructible spiderweb and the spiders climb down from the ceiling these buyers are mechanically the exactly the same as Spider Warriors but they just have a different skin cave spider this spider could be found in spalagmites in the caves despite it is very useful in Your Arsenal spiders as after being hit they will barricade themselves granting them a massive 75 damage reduction otherwise while not hiding their DPS is the same as the standard spider being 6.67 but with 225 Health spitter spider this spider can be found in the same spider nest as cave spiders and have 350 health and a slow melee DPS of 3.33 but wait they have a ranged attack despite their low theoretical melee DPS these fires will be your main damage dealers as there is only so much space you have around a boss so these range attackers will always be attacking their range attack is the highest DPS spider attack in Your Arsenal despite his range attack happens way faster than their melee attack and hits for 20 damage every 2 seconds and 20 frames or 2.33 seconds giving the range attack a DPS of 8.5 shatter spiders can only be found on Luna Island this spider has a very good melee DPS of 8.34 as an area of effect Spike attack which deals a DPS of 3.33 and it has 250 Health despite this era of effect attack won't hit other befriended spiders but will hit anything that isn't befriended like wild spiders so bring them along for good to DPS as long as all of your spiders are befriended the nurse spider this spider will be your secret weapon no spiders have a massive 400 Health ball with a puny DPS of 3.34 but they have a special attack instead of attacking this spider will perform an air of effect heal to all spiders in a two-tile radius around itself this heals your spiders for 150 and Weber by eight and this ability has an 8 second cooldown these buyers are tricky to get your hands on because they cannot be found in the world naturally instead they have a chance to be spawned from a Spider Queen who is being attacked so a strategy to get your hands on the nurse by the early is a strategy I first saw an orange band don't starve's video which I then used in my Weber or Boss run which is to plant some eggs near somewhere you can revive yourself such as a touchstone upgrade that Nest to level 3 then put anything a spider can eat in your backpack and put your backpacking items away from the Touchstone then commit tactical death you are now a ghost and can repeatedly haunt the level 3's Biden Nest until it eventually spawns a Spider Queen every time you haunt a level 3 Nest you have attempted a chance to spawn a Spider Queen once she does spawn revive himself pick up your items and then befriend some spiders and command them to attack Spider Queen by attacking the Spider Queen by canceling your animation before it connects this will command your spiders to attack Spider Queen without attacking her yourself while being attacked Spider Queen has a chance to spawn some spider verses feed them as soon as they spawn and then pick them up you have now robbed loyalty spider healers epic now this spider will mostly keep your horde of spiders alive during boss fights until a massive or quick air of effect damage slams all of your spiders at once like in Rage dragon's life also a fun portable healing station Weber can do is bring two nurse spiders with you and Chester then drop the nurse spiders and tell them to attack Chester Chester will generate enough Health to stay alive and every 8 seconds inspired nurses will heal weather their eight health per heal anyway enough about no spiders lastly we have sea Strider spiders which can be found in the waterlogged biome found in the ocean their nests look like little cocoons these spiders have the unique ability to walk on war quite fast but their walking speed on land is very slow these spiders have 200 health and a DPS of 6.67 with their melee attack the best use for these spiders is killing ocean enemies like crab king as Weber which is what I did in my Weber all boss fight now for a few more things about Weber that I did not mention yet when stealing spiders from natural nests like cave spitters from cave nests make sure you pick them up before you exit the caves as picking them up effectively disconnects them from their nest otherwise if you recruit for example a few spitter spiders they can go up to the Overworld then back down to the caves the spiders will have despawned utilizing the parking method feels quieters which I described earlier is very important make sure to use it Weber grows a beard over nine days made a silk could provide some insulation for winter and when shaved gives you various amounts of silk depending on the length whoever can sleep in level 3's by The Nest which has the same effects as a 10 except it has a higher hunger drain than a tent with a lower sanity and health gain the wiki says that going between the Overworld and the caves and otherwise disconnecting from the world will make befriended spiders stop being befriended but that's just not true when leaving a befriended spider in the surface or caves and going to the opposite then coming back or even disconnected from the world and coming back even after time has passed the spider will still be there waiting for you so uh don't start Wiki back at it again being incorrect web against a small movement speed Buff when walking on webbing from spider dance instead of slowing him down funnily enough you can give helmets to your spiders which give them the helmet's effect so this is mostly just for fun I wouldn't make a habit of giving your spiders helmets as no spiders heal enough with a big enough Health ball that they could survive most things without needing armor leaving switch Doodles on the floor will mean spiders will try to eat them because they are food so be careful you can of course Farm spiders easily as whether to prevent a few of them and then have to fight each other for an endless supply of monster meat silk and spider glands just keep this Farm away from your parked spiders otherwise your parked spiders will join the fight Weber's favorite food is ice cream which heals for zero for 2550 ice cream is used for the sanity gain so the extra hunger you get isn't very useful ratings time for survivability we're going to give Weber a solid 6.5 out of 10. his low sanity means you can dip in and out of insanity very easily and he has easy access to spiders as allies which are a very common mob which can overrun enemies in hordes due to the ability of being able to print three with one meat of some sort Weber's utility is gonna be a six as he can provide silk glands and monster meat to the team with his spider wars a lot on with other utility you get from utilizing spiders and his combat is a 7 out of 10. some of the time his spider's decimate bosses such as B queen other times his spiders just get destroyed like against deer clubs it depends on what you're fighting and what kind of spider selection you approach a boss fight with Andy has a difficulty of 4 out of 10. Weber can utilize his spiders in combat for massive DPS and even provide healing but characters like Wolfgang are better for Pure combat as whoever spiders can easily die and Wendy and Abigail confirm wants to meet better than Weber most of his perks are gimmicks and aren't particularly the best for anything but still quite fun nonetheless [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Ona is a very powerful character whose best ability is in her character-specific crafting tab so let's start with that as her stats are nothing special with the default 150 Health 150 hunger and 200 sanity first in Winona's Arsenal is her trusty tape this is the material which is required for all of her other recipes in her crafting dab but it also has another use it can be used the same as a sewing kit one trusty tape is equivalent to one use of a sewing kit so just a cheaper version of a sewing kit next is the main event we're known as catapult this structure enables an endless amount of farms with bunnies to pigs to spiders to even assisting with some boss fights along with providing great hound defense that is due to it firing off Boulders at anything in its attack range dealing 42.5 damage but not only that this damage is area of effect the area in which it affects is a one and a quarter tile diameter with a DPS of 17 for every Target that it hits pair this up with the setup of 8 catapults surrounding either of one known as two generators and you have an immobile damage dealing machine dishing out up to 136 DPS per Target for reference Wilson with the Dark Sword also deals 136 damage per second but only to a single Target but these catapults are expensive to make are susceptible to being destroyed by Giants for Crush structures and they can be targeted for attacks as they do have a health bar and if their health reaches zero they fall apart and break giving you back half the resources they're took to craft them these catapults also require power from either of the two structures next on the list we're known as generator and we're known as gem orator both structures do the same thing which is they power all of the known as structures in a small radius around the generator the difference between the generator and the generator is that the generator is filled with niter and doesn't last very long and the generator is fueled with gems and lasts a significantly longer you'll typically opt to build the generator as NATO is only slowly renewable through meteor fields and acetons in the caves once you're activating Shadow Rifts but I'm not going to talk about the shadow Rifts here because that's new content and I don't want to spoil anything for you dweebs anyway whereas nighter is hard to amass you can quickly amass gems in your world from all the Hound attacks and ruins raiding or if you make a very cool Vogue Farm I came up with an epic design which gets you up to like 30 or 40 red gems per minute but I'll make a video on that some other time and just so you know a generator with three gems in it any gem will power 8 catapults for six minutes before needing to be refueled the last structure is we're known as Spotlight uh this when powered will Point toward a player keeping a beam of light on them this beam of light has a small lighter diameter of one tile but a large tracking radius of six tiles you probably won't be building this last few things for Winona are she crafts faster at the cost of hunger which is useful for Mass produce anything like balls and rope but the way this works is kind of weird so if you haven't crafted anything in a while and then you craft something when it will consume some Hunger if your hunger is above a certain amount and then for the next little while if you keep crafting items you craft them faster like before but it doesn't cost you extra hunger you only get charged extra hunger if you don't craft anything for a little time and then you craft something again at which point you then consume the hunger and you unlock the faster crafting speed for a period and every time you craft something within that pair rid of being able to craft things faster it refreshes the period of which you get to craft things faster before the time runs out so basically just try to do all of your crafting at once rather than your crafting once every few minutes if in darkness Winona Dodges the first attack from Charlie because Winona and Charlie are spoilers sisters anyway Winona's favorite food is spicy vegetable Stinger which is a decent sanity food which heals for three Health 2500 and 32 centi or 40 hunger for Winona we're known as survivability is going to be a five since dodging the first attack from Charlie is fine I guess but if you don't have enough hunger to craft things faster than normal which requires you to have more than 50 hunger when in a wall instead of craft things very slowly which can catch you off guard if you're in a spot of trouble and need to craft something quickly utility is going to be a 7 out of 10. all her Farms are absolutely game breaking in terms of resource generation but it's expensive to set up and usually Winona's Farms aren't as impactful on long-term survival than wickerbottoms Farms we're known as catapults are not mobile unless you build them on a boat so if you're in combat without preparing the area you're going to fight in she's not any better than Wilson but with preparation time and resources she can decimate boss while also destroying your ears with a bombardment of bulls from Tech apples so combat is going to be a 6 out of 10 but with preparation she could be anything from a slight DPS boost bested by just switching to Wolfgang or breaking the boss in the case of beekuna and free Weaver it's just going to have a difficulty of 4.5 out of 10. pretty decent character but really what's going to be happening is you're going to switch to Winona build all of her catapult farms and then you'll switch back and never switch back to her again unless something destroys your catapults foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Wally is a very special character because he can offer the single biggest damage boosting perk in the entire game while also being a potentially awful character to survive as due to a big downside which is he can only eat crockpot dishes his hunger also drains 20 faster than normal but not only that but while he will remember what dishes he has eaten for 2 days or 16 minutes and each time you eat a duplicate food inside this window he will receive less and less nutrients from eating that food until eventually while he will get minimal nutrients being 30 of Maximum after the fifth time the same dish is eaten oh it's worth knowing how this time window works if you eat meatballs on day one then two then three you'll receive full nutrients from the first meatballs less from the second and even less from the third this means each time you eat the same dish at that two day day count is refreshed so you need to go two days without eating the dish at all to get rid of any future penalty meaning you can't effectively heal by chugging 10 pierogi anymore I mean you can but chunking 10 pierogi in two days will only heal Wally by 214 rather than typical 400 health besides that Wally has a big 250 hunger with a standard 150 Health 270 along with its own line of character specific cooking structures Chef pouch this is a backpack which can store any items but will reduce how fast perishable items will spoil by 1.3 times not as much as a fridge which is two times and it only has six infantry slots whereas a normal backpack has eight you probably will be using this Chef pouch except for the very early game before you get a fridge portable crock pot as it sounds it is a crock pot which you can dismantle and pick up to make it portable while he starts with one when he spawns in along with a garlic and two potatoes it also Cooks all the crock pot recipes 25 faster but only while he can use it along with this Wally himself can make unique crock pot dishes which only he can make and he can only make them in this portable crock pot so now I'm going to talk about only Wally's special dishes which give special effects so things like bone bouillon which are unique to Wally but give no effect I won't be talking about asparagus patcho made with two asparagus and two ice restore 2500 1070 and 3 Health which is isn't a lot but it provides this effect decreases perceives temperature by 40 degrees for 5 minutes so what this means is if you are in summer and you are overheating at 80 degrees then you eat this dish your temperature will go down to 40. it's important to note the wording perceived temperature because the dish will keep you used to 40 degrees below what your temperature is supposed to be without the dish so if your ambient temperature goes from 80 to 50 your temperature will go from 40 to 10. although once the season changes to say autumn or winter your temperature won't be 40 below the ambient it will simply match the ambient or be close to it so the effect only fully works during the season that it was made to counter so in this case it count as summer this essentially means you can stockpile these dishes in a bundling wrap and eat one of them per day when you start overheating to ignore that hot ambient summer temperature great food if you can Mass produce it hot Dragon chili salad made with one dragon fruit one pepper minimum cannot use eggs meat or items as filler restore 2500 1090 but -3 health and so you can just use two Peppers or two dragon fruit or one pepper one dragon fruit and two berries to make the dish and after eating the dish provides the following effect increases perceived temperature by 40 for 5 minutes this is essentially the same as the asparagus patcho but for staying warm in Winter as I said the wording perceives temperature is important as it keeps you 40 degrees above the normal temperature during winter that you would otherwise be so Farm a bunch of dragon fruit and peppers bundle up the fruits and vegetables and cook them into Hot Dragon chili salad for your next winter fish cold and blue is the highest fish cordon blue fish could then blue is that made with two frog legs and one unit of fish like two frog legs and two small fish meat or two frog legs and one eel from ponds in the caves along with one filler after eating this dish it provides the following effect provides wetness immunity for five minutes so once you're decently wet you could eat one of these and it will drop your wetness to zero and keep it there for five minutes you can use this during spring so you don't have to wear any rain protection or save the dishes when it's raining and you want to fight a boss without wearing maroon protection but why would you want to fight a boss while it's raining well let's talk about the next dish Vault goat Chow Freud if you know you know this dish requires one vocal own two sweeteners like two honey and cannot contain me and you can use Twigs as the final filler after eating this dish it provides the following effect applies electrical damage to the player's attacks for five minutes electrical damage what's that we discussed it briefly earlier in the wxme8 section but now let's go over it again real quick because it's a lot more important now time for some math when you deal electrical damage your damage is multiplied by 1.5 times so immediately you're going to be dealing 150 of your original damage but that's not all when your target is wet the 1.5 times damage multiplier is changed to a massive 2.5 times damage multiplier this means Wally eating this dish fighting a wet Target out dps's Mighty Wolf Gang without this dish so to calculate how much damage you do with this dish simply multiply all of your damage multipliers together so Wally dealing normal damages in the Dark Sword means 68 damage though against a wet Target with the dish he will be slapping 170 damage per hit or a DPS of 340 but we can still increase this a little more which we will continue to talk about later but for now just know this is the most powerful Standalone damage buffing ability in the game in the right circumstances glow buried moose one big blueberry or two lesser glowberries along with one fruit value so just throwing four lesser glowberries in a crock pot farmed from the surface reanimated skeleton will do just fine after eating the dish it provides the following effect makes the player glow for two days yep you become a light source for two days at the start you glow about as bright as a lantern but the closer you get to it expiring the dimmer the light gets this is useful for freeing up to a head and hand slot while in darkness like when you're in the caves and ruins the Grim galette made with two nightmare fuel one potato and one onion after eating it will immediately provide this effect stops your sanity and health values if your Santa is at zero eating the Grim galette won't quite kill you but wearing the bone helmet then eating it will kill you the only effective use for this food I know of is against little Champion since during the fight your lunacy will probably be maxed out due to Celestial Champions Aura so once your health is low eat this dish and your health will be maxed out again with your lunacy dropping back down that's all Wally's special effects dishes but the special effects don't end there no no now we we move on to Wally's portable grinding mill which is exclusive to Wally and enables the following spice crafting menu each spice can be used on a crock pot dish when put in Wally's last structure called the portable seasoning station each spice can imbue a crock pot dish with an extra buff three garments required to grind you up two garlic Pounders Pounders powders using the garlic powder and any crock pot dish in the portable seasoning station will grant you a garlic spiced version of the crockpot dish the garlic seasoning provides the following effect when eaten absorb 33 of incoming damage for 4 minutes this effect might sound pretty nuts but it does work similar to wickford's damage absorption in that if you're hit for 100 damage your arm will absorb the first so if you're wearing a football helmet it'll absorb 80 of the 100 damage the remaining 20 damage would hit you but the Garlic's place will absorb 33 of the 20 damage meaning you're hit for 13.4 damage honey crystals made with three honey and produces two honey crystals upon seasoning a dish and consuming the honey spice dish provides the following effect doubles mining chopping and hammering Effectiveness for four minutes meaning rather than taking 10 chops for a normal characters to knock down a medium-sized tree after consuming this it will only take them five shops give a honey spice dish to a Woody and let that Woody transform into a wear beaver and watch the forest as the world fall as the beaver will bite down fully grown trees in two bites although Maxwell is still the superior would gather her overall seasoning salt made with salt crystals found by mining salt formations at cookie cutter Shoals in the ocean after seasoning addition eating the salt season dish provides the following effect increases the health value of the seasoned fish season fish increases the health value of a seasoned dish by 25 so your pierogies that would heal for 40 now a hill for 50 very cool probably not worth the effort going to the ocean specifically for these crystals but if you have some spare it means you'll need 25 less healing for each dish that you season finally we have arrived at the ultimate spice chili flakes with three red peppers you can produce two chili flakes adding this spice to a dish provides the following effect increased damage by 20 for 4 minutes it also increases your temperature by 15 degrees to 15 seconds but who cares about that finally the highest DPS in the game has been unlocked make your Vault goat jelly and spice it with chili flakes to not only unlock for 2.5 dimes damage modifier against wet enemies but an additional 1.2 times damage modifier from the chili spice combine this with a dark sword and a mighty Wolfgang Wolfgang will go from dealing 136 damage per swing to a massive 408 damage per swing or 816 DPS that's insane the damage goes so high because multipliers and speed multipliers in those stuff together apply to each other multiplicatively meaning they are multiplied together not added as such to work out your damage simply do this formula this example is using a mighty Wolfgang with a Dark Sword so weapon damage multiplied by all of your damage modifiers so in this case multiplied by character damage modifier being Wolfgang then multiply by 2.5 being the electric damage against the wet Target then it multiplied by the 1.2 which is the chili spice which gives us 408 damage per swing and we attack twice per second so 816 damage per second this is the highest DPS you can obtain in the game with a melee weapon but not the highest DPS in the game ever this is the best DPS in the game game [Music] uh it's the exact same sub but using blow darts which have a base damage of 100 leading to a total DPS against a wet Target of 1 200 damage per second 600 per load up that's absurd that's a stupid amount of DPS which can topple better in five seconds crazy but you'd have to farm blow darts with this method so it's not too practical but hey maybe one day a trio run with Wally with a bottom and Wolfgang using a blow darts only who knows anyway this spice along with volco jelly is what makes Wally one of the most powerful characters in the game Wally does not have a favorite food while he also Cooks over campfires twice as fast as other characters just like Willow his personal survivability I'm gonna rate a 4 out of 10. his foods are very useful but he can only eat Crock-Pot dishes which is annoying in the early game but not too bad since he starts with a portable crock pot to cook dishes on the go also not being able to eat the same crock pot dishes more than a few times in a two-day time span is slightly annoying but just means you have to think a little smarter about how you're going to approach a boss fight while his utility is going to be a 10 out of 10. due to his Foods allowing you to affect typically ignore the weather as long as you Mass produce the foods beforehand Andy can provide the potential best damage boost in the game for him and his teammates while his combat is tough to rank because ranking each character separately technically while he's the best DPS when things are wet and when things aren't wet he's like the third best DPS after Wolfgang and wonder assuming you don't count minion damage from like Weber or what but whereas Wolfgang and wonders DPS is always available while he needs to make Vault goat ciao Freud which is hard to mass produce early to mid game as vocal horns are uncommon with a 25 drop rate and a vault goat takes 2.5 days to respawn so with one Vault got heard you'd be lucky to get more than seven horns per year and things must be wet for maximum DPS so we're going to rank his combat 8.5 out of 10. and difficulty a 7 out of 10. while he can work well in Solo and in a group his recipes are incredibly powerful when you are able to mass produce them his downside of remembering his meals is easy to ignore since food is easy to come by and you can eat two meaty stews when he is starving once every two to three days very strong character but does require some getting used to oh what fun to make glum by stealing one stuff you see mischief and Malice is a line drawn quite thin and War talks told Krampus this is where this one must end but virtue gives Vigor so that one might make a good tear and though warthogs felt better to have helped on the whole his fiendish half was still cursed to ensnare this foul so be careful what you wish for a lesson worth mention for taking that which is not yours possession War Dogs hasn't been reworked but he was changed a little bit so that you know he can just uh just just teleport to the other side of the map but we'll get to that later all dogs is a monster and as such some mobs will bully him like Pigman and cocoons basically all the creatures that bully ever also assault warthogs to help fight against the bullying War Dogs has a high 200 Health decent 135 hunger and 150 Sani also since he is familiar with monsters he only suffers half the usual sanity drain from all mobs but war dogs only gains half nutrition from all food which is bad but it's okay because when a mob dies near War Dogs it will drop a soul unless it's Weber who drops two souls or WX who drops zero souls or a boss which drops seven or eight Souls these Souls will be automatically picked up as long as War talks is close enough to them this Auto pickup range is about a two-tile radius around wartox if not then the souls will despawn after 10 seconds War dots can carry up to 20 Souls at a time in his inventory and nowhere else trying to carry more than this war tops will drop half his souls and lose 20 xanity and you cannot force your souls into your backpack onto your chest they have to be in your inventory war dogs can eat these Souls would provide him 25 hunger but reduces sanity by five the war talks can also drop these Souls so that they provide area of effect healing to you and your teammates along with granting War Dogs cost two and a half say wait area of effect healing these characters keep getting better I swear how much healing do these Souls heal well if there is just one person benefiting from the heel it will heal for 20 Health but for each additional person who benefits from the heel the heel goes down by two to a minimum of five per person so for example a group of four people who could be healed including war dogs will all be healed for 14 Health each providing a total heal of 56 per soul but a group of nine people who can be healed will only sustain the heel of five Health each but resulting in a total heal worth 45 Health very good healing for you and your team and the range of the area of effect to the heel is a two-tile radius around war dogs also note my wording when I say benefiting from the heel in that if you drop a soul all near a group of people where half of them are at full health they don't benefit from the heel therefore they are not accounted for in the calculation so the healing for everyone else won't be reduced when there's someone with full health standing nearby the souls can be used for one last thing though teleporting much like the lazy Explorer you can right click on your screen to instantly Soul hop to your mouse after this initial Soul hop teleport you may then Soul echo which is just teleporting again for free if you do so within the cooldown indicated on top of your remaining Soul pile once that cooldown is up regardless if you use the free teleport or not your soul will then be spent for your initial teleport note that while in your teleporting animation you have a few invulnerability frames meaning you cannot be hit Master this and you can get out of tight spots but not only can you teleport across the screen but if you have already visited somewhere on the map you can open the map and teleport there using a number of Souls which scales based on how far away your destination is from your current location this scaling is about one soul for up to 16 tiles so traveling between 17 and 32 tiles away from where you are now which cost you two songs but traveling 33 to 48 tiles would cost you three Souls this has enabled warhawks to be an insane speedrunning character simply set up a soul Farm to easy stock up on Souls such as some spider eggs beehives Etc and then Soul hop across the map warlocks has great Synergy with wormwood who will talk about Leia along with great Synergy with any team as he provides healing to the entire team unless there's Wanda while also offering utility from his teleporting which he can do on day one when he spawns in as he starts with six Souls a few more things about war dogs Souls cannot be stored anywhere except directly in water's imagery but Souls can be effectively stored by carrying a stack of bees and murdering them when you need the souls War dogs's favorite food is pomegranate normally when it's cooked it heals for 20 Health 12 and a half hunger and zero sanity but War Dogs takes half nutrition but then gets a hunger bonus for it so it actually heals him for 10 health and only gives him 13.75 hunger with zero sanity onto the ratings War Dogs survivability is an 8 out of 10. he has such easy access to healing and the ability to teleport away if needed you'll basically just you'll find it really hard to die as War Dogs War Dogs is utility isn't 7 out of 10 being able to teleport across the map to fetch items have amazing Synergy with wormwood and deliver items to teammates or Pearl for her Quest most notably if it starts raining you can immediately teleport to her Island and hand her an umbrella for one of her Quests for Pearl War Dogs has no damage multiplier but is higher than average health and his easy healing means we'll give him a humble 6.5 out of 10 for combat and he's gonna have a difficulty rating of 3 out of 10 because again such easy access to Healing wall talks is best suited for the early or mid game while rushing content when you have little to no resources for healing as he has souls but in Long worlds with lots of food resources and armor waltops loses his value as healing is plentiful and more permanent ways of transportation are built like lazy deserters and wonders teleportation clocks but we'll discuss those in one of the sections War Dogs is a very strong character that will make a great addition to basically every team [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] and as such understands them which just means these ocean plants aren't as mean to Wormwood as other players along with lure plants won't attack wormwood predictably wormwood becomes depressed and loses sanity when various plants are burnt shot picked in a five tile radius around wormwood wormwood's health is not affected when eating food that's right this works both as a downside and an upside eating perogies will only give wormwood to hunger and sanity not the health but eating a red cap doesn't make you lose any health this only applies to food though so wormwood can still heal from effects like items such as healing cells jelly beans and structures like tents wormwood has their own crafting tab where there are many powerful things that one would craft let us discuss them first a living log yep a living log that you need to get from a tree guard at the cost of 20 of Walmart's Health they will produce one living log this is initially risky since wormwood struggles with healing but if you pair wormwood or with a war talks and a few beehives you'll be making living logs for days and days of all Soul healing bramblehost provides 80 damage reduction with a huge deer bleed of 525 health and when wearing the armor and you are hit the armor lets out a burst of thorns which deal AOE damage around the player where it deals 22.6 damage to everything and is the best part it has no cooldown which means if you get powered by 10 spiders they'll die fast enough to the Armor's Thorn damage than you will to their puny pokes and you can easily Mass produce these Bramble husks if you just use a wormwood a war talks and some bees because that's everything you need to craft them in fact this armor is so powerful that me and my twitch chat paired it with wx78 electrification circuit from earlier and we did a run where we defeated bosses without attacking them a link in the description uh and card in the top right much like farming living logs throw a warthogs and a wormwood into a field of bees and they'll be able to make you a literally infinite amounts of Bramble husks wearing the armor while picking Cactus and spiky bushes negates any damage they would have normally dealt to you and this armor also prevents damage from the next item wormwood can make the Bramble trap this trap can be laid and will trigger upon an enemy walking close by this trap deals less damage to their tooth trap but the damage is area of effect as such upon triggering it it will deal with 40 damage and a one Tower radius around it it has 10 uses finally the compost wrap quite expensive to make but provides 40 healing over time for wormwood after applying it eight health will heal instantly while the remaining 32 healing is applied over 32 seconds there are better ways and cheaper ways to heal as wormwood as I demonstrate in my wormwood all Boss run but these can be a decent choice if you can Mass produce the materials to make them wormwood shines when it comes to farming where they don't need to till the farming Turf to plant seeds wormwood also can plant seeds outside a farming Turf but a Turf that isn't farming Turf can't store nutrients so the plants will never gain enough happiness to become Giants or maybe even give you seeds one wood gains 10 satney whenever they plant any plant including seeds wormwood has the ability to bloom which happens naturally during spring where there are three stages of blooming each stage increases your hunger drain and your speed up to 1.2 times for both while also automatically tending to plant his crops and bees will fall a wormwood's flower Trail to keep them away from the base you can force blooming to happen by using items which would normally provide growth formula to farming plots the most effective being super growth formula made with Ash kelp and a bottle and the little time to ferment in the ocean until it becomes super growth formula here's a formula to calculate how fast you can make wormwood Bloom but all you gotta know is wormwood blooms naturally in Spring you can force the bloom outside of the spring with super growth formula and wormwood doesn't stay as bloomed for as long nor does it happen as fast if it is not spring and it will be especially slow if you try to do it in winter anything that would provide me newer nutrients to farming plots wormwood can apply to themselves to get a small amount of healing over time seeds planted by worm would take longer to rot before being picked like once they're fully grown you can repeatedly plant and dig up something like a spiky Bush to farm Sani easily since you gain more sanity than you lose wormwood is immune to hostile weeds in farming plots wormwood's favorite food is cooked banana healing for three Health 12.5 hunger and zero sanity but 27.5 hunger for wormwood decent if you could Mass produce them on to the ratings wormwood survivably 4.5 out of 10. initially I thought the no healing using food would be pretty detrimental but it's actually pretty easy to heal with other alternative healing methods wormwood's utility is a 10 out of 10 because being able to just make your living logs and make really good armor which also deals damage back is it's so insane if you have a team and you have a war talks it would be a waste not to have a wormwood on the team as well and combat is gonna be a 6 out of 10 due to mass producing good armor with Thorn damage while being particularly powerful against bosses like the queen as her Rumble Beast will be dead to the husk's damage as a difficulty of 7 out of 10 because you can't heal wormwood is the best Farmer in the game they do it a bit better and a bit faster than anyone else although every character is capable of farming Giants the fact that wormwood cannot heal from food by eating them is a downside which means in the early game you have to avoid combat unless you want to spend excessive time healing with stuff like spider Clans but in the late game wormwood is much better at healing as healing items are more accessible like jelly beans and weapons like the Batman a very good character for a team but probably not the best for playing solo uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and as such she could befriend three moms by feeding one mom a vegetable vegetarian dish a fruit or by giving them a fish but they don't stay befriended forever but they will stay longer the more you feed them up to three days to be more specific feeding them at 25 hunger worth of food or giving them one fish means they'll follow you for one day these moms are great workers as they will chop and mine for work but they don't dig up stumps or pick up resources what is sadly bullied by pigs but at least you won't be picked on by bunnyman or frogs as they are neutral to work well its default stats are 150 Health 200 hunger and 150 sanity I see default because uh the stats can be increased but we'll talk about how later on what is also a vegetarian so any meats or meat requiring dishes she cannot eat she can also eat goodies being Taffy jelly beans but she kicks in vulco chow Freud while walking on Marsh Turf what will gain a 1.3 times speed modifier and while you're in the swamp you will see work point out where tentacles are hiding with white indicators useful for not getting spanked without next is wart's Main Attraction her structures that she can build DIY royalty kit after initially placing the structure you must then upgrade it for it to be an operational Royal tapestry using 20 kelp 10p skin and 15b Fuller wall so pretty expensive but you will be rewarded as whenever all tapestries laid down any nearby normal murm May sit upon the throne and then you can feed the moon with 50 value in hunger and then the mom will transform into the mum once the murm King has been spawned all mums in the world you're in will gain 60 Max Health Plus 10 damage while loyal murm guards gain 460 Max health and an extra 30 damage will get to what a loyal murm guard is later on along with this all words in the world have gain a bonus to their Max stats being plus 100 Max Health 50 Max hunger and 50 Max Energy also all murms of all types will be neutral to All Creatures and players while the king is alive also recruiting Normans will be a little cheaper costing 14.2 hunger per day rather than 25. if you have a moon King on the surface his bonus does not extend to the cubes so if you wanted bonuses in the caves you must build yourself a second monkey down there also mums don't follow you into the caves so you'll need to build your own learn structures down there for a cave murm Army and the murmur structures we'll talk about more later the moon King has a thousand Health which generates two Health per second and if attacked can spawn of all loyal worm guards to defend him the mom King can die and if he does die you and all of your moms will lose their maximum stat boost his most common cause of death will be starvation which will take him four days as he starts with 50 hunger which drains 25 per day and then will starve to death two days following his hunger hitting zero so you can feed him to keep him alive or the cheaper option is simply elect a new king as soon as the old one dies which means having two mums born as close by to the Royal tapestry to replace each other as each King dies to starvation mum's spawners what do you mean Jakey well mums naturally Spawn from run down houses in the swamp but work can also craft a Craft's mum houses which simply spawn a single mom build two of these close to your Royal tapestry and you will have infinite Kings Craftsman's houses are somewhat expensive requiring four boards 3 reads and two fish to craft and these fish are the fish you get from ponds but not the ocean so unfortunately wickerbottom's fish farm can't help you here speaking of wickerbottom work can read all of wickenbottom's books for us any increase or decrease but will not induce the effects of the books themselves uh here is a table showing the sanity gain or loss depending on the book that I stole from the wiki thanks Don't Starve wiki for being correct maybe also all of these mum structures must be built on Marsh Turf otherwise you cannot place them but oddly enough once you do place them on Master Turf you could just dig up the marsh Turf and place whatever Turf you want next is warts army or potential Army because these are expensive as heck to make mum florifications is a structure where it can craft with a hefty cost of five boards one tentacle spot and two Spears each mom fortification will house one loyal mermaid who could be recruited like any other mum but for 15 hunger per day or 10.3 hunger per day if the king is alive these moms take a tiny half a day to respawn if they die as long as the king is alive except during winter God's respawn behavior in winter is different than not in Winter they take six days to respawn and you could burn their house to force them out of their house but if you're gonna do that make sure to build a flinging mag to help Mass produce more fortifications you could trade fresh water fish to the murm king for a chance at some tentacle spots this is gonna be your primary way of farming technical spots catching fish trading building moon fortifications but then instead of fishing more simply recruit some mums and make them fight each other upon death each mum will drop a fish and frog legs and if you've rented that man with a fish they will also drop that fish this way you use fish to make mums to make mums kill mums to make fish to make more moms make sense yes while you're fishing it's worth mentioning how pond fishing Works each Ponder can have a maximum of 10 fish and it takes 4 seconds to catch a fish from a pond but for every fish missing from the pond it takes you four additional seconds to catch another fish see if you catch three fish from one Pond you'll be waiting for 16 seconds for your fourth fish and it takes 160 seconds to regenerate one fish in that pond so for that reason I'd recommend catching three fish from a single Pawn then moving on to another one the swamp usually has lots of Pawns to fish from but mosquitoes will harass you during Dusk and night at which point you can leave and fish from ponds in grasslands where frogs only spawn during the daytime and frogs are neutral to work so they won't interrupt your fishing now despite all this you can also trade ocean fish to murmking for primarily gold and some Reeds and a small chance of technical spots but it's much easier to amass fresh water fish from ponds than ocean fish from the ocean unless of course you're using Wicked bottoms Farms but you need the fish to be alive so you need to use the strident Trident to get them out of the water rather than killing them with a can now these loyal Moon Guard soldiers kite very fast and can overwhelm most bosses although bosses that do AOE damage will kill the loyal Moon guards eventually but your guards will get in some good damage before dying due to their fast kiting speed and high Health while the king is alive you can watch my were all boss runner for more information and see how fast moons could decimate some bosses but remember since that Boss run feeding one mom will recruit a total of three mums before the changes it was a little more expensive feeding one mom would only recruit the murm that you fed also during my testing I could get a group of moms to follow me for six to seven days consecutively before they abandoned me also if the king isn't alive these murm guards are less powerful than normal moms so only use them while the king's alive and probably best to feed the king 25 hunger before you leave to fight with your mom guards as you don't want them becoming weak due to the king dying heartbreaking the boss fight another perk of these mom guys is they are not afraid of Epic screeching like what the beefing does normally mobs like spiders and normal nerves will run around and panic when an epic Screech happens but not the loyal mom Gods work can craft a disguise for non-work players to wear so that those other players can befriend mums and so that when the king isn't live and therefore moms are usually aggressive they won't be aggressive while a non-work player is wearing the moon disguise were and other moms can eat durians and kelp prawns without the normal Health penalty or vegetables fruits and Butterfly Wings provide 33 extra hunger to work when work holds fish meat or dead fish like spoiled fish she loses 4.4 sanity per minute but keeping an alive fishing Works inventory allows her to gain 3.5 370 per minute but this effect does not stack fish held by work will stay alive for longer suffocating at a rate of 0.25 times allowing ocean fish to survive four days before dying but that's not including any seasonal spoilage modifiers there are two prominent ocean to fish which work can utilize for their effects for extended periods before putting the fish into a tin fission bin which will restore its Health those being ice cream acts as a cooling source of 5 which is enough to stay cool during summer allowing you to ignore summer heat while holding the fish and before the fish dies simply put it in a tin fishing bin and grab a different fish of the same type this fish can only be found during winter in the swell ocean and you can catch them using a sea fishing rod and a sunrise spinnerbait during daytime other laws do work too though as you will be using this fish during summer it will spoil faster than normal so it will survive for just over three days before needing to be put back in the tin fishing bin scorching Sunfish acts as a heat source of 70 which is enough to stay warm during winter allowing you to ignore winter cold and getting cold from being wet and once again when it's going to die store in a tin Fisher bin and grab a different scorching Sunfish be careful this fish on the floor is so hot they can ignite nearby items as you'll be using this fish in Winter it will spoil even slower so it will last around 5 days before you must put it back in a tin Vision bin these fish ultimately replace a thermal stone for work as they last a lot longer than a normal thermal Stone before needing to be swapped out what cannot trade with the pig King where also suffers no effects from being wet apart from the temperature loss which can be ignored biting the Squadron zodfish as such work won't drop items from being too wet unlike other characters well it won't lose sanity from hauling wet items and word doesn't Drop Like Him due to the Moose Goose hunger attack or Berger's swiping attacks that normally make you drop your weapon world's favorite food is durian and restores 48.25 hunger from eating one decent but if you're farming for hunger food you'll probably be farming for pumpkins what survivability is a 7 out of 10 not having access to meat dishes is not so good but gaining 33 extra hunger from everything you eat is great and farming is one of the best sources of food in the game so you won't have a hard time surviving as work along with her massive boosted stats second only to WX if they have all the health circuits well it can get a ton of seeds from training with the murm king also being very good at Gathering wood and rocks using her mums so her utility is going to be a 7 out of 10. combat is a 5 out of 10 except when she has an army of mums backing up which will take you at least half a year to set up but once it is set up they could single-handedly take out bosses like B Queen and dragonfly loyal Moon guards are one of the strongest minions in the game so her combat overall will be an 8 out of 10 with a difficulty of 4 out of 10. what is very much a mid to late game character to spam her loyal mom guards to kill bosses very fast but this costs a lot of resources but it is very fun to play with an army of mums I'd recommend work for any player who likes the Minion Play Style oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Explorer and Cub Scout he starts with a slug shot some ammo an epic hat which we will talk about later and a dog which you can pet so instantly s tier character otherwise Walter has 130 Health 110 hunger 270 pretty low stats but he is a child so that makes sense kind of Walter's son he might look decent but he is also Fearless which is good this means Walter does not get affected by negative sanity auras from creatures like deer clops or few Weaver and like the darkness but in exchange for this whenever Walter sustains damage from anything he will lose Sani equal to double the amount of damage he took which is uh quite the downside you either need to not get hit or bring tons of Sanity food along with sanity food you may want to bring Walter's hat that he starts with and can craft as when wearing it it reduces the sanity drain effect when hit by half so being hit for 100 damage will reduce your sanity by 100 rather than 200. it also provides plus two sanity per minute while wearing it not that you'll notice because Walter also does not get effect is by clothing sanity effects that includes his own Hat items like the Tamil shatter but also includes negative auras from clothes like the spider hat although this does not extend to nightmare gear such as dark sword and Knight armor your sanity will still be affected from this Shadow like gear like still getting the positive sanity Aura from the full sight body water has a long list of random and unintuitive perks and downsides which I will now go over water does not lose sanity When jumping through wormholes or when your teammates have died and have become ghosts water will kick over a fire twice as quickly as other characters the same as Willow and Wally taking half a second rather than one second or to lose his half the amount of hunger when sleeping compared to other characters water will restore 670 per minute and receives half the usual sanity drain from losing Health when there are more than 5 trees within a two and a half tile radius around him yeah he's meant to be a Boy Scout so he's more comfortable around trees this perk is so weirdly specific and not even good anyway if you want to gain Sani in game but lose sanity in real life while it's night time and is a campfire water guns tell stories of the campfire or endothermic Fire by right-clicking the fire this will generate an in-game sanity Aura of plus 10 per minute while destroying your is in real life as you listen to minutes of Auto automatone noises also takes an extra 10 damage when hit by any bee creature this damage ignore's armor so being hit by a regular bee while water wears a football helmet he'll lose 10 Health from this effect plus the regular damage from being hit and suffering the resulting Insanity loss water can craft a portable tent which has 10 uses Walter will continuously lose sanity while his health is not 100 scaling up to -12 sanity per minute proportionally to his missing Health this effect is halved while wearing his special pine tree pint water has an unkillable pet dog called wooby with nine inventory slots that follows water around similar to Chester will be can be transformed into a rideable dog similar to a b Flow by feeding it Monster meat will be speeding spawn scales off of hunger until she reverts back to a normal dog she has 50 hunger also cannot attack while riding a big will be except with his slingshot if Walter is hit for 10 damage to his health so after damage reduction in a small time frame while riding will be will be will Buck water off and then run a short distance away during this bucking animation you will not force that of the animation from taking more hits so you may sustain lethal damage from the long animation now we have Walter's main perk his slingshot one of the few cheap ranged weapons in the game unfortunately the DPS of the slingshot is just bad but like really bad like if Walter couldn't use a melee weapon I would have to increase Wes's combat rating as where's his DPS with the Dark Sword is higher than Walter's slingshot DPS even when using the best ammo speaking of which Walter can craft various pellets for his slingshot most just deal damage but some pellets have an effect crafting any and all ammo gives you 10 rounds per craft so let's go over them Pebbles these deal 17 damage when shot and requires rocks to craft gold rounds these deal 34 damage and unsurprisingly require gold to craft as a science machine marble rounds deal 51 damage and require marble at an Alchemy engine freeze rounds these deal no damage but freeze the target one shot for freeze round is equivalent to two hits from the ice staff and requires moon rocks and blue gems to craft at a Presta hat attacker slow down round steel 17 damage and reduce the target speed by 1 3 for 30 seconds and requires moon rock and a purple gem at a shadow manipulate poop pellets will cause non-boss mobs to Diago from wherever they're attacking when they were here these require manure at a science machine cursed rounds these are the rounds you're gonna be making they deal 51 damage with a 50 chance to spawn a shadow technical when the round hits its Target these shadow tentacles can deal 34 damage per hit and can hit twice after which they will stick around for a short time but they don't attack again these rounds require full site fragments and a nightmare fuel at a pseudoscience station finally Walter can also load melty marbles into his slingshot for 59.5 damage that might sound good but these don't stack and cannot be crafted instead they can be found as a rare trinket from graves tumbleweeds and the ruins so the best ammo you'll be using is cursed rounds now let's test the DPS of these rounds in ideal situation which is you can constantly shoot without moving and your target is not moving so that the shadow tentacles will actually hit a Target this scenario is not very realistic but against some bosses and with the team it can happen so what was slingshot attacks once per second so deals 51 of raw damage from hitting the enemy with cursed round plus a 50 chance of spawning a technical which can deal 34 damage twice if both for the attack's land so 51 plus 68 multiplied by 50 because the the only spawn half the time equals 85 DPS 85. where's his DPS with the Dark Sword is 102. so uh the the slingshot is worse than words with the Dark Sword epic what was slingshot is best seen as a utility tool to fire out his special rounds and opportunistically used as a range weapon when you cannot fight in melee distance as it fires two times slower than a normal weapon and therefore results in low DPS though in an ideal situation firing cursed rounds at a stationary enemy assuming that every shadow technical hits which it probably won't if the enemy moves but that will give you 85 DPS which is the exact same DPS as well for Swinging with crit's battles there continuously though just to be thorough I tested killing phase 3 Celestial Champion with 4 characters wander Wolfgang Walter and Willow Wanda used her alarm and clock as Elder Wanda and Wolfgang Willow use the same gear and resources with a Dark Sword while water used exclusively his slingshot with curse rounds which characters kill time do you think came in first second third and fourth yourself a little guess remember Walter's theoretical damage is 62.5 of Willow's theoretical DPS with a dark sword and Walter's DPS is only 31.25 of Wolfgang's theoretical DPS here's the results Wonder came in first unsurprisingly with a kill time of 1.50 so her actual DPS was 127.2 we'll talk about why wander is so good in Wonder section let's move on to Wolfgang Wolfgang came in second at two minutes or 40 seconds so with an actual DPS of 87.5 and then who do we think came in third water or Willow surprisingly water actually came in third at with four minutes and three seconds kill time with an actual DPS of 57.6 then Willow came in fourth and took 40 seconds longer than Walter to kill Celestial Champion phase 3 with 4 minutes for 3 seconds kill time with a DPS of 49.4 so from these results you can see that despite Walter having less theoretical DPS than Willow since he didn't have to do any kiting or chasing of phase 3 Central Champion he ended up killing it faster meaning his actual DPS was higher than Willow now Celestial Champion phase 3 is probably the worst boss for a Melee character and the best for a character with some range since it moves around a lot and you must Dodge his attacks whereas Walter only has to do one step to avoid laser attacks otherwise he could just hold it this is a rare scenario for Walter and doesn't transfer well to other bosses like dragonfly or does slingshot is a cheap way to kill birds for feathers without wickerbottom's feather fun what was favorite food is trail mix which is a cheap healing food for strong 30 Health 12.5 hunger and five cent boot restoring 27.5 hunger for Walter mostly healing food so not to useful as a favorite food now I haven't done a Boss run with Walter yet so maybe my opinion will change after that but for now his ratings are as follows survivability 3.5 out of 10. whenever Walter joins my server I sigh because they get hit they go insane and they die even if you can deal with being insane easily there's no upside to playing water for that reason of going insane as other characters do better against Shadow creatures if not the same utility is a 5.5 out of 10 if you can use wobby to have more infantry space Scout The World Slightly faster in the early game by riding will be and offer some utility with a slingshot rounds with effects but it isn't that the much his probable best use for a very beginner team is reading around the count by for everyone to get insanity but even then it's only 10 Santa per minute combat is a 4.5 out of 10. the best DPS you can do from Walter is by not using his range equipment at which point he's a default damage dealer with less Max health and loses tons of Sanity when he gets hit which means he'll be fighting Shadow creatures more often or having to take extra prep time to gather sanity food if you decide to use his slingshot instead then you won't go insane since you have distance between you and your enemy but you will still be dealing half of the DPS of a normal character with a Dark Sword so if you did dedicate yourself to Walter's range playstyle you would have the lowest DPS in the game therefore his combat would be a one out of 10. but since he can use melee weapons I I was arguing with the chat we were going anywhere from one out of 10 to 5 out of 10 but we settled on 4.5 out of 10. so this combat rating is really up for discussion I was I was happy to put it lower since theoretically Walter's kit has the lowest DPS in the game of any character but anyway his difficulties are 6 out of 10 due to the Low Max health and easily going insane I don't see a use case for Walter except for wilby's big form for moving Shadow pieces or truly dedicated yourself to the Ranger play style in a big team so that you don't take damage overall I just wouldn't recommend Walter unless of course you just enjoy playing him [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you wonder is an incredibly unique and powerful character but will punish you greatly if you're a noob let's start with our stats Wanda has 175 hunger 200 sunny and wait where's her health oh oh instead of Health Wanda has an age meter this age meter indicates Wanda's age obviously her youngest age possible is 20 and her eldest is 80 but once she hits 80 she dies as will we all now when Wanda takes damage the damage is taken from her age with a ratio of 2.5 damage taking away one age this means starting at age 20 you can take 149 damage which will take your age up to 79 plus to 80 before dying after taking 150 damage which means you reached age 80. so effectively she has 150 Health but not only does damage get subtracted from her age but wonder will naturally age at a rate of one age every 40 seconds or three age every two minutes to reduce Wanda's age you must use her special clock which she starts with one of this colloc is called the Ageless watch and it reduces Wanda's age by eight and has a cooldown of 2 minutes and and nope you cannot use healing food to decrease Wanda's age eating healing food won't decrease your age but eating food that damages you will increase your age as expected over a two minute period with one clock and naturally aging you can net heal by 5 age with one o'clock every two minutes assuming that you don't take damage five age is equivalent to 12.5 damage so with one o'clock you can only sustain 12.5 damage per 2 minutes while staying the same average age just as a point of reference Wanda has an interesting mechanic with her ageless clock which is when she uses it it stops her aging clock meter from ticking forward and then begins turning the clock back which has some positive and negative side effects the positive being if you're at high age which is the equivalent to low health and your dealt a lethal blow if you're quick enough you can effectively cancel a portion of the damage by using your ageless watch to stop your age ticking forward and then it will start reversing it by eight each this means Wanda can effectively tank infinite damage with crash timing for example here's 10 level 3 Shadow Knights each of them deal 150 damage each which is enough to kill one by 10 times over but when wander sustains damage her age will take up at a maximum acceleration rate meaning you have a short window to negate that 1500 damage and get your 8 age helium as you can see it's rare that you'll be able to utilize this mechanic but it is worth noting in case you are ever able to now the negative is that if you use your ageless watch and your age begins reversing but then you take damage from anything it cancels your ageless watches reversal of your age and then the damage is applied this is why Wanda's biggest enemy is freezing and overheating since this will constantly damage you slowly and this means that if you try to heal using an ageless watch while freezing or overheating your heel will be canceled and you will continue taking damage and your ageless watch is now on cooldown anyway that's enough about wonders aging mechanics let's talk about all of her other abilities which make her powerful you may have noticed Wanda has three looks depending on our age age 35 or less is a young Wonder age 36-64 is middle-aged wonder and age 65 or older is Elder Wanda she crafts and works a little slow when she's elderly but more importantly wander deals more damage with Shadow weapons the older age range she's in she gets a 1.2 times damage multiplier if middle aged or a 1.75 times damage multiplier if she's elderly with Shadow weapons and she has a very old Shadow weapon that she can craft and it is the best in the slot for her the alarming clock the alarm clock can be crowded with timepieces which we will talk about later but for now know that you start with enough timepieces to make your weapon also needing 4 marble and eight nightmare fuel this alarming clock has a base damage of 81.6 and counts as a whip weapon which has two interesting details which make this weapon different from a regular weapon like a handbat firstly range wander's weapon has an attack range of one pile so you could be one tile away and still hit the enemy whereas other weapons like combats have a range of half tile in gameplay this is very noticeable and helpful as you can attack enemies before they even try to attack you and sometimes the range is enough to break bosses like special Champion phase 3 but the other detail is not so good Wanda's weapon being whipped means it attacks at a very slightly slower rate than a normal weapon any character with a handbag will attack pretty much exactly two times per second I will quickly say though that a while ago to be able to attack a little faster than twice per second due to lag but they have since fixed this now you almost always attack at attack rate of 2 times per second with only a few frame deviation one does weapon on the other hand attacks at about 1.875 times per second during testing her attacks would take anywhere from 31 to 36 frames but the majority of her attacks took 32 frames so we'll calculate it as one attack every 32 frames AKA 1.875 times attacks per second the weapon like I said has a base damage of 81.6 but counts as a shadow weapon so one does damage modifiers get applied so middle-aged wander will hit 97.92 damage per hit with it and Elder wander will deal a whopping 142.8 damage per hit and the weapon has 100 uses and can be refueled by 25 with one piece of nightmare fuel he probably picked up Wanda's role so far a glass Cannon which is she does more damage the closer she is to death so let's talk about that when playing Elder Wanda her DPS without any external Buffs is 267.75 which is only 4.25 DPS less than Mighty Wolfgang with a Dark Sword so she's a very good damage dealer assuming that you want the best deal PS1 that can offer then you would always be staying age 65 or older to do maximum damage but this also leaves you very vulnerable luckily don't start together has a very easily accessible and high damage reduction armor being Knight armor which offers 95 damage reduction marble armor also gives 95 percent no production but it slows your movement speed using three Papyrus of five nightmare fuel at a shadow manipulator you can craft this 95 damage reduction armor with 525 durability this will be your go-to armor along with the dreadstone helmet for Wonder the driftstone helmet only has 90 damage reduction and while wearing it with Knight armor it won't make you take more or less damage than wearing only the knight armor but it will keep lowering your sanity while it's being worn so you have more nightmare fuel to fuel your weapon along with its durability regeneration over time but the main reason for pairing this helmet with the unite armor is since the helmet will take some of the durability loss away from the knight armor when you take damage and apply it to the dreadstone helmet which basically just extends the lifespan of Hyundai armor also when Wanda is elderly she's more in sync with Shadow equipment and as such will receive no sanity drain from the passive sanity drain from Dresden armor or 9 armor this doesn't fully apply to the effect of nightmare armor though since usually when you get hit while wearing Knight armor it takes away your sanity based on 10 of the damage you receive to a health and your armor combined so if dragonfly hit you for 35 damage while wearing the knight armor you will lose 7.570 but this effect is reduced on Wanda so in this instance I only lost about 2.5 sanity from taking a hit from dragonfly anyway the amount of damage Wonder can safely take while being elderly while using the Knight Armor's 95 damage reduction can be calculated but firstly if you want to always stay elderly for maximum damage we need to be age 65 or over but when can we heal well the Aegis watch heals us by 8 age so the earliest we want to heal is once we hit age 73 which would take us back to age 65. okay so the oldest we should ever be is age 73 which leaves us with less than seven age before dying which is equivalent to 17.5 health so we can't take 17.5 damage without dying while at age 73. so let's see how much damage that is through Knight armor knight armor reduced stage by 95 so simply do 17.5 Health divided by 1 minus the damage reduction uh so so 95 equals 350 damage so we would have to take 350 damage at age 73 while wearing Knight armor for us to die now you understand you're incredibly safe while hiding inside your knight armor less than 300 damage is equivalent to these scenarios [Music] foreign [Music] Wanda has to offer we have explored her combat and damage dealing capabilities but now we will discuss her teleporting capabilities along with everything she can craft in her character specific crafting menu clockmakers tools Wanda can craft this and it allows Wanda to dismantle any clocks that are not on cooldown to achieve 100 of the parts it took to make them this is useful for when you decide you don't want to clock anymore or another purpose with one of Wanda's teleport and clocks that we'll talk about later time pieces these could be crafted with 8 full site fragments and two nightmare fuel while also holding your cloth maker tools these are an essential ingredient for Wanda as all of her clocks require timepieces in various amounts to craft this means a very effective strategy for early game for Wanda is to rush either the ruins or the archives or both then make or find yourself spoolsight walls place them and handle them this will grant you lots of tools like fragments which you will need to craft all of your plots ageless watch this is the watch which you start with one of but you can make more for extra healing it heals you for eight age with a two minute cooldown but to be clear the cooldown for all of Wanda's watches is per instance of each watch and not a global cooldown for every clock of that type it requires one timepiece two marble and one red gem to craft Second Chance watch this watch requires a timepiece two living logs and four bone shards to make its effect is Wander can use this watch on a dead teammate to revive them but not like a Telltale Heart the watch won't revive the ghost on the spot instead it will teleport the ghost back to where they died and play a special Revival animation to revive them back where they died as if time had reversed for them so make sure wherever they died is safe to revive them else they'll just be dying again the clock has a full minute cooldown its other use is if Wanda dies she will drop the spot if she's holding it uh normally Wanda doesn't drop any of her clocks where she dies except for this one then Wonder can haunt the clock to revive herself utilizing the clock this way we'll break it and return half the materials needed to make it so overall this block is a very cheap way to revive your teammates but perhaps it's best to rely on the teammates to revive Wanda without a health penalty with The Telltale Heart so that one doesn't have to break her own Revival clock backstep watch this watch requires a timepiece and two gold upon activating it it will teleport Wanda as smooth distance back where she was previously with a two second cooldown with this teleport you have invulnerability frames so with precise timing you can dodge attacks from most 1v1 scenarios and the cooldown is short enough so you can iframe most bosses with good timing the watch determines where it will teleport you by teleporting you back to where you were a few walking actions before the teleport the amount of walking actions decreases with the older age stages teleporting you long distances as young wander medium distance as a middle-aged wander and short distances as Elder wander but not only that you can manipulate how this watch works by stacking your walking actions up like this walking back and forth in two spots will stack previous walking actions to these two spots repeatedly so stacking in the watch this way means you won't awkwardly teleport far away from the boss you're trying to fight if you want to learn more about this watch uh watch why all boss 1 does speed run to see the strategies in action backtrack watch this watch requires two timepieces two gold and one a Mac Tusk Tusk to craft yes the thing that has a 50 chance to drop from the Mac dust that only spawns in Winter upon crafting you can right click the watch to Anchor it to the point in the world where you are standing as long as you can stand under the spot this watch can anchor to that spot once the watch is anchored to a spot right clicking it again will teleport you to that anchored spot from anywhere whether you're on the other side of the map or in the caves it will take you back to the angered spot this enables you to build an insane network of teleports and teleporting hubs all across above and below the world each backtrack watch has a cooldown of 8 minutes but of course this cooldown is for each individual watch so you can have multiple watches with different cooldowns using a purple gem on the watch will temporarily transform it to a rift watch which will have the same Anchor Point as the watch used to craft the rift watch upon using the rift watch rather than teleporting Wanda to the destination it will instead open a portal to the destination which anyone can jump through for a short period useful for jumping through with something that's heavy like a shadow piece a statue piece set piece yeah as well upon the portal opening the purple gem in the rift watch breaks and it reverts back to the normal backtrack watch but it still keeps its Anchor Point the watch had set previously so with enough of these watches you can build a central teleport Hub which teleports you everywhere how I would recommend you utilize these watches are set your first watch to your base that way wherever you are in the road you could just instantly teleport back to your base if you get into trouble or if you'd rather not walk back to your base to save time upon arriving at your base you can have a second watch which is also anchored to your base and swap out your watch that is now on cooldown with the other watch which takes you to your base 2 but is not on cooldown as you get more and more backtracked watches you can start building your network of teleports I'd recommend you watch my short wander megabase tour in my ultimate base video if you want to know the details of a wander teleporting network but here's a few brief tips have watches that teleport you to your teleporting Hub in your base always have one of these watches in your inventory at this teleporter Hub is where you will store all of your teleports across the surface map you should store these teleports in chess with items indicating where each teleport will teleport you by placing the item above the teleport watch in a chest or scale chest if a Telepod watch is in a chest you could teleport with it directly from inside the chest without taking it out by opening the chest and right-clicking the teleport watch directly have a Teleport to the keys at your surface Hub which teleports you to a caves Hub upon teleporting to the caves Hub store your overall Hub teleport and swap it out for a caves up teleport your cave hubs should have teleports across the caves like ancient guardian and the ruins of few Weaver upon wanting to leave the caves teleport back to your cave Hub and swap your cave Hub teleport with your Overworld Hub teleport and then use your Overworld Hub teleport and that was a crash course in watch teleportation that was a Wonder very cool and good scriptures and if you ever wanted to change the teleportation spot of a backtrack watch simply use your clockmaker's tools to dismantle the watch while it isn't on cooldown and then craft the watch again now you can anchor it to a different location at no cost subs and beef flow pigs and Bunny men around each mactas Hut to help kill them once every 2.5 days although mactas only respawn off-screen so you need to wait 2.5 days after which the next time Wars Camp is off screen or it unloads is when Mac task will actually respawn Wanda's favorite food is taffy which is pretty useful as it's pretty cheap and easy to mass produce but it can be used as your main source of hunger restoration if you have a honey farm it restores zero age 40 hunger and 15 sanity for wander Wanda is a punishing character without good planning and skill but with both of these she will be the most powerful character you can use in the mid to long-term world having access to almost as high DPS as Wolfgang is only one of the great things about Wanda once accounting for her range with her weapon she meet ltps Wolfgang in some situations but that depends on lots of things which change depending on what you're killing but I won't be deep diving into the specific boss fights you could watch my Wonder Boss run instead in my Wonder Boss run I never use crockpot foods and instead chugged raw meat and cooked monster meat for Hunger while also lowering my sanity and sometimes intentionally eating monster meat to cause damage so that I can become elderly wander for the best damage Wanda's teleports in the long term could save you an immense amount of time but since they require Mac tusks there is a hard limit of how many you can acquire per year which is that four Mac tusks which respawn up to five six times in one winter so up to 24 magtails with a 50 drop rate off the Tusk so 12 tusks on average per winter so to amass a lot of these teleports you want to be playing at least for a few years in a world one does require a small amount of setup time to get her weapon which will use all of your timepieces that you start with and it requires a shadow manipulator which means you'll either have to dig Graves and hope for a red and blue gem or Rush The Ruins which you'll probably be doing anyway for the full site fragments it's safer but lesser rewarding way to get full save fragments is simply finding the archives and bringing three gold pickaxe and three hammers with you then hammers the full site walls for fragments while mining the statues for Moon Rock and full site blocks I did a test clearing of an archives and it took me 12 minutes to clean the whole archives and it gave me 144 full-site fragments 32 full site and 33 Moon Rock and it was completely safe 144 fragments is enough at 18 timepieces uh more if I crafted tools like wolves from the full site and then hammered the water fragments wonders survivability is going to be a 3.5 out of 10. as to do more damage she needs to effectively have less Health than Wes which would have dropped her five ability to one since the lowest Health in the game but with the use of her clocks and good armor this risk is mostly mitigated and avoided so I think 3.5 is fine this score also drastically depends on your skill level with it being lower the less experienced you are and it going higher if you choose to only play as middle-aged wander rather than Elder Wanda Wanda's utility is going to be a 10 out of 10. being able to teleport your team repeatedly with only a slightly expensive setup cost is very nice in the mid to late game world but you won't be able to achieve their super fast as most tusks will go towards walking canes here team before going toward axis backtrack watches although in a Solo world this is the character I would play If I were going to make a megabase wonders combat is gonna be a 10 out of 10 a theoretical DPS is a tiny bit less than Wolfgang with a dark sword and she can't tank as much damage as Wolfgang nor can she heal as fast but the range on her weapon and her damage is just so insane along with her cheap clock that gives her invulnerability frames and the sound of her weapon is so satisfying that she's going to be tied up with him and of course Wanda's difficulty is going to be a 10 out of 10 from the complexity of her age mechanics her watches the fact that for the maximum DPS you have to be really uh basically low Health if she's gonna have a combat rank of 10 out of 10 it assumes you're playing as elderly wonder which means you have low health so difficulty 10 out of 10 she's the hardest character to play in the game wonder is a very strong character and I don't really have a lot more to say about her which I haven't said already in long-term world I would almost always pick Wanda now we have not reached the end of the video despite reviewing all the characters that's because next is the very epic XL chart I made on my stream with my twitch chat over multiple streams about 10 or so hours so before we reveal all of the rankings together and compare them remember that this is mostly my opinion we also are you discussed with my twitch chat to influence some rings for some characters based on their experience with the characters also these ratings are taking into account both solo worlds and team World so I'd say these rings are pretty accurate but here we go the overall ratings for every character is their survivability utility in combat added together and it gives us this total ranking Wolfgang on Wanda are tied for first place wigfrid coming in at second with all the heavy YouTube any characters like wickerbot and Maxwell and Wally close behind followed Again by still powerful creature characters being worth war dogs and wormwood they're slightly weaker Combat Characters like Wendy Weber and WX and finally followed by the characters who are just painful to play in case you can't quite tell how to read this chart each column belongs to a character that column has three bars which represents survivability utility and combat for that character with a difficulty rating then above the column is the survivor's head with their total ranking above it this helps visualize their total score in comparison to the rest while showing all of the data points you may also notice we have a character called Winston in this chart who is a character me and the twitch chat made up to help draw a comparison between characters Winston is basically Wilson but with no skill tree and no beard so he has no downsides and thus Winston isn't good at anything but isn't bad at anything either so he gets a rating of 5 for all categories now changing the chart to be sorted by survivability we'll see Whitford Mains Rejoice because wig friend is in first place followed by War talks then Wolfgang along with the rest of the survivors nobly Wanda is almost at the bottom of the survivability chart tragic but I think this is accurate sorting by utility you have all the high utility characters tying for First with a three-point difference between them and the next runner-up being warlock's work and Winona Wickford also coming in high up with her songs and then the utility begins dropping off with Wes all the way at the bottom now orders by combat wander and Wolfgang are tied first with Wally and his spicy vocal jelly coming in second with Maxwell in a close third tying with were and her loyal mums however offering slightly weaker minions coming in after them and notably Wickford coming in about halfway down the list since she only does 25 more damage and we have a tribute to her health and Sanity healing towards survivability hence her High survivability rating and lastly here is the chart ordered by difficulty so the most difficult characters to play on the left while the easiest ones are on the right Wanderers at the very tippy top as she has the lowest operational Max health and the complications with her watches making her complicated survive as was being second as he's the challenge character who's bad at everything followed by Wally wormwood and Maxwell then it begins evening out with characters who are average difficulty in two encounter War talks Wendy and finally Wickford being the easiest character to play here's the chart ordered by total ratings again do you agree with my ratings my ratings are my personal opinion and from my experiences with the characters so take these ratings with a grain of salt because you simply might enjoy one character's playstyle more or less than me so your ratings might be different but I think this is a pretty decent idea of the power level for each character I went into lots of detail about all the characters in this video but if you want even more detail about each character you can watch the all boss speed runs on my channel for each character I didn't do Walter Willow Winona and where's yet but I will over the coming months check the description for many resources and videos that I mentioned in this video along with any changes that happened or anything that I missed thank you to my twitch chat who tortured me and tested my patience while we were testing various Mechanics for the information in this video and I probably missed a few small things for some characters so be sure to let me know in the comments what I missed so others can see thanks to the Don't Starve Together Wiki for being correct some of the time and thank you for watching the video this video has taken a Word document with a script of over 35 000 words to write over a few weeks plus a document of seven thousand words containing shots needed for the video along with many streams and hours testing mechanics that even the Don't Starve wiki got wrong or just didn't mention and of course Gathering all the clips by myself and with my twitch Community to a long time so thank you for watching and thank you for helping if you did help I appreciate it and the biggest thank you to Clay for making the game and all of the character animations that I used parts of as in the intros for each character I have a lot of video ideas at the moment but I will keep them a secret for now except for the next video which will probably be a new Wolfgang speedrun because of the new nightmare where Big Boss introduced with the Wilson rework update and perhaps a video describing the best character team combinations of notes have together what do you think let me know in the comments anyway thank you for watching once again I greatly appreciate it please subscribe and lick and comment and thank you to man's yet for giving me money and I am leaving now go watch all my videos and come back soon okay bye [Music] okay [Music]
Channel: Jakeyosaurus
Views: 566,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jakeyosaurus, Jakeysaurus, completionist, update, PG, Family friendly, dst, don't starve together, don't starve, bosses, ruins rush, bee queen, dragonfly, klaus, deerclops, moosegoose, malbatross, lunar island, ancient guardian, farming, potato, guide, how to, speed run, boss rush speedrun, high level, terraria, beginner's guide, survival guide, noob guide, autumn guide, winter guide, spring guide, summer guide, ultimate guide, characters, wilson, wigfrid, wortox, all characters, boss, review
Id: e2weLkKfGaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 16sec (10396 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.