Resident Evil 8 VR is the scariest game I’ve played

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yep good mornings my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to Resident Evil 8 VR last time we got to see beautiful lady d in all her what four meter Glory right in front of us it was spectacular but now we're gonna head to house beneviento which is one of the scarier sections in this game actually it is the scariest section in the game and one of the scariest sections in any game that I've played and I'm gonna do it in VR it's not going to go well I'm going to scream a lot oh man I missed it it hasn't even been that long since I recorded it and I already missed it oh you got just so messed up I would say I'm sorry but I'm really not you knocked me through a ceiling like 50 feet to the ground what am I gonna do feel bad for you now no you're dead we're moving on to bigger and better things cooler things what's in here ah it's just a room it's just a regular ass room whoa sometimes the outside world doesn't work properly in this any Goods ah Jesus okay don't punch my wall okay got it I finished that item that was requested please deliver it to the house with the red chimney can you tell how shaky my hands are by this let me try to hold still I wonder I can't hit anything let me out I have murdering to do see how strong I am this doesn't even hurt me my hands are on fire and I don't feel a thing fish you know what to say like shooting fish in a barrel I get that now it's like shooting fish in a puddle fish fish fish oh wash your hand off you got a lot of goo on your hand from that fight ah my Grabbers don't grab no more at least I have righty I always liked you better anyway funny hand was gonna go yeah boys together [Music] oh it's the old lady again night Moon Rises on as the Midnight Moon Rises on black what are you talking about we await the light at the end in life and in death remember me I almost died about that castle tell me what is going on around here she's like where did I ask how can a man be almost dead [Music] it's so weird you know what I mean and I still haven't found Rose where did Mother Miranda take her you are too late too late oh man [Music] child will be sacrificed life for life okay medieval [ __ ] is this just a baby she's just a baby rests of the four Bloodlines may open the path you see ah will you please stop talking in riddles I just want to find my daughter yeah talk in Animal Crossing language what did the old lady mean when she said blink drink the urine of the innocent what did that mean who's urine I'm innocent gonna drink my own the winged key on WE trot beautiful mermaid I'm gonna figure this out I'ma kill everybody that's the only way I can actually be safe from this I don't need answers when I just kill everybody and you go hey yeah oh look at this VR man of the future baby you want in that's so cool you can't play video games like that before how else would you get indoors if you didn't have VR how else would you grab a handle and pull like that if you didn't have VR think about it think I think it's the ceremony site even oh you can't read you lost your baby and forgot her to read at the same time maybe he never knew I have been saying that factory that's where you fight Walter White I don't got a thing for this I need my baby oh look at your beautiful toes look at those nails oh we I never noticed before because I wasn't in the beautiful world of virtual reality I couldn't sing to these grippers oh glorious toenails of old you know people say somebody has like a coke nail on their pinky that's that but for your feet good God this game is good looking oh there's a guy up there watching me help oh in this game I don't get a bow and arrow though all I get are guns if you could just stay right OLED now stay there I'm new to this I have shaky hands I drank coffee ah that works an absolute treat sit down buckaroo this is my town and you done scared battled your last time come on kill him ah did I get him is he dead now oh hold on hold up nice This Is My Boomstick there's something so threatening about walking around with them like this like a two-handed weapon just being like what's up you want to go oh my God can I shoot two at the same time that was sick I should use my left arm for this no I absolutely should not that was a waste of ammo but I proved a point and it was cool here's my there I feel like oh little boys oh nice painting very nice work how old is this 17th century yeah you Americans wouldn't know anything about it your country is so young still this is actual old architecture anytime I tell people about Sean's bar in Ireland from the year 900 they're like oh that's old the country wasn't even born then and Irish people were already drinking who's in who's in a guy who wants some he go get some that's what's up man why voice why you got a crack at like the coolest of moments why can't I just be cool for once like that's what's up no it has to be that's what's up stupid baby voice all right I can't use this here so I can't use anything okay do I use bet this key would work oh God I just got a bunch of Sparks on my eyes my redness mother Mary Save Me I'll figure it out I'll be back huh oh Jesus don't cut scene me like that it's scary look at all those [ __ ] Birds why did you even cutscene me why not just let me walk through you're weird that's why I'm gonna put my baby in oh why am I looking at this like this whoa whoa hold on what why am I looking at there we go Jesus okay I'm I can't I can't my eyes what what was that Duke what was that you would tell me if I was going crazy right ah yes yes thank you he's so cute do you have enough Firepower I can now offer an expanded weapon modification service oh that sounds uh delightful apologies but I don't extend credit oh yeah how about this huh he didn't say it normally says the lady demetresque yes what happened to you used to be cool these hands are more dexterous than one might think don't say that don't tell me about your Dexter's hands when your belly button is showing or what I assume is your belly button you even have a belly button all right back into the village so strong with a single flick of my wrist I could kill you all better be careful better be careful who's talking you talking [ __ ] I heard you talking [ __ ] somebody talking [ __ ] over here that's what I thought these fingers don't lie all right I forget where I'm supposed to go next I'll explore around can't hurt right oh it hurts it hurts what was that oh A Little Goat Boy who's out here are you pooping if you're pooping say something I'm coming in okay no poopers that's good I don't wanna I wanna kill somebody when they're on the toilet it just seems cruel pooper oh that was close he could have pooped all over me poop inspector sir uh he finished his pooping days a long time ago um where am I going so many directions I'm lost I'm like a little child somebody definitely pooped in here look at this look at this spray pattern it's actually kind of impressive that you can get this much force out of one anus good for you uh this one look out the window but I don't want to You're Gonna scare me oh 70408 I it happened anyway I don't speak like him idiots oh is it 070408 let me just get down here how do I oh I just do this well that's less cool yes and an M1911 how do I change guns that's a very good question me I'm glad you asked me like that oh look at that still seven still seven this is such a cool handgun ever since I played Metal Gear Solid 3 I've been obsessed with this thing obsessed I can do air quotes properly oh the benefits of only having two fingers oh people want to go people want that's not the right thing oh it's so boring killing you guys you realize how many people would be upset if you kill jacksepticeye at least four wait where you go where you go where you go that is not what I thought I picked up I thought I picked up you but hey that does the job whatever puts dudes in ground that's all I care about and then and then you go over here and you you tea bag on them a little bit oh yeah oh yeah it's always a good exercise gets my squats in for the day hey hoopers ah no Hoarders you gotta clean up your stuff if you're starting to hide stuff in the Outhouse then it's probably time to throw away some things this is not spark Joy now these baby birds they inspired Joy luck from the other side you know who you're talking to raise the tractor oh I'm doing that yes very good me oh God oh God don't do that there's a guy under here I'm fixing that the thing at the back that spins I used to know the name of it the thing that spins when you put the Machinery on it you know all you Farmers out there sound off in the comments it's a peak I'm sorry Susie but there can be only one Pig in this town and it's your mama Yoo-hoo anything to rob in here oh I don't have a lock pick hey this is where it was before lovely Abode love what you've done with the place really brings the room together you know what I'm saying I don't know what I'm looking for by the way I am totally lost um yeah yeah I don't know what that means it's hard to see stuff in when you're playing in VR like there's little white circles on items but sometimes it's like right outside your field of view this is as far as I can see and I don't know if it's the same as when you're watching it yeah yeah hold on ow let go of me hasn't that iron been through enough oh God oh those are two very slick shots nope let me put my map in Isn't that cool though if you don't expend all the rounds then you just eject the mag and put a new one in because there's already One in the Chamber it's only if you spend every single bullet then you have to do that thing I've never shot a handgun in my life but video games have taught me so much hold on right there right in your Noggin right in your Noggin that's not your Noggin but oh oh oh yeah oh The Thrill of the hunt it's exhilarating makes me feel alive let me smell your fear she bag oh oh oh hold up hold up why can't I open my jacket hello I have a gift whoa okay okay okay I don't actually want anything to do with you this takes a lot of bullets to take you down are you not dead yet wave anything okay that'll do it and I'll do it nice huh that was uh eventful to say the least I'm not gonna say I soiled myself but I am going to imply it like due to a missing homeowner hey it's me the homeowner I'm back yeah this is my house thank you for taking care of it while I've been away I've been on holidays in the Caribbean for so many years what does this say to whom it may concern uh not me then okay I need a I need a violin key to get in there can't get in there yet I'm not musically talented enough any poopers no Poopers one of these days there's gonna be a pooper and he's going to get the business end of a pump action shotgun can you stay open please please thank you I hear a goat there you are kill the goat okay nice nice moving quickly along I was gonna say oh Jesus Christ I was gonna say swiftly along again and but they didn't want to use the same joke twice ah that doesn't work a wheel that'll do me that works happy with that okay up we go up up nice I'm a roof boy now are you proud of me Mom you said I'd never make it as a roof boy and here I am Roofing it up I'm going to give everyone work and everyone gifts I'm going to call them roofies and they're all going to be happy this chicken doesn't believe in my business my God I'm trying to I'm trying to oh I shot him nice I'm trying to shoot things without like aiming down the iron sights because like I know how to shoot a gun but it's just not that fun to do it and it's blurry in VR I want to be able to be cool and just be like blah blah blah blah and then have it look really awesome like a movie Duke's gonna be so happy I found so much food any poopers you're lucky there's no pooper in here because my handgun fingers were tickling someone's in here I can hear them do you think I can sneak up on them nope can't sneak up on them take his Lego oh wow that's a lot of Firepower that's a spicy little meat bullet oh we're making dough balls freak yeah I want some I hear goat where a goat I hear goat y'all got any food starving I haven't eaten since my fingers got blown off now I get the note to be like just put them in a single piece there are more parts to make it whole and this one says something which I cannot read oh did you die did the guy kill you and then he was eating you is that what happened hello is that what happened he's so sleepy where's the treasure Tully finish up my wooden animal head I know what to do with that watch me do I don't know where it is ah yeah come by cut examine come come find combine there it is nice that was a little harder than I expected but I did it okay Duke I have stuff to sell I forgot to pick this up when I was here I ran away and uh picked up the note and didn't pick up the thing that actually goes with the key okay how do I oh oh I see what I was supposed to do combined with the winky hey I did it everybody better see the Duke again better see the Duke again I have no idea where this goat is right around the site hold on oh that's just that I hear it but I don't see it's going to drive me nuts until I get rid of it I hear it right in front of me is it in there hold on oh hold on I need a flashlight ah my ears can breathe again if truly wish to save your daughter you must first gather the four flasks huh I'll do you a personal favor I've marked the Lord's locations on your map some Treasures still look in this thank you I'm sure each one will prove of great use to you I'm doing all this I it's all part of our first class customer service please do come again soon you come Duke again I can see those toes I can see those toes in HD baby cotton 4K look at those stinkers those puppies all right dookie pookie I'm gonna have to love you and leave you I have a terrifying house to explore well first the woods ah Jesus God it's all my eyes what happened to you funny fella did you stay out in the cold too long is what happens when you don't eat your vegetables oh God oh this is actually oh it was quick didn't get that one though do you have an item or did I just waste that this is much much creepier than it was previously oh dear lord guys I kind of hate it is it okay to hate it because I kind of hate it I don't want to be here do I have to be here should I should do I have to do this oh don't be too high up please don't be too high up please ah no this is that's not the right one this is actually scary I can't really see the bottom but I know it's there oh my God it's all shaking just Sprint ah get out of here I want to mess with that for too long what Mia come with me there's something I have to tell you Mia what's going on so I just get flashbanged Mia wouldn't mind getting flashed by my wife sorry my baby was around to hear that she wouldn't be proud of her dad or she'd be really proud of her dad you have to fix her she's different because she's not real and neither are you how can I fix what's not real everyone leaves me I didn't leave you you got murdered in front of me what kind of crazy standard is this oh I'm not allowed to move on look for my child out in the wilderness and miss the three fingers two fingers can't count I can't count because I'm missing the fingers well it's official I hate this hello little dolly how are you are you gonna be a nightmare that comes to life to try and kill me probably not right ah benefiento freed from the binds of Flesh she now walks the valley of death that is a terrible sentence to read about somebody but I'll just leave you to your Mass grave losing it they're probably losing a decent I don't know if we really had it to begin with kind of need to have it to lose it family photo and you go yeah if you could mail that to my dead wife that'd be great can I have my picture back are you gonna are you gonna send it to my wife or no alrighty then bye hey this elevator's got a ceiling titty come with me Ethan no I come alone now my wife is dead at least I still got this hand oh yeah big reveal big reveal whoa so cool my God that waterfall is big I didn't notice that the first I mean it doesn't really stand out when you played normally but here it looks gigantic like that is a huge volume of water oh this is gonna suck oh it looks really cool though hey look this isn't gonna make sense because you're watching it instead of playing it but it looks real like not that the graphics look real they're they're pretty damn good but it just when you can see like the proportions of everything and everything is laid out you can see the depth of it and you know how far back and how far forward some parts are how tall it is it feels like a real house it feels like a place I can I can actually go to now it feels tangible that's the best way of describing it and you don't get that unless you're in VR I'm so impressed with this game I can't believe how well it functions the nightmare begins Let Me In oh yeah okay I can't remember any of the puzzle solutions any of this so bear with me and I'm missing fingers this is honestly something that I did not realize about the game until I've been playing in VR when you can like put the hand up in front of you so often I I just assumed that he put his fingers back on at some point I think what is that it's wall everybody be on the lookout for a Woolen child okay there's nothing but a bunch of apples in there there she is oh that was a close one guys no more fighting for me I'm done it's dolls everywhere wait happens if I go this way the house is not that scary now it's more later than it gets terrifying okay so I can't go that way I mean where are you come out child I'm not afraid to shoot you I'll do it if I have to there's something so cool about VR it's just so dope have I talked about this before it's just so cool to be able to like have the thing right there in front of you and like the little thing with the finger Trigger Discipline Oh I thought that was a person I was about to freak out just a moderate amount though not a lot uh yes weed tell me where's your master I'll do it hello anybody here I need giant babies around cool nothing glad I opened that cool nothing glad I went there punch the button punch that like button interface like a boss and Hi-Fi is all around well High threes all around I guess you want to make it high twos all right let's get into the miserable situation hi oh my God oh no that is terrible give me a much better than Rose please won't you stay with me forever I'm good honestly what wait oh my God man where's all my stuff let's let my flashlight though I could beat someone's head in with this easy oh man the lighting is so nice do I have my knife no I don't have anything all right oh man I just thought about it could you imagine Mortuary assistant in VR like this oh my God I hope that that's something that happens I also wish I could use the psvr on my PC because it's really good okay that's that what's that come in breaker breaker one nine over and out what what do I do oh I might am I supposed to like whoa whoa why am I supposed to like take this I can't remember hello State what's going on Eddie oh man all I can think about now is Mortuary assistant hello oh my God it's really freaky to look towards a window like that I really hope that horror games in VR take off like this because there's no other experience playing a horror game like there is like this what do I do okay I'll just leave the water on I'm wasting water though now can I hide in here you'll never find me oh my God could you imagine alien isolation like this there was a VR version of alien isolation I did do a video on it ages ago um but it wasn't like native VR support it was a little wonky all right other hand give me the ring give me the ring how does that help me oh okay I guess I have a blood covered ring can I bring that closer I want to see it closer whoa too close interesting oh maybe oh don't I wash it let's hold on I could do stuff with the legs as well okay for the windy box ah now we're making progress lads oh and then is that it sorry I don't mean to lay my hands all over your personage foreign it should have numbers on it I think I didn't get to see uh wedding ring was there something in it yeah oh five two nine eleven got it everything's the same in here are you behaving my beautiful creation maybe I can put the eyeball in you nope high five okay oh five two nine eleven and we're out just like that I'll see you losers later I'm getting out of here can I pick up anything else in here paint right ah I wanted to do some ironing in the house you know I've haven't I've been jonesing for some ironing oh it's so dark now [ __ ] oh God could you imagine PT like this hello oh yeah now I need the windy key it's fine there's no giant baby to kill us yet that comes later why is this oh I don't get to wind it play music box oh I shouldn't have done that yeah that's not right I I knew it wasn't right is that it that's right right [Music] hey a nice set of tweezers I'm coming for those eyebrows Lads I'm coming oh my God foreign there you go oh they're so tiny now okay I just noticed that I actually leaned in to listen that's crazy oh my God everything's making so much noise ah Mia okay this is way scarier than I was expecting it to be I put on a brave face but I don't feel very brave right now where do I put the film in was it this room back here what's that oh this sucks oh this very sucks uh best friend so that's the doll fairy tale wedding gift is for okay let's just do this Okay so best friend in the whole world is this with that uh wedding goes there I already forgot what the rest of this was she really likes this fairy tale so the book goes here um most important thing in the world to us is her proof of Ethan's everlasting love to me is that oh wait no that goes there is that right did I get that wrong best friend saw her toy she really likes this fairy tale the book The most important thing in the world to us her a wedding gift from Grandma at the music box and proof of Ethan's love to me this should be it and then we go down into the cellar into the hole to be here looking at all of this play out having so much fun I get it yep there you go now we're cooking oh I forgot the doors closing their own what's your tea leaves say do you see the Grim but that's a music or something this place is boring I need some jazz alkaloids of mountainous plants okay oh God all the dolls scissors scissors oh my sock oh this is so freaky I hate it so much that's far away from me can you wait hold on can I crouch and get closer there you go nice hello 9-1-1 I'm missing some fingers have you seen them well that's not what you want to hear is it that's what you want to hear hello Mia listen to me I didn't want to keep it from you yeah I didn't want to lose you again I didn't want to destroy this family Mia what are you talking about are you talking about the bike that I'm made out of mold huh it's so weird having control of your hands like this and then when you get into a cutscene you can't move them it feels really weird it's okay Mia I forgive you we can work through this everything's fine foreign Jesus Christ I keep thinking I know how this game plays out and it turns out I have no idea okay let me cut your bandages real quick I'm sorry I'm sorry I know this shirt is probably Chanel or something okay I'm just okay I won't have to fill you up then got it around I'm getting real uneasy now I don't like this okay what was the the different bits to getting into this I don't know wait is that it no oh God oh God oh my God that is terrifying wait it got darker holy [ __ ] I hate this oh my God oh my God this is [ __ ] terrifying my like legit survival instincts are kicking in my my buddy is feeling some kind of way right now that it does not want to it wants to get out of whatever scenario we're in oh my God I hate having to do this for real ew oh oh this sucks oh there it is baby [Music] okay I'm coming the [ __ ] out of here oh that so many like Shivers up my back oh no it's all dark in here oh cool oh so very cool oh it's baby time oh my God oh oh oh dude you're the worst oh my God you're so much worse in VR oh run away from that thing Jesus Christ is it this way I go disgusting oh I don't have the piece yet damn it how do I get that oh my God no brain head empty what do I do I can do this right uh yeah yes give me the piece yep yep okay okay we got this we can do this where's the baby oh no oh I do not want to get caught by this baby oh man okay we're fine we're fine let's let's look alive or else we're dead is it that when I get this I go back out and then I see the baby and then I have to hide and then I come back in and go into the bed right nice nice oh [ __ ] oh God I am not exaggerating when I say that I can't see anything like obviously the light should be working better and the game is Just designed to be really dark foreign yep uh-huh yep I'm sorry if this snapping by the way is really annoying to watch it just it eases motion sickness in VR games how much Jesus Christ that got me okay okay just hide just hide okay oh God oh my God I don't want to see it oh no the tiny little shoes oh my God that is awful ew wait do I go now or wait I wait right and then when I go out the baby's Garden I'm gonna wait I'm gonna trust my instincts or maybe I actually was supposed to go because the baby chases you oh God [Music] so gross touchy touchy it's weird sideways sport oh my God it makes me want to puke [Applause] oh and it left a trail gross never having kids shut up door you don't know what I've been through okay okay oh God all right I guess we're going the long way around huh sucks do I just get to the fuse box and do the thing is that all I have left to do I'm not taking out my flashlight to look around because I lose all mobility of my hands okay just go yeah yeah I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying oh [Music] watch it oh my God oh oh that's so gross that is so gross oh Jesus oh that was worse than I was expecting it to be oh now I just have to kill a child that's easy there she is so cool oh god oh no [Music] what okay okay oh I will I will I think you're over here in this one or not are you upstairs I'm coming to get you I'm coming against you where are you hiding there you are come here child ah punch her in the face you're on next yeah I knew I heard you come here you stand out like a sore thumb die child stab her yeah Smash Brothers it's good God that's bright and I can't block it with my hands nice it's over whoa give me your danky [Applause] I'll make things right look what a rose my sweet beautiful darling door's right there there you go nice so that's who's behind all this legs how do I get out thank you man what a section right that's like everybody came for Lady D to Resident Evil 8 and then host benevento was like the underdog that snuck in that was secretly the best part of the game and I think I've said it before but I'm glad that it doesn't overstay it's welcome it's just one section it's it's way different than the rest of the game but it's fun the CNN VR was really special I'm so glad I got to do that what a experience oh it's good to have my stuff back feels good to be a gangster again you know you're gonna wake up aren't you okay you take a lot more bullets than I thought how about a shotgun how many of those does it take oh more than one apparently okay okay you guys actually sucked way more than I expected but it's okay I came out on top I'm cool like that it's like every action movie ever it's like you guys ready to go Born Ready hey yeah yeah yeah yeah there's nothing more intimidating than someone pulling out their gun and going but hey you're dead and I'm not I came out on top so who's laughing now buddy you guys are everywhere come here I love that I came I can glitch the system I just stick the shotgun out through the wall oh yeah new shotgun baby not enough space odd dicks um okay [ __ ] there we go yes I did have enough space there's a new shotgun go though is that one that I have to replace because it doesn't fit on my uh sweet jacket is it in here somewhere shush you're dead you shouldn't be making any more noise maybe I have to like [Music] yeah I gotta do that oh little boy cool I gotta aim down sights in a shotgun because I just do this then everything dies I'm just cool like that you know money nice money more of you okay what about this [Laughter] see you can't do that normally it just can't just pick it up and stick it to someone's head oh [Applause] oh that's not going to get old dookie I'm back I found more of my child what are you doing with that doll it won't let me shoot let me shoot the doll Duke I'll shoot your toes fine you get to keep the toes [Music] does this look familiar to you a gift has arrived for you good sir well I can get a bayonet for the shotgun [Music] has that always been in the game whoa that's so cool that's definitely wasn't in the game before so I can just go bang oh that's so handy cool now I I don't really need you anymore this also makes it more usable than the other shotgun cabbage I can play you a little song I can get you an apple what do you want Duke I can get your toes ah so close you thought of that huh yeah big son of a [ __ ] where's that bird where's that bird [Applause] I got the bird yeah yeah yes how does it feel s to be killed by something stronger than Metal Gear and I can keep you at distance let me let me just Sprint away real quick this actually works much better yeah I call this one uh the helicopter what did I get from that bird juicy game oh we're talking juicy oh no this is open code okay I'm missing a piece I can also go to violin house now I forget where that is was it this one yeah yeah nice cool what do we have good zoom money I like money money make me happy that make my pee pee do a big peepee happy birthday well too bad it was your birthday but I'm robbing the place oh yeah so many Goods I don't know the code to that oh oh wait it is 270917 oh I I think oh that's a custom part for a garden baby uh yes a rightful high capacity thing yeah baby let's see it let's see look at that high capacity 11 rounds in this bad boy the Pioneers used to shoot for Miles with these things ah back down into the town this is where you started off oh God stop get off me get off me get up oh God my gonads Jesus what do we do I guess I don't do anything I run I hide I scared [ __ ] them up [ __ ] him up we going cowards phases okay I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared can I run whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa God oh man did I die come on that was nonsense you saw him like leap out over me ah let me get him this time did I what am I doing I tried to reload it like a shotgun but I really miss that oh there it is whoa I did not know you could do that oh God I'm missing all over the place whoa oh my gosh oh yeah I got that big skeleton where are you keeping that Ethan oh yeah oh yeah how does that feel this stuff is so gross up close okay it's all undulating and gurgling and stuff oh yeah now I can go in here yeah break my arm to get in why don't they [Music] don't think I have enough for all of my children equally and I was gonna sell this shotgun but now I have this beautiful stabber on it freaking yeah we have room we have room oh we have room baby yeah we do yeah we do should probably heal huh maybe I don't really like healing though I only like killing things look at that beauty oh that's cool immediately oh it's so pretty look at the detail work on it that's so cool look at that look at oh you could actually see it inside look at the detail work on it this is how you defend yourself when you're in a fight but I feel like it's kind of useless in the game I feel like all I want to do is go like this I'm not going to stand around long enough to block like that I didn't even do it in the main game when it was easier to do I'm not gonna start no come and Siamese substance looks breakable though can I wasted bullets on you then you have the world's deadliest weapon in my hands no one would ever fight back against this it would kill everything I'm just like it's like I'm just gonna keep doing this and walking forward if you run into it that's your own problem Scout I'll just get rid of your uh your infection problem Charlie they don't call me septic eye just because I had a septic eye I also know how to get rid of septic stuff I I could literally play a whole game of that of just shooting pigs could I literally if I keep playing this and I get the Magnum and everything could I literally have a magnum in one hand a grenade launcher in the other hand and just start blasting bosses like this that's a bit crazy all right this is is his name Monroe this is his domain where he likes to dwell if you couldn't tell by how absolutely disgusting it is no no dude it's cool what you're into yeah this stuff oh I love Dean what you did with the interior design to make everything look like abscess is inside an anus yeah really really cool yeah trash bags everywhere awesome really dope hey let me just let me just scooch right in there we go oh yeah oh God it's little nightmares all over again tonight I can't hands let me just oh I'll just be taking this what are you doing with all this special child she's not hers elf what do you mean mother's special child watch her baby back don't screw with me her baby back ribs laugh at me but if I had you better than them no I can't what just a little longer dude I have a secret they're probably already laughing at you ah whatsoever you're stupid talk too much what I plugged away oh man so gross quite a donut man oh God damn it can I mess up the right thing whoops let me just I don't think I'd get rid of these ones oh but my mouth I never know anything I want it multiple points of contact nope nope got the little slimy layer over everything is so nasty I think I'm gonna actually get rid of all these spending a property aside before did I I'll just keep I just came swinging my shotgun around to see whatever reacts to it but my arm's getting tired though wait for that hard guys here isn't there isn't there a big wolf guy again and I don't have any pipelines left can I make any I don't even have the recipe to make honey so I can't I do have a grenade launcher though this is gonna be sweet this is gonna be sweet and an epic who wants what's the girl won't keep me huh there he is um nope that's fun you should die now though oh okay okay comes oh Lord that's a lot of you guys um I can do it not even worried about it not even worried about I'll [ __ ] you up oh I'll [ __ ] you up man eventually if I could hit anything I was just playing games cool ah fresh air out of that guy's stinkhole ah what a beautiful Lake covered in scum who's making noise I still have shotgun shells but I guess you know that now oh God it's a complete waste but I'm just tired of these goddamn steaks on this blank please oh this is not controlled well Drake I drained the lake at some point right heel wheel wheel whoa how come when it comes to the goats I can aim my God he's you well what up oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] gosh okay we're doing this now I guess falling falling Jesus Christ through the hands won I can't wait for him to hear him saying he said the exit's underwater man he's cool looking so big okay Reservoir again has operations I don't think I never actually did this properly I've always just pushed buttons until it worked okay I think that that's gonna do it for this episode of rezzy8 time is getting away from me and I actually don't have that much time left so I'm Gonna Leave This one here oh my oh baby that is so fun I am so happy with that game I can't believe how how much fun that is to play like compared to the regular version I don't want to go back to the regular version now I just want to play VR from now on but if you guys want to see more of it um I did kind of intend on just playing that far into the game because I wanted to see Lady D and I want to see the benefit house um so I was just going to end it there if that's all people want to see that's fine if people want to see the whole game I I'll do the whole game as well but you guys have to let me know by liking the video if we get like 200k likes or something on the video then obviously I'll do another part and if people really really really want it then I'll do it but um until then those are the two parts that I want to see in the game and I'm so happy with it I can't believe how well it plays the gun play the stress levels of it it's so much more intense than when I played it the first time and that was already really intense uh but yeah let me know what you guys think in the comments I will do more if you guys want me to if not then no biggie um I'll also try and look for some more VR games to do because I want to play more in the psvr but there's not that many PS VR games uh I really wish I could get it to work on my PC because it would be so much nicer to play every VR game with this uh that would be magical but who knows maybe somebody modded onto a PC we'll see but for now thank guys so much for watching and I'll see you the next one
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,004,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: N4bXnI7USgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 20sec (4520 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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