Can I 100% Little Nightmares 2 And Get A Refund?

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I tried getting every single achievement in little nightmares 2 and then asking Steam for a refund steam's very generous refund policy states that if you own a game for less than 14 days and have played it for less than two hours you can get your money back so I thought would it be possible to try and get all 35 achievements in little nightmares 2 and then get a refund from Steam there are 35 achievements in this game some of them are unmissable Story related ones some others require the player to complete some simple tasks like throwing a paper plane through a window or putting a piece of corn in the furnace and then there are the achievements that are collectible related which in this game are the hats and the glitching remains do note however that the achievement that requires the player to get all of the hats do not include the mocogen mask and the gnome hat which are DLC related there was not much room for error in this run at all if I forget one collectible miss a simple trophy or I'm just too slow overall the run is a failure would I'll be able to achieve this run or will this turn out to be a very expensive video with the intro out of the way let's get straight into the Run oh what I'll just stopped waffling you can play the game [Music] go go go go go go [Applause] my control's not working so I launched the game and the already tight run becomes even tighter because I forgot to enable the PS5 controller support via steam I had a difficult choice to make here refund the game create a new account and set it all up again with the minute basically given back to me or do I rise to the challenge and continue the Run I decided to continue the run because it would be more entertaining two minutes has already ran on the clock and I've only just gained control of mono I'm definitely not going to be reading as much chat on this run I'll tell you that much usually I'll try and read all the chat but this is gonna need my uh complete and undivided attention so there's some things that can happen that are just that instant rip in the next like three minutes or whatever if I get killed by a trap it's done it's over um if I if I don't do one of the Hat things like running through the goal of the Hat delivering the post burning the bear and shooting the chieftain at the end of this chapter I'd miss any of those things it's over if I miss a glitch it's over if I miss a hat it's over [Music] if I dime too many times in bad areas it's over if I get this Skip it's looking good this is where I'll collect the first of four glitches on this chapter I grabbed the glitch and then Ascend the broken bridge [Music] oh my God now I discovered the bear traps which can be set off by hitting them with items such as this big stick Jesus uh doji thanks for the two months I dropped through the log and go left to get the second glitching remain which I did miss a few times in my practice runs I then go through the Trap area being very cautious to not die [Music] foreign the first building without dying will give me the evasive prey achievement I then open up the fridge and that will give me the miscellaneous achievement what's in the box I then grab the first hat of the playthrough by heading south down the corridor and to the left which gives me the raccoon skin hat needed for another misc achievement later on I head down the stairs go to the right to grab the ax and Smash down the door to rescue our good body six who definitely doesn't betray me at the end and make me completely Furious I chase six up the stairs through the dining room and into the front room where we perform our first Cooperative action but you better not blink because otherwise You're Gonna Miss This skip yes huge huge the key has acquired much faster than usual by performing this pretty precise jump I'm not 100 sure how this works but it just does allowing me to skip the crank and save a good amount of time and trust me I'm gonna need every second out the front door and I restart from the checkpoint to teleport 6 next to me she is required to unlock the Outhouse which contains the third glitching remain of this chapter pushing the big box and jumping through the hole I encountered the hunter for the first time being silent I crouched across the room with six and open this little flat but that alerts the Hunter using the conveniently placed big wooden boxes to block the shotgun shells I eventually fall into a ditch I also reset checkpoint here again to make the hunter catch up faster but now is a good time to tell you about one of the major achievements in this game that I had to route in and that is holding six's hand for a total of six minutes the best places to work towards this achievement are parts that are mandatory wait times like right now waiting for this hunter or long walks that you can take six with you you do run slightly slower holding her hand however but in the long run it's better being slightly slower than standing completely still for six minutes after escaping the hunter crawling through the burrow and coming out the other end I hold up a bit of a broken bridge allowing six to jump across six can then catch me on the other side the second and last hat of this chapter is located in this cage which I need to climb on top of and jump four times after picking up the Hat I grabbed six's hand once again and encountered the Hunter same strategy to survive like before but the big wooden boxes between myself and the Hunter and he can't kill me it's just like a cheat code while hiding under the pier I caught six repeatedly until I get the 26 achievement and that is for calling 6 26 times walking through the muddy swamp water I stand away from this tree trunk so six doesn't push me into the firing range of the hunter then make haste while he's not looking [Music] after resetting the checkpoint I pushed the tree into the water and then hide from the shotgun blast eating the rock they get past the Hunter and all that's left now is to go into the Hunter's cabin and give him a taste of his own medicine making sure I wear the raccoon skin hat while killing the Hunter and that will give me the fair prey achievement yeah so I should be pushing pushing a bit of wood by now but it's all right it's really not that much slower it's like it's like 30 seconds 30 seconds I'll take that oh man the last part of the first chapter is basically a three minute cutscene that is a remake of the Titanic on a makeshift wrath well it makes its way across the water spare time is like it's like five minutes I've already lost a minute of that it's I don't know even five minutes is pushing it oh unless like unless I don't die and I get all the skips first time I won't like there's not five minutes to sperm what section you're most worried about uh couple of bits in the school uh the mannequins actually like Pale City the Final Chapter you know it's all it's all pretty easy upon Landing though I get one last glitching remain taking the total up to four glitches and two hats starting off chapter two the school I need six's assistance to help boost me through this window run I then need to kick the TV into the hole while holding onto this rope to ascend to the top of this room once I've reached the top I need to push another TV to get six up to the level above me where she can then help me across I get the first glitching remain of this chapter and then proceed to the next room which has the first TV section of the Run After exiting the TV I crossed the small Street moved the bin out of the way and enter the playground there is a glitching remain at the back of the playground and a well hidden hat inside this bin I need to equip this hat and run through the football goal to get the referee achievements entering the school and I get another miscellaneous achievement by running into the bedroom grabbing the paper airplane and eating The Ting out the window this gives me the fly free achievement locking down the picture of the most beautiful teacher in the world reveals a hole in the wall which I climb through and then break through the floorboards by jumping in synchronism with six running down the school hallway which I got in trouble a few times for during my years in high school I get captured by The Little Rascals but I can escape the locker quicker by spinning my left analog stick in a circle I then pick up the head bashing device and take great pleasure in using it against these bullies I open up this Locker to reveal one of the Hidden glitching remains and then it's time for the dreaded teachers key skip foreign [Music] [Music] very good all in all great success I get the bully of Bully's achievement by destroying some of the bullies with a shelf and then got the actual skip on the second attempt sometimes I could fail this 10 15 times in a row so thankfully it wasn't that bad this time running past the bully that I have to keep alive I can't actually smash this one because I need it for the achievement merciful feat and then I meet the teacher for the first time I jump across this Gap stop the sound of two bottles breaking allowing me to climb onto the roped bed sheets faster I can also jump across the gap on the top to save me from pushing down the board crawling through the vent I reached the library where I get to hatch number four of the Run located on top of these shelves running across the next set of shelves reveals the teacher and I need to keep running away from her and aren't quite a fast after resetting the checkpoint I pull the box to the middle of the room and jump on the handle entering the main hall upstairs and to the left to get another glitching remain and then to the right where it has the chest puzzle that needs to be solved getting Checkmate and pulling down the light that turns on will reveal a key hidden behind the shelves dropping off the top floor and unlocking the door I head down the stairs to the left to get the third glitching remain of this chapter and then push the trolley to the right to enter the cafeteria bonking four of the bullies with this lovely ladle going through the cafeteria watching all the bullies getting sturdy I reached the brain jar room which has a pretty nice skip I'll learn the brain skip guys because I need every second it's not good guys all right so you want to be it's quite precise this from what from my understanding this will work baby entering biology I jumped twice in this little corner to make the teacher go into the main biology room faster I follow her in and accidentally get grabbed but it doesn't matter because there is a checkpoint here anyway climbing on top of the tables starting off sneaky beaky like and then making a run for it at the end oh I missed I missed my inputs there so bad hiding under these seats so the teacher can't grab me the final push to save six I have to make my way through this mini Gauntlet destroying a few more bullies I'm doing the lean guys I'm doing the lean this is not good I'm panicking I'm gonna lose my job one more now [Music] rear [Music] that one's twerking on me man oh after saving six and going across the wooden plank I enter a room that has a piano which I left using the harness and drop it to break a hole into the floor before going down to the lower floor though I need to run up and down the piano playing it until I get the achievement mono Tunes when I drop down I reset the checkpoint to stop the bully from camping the vent grab the metal pipe and when six distracts the bully I pulverize it into the ground I can then pick up the key and head to the next area grab the wife grab the wife Susan it's piano Now isn't it we're on decent pace I think I think [Music] that was close I didn't practice this I'll just yellowed it after that six helps me up this shelf I kick down one of the boxes so she can climb up and help me open this vent and once through it will be time for the last encounter with the teacher [Music] she gets me here I tried a small skip here by jumping on the little ledge in the corner and trying to grab onto the bookshelf but I took too long and the teacher saw me in the corner of her eyes forcing me to retry because I would have died anyway I got it the second time though which isn't the end of the world oh okay that's not too bad it's not too bad my best time during practice 159 30. what's my best time this is this makes it entertaining though I could sweat this out for three weeks consistently get like sub 150 but then that would be boring 4507 if I finish this like at four around-ish 48 it's decent it's decent God this heat is making me itch so much right that's all the uh remnants or the glitches from the score I think it's a raincoat skip now yes easy all right I think we're good I think we're good we've kind of we've kind of saved a bit of that time that we lost in the beginning due to controller errors oh a few jumps and some Ronnie Coleman like strength to push over this plank of wood I can open up this vent with six and then enter the third chapter the hospital [Music] Susan I start by waiting for the wife so I can hold her hand a little bit more open the door to the hanging beds and climb to the top of the room where I then pick up a battery from the wall and bring it to the end of the hallway to open the elevator door being careful to not jump an extra time on the elevator I open the vent with six and then pick up the flashlight from the Next Room at the back of this room there is a glitching remain which I collect and then grabs six's hand until the next area I need to use the vending machine here to get a snack so that I can open the door switch but I also get the hunger achievement by using the vending machine you guessed it a total of six times the next area is the main lobby of the hospital which also has a TV sequence after that I head to the right on the lower floor use the X-ray machine and then hold six's hand in the machine for the ex-best friends achievement collecting the teddy bear hat on the top of the shelves and picking up the teddy bear that contains the key I head down the elevator where I need to burn the teddy while wearing this hat giving me the toys are for kids achievement with the key acquired I head to back up the elevator climb up the stairs and to the door on the right all while holding six's hand and getting closer to the handholding achievement [Music] once through the unlocked door there is another glitching remain located at the back of the room which I collect and run to the bottom of the room all while holding six's hand foreign [Music] I could kill the hand here but it takes too much time so I just grab the battery heat it through the glass on the bottom of the door and exit the room you might be wondering about the achievement where you go overkill on the Dead Hand you'll find out how I get that later my ear is itching so much right now bringing the battery to the main lobby using it on the door on the left and then getting 60 eats me over I encounter the mannequins for the first time the mannequins will try and attack mono if they get too close he will be captured but using the flashlight he can keep them in place [Music] after I get past the first wave of mannequins I go through a vent and pick up the legendary sheets which I use to get the objection achievement by throwing it in this hole there is also another glitching remain to collect in this room should get another achievement now [Music] after getting past the big wave of mannequins even after a few close calls I end up in the dark room I run to the top of the room move the box out of the way revealing event I crawled through it to reveal a glitching remain I collect that and then reset the checkpoint to bring me back to the dark room I grabbed the dropped soap from the floor and eat it at the switch waking up the mannequin on the chair I then run to the left to pull the light switch keeping the mannequin in its place [Music] after I pushed the wheelchair to the wall I jump through the Gap and into the hardest part of the hospital [Music] I'm in trouble here [Music] when all those fails use the French helicopter Kevin with that awful room out of the way I get the medicine ball achievement by throwing the ball at the arms of the mannequins then pull the lever on the wall and get the last battery he hit me on my head I bang my head okay so now I grab corn so I pick up this corn on the cob for the popcorn achievement that I'm about to get I dropped it off the ledge like usual but the Run almost went pear-shaped at this moment oh please I'm in the corners here the irrecoverable corn I thought that maybe the corn was lost behind the seat or something and the Run would be over but I managed to pick it up bring it to the furnace and burn it giving me the popcorn achievement finally going down the elevator I grabbed six's hand until I have to climb the bed sheets and then enter the double hand fight [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] that's it yep Frank's sake [Music] no I didn't know that could happen okay now I'm joking [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you you Grant you as you can see that did not go very smooth at all I took my rage out on the hand by Smashing it a few extra times on the ground to get the and stay dead achievement moving on I meet the doctor for the first time and I get past him by doing a series of jumps and resetting the checkpoint when I get them until I need to grab an item to open the door [Music] I grabbed the block crawl away from the doctor and throw it at the switch I reset the checkpoint to Diego the doctor from chasing me but I'll need to pick up the block and throw it at the switch again foreign [Music] by grabbing onto this ledge and instantly Letting Go moving to the left this will save me a couple of minutes I do this room almost like normal I open the door to reveal the Hat pick it up and then I have to trigger six to move to the correct location by jumping in and out of this wooden box I can then complete the room like normal get the key and unlock the door the next area is the morgue I have to wait for the doctor to get some water from the sink and turn around then I can slowly make my way to the left side of the room I then need to climb the ladder drop off the left side and pull the lever and this will cause the chieftain in the bed to start dying and the doctor will try and save him allowing me to climb to the top of the morgue and grab the battery all that's left to do now is to run away from the doctor lure him into the furnace and leave him be burning him would prevent me from getting the achievement first Do no harm on to the fourth chapter Now The Pale City and instantly grab sixes hand again until I get to the window I get the first glitching remain of this chapter by dropping down the sewer hatch and then resetting the checkpoint to bring me back to the top I then grabbed six's hand because I have a lot of running to do now working ever closer to the hand-holding achievement reaching the top of the building a viewer spawned gets attracted to a TV and then crashes into it I then climb even higher crawl through the window and reset the checkpoint to bring six back to me I then grab six's hand and continued the run until I need her assistance the next area is the suspended elevator which can be completed quite quickly a jump down activate the lever and jump to the right as the elevator is ascending allowing me to get a super jump climb up the planks of wood head to the left and open the drawer which contains the key to the elevator I open up the locked elevator activate the elevator again and then use six to pull this lever this will allow us to get to the top floor I then need to move this box out of the way to reveal another vent this vent leads to another glitching remain I then reset the checkpoint grab six's hand for just a little longer and I finally get the in the palm of your hand achievement getting this achievement now is great because I no longer need to slow myself down in the long running sections needing to hold six's hand I can just run at full speed saving a little bit of time into this hidden room where I get another glitching remained and climbed to the top of this building's roof where I need to work with six to get us both across this Gap using the pulley system once across we need to work together again to drop the emergency ladder and climb even higher through the window at the top and another reset later I need to push this door over with six is then trapped under some rubble and you don't actually have to save her but for the sake of consistency I decided to just pull her out of the rubble and open the door normally into a TV once again and this time I can get all the way to the door but as soon as I open the door I reset the checkpoint and run away from the Thin Man six gets captured and brought into the TV sorry follow her in climbing up to the top of these shelves and into the first TV I use the pulley system to bring the TV I've just came through across to the other building open up the door on the left and back through the TV once again this will teleport me across the building where I need to do some parkour once I finally get back inside the building I pick up the TV remote so I can control the TVs and enter the post office [Music] dropping down and going into a vent on the left I pick up Postman Pat's hat and reset checkpoint going through the vent on the right side this time I end up in a room where I need to move the cart to containing some parcels into the middle of this Gap and reset again the car actually stays in the same place after a checkpoint reset which is really nice and saves me a few seconds a jump across the Gap this time use the card to cross the other gap and use the zip line to get across the street I now get three achievements in a short space of time by going through the window I just came from moving to the next window along grabbing the glitching remain which gives me the achievements for all glitching remains in this chapter and then all glitching remains in the entire game and then smashing the statue to give me the unladylike achievement resetting the checkpoint I open the door on the right and this is the first part where I need to manipulate a viewer using the TVs I turn the TV on outside turn the TV off inside and then use the TV inside when the viewer is no longer blocking the TV climbing to the top of this building I make the viewer Fall by turning on the TV that's across the street turn off the TV that's on the building that I'm in and then he'll fall off yeah some more parkour and down a zip line I end up on the rooftop which is one of my favorite shots in the game I dropped down the hole jump through the window and push the TV off the ledge that will allow me to use the TV in the previous room to cross the gap in the Next Room I need to take the boards off the door lure the viewer into the water and move the lever to the right this will turn the viewer into fried beans the next area is another postage area and contains a miscellaneous achievement wearing The Postman Pat hat I open up this suitcase pick up the parcel and bring it to the opening on the left giving me the post-industrial achievements hello Amazon [Music] thank you bye then I need to move this little case to the elevator pull the lever so I can open up the elevator turn on the TV inside the elevator and then pull this lever inside the elevator taking the elevator upwards once it reaches the top I pull the lever again go through the TV inside the elevator and jump on top of the elevator allowing me to access the hidden floor I move another box out of the way Crawl Through the vent and into the electrified bathroom I jump on top of the toilet into the main room and turn off the TV running back to the toilet as fast as I can the viewer goes into the electrified water and is toast I can then move the stall across the room so that I can open the door the next area is somewhere that I was worrying about a lot the supermarket this area takes a long time to complete normally almost too long for this run in fact so I decided to do a little skip but it's very precise and difficult to pull off but first I need to get the Paddy cap from the top of the shelves the last hat we need to pick up [Music] I should get this oh my the skin of my teeth come on any gamers in chat 135 though first try to skip is amazing the next area is much easier just running away from a lot of viewers and reaching a TV running and jumping through the next area I reach another TV but this time six is inside I tried to save her but the Thin Man brings her back in the Thin Man then tries to chase me but using a conveniently dropped ax I am able to destroy the door I then crawl under the floorboards and then narrowly escape the Thin Man while making this jump then it's time for the train sequence oh God this is still close though just had a look at the time there now [Music] yeah I'm just a bit worried because sometimes you'll fully pull the lever and you'll still kill you that's all that's the hardest bits done but I'm looking at this time and I'm not filled with confidence I mean on paper I should be like have a couple of minutes to spare but I don't know man I feel I'm I'm still a bit worried I'll know I'll know more so basically the last on the last chapter I need to get I need to grab six's hand at 154 and then I'll do it but it doesn't leave me much time that's 13 minutes to beat this guy and then do the last chapter but I don't know I'm confused I've not done many runs of this but this is what makes it more fun home stretch trance this is the home stretch indeed stretchy like this man's legs [Music] [Music] thank you on to the final chapter the abyss with all of the Collectibles acquired it's pretty much just movement and memorization into level 86. [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is close guys I'm I'm not even [Music] I'm not even joking I have eight minutes to touch six's hand let's save them all I don't know oh no no no no no no no no no no this is not looking good this is not looking good cause I'm chunking so hard on the last chapter [Music] [Music] oh this is so close no or mate sitting watching this cut scene is going to be bad I'm not too worried about that death that was a very short one [Music] oh [Music] now if my calculations are correct I should be done I should be good but I might have miscalculated this completely oh look at this just take this end just takes so long also Frank U6 A10 says love the content keeper uh keep it up fingers crossed that you can still get it hopefully I should be all right but this is not ideal you guys are going to be shaking in your boots so the clock just keeps going down and down and down there's nothing you can do because it's all it's all auto scroller guys just don't look at the clock don't look at the clock don't look at the clock it's bad it's bad it's bad it's so bad this like this lasts for so long bearing in mind as well my timer might be a bit messed up because I had to restart in the beginning although I should have accounted for it it's not it sat on my hands now we have to wait [Music] oh this is so bad man it's so bad it's so bad it's so bad it makes so long stop looking at the clock guys it takes so long dude [Music] come on mate more passion more energy come on man I've depexed the clock this takes so long please please turn the clock back problem solved we need to move to another time zone we'll get another hour like he's got two more stages to go man and then that clock has to you have to zoom out you have to wait for the achievement to pop uh restart and then change the Hat shake the controller all right he's turning to Oppenheimer like another camera has to zoom out it takes so long so long I have become tall happening oh my God I told you guys not to look at the clock man I told you guys not to look at the clock in his clothes up help help God oh God oh God oh God I don't know what one I'm missing I've got all the achievements I'm gonna I need to reload I think I'm gonna reload there we go yeah I told you I had you guys told you told you I knew I knew it I knew I had them I never had it oh now that was close all 35 achievements obtained in one hour 57 minutes and 45 seconds I force quit the game slightly too early so I didn't get the all achievements achievement so I had to relaunch the game real quick adding a couple of seconds at a time this was even with the terrible start forgetting to turn my controller settings on myself and chat then had a bit of fun trying to come up with a reason for my refund and went with this but the real question is did steam give me my money back [Applause] of course they did a full refund which came to 24 pounds and 99 Pence this could have ended up being a very expensive video however since my best run up till this point was only a 1.59-45 and the only other run that I completed was over two hours but this game was very fun to do though I'll also be continuing to donate any refund money with an extra Top-Up from myself to charity this time around I wanted to donate the money to the cat's protection League I used to hate cats but after getting to experience living with cats and also seeing cats in my local area one of them is Jesse if you follow me on my Twitter I discovered that I love them a lot so why not give the money to a good cause I'll also be giving away a copy of little nightmares 2 in my Discord server like I recently done for amnesia the bunker that's it for today's video guys I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: uhTrance
Views: 186,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uhTrance, Little Nightmares, Little Nightmares 2, Little Nightmares Speedrun, Little Nightmares 2 Speedrun, Speedrun, World Record, Speedrun World Record, Speedrunning, Little Nightmares Speedrun World Record, Refund%, Refund, Refund Run, Steam Refund Run
Id: Sm1637BHxzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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