Resident Evil Village BUT All Enemies Are Invisible

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beating Resident Evil Village on the village of Shadow's difficulty on a brand new save is one of the hardest challenges that you can do in all of Resident Evil for me though I found this challenge a little bit too easy since I've speed around the game many many times so I decided to try something absolutely insane beating Resident Evil Village on the village of Shadow's difficulty on a brand new save but every single enemy is invisible even living things are invisible in this mod like crows animals and humans such as the Duke this was going to be one of my toughest challenges yet I was very out of practice for Resident Evil Village not speedrunning it since the game's release and the tool that allows me to see how much HP enemies have wasn't working at the time of recording due to an update from Capcom would I be able to complete this tough challenge or would I falter under the pressure well you can find out after a quick message from today's sponsor raid Shadow Legends if for some reason you haven't heard of raid Shadow Legends it is a free-to-play hero collector that I have been playing for the past six months and had an absolute blast in doing so my main motivation for playing raid is solving the puzzles that the game puts in front of me and that means mastering the Champions that I have and Theory crafting ways on how to beat all the content in the game this month might be raid's biggest month ever the former UFC women's bantamweight champion and current WWE Superstar Ronda Rousey has been added into the game she will be available as a free legendary champion for both old and new users all you need to do is log in for seven days between now and February 20th and that's it Raiders also prepared something special for all new players this Christmas get ready to celebrate the 12 days of rain once you have downloaded raid copy your player ID from the in-game menu and then go to enter your player ID and then set out on the fun festive Adventure that lasts 12 Days running from December 19th to January 10th existing raid players can also head to Twelve Days of where they can find a special holiday promo code that everyone can use for a small festive gift and if for some reason you haven't started playing raid yet click my link in the description or scan my QR code here on the screen and you'll get unique bonuses worth 30 we're talking a free epic Champion Aina 200 000 silver one energy refill One XP boost and one ancient Shard so you can summon another awesome Champion as soon as you get in the game all of these items will be waiting for you right here in your inbox it's a floating pot is that name so it's been a minute since I played this game actually so it's not looking good I'm quite worried we might be here till tomorrow that's not even cab it's five hours till tomorrow here so yep it's gonna be a while but at least I don't really have to like speed run it I can die as many times as I want that means no mummy milkers okay and there needs to be an exception where we can see Lady D in all her glory I'm a bit annoyed like the price of milk is skyrocketing right now and if we just had more lady D's price of milk would would go down right that's how it works are the dead crows going to appear I don't think anything appears no NPCs no enemies no goats God if they inventory enemies are invisible how will you see them that's the point I will not be seeing anything are we gonna find that car stole uh I don't know if that counts that's a good show I think the baby's gonna be invisible someone said Do The Invisible Baby skip yeah the doll only has four spawn points he's got the one in the one the first one I'm the first one is scripted right it's upstairs and then there's two and then two after making my way through the first part of the intro grabbing the knife and the healing item from the box I didn't come to the first enemy of the game although I remember how to dodge this guy pretty easily the next lichen however that was much more difficult this guy shouldn't be too bad I might so I can fight him based off sound [Music] oh wait I can see him breathing I missed that one oh okay maybe I can't see him breathing I'm better God this is going to be awful why did I decide to do this and all for this challenge was at this point I realized it was going to be a lot more difficult than I had anticipated [Music] he's got me here so the strategy that I am trying here is to bait an attack from the Lichen use the animation cooldown to my advantage by getting a couple of attacks in and then baiting another attack I'm doing all of this based off sound so it's much harder than usual [Music] foreign [Music] that wasn't too bad that was not too bad second try was not too bad at all I saved a decent amount of ammo but I did have to use the healing item we're gonna do a little bit of cheese yeah just a small amount of cheese guys so here I'm using a strategy that I found when the game released you can protect yourself from the lichens by getting this wooden blue door stuck in between Ethan and the enemies it works by having Ethan and the lichens both push on the door from both sides and this will stop the blue door from moving thankfully the other lichens in the area do not come behind Ethan and we can just wait here for about five minutes in order to get the autoscroller to finish now I think I'm good to leave now I need to run over the boot and I should be fine right hey it does yes once The Siege section is over I collect every item in the area and then check a little Easter egg that the mod developer put into the game where is it what was it doing here okay oh that's good that's a nice touch I can grab all this on the way back I opted to just run through the field now instead of grabbing any of the items because the enemies will not be here when I return to the church later and eat us but I can grab a lot of extra stuff that I wouldn't normally grab in a speed run just for the sake of it I don't think there's anything here till later right there is a lot of stuff for me to grab here bad cage box boom smash and oh there's stuff up here oh my God what's wrong with me I'm this grab this grab this where is it I swear there's something yeah and this I think that's everything from this area I'll reloads oh no one's visited you in a while oh I got both I had no idea mate that muscle memory kicked in big time that's pretty POG actually that is pretty bog I've got both of them again I thought there was I'm actually too good I will peruse indeed I will sell these I will buy lace this this and what is it this can I see the Duke I can see the Duke before I go oh I pay one more visit to the Duke so I can be well prepared for the Bella boss battle um I mean did you guys see that the floating wine oh shotgun shells we're gonna be conservative guys oh right do I remember how to do this not really you do get you do get better stream quality as well [Music] okay this boss fight is annoying enough when you can actually see Bella making her invisible well that was just horrifying I'm gonna go you stop the shotgun right all right let's try this is the firing rate I messed up on something I was firing the shotgun what seemed to be really slowly so I thought maybe I was supposed to buy the firing rate upgrade instead however that was just me being very stupid and playing very bad and also forgetting that I'm supposed to use the pipe bomb in this fight that does a lot of damage to Bella and also keeps the additional enemies out of the way [Music] all right well that was that was easy if only I used the pipe bomb in the beginning give me that give me that you just that might be too early no I'm just fine perfect do you guys like cheese I like cheese I love cheese I felt like I needed some more cheese so for the wine cellar I changed my frame rate to 30 and remembered how to run past the micas changing the game's fps to party as opposed to say 120 makes it much easier to squeeze past tight spaces well I'll grab this and I make it safe did it all tab no I changed refresh rate uh there's something here this [Music] oh I'm getting hit my right hand is unusable [Music] I will apologize for you for a singular sniff I'm dead I'm 100 dead oh easy easy thankfully I managed to get through lady D's basement first try it was very close at the end though I can't lie Ethan does actually get a free full heal here when he uses the first aid Med during the cutscene on to Daniela in the library this fight can be quite annoying and precise to do fast but if you're taking your time the fight is very easy you can also see her breath and some extra Frost since the room is so cold and give me a general idea on where she is foreign erected way too late on that one [Music] this is a lot harder even though I can kind of like know where she is because she's breathing she's still tough I've lost that I've wasted a lot of bullets here nice the Cassandra fight however was much more difficult I would say it's almost as hard as Bella even though I have more space Cassandra is much more aggressive and chases me constantly making it much harder to stay composed [Music] foreign this is gonna be rough this one really this is not looking too good this might be harder than Bella because Bella Bella's a small Arena you can just [Music] you can get around these things but this one definitely want to save the pipe bomb here from here though [Music] what did I am I stupid am I being stupid or did I just get scammed [Music] oh God well that was uh eventful it took a few tries but she went down eventually all this needed to do in the castle now is to grab the sniper rifle grab the final mask and prepare for the lady d boss fight which was my biggest fear of this entire run thank you oh where is she did she just go away [Music] oh he's puffing on us like oh me the plan now is to get these bad boys oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no come on open the door I think she's bugged oh oh I got away with it got away with it okay rage Joy sorrow you get us oh back in business now this this fight was why I wanted to do it on an easy difficulty because this this is going to be tough being as well prepared as can be it's time for the lady deep boss fight this is going to be really tough so here I tried to guess where Lady D might be flying and well haven't got a Scooby mate have not got a Scooby oh what I wouldn't let me shoot depending on the noise that lady d makes after she flies off I know what attack she is going to do if she flies from one side to another when reappearing she would do a drive-by attack if she does not make this noise and just fly straight up she will summon the bugs if she summons the bugs too late into the fight where both Towers have been destroyed there is no way for me to survive that and I'll have to try again is she doing the driveway I thought I'd try a little no scope oh I done it well kind of I should be all right I should I should be able to do this phase two is much simpler but ammo was really becoming an issue I knew it was going to be tight as to whether or not I had enough I almost got scanned there all right I detected that she was a trying to play games with me [Music] well that was uh oh God damn I'm so dead dude I I'm not gonna be able to kill Moreau it's just not it's just not happening is it it's not gonna happen guys and to my surprise it only took two tries to kill lady d what I thought was going to be the hardest boss fight in the entire game went down with ease the only problem is that I used literally every resource I had to kill her and I know that Moreau has a whopping 26 000 HP and takes ages to kill so I was worried I might have to start the run again I was going to have to collect every resource I could in order to defeat pero wait imagine being that skin on the game yeah oh God I'm so skinned I can't even shoot this off nothing else in here I think this contains something juicy no I'm gonna I don't know because I get loads I get loads right I've saved an extra one as well an ink ribbon okay I'll take seven shorty shells as long as I keep moving it's very difficult for the samkas to hit me that's why you see me run around in a circular looping-like motion uh well there's a lot of stuff that a lot of goodies in here actually uh I did get some handgun I'm actually uh this oh God [Music] now send to him I actually do need to go back I have to back it up boys might have something that's not from the other side yeah everything is invisible anything that's living is invisible is that an American skin oh America okay this is gonna be tough I might be dead here I think I'm fine now and now we YOLO not like that how long did you prep nothing not a single piece of prep okay so now I want to go back through here right and these should all be despawned okay I believe I've been lied to I believe I've been lied to oh big man thing is not looking good hey that's I'm probably dead unless they left grab the mouse group nice I thought they were despawned that's something I've wasted 10 handgun bullets though are we liking the invisible enemy mod it's horrendous it's it's hard man I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna get hard stuck on Moreau you should be gone now he absolutely has not gone I don't know if you're gonna find the doll it only spawns in a couple of places so you can just play off sound not much happens in the benavento house the baby was invisible and I did manage to do the baby skip while the baby was invisible easy clap and Angie was also invisible too luckily I knew all of the locations of the dolls and could hear her pretty well after defeating Donna I grabbed all of the resources in the area and then headed back towards Louise's house to grab all of the ammo there do you have any world record at the moment uh probably got one or two somewhere uh let's go up here oh God what difficulty this is the hardest difficulty in the game it's called I am deaf incarnate apparently is this even possible fine I don't know the next boss will be will be the designer if I can beat the next boss it'll be right okay the pig hit me the pig hit me if I can make it to Miranda then I'm pretty confident yes I just said if I make it to the end of the game I'll be confident uh I need to go this way uh this this has a lock picking it right uh get the other one from the other place as well [Music] excuse me mate what's in the my way another lock pick or chemical fluid I'll take that what the the rifle ammo [Music] I said there's something else in there something not quite right Mr Bond s keeping three and a half Grand under the sink I'm being so rounded they're everywhere now it's time for the double werewolf section the first part is relatively consistent the problem though is when making your way to the green goo there is a 50 50 chance of the wolf spawning right in the way of me when running in that direction and the wolves are extremely aggressive well that was rather unfortunate right here mine in the United which is not ideal I got away with it actually so the wolf did spawn in front of me but I was very lucky and with some precise movement it did not chase after me otherwise I would have probably died thankfully there are no enemies that need to be killed from here to Moreau so I can save a bunch of ammunition I just need a couple of handgun shots to get rid of the wooden beams watch moo mama I'm gonna go grab the handgun actually and then come back no I'm not and you plus no this is a new game on Village of Shadows I want this one I don't even want that to be honest I do want this this [Applause] and one of these and I want this this all of these all of these all 10 of these and that's all I can buy Ray they will increase my damage recall now it's time for the Muro fight which I knew was not going to be about raw execution and more about managing my resources and Rose Health in order to get the triple damage mines to work if you are unaware or not seeing any speed runs if you hit Monroe's weak spots with the mine it does 900 damage instead of the usual 300. the issue is trying to find out how to get more to climb onto the correct roof since only one of them is consistent foreign I spent the next 15 minutes testing what order I need to use my resources and came up with this strategy start off by using six grenade rounds followed by using all six of my pipe bombs [Music] foreign to the West Side roof shoot him a couple of times with the m19 and that is just enough damage to make Moreau go onto the roof eyes transforming this will give me enough time to you've absolutely apologies my language I then collect the landmines the scrap and the shotgun shells and then go back to the roof and I also wasn't supposed to shoot that explosive Barrel but oh well this does decent enough damage I think doing this okay I'm on 10 mine so I'll do nine I think I believe it's 9k damage I'll be doing here from here I shoot the handgun at Moreau while he is on top of the roof and then place my 10 land mines on the ground when Moreau comes down he will take 10 500 damage nine thousand from the 10 mines and 1500 from the explosive Barrel foreign now all I need to do is survive the rest of the fight by running around and taking pop shots whenever it's safe [Music] no in the Godzilla walk now it should keep sprinting [Music] ow oh come on ow that was easy oh yes mate I'm stacked on ammo as well that wasn't too bad you really it really just came down to solving solving the problem and that was making sure I could get the minds to work before heading to the stronghold I had to make a few stops one of them is the wolf Spain area where the Magnum is located and a lot of ammo that is very much needed another location is both up and down the stream using the boat it gives me a lot of ammunition and also the special fish which is needed to create the movement speed recipe the last is the butcher area this area has Treasures ammunition and some extra fish since I didn't have enough for the movement speed upgrade both parts of the stronghold took a few tries each I tried to brute force them to save on healing items and ammunition because I knew that the Urias fight was going to be horrible this is going to be really hard to do it like that to just brute force it the second the second bit's a lot easier it's been back here foreign wow time for another boss fight this time Urias and this is how my first attempt went oh yeah there's just too many enemies as you can see that did not go well at all the upside is that I could see roughly where his head was because of the cold breath the downsides to this fight is that his head is extremely small and if you're not shooting the boss in the head you might as well be throwing frozen peas at him the other downside is the additional enemies that spawn I knew I could stop the additional enemies from spawning by using a flash grenade but it was very hard to tell when he was summoning them later on into the fight no that was a scam he didn't make the roaring noise foreign foreign God that was hard I had to really concentrate for that one Jesus oh this is fun though I'm enjoy I was dreading this this is a very fun and unique challenge it did take a while but I did finally manage to beat Urias this was for sure the hardest boss fight of this challenge run so far I'm getting so lucky with this apparently I just run while waiting here for the horse mode to finish I ran outside of the room reached a certain point on the stairs and the robot with the jetpack Diego's meaning I only need to dodge the armored one in the room of the Furnace next up is the area of the machines that can hit you really the rage was starting to set in so I opted to use some shotgun ammo and a healing item that I didn't really have to spare God that was awful while waiting for the kog'mo to form wait in this corner and then crouched to the armored robot's right and he will always miss you I Almost Got Away for it if it wasn't for those meddling kids I'm so low on Heels this is gonna be very hard at the end very very hard at the end oh God I kind of forgot that you can't just squeeze past the enemies in this room so I ended up using one of my grenade rounds and for the area that has the propeller that needs to be disabled I shot all four of the red lights way before I reached the end so that the propeller will be completely off by the time I reach the ladder and it won't prevent me from climbing you'll come up here now they'll help me on the ladder this one the final part of the factory before both of the boss fights is to make Heisenberg's key using a combination of flash rounds and grenade rounds I managed to stun the enemies allowing me to make the key safely and Escape at the cost of using some of the most useful ammunition for this run onto the stone boss fight now which I thought was going to be extremely easy but here is where the Run actually started to fall apart are you at this point I realized that I forgot to pick up the Magnum ammo from the draw and going back for the ammo while not being able to see the enemies was just not an option the first attempt actually went very well shooting the weak spot with the Magnum many times and staying alive but then I got stuck in this corner and took a very silly hit oh okay I kept going but then I done something very stupid stood right in front of stern when he used the flamethrower attack just to see if it would kill me come on this is gonna be hard without the full capacity of the Magnum [Music] oh this is gonna be so hot foreign [Music] oh God this is awful this is awful this is awful this is awful this is awful this is awful this is all for this might be the worst one foreign [Music] because I can't see his propellers I can't tell which way he's facing really I probably need to reset this part for the uh for a flashbang for her brother it took me a good few tries to get stoned down in the end I opted to use my pipe bombs and grenade launcher as well as the wolf's pain to take him down may I see him oh God that was hard that was odd the next boss was Heisenberg he was pretty easy just kept using the cannon every time he got too close and trying to keep the machine gun on where the weak spots would be for the second phase if you didn't know you can just run up to Heisenberg with a shotgun and keep shooting he will be completely stand locked when he dies I quickly run around the arena to grab all of the resources that I could here onto the crisp section where I just tanked through all of the enemies and used a couple of healing items until I reached the part of the mega my seat once I've reached the mega my seat I just used the laser on it three times to destroy it and that also kills all of the enemies in the area well that went kinda smoothly let's see let's see it should be all right because I've got this thing it will take five now for the second to last boss fight in the game usually we can just spray the machine gun into the back of this boss but since I couldn't see where the weak spot was this wasn't really an option so I opted to just use the laser more times than usual and play it safe by blocking the boss's attacks and healing when needed what the hell is he [Music] there we go [Music] I have no idea what what I'm even at half the time now [Music] one more dude definitely do the trick [Music] [Music] I think he's dead no he is that isn't he yeah I was gonna say oh just Miranda now this is going surprisingly well I'm quite pleased with the second uriah's fight down order stood between me and finishing this insane challenge was the final boss Miranda and like I've stated a few times during this live stream I thought it was going to be a cakewalk and oh boy I could not have been more wrong foreign that was one of my first attempts unlike the rest of the bosses there was not really any way to tell where she is sometimes you could see the top of her Wing when an explosion goes off but that was still very hard to tell the sound wasn't very good either because of the way she floats around on the floor it was especially harder to use sound when she was flying because she would make no sound I kept trying ah and trying I'm so dead mate like and trying until eventually two hours had passed and I was not getting any closer it was getting very late I was starting to get angry and I was very very tired so I came back the next evening with a fresh head and came up with this strategy start off by shooting the sniper rifle without moving the camera and only moving forwards I was guaranteed at least two good shots I then kept firing the sniper rifle and hoped that I would get lucky with the shots which on this attempt I did because I had landed so many sniper rounds she was almost weak enough to go into the next phase so I shot a grenade round at the floor which somewhat exposed Miranda's body and kept shooting it with the sniper rifle while she was transforming I then ran around with the grenade launcher until she transformed into phase 3 where once again the body would be exposed and I could shoot it with the sniper rifle so the logic for the first two phases is to use the grenade launcher to get her into the next phase then while she is locked up in an animation I use my strongest weapon which would be the sniper rifle to deal as much damage as I can for the flying phase if I'm close enough to Miranda after she does the first of the three flight attacks she will actually return to the ground and do an attack there when she does this I use the handgun to get a general idea of where she is and then swap to the sniper rifle to do a lot of damage I then repeat this pattern until the mega Micey ball spawns and that will be when she says feel the dark God's Wrath oh foreign when the ball spawns just keep shooting it with the sniper rifle until it explodes the shoot top of the sniper rifle when she lands until the darkness face starts [Music] actually here yeah from here I just want to place down as many Minds as I can before she attacks which will do an insane amount of damage and kick Miranda out of the darkness phase okay then when she is spewing goo from the ball I place as many mines down again when she stops spewing I wait for her body's hitbox to activate and shoots over the sniper rifle they always struggle to hit these mines all that's left to do now is to survive while letting the minds do the work but that was easier said than done she doing the jump she doing a thing ow what am I doing flying which is dead she might be oh no never got left I've got five I'm just gonna block surely yes God this was hard there's me saying it was going to take an hour to get to the end of the game after the or before the Chris segment oh okay I know if I use the sniper rifle yes oh God that was uh that was horrendous that was absolutely horrendous yeah see that a little bit of the cape there so that that's kind of bugged so you can see it slightly uh yeah do me a while to figure out how to get this done I just have to work work it out I just had to work it out really like the maps of how much damage I need to do and saving the minds till later using this the uh sniper rifle in the beginning a bit more consistently I got really lucky on that run actually really lucky usually I get two guaranteed shots at the beginning and then I use the grenade launcher I know it worked out pretty well and that was how I beat Resident Evil Village on the hardest difficulty without being able to see a single enemy
Channel: uhTrance
Views: 178,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uhTrance, Resident Evil, Speedrun, Resident Evil Speedrun, Resident Evil Invisible Enemies, Resident Evil Invisible Enemy, Speedrun World Record, Resident Evil Speedrun World Record, Refund Speedrun, uhTrance Resident Evil, Resident Evil World Record, Resident Evil Village Invisible Enemies, Resident Evil Village Invisible Enemy, Resident Evil Village Mod
Id: Oq0NfhZuNGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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