Can I Beat An RE2 Remake Randomizer And Get A Refund?

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this was going to be the hardest challenge i have ever attempted i tried to beat resident evil 2 remake while every single item is randomized and then gets a refund from steam usually with these steam refund runs i like to put in a lot of practice and research so i know exactly how the run should play out but as you can imagine when every item is in a random position this is gonna become difficult keep in mind that every single attempt at a randomizer is completely different from a previous attempt so there is no way of me knowing where any of the items in the game are going to be apart from a couple of key items namely the spade key and the electronic part in the clock tower i do want to quickly mention the chess pieces though even in this randomizer it is possible for me to just pick up the chess pieces where they usually are and i didn't find that very fun so as an extra challenge i decided to find all six chess pieces that aren't in their usual location this means i would have to search basically every single item in the rpd and the sewers in order to find them today's video is brought to you by atlas vpn atlas vpn is currently running an amazing deal where you can get a three-year subscription for just 199 a month and a 30-day money-back guarantee i've been using atlas vpn while i've been in finland to catch up on one of my favorite british tv shows peaky blinders the bbc iplayer is only available in the uk so i use a vpn to change my location to the united kingdom and voila it just works another use case would be to protect yourself while gaming some games networking codes are not that good a recent example would be dead by daylight which saw players and streamers getting ddosed and doxxed using atlas vpn would protect you from such attacks atlas vpn is also compatible with all of the popular platforms which will allow you to protect all of your devices at the same time using my link in the description or the pinned comment you can take advantage of this incredibly cheap deal of 1.99 a month for three years and we should be good to go new game grill air hardcore yes just like every other claire a playthrough the run starts at the gas station escaping by grabbing the key and running past the horde of zombies in the streets once the rpd has been reached though things start to get a little bit spicy okay so usually in this room to the left there will be handgun ammo the last one it was a blue herb so hopefully it's not a blue herb or han ganamo it's something else it's a first aid spray okay so we're on a different seed now uh i've been practicing this past few days and every single time has been a different seed some of them have been extremely difficult like you have no ammo to kill the first boss it's really really tough uh sometimes it gets really easy like you'll get the minigun really early okay so here we go han ganamo which is really really helpful we have one healing item and a bit of ammo i couldn't really ask for much more at this point all right i should not really mess around with that okay see now i'm really wasting the ammo though my mouse okay so my mouse is broken i really should have bought a new one before i done this this that was a that was really awful so my mouse i actually used this mouse during village and then i bought a new one but i left it back in it back at home so i left i left that mouse back at home and i brought this the spare one i had instead but uh it was bad because sometimes i'll aim in and it will just keep aiming in and out and it's really really bad okay this is actually a green herb now what is in the box the tool yes getting the jack handle this early was actually extremely helpful i can avoid spawning in mr x by unlocking the storage room door from the other side and then re-enter the rpd that way after i defeat birkin one so the knife will be in this area somewhere uh to avoid a soft lock somewhere in the main hall so now pretty much from this point on there's just so many random stuff and the game could go anywhere all the practice i put into learning the route for this is just kind of useless although we did get a spare key and another green herb so i will combine these two together drop this off and this and this because i don't need it right now and we'll just keep going from here let's see what items they get give me here okay the red jewel a blue herb decent decent okay more hanging on ammo i will definitely take it okay so i have enough ammo to deal with these guys now okay and another herb that's really good so this guy usually goes down in okay i would say four shots but i missed unless i get a crit which is usually quite common for this guy guy for me yep there we go just as i was saying so this guy's on the floor i'm gonna use the knife i am on 60 fps so the knife will not be used that much unless i really really have no other weapons to use uh maybe a couple zombies in the rpd but you're not going to see me one-shotting any bosses any time soon okay he's dead because i got the achievement okay gun powder needle cartridges okay i'm gonna come back here once i have some more space uh i don't have any wooden boards which i do like to have at this point i do like to have some wooden boards at this point so i can avoid killing an extra enemy this one who's outside on the hallway on the window another verb a little bit more ammo okay uh i guess the hub can go i can make some handgun ammo okay that's good that is good that's progress machine gun ammo double machine gun ammo but the chances of me finding the machine gun are pretty low so having the tool early is really going to be helpful for not allowing mr x to chase us in the rpd but it does make the rpd a lot slower i really should use the knife on him here unless unless unless that happens okay this is where my game crashed the last time please don't crash okay thank god oh mrg mlg another knife decent i'm doing all right right now i'm doing all right 109 sorry 108 okay i wouldn't mind one wooden board here some ammo is really good and that not so much because i can't use it again it's going to be really hard for me to find that part yep so double ammo boom boom and i guess i'll get rid of that for now i can bring it with me to work in one if i need to grab this the grenade launcher let's go that's so good i've had the grenade launcher on like two runs that actually got me a little bit i'm not gonna lie i already got this i'm gonna go up grab the spade key and just come through the downstairs yeah that's what i'll do what did i do whether did i put the spade key in the box nope i didn't even pick it up apart from this mistake the run was going decently well i managed to get enough ammo to kill most of the rpd zombies and i also was lucky enough to find the grenade launcher which will be a huge help to me throughout this run but there was one important thing that i was missing or three for that matter and that was all of the medallions needed to progress further in the rpd however my luck was about to change but not the way you'd expect but uh never mind this is uh this is insane this is actually insane start i've never had a start like this before when they got on the rpd let's go i mean i might save the minigun until a bit later now typically i would start using it right now but i don't know about that anymore i mean i could go up and do the tall already like while i'm on this half of the map uh yeah just safe just just safe so i can't actually put the small gear in right now because the hitbox hasn't been detected you need to first kill burke in one and then the like the upper area unlocks properly um this is taking quite a while mooring ribbons i'm not going to say no to that we'll do here first blue herb bring the map just in case i i forget something first aid spray i'm going to kill this guy with a mini gun though [Music] goddamn that was awful okay there's actually an item here that i always forget which is this hangar ammo here okay probably won't use that in the run but so it's actually possible for me to get like some medallions over here so this is a place i do need to check before i before i progress hand grenade is needed if worse comes to worse i'll get rid of the the magnum ammo because i i'm probably not gonna find find that and i'm pretty much good for ammo right now because i have the minigun now you might think oh you have the minigun this is like a free run well no because if i use the minigun now what am i going to kill the last boss with so kind of a kind of a 50 50 situation is a few items in here green herb i'll just combine that for now i guess what is this a red herb i mean i'll just combine that for now i guess and there's an item here just for actually flame rounds which i'm not too bothered about okay there's four items here and one downstairs what's this one i've got a large secret hangar number i'm gonna do it and as you can see i can't actually go down here right now because this area technically is not accessible right now the red book i do need so this has to go what is this flame rounds i don't really need white powder well i just shot myself in the foot here a little bit um let's just keep going i don't it's not super needed and this is the last item down here at the back compound a lodge i believe that's everything here so now i need to go across the hall use the spade key and i'm guessing the bolt cutters will need to be there or the valve handle or something or all the medallions because well yeah it needs to be the bolt cutters pro probably the bowl cutters okay about 24 minutes like which is not ideal it's a bit slow but we move and our worst case scenario is i get the weapons locker key card and it forces me to go all the way back here and then get the ball cutters that would be quite tragic okay gunpowder there's gotta be something good here more gunpowder i mean i can make acid rounds now the valve handle i'm you know what i'm gonna bet i'm gonna bet that the bolt cutters on downstairs so i'm actually gonna just do this because having to run all the way back here takes so long so i need to go down through the bottom and through the bottom here and then we'll go upstairs we'll go this way use the valve handle usually i'd kill this guy with a mini gun this liquor but i have been running into a lot of ammo issues in my run so i'm gonna hold on to my ammo okay one of the medallions only key items i'm really gonna pick up here that's not a key item [Music] i think that's all three medallions now uh so i'm just gonna combine this pick this up and get rid of the knife and i'm gonna pick up the stock because i do i do like it it is good that is all of the medallions right or is it i'm not sure it is isn't it that's all three i'm pretty sure there's one more in the box yeah elliot was mega right g no i don't have them all okay so i guess the ball cutters have to be there or this okay this could turn out like a horrible horrible seed because if the bowl cutters aren't here and i get the medallion oh man i'm gonna have to come back to the rpd guaranteed so to progress i need either the bolt cutters or the medallion and the bulk cars are are actually in this usual spot there's an electronic part box which is needed in a flashbang which is always helpful okay i've only got enough room for two key items and one of them has to be the medallion i guarantee that's a key item i'm gonna need i don't need that and now this i need this has to go [Music] the fuse would be nice i never get the fuse here though you know i don't i don't want to take the damage there's one more item here which is the large gear which i do need and i can't discard anything else this is really bad i can discard the healing item actually but this is why i didn't discard it because i knew this something like this could easily happen all right i'm going to spot up over here spot above her i know there's one guy lurking around here he could be anywhere there's a couple items in there a knife and needle cartridges i'm not going to take any of those uh what was i needed it was this the large gear right at this point of the run i was 31 minutes in which did seem really long but at the same time i had gotten a lot done i had found all three medallions i found both the small and large gear and also stumbled across one of the electronic part boxes needed to acquire the parking garage keycard so it wasn't as bad as it seemed i'm probably going to use the minigun on birkin one just to speed the fight up because that's a really long fight that was literally all complete [ __ ] but we move uh so yeah i'm probably gonna need to come back to the rpg later with some more stuff but we're half an hour in we're about to kill birken one not ideal not ideal i tell you that much but it's okay i've got no hip pouches yet which is going to affect things actually just gonna pile into him that was a great fight guys well birkin one got turned into absolute beans just as expected i also got a few key items from the fight arena a spare key the heart key and the queen plug bringing my plug count to two out of six yes that's insane that's really good actually how many plugs have i got two so i need i need to get all six plugs that aren't in their usual position that's part of the challenge [Music] hey what i'm bored no you cannot uh you maybe you can get soft locked but most key items are in are in favorable positions or like normal positions like yeah okay so this guy actually comes out which is quite funny i'm glad i got to show this in the the run and the video but he can't actually grab you at least i don't think he can i'm not gonna try it because if i get soft locked here i'm gonna be uh i'm gonna be annoyed oh oh that's not good see this is what i was supposed to do but my mouse didn't right click in time so now he should go up on the wall yep so now both will be on the wall next to each other and i could just walk past a classic strategy i've used in many many runs okay i do want to check in here i have two spaces which isn't enough but check in here on board i have three wooden boards now right at the wrong time i don't need them anymore really all right 40 minutes in ideally i'd be with sherry in the next 10 minutes which i can actually do yeah i can actually do that because i have both the gears which is really good a hand grenade i will definitely take i still want to clear the rpd before i do sherry uh i will grab the stars badge there's four items here there's this oh okay well this has actually been a pretty good seat but it isn't it's far far from over i guess i'm going up top now i can i might as well just do the gears now and get the piece while i'm up here so this is what i mean about mr x like mr x was no is no longer a threat to us or he won't be a threat to us uh i'll go down here first actually so usually you would turn off the water or turn on the water put out the fire and mr x would is triggered by lifting up the helicopter and that's when he follows you across the rpd but because i've already unlocked the storage room i think it's called from the other side i can just enter the rpd that way and mr x never spawns okay hand grenades always good okay i'll do both the gears i've still got the hotkey door to to use i'm still looking for the detonators maybe i'd rather do that but do that before i before i go to the sewers okay so here we go back into the rpd no mister x happy days this actually this is one of the things that makes it easier but it's still a massive memory and routing routing challenge so now i use the large gear boom pick up the large gear drop the small gear nope that's an increment small gear and upstairs pick up the item hopefully it's not a two slot item i mean if it is i'll just discard the hangar ammo it's a grenade happy days large gear so this is another sticky item this should be the electronic part yep perfect uh stars badge i have i've unlocked that door and then i can go down do hiding places in the spare key and do this door as well i think that's it for diamond key yep three ingredients that's really good i guess maybe i could have used the trainer and just like auto saved i pressed an f1 or something i've submitted speed onto any category yes i mean used to speed run for world records all the time but it's too too long and too boring for me to do that now so i just like to do things like this which is much more fun okay so this guy respawns and then he dies i thought i heard some okay i forgot about this guy usually i don't come this way uh so i might as well do the hiding places in here i'm gonna save real quick i'm gonna bring the fuse with me as well because when i actually do go to do hiding places i'll save a bit of time i'll box these for now i won't need that until later when i enter the sewers and i've got the hotkey coming up as well now okay 48 minutes it's taking a while but i've got a lot done okay part number three okay so that's spare key now i'm doing heart key door grenade a grenade and part number four that's really good like i've already gone through half the minigun ammo and i've still got three bosses left to go so now something that should only take me like 10 seconds is now going to take me a lot longer because they have to go all the way around without the fuse then use the fuse but is mr x gonna be here no because yeah the fire's not out oh i missed an item i missed an item it's fine i can pick it up on the way back oh i didn't check the stars office actually needle cartridges just fine i can go check the star's office for hidden places because there's two items in there actually and then if i get nothing else i will just progress to sherry and that'll be that 52 minutes this is taking this is taking his time man so there should be two items please don't be anything i can use in the rpd okay okay so at the moment my main concern is i'm missing two plugs now it might i might have to go do the sewers it's unlikely but uh if i can do the sewers and not have to come back that would be fine but at the moment at the moment the time is not looking good at all it's it's really bad unless i get lucky with the plugs if i get lucky with the plugs i'll finish the run but if i have to go do the sewers and then and even worse come back here okay the item was down here actually now last time i forgot this this actually was a plug please be a plug please blue plug just hang on ammo okay i worried myself for nothing yeah i got the grenade launcher and the minigun so i'm pretty good for ammo i'm pretty good for health the time is bad though i'm missing out on some a lot of key items because i got way too much ammo so i'm about halfway through the game at this point my main worry right now is that at least one of the plugs are still in the rpd or in the sewers later on on a good seed i can get very lucky and collect all six plugs before the sewers which will save me a lot of time as i don't have to enter the sewers at all and just kill birkin too and make my way to the lab if i have to go back to the rpd after entering the sewers i am gonna lose a huge amount of time and i'm really hoping that i don't have to do that on this run otherwise the time is going to be very very close okay the one hour mark is not dreadful it's not dreadful but i'm gonna have to get very lucky with the plugs otherwise if there's a plug in the rpd still i'm i might actually be not in great shape not in great shape i'll tell you oh i don't have any healing items no [ __ ] this so first things first is a cheeky old savory okay [Music] and then boom boom there we go yeah this is where he spawns um and that's it like even if you go back to the rpd now like he he's not even there like it's just here my mouse stopped working my left click didn't work alright so again the mouse is not cooperating like there we go it just didn't we might have a bit of an issue guys the mouse is actually getting worse okay if i press it too hard doesn't work i've used g502s like many times they only break because i break them this one this one actually bought and it just it's no it's not been the same since i bought it 55 minutes if i don't have to do the sewers that's fine if i have to do the series i'm it's not ideal but if i go back to the rpd it's the runs pretty much dead so if i recall correctly i've got four plugs i need to find two more within like a few items this is gonna be quite annoying i mean as long as it is in the sewers i don't mind there's still a lot of items to come up now i don't think i can get a key item right now because this you can't come back here later on and the key arms aren't supposed to spawn here all right so there's items i'm looking for is the t-bar handle and any plugs prefer if i just get two plugs i don't even need the handle okay well i got the t-bar handle in case things go south okay so there's two checks upstairs there's like a flame round and the item in the locker then there's three four five six seven checks in the next room and i need to get two plugs to save enough time for me to finish this run i think no okay first things first before we do anything is i unlock this because i can get soft locked here the first time i pick up these plugs they will show as the actual plugs but if i drop them and pick them back up they will change to their randomized counterpart the battery please if i have to go back to the rpg this run is like actually so dead like how are you not dead this is kind of starting to stress me out now like i need to kill the next perkin within like 25 minutes and at the moment this does not look very possible i guess i'll go right there right first because there's how many items there's like three items in there okay there's loads of items here though i might get lucky and get both of the plugs here and then it's gg i don't really have much of a way of killing birkin too to be honest [Music] they're gonna make me go all the way back to the rpd man oh there goes the minigun it didn't last very long did it guys 114 keep empty minigun i need to i need to get rid of the minigun actually next time next uh ironbox like it ow there's one item here then i need to go back the way i came up to the start to the box grab the weapon locker key cards that's fine i've grabbed everything there this is the only thing i didn't grab actually and this could be not okay there's the item here or here rather hand grenade i'll take it it still could happen yeah that's very good this very could still happen still got like 20 odd minutes to get to to kill the next birken uh book book book one two three i've only got four still combined with this uh i don't need to start right now i will bring this with me i'll get rid of this this and i'll take the weapons locker key cards i think i'm fine if i don't have to do the other half of the series so i guess we'll do weapons like a key card first well this will be the rpd completely cleared out i just have to go use the uh statue key i mean maybe i wouldn't have had to come back here at all let's see it's not the worst for time it's just i'm gonna have to go back through the sewers again yeah oh please be plug yes so now let's go across the hall use the statue and i've also got the stars back so that's two more checks that i have before i have to actually go to the shitty part of the sewers like i really don't i really really don't want to do that because there's nothing i think that's the rpd is like fully fully explored i think i'll be fine i'm slow on ammo like i don't have a whole lot to be brutally honest come on plug [ __ ] sake okay star's badge here's all i have left and then i have to do other side of sewers one two three four five yes i'm missing one all right come on please please give me a plug uh i mean it could be this item here i really don't want to go in this water dude this is so so so bad okay that actually kind of helps me a little bit oh that's it we need to go in the water guys i could die here actually and then i'll think this through at all compass just just for me i mean just so hard for me to get over with yeah yeah yeah come on hurry up hurry up oh i [ __ ] it off fine plug please yes go go okay well my worst fears came true the last plug was literally in the last room that i could check in the entire game and this cost me so much time that i just couldn't afford to lose and this wasn't even my only problem i had no idea how i was going to kill the next boss okay all right so i've got 35 minutes to finish the game 34 minutes i'm not in good shape i'm not in good shape i don't have much to kill kill this boss hey it's horrendous i mean i'm in i'm in trouble i am in trouble reinforced frame uh mini gun is gone knives i want flash bangs i want more healing to be honest i don't need this this can go this can go more here with more here with more heals right here we go i haven't got a clue how i'm gonna do this to be honest i don't have the hp monitor on so i don't know how much damage i'm gonna be doing if any at all i'm just going to go running that time this is going to be so rough man [Music] i have no idea how much damage i've done to this guy i don't have the thing open that's a problem that's a real big problem i don't have time i think this runs over now please just do the raw please stand up and do the rule i think i'll be fine actually please don't insta run oh it's not enough damage still not enough damage well this is a big issue oh speed wait speed speed speed speed speed is all i have mega [ __ ] speed man only by the skin of my teeth did i manage to kill birkin without dying i've only got about 27 minutes left on the clock with the entire lab and two more bosses to go i was gonna need to pull out all the stops if i was going to manage to finish this run in under two hours now there is a lot of checks there is many many checks in the uh in the lab the only key like most of the key items are static apart from the signal modulator if i get that early that's going to save me some time which is handy but uh yeah we'll we'll see all right guys this is the final stretch 26 minutes to finish the game will i do it okay wristband a wooden board stop it okay come on give me the spark shot if i get the smg it's fine smg cool oh oh it's here i need the signal modulator that's what i'm missing okay electronic chip perfect what's this flame round i will definitely be taking another increment i mean i guess i'm not going to say no to that yeah well now now it's good because now i have i have something to kill burke and two with or back in three we're sorry because the machine gun just shreds through him so ideally i'd like to have the next perk in dead within 14 minutes which should be doable quite comfortably okay first things first pick up whatever right no this is an item okay what's this more increments okay i guess they're telling me to save i'm gonna save one more time go go go go go looking for the signal modulator early that's what we need okay this will be the uh whatever it's called the solution thing okay there's a couple of checks in here some really awkward items i'm not going to run across next i think that's sponsored extras i don't have a defense item we're on a pretty tight schedule here but uh i might be able to make it 21 minutes finish the game yeah i'm gonna get an s rank but not s plus i'm only saving for precaution if my game crashes you literally could not make this up as i was talking about saving just for precautions in case of a crash the game actually crashed the schedule for finishing this run was already extremely tight and now i'm gonna have to redo the past few minutes that i've already spent on the game like you just can't make that up okay the items are still in the same place okay if it crashes i'm spawning in with the trainer okay thank god i saved thank the lord that i saved yes my mouse is finished my mouse is actually like it's finito benito mate oh pog i'll take that this is looking like a 156 or something i don't know how i hit his weak spot but i will take it man my mouse is actually so finished like it's not even funny i might i might have to do the old switcheroo to my girlfriend's mouth real quick this is pretty bad no this is way too sensitive oh i think if i'd juice him up like quick time i'll be fine i need to be careful here because if i don't pick up the items here they will actually despawn i will take a first aid spray right i do want some healing items so boom boom uh flashbangs three uh i need machine gun ammo 200 grenade launcher acid rounds this should be enough for sure uh don't need this i will grab i'm gonna have a knife as well i have way too much healing items use this uh grab another knife go go go go go go go this is it [Music] [Music] [ __ ] it happened again [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] how are you not dead yet holy [ __ ] [Music] oh [Music] i don't have enough ammo to kill this last box i need to i need to walk around real quick come on is there anything here please okay go go go go bearing in mind i do have like an extra minute off this time because uh i had to load the game and whatnot after after after the crash [ __ ] walking run run run run sprint this go bad this is bad i don't have ammo i've lost the spark shot i don't have any machine gun ammo i mean this does something i guess but how many nades do i have is it eight eight might be enough i have eight eight might actually be enough oh i have nothing to get me by here and we have the nades whatever this is [Music] no not to get my dvd skills out juice juice and juice and juice them [Music] ah [Music] no [Music] no [Music] was so stupid why didn't i just take the hit [Music] [Music] all right guys this is it i might not have enough ammo but i'm gonna try my best that was not good [Music] how [Music] this is not good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes go go go go speed please dive faster please dive faster go go go go go go god die faster please please use the grenade launch i use everything burn baby copyright go go go yeah game's done games games go go go go go go go go yeah whatever way boy suck him up go go go go go yeah yeah there we go 10 saves s rank form of f4 job done oh oh that was close i never want to do this again oh what does it say 118 minutes because i had to spend a minute reloading but oh my god that was sick thankfully i won't need to do this run again because only an hour or two after this run steam actually gave me my money back so this was beating a resident evil 2 remake randomizer on the hardest difficulty and then getting my money back from steam
Channel: uhTrance
Views: 827,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uhTrance, Steam Refund Speedrun, uhTrance Speedrun, Speedrun, Speedrun World Record, Resident Evil Speedrun World Record, World Record, Speed Run, Refund%, Refund% Speedrun, Resident Evil 2 Speedrun, Resident Evil 2 Speedrun World Record, Resident Evil Randomiser, Resident Evil Randomizer, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 2 Remake Randomizer, Randomizer, Randomiser, Resident Evil 2 Refund%, uhTrance Refund, Refund Speedrun
Id: OR3tDepiyzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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