How I Beat Resident Evil 3 Without Taking Damage

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The Inferno difficulty of capcom's Resident Evil 3 remake is amongst the hardest of all Resident Evil games with super fast enemies an immense lack of resources and a final boss fight that will on-shot you with any of its attacks so I tried to complete a challenge that few had attempted and even fewer have completed I tried to beat Resident Evil 3 remake on The Inferno difficulty without taking any damage and without saving the game a single time so that means if I take any damage at any point of the run I would have to start from the very beginning pointing out the obvious however the poison damage that Jill takes when infected from the drain deumos is unavoidable and is allowed in the run as it's a scripted event to make it Crystal Clear whether or not I take damage I will be using the speedrun tool which shows how much HP I have Jill and Carlos both have 1,200 HP and if that drops even a single point less I would have to restart the run if you want to watch just the game gameplay or the unedited stream VOD head on over to my VOD channel the link will be in the description after launching the game on The Inferno difficulty I spawn in Jill's apartment and before we get to the meat of the run I need to reach the helicopter on the rooftop I trigger Nemesis to spawn escape the apartment and meet up with Brad I grab the G18 handgun run past this zombie in front of the door and meet up with Dario which was nowhere near as good as the original I grabbed the handgun bullet dodge the zombies that come out of the elevator and into the car go vroom vroom into Nemesis get saved by Carlos and reach the train this is where the run really starts step one extinguish the fire outside the garage reaching the subway I pick up both the lightning Hawk and the hit pouch and if you don't know these items spawn here on Nightmare and Inferno difficulty encountering the first zombie four shots to the head and it will fall down finishing it off with a couple more bullets into the alleyway way now to pick up the flash grenade and I bet most of you thought that I would be using the flash grenade here to get past all of these zombies well not around here partner I lure all of the zombies back to the starting area leaving usually only one or two left in the alleyway all right come on fellas come on come on what is he doing going over there I mean it's fine cuz I'll just dodge him and I'll Dodge this one I dodged the last Alleyway zombie pick up the handgun bullets from the cop car and use the explosive Barrel to destroy the three zombies that spawn after the cut scene Moon's Donuts is closed on the higher difficulty so we need to go up the stairs and to the right to progress heading to the rooftop first to pick up some Gunpowder entering the pharmacy storage room I open the safe using the code 937 to get the G18 Red Dot site and open up this drawer for more Gunpowder the next room has a very awkward zombie that I just kill using the mag Magnum to save a lot of Hassle and the same for the next two zombies I get a two for one with the Magnum but the tentacle head doesn't take the usual amount of damage so I have to finish it off with the handgun thank God that was a crit it took like 10% damage from that I killed the zombie outside the drugstore with a few handgun bullets and go inside picking up a highgrade gunpowder a fancy box and some more handgun bullets I can then head to the substation picking up the grenade from this body and then the all important fire hose I then head to Moon's Donuts to pick up some handgun ammo more gunpowder and kill the zombie that's blocking the door but I don't go through the door just yet there's many zombies walking around out there even though there is a generator I could use to stun them it's not 100% consistent So to avoid the risk I head back to the alleyway via the rooftop and put out the fire using the fire hose step two restore power to the subway the next big step is to restore the power to the subway but there's a couple of things that I need to do before I head to the substation so I grab the bolt cutters and start heading back to the main downtown area first stop is the cigarette store where my dad was last seen 20 years ago I open the store using the Bol Cutters and pick up the high-grade gunpowder next I go back to the rooftop through the storage room and to the side alley killing the zombie on the floor picking up a few items mainly a fancy box and a hand grenade before being ambushed by two tentacle zombies I take the first Zombie's leg out with the Magnum slowing it down I then wait for the two of them to group together use this barrel and kill two birds with one stone with all the important items collected in the downtown area I can head back to the garage and start making my way to the power plant onto the back alley now which has a couple of dogs I shoot the first dog to stop it in its tracks allowing the second dog to catch up and making it easier to stun both of them with the generator I then kill all four of the tentacle Zombies by shooting them three times in the back of the head and finally making it to the power station which has three zombies that need to be taken out I grabb the lockpick and open up the gate to the area filled with bugs and this cut scene is the only place I take damage it's a scripted event and cannot be avoided I cure the poison using the green herb and pray to the Resident Evil gods for a safe [Music] Passage the first bug can be dodged consistently and if I turn around and look at it after the Dodge it will always run away I can then safely activate the first generator and pick up the fancy box now this is where the area becomes the worst part of the game a bug can be hiding on every corner multiple of them even so I have to keep my eyes wide open and play this as safe as I [Music] can [Music] a [Music] no don't go to the right you oh we're gaming step three return to the subway after correcting the tracks before leaving the power station I put a couple of items in the item box and also pick up some Gunpowder and some handgun ammo from these lockers before heading back to substation road now it's time for multiple Nemesis encounters the first one I deal with safely by using two lightning hwk rounds to bring it to its knees a hand grenade for the two zombies I can then wait by the generator for Nemesis C to stand up stun him with the generator Dodge this zombie and use the lightning Hawk to force my way back into the garage back to the main down town now where I drop these two zombies with the handgun allowing me to have a little more room to breathe and then start running away from Nemesis I stair skate down the stairs giving me just enough distance to dodge his attacks and then get really close to this generator before shooting it stunning myself and Nemesis this does not do any damage to me so don't worry the challenge is still good through Moon's Donuts I go and Dodge the two zombies standing outside the subway office I equip a grenade just in casee the tent zombie is standing there in the hallway thankfully it wasn't and I was able to save the grenade for later into the control room where I select the correct train route and open up this locked box which contains some shotgun ammo and you might have been wondering why I haven't picked up the shotgun yet or if I even will well if you didn't know once you've changed the subway track destination the enemies that were in the office will despawn allowing me to grab all of the goodies safely without any risk so I grab a grenade a high-grade gunpowder and the all important shotgun time to leave the subway office stunning these two zombies with the shotgun for safety and going back into Moon donuts for the last time not forgetting to grab the grenade from this Locker skipping the cut scene I allow Nemesis to walk towards me and delay my shot this allows the tentacle zombie that's also in the fight to get close enough to be stunned by the generator I grab the high-grade gunpowder and run back towards the alleyway making sure I look at the floor so Nemesis doesn't jump in front of me but when I approach the alleyway gate I look up forcing Nemesis to jump down in front of me and making it easier to Dodge I then look at Nemesis while going through the gate and this will prevent him from doing the tentacle grab attack from here I can easily Dodge the enemies in the alleyway without having Nemesis trouble me returning to the subway station I can organize my inventory use the three Jaws on the clock tower Monument puzzle and get a hang grenade the TAC iCal stock for the shotgun and a hit pouch before opening up another locked box containing some shotgun shells step four the sewers honestly the hardest part of the sewers is right [Music] here the rest of the sewers is pretty simple if you use a specific route firstly I enter the save room picking up shotgun and handgun ammo and then making sure I have enough space to pick up all of the key items but making sure I keep the Magnum heading into the waterways you'd think I'd go straight for the grenade launcher but I'm actually going to skip the grenade launcher in the sewers because it over complicates this area when it can be done very simply I kill these two zombies on the floor with the Magnum head to the left and Dodge the gam Hunter picking up the flame rounds on the way to the ladder [Music] entering the lab I pick up the battery pack a high-grade gunpowder and the items from these lockers which is an explosive a and a gunpowder before heading back to the waterways upon picking up the battery pack the hunters despawn allowing me safe passage to the tunnel on the left picking up some more shotgun shells the hunters start to respawn on my way back to the ladder but I can easily Dodge them oh God I place the battery pack on the door head up the stairs and I get jumped by a gamma Hunter I can just go to the left however open up this locked door and retrieve the battery pack I can safely wait here for the gamma to go back into the water before leaving this room I can also dictate where the gamma spawns it will always jump on the side that I am heading towards so I walk towards the side that I don't need to go and then run the other way I enter the security room using the battery pack and pick up another hit pouch as well as some more high-grade gunpowder and another explosive a before leaving the security room but I forgot the battery pack so back up the ladder I go Dodge the gamma Hunter once again retrieve the battery pack and like I said the sewers is that easy step five the Nemesis one boss fight you might not think it but this boss fight is almost as easy as the sewers almost reaching the top of the ladder I skipped the Nemesis cut scene dodged this zombie and enter the demolition site there is an explosive a in the storage room so I grab that and head up the stairs where there are more zombies awaiting oh that looks closer and closer every time I do it man I'm going to have to start shotgunning him that Dodge is honestly the only part of the demolition site that's scary a little bit of Parkour later I end up on the Upper Floor of the demolition site where I make sure I have all of the items for the upcoming boss fight which isn't very much at all I open up by using the Magnum to stun Nemesis throw a grenade to deal 30% of his HP and then finish off Phase 1 with a single handgun bullet phase two is just as simple I pick up the ammo located on the rooftop throw two grenades at his feet when he's finished standing up and one Magnum round to the chest will do the trick step six return to the subway again with the first boss fight out of the way I need to return to the subway once more the first obstacle is reaching the gun shop which is protected by a boatload of zombies I can shoot them all once though and lure them towards this big red Barrel taking most of them out with a single shot I finish off the two tentacle zombies with the handgun and this area is now completely safe I can then jump off the firet truck and head down to the RPG car park which has a box containing a high up gunpowder once I've picked it up I can go to the gun shop picking up the all important shotgun upgrade with the gate key acquired I use the item box to sort out my inventory and make sure I have the all important flashbang for the upcoming area entering the alley I stun this zombie with the shotgun allowing me to run into the house safely and stun the zombie inside the house with a handgun and kill it easily then I just need to go upstairs open up the lock box containing some grenade rounds before running away from Nemesis in the alleyway rocket launcher really I'm now that was close usually every enemy in the alleyway apart from the very last tentacle zombie will be stunned by the flashbang and that was true every enemy was stunned apart from the big giant Nemesis with a rocket launcher nine times out of 10 that would be GG game over back to the beginning but I somehow managed to scrape through the last part of the entire downtown is to dodge the giant Charlie doll head avoid nemesis's rocket launcher one more time and meet up with Carlos in the subway step seven the RPD with the downtown completed and the train crashed I take control of Carlos in the RPD another fairly easy segment as long as I implement the correct strategies I spawn in Brad and then turn around and go down the stairs to the guard room where I pick up Brad's ID card back up the stairs stun Brad with the assault rifle and run into the RPD I watched the cut scene with Tyrell and head to the reception where I use Brad's ID card for the first time to acquire the scope this attachment is vital for the assault rifle making it way more accurate heading through the hallways I stunned this zombie in the legs with the assault rifle and get stunned by the door but I can cancel out of it quickly by using Carlos's melee attack I grabbed the flashbang from the operations room and then head to the West Central passage where there is a bunch of enemies that need to be killed yeah anyone does want to join exclamation point [Music] Discord this with the West Central passage cleared I head to the the West office to grab a few pieces of ammunition and a hit pouch before heading to the photo development room to collect even more ammo I then head to the third floor killing two zombies along the way picking up the key to the Armory and opening up the DCM Locker for more assault rifle ammo and if you've not guessed it I am going to need every single bullet on Inferno difficulty heading back to the ground floor I walked to the Armory to avoid getting protected by the Liquors I can then safely open the door and open up all of the lockers using the codes 104 106 and 109 before picking up the battery I kill this zombie on the floor so it makes dodging Brad in this room much easier I can then pick up all of the items wait for Brad to enter the Armory and go past them on the right side I can then walk out of this room safely not triggering the Liquors once again I then head to the men's locker room use the code cap and pick up another flashbang before blowing up the wall I use the flash on all but one of the zombies punch the zombie that doesn't get stunned and run as fast as I can to the Stars office I can then pick up all of the ammo from the room and that is the end of Step seven step eight the Nemesis 2 boss fight I regain control of Jill after the train crash into the save room and make sure I have everything for the upcoming boss fight as well as finally picking up the grenade [Music] launcher come on [Music] I meant to save that or whatever step nine the hospital this is probably the largest hard segment after the second half of downtown but once I take it slow and steady it will be mostly okay I leave Jill in the safe room and encounter a liquor which again I can just walk past onto the emergency entrance that has five zombies I can take them out safely by standing in the doorway and taking shots at their head with the assault rifle the last zombie won't activate unless I get too close so I shoot it eight times in the head before it activates preventing it from activating at all onto the roof top where I kill another zombie that won't activate till later and then drop down into the courtyard picking up both the Tactical grip for the assault rifle and also the locker room key I can then head back up the stairs and into the staff room killing three more zombies before they activate and then grabbing the flash grenade and the key card from the locker room now this is where it starts to get spicy in the hospital the hunters begin to spawn the first Hunter however very easy if I just run past it looking up it can never hit me there is a second hunter in the hallway which I deagro by going into the save room picking up the ammunition and walking out just like the zombies in the emergency exit I can stand in the doorway and take shots at the hunter with the assault rifle till it eventually [Music] dies into the nurser station which contains a liquor but this one likes to stand right in the way of where I need to to go so this time I walk close enough to aggro the liquor and lure it out of the tight space I can then walk around it using the chairs in the middle of the room and unlock the safe using the code 93 and then leave the room using the key card onto the observation Corridor which has a pale head and that can easily be killed by spamming assault rifle into its head and then it's time for the worst part of the hospital and one of the hardest parts of the run the double Hunter room I opted for the strategy of throwing a grenade through the door when I first open it to reduce both of the hunters to 30% HP the one close to the door will then come through and I can finish it off of the assault rifle I then realized the second Hunter didn't take any damage from the grenade meaning killing it with the assault rifle would take way too much valuable ammunition so I opted for a different strategy now that was a close call with that Hunter but with the worst part of the hospital completed I can start making my way back to the lab heading into the operation room and picking up a bunch of ammunition using a flashbang to escape easily and then gaining access to the lab using the voice recording grab the ammo in the lab along with the vaccine sample and head back to Jill flashing the hunter that's chasing me last part of the hospital is The Siege section which is a lot harder on The Inferno difficulty on maximum Adaptive Difficulty compared to the other difficulties yes I panicked and I [ __ ] through early thank god it worked though step 10 the underground storage regaining control of Jill I grab the burst fire handgun which I definitely have left behind on a few speedruns before I sort out my inventory before walking past the liquor quietly unlocking the door on the way to the underground storage the walkway contains a pale head which I low to the door and then run around it using the pillar in the middle of the room I can then use the elevators to bring me to the office I use the item box in the office to make enough space for the upcoming items mainly the three fuses pick up the hip pouch and then drop into the main Warehouse I opt to kill the pale head early because it's a bit safer and it has a little bit better visibility with the lights on I can then cause the power cut by heading towards the lift up another elevator I go and I collect the first of the three fuses this is where I wanted to save the flame round for this gamma Hunter the flame round makes it super safe but a m grenade works just fine but go through the two stuns and Dodge the zombie before heading through the Gap and I then called the elevator down revealing a storage box which has one of the best upgrades in the game the shotgun shell holder allowing me to reload two shotgun shells at once instead of one back up the elevator and down into the containment area picking up the second fuse and dodging to the ladder skipping the dogs and the gamma Hunter Ambush entering the small storage room I need to use a couple of mine rounds and the shotgun to kill the fail head down the ladder I go to collect the last fuse and dodging the hunter that ambushes me I can then head back to where I need to use the fuse killing the three zombies that spawn with a couple of grenades reaching the top of the elevator I grab the extended barrel for the Magnum read The Unfinished activity log and rearrange the inventory Step 11 The Nest coming to the home stretch I enter the The Nest surprisingly this is another easyish section with only one tricky bit the room with the five Hunters right at the end of The Nest before that section though I go into the save room to get a high-grade gunpowder and some handgun ammo and then make my way up the stairs killing a zombie with the shotgun and a pale head with a single Magnum shot to the head I can then enter the experiment room picking up another high-grade gunpowder and the override key needed to exit this area I head back downstairs using the override key shoot the guy on the floor once with the shotgun preventing him from turning into a tentacle head and then heading up the stairs killing another pale head that's blocking the way there is a stationary pale head downstairs that can be sniped from complete safety up here and one more pale head that tries to chase me up the stairs but it's no match for my Magnum entering lab one I kill a zombie that's sleeping on the floor and then collect the antigen sample back downstairs I pick up another high-grade gunpowder and an explosive a before going into the Next Room killing the pale head with the Magnum before it turns into a tentacle head and then picking up the acid rounds from this locked box around the corner I go I pick up the first explosive B this late into the run which is needed to make acid rounds for the hunter fight into the surfer room and I need to restore the power to the incubation room by pushing this giant battery into the wall through the incubation room up the lift and to the walkway outside the second lab where I need to kill four more enemies two pale head and two tentacle head zombies once they all taken care of I pick up the adjuvent sample as well as all of the ammunition and most importantly the explosive be from the box with the vaccine sample complete I can make my way back to the experiment lab but before I do that there's one more obstacle in my way the hunters in the incubation room he I should have more than enough explosives anyway that's a bit of a PG trap but it works with the last of the enemies killed on the nest I can go back to the experiment room to create the vaccine step 12 Nemesis 3 making sure I have all of the ammo I need I take a deep breath and enter the Nemesis 3 fight watching you've got company he's hiding behind [Music] SP get that [Music] [ __ ] [Music] here comes some more I got this not what I to I'll take it doesn't help me by the way I'm just saying what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] nothing your left yeah [Music] final step Nemesis [Music] 4 [Music] nice felt that did you how about some more [Music] go ahead I'm going to put you right back on your ass [Music] power you think I don't know how to come on W key W key W key it's not over yet guys I can still miss the shot on Nikolai did I take damage no I didn't take any damage nice come on come on [Music] easy run to be fair easy run easy run easy run well the Run wasn't as easy as I was saying on stream I did fail a few runs and I'm going to show you a couple of the clips right now before I show you the final shot I'm CLE I think you know what I do this this isn't good wait what did I not take his leg off then all right off you absolute slag man off you piece of [ __ ] all right one more oh piss off that was a scam [ __ ] this a they [ __ ] blocked me bro this game so dog okay I do not I do not condone calling your wife an oath because that that's how you end the Run I'm soing dead [ __ ] off bro why don't I do this to myself man didn't even see her oh of course of course go ahead I'm going to put you right back on your ass this game dude love how friend gaming with a 10 gifted Subarus on the YouTube I need to make sure I don't it I've not practiced this guys I've not practiced this come on come on easy clap I told you I couldn't leave you in a car under an hour and a half I'll take that I'll take that Resident Evil 3 remake Inferno difficulty no save no damage about
Channel: uhTrance
Views: 277,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uhTrance, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 2 Remake Speedrun, RE2, RE2 Remake Speedrun, Speedrun, Speedrun World Record, RE2 Remake, RE2 Hardcore, RE2 S+, RE2 Remake Hardcore, RE2 Remake Challenge Run, No Damage, Resident Evil No Damage, Resident Evil 2 No Damage, Resident Evil 2 No Save No Damage
Id: tnbncf9n4h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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