Can I 100% RE3 Remake And Get a Refund?

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i tried getting every single achievement in resident evil 3 remake and then asking steam for a refund in case you didn't know steam's refund policy states that if you play a game for less than two hours you can get your money back so i wondered would steam give me back my money if i got every single achievement in the game so that's exactly what i tried in this video after a few days of research and planning i realized that the only way to be able to do this in under two hours would be to buy the dlc that allows me to play on the inferno difficulty straight away and in this single inferno playthrough i would need to get an s rank read every file open every lock destroy every charlie doll no use of the item box no more than one heal and acquire every single weapon in the game and i would need to achieve all of this in under two hours to get the speed runner achievement once i was happy with my preparation i launched the game on a new steam account changed my settings to fit my personal preference and started the new game on the inferno difficulty new game inferno all right boys we're gaming the first four files are located in jill's apartment so i collected all four escaped nemesis in the apartment block and powered my way through the start of the game when i arrive at the subway station after carlos saves me from nemesis i turn around and go up the stairs where i'll find the first charlie doll of this playthrough [Music] i will also get three more files in the subway as well as the magnum which will help me out immensely early on in the game and the first hip pouch which will give me the achievement get organized i ran outside of the subway where i encountered my first victim who died with just a handful of handgun rounds the same couldn't be said for the alleyway however which is home to five zombies instead of killing them with the magnum or using the flash grenade to get past them i opted to bait them to the subway shutter where i will only have to dodge a couple of the zombies [ __ ] uh that's this far away scares me i destroyed the barrel in the main junction to easily kill these three zombies making this area risk-free for now at least i then opened up the first of 20 locks of the run this one is the safe in the apartment block which contains the red dot sight and also allowed me to get the achievement gunsmith there was also a charlie doll hiding amongst the boxes on to the second half of downtown now where i killed a few zombies in the next area using a couple of magnum rounds and a few handgun rounds grabbed the fancy box from the pharmacy followed by the fire hose all right now we've got the fire hose we need to go grab a charlie doll and some items in the moons but then we're going to double back and go around just so we don't get hit it doesn't lose us that much time but at least this way is 100 consistent i must hit his arm once or something 100 percent under two hours sounds a bit much well stick around and watch because it always sounds a bit much until officer trance is on the case is there a way for me to change this does anyone know how to change like your hotkeys of your chat in big picture using the newly acquired bolt cutters i opened up the shop opposite charlies and crafted some magnum ammo to replenish two that i've used and to free up the all-important inventory space since i am not allowed to open up the item box this inventory is gonna get pretty cramped from time to time using the rooftop and the apartment blocks i safely make my way to the side alley which will contain a decent amount of ammo as well as that all-important fancy box i did get ambushed by a couple of parasites however but they went to heaven pretty quickly [ __ ] i was close might be a bit messed up here actually [Music] i'm all right okay so let's go drop off the boxes this guy's dead yeah a lot of thought went into this uh into the route for this so when we go to drop the two boxes off we're only gonna pick up the grenade and not the shotgun piece because if we pick up the shotgun piece we're not gonna have enough space to get everything that we need so i have to collect so many things listen there's ways and means around it [Music] right so i'm gonna do my first save shortly which is a backup for like the power plant area but i am i'm gonna want to quit the game progressing through the game now i enter the garage area which contains three files so i collected those killed the dogs using the generator and thought that this would be an ideal time to get the two for one deal achievement nice everything was going perfect just as i had hoped it seemed that all the practice and planning i put into this challenge was paying off until this happened what are you doing you're joking me oh my god okay now this is one of them oh you're joking me i done the torch and it didn't do the thing oh my god as you can see i was very annoyed at this thankfully this is before the only part of the run where i can heal as you need to kill the poison with a green herb so it didn't hurt that much so i made my first of five saves quit the game to fix a steam overlay issue and pressed on not letting this issue get me down too much when i loaded back in i read another couple of files and destroyed another charlie doll but this is when i had somewhat of a good idea could i in fury use a red herb because now here are heroes the only place you can heal you can't heal no apart from here because i'm i'm still on caution but this might take me a few attempts that i'm not really willing to do i didn't think too much of it right now though as i was focused on getting through this horrible area without taking any damage let's see how that went i'm [ __ ] stuck bro i can't see oh okay it's just the most scuffed attempt ever i mean this is not awful this is not all for as long as i can get through if i can get through here first attempt then nothing really changes that guy always scares me the guy that bit me what the [ __ ] is going on over there it's a [ __ ] orgy i'm just gonna die dying at the very last part of the power plant was pretty helpful but at the same time it was only a few minutes lost and i was expecting to die here at least once or twice wait does this count wait can i do this i then tried my idea from earlier to see if i could exploit the one recovery item achievement i mean it says one now finally i'd have done that earlier i would have just saved myself like five minutes so as it turns out i could actually combine both of the green herbs together to heal more of my health and it would only count as one healing item the second try was much more successful taking one hit but it was negated by the fact that i'd combined two herbs together giving me more help [Music] i don't know why they're being so awkward today they're not usually this bad okay this is perfectly fine perfectly fine okay wait a minute [Music] i'm missing a file aren't i i [ __ ] knew it i'm so glad i'm so glad i just thought of that i mean to be honest it's not really a big deal because i could have just reloaded the save and come back here and got it in like 30 seconds anyway i told you guys if i missed a file just tell me it's not a big deal all right now as long as i can get past this guy i'm in a good mood how about you i am severely anxious i thought he just ran through the [ __ ] electric hi okay okay now i can save here boom there we go now the run is far from over you guys know i'm usually much more thankful but uh at the moment my [ __ ] is in a lot of pain i will be keeping the rankings to a minimum thanks guys time to be i need to do this in under two hours of real time so we've just gone past the half an hour mark with the train route confirmed i can now run into the substation office where i will collect a file acquire the shotgun which is going to be a massive help to me unlock a locker and collect some very nice resources what the [ __ ] was that i shot him with a shotgun i see stuff like this that's just gonna cause me so much time dude like how i've never seen that before of course of course these two things would [ __ ] happen today like much spare time you're working with about 20 minutes i reckon about 20 minutes which sounds like a lot but it's not it's not like if you have one bad death you are in serious serious rectum problems i'm telling you how much time can you afford to lose about 20 minutes oh i know it doesn't have to be nice i just making my little [ __ ] with the clock tower puzzle completed i will gain the achievement power stones and an additional hit pouch i will also make sure to unlock the strong box in the subway which will give me a few extra shotgun shells [Music] yeah this is my first playthrough of resident evil 3 i'm not i don't i don't know if i like it that much to be honest it's all right but i'll probably i think it's a bit too short i'll probably finish it before the two hours and just refund it like my next save is not until carlos hospital that's the worrying part double hunter room i saved just before that so i'm fine if i can make it there i don't care i can already hear some of you guys screaming at your devices going trance you missed the grenade launcher well if you didn't know or never watched a speedrun before if you don't grab the grenade launcher here or the shotgun in the substation for that matter they will actually just appear before the nemesis 2 cocktail fight because the amount of inventory space i have is so limited that i don't even have one space to spare after i pick up the battery pack this is 64 thank you very much for the prime get this have your manual yes i did [Applause] i'm on inferno it's one uh inferno playthrough only if you buy the inferno add-on taxa well you can play inferno on your first playthrough pretty much otherwise it would have to be through well the dlc actually gives you all the infant ammo and stuff as well but i'm just not using it i mean technically it would be slower to use it so it should be on eight charlie dolls eight charlie dolls how many files 22 23 thankfully i managed to escape the sewers without getting killed by any of the gamma hunters and i also done a quick check to make sure i have everything at this point i should have 23 files 9 charlie dolls and 9 locks unlocked so for some strange reason the magnum did not stun the missus on the first bullet luckily i managed to recover quickly by using an extra magnum bullet followed by a pistol round to put nemesis into stage two okay the strategy i use outside kendo's is to bring the wandering parasite towards me and more importantly towards this explosive barrel by shooting it once with the pistol and waiting for it to come and attack me once she is in range of the barrel i will shoot it and also kill this crawling parasite that's on the floor well the female parasite didn't die but you get the point if this is if this zombie is a [ __ ] and kills me i'm gonna be so pissed oh man i thought he was gonna [ __ ] him in the ass with the downtown now completed it's time to move on to everyone's favorite part of the game the rpd as carlos the rpd is probably the worst segment in an actual speed run on the inferno difficulty but a run where i can use some caution and i don't have to do all the optimal strategies it's actually really simple 50 bullet yep now the rpd is actually very easy there's only one thing really that can go wrong well two things but [Music] michael that is so not right so open the thing dude why are you so [ __ ] [Music] so hmm [Music] now something something can happen and that will kill me and there's not really anything i can do about it if it happens if it happens the runs dead i don't actually think i can come back from this this is like would be way too long i think so i know you don't restore a bit of health like that i'm so up the stairs dude are you joking and just like that that 20 minutes that i had to spare that's just all gone right now i don't have to kill brad either but i'm gonna go grab the key card anyway do i really need the key no um yes you do on the keycard if i can blast for the rpd in like seven minutes maybe like sub 120 rpd that's all i had to do dude i tried to do some [ __ ] stupid flashy [ __ ] and got me killed i [ __ ] off [Music] see if this guy was standing here last time i would have been fine no he was like right in my [ __ ] ass it's not over yet it isn't over yet it actually isn't over yet okay remember to get this filed otherwise it is over that death was very very helpful to the time i'd only calculated about 20 minutes left to spare and from that death i lost 20 minutes but i decided to keep going anyway at this point i did have all of the charlie dolls all of the files and opened all of the locks i needed to so in order to finish this in under two hours i thought to myself if you just play completely out of your mind this would be possible [Music] yeah maybe like 20 minutes because i died in the rpd if i can finish the hospital by 135 as carlos maybe i've got a shot that's a big [ __ ] maybe [Music] uh [Music] okay i need to get this done in 12 minutes it's not gonna happen i can't i can't do it i'm gonna have to i'm gonna yellow the liquor as well i don't really have a choice [Music] hey [Music] [Music] i'm still going to go down and grab this ammo though this is only going to cost me like a minute but i kind of need it okay i'm not going to save if i die like there's not really much i can do about it [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] so okay well i didn't die here i'm god damn nathaniel barred with the bulk of the hospital now completed i started to gain some confidence due to how smoothly this went i took minimal damage from the hunters while also managing to skip a safety save that i usually take in my practice this saved me a couple of minutes and was vital to be able to complete this run in under two hours why is he facing me like i'm 99 certified and i actually i legit just don't have enough time i can't believe i died in the [ __ ] rpd dude like what's wrong with me the first tip was my fault the second one was [ __ ] like [Music] with one hour 36 on the clock that left me with 24 minutes to completely finish the game i would need to revisit the hospital with jill complete the warehouse finish nest two and then the final two boss fights nemesis three and nemesis four thank you max i did just think of it actually cool okay i was gonna say i have to have space right i [ __ ] up here so bad yesterday in my practice run [Music] what's the chances they refund the game you played two hours and 10 minutes of zero zero percent really because i refunded uh oh wait [ __ ] i did not think of this [Music] how's the challenge going i think it's i think the run is dead but i'm gonna try and continue just to see i might end up i might end up like 155 if i know i can't do it it was around this point where i i really started to do the maths and it just didn't seem possible for me to finish this run in under two hours should we find dragon lair yeah that's the plan yeah i refunded blair witch project after four hours so that's why i'm kind of uh and i know they they've done like uh like no man's sky okay well this is gonna take me four minutes to get i don't have the time i just don't i just don't have it yeah i played like four hours and they refunded it like i'm gonna have like 13 minutes to go from the start of nest 2 to finish the game it's so it's so close i'll try it i'll try [Music] no it's all about time lost i've already lost too much time i don't know though it's mega close it is mega [ __ ] close 17 yeah so the timer timer rta timer is uh it's correct 103 minutes this is the real deal but the run runs pretty [ __ ] dead i don't think i can do it listen if anyone if anyone works from like squarespace nordvpn and they want to sponsor the cost of the game like i'll finish the run but uh this is not looking too good yeah but i paused the timer as well so i usually it's like 50 pounds but i got it for 20 with all the dlcs i needed to buy it's fine i'll double check to make sure if i've missed any files then i'm just going to stop the run or if i don't get the charlie door achievement or something like that so [Music] that was my deal it's close though it's close we'll see too close for comfort mate who said this was comfortable ah man i have an issue now [Music] i don't i it's not looking too good guys i think i think i need to just call it here and try again later like 10 minutes is not it just isn't possible [Music] i should have way more time to spare but i [ __ ] it up big time so i'm probably just gonna try again later oh i would say call it yeah yeah nine minutes like i can't do it god damn it with only nine minutes left two boss fights and chunk of nest two remaining even after my best efforts i decided to give up here well kind of i decided to try again later that evening on a different steam account and this run was just so much better than the last i got through the power station without any problems the substation was perfect i didn't die this time downtown sewers and nemesis 1 all went perfectly but now we go on to the rpd and this time around i didn't mess about i got through this first time i was even eight minutes ahead of the previous best run i had at this point i had all files all locks and all charlie dolls time for the nemesis 2 fight and by god i had a very very close encounter with that [ __ ] hell since i had so much time to spare i could do my usual safety strats in hospital where i kill the liquor at the door and use the third save i also didn't forget the file from the nurse's station which i actually did miss in the last run got past the double hunter room no problem and completed the defend joe segment with ease cleaned up the hospital with jill got the master of unlocking achievement and breezed through the warehouse getting the electric slide achievement once again i arrived at nest 2 got the charlie doll giving me the achievement and cleared out the incubation laboratory which brings me to the same place where the last run ended but this time i was 25 minutes faster with 35 minutes to get to the end [Music] with the hunters dealt with i checked my progress in the bookworm achievement and i have 53 out of 56. 53. 53 with three more falls left to collect before the end of the game i synthesize the vaccine escape the nemesis and then make my fourth save of the run [Music] don't [Music] here i mess up pretty badly here but i'm not shooting nemesis down in time and this actually caused me to die that fire was so scuffed i wasn't too worried though as i smashed through nemesis on the next attempt and now i'm at the final part of the run the dreaded nemesis four let's see how that went i think the acid hit me no the acid didn't hit me at all i was just really bad next attempt [Music] [Music] the acid is so dumb in this game dude now this one i'm gonna blame poor game design you cannot dodge while being stunned by acid and because of that a great attempt is lost i'm not gonna lie i was playing it call on stream but i was really starting to get a little bit worried that was my fault okay that one was just so poorly played on my behalf i [ __ ] hate that i can't believe that actually happened on a run as well okay for this one i was thrown off by the one in a thousand chance of this scream coming up saying i've lost my internet connection but this next attempt though oh let's just watch it it's been mega fine any time i've come to this point ugh how about some more one power source remaining and that's a wrap ladies and gentlemen all i had to do now was collect the final file and not miss the shot on nikolai and that would be all achievements in about 1 hour and 42 minutes there we go easy clap easy clap easy clap mate that aim went way to the way too far to the left there we go 32 out of 32 achievements boys and girls now for the moment you've all been waiting for did steam give me my money back it took them a few days but yes they did they actually gave me a full refund of the game and both dlcs so this is how you get every single achievement in resident evil 3 remake and then get your money back from steam
Channel: uhTrance
Views: 8,826,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uhTrance, Resident Evil 3, Steam Refund Speedrun, uhTrance Speedrun, Resident Evil 3 Speedrun, Speedrun, Resident Evil 3 Remake Speedrun, Resident Evil 3 Remake, RE3 Remake, RE3 Remake Speedrun, RE3 Remake Inferno, RE3 Remake Inferno Speedrun, Speedrun World Record, Resident Evil Speedrun World Record, Resident Evil 3 Remake Inferno Speedrun, Resident Evil 3 Remake Guide, RE3 Inferno Guide, Resident Evil 3 Inferno Guide, World Record, Speed Run
Id: Bp8a5EjAcGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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