Gordon Ramsay Makes Asian Inspired Street Food Noodles

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[Music] now let me tell you some of my favorite dishes come from food stalls around asia and today i'm transporting you back to that beautiful country indonesia where honestly i learned that the best noodles come from those street food stalls so are you ready for a delicious asian noodle dish in just 10 minutes oscar pan down please right uh beautiful noodles yeah food on noodles um straight forward they're already cooked simple asian greens spring onions some beautiful little bean sprouts bacon we're gonna render that bacon down to get the fat out and then use that fat to flavor this incredible dish my travels in indonesia one thing i did learn is you waste nothing so watch carefully and let's get 10 minutes on the clock right uh if you've got a wok brilliant you haven't a large frying pan turn the gas up we want to create some flavor so first thing you want to do is get some bacon this is sort of streaky lean bacon and what i'm going to do now is render that fat down because there's two things going on i want the sort of protein from the bacon but more importantly i want the flavor from it okay so i'm going to cut nice large noodles the street food phenomenon in indonesia is incredible you can actually eat sometimes better on the street than you can in a restaurant it's that good start off with a little bit of oil that helps to get the fat rendered quicker bacon goes in okay and the secret here is to get a bit of texture for this dish now my noodles are already cooked they're blanched so we'll be reheating them but get some heat in there first and get that nice crispy bacon flavor now the sauce don't go too crazy on this okay because i like it quite spicy i like it quite sort of acidic but be smart on the variance especially with the heat in goes the minced garlic okay next our ginger and that makes it a lot more fragrant how do we get the balance right some brown sugar some beautiful sweet brown sugar a little bit of top rashi spice that gives a really nice sort of heat and a kick to it next a nice teaspoon of ground coriander and then of course two parts flip that bacon two parts soy okay so literally three tablespoons of soy sauce and then from there one nice tablespoon of oyster sauce give that a really good mix okay now the flavors in there are incredible i like to get this sauce made up literally two or three days before it just sits in the fridge again we're doing it with the noodles over chicken and fish equally delicious but pandora man look that fat now is coming out the bacon okay i want to see that nice crispy texture on the bacon really important just take off the heat for a moment okay once that bacon starts to get really nice and crispy lay it nice and flat in the pan check the seasoning okay check the flavor wow that's delicious it's sharp i'm gonna just increase that sort of soy richness darkness in there and let it down a little bit okay now yeah that's good that's very good it's nice and thick not too watery but every mouthful is packed with that wonderful asian flavor now bacon once you take off the heat and let it relax the oil starts to sort of seep out but the crispiness that bacon stays really nice and crisp so eggs always crack on a flat surface into the pan straight off and in pan down please oscar back onto the heat but look take the tip of the whisk and just break that up okay break that up off the heat and separate those eggs so it's almost like a sort of fast track scrambled from there take your noodles and lay those noodles over those eggs and bacon the smell is incredible i'm telling you now from there we want to get a bit of texture and color on those noodles press them down into the eggs and the bacon so good don't worry about breaking it up yet from there a little seasoned together spice over that'll give the heat on the noodles okay now we go back onto the heat okay and start caramelizing that really nicely now the asian greens okay these don't need blanched or part boiled just slice them nice and thinly okay because the thinner they are the quicker they cook and this is like a sort of nice big bok choy the stems are delicious the leaves are really tasty you can hear those noodles sort of cracking away once you get down to the tip over and then bang look spread that out this is gonna send uncle roger into overdrive trust me now from there correct the seasoning now i know i'm using a frying pan and he loves the wok but trust me i've been to indonesia more times than he has let me tell you the sauce go over and literally just dab a touch of that sauce in there i'm gonna whack up the heat now okay crank up the heat to get some flavor and texture on there next large spring onions again slice and just go at an angle okay why and they take on more source and b they look great in terms of presentation now hear those noodles that's what you want honestly lift them up and they go in on top beautiful think what's at the bottom the eggs then we had that beautiful bacon now the noodles and then finally some coriander just turn that round okay chop it once that's the secret chop it once keep the flavor in okay and then finally we need some freshness in there some bean sprouts and all you do is literally just plant those sprouts over there time please four minutes to go whack up the heat a touch of salt and now we start mixing okay beautiful here we go i'll give that a really good toss and look we got just pan down please oscar just check this out got that crispiness in the bacon the bacon has stuck to the noodles the noodles stuck to the eggs and all of a sudden it's starting to form this beautiful street food incredible tasty dish now before that comes out okay i'm going to add a touch more flavor in there flatten it down again nice and flat uncle roger watch carefully from there a touch more sauce fresh ginger fresh garlic soy now one more toss too much sauce you're gonna drown it just coat those noodles so they're lightly glazed but you don't want it soggy nothing worse than a soggy noodle let me tell you now turn that over and now see the color please oscar pan down pan down roger open your eyes look beautiful beautiful egg bacon noodles chili ginger off and when we come to serve this is a dish that is generously done the smell is incredible and look at that oh nothing goes to waste and i just love the fact that we've got the newly dressed beautifully it's a generous portion and let's be honest there's nothing there for two or three of you and finally finally just just a touch no more man last little pickings of my cilantro coriander depending what country you're in and then boom and there we go amazing indonesian street food phenomenon to all of you thank you for watching ramsey intent if i went too quick i apologize but slow it down now don't forget to pick up ramsay and 10 cookbook inspired by this series and trust me you're going to come out a much better chef and if you like this video don't forget to subscribe to my amazing youtube channel for more good luck
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,174,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay noodles, Gordon Ramsay noodle recipe, Gordon Ramsay 10 minute recipe, ramsay in 10, ramsay in 10 cookbook, Gordon Ramsay street food, Gordon Ramsay fast food, Gordon Ramsay asia, Gordon Ramsay asian recipe, Gordon Ramsay bacon, Gordon Ramsay eggs, noodles, asian food, asian recipes, noodle recipes, easy noodle recipes
Id: xhsN_36OW4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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