Gordon Ramsay Makes a Sticky Toffee Pudding in a Microwave?!? | Ramsay in 10

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[Music] right microwave or as you well know to you and i microwave or as every chef in the country knows chef mike whatever you call it sometimes i promise you it can be helpful on certain occasions this is the ramsey classic it is a beautiful sticky toffee pudding and i promise you it's done in 10 minutes with my amazing assistant who never answers back chef mike right oscar pan down let me show you so the big secret behind any stickers i'm putting are dates we're gonna slice them up mix them a little bit bicarb that's gonna literally cause a bit of reaction it'll start to puree those dates then i'm gonna make the cake mix with beautiful brown sugar butter flour egg and this baby here golden syrup we all grew up with that so delicious then on to the sauce finish with a nice tart creme fresh right let's get 10 minutes on the chef mike right power up to 100 okay for 30 seconds no you're not going to believe me this is actually going to be done in the microwave it's a beautiful fast track sticky toffee pudding here we go dates now come on we all have a date unless you're my assistant justin mandel hasn't had one in four years but these are soft chewy delicious and more importantly i'm hoping after this lockdown that he does have a date and she decides to stay with him but now dates slice them nice and thinly okay once they're sliced nice and thinly just put them into a bowl okay and then from there literally a little teaspoon of bicarb okay now this literally helps to break down the dates okay a little touch of water in there just a touch and that will start almost pureeing the dates chef mike are you ready here we go right on power 100 and let's go for 30 seconds and go now let's start the actual cake mix okay let's get the butter in okay alongside the brown sugar now start to cream that okay best thing to do is get the back of the wooden spoon and just literally lightly beat that and what happens now is that we start to sort of break down the butter and we form this really nice sort of batter how long left eight minutes now from there cream with the back of your spoon okay literally sometimes i put my hand on the bottom of the bowl and the heat from my hands starts to melt the butter nicely and then look mix that up nice once we start to cream that in that butter starts to melt and the sugar starts to disintegrate in with a nice tablespoon of this beautiful syrup now in and over twist that around back up don't spoil any beautiful now from there use that spoon to clean that off okay and then literally start creaming that up now it may sound a little bit bizarre using chef mike but trust me every chef uses them and sometimes they're just great for reheating dishes and as you know a microwave cooked from the inside so you have to be very careful egg flat surface crack lift up and beat that in now now you can start to see this batter sort of forming but use the spatula clean the spoon and clean the sides as you go along and then flip over now once you start using the spatula we're incorporating a bit of air now and that's going to make the mixture a little lighter good time please six minutes great now if it starts to separate kind of a little whisk and just give that a really nice whisk and that will get your batter really nice and smooth okay and here we go chef mike to the redmi now once that's nice and smooth it should look a little granular like that nothing wrong with that from there get your dates okay and look they've broken down a touch okay they've gone literally almost like a nice cure back in there for another 30 seconds here we go and that starts to break those dates down now butter sugar syrup are in okay and then from there give it a really good whisk they're nice and smooth and now look just on now from there dates out you can see what's happened there look at this nice beautiful date puree in goes the days beautiful in goes the flour okay we're gonna sift that in there make sure there's no additional lumps and this is where it goes up a notch okay normally we'd be steaming these and baking them in the oven with paper on top and sort of steaming them for 45-50 minutes it's a really nice fast track way now whisk comes out give that whisk a nice shake and then just a couple of turns the whisk comes out get the spatula in there we get that nice even distribution of that flour through that mix so now it's looking like a really nice delicious batter right bowl make sure it's nice and dry brush generously with your butter okay and then just lightly vertically put those strokes up that will help the sticky toffee pudding coming out and it is just a light smidging of butter from there almost like a sort of half a tablespoon of flour shake that around and then just line that mould and all that does it stops it from sticking once you've gone all the way around back in and then look get your mixture and fill it two thirds full and now this is where the magic starts back on two thirds full just in there now give that a gentle tap that let's mix it all the way around the bottom and now take some kitchen roll okay and just sit that on top i want to go sort of 30 seconds times four into chef mike the paper helps it steam to begin with then halfway through it will take the paper off chef mike work your magic myself work your magic in now set that to 30 seconds 30 second increments right chef mike work your magic right pan on now for the beautiful campbell sauce so that paper helps to steam the top and it should be about two and a half to three minutes in chef mike's oven first in goes your butter okay now i'm gonna make this beautiful caramel sauce melt that butter sugar goes in and now we're going to start a camel 30 more seconds there we go now melt melt your sugar so for the beautiful sauce i've got brown sugar butter in there i've got some double cream and then to finish the top i'm going to put some creme fraiche on top of that pudding bring that to a boil and add a tablespoon of that beautiful golden syrup chef mike is working his magic time please now stir that sugar let's check on chef mike now look where we are take that off and that is getting there okay beautiful now chef mike does tend to be a little bit dirty okay so like all good chefs work nice and tidy look at that it's started already take the paper off back in chef mike it's on overtime today now sauce look at that melt the sugar the butter syrup in and then fold in your cream that's going to make a beautiful amazing caramel sauce melt that syrup chef pike and then add your cream in there now cream goes in that stops the sugar from burning back onto the stove and look at that it's got this beautiful aerated toffee beautiful syrupy sauce and mix that in off i want that really nice beautiful syrupy lovely toffee sauce time please how long one minute come on man come on chef mike monty right um that smells good that smells really good get a little knife and just go around the outside and then on one two three drop you ready oh yeah beauty and then you get your sauce and you just coat that and hit it on top so it sort of falls over we call it nape and it's just like this perfect beautiful mound of sticky toffee pudding and then look you got your creme fraiche your sticky toffee pudding and just to be ultra chefy get some toffee on that creme fraiche and there you go a beautiful sticky top of pudding in 10 minutes thanks to chef mike to all of you thank you for watching ramsay intend if i went too quick i apologize but slow it down now don't forget to pick up ramsey intent cookbook inspired by this series and trust me you're going to come out a much better chef and if you like this video don't forget to subscribe to my amazing youtube channel for more good luck
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 674,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay 10 minute, Gordon Ramsay 10 minute recipes, Gordon Ramsay dessert, Gordon Ramsay dessert recipes, Gordon Ramsay sticky toffee pudding, Gordon Ramsay toffee, Gordon Ramsay pudding, sticky toffee pudding, sticky toffee pudding recipe, sticky toffee pudding easy, sticky toffee pudding microwave
Id: byJuxZ-H1-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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