Gordon Ramsay Makes a Pork Dish in UNDER 10 Minutes | Ramsay in 10

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[Music] right come on let's be honest pork is such a versatile and delicious protein and with just some very small steps trust me you can elevate that dish to a culinary masterpiece even in 10 minutes right oscar pandan let me show you the ingredients pork tenderloin the nice thing about this part of the pork it's almost like the pork fillet okay very very lean incredibly healthy but more importantly cooks within like three or four minutes beautiful slices of prosciutto beautiful fresh corn red onions we're going to do a nice sort of it's almost like a corn roasted salsa beautiful herloom cherry tomatoes a little touch of chili oil fresh spinach fresh basil touch of butter and this is my secret ingredient it's a little bit of garlic powder that absolutely elevates pork to a whole new level right let's have 10 minutes on the clock pan on the salsa needs to have texture it needs to get a little bit of sort of char best way literally try and keep it whole okay keep your kernels down and just sort of be quite vigorous and don't worry about slicing them off into tiny little particles just literally hold the kernel up and then literally down now scrape into that husk okay what we're looking for is the ribs how do i get that char to begin with lightly season the pan okay throw that corn in there and get it toasting so it becomes salty charred and a little bit of flavor as you know there's no oil in there yet because i want to char it and that starts getting the outside bursting with flavor as that's taking place i love using red onion in salsa top until the onion slice it in half and just nicely slice don't go too thin if it goes too thin it actually starts to sort of overcook onions in charred again dry pan really important dry pan you'll see why in a minute that's where that flavor is going to come from next get your cherry tomatoes okay and literally just slice these in half i want to blister these okay and the nice thing about these tomatoes they're so soft succulent but incredibly juicy don't throw them in too early okay bursting with flavor they are so ripe it's beautiful i like to just season those tomatoes before they go in there that'll help them to sort of bleed take out that incredible moisture and intensify the flavor now look at this pan down pan down please pan down oscar look cha cha cha cha cha okay everything's getting nice and charred over there a little hint of dried chili salsas need a lift they need a bit of a oomph and a bit of sort of a you know a sort of a kickback and that dry chili in there goes beautifully well get your pork lightly season it with salt and pepper i like that coarse pepper pork you know you gotta gotta give it color to get some flavor in there and then look dust it both sides with that beautiful garlic powder that makes the pork a little bit spicy again dust dust dust and you'll see when we come to saute this it gets that really nice crisp flavor now again season leave them almost lightly dredged in that but now look at this char okay it's now drying out and charring it's bursting pan nice and hot with a tenderloin this pork tenderloin okay i promise you you can finish pink okay it doesn't need lots of cooking it just needs a nice quick sear and look that spicy beautiful onion powder gives it exactly the nice color it deserves in start off at 12 o'clock all the way around and that nice caramelized pork is delicious get all that in there as well in time please wow so three and a half minutes gone now don't turn that pork okay do not turn that look twelve one o'clock two o'clock three o'clock i want some color on that pork doesn't need messing around before i turn it a small knob of butter okay and she goes just around the outside in and look my corn is actually popping now but pan down please oscar look at the char on that there's nothing in there it's just charred beautifully really beautiful now spoon on and flick that pork over the secret behind this pork is letting it rest but look at the color on that pan down oscar oscar pan down please pan down pan down beautiful honestly oscar but hate yourself otherwise i'll get megan back now from there we'll start that salsa moving i've got that nice charred beautiful flavor okay in with a touch of oil now you can hear it coming alive look she's letting you know in with a touch of chili oil now it's coming alive now i put my tomatoes in time please halfway off snap crackle and pop look at the color on that beautiful really beautiful now pork is going to take literally 45 seconds each side and it's a filet okay so treat it like you're cooking a filler steak out and then literally onto the plate and get that draining okay really important out and drain that garlic smells delicious pan back on the heat give that a little wipe wipe it out now look at this with a salsa turn that gas off okay that smell is delicious i'm gonna fold in some of my spinach my fresh basil okay get that pan nice and hot and then look delays the salsa for the touch of vinegar it's gonna bring it all together beautifully and now on top of that with the olive oil and all of a sudden we've got this nice beautiful layer but look at that the spinach is melting throughout the char on that corn is just incredible and look let it sit there let it sit and almost marinate now prosciutto time please oil into the pan i want a little bit of crispy texture to this pork okay in she goes and these are so tasty especially when they're nice and crispy lathe into the pan and then literally 15 seconds each side and look on it's like sort of posh bacon nice and crispy and it gives a lovely texture and it's pork on pork but just with a different dimension a little touch of kitchen roll that helps get it really nice and crispy and that's it look out over and the smell of that is incredible let me tell you i mean look at that beautiful onto the kitchen paper that gets it even crispier drains off any excess fat and look finally the big one i like to give that a touch of seasoning as it starts to cool down that salt sticks to it off with the pan and beautiful the poshest bacon in town now time please this is the exciting part look at that salsa all you do is just place that in the center okay it's marinating beautifully it's popped in color i'm gonna put a nice layer of that crispy prosciutto on there i'm gonna get my pork and sit that just on top literally and then one more and then from there it's gonna drizzle a touch more of my salsa on top and then literally that corn smells delicious a little touch of olive oil on the outside a little touch of my chili oil just dab almost like dabbing it time please and then literally just kiss that with a touch ball on top and then finally look here this oh boy that is just music and these beautiful little bits around and that honestly has to be one of the most delicious pork tenderloins anywhere in the country in under 10 minutes bon appetit to all of you thank you for watching ramsey intent if i went too quick i apologize but slow it down now don't forget to pick up ramsey and ten cookbook inspired by this series and trust me you're gonna come out a much better chef and if you like this video don't forget to subscribe to my amazing youtube channel for more good luck
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 545,620
Rating: 4.9444933 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay 10 minute, Gordon Ramsay 10 minute recipes, Gordon Ramsay pork, Gordon Ramsay pork recipes, Gordon Ramsay pork tenderloin, pork, pork recipes, pork tenderloin, pork tenderloin recipe, easy pork recipes, ramsay in 10, ramsay in 10 pork, ramsay in 10 recipes
Id: 4YgOPaR9wUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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